Museum of the Weird - Austin, TX

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the great state of texas more specifically austin texas and one of the famed slogans to come out of austin texas is keep austin weird and we are here in front of the focal center point of weirdness here in austin the museum of the weir now i have been here before but it has been quite a few years since i've been to the museum of the weird so definitely a very amazing place a great museum of oddities and strange things and i figure since we're back here in texas should definitely take the time to stop back in and revisit the museum of the weird so please follow me [Music] so [Music] the museum of the weird let's see what it promises fiji mermaids bigfoot the creature in the ice and the monster wax museum it's like everything i love under one roof we enter through the gift shop here it's a recreation of audrey too right there my all-time favorite movie is a little shop of horrors see what these signs promise giant lizards cabinet of curiosities have the swami here for 50 cents you get a custom museum of the weird fortune here look at some of the banners here fiji mermaid freaks of nature shrunken heads egyptian mummy look here we got a full-sized sasquatch the world famous siamese twins chang and aang bunker actually been to their grave outside of mount airy north carolina see the wax figures there they're only connected by a very small band of flesh but still no surge in the world wanted to try to separate them check out this centaur bandit here causing a big old explosion back there here's the man himself pt barnum the most influential man in freaking oddity history it's the banner for his fiji mermaid you see a beautiful promise that you'd see a beautiful mermaid but when you came in this is what you saw oh the classic fiji mermaid i like this one here it's got like chicken hands six-year collection of fingernails and toenail clippings oh wow look that is that is only six years from one person that is it we create an incredible and disgusting amount of toenails and fingernails in six years some wonderful displays on some different sideshow acts it's a better nails a half man half woman world's strongest man [Music] a woman boxing a rooster with teeth it's the vicious piranha there and then up here the trigger finger of famous mexican bandit pancho via here we have jojo the dog-faced boy face is indeed very dog-like look at that human scalp right there taken from a man's head see the man there with his scalp removed the world's heaviest roach you can see that actually is indeed a very very thick very beefy roach if you look very closely there you can see some fossilized fairies some of the classic legendary creatures here the fur bearing trout and a jackalope you can see this jackalope half rabbit half antelope it's a collection of shrunken heads from the javarro indians in south america they're called sansas it's actually they would take the head of their enemy shrink it down they take the skull out first then shrink it down i said to give power to uh to them over the enemy's family this is a peruvian elongated skull they would wrap their heads to change the actual shape of their head and their skull an ancient trepinated skull people used to uh cut holes in their skulls um just because they thought they needed to give their brain a little more room more room to stretch out and breathe in memory of our beloved pet scruffy oh check out scruffy there we have the mummy of guanajuato oh my goodness some amazing things here in this cabinet we've got a human cyclops skull and up there is that is that one of the puppets from puppet master i believe and next to it there is there's another fiji mermaid wonderful specimen down here the hand of glory is there's no process to making a hand of glory but it starts with the um hand of a thief you do several ritualistic things to it and then it turns into kind of a charm that turns you into the world's greatest thief i think it allows you to open any door and maybe turn invisible i forget all the rules see a pickled punk in that jar there now this box here says no to employees never ever open this box so there's probably some bad things hidden in there and uh yeah look at that that is a a sea devil legendary creature collection of oddities the hyena head there display on the texas bigfoot here i've got all these different casts [Music] from different bigfoot findings see some photos there i've heard of the foot cast before and so okay here is many people believe that uh bigfoot is actually gigantopithecus an ancient giant ape there's his big skull there that's a normal human skull and a normal gorilla skull there's the patterson gimlin uh casts these are from the classic uh bigfoot signing the most famous bigfoot sighting the patterson gimlin footage strange saga of the yeti hand of pengbot i've heard of this the uh yeti ham was actually smuggled back to the united states by jimmy stewart of all people you know from like uh it's a wonderful life see that hand right there there it is gigantopithecus aka bigfoot aka sasquatch we have a recreation of the elephant man joseph merrick often he's referred to as john in some works but his name is actually joseph merrick has one of the um very fascinating life story very very sad life story obviously but uh just a tremendous life the aurora texas ufo crash of 1897 he says cowboys and aliens this is a really fascinating story um allegedly in 1897 a spaceship crashed and they used a lot of really strange language in the descriptions that kind of match up with today's view of aliens i've actually been to this grave they buried they'll actually buried the alien in a cemetery in texas been there and been to the grave um and no one knows what is actually buried there in the ground if it is some sort of space alien i think this is a artistic interpretation of what may be buried at that cemetery in aurora texas with a 3 000 year old mummy so it's gonna be the remains of a royal pharaoh well let's take a look do you think that is a royal pharaoh from uh the comment section recently i learned that uh king tut actually not buried in a pyramid buried in a non-pyramid tomb um plenty of people corrected me and let me know that i'm not 100 sure what that is right there but um pretty pretty scary pretty spooky look up here you see a two-headed rather two-faced cow got some very curly hair as well things have been on the cottingly fairies where uh two girls made fake fairy pictures two little girls and everyone believed them including uh sir arthur conan doyle the uh writer of sherlock holmes this is actually pretty amazing they actually have you can push this button and you can see i have one of the original photos the original contact prints of the fairies this little girl there with the fairies in front of her so that's a real photo taken from the original negative that's amazing it says a voodoo witch doctor in haiti built this concrete sculpture to scare people off his property oh man i bet it worked this is crazy right here the bets mystery sphere i've never heard of this before but it says in 1974 a family found this perfect sphere in uh in the woods i said that when it rolls it'll suddenly change direction and makes a strange humming noise when it's rolled so no scientific explanation so so strange some movie props here this is a prop from tails from the dark side i remember this in the story the man spoiler alert this movie came out decades ago so hopefully it's not too much of a spoiler but a man gets attacked by this gargoyle-like creature the creature makes him promise that he'll never tell anyone and then later he marries a woman has kids with her and finally tells her about the strange encounter he had with the gargoyle turns out his wife was the gargoyle all along and she murders them also down here we have a critter some people know maybe one of my favorite movies of all time gremlins you see this gremlin puppet here um from the look of the grandma i'd say this was probably from uh gremlins too but uh yeah look at that oh what a good what a great movie it's a very spooky skeleton right there cabinet here we have a plastinated octopus there and a plastinated frog that is a process used to turn organic matter into plastic i've been to the body real bodies exhibit would actually do that to human beings and then now the head of jeremy bentham i think he was a professor who had himself taxidermied at a museum in england it's a man a man-faced fish and a flesh-eating toad from madagascar there's more good stuff here two-headed articulated skeleton of a baby it's an ostrich egg we got another shrunken head i don't know that almost looks like the hand of the creature from the black lagoon there is a stone baby talks about how this actually occur when a pregnant woman's unborn child will actually turn to stone and never be born usually i guess they stay in your body until you die so who knows if you are a female you may have a stone baby uh inside you right now in this box there's a piece of work by homer tate the famed gaff artist gaps are like fake sideshow exhibits you can see he made that little figure down there that would you know these figures be featured in like traveling carnivals or roadside museums most famously created the thing in arizona and jake the alligator man in washington and actually the largest collection of homer tate artifacts actually at the grave face museum in savannah georgia it's real fascinating stuff and here's the crowning jewel of the museum of the weird the creature in the ice also known as the minnesota iceman a um a missing link like find a a caveman or a missing link type creature it's actually frozen right there in the ice in that in that refrigerated coffin right there now they asked that we do not uh videotape or show this this is the one item in the museum you cannot uh photograph her video so we will respect that but uh yeah i took a look at that very very fascinating some more sasquatch related items in here they have items from the beast of boggy creek piece of a screen door seen in the legend of boggy creek movie some swamp water from boggy creek some chupacabra footprints from the famed goat sucker the two different styles of chupacabra the texas chupacabra which looks more like a dog and the puerto rican chupacabra looks more like a space alien now normally they do live sideshows in here but because of uh the pandemic and current health regulations they cannot do that so apparently they've opened up another exhibit upstairs what is this right here oh my goodness [Music] this exhibit here is like a horror-based wax museum there is nosferatu right there the original vampire the face from a trip to the moon that classic uh visual of the horrifying moon face we have the hunchback of notre dame it says this is a starring lon chaney as quasimodo the phantom of the opera this is lon chaney as well as the phantom you can see his mask has been removed to reveal his horrifying face [Music] another figure of lon chaney as the man in the beaver hat from london after midnight my understanding you see that he played all these different roles my understanding is that lon chaney actually could do his own makeup which is one of the reasons why he played all these monsters we have boris karloff as frankenstein from 1931's frankenstein we have king kong see his giant hand there you can hold a beautiful woman we see bella lugosi sucking the blood the young woman from dracula over the doorway here we have mr hyde from dr jekyll and mr hyde movie freaks from 1932 actually featured real sideshow performers this is prince randian the living torso there's just he has one scene in the movie or one major scene i think he appears throughout the movie but in the major scene they just cut away to him rolling and lighting a cigarette without any arms or legs now this is another version of frankenstein the christopher lee verge of frankenstein from the hammer film series and then next to him is professor henry jarrod [Music] above us we have the wolf man that is lon chaney jr the son of the other lon chaney who starred in so many different horror movies and what i think is one of the coolest horror monsters the creature from the black lagoon such a cool design that he has now this is from a movie called this island earth this is the metal luna mutant [Music] it's a peep show here it says look into one of the peepholes we have this door here let's uh hopefully there's nothing inappropriate oh it's a creepy miniature mummy there's a zoltan that says press a button to have your fortune told let's see what oh there he goes [Music] a bust of edward moore drake said to be a nobleman's in uh england and one of his distinguishing characteristics was that he had a a second more evil face on the back of his head like it's even got horns yeah legend has it that the face would uh whisper to him and um its whispers drove him to madness um what do you guys think how would you feel about having a head on the back of your head that whispered creepy things to you do you think that would be unsettling this says that johnny depp lived in this building in the early 1990s when he was filming what's eating gilbert grape it says this room that we're in right now was the kitchen in uh johnny depp's apartment wow to to pay homage to johnny depp they have this custom wax sculpture of edward scissorhand one of my absolute favorite movies there's a lot of things from my favorite movies in this museum says this was created by a artist known as carla yates who makes these one-of-a-kind sculptures that's really amazing this is gingy here a fiji mermaid of course fiji mermaids were created by combining half of a fist with half of a monkey there's a very uh very uh clear mixture of the two right there at the uh double face entrance right there as well as this very dapper looking uh creature right here i think that might be a fox and then down underneath the fox we have a snow globe this is from obscura an audi shop in new york actually film the tv show oddities there does anyone remember that show i uh i loved it it says that this is a taxidermied unidentified creature found in the amazon rainforest in 1907. with visitors [Music] some oddities in here some creepy masks here's a long snouted some delightful uh real-life freaks in this case right here there's a two bodied lamb like a siamese lamb that was born connected look at this look at this cow right here this uh three-eyed two-faced cow you can see in that hole there there's there's two distinct mouths a very fascinating oddity on this side we can see another two faced cow and then a cyclops pig a little piglet born with one eye some jars of fun with some uh two faced pigs and a real two headed chickens oh it says could it be real or is it a gap what do you guys think leave a comment if you think the two-headed chicken is real we have mysteries of the deep in this case but it's just to go up the stairs to view these from above the oddities of the deep oh another another beautiful fiji mermaid i love i'm like totally obsessed with feeding mermaids i always have them there's some lovely examples in this museum we have giant lobster claws there some piranha oh i see devil now this is like a the underside of a ray or something modified to make it appear like there's a monster also it's sometimes called a jenny hanover for some reason and this would be my worst nightmare to have this swimming up a baboon fish half fish half baboon there's a man eating piranha and over here a woman eating piranha apparently there gender specific just a few doors down from the museum of the weird we have the jackalope with a jackalope themed bar it looks like it is currently closed but i think gaze in there you can see there is a giant jackalope in the middle of the bar and then just two doors down from the jackalope bar is a chupacabra themed bar so two uh cryptid themed bars right next to the museum of the weird if you look in the window you can see they do have a chupacabra so thank you for joining me here today in austin texas as we visited the museum of the weird one of the coolest oddities museums in the entire country definitely recommend it to anyone traveling through the great state of texas if you like these videos uh please subscribe you can see new videos as they come out regularly i'm gonna look back at some of my older videos i've been traveling for many years been to all 48 continental united states and visited roadside attractions museums haunted houses and amusement parks and all of them if you'd like to support the channel otherwise consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling pins in the etsy shop until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 79,446
Rating: 4.9499669 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, museum of the weird, austin, tx, texas, fun, oddities, gaffes, weird, roadside attraction, sideshow, gremlin, movie props
Id: y7dsZC8w0FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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