Insane 11 Million Start Of Map Raid! | Minecraft Factions #878

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[Music] to another episode of factions and hopefully this is going to be a really really really amazing raid today we are going to be raiding an insanely rich base that only has around two walls which is something we can actually cannon so raven built the cannon I bought the TNT that was the deal I am probably left with short straw because I only have 79 thousand dollars left I had a decent bit of money saved up but I had to buy the TNT which is very very expensive but this raid is going to be insane so the fashion we are raiding is f top 2 if their name is cosh Opie they have 81 spoilers 81 mushiya spawner 7.5 million they didn't have horse spawner seven of them six hundred seventy-two thousand chickens they got lows as poor as this raid is going to be insane it's only two walls welcome to the map reset because that's what raids are actually like it started to map and I guess a huge thanks to Raven Raven say to apparently we can actually get everything so I am ready to go Raven are you ready to go I will be in one second okay now I'm ready to go and have some well I heard you actually press your record but well it didn't work but anyway I was just saying this raid is actually going to be insane if everything goes to plan and if everything does go to plan and the cannon doesn't mess up at all alright now like we've actually made a decent matter profit in because like if we get all the mushrooms that's 7.2 million - let's say about three hundred thousand dollars that we spent in the actual raid exactly so we still positive by a long amount without further ado let's get into this episode shall we you meet a drop of fire drop that fire drop it okay I'm dropping the heat I forgot to make a button so I will be yeah something if it yeah it's it's a no it's a no what cam that wasn't there okay okay has it moved okay okay yeah it's a yeah no it hasn't but what about the empty pages then then we're civilian cover all right I didn't see that I saw it account over there but it doesn't matter we'll just go a bit it's cool I need to go buy a piece of stone so I'll be with you in a second we're just gonna stay come on like we own into this raid it's it's not even a problem so yearning it's basically a two shot a three shot raid it's coming all right Gigi we didn't stack sample up first of all do we know I'm not really yeah or the Alsace see it looks like it's moving when you move see it looks like it's moving that's what scared me I think yeah that's what Gigi it's good to see that what you see I'm gonna be split two with that I'm hoping so because if so then we want to buy any more T&T yeah we did we did we did okay so we should be on a nabi shots worked yeah it's not not be ward no it's just there it's like a little bit of ah be like a little stream yeah yeah there is okay yeah this is the basical them are we meant to be splitting that part no cuz we haven't reached a height no no cause if the whole thing is just open no okay right I was just making sure I was just gonna say so it really doesn't matter where we here okay right go for it go for it do I gotta say first old you even come back yeah if you want just make it a little bit quicker do we kill the all account where do we leave him be I would say leave my you maybe yeah leave it for now and then at the very end maybe once we have all this bonus well yeah because I don't know like you know obviously if they have TNT detectors it'd probably take them a little bit to get on I'm just saying I'm just really skeptical of people sometimes I'm gonna have old yeah but obviously they have all time for a reason if they're afk in that farm but it's very weird that someone would leave 81 mushrooms on on in a to Worr base no I don't know why if we raid this we instantly become f top 12 just like that it's that easy for us men sometimes life is just handed to us on a island I am so sorry yeah I definitely have yeah you went to ha it's my bad does that will that affect the cannon shot no no that's all because it like stays in the same plate you know everyone's gonna be giving out to us right now we should have this on schematic so we just really really put in the salary yeah we you don't need to go any higher wasting our sounds hey let me go back don't don't okay yeah I'm not don't worry don't panic okay all right let me win don't accept that yet for a sec okay yeah I've literally just fight so dat B except now let me just make sure $700 all right so that is a silverfish let's grab that No do you have any silk touches I only have like a a team all ourselves ready for the radios only 20 Oh No you're gonna have to get this bonus little ice no you can collect them right where's the mushrooms leave me leave me up here what you go all the way up here there you go you probably hit it look there's rabbits pigs everything in obsidian platform but nothing governing lobby I already chose I don't want easily like when it's okay let me just this but let me just dispose and should we tell ya I'm waitin well these are the 31 one so if you want to get the top one we can but if you want to wait okay there we go I got a lot of EVP okie v1 and how many's in here so there's 50 yeah well that's just wait that's just 20 seconds yeah I don't really wanna risk Oh God gianna see I I read to pick up one like fine and rates like I'm doing so bad I think I rely on you a bit too much now okay right it's okay no cut yes I'm not gonna like when you left right the race went dreadful like I didn't have that many good raids they were really bad right it's clear like happened right you ready at such clear lag yep we're good alright you got pop we're good boom and pop there we go still 17 you don't know why mushroom something million dollars that we just obtained youtubers surround it up to 80 mil we round it up to 80 mil where youtubers we need to do our plan our plan to like hopefully hide our stuff yeah I just got I just got six hundred seventy two thousand dollars as well nice boom let's go oh my god GG then we got pigs herself oh we might be to rank up I've already done it I just need money I've got 19 I got the pigs as well I know it's not really valuable but every bit of money counts look in here have you got spare room I have like a few spare slots alright ready for this yeah I got a chest space I think so so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna drink this pot so it has gone I think you got all the way I got the chickens just because it could save room in my PV alright well I got one hopper for now by the way so that's such a good money Oh should we go put all these in the vault because I don't want to have like a full inventory the whole time what you what involve sporters I haven't want me yes I don't have enough room here I've got I have a whole inventory to have a whole inventory I've some space I don't really want to put them in a bowl I want to make our plan are oh yeah yeah I know you're on a bell I know what you're on a barrel I'm just gonna say on camera because why not I want to make our secrecy of secrecy group fault to hide it because my plan is to hide our stuff and in the last few days when f tops gonna happen then we claim the vault and we hope for the best exactly when the vault last that long I have no idea but if we hide a good enough and maybe make it our dispensers enough it might last a bit more or would it maybe no it's probably gonna get bad look then we're moving to a claim base of a factions the homecourt normal way but yeah in the day you can play factions whatever way you want to play it I really want to kill that guy Oh tournament I leave him for a second because I don't know why else we gotta go I had his books here oh my god Oh creeper eggs hey shows three acts there's restoration elixirs and stuff in there so we need level four probably do you think we can actually level up to level four off of this guy No yeah that's what I'm kind of hoping do you know where is any sheep it's cuz like that would be we should dinner rate those heads no matter what happens what I'm Yugi money is the moolah our have our sheeps at home grind any money they've been there so I'm not sure I'm not sure how much between be there sorry I'm doing this for cactus yeah that's fine you sell that doesn't matter who sells it we all get the money at the same time I'm gonna see if I can buy some sheep on a HM just been on have you got any more six oh yeah is there sake I have oh thank you guess what there's all sheep heads on actual did you check the wrong no I wouldn't say so dude oh there's a few heads I'm half waiting okay I can rank up to level three now because honestly like if we can get to level two and we can actually start selling the heads that a team yo will be able to level up super quick and exact bypass a load of levels plus while also getting 7.2 million dollars I'm nesting panda cat he's not afk I don't think okay cuz then we can sell those mushroom heads and we get to mixin okay okay right let's see if he responds that surely the F top one fashion must-have he said sure come on hey Brian I'm now at level four G because I so do the cactus to get to the next level and then I sold our cactus to get to the level after leveled up the Sheep yeah I'm not sure I hope so I don't think so cuz you can use chicken as well or not chicken rabbit no chicken that's the one yeah there you go there's a few that's okay I mean I probably could pay a little bit of it because I only a 55 Kanan right so boom level 3 that Bart didn't move uh like with three heads you stole all my hands you bugger there are heads is that all the chance they have oh no yeah no nice this one Annie Yeah right I'm selling all the mushroom as I see you might want to hurry up it doesn't actually matter yeah there's a chest underneath what I need to say to get it like I can't I don't have one I used it hang on I wanna do my one and ahs yourself I did okay I'm like four five now oh great go shopping okay never much for shopping by yourself yeah I would I have $35,000 I'm sold the horses as well oh this loads of them in there right you got loads good take all this away from me I don't want a sudden go I'm just telling you you can just show hand it alright okay oh yes let's go that's tons of them that is lucky oh yes there we go gonna do it is it level four I need two for mushrooms oh my god you I'll get ya need a knee there boom I need forty five thousand rank up police please please know how much money you have um I need to know I have 10k okay hey time to think okay there you go thank you alright there we go no wait I need 4k 4k how much would you have he doesn't have a crophopper I'm gonna sell the pigs that's a good idea oh can we get the crop operas oh what a load of heads just burped and everything died look at know I need those give it back yeah I'm waiting for you I'm being nice oh oh it's terrifying okay there we go that's rank up why you want the horses right now I need the horses I got a neck on let's go right all the hey everyone everything dies and then all the heads clear if you burn and that's what happy auto clear like yeah oh my god where have you put okay alright okay go for it Franco cuz you're done mushroom yeah busy yeah I'm done a mystery I'm gonna make my from how much money I'm making 5,000 that's all right right I'm ranking up again because I have I need 60 K I have currently 38 K will that even be enough I don't even know selling stuff as well like okay this is why I love map resets because you know like when you get later on to the might be like oh I don't need that but in that % yeah things like super exciting to raid and like to take it's just so satisfying because we'll need most of the things 64 K nice one such rank up nice boom never necro charm we might get some money back from those Megatron as well you are level 5 as well yeah that's yeah there's no horses left at all should we go open all night for chumps well I got to that's right make sure we rate oh yeah let's make sure we get everything first okay there's a load of horses with the khakis mushroom heads this is insane yeah there's there's a load up here as well if we were head cell chest right now we'd be living life right you don't think it's worth putting these into a cold room oh yeah if there is one I don't think there is one here so there isn't okay there is one because they just keep coming I can't I can't sleep over like these chests must be all filled DK just remember that and now okay I made egg sure like you only I got the 60 K so I probably have made nearly a hundred K from this Shirley yeah we've made a lot of yeah dude I'm back I'm back up to 79 k dude I've got 90 so we're taking a lot of money from them right now oh yeah that's the same we're making so much money actually how it's me this insanely good raid I don't know if we're gonna like I don't I think we've been spoiled for our first proper way to be honest and it all downhill from here maybe I don't know but like you don't mean this is insane we it's the only good thing now if that guy had money you could just sell his head for like oh yeah but would anyone's head till 4:00 5:00 gentlemen I don't know I don't think so okay I think it's running dry the money source is going slowly going down okay right I'm done selling hats that got me up to a hundred and twenty thousand so I usually back at I've made yeah made more money back basis well not more money back but I had like 79 thousand at start this episode yeah after spending all that money on tea and stuff now about you cactus I'll see you over here all this cactus farm will be empty now look at the amount of hoppers that they have now what we can do is we could buy with all the money we just made from those we can use and say we can make our money back with the cactus with the hoppers I mean yeah we can do that chopper we get like if that's 25k if not more right and if we if we sell the cactus as well three in event three inventories of this is one sec okay there's no hoppers in the hedge so that's a good sign you know because hoppers are like a well-needed thing yeah merchants just double-check what they aren't you worth yeah have a look so yeah there were 25,000 so I guess the max you can sell them for 24,000 yeah you don't mean someone will buy it for 1,000 cheaper a hundred percent is that we're flying CEG's uh I think should we just go for it anyway you right now I have a hundred and seventy-five K okay I'll spend all my money on sex you keep okay do you know what me to church I keep mine floatin drinking up and like raids and stuff then just keep it like just for not spending on sex basically okay okay yeah I mean all like if we get some money like I've already got one copper as it is so and that's 25k right there I'll just bend all my money on it but as long as you keep some money for a desperate least you got something right where do you want to blow up I knew that's a more concentrated area up there look at that that definitely will give you some bounty okay let's go for it where that two little stacks are now for anyone who's pulling off this if you're doing this on a server just remember like it's a game of chance it really is so basically if we get these we're making 10k profit because you spent 10 K eggs it is yeah pretty much I mean I just need a POW if you can just chuck one down oh oh that looks like a good area dough this is not an excessive amount of harpers either you could just made it one Lauren and I mean yeah they probably could have but for the amount of heads there were definitely like came in - okay okay one okay good oh no none that you know we can make it in something hopefully yeah yeah oh I'll wait a bit no okay no and we better off like punching this egg into it I think we are yeah I think punched the seg into these here okay you good I place it here right and punchy okay yeah we got one we got one I believe just one from that yeah sadly how many six of you go after you go we got two okay no I already had one come on yeah do you not right well that was definitely two from that GG nice I can't get back up I've no more sex or number pearls so TP okay right dude is that you working it's pretty well are you waste to sake but yes yes yes that's Lourdes did any form the ground there I'm not sure I collect them right I'm gonna go for this side here cuz I should destroy it oh that's what I did I get one or they form the ground oh I just picked one up okay right that's fine it's fine that's all that matters I can you TP back up see you okay right here we go I keep falling down because I keep trying to see if I can click on another I messed that one up no I didn't know you didn't know don't pee again I didn't pick me up either that's very unlucky now come on come on in it like into this wall here yeah you got it right for there come on stop wait that time Oh has to be no is that like if we don't get any oh I think get any from that either well this is some on the floor and we're not seen that's really unlucky okay I'm gonna go back here this one should be a should be okay money money there we go please get me to ten knows you don't get any from that no we sold last we got so lucky at the start no we got loads no we didn't just win here well it doesn't matter it was kind of worth it because I'm Harper's out of it yeah I mean I guess it could have been worse there we go time to UM time to open up on a coach um small right okay yeah that works it's Mike and brief takes me you know what I mean yeah there's no more chess and surface heads it's not read that many here so you can even with should have maybe blown up the chest no okay yeah let's go and open on their coach um something's gonna go let's go first and just jump all this yeah just go dumb just go dumpy-dumpy dumped up right never been updated and go okay so video I'm pretty all we want really is money or Harper's yeah money or hoppers will take Oprah for but are you proper to yourself like just oh by the way yeah oh I got one off to hoppers I got 10k and obsidian I'll take the tea okay Ami's mmm money I someone actually just give you some hope someone 100k from this earlier so over 10k I've got 10 million for fuse Alexis yeah alright pretty good that was honestly at amazing ray we need to set up the vault next episode yeah we do should we do our camera just try keep it hidden like it I want to record doesn't work yeah but am we just got 7.2 million actually more than that Hachi how much closer like 10 mil alright ready uh yeah alright so 81 x 95 thousand which i think we're oh five and seven point six mil okay a hundred sixty thousand then plus six hundred and sixty thousand yeah then plus six hundred and seventy two thousand yep then plus three hundred eighty four thousand yep and then two is that right nine silverfish knows nicer fish we just or like oh nine too often yeah 1.1 million four hundred and forty thousand that two hundred thousand I'm adding that is that right how much am i how much am i adding 1 million four hundred and forty thousand plus 1 million one hundred and forty thousand four hundred and forty thousand I didn't think you're so fish would be much worth a lot I can just kind of bypass like you want to know how much we just go hang on ever might not be all hang on let me just double check did we get another look nope that's everything how much we just get 11 17000 that is an absolutely insane we just got 11 million from two wolves we are the luckiest people in the world what if top is that gonna bring us to dude we're gonna be F top if we ever written acclaimed will be F o'clock 8f top eight jeez holy smokes well that is a great episode I guess well I was off on a high note but then next episode we need to get our vaults and open it I know we do we're gonna waste that 11 million so let's hope we don't weather guys hope we don't thank you very much for watching I will see you guys in the next [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 241,139
Rating: 4.7549815 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Factions, Minecraft Factions, Factions vs, pvp, minecraft pvp, raiding, minecraft server, creepersedge, minecraft 1.13
Id: q4hi2twT7NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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