RACIST Professor EXPOSED At WSU in Anti-White Rant | Ep 100

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Check out Ryan's twitter. He goes on about "white bitches" and all kinds of "whiteness". Imagine a white professor go off on Twitter about "blackness" or "black bitches".

Ryan Wash is the embodiment of a diversity hire.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/lkjiomva 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

This low-IQ 'professor' is stuck in a racialized solipsistic phase. Should be classified as a mental disorder and of course he would be teaching at an American university. :')

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/InsufferableHaunt 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome back to the show today we're gonna be talking about the absolute state of universities yet again because if you watch this show you'll know that far-left identitarian have taken over academia this is an issue we've talked about many many times there are so many examples out there of professors trying to indoctrinate not educate indoctrinate their students with far-left talking points and I know that whenever I talk about how unbelievably left-leaning academia is there's at least one person who says something along the lines of well if all the most educated learned people out there are all left-wing shouldn't that tell you something about what the correct opinion is huh well first off not only is the far-left identitarian takeover of universities somewhat recent it wasn't always a given that every person at a university would literally be a communist and black nationalist but also personally I don't know how you guys feel about it but a ton of gender studies sociology and art history professors all agreeing that capitalism and white sis males are the problem that just it just doesn't really mean a lot to me I'm not really looking for any type of advice or policy recommendations from those people in any case so the reason why I bring up the far-left in academia is that we have been presented with yet another example of shocking staggering bias incompetence and flat-out bigotry from a college professor before we get into that though I do need a quick minute of your time to tell you about our awesome sponsors quip so what actually makes a good toothbrush unicorn horn Paul Bunyan style brute force multiple modes including a Bluetooth function because nowadays everything has a Bluetooth function well actually if you ask your dentist they'll tell you it's less about the brush and more about how you use it that's why quip was created by dentists and product designers to focus on what actually matters for your oral health and that's healthier habits quips sensitive vibrations with a built-in timer guide gentle brushing for the dentist's recommended two minutes with 30 second pulses ensuring and even clean it has a sleek intuitive design that's simple to use and comes with a travel cap that doubles as a mere mount these thoughtful features make brushing something you actually want to do twice every day quip automatically delivers brush heads to you every three months for clean new bristles right on schedule good habits matter to live a healthier life so help form fresh oral habits with quip quip starts at just $25 plus you'll get your first refill free at get quip comm it's last chin this is a great way to not only support the show but also start brushing better but you have to go to get qu IP comm a slash n to get your first refill free go right now to get qu IP comm slash chin so Michael Moreno is a student at WSU who recently released audio recordings of his debate professor a mr. Ryan wash going on an anti white tirade in which he asserts that space as well as science and technology in general really are white social constructs all think it's a projection of white fantasies that has worked to control our interpretation of how the world works none of us have had the privilege of going to [ __ ] space to verify that there's these stars and these galaxies and these planets and things like that does that make sense and so it's a huge criticism of modernity it's huge criticism of science a huge criticism of even academia and argument structure within and of itself yes this man is literally doubting the existence of space and trying to associate it with whiteness from what I understand this whole topic I think was supposed to be a conversation about national space policy and the merits of space travel which would have been interesting but it seemingly got sidelined into a conversation about how evil the white man is which let's face it a lot of university classes do nowadays if you would like to see these clips in their entirety plus Michael's own commentary on them he's really a very smart guy very well-spoken you can find them on Michaels YouTube channel which is titled simply Michael Moreno here's what happened when Michael tried to add some sense into the discussion so like what about like telescopes or black astronauts moved into space there's been like 14 if you just google black astronauts there's a lot of them yeah so there's a if you go to the Wikipedia there's 14 that went to space and then there's a whole lot of well I mean yeah I'm sure they have other sources but like you know if you look up the identity of these people okay so like Guen Stewart bolt but blue 4th is where he went to space I'm sure I could find an interview him talking about his experience I don't know where he went to there because why can't be anything but he can verify it because he went there okay I can verify that it's not real cuz I happened so you can verify you can verify that space isn't real because you haven't been so the only thing the only type of evidence that's accessible to you is your direct experience do you experience other do you experience other people's accounts of their experience No so yeah I mean they could be lying ya know what I'm saying he could like the black astronauts could be lying that's true yeah yeah but what do you mean okay we we do have more reading about this but whiteness is not a racial concept about the epidermal it's more so about a particular set of ideologies that works to securitize life for white people and Mikey yeah definitely participants in I'm not I'm not denying the black people okay engage I'm saying the claim that space does not exist because you haven't seen it correct like that's like saying like Paris doesn't exist because I've never been there correct I love how this professor is so convinced that whitey is holding the black man down that he legitimately seems surprised that yes there have in fact been black astronauts which is hilarious and racist by the way like yes non-white people have contributed to space exploration you absolute tool but then of course when faced with the truth of black astronauts the professor falls back on the ol minorities who go against the narrative I'm trying to push have clearly internalized whiteness argument love that one it's a classic now since these clips have been released some people have argued in favor of the professor that hey maybe he doesn't actually believe in space whiteness or whatever maybe he's just playing devil's advocate to make the debate more interesting that doesn't really make sense though because a it's not even a good argument to play devil's advocate to the idea that I haven't seen something therefore it doesn't exist is so laughably stupid I'm frankly shocked we're hearing it from someone who is above the age of seven maybe six years old but what's even more concerning than this professors blatant racism and lack of professionalism and competence is this presentation by Michael's fellow classmates to non-white students which advocates for sending all white people away into space permanently Brendan and why keep running we got firm fitting and speculate those black bodies are done with it thus all ye should be sent on a one-way trip even to their deep space exploration and find a new home black bodies will keep earth this is our way of destroying the killing fields that whiteness has ruled upon if there is if there are no bodies on earth there is no clearing all we have done is imagine what a better life is one without the whitee ruling over a black body than that life will flourish on earth the creators of capital will be MIAA me but people can live for it for right structures for their communities without working in white centered institutions while white its while white Explorer displays founded based on definitions of the capital and a whiteness we will be able to four have control over our spaces something that is taken away from myself and why do you don't worry about your return life these people are black supremacist they are racist and they are way worse than the alt-right ever could be the all right wants white only countries these people want a black only planet they are so offended by whiteness they don't even want to share a planet with white people and by the way I do feel like I should mention that this school it's not in California or Oregon or Washington or New York or some other bastion of progressive ideals WSU is in Utah as someone who has lived in Utah let me tell you if universities there have already fallen too far left identitarian ism then there's pretty much no air left that's safe can you imagine what would happen if a white student got up in front of his class and advocated for rounding up all of the non-white people and sending them away so that white people could finally be free of the terrors that non-white people bring yeah he would be expelled I'm pretty certain or at the very least there would be outrage and some type of punishment but in this situation and at this school here are the critiques that the rest of the class had to this presentation and spoiler that it was super duper racist doesn't come up okay if your first response to someone actually suggesting that we round up all the white people and banish them off into space is but wouldn't the white people just colonize other planets you might be an [ __ ] that's all I'll say and when Michael finally does bring up the fact that hey guys isn't this just a little bit SuperDuper racist the class is just not having it I just don't understand how none of you see how incredibly racist the plan is to spend an entire group of race to space because you're like go to space that's incredibly racist that's the definition no he didn't he said if you're white you go to space just having straight color being that's by definition racism because your skin color doesn't determine the level of your power that's that's it no it doesn't there are people who are every single white person so Barack Obama didn't have power you couldn't do anything he didn't have any power sure yeah everyone faces oppression everyone can be marked by your skin colour which is something yeah no no no I'm in a debate space where everyone questions me on my skin colour I can definitely foul that but you're not being black skin colour social justice advocates always say that black people cannot be racist toward white people because they lack systemic power but really when you think about it and what this example goes to show is that's not the real reason if even in a hypothetical scenario where black people have taken it upon themselves to round up all the white people on the planet and shoot them off into space forever you still don't accept that black people have the power to be racist against white people you will never accept that black people can be racist against white people in these people's minds when white people mistreat black people that's racism but when black people mr. ey people that's just retribution that's just justice it's a crazy world we're living in folks and you know what I feel like a lot of us see so many of these stories of crazy unhinged professors that we can kind of become desensitized to it but let's not forget who the real victims are and that's students like Michael who are forced to listen to this crap day after day and heck even repeated themselves if they want to get their degrees I'm all for academic freedom of course but this type of behavior in a classroom setting is just unacceptable how can you have a debate class where you can't even push back on the idea that your race is inherently bad Michael has his own video which I strongly recommend you guys check out by the way where he goes point by point through every single University policy that this professor wash is in violation of with evidence by the way academic freedom does not mean that you get to assert your own opinions our facts and shut down students when they try to push back on that and it certainly doesn't mean that you get to disrespect students based on their race since these clips started being shared around WSU has released a statement saying they're looking into things but I at least I'm not holding my breath that anything productive is going to come of that and what's especially frustrating is that just for sharing these clips and exposing the racism of his professor in classmates which by the way I consider a public service Michael has himself been slandered by WSU students as being an alleged white supremacist a Twitter account called never neutral Union claims to be quote a student-led organization made in response to the videos produced by Michael Murray no we will not be neutral in the wake of white supremacy they've tweeted that quote we demand that Michael Moreno be expelled from Weber State for breaking student code of conduct and propagating white supremacy we demand the videos be taken down for privacy violation and hate speech we demand University support for Ryan wash and the debaters in the video regarding the assertions of privacy violations none of Michael's classmates are either named or shown on video plus Utah is a state that does not require someone's permission before being recorded so no luck there also if your definition of white supremacy includes saying please don't banish me and my family to outer space for just because of our skin color you you're insane okay you are a crazy person there is no reasoning with you and that's why I wanted to talk about this story not only to raise awareness about it and try to get support for Michael and hopefully condemnation for this professor but also to say unequivocally that yes all of this racial identity Rhian anti white rhetoric is definitely contributing to the rise of white nationalism among generations II you cannot have black people Hispanic people and Asian people all saying my people my race my land and then be surprised when white people say it too I've been saying it for literally years that these far-left types with their racial grievances and blue white people attitudes they've been making race relations worse and guess what we have proof of that now one study looked at five components of white victim ideology specifically that quote White's face racial discrimination White's rights particularly to their own culture are being denied White's are stigmatized for expressing racial pride discrimination loss of rights and stigmatization lead to a loss of self-esteem and other psychological distress and that these attacks are threat to the existence of the white race the study found that quote results suggest all five elements of white victim ideology are positively associated with affiliation with the alt-right with perceived reverse discrimination ie just flat-out discrimination being the most influential factor I do not say this lightly but racists like Ryan wash are a stain on our society they threaten the cohesion of our social fabric and the unity of our nations the fact that he is actually in a position to influence the thoughts and opinions of young people is a sure sign of the degradation of our institutions and as always I would love to know what you guys think what do you think the university should do to ryan wash and what do you think is gonna happen to Michael for exposing his professor Plus is there any way at this point to save academia or is it just a lost cause let me know but that's it for now thank you guys so much for tuning in and I'll see you next time you
Channel: Lauren Chen
Views: 226,910
Rating: 4.9281392 out of 5
Keywords: Roaming millennial, conservative, conservative vs liberal, conservative news, republican, republican party, commentary channels, current events, conservative commentary, lauren chen, blaze tv, crtv, politics, political news, michael moreno, ryan wash, grievance studies, college, wsu
Id: kSZuYr0wBGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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