Hardcore #1 - Season 5 - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pastel and welcome to another escape from tarkov video today we are launching the hardcore challenge uh this is gonna be season five um there's been different seasons i've made in different lands with different like length episodes and stuff since you know pretty much i think the first one was back in like 0.9 or 0.8 the long time ago when i first started the hardcore challenge which is introduced by deadly slob an amazing creator if you haven't gone checked out his content either on youtube or twitch he's a really lovely guy and definitely worth the love and respect that that you guys can all give um so yeah he made up these rules here a long time ago and it's slowly developed over time and it's just one of those things after a while say one or two months into a while i start playing the hardcore challenge and today we're kicking it off if you know the rules and you've you've seen me on stream you know what's going on i'll put a timestamp uh down below that you can just go straight to it if you want to skip the rules but right now i'm gonna go cover the rules and then after that uh we'll get into the first episode so guys without further ado let's crack straight into it so first up for season five of the hardcore challenge the objective um this one i actually do have a plan that i'm going to play either a few hours each day depending on how i feel i really want to be in a good mood for when i start hardcore because it is very brutal and then also um some days i'll just play for a whole stream and we'll see how we get on from that but the objective for the hardcore challenge is to try and get to the container it's going to be very difficult there's going to be a lot of sticking points particularly when it comes to keys i've got different ideas in place that i'm going to try throughout the uh the season and see how i go but this is going to go for a fair period of time so before i go specifically into the rules the release schedule on how these episodes are going out i haven't entirely decided yet i don't know if it's gonna be one episode today i don't know if it's gonna be you know three episodes a week i've gotta figure it out what i'm gonna do first though is i'm probably going to get 10 or 15 episodes up my uh up my sleeve uh before i start releasing them and then uh we'll go from there but i'm going to i'm going to sit down the editors and we'll see how we go but if you are watching on the on the youtube all the uh the loading screens that we cut out just to make it as optimized for the viewing experience for you guys you can sit back and have some solid talk of enjoyment in the background learn some new loot spots and see me get smashed every day so uh let's get into the rules number one rule you cannot purchase equipment from dealers and market with the money so you can't just go to the traders and start buying up stuff or the flea market and buying up stuff to uh just do your loadouts that is not allowed at all you must get your loadouts from inside the raid so you when the very first raid you go in you are completely naked with just an alpha container all right and you go in and you have to start getting that loot to get you through all the uh all the levels and the and the quest rule number two you are allowed to barter for equipment so this is only on the traders so if there is a barter trade a one would be say white tape from therapist you have two white tape buy the trays for a car med kit but you'll do all the types of barter trades no flea market so it's pretty much straightforward goes with number one you cannot buy anything from the flea market or sell anything on the flea market at all number four secure containers is for keys only so you can put your docs case in there key tools uh sick cases are allowed in the container to hold the keys um and if you find them you can put them straight in there lab key cards can go straight in there we uh i think in the past i've held on to them but uh we're going to put them straight in there as well for this one mostly because i need to go labs to get a few quest items and i'm not gonna have many opportunities to do it if i just didn't even get the card it just ruins from the experience of us having the opportunity that we can go check out a labs raid so um that will go into the container the other thing that secure container can be used for so say i have nothing in my pockets uh oh sorry i have there's like a saliva and i see a layer on the ground i can pick up that saliva and put it into my secure container to heal but then i before i'm allowed to move i need to drop the solar again and that's the same as like say i pick up a mag or i unload a mag from a gun i have nowhere to put it i can put it in my container but i have to like finish reloading that magazine and put it back onto my gun before i move so it's kind of like replicating something being in your hands but i do try to avoid doing that at all costs but sometimes they with meds that kind of has to happen five mission specific items can be bought using the cash stack so uh an item like that would be the the markers for bp depot or the wi-fi cameras um the jammers for on shoreline all those items that you can really only get from traders there are spots in the range you can find it's rare um but yeah those can be bought from the traders was just because the the need of a quest and it really does hold progression if you have to try and find him in raid when you've got like a one in a thousand chance of being able to find one six no scav runs none at all it's very straightforward rule seven only play with other hardcore players so if another person is doing a hardcore series they deadly slob uh if i wanted to i could do duo's with him in the past i haven't really done much of this i think one of the seasons i actually started with doing jewelers with deadly slob and it was a lot of fun but i generally play solo anyway so if i do want to do duos on this account it needs to be with someone else with a hardcore player uh and this is more if you guys want to use the rule set tool and you want to play with your mates that are doing hardcore i no assistance from friends or communities i can't just get a player or a friend just come to a raid and drop me a heap of quest items that i need or or something like that that's not allowed you can't have and random people opening up doors for you it's just like if if a random person i i make friends with in raid and it's a natural occurrence for some reason it doesn't happen often um that is allowed but if it looks like a deliberate stream sniper or something like that it won't it won't fly i won't hit like i just i'll just kill them or just i'll leave it's the kind of thing i don't like i don't like breaking the rules i just want to enjoy and embrace the challenge nine you're allowed to heal from therapists post raid upon death so if i survive a raid i've got to use my meds like normal if i die i can use the thera's hill uh this is to kind of stop that whole there was a period in the last season where it was just like going to a raid over and over debt again with no health and i couldn't heal i had to like literally just going to reserve sprint to the med spots try and get some med so i could even progress at all uh and it kind of detracted from the enjoyment uh it is a tough challenge anyway but when you die in this game it's really brutal now that you have to heal and the fact that in the hardcore challenge you would consume all your meds i used to have to spend hours just collecting meds up so if i had three or four deaths in a row i could heal back up so it's to try and just make it so the game kind of runs more smooth in the progression and not just you know running for med simulator 10 you can craft in the hideout now i do use the hideout a fair bit it's a great way to get quest items it's a great way to um you know have all those extra assistances from from the hideout say rejoining your stem and your health and all your health and your uh your energy and hydration that while you're doing stash sorting and all that other stuff i do try and get the hideout upgraded a fair bit um but it does take a quite a while to do that and uh we'll try my best to get that done 11 items required for hideout must be either crafted in the hideout or required in a raid so just it's just reiterating that you can't use the flea market to buy items for for the hideout it has to be stuff you find in a raid and take out of it or brighten the hideout already 12 in raid task money can be used in the global cash stack now i'll explain the global cash stack at the end but in short it's pretty much that you're allowed to hold on to the money that you find um or that you from items that you sell just because there's certain things that need cash and it it does really it enhances the actual hardcore experience you and you'll see why in a minute 13 money obtained from leveling dual reputation will no longer be deleted it will be stored and added to the global cash stack to be used with uh for hideout upgrades that require money you can exchange rubles us dollars euros however you see fit but you cannot use the money to purchase items from the flea market um to upgrade your honey so this is just going back to that hole if you get receive items from quest the cash can be added to your global cash stack and um that is literally to do what i'm about to talk about um and i'll go over the next rule first which is 14 uh insurance is not allowed you can't use the cash to to get insurance and then get audience back that way but moving into the global cash stack explanation given the changes with money uh sorry given changes with these money storage in containers because in the past we used to store it inside our container it is far more simplistic and fair to have money obtained from reputation farm in raid and tar and task speed combined for the clothing upgrades hideout upgrades and armor repairs so if i find an armor and raid i can repair it i can buy any of the different kind of clothing outfits that i want and use that money to upgrade uh stuff inside the hideout so for example the stash so i do this on a standard account uh to upgrade my stash it does take quite a while and uh i've got to save up a lot of money for it so it's important that um i use this global cash stack collection to uh to do that and it's really difficult to get armors in the hardcore challenge as well and so this really does help with that too so that is pretty much everything to be covered for this uh hardcore challenge um like i said if you if you're enjoying it there'll be a playlist and the episodes will come out consistently i'll try and make whatever format that i do decide to do it might be every second day um they'll be consistently out every second day and the way it works is it's a two-hour recording i delete out all the loading screens for you guys a cool new intro we're about to show you and um yeah and there'll be a previously in the hardcore series that start just like in the last season just to try and enhance it for you guys and then the viewing experience uh we do like to hear any feedback so if you don't like something you do like something we'll try our best to add it but it is very time consuming to do all the content that we do post on our channel so um just understand that we try to we try to please the masters as much as possible anyway guys for the second time in this intro welcome to season five of the hardcore series and without further ado let's crash straight into it [Music] welcome if you guys if this is your first hardcore challenge i can turn the music up a little bit too if this is your first hardcore challenge um it's very brutal expect me to die a lot all right a lot like i try like i feel like the snowball challenge increased my skill set for hardcore a lot and made it a lot better for um for uh it made me a lot more prepared i guess would be the word the um but it is a very brutal challenge and it is very punishing you do die a lot doing this um particularly on i am going to put emphasis on trying to make sure i survive as much as possible there is going to be a lot of moments where you just like he's just dying over and over and over again but um with the addition to some of the crafts that have been happening and and and that i feel like i can progress progress a lot faster this time the previous time we had a lot of issues we're trying to get the hydra upgraded and the objective was to finish the hideout and i was just not enjoying it i was just running let x's for ledexes over and over again that's not really going to be an issue anymore but getting the quest done is going to be the objective the aim is to get to the camera container um how long this will take i don't know if you're watching this on the youtube um the aim will be i'll have two hour recordings and all the loading screens will be cut out there'll be like the intro and then the previous episode of the hardcore series um and we'll prob i don't know exactly the publishing schedule but it'll be nearly every day um so if you guys are watching on youtube if you're missing you're watching on the stream right now and you miss some you can watch it on youtube without any of the uh loading in screens so we'll save you a lot of time and when you just want to watch uh for that um but yeah hope you guys enjoy it it's gonna be it's gonna be rough um i'll add a light hardcore to the title if you're after the rules i'll be in the description in the in down below otherwise exclamation mark hardcore on twitch and if you want to watch this in lifetime come check it out on twitch so without further ado let's crash straight into it english is our choice language this account was called aqua fps tv what are we calling it what are we calling it hard cultist we've been going with the theme of cultist deadly the cultists i don't know if they'll be deadly the cultist i don't know if that'll fit it won't fit it won't fit deadly cultist all right we'll call it deadly cultist they're the cultists i like that name sounds good let's go now as per every other one we've done bear i think we're gonna have to go the default because which one's the the um we've always done hardcore challenge on bear all right so um i'm worried about the voice lines and the breathing so do we just go default on this on the voice can't hear him um three three isn't breathing everyone seemed to go you sick bear 3 is no breathing all right so sergi yeah i'm i'm bear two on the on the range series i have to be bad for hardcore how do we want to look like this dude it's just a guy trying to get by you know in a hardcore world i think we'll go this one is the voice to go which one one two or three chat quick everyone's saying three all right mr volkov sergey just in time for hc alright sorry this is gonna be interesting first thing i'll do is delete everything in my uh in my stash um this has changed actually haven't played turkoff since sometime before last wipe but i can't stop watching the one thing i am going to do and it's more of a just in case is i'm going to hold on to the cash on the until i survive one ride only because if i die two two two two two two two hang on one second watching outfield at shoal water love your work pest all right we'd have to hear that guy for an hour um if we die on the first raid we um we don't have to just sit around for 10 minutes that would just be lame mcqueen contest i'll hold the hold the cash there but if i survive the rate i'll delete the cash all right first like 15 heals the free oh really they they did do that didn't they i'll leave it there just in case just in case all right purely just in case but like i said i'll delete it anyway i'll delete it if we survive the rate i'll just delete it anyway um just so that i don't trust um i don't trust psg delete the container no you don't have to delete the container you start with an alpha all right this is really really punishing at start i have done it on i have done it on um as your darkness in the past a lot because of the how hard it is to get the stash going because you just fill the stash up instantly and you can't get a single gun going but we'll see how we go now for the map choice first raid map deadly loves the woods deadly loves the woods i'm leaning towards shoreline i'm leaning towards shoreline um because there's so many hidden stashes there's 35 hidden stashes that shoreline could work really well um but woods also has a lot of hidden stashes now my fear of woods is i get in there and i go and do the stashes and i and uh i can't find a gun and then a scav just starts running at me from the middle of nowhere but it's going to be woods or shoreline first um let's see let's see i know reserve has lots of weapons but okay it's really rough if you don't get one let's let's do shoreline let's do shoreline we're going to get weapons i'm going to go hidden stashes first that's the objective hidden stashes then i'll try for scavs we're here on pesterly death watch yeah could be a few deaths right now the dream would be to just go hit out the uh all the jackets and stuff but i feel like it'd probably it'd probably not work to our favor there is no there's no breathing oh my god on the uh on the the bear two voice this is we would be puffing right now we'd be puffing pesterly salute their three is opaque confirmed i'm worried about a player being in here but jackets early on we get a good key you can't get a pistol from a duffel bag look how fast you loot when you don't have a weapon or a melee we have meds i feel like my game sounds just down a touch meister mmm moist awesome quick go go go go go thoughts on adding the peepee bison to tarkov i'll give this case we want case what's the caliber of the bison nine mil so how aggressive are you going on other pmcs i would be i won't be aggressive at all all right let's do the hidden stashes real quick one by nineteen nine by eighteen hopefully you're first 84 round macro of smiley come on here's the pistol all right let's go back to it there's another hidden statue here jackets looks like everyone's headed up to a resort which is nice love your work mate at least our search skill will go up nice and quick well here we go here we go what we've got a rig moving up in the world hi guys welcome to my stream and without further ado let's crack straight into it giardio thanks for the host how was the stream hopefully really good gts key good key for customs oh we could go back to that gas analyzer true [Music] where was it it was a hidden stash wasn't it more adds plus turkey door dumpster stash rydo turkey door look at us moving up in the world tp for lavatory if we can get back through here without dying i'm gonna be really happy what's gonna happen is i reckon the scans will start spawning in now just so you guys know as well you can put items into your container say i had no rig on and i need to move stuff around or load a magazine and stuff you are it's like the container works as if you had it in your hand but you can't like run around with it if you put an item in your container start running around then you have to drop it it's just straight up drop it well i just heard something maybe it was the bad closing or something did you guys did you guys hear that like there was like a a few nope what a little faint bit of shoot in the background yes oh [ __ ] we're we're on s t gun st gun baby let's go [ __ ] go unethical we need gunsmith part 11 done we need gunsmith part 11 done like that has to be an early objective for us now we've got armor armor yeah baby oh we're gonna need relays early on too what's the first thing to get the generator it's the spark plug isn't it did you hear that it sounded like someone shooting in this way they'll pest all right let's get in here what do we got it's tape we don't need that chat you can backseat the [ __ ] out of me when it comes to barter trains all right because i'm not going to remember all the barter trades and crafts obviously i don't have the the hideout upgraded yet so some of the crafts are just not going to be viable early on but once i do upgrade the hot out feel free to like backseat me a little bit with the uh crafts that i might be missing and stuff but obviously we're still very early days with the cup with crafts and stuff so the scissors aren't any use to us like i'd literally just be vendoring them there's no early uh crafts or all that with the scissors and i don't have stacked space if they vended for a lot more then it'd be more tempting and i can't fit the propane by the way guys bit of bt ammo can't complain juice now food is a real struggle early on too i end up having to do a lot of reserve runs generally because of the food shortages i pretty much just want to go for the extract already i believe it's freaking you out it's actually freaking me out it really makes you i care about survival hardcore challenge i was just there i want to get over that wall don't made me run around it's rude turkey trash crowd is it better taking the trash around i think it vendors some more i want to drink the hydration but it's too early what can i take instead of the duct tape and am i all right that's going i know i vendors for more but and that that shot behind me just got me scared do you bet it's garbage so isn't there there's nobody trace for it looks like this kiba key will set the tone of this hardcore series as it was wth reserve keys if we need the other keyboard key to be honest going interchange hiding or like playing it really slow and cautiously around interchange and then going for the keeper late would actually be um a solid tactic helmet yes all right men's men's meds uh let's get rid of the lamp bar trades for a grenade i know that sounds ridiculous that i want to save it for a grenade but you are the first streamer i've ever subbed to just wanted to say that thanks dude appreciate the uh two months half breed all right all right another hidden stash out here drink the juice when it gets to 30 hydration or 30 under max because it gives it gives 30. sorry we don't need it does vendor nicely right now we can do it we've got this scavenger play there play scav with pilgrim see that where did he go he's in the water i don't reckon this is the pilgrim guy it's not all right we need to find the pill room it might have been a place guys no no the the pilgrim goal was running left to right people call on the tears of guns this was an f gun ft imagine using an ft gun instead of the s here so i'll switch the st gun but i don't have a lot of ammo for it so if i see a player i'll use this gun if i see a scavenger i'll use this one have you guys ever heard dogs barking in taco legit question less than three appreciate all the work you put into the talk of content bro it's normally here isn't it there's a voice line talking you mean you might be up at this hidden stash here it is hear it dog's confirmed for tarkov um hidden stash it's in one of these bushes yeah well someone's been here well one man's junk snowman's treasure a psm it could be useful noise the pilgrims could have been looting all the backpacks along the way they're all the stashes along the way extract is not up a repeat extract is not up oh melee weapon oh no oh i want that st webinar scav i didn't have much time hey all right sometimes you just gotta just gotta do what's quicker got the beanie i don't need them the main reason i was holding on to those beanies is um it's actually quite difficult to level up ragman early on um because you can't buy anything are you only allowed to sell all right so it actually you need a lot to sell it there it's a rag man to get his money spent and it's all like rigs and stuff oh yeah she's done this there's three masters for a packer i should have kept that that's why they're like the streamer items are gonna be really handy wait no buying from traders uh it's part of the hardcore challenge especially hardcore if you want to make all right someone's already been here but one man's trash another man's treasure there's actually two weapon crates and an ak spawn up in that building too we've had all the shots at resort there was a few of the villages behind us village behind us when we're over at the swamp but we really don't want to get overly involved in any fights right now like if we can get out of this raid then we have um three guns and that's a big big step up from no guns and no melee weapon and an st gun yeah two ft has been missed here for anyone who's like listening on the youtube and they're wondering what i'm talking about all the tears we just made a video of um i've made a t list of all the guns uh and if you're watching on the stream um i just the video will be out probably tomorrow so in about 36 hours time the video of uh st to ft of all the guns to escape from taco now there are more hidden stashes but right now i think we've we've got our fair share there's one up ahead that we'll get because it's literally on our path but the rest of it i think we should just try to avoid any more risk keep going son you are a goat thanks dude when i first raid down oh that's a big win that's a big win keeper key key the key oh no way good luck with the hardcore challenge pesterly salute what is this what is this error has anyone had this error before the suspense it's brutal oh thank god all right we're deleting this cash now because we survived the rate anyway um i made it par cool wow that's massive let's get the [ __ ] out of me let's get the [ __ ] out of me quest item what does your shirt say play time is [ __ ] over all right i'm going to sell that most likely because it sells for a lot for now i don't really want to use armors and that yet so we're going to hold on to this ammo i'm gonna go here where where should i go next what's going on is tarkov having issues right now is anyone else having issues let's go the skew let's go woods because we've got jager the yanga quest i deleted the 500k it's gone all right the main things i want to id like i don't want to see here just id and everything but mags and guns they're the ones that are going to cost you like in the heat of the moment you've got to quickly pick up a gun and you don't have it id'd so quickly i'll do the guns and mags and the ammo don't care about that too much cool um check my so you know i did just get enough for a car med kit that's why i got the white the wider tapes the one thing i need to really focus on is which stuff i've got to get in the hideout is it fun and rewarding playing hardcore it's definitely a challenge you know and i really do embrace the challenge it makes me care about surviving because instead in normal pla talk of i don't really care if i survive or not so we can actually get level one med station but we can't do anything we don't have we won't have um we won't have uh what's the wording generator fuel's gonna be really annoying too what do we need for lavatory that should be a focus tp we had tp we could have got two lavatory should be a focus because you don't need a generator to craft in the lavatory meditation does give some regen i need i need to hold on to the cache if i die i need to be able to heal i suppose that little five that's not an issue all right um let's get into the next raid we've got ten rounds left on a pistol um pesterly woo thanks for the fun content to consume nice dude all right back in a minute i gotta run it out i'll go to the bathroom real quick i'm back sorry too long was there 30 seconds all right um if we want meds right if we want meds the tactic is to go to the fob thing there is so many meds there so what i'm thinking is i run along here i check the hidden stash and i i wrap around to the back i call the fob i don't know what it's actually called what is the name everyone else gives it the thing over here emmacom emicron station all right i called fob i wonder if you guys started calling it fob because i started calling it all right didn't stash but that's what it is though it's a ford operating base we'll take the vodka in case we get thirsty i guess can't take device right we're going to wrap around the back and check the uh i could go right along the back i never go right along the back but we go right along the back and then we check the weapon currently some safe bobs without spelling out the words like silly people some say bob without spelling out the words like silly people you mean like fob i think bob kind of sounds a bit i don't know each to right it makes no difference it means the same thing for fob takes me about the same time to say it big 30 hydration 20 energy since our hydration gets down to 70 we'll uh we'll be popping that 30 round mag and a laser imagine if we can get the gunsmith part 11 real quick i can get into every ride if i could go keep it every right this is gonna be so gg lazy doesn't fit on the 57 unfortunately all right there's a very high chance players will be here i deliberately went the morning time when there's a transition from night to day or day to night a lot of people will avoid that time slot so you can actually get slightly quieter service i deliberately went with the transition time for that reason go and get the rats the rats during that time oh cms kid alright sweet nope you're being consumed it is almost like the rat challenge isn't it the radical challenge it's too early for cebu fans there'll be a scout spawning any second now all right we want good meds some layers and stuff high facts this will be like the slowest and most methodical you'll ever see me playing tarkov oh i've driven big big win there you back i want to grab that armor before uh players get over here oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] i guess the word would be stonks all those croutons are gonna be needed for a quest aren't they was it soap or tp we needed it was tp wasn't it oh billy 190 ammo someone's [ __ ] knows what we need to examine the mag why isn't the man coming off i haven't examined it st ma st ammo with an st gun it's a layer too right noise 30 round megan aka true oh you guys get paid the big bucks but i put it down is it just here boy i complained to you all right we need to keep moving there are some um there are some early crafter rip stop isn't there we just can't use that laces doesn't go on the first seven ghosts [Applause] i i don't see how i can get that car battery crackers i can get rid of i guess what's the what's the craft with the crackers or what's the deal with the crackers i can't remember why they're valuable drop vodka mres yeah we need mres we can get rid of the cpu we don't need that right now you guys are all telling me to get rid of the vodka i'm gonna take your word for it go like that all right i just want to get this quest now and then get out thank you moy so [ __ ] paranoid now you know what i think we might do we might say we complete this quest what's the second yaga quest it's the food one right so it's not like something we're gonna complete straight away and and it's not like we're going to be doing any of the barter trays from jager straight away so what we could do is we don't hand in the jager quest until we're about to hit level 5 or we already hit level 5. um so if we die we get the free heal from therapists it's not a big thing but it's gonna avoid the camping entirely and snipe scab and all that area i'm literally just heading straight for the extract now thankfully there's rain and fog with low level perception you can't hear as far 2 so if someone's like running up to me i'll probably not hear him you can't use scabs no i generally don't like going down this far onto the slope but there's not as much covers i'm just trying to avoid anyone seeing me that's running through lumber mill someone just don't do a [ __ ] landmine all right now give us a flash drawing please i don't ask for much hesterly i am watching with my seven-year-old son aaron he asked if you can try not to swear so much as it's bad okay i apologize uh owen don't swear oh yeah i did just check my radar to make sure there was a uh flash drive there thanks so much for the 11 months uh i just like cake is it gear code thanks f240 thanks for the prime craig gorey thanks for five months uh mental skies them schism thanks to thousands before as well no escape i try not to swear too much when i get excited though don't put me in front of flash though why not check that stash dude have you seen my loot i'm like a pinata for the hardcore challenge this is like a this is like a pinata of glory we've got some layout all right so let me think we've got we've got the tp for the craft for the hot aircraft slush is st swearing we should do a stream of swearing t-list he would be st look at me i'm pimping hiding in the shadows in the rain in the low ground that's why i went the night today transition i swear there's like so many less players on on those ones um right a tearless tuesday we could do that that actually sounds pretty fun every tuesday we do a t list what do you guys think all right so um battery we're holding on to because they're roughed again uh condensed milk i got them to vendor emilia's we need i i can't remember exactly what we need for do okay let's be real let's be real let's just hand it in let's just hand it in and then we don't have to worry about it because now we have jaeger and we're going to get back into what's new uh your quest new stuff i don't know man uh it's not as simple as just being like what's new new guns all right well hold on to this we need it for a quest but we can use it for healing as well like post rate healing we are now sitting at a point where we are geared enough to um we are geared enough that we we might sorry i'm just talking to this club dudley said that people might intentionally die so they can heal from therapists right um metal fuel 400k right now yeah it doesn't really matter what the value of an item is in this challenge so all right we'll hold on to that as well hold up to that um put these here for now the laser we can probably just sell food we're gonna hold on to because we're gonna we're gonna need food you're gonna see times where i'm like i wish i had some food microwave pesterly microwave pesterly microwave pestly microwave pestly microwave yes um face masks we're going to need that's the vendor ushanka is quest uh because it's pretty early on so that's how that's our items for this ammo i think we don't need to take extra ammo i think we can get a kill every raid with the uh 20 rounds that we've got and if we don't we're probably going to be dead anyway now um what was it going to do they're hideout these are open back headphones so do you great things for 10 months mate eddie mcbrand baram thanks for 200 a few pennies to help you keep funding this obvious taco promises dude all right so this is what we needed this is what i wanted so from here i think you can use rip stop for something maybe it's the other way you get rip stop oh there it is you can make packers with it hmm hi oh i could have got the middle scissors and then we could have made splints that's all right we got a fleece we can make uh two backpacks which isn't too bad that's actually not too bad right there how are we sitting money-wise is it worth like i'm just trying to think like at the end of raid getting the the healing 10k is nothing we can we can do that all right so start with ragman because ragman's gonna be really frustrating to try and get the money spent jaeger will probably be a little bit annoying as well what do we need to do that bar to trade so um i just want to do ammo guns just like before collect tasks which task isn't scale 5. we need to go oh the task reward yep um cool we've got rayman sort of there all the guns here examine helen thanks the fight gifted mate right we'll get into another aid so uh probably therapists needs their money spent more first day off in a month no better way to spend the morning than coffee and pesterly and a few cheeky scav runs um cheers dude thanks for tuning in a bit suits what's the um there is a barter trade for using alyonka i'm confident it's not just i'm confident it's not just um it's that all right let's take the backpack because if we vendor that we get like 4k we do the backpack trade i reckon we'll go up more than 4k we went up 6k and then we can sell the backpack but we can actually use it too is it bigger same in it ah technically it's smaller can't fit a gun in there though we've got it there as we need it all right and then for now we'll sell this to mechanic vents let's construct it we'll slowly get through these i don't want to do that one just yet because i want the ones that give um the other stuff so we need 4k for that right probably don't need this backpack actually now that we've got that hello boss man smile which map which map i think i know which map i want to go you can repair yeah what's going on uh inferno ignored you [ __ ] literally just subbed bro just chill just cause you're my boss doesn't mean you can tell me what to do all right sit down wait your turn um i think i know which map i want to go i think i know which one good one such a dead joker hey any fruit i sultanas oh this is like a really good spawn if you want to do a normal loot run it might not be so much for uh a hardcore but imagine before oh my god saying imagine we found a graphics card we're [ __ ] there is gonna be some zoom and dude come from the middle of nowhere to try and kill me right now my friends kiddoing loves when you swear does he my mom used to make me like wash my mouth out with soap she caught me swearing that was the uh danger shhh [ __ ] up chad you get me killed because you guys are so loud i'm fine i'll remember it hard almost hmm oh [ __ ] there's someone up ahead i heard a foot on metal uh we don't have enough xp yet we need to get seven minutes we're at five minutes 40. xp matters because we need to found in raid graphics cards you definitely have enough xp how do you know one minute done done you're controlling the trunk you can't get the whole way in though yeah i had 200 looting xp i think you got to have 200 and 200 xp now 220 xp you rat if that don't duo was geared you heard them they were using uh i think they were using mp7s or mpr or vectors they were charging through that bottom bit that would have been a a rough a rough uh fight to try and save that graphics card they did sound heavy yeah they were like the juggernauts just charging through i was i was so afraid that the uh they heard the um toolbox close when that when that toolbox closed i'm like i'm dead all right we don't need keck tape anytime soon or the fire clean so we'll probably sell them um graphics card we're gonna hold on to that was stressful stressful um you know what we might hold on to the fire clean because it might be a little bit difficult later on to find because they have to go like labs is the main place to find fire clean motors we need for uh hideout upgrades alkaloid we don't need any any early um it's not really too difficult to get cigarette packets but we'll hold on them for now keep our dwink toothpaste we can sell aramid will hold on to it's raining as well so what do you want to do should we go somewhere like interchange now i'm trying to think i'm trying to mix it up too i don't want to just do the same map over and over again keck for 60 rounders are true true in this channel customs customs will just be death there is no point going customs yet like when we have the two shotguns then we'll go customs what about like how we have what's the best place to get these to lay was i think woods is the best place to get saliva's woods or um um was again moist reserved mid building's only good oh it's not only good if you've got the keys but it's a lot better if you've got the keys cross the layers uh i need fuel so that's the interchange if i'm going to go to interchange i need to take a backpack i could do and i know this sounds ridiculous i could go interchange and do a pc loot run just to sell the pc parts for money all right hang on a minute what do we need to get for these shotguns so okay elite pliers and screwdrivers so what if i started focusing on getting a leak pliers and screwdrivers right um we and we start trying to progress through the uh through the quest chain god damn leaf flies you can get elite pliers if we get all the other pliers level five just get unlocked scare which is factory i don't i don't know if i want to go factory we left the pair of elite players in right too no he didn't those different pliers remember to use the notepad true um are you gonna start off the snowball challenge um i'm all right at the moment i just feel like playing just normal hardcore maybe like tomorrow i'll start the day with the uh snowball are you allowed to climb the new year's gift and sell that stuff nah nah you start with nothing in hardcore the very first raid i didn't even take in a melee weapon which is definitely the safest i think so there's so many places to get meds now it's also honestly i have a lot more fun on woods these days i'm mostly just like i'm not wasting time here i'm just just taking time to think um all right if we go woods i think that i think i can't think of any other map that would work better or shoreline would shoreline or interchangeable sorry reserve of your maps because you want to go shoreline and reserve to get keys because whilst it's nice to have these keys right now imagine if we had like an orb key right now and then every single time we go to reserve we go to the orb room and get an ak look it's like a guaranteed ak every raid but right now we don't have any consistent way of getting guns there's never stashes which you know you can't get them pretty often but all right let's go should draw a chat you're getting that's my follower for the twitch contract uh doug harlow thanks for the prime oh my god it's raining which way do i want to go i'm pretty sure i need to go that way right that way what you can't hear me really i'm scared that's death there's water there i'm pretty sure the water's safe yeah that's the tower all right i know where i am all right all right do i need batteries for anything two double a and one d battery i'm safe he goes to nothing all right we need to go back to the utex slash now um busy kinds of things for eight months mate i hate i hate i hate peter fan uh when it's when it's really loud rain like this it's it's like so hard to like even think it's cozy it does let allow you to run around a lot more without having to worry about people hearing you was easy now people are usually here by now is the trooper here tube's normally right here we need them for a quest i can't see me getting the mount for that okay just had a wash he's happy all right let me go to the other one now [Music] miguel he wants a treat you guys are watching when we get the treats after it oh this is [ __ ] he's putting her head underneath my arm and shoving my arm up show me attention [Applause] oh what do we do we how much should we need these early on do i need that screwdriver i don't think we need the sugar at all do we it's really useless to us where did he come from holy crap oh my god i told you the rain makes it so you can't even hear people i hit him once oh i must hit him low damn love you pesky westy i don't don't want to play on an outdoor map while it's raining that much i honestly i have my volume really loud i can't hear anything damn that sucks though that really sucks he wasn't overly geared either uh we we uh can heal one death right and it cost us nothing because it's before level five right all right back to back to uh what gun do we use really you need headsets you need a helmet when it's raining hi guys welcome to my stream and without further ado dude thanks so much for the rank the uh rate i hope you had a great stream my turn racing uh fragrance224 thanks for 300 bits where did he come from where did he go why didn't you kill him cotton i joe i don't know man he strengthened her he just got the [ __ ] out of me because i was listening so intently where did he come from where did he go why did he kill you cotton eyed joe all right let's go let's go we have to restart we have to rebuild i don't want to go outside but shoreline's our best bet for getting like stashes and stuff done did you ever get a reward for using the pmc scavex track yes we did it was he gave rep and also um some really shitty items so um joey chillwood thanks for the two two 15 months as well man legend all right so we've got this gun it's gonna rack i want to go inside i could go reserve we could go reserve and camp somewhere and see if a player comes past us and we just destroy him um what else what are our other options factory is no good because we don't have a factory key i really want to get some keys and reserve and and reserve and uh shoreline are the best places for keys customs isn't too bad but if you get a bad spawn it's gonna be rough and it's outside we don't wanna go outside let's go [Music] [Music] all um let's go let's go also i um i'll run and i said it as i'm trying to get on top of the guys we were well behind what we're doing the s ft list so um you're getting that guy's got it for the twitch contract hey my dupes do you look stressed are you okay this is my face bro mr geron thanks for 15 months el donco thanks for three months hesterly moist pesterly moist pesterly moist pestly must how long do we wait pesterly bestialy just kills all the rest of me 40 minutes as long as we hate it sam would be so proud of you like father like son ru cry primarily i'd like to check all the jackets that would be the dream all right i'm gonna go into the bunker give it a scrap down there i can kill for some more gear oh so much quieter and more enjoyable nice job which is fine hunter ft gun all right we need some keys [Applause] uh i don't know yeah i don't know how i missed him must have been close we didn't trade he got me i didn't hit him once wow well i stopped paying for my heels now i didn't find a lot of success with um with reserve last time i did the hardcore that was free it was probably free when i started it it's not free to little tennis through to level five am i i don't know man that's two deaths in a row it's rough these things happen all right what do we got gun wise i still want to take down to what we got him [Music] um um let's go [Music] all right all right swam's not a bad place to start um this is the option we can push into the swamp and do the uh the hidden stashes over there and then go across to the actual village which is the option we're gonna take there's also a scav that's more to the left we could actually go left [ __ ] rain what can you guys actually hear me like i don't need to change my audio settings you guys can still actually hear me i'll try my best to talk directly into the microphone at all times so there's two scan spawns up here we'll try and take advantage of that the enormous is right here and then the other one's the uh the truck just up ahead it's on the outside of the mound here there's two no reason either that's not helpful far out that was missing a part of the rear sight right i did hit him twice well rough start rough start well not really like we've got a three bad raids in a row we just need to get that uh we just need to get that rhythm happening is your microphone still quiet shouldn't be it's not a bad start although we have had a lot of success i think i'm just thinking maybe we go something like interchange we're down to our last gun this is this is where it's going to be a little bit a little bit sketch um so i'm going to put i'm going to actually gear up for this one and just we have to we have to double down and kind of thing and try to make the most of it so um the objective here will be we'll go in and um i want to play slow and try and i want to scavenge if possible you can't use a scavenger if we lose this one then we're going to go back to uh gotta go back to um melee [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 587,679
Rating: 4.9419885 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: hq2stcU4DaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 1sec (6421 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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