Apostle Selman Live @RCCG The Oasis

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celebrate them amen was so blessed you know i said to them that what they shared was not just motivation you know motivation just can you know tingle and think you know just stir you up a little bit but it's revelation that transforms amen and then tonight [Music] when we don't have words again we say say i am amen what a gift say what a gift you know the thing i like about this man is the depth say the depth yet the clarity simplicity and precision precision in delivery i mean some people are deep when they finish preaching i don't even understand are so deep i don't know where we are amen amen i i say to people spooky and weirdness is not depth the deeper you are the simpler you become yeah i think so and the way a manner in which he delivers the world with such accuracy just rightly dividing the world not tilting to one end and you know he's just blessing the world massively and [Music] i'm glad to have him in the house i don't take it for granted he keeps coming and coming he doesn't need to come [Music] he didn't have to come but he's here tonight and we'll be here tomorrow [Music] so i want to get out of the way very quickly guys when are we having an offering tomorrow i mean um after the word what are we having therefore after the word you want us to shut it down so that he can just go if apostle starts with okay can we receive our offerings quickly yes so that i don't so that when he takes the mic he will share the grace amen do the altar call and share the grace so let's give to the lord if you've been blessed we're not asking you to give to pay the bills by god's grace the bills are paid we're asking you to honor the lord you know when you come to conferences like this sometimes pastors are under pressure to pay the bills all right but by god's grace we're not under pressure god's graces so as he's blessed you i want you to just give unto the lord i'm not going to be dramatic about it i'm not going to pull out the scripture to you know i know you love the lord and you would give generously so and the accounts numbers or numbers on the screen and if you're watching online i hear there's a sweeped code is there a suit code for them can you help um if you're on youtube i i guess they would just um display it so let's just give unto the lord honor him just celebrate him i'm just gonna wait another two minutes and we proceed because i don't want to come in let's give generously father we receive these offerings in jesus name thank you for blessing us thank you because you've given us all things pertaining to life and godliness thank you if you were hungry you won't ask us the cat will upon a thousand heels are yours so father we honor you tonight this is out of a love and hope thank you for giving jesus you will held nothing from us help us to not withhold anything from you in jesus mighty name amen are we are we done okay we're not done i'm sure what you are dropping is very massive amen what she has helped me when if we're done i'm in a hurry to get out of the way if you want to do checks make your checks be able to rccgd oasis and remember that we always encourage you to honor the vessels that that bless us as a church body we we honor them i'm i'm so big on honor you know and not just honor by mouth but indeed so we honor them with our substance and as the lord leads you we you had liberty to bless them you know individually okay multimedia just let's go with the introduction and then the next voice you would hear would be that of this apostle apostle joshua selman is a nigerian christian minister and the president of eternity network international eni a christian-based organization headquartered in zara nigeria eni has become a household name in the body of christ with thousands of people blessed by the work of the ministry apostle salman is the satman of koinonia organized by eni and he is widely known for his sincere love and passion for the body of christ apostle sermons meetings are characterized by great moves and manifestations of the holy spirit revelations of the christ imputations of the word working of diverse miracles deliverance healings signs and wonders his teachings have become a major tool for revival in the lives of individuals and ministries around the world in the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter is established apostle selman's friendship with the oasis is clearly not in doubt as this conference makes his third visitation regardless god is doing a new thing and we are convinced that we will be blessed more than ever before we are so grateful to have him as a friend of the house apostle sir the oasis loves you we honor you we celebrate you and with the joy of our lord jesus christ we welcome you to the international conference [Music] 2020 [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord let's celebrate pastor nathania what a gift what a gift to the body of christ hallelujah amen [Music] i continue to pray for the body of christ that will preserve the patterns of true worship [Music] and it's not just about singing there is a reserved spiritual formula that can capture the presence of god in a place and i want to tell you sincerely without any sense of bias that this is one man who has mastered the act of invoking the presence truly hallelujah when i when i stepped in i just closed my eyes usually there's an intense presence of the holy spirit and of angels i just [Music] get to that point of stillness and that's all i was doing and just soaking in by pure worship that is not stage managed excellent and sincere [Music] until we become serious with god our seriousness will remain evident to all around us that were just acting this thing when he holds this mic and blows the chauffeur it is clear that the man knows god and nathaniel thank you for being a gift to the body of christ i really really celebrate the entire team thank you sirs the lord bless you in the name of jesus spirit of the living god we pray that you bless our hearts tonight [Music] this is a conference you have so ordained by your wisdom and by your grace to lift us to help us to strengthen us and to bless us and we have come with open hearts oh they are ancient words changing me and changing you we have come [Music] with all of us one more time they are ancient words changing me [Music] [Music] changing [Music] i have come with all [Music] hallelujah please be seated god bless you isaiah 43 i pray in the name of jesus that what you are about to hear like personal already prophetically said i pray that it will matter to our destinies and that it will truly be a defining moment in the name of jesus isaiah 43 from where we got the theme for the conference we read verse 18 and 19. remembering not the former things neither consider the things of all he says behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it i will even make a way in the wilderness and reverse in the desert hallelujah the word of god captures the thoughts of god that means that when we study the word of god the word logos means the thoughts of god that seek expression not just the thoughts of god that are there just domiciled in him they are thoughts that are his contemplations but that it seeks expression so every time we study the word of god we are able to buy into the mind of god so we understand his ways the bible says we understand his methodologies the bible contains basically three things number one the bible contains promises promises god's commitment to man number two the bible contains principles his methodologies that god never or hardly does the same thing twice every time he does a thing once he creates a system around it so that we are able to make for continuity hallelujah and then the bible contains number three prophecies a revelation about the future so that it can give us hope hallelujah yes and so theologically speaking this was as a time where the nation of israel were under the captivity of the babylonians and now the prophet comes to give them a word of hope and he says remember not the former things verse 18 neither consider the things of old for behold i do a new thing now it's amazing that he did not just come to them and say ladies and gentlemen i am about to do a new thing look how look the construction of what he's saying he first starts with the old to introduce the new why would he not just say i am about to do a new thing believe me and you would have it but he said remember not the former things there is something about yesterday and its power and its ability to relieve itself in your mind now please look up god is about to do a new thing in the life of israel and the first place he goes to is their mind and their memory there is something about your mind that sustains an ability to interrupt what i want to do so let's work on it first demons were not mentioned satan was not mentioned yet it is deliverance about to happen please follow me we have a lot to deal with tonight remember ye not he's challenging an ability that is in every man he's challenging an ability that in every man is the ability to remember your memory is that powerful it can hold on to yesterday even when you are in tomorrow he's dealing with time here that life is divided into three phases are we getting blessed already there is the past there is the present there is the future please save time in the past [Music] the present and the future the past talks of the happenings they've gone with time and yet the memory of those events can remain in your mind then the present what is happening in time now and then the future what will happen with time and so he's saying that i am speaking to you now about something i will be doing tomorrow however we need to do something about yesterday so god addresses tomorrow by discussing yesterday are we blessed now remember not the former things this instruction is for two categories of people number one those who have experienced former things that are negative and destructive and then those who have experienced formal things that are positive and great regardless of what group he's still talking to you he's showing us that there is something about the consciousness of yesterday good or bad that sustains an ability to interrupt new things in the lives of men they don't have to be bad they don't have to be evil in fact theologically speaking what he calls former things when you read from commentaries they talk about things like the triumph of israel in egypt so he's not necessarily talking about something negative but he said look you are basking in the glory of yesterday and is blinding you from what i can do tomorrow so i need to do something about your yesterday now according to god's design of man we think in pictures we think pictorially are we together if i say orange your mind has an image if i say mango are we together if i say i'm rubber your mind will quickly draw someone i leave that to your creativity but your mind will guess and draw something that looks like evil are we together so our minds thinks in pictures and that there is your mind can exhibit magnetic properties that when it latches onto an image it becomes emotionally connected to it that even when you leave that sphere in time it will still hold on to it are we together now yes remember ye not the former things that means you are able to remember you can remember pain you can remember joy amazing that even death does not erode remembrance did you know that the parable of lazarus and the rich man seen one they were on earth seeing two they were outside the earth and yet there was perfect memory the rich man could see lazarus at the bosom of abraham and there were discussions happening he could feel pain he could remember what happened on earth and he was making reference to it in fact he said please can you go back to the earth to talk to my people memory is powerful it's a gift but it can be a weapon against you it takes memory to remember god it takes memory to remember his faithfulness it takes memory to remember details about our lives but that memory can be used by the devil to destroy us it takes memory to relieve your pain it takes memory to plant a seed of complacency and pride in you they are all memory dependent are we together now so he starts by saying remembering not the former things then he says neither consider now the word consider is a very very interesting word very very interesting word because he's not he's not merely saying don't ponder please give us romans 10 and verse 6. let me show you what it means to consider because your heart and your mind has a voice and there are contemplations that can happen within you the bible says but the righteousness which is of faith speak it on this wise say not where he didn't say think not it is not only thinking that happens in the heart talking also happens there that a discussion can happen within you that is living and alive the bible says say not in your heart who shall ascend to heaven now you will not hear physically but there is a contemplation going on are we together now it says remembering not the former things neither consider to sit and contemplate there are many people today please look up there are many people today who yesterday has held on to them the pain they and yesterday has a deceptive way of justifying mediocrity because many times it will give you reasons why you should not press it says this one thing i do you see that is a formula paul was also using it that this one thing i do the goal is to press but step one is to forget the things that are behind there is always something about the memory of yesterday no wonder god designed man to never be able to look forward and backward at the same time you will have to choose one i can put my leg in front and at the back but i cannot look forward and backward you either set your face like a flint or torn behind but in turning behind remember lord's wife it was looking back that destroyed her the instruction was to face forward the instruction was to be determined regardless of what your impulse is here behind forget about them but her passion of turning behind turned her into salt it was not about lord's wife these are mysteries in the spirit that if any man draws back my soul will not find pleasure in that man there is something about sustaining the stamina to wave goodbye yesterday i came tonight among other things that through the word of god god will supply us the grace to be able to stand and look at both your pain and your achievements and say i i enjoyed being with you but now there is more that is before me and that this one thing that i will do for getting the things that are behind hallelujah this was the reason why the man at the pool of bethesda could not receive for 38 years he had been accumulating memories of defeat and now when jesus came and said do you want to be healed he's speaking a man's future and the man took jesus back and said mister i've been here for 38 years every time i still have it in my mind that every time i want to the future is calling me the memory of something that happened will keep me there and jesus said i know what is wrong with you if i leave you you will remain here look i'm already speaking prophetically to someone you may never realize that that why you keep having visions and dreams of things that god is showing you a dream is is powerful because it is able to transport you into the future and yet you wake up and the past will hold on to you and many of us are so emotionally connected to the past you have not sustained the grace and the courage to wave it goodbye our lives and destinies are full of stories many justifiably so it took moses for getting egypt to meet the god of heaven moses who was being raised to be the next pharaoh moses who killed a man in egypt moses who was literally he ran away and when he got to the back side of the mountain he had to now begin to face and press for a new experience pastor i have learned by experience the destructive power of yesterday let me tell you what yesterday does now the mind is a very powerful spiritual mechanism that god built when god talks to you listen to him he knows what he built the mind you see scientifically speaking the mind does not know the difference subconsciously speaking between imagination and reality you know that is that true that's why you can think of something that happened and cry physically because your mind does not you can be watching a movie and they slap someone you are you are aware it is acting and yet you still cry because your mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination the moment that picture is constructed your mind believes it is alive now this is where satan who is the master of the flesh realm knows how to manipulate men every time you want to move forward he will take your mind back to the past and the past has an addiction to you it will not want to leave you the moment you begin to ponder on the past you give it power to relieve itself again when the bible says remember not he's not saying forget please look up it is impossible to forget what he's saying is kill the life-giving factor between you and yesterday it's impossible to forget there are events that you will remember as vivid and clear in fact if you forget you should see a doctor are we together now so his the idea is not take it out of your memory no the idea is sustain an intelligence in the spirit where you can look at your past and yet what gives it life to relieve itself is dead hallelujah so jesus can look at himself the one who walked upon the earth and never be moved by it because there is the one who sits upon the throne now are we together now yes he has never had to so enjoy what he went through that he said father i leave the throne now i think i want to return back he mastered the ability to preserve that story for our knowledge and our salvation when we want to know the one who sat upon the throne we must know the one who walked upon the earth but the story never ends there he's not ashamed to let us know he died but he also quickly reminds you he only died for three days and when he resurrected he stopped talking about his death he now focused on his ascension and his exaltation that's the complete story the past apostle i came from a family where i never had the opportunity to serve god and the devil continues to use that like an artist he paints a picture and magnetizes your mind to that past every time you are called spiritually and the holy spirit wants to ginger you to a new realm here comes the past justifying your laxity remember you came from a background where if you had the privilege of knowing god early oh person nathaniel i'm 40 years i'm not established it's not my fault i went to school late i agree but if you allow that it sustains an ability to continue to justify your mediocrity there is no failure who does not have an explanation that explanation is exactly why they remain failures let me teach you a law in the spirit is god blessing us i'm trying to be as simple as possible personal there is a powerful law that i found in the spirit that every time you pass blame you empower things by handing over both blames and responsibility to them i always found out how i always uh you know was was inquiring from scripture how satan became the god of this world let me tell you where it happened god comes to adam and says adam where are thou and adam said i heard your voice but i hid because i was naked next question you have been talking with someone who told you you were naked have you eaten of the tree and all of that and then adam would have said oh god i'm sorry i take responsibility because you have made me head adam said the woman god stopped talking to adam immediately he didn't talk to adam again till later he said woman he asked if the woman kept quiet she would have become the head of man immediately because man relinquishes authority to irresponsibility now he said woman what is this that you have done and the woman said the serpent when he came to the serpent the serpent kept quiet he didn't blame anybody so when jesus came to redeem man passed on earth while they were saying everything and accusing him he kept quiet you now see why he kept quiet he did not keep quiet because he didn't have an answer who will he now blame he was like a sheep before the slaughter silence is powerful it's proof of strength not weakness re-educate your mind spiritually we live in a talkative generation where we are under pressure to always speak i show you the power of silence it shows stamina in the spirit when you are still then you will know he is god are we blessed yes so we are discussing yesterday yesterday has the power to destroy today it has the power to destroy tomorrow so the bible says kill the power that connects you and yesterday there are many people is not failure that destroyed them is success that destroyed them but the success that was in there yesterday it is difficult to forget good things it's difficult to forget that they clapped for me yesterday something about man craves for the feeling of a celebrity lifestyle of greatness of achievement and yet in the economy of god if you must go further you will sustain an ability to forget about yesterday this is the mystery behind people who rise and then plateau at a realm and they are not back sliding but they are not moving forward and they are full of stories of what god did yesterday or he healed in 2017 i know there is a reason why the bible says jesus is the same yesterday today and forever to remind you that if all you know is that jesus of yesterday something is wrong there is still something he's doing today please hear what i'm saying i know you were part of the move of god yesterday but are you aware of what he's doing now are you aware of what he's doing across the world the danger of not following with what god is doing now it is always what god did before that fights what he's doing now it's not what satan is doing the last move of god is always what fights the current move of god and the next move of god this this has been established through history it's dangerous to be where god was it's dangerous to be where he was walking you need to know what he's doing now this was the mistake of john the baptist john was at the cutting edge of what the spirit of god was doing but for some reason through disalignment john went completely out of the program of god and by the time we get to the end of his life he's offended and angry looked for trouble there was no backing upon his life john the man who ordained jesus in ministry now sent and said go and ask him are you the messiah or we should expect another the past meet every great man you know in the spirit physically career-wise there are people who have overcome unimaginable past right in your city here men and women who once lived under the bridge today they have become objects of all and wonder you know why they sustain they will still tell you the story but they will laugh over what made them cry yesterday he will tell you that they have conquered the power there please in the name of jesus christ i pray over your life that you'll be delivered from the weapon of yesterday our lives are full of old memories old pictures old books old things all songs even god gets tired of all songs so he says sing unto the lord a new song even the wine he gives people there is new wine acts chapter 2 they said they were drunk with new wine not old wine is god blessing us so remember the prophecies i will do a new thing leave that one first that prophecy will become useless in your life if you don't do anything about the past apostle i'm unable to move forward because of what happened yesterday now i sympathize with the reality of yesterday do not misunderstand me i'm not downplaying the impact of what yesterday can do but it takes courage to be able to look at your yesterday and wave it goodbye the nation of israel became complacent because they were obsessed with the miracles that god did in the pattern of the red sea and so on and so forth and he told them he said i will do a new thing but those former things you have to forget about them i thank god for what he's doing in the life of joshua salman i thank god for what he did but personally sincerely my eyes is set like a flint spirit of the living god what are you doing across the earth what is that role that you would have me play in this season not what was i doing no one of the most dangerous statements in the bible is underwine finished the old wine finished the wedding in cana the wine that was made yesterday finished and yet the feast was still going on there was no wine yet churches were still being built there was no wine yet conferences were still happening and the wine finished and then in the congregation certain disciples started discerning something is wrong with this feast there is no wine and they came and met mary and mary took them to jesus jesus said leave me keep doing your things the wine has finished keep doing your things and mary said no whatever he tells you to do do and he said all right if you're looking for new wine there needs to be washing fest it will start as water before it will become wine it can't just become wine like that because something must happen to the vessels let there be the washing of the water first that that washing away of the old and the bible says as they filled the pot with water while they were moving with the water the water started changing to wine remembering not the former things remembering not the pain of yesterday remembering not even the success of yesterday be careful when you over celebrate results there is there is a threshold there is an allowable unacceptable uh what will like a benchmark if you cross it it starts killing you immediately good things can kill it is not only evil things that kill you i pray the prayer and and i'm sharing my heart in this conference sincerely i pray the prayer passed on earth years ago i said lord may i never truly see the full extent of my impact in the lives of men and nations it is not necessary i checked the equation of success and i found out knowing the full extent of your impact is not really necessary just give me a token enough to make me grateful and to motivate me and god answered that prayer is a prayer that has helped me tomorrow do you know the ancient kings because of the way they were so exalted they would win lands and acquire land properties and all of that they were purported to be gods and over the years every time a king said it was god god would judge them whether archived in scripture or not there are many extra biblical texts that have these things god would judge them immediately and then they devised the formula to help themselves they had an array of people who would always cry before the king you are a man you are a man that's the assignment like you have a king seated but then there is an entourage aside from those who sing and dance aside from those who bring food to the palace there are those who continue to remind him because at that state it is possible to forget success can be dangerous it's not failure that produce failures is success that produces failures the dry bones in the valley of ezekiel were not always bones remembering not the former things remembering not both the successes and the failures ultimately they are in the past they have equal ability to destroy you now for many people we have trained ourselves to just remember the good parts and throw away the bad or the evil parts i can tell you that both success and failure can operate as the same with the same efficiency as far as satan is concerned in destroying you if he looks for something evil and he does not find it he will use something good like your compassion and still kill you provided it is in the past yesterday is dangerous it can hold you it can draw you you can enjoy the euphoria of yesterday that you do not even need tomorrow again and god says thank god for the miracles you have seen but do you know i can take you higher and you say lord you mean i should allow this i am enjoying i prayed for 100 people and only five people were healed at least the five people are fine they've been testifying and god says do you know in your destiny a day should come when your shadow will even be healing the sick but something about the comfort of yesterday can destroy tomorrow point number two tonight very quickly remember you're not the former things no consider the things of all verse 19 says behold i love jesus i love the word of god the logos of god now he's dealt with your mind and he's shown you that time can be an advantage and a disadvantage that yesterday can be a blessing but if you give it life it can kill you then he now says behold everybody say behold don't worry about what you are beholding just let's discuss beholding behold means conceiving your spirit as true what i'm about to say it doesn't just mean be aware he's still speaking to your mind behold behold behold behold psalm 36 and verse 9 let me tell you what it means to behold to behold means now that you have forgotten about yesterday your next assignment should be a quest for light behold because you do not see in darkness he is now dealing with sight he is now dealing with illumination this is the entire process that leads to a new thing he conquest yesterday and then he now tells you let's walk on your site let's work on your perception let's work on your illumination it says for with thee is the fountain of life then it says in thy light shall we see light genesis chapter 1 the bible says in the beginning i want to show you the consistency of this formula in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth now that that genesis 1 verse 1 was a summary he's just giving you an information so that you will be in context that god is a creator and he created the heavens and the earth but then personally something happened in verse two we know it theologically speaking it's called the gap theory are we together the judgment of lucifer and the fallen angels led to the chaos it made the earth without form without void and darkness was upon the face of the deep it stopped there and one day god said i cannot continue to look at a dark earth like this i still have my purposes we have to forget about this darkness and we have to fold this dimension of time away and the spirit of god watch this the spirit that searches the mind of god now hovered around the face of the waters and verse 3 the first thing god said is let there be light not sunlight sunlight was created in day four this light is god's life-giving factor without this creation cannot happen light when you forget about the former things then you have to begin to reorient yourself based on the word of god to alter your perspectives to begin to see properly he said what cs thou and he said an elementary said you have sinned correctly you can see wrongly are we together now the power of light the power of sight psalm 119 and verse 30 130 psalm 119 and verse 130 the entrance of thy words gives what light not information light and then it gives understanding unto the symbol so just forgetting about the past and killing the life of yesterday is not enough i must begin to search for light the labor dimension of success look please look up the reason why success is so difficult is not necessarily achieving success that is difficult it is the label of acquiring sufficient light to dispel darkness if we off the light in this place you still have a phone but the light in your phone cannot suddenly brighten this place it is light but not enough to create the illumination we need you need a dimension a depth of inside you need to see so visibly and so clearly for a new thing to happen to you many people have trusted god for grace to deal with yesterday but they are unable to move into tomorrow because you become what you see jacob taught us that even for animals if he wants to change their physical configuration he does it by doing something to their perception when the lord came to gideon he didn't say oh weak man who is hiding come out of there god has come in fact it's always in the character of god or when angels appear they say fear not but now this time around he says he called him a mighty man of valor this is a man who is hiding god was already changing his perception the miracle of transformation through light is a miracle that is needed for anybody who wants to remain an achiever the miracle of correct perception there is a way you are so enlightened that the consciousness of what you are looking at becomes bigger than yesterday you will never even have a reason to turn back it says if you turn aside in the day of battle your strength is small that means if you continue going forward facing forward and fighting is signed that you have strength and capacity is god speaking to us behold behold oh great worshiper behold forget about the embarrassment on the stage in january where you went on stage and you forgot the song that you are about to sing and it looked like god didn't call you yet it's amazing that after that embarrassment you go back to sleep and god will never discuss what happened you say you wake up and then i will show you what will happen in the next five years and you are saying but god god does not listen to those bots he is so forward thinking he does not have time to discuss that rubbish [Music] this is god for you so he now says oh great worshiper and while he's saying that yesterday staring at you when you are rehearsing and you hold the mind you remember how you fell you remember how you sang rubbish you were off key you were not even aware someone had to tap you to say what is going on did you rehearse now let me tell you this the past has a dangerous way of using its image this is one of the reasons why god also helps you by moving people who knew you he takes you away from people who knew you because sometimes seeing them will remind you this is what happened to rahab the prostitute you think she was doing the prostitution with herself there were people there and he said kill everybody who knew this woman because she will become the great grandmother of jesus lest someone who still is aware of our history destroys her tomorrow let them all die because i'm starting afresh so god takes you listen it is very usual in the character of god to take you away from people who have the mindset he's trying to deliver you from he will take you away from that environment he's a proper spiritual quarantine in fact let me tell you this god has a way of ensuring whether you like it or not that you get out of that space they don't have to be evil people some of them are your family members so he will disguise you through service nyc others will make sure they promote you to a region listen did you know that many of the people who knew us who only celebrates the finnish version of us they cannot stand the process and because god is walking on you someone who knew yesterday will come and clap his hands and say wonders will never end so you two you are in this thing and you feel stupid for loving jesus christ so he separates you there is a reason why jesus ran away from home and was at the temple when the father and the mother came he said look i love you people but i came to save you just if i remain with you i can't save you there are times that the way god helps you to save those you are crying for is to take you away from them because the mentality listen to me the mentality that they have you have it corporately as a group or as a family and no matter how well meaning you are you cannot solve problems at the mindset that created it so he will take you away are we together he will take you to an environment where nobody knows you nobody would laugh at the english you are speaking where nobody will remind you with the nickname of your primary school where nobody will associate you with the memory of yesterday i'm showing you this because some of you this is the season you are in you are roaming around lagos and say i don't know anybody and god said you better decide why you are here that you don't know anybody is a great advantage if you prayed in tongues among those who knew you they say when did you start this one so he took you away because he's more interested in the edification of your spirit and he knows that within that circle it will not give you expression listen many of us have come from backgrounds where they pounded it in your head that they didn't believe in you and you wouldn't become anything let me tell you it is difficult to evolve in the midst of those who know you they may be sincere you yourself will be embarrassed and so god takes you and now when he isolates you he will start showing you something else until that time moses had only seen pharaoh moses had only seen witchcraft and wizardry in egypt now moses is about to behold something new a burning bush i've never seen this a bush that is burning but never consumed and god did not flush it and take it away he kept it there and moses started seeing something new and when moses said i will turn aside to see this great side he said finally i got your attention take off your shoes your old experience take up this was the shoes you came from egypt with take away that experience and that formula i want to do a new thing but i can't do it with this your shoes on take off that experience for where thou standest is holy ground and he began to show moses some things hallelujah are we blessed remember not the former things behold someone prophesy to your spirit say behold my spirit man see what god is saying see what god is saying that as weak as you look he's still calling you the great hear me you are seated here and yet he calls you that prophet that will bless nigeria and while he's telling us our god where are the joshua salmons that uh some of us have said don't say that there is a space for you in destiny there are souls that the joshua sermons and the nathaniel basses will not save they will preserve for you it says all that you have given me i have kept and known is lost except the son of perdition and this that scripture be fulfilled listen there is a level of confidence not arrogance confidence that comes when you behold when you stay with god long enough he indoctrinates you it is not truth that creates conviction is repetition repetition of anything even a lie will become your conviction so you need to stay listen if you stay five minutes with god and two hours with mediocre you will not look like god there is a reason why moses stayed for 90 days god would have said okay when i finish the commandments i will call you say moses come and be a must in this presence you have been with a stiff-necked people for a long time please understand these patterns moses you can't save them you are sincere but you are also like them you are just a little above them so let me take you to my presence and he stood there and watched the hand of the ancient of days right he watched the goodness of god pass suddenly he started having the impulses of god is called beholding the bible says if you truly behold the litmus test is you are changed we are going there as we behold him if it is true that you behold him you can never be the same never be the same khali barakusiata never be the same as we behold him in worship we are changed my weakness is being exchanged for his strength as i behold him my timidity believing that you cannot become anything oh my mother is a farmer you are not even you are not even happy to be associated with them you've called your father your uncle because you are ashamed and yet while you are beholding week after week the oasis while the worship is going on you are kneeling down suddenly visions it looks like what did i just see i saw myself on stage talking to people that is a joke first you will not believe it and then the holy ghost keeps flashing that vision like the burning bush you are beholding beholding does not happen just in one quiet time you are joking it can take you five years to behold and god will mark time there till you behold because when you behold the next thing that happens is you will see a new thing so it is the beholding that takes time please find a way of believing what i'm teaching you tonight yes so i can sing and they give you the mic and suddenly you raise your voice and someone comes to say i was blessed that testimony you are beholding a new you and pastor nat says i decided there is a grace on you and you are flattered and your yesterday still wants to come but the courage of today and tomorrow is killing yesterday suddenly you now begin to believe i can be a worshiper i can be once in a while your friends will call you and say i saw you on tv he said that there are no worshipers in nigeria that you held the mic that is that is a demon spirit speaking through your yesterday 90 percent of anger is jealousy so they remind you and you say no no i know what i'm doing in the name of jesus while you are rehearsing you are watching videos you are beholding you are studying scripture i will make you the head and not the tale you are beholding the discipline beholding is not something you use your eyes alone to do you use your you immerse yourself in a new you until you become it the discipline of the training the constraints is beholding this is where many believers cheat themselves pastor we think beholding is just merely wishing no while you are fasting and praying oh dear young man he told you you will become an apostle and a pastor and a prophet to the nations nobody has invited you yet printing invitation cut is foolishness just behold shaba kataba rakatusky you buy a concordance instead of a trainers while you are studying listen to me you are beholding one day god grants you grace 20 000 you buy a small guitar you are beholden suddenly you are so obsessed with where you are going that where you are coming from you start even forgetting yes you are in that one room but you are giving your heart the nations will hear me the nations who hear me see let me tell you this in every man's destiny there is something called the season of appearing until then sit down and behold sit down and behold if the animals in laban's house could be changed by looking at wood your destiny can be changed when you look at the right thing i'm speaking to someone here oh rejoice not over me my enemies i am beholding i am beholding looking unto jesus he says this one thing i do forgetting the things that are behind i press onto the mark of the high calling looking up to jesus he is author finisher of my faith ask any great man they will tell you they knew that one day the nations would celebrate the hand of god upon their lives you ask your pastor he will be humble about it and you say the grace of god is true but probe the dynamics of his rising and he will tell you i won't lie to you god gave me grace but i know what i did i spent time beholding beholding as you watch videos for hours and hours you are beholden you are praying in the spirit you are beholden listen to me yes sir leave clothes live flashy things everything that follows you is as a result of what you believe the signs follow them that believe so anything that follows you is what you have believed if wrong things are following you they are a report card to what you believe don't drive them change what you believe they will leave [Music] if poverty and failure mediocrity is following you it's an attestation to what you believe are we together this one thing i do i behold when people are sleeping 2 a.m you get up young lady why are you getting up because i've seen catherine kuhlman too many times in my visions and the lord told me that there are mantles of such kind that are in the earth just wishing and claiming and kneeling down in front of anointed people for double portions you would you would disgrace your destiny that way you need to settle down and behold someone prophesied to yourself say behold i please mean it say behold turn it into a prayer and one minute behold behold sha allah joshua sermon behold behold higher dimensions of kingdom relevance behold higher dimensions of power and grace remember ye not the former thing you came for a conference that will change your life [Music] someone is prophesying behold i know they are clapping for you thank god for the applause what keep you holding your continuity depends on your beholding [Music] remember not yesterday but behold let me give you a disclaimer there are consequences for beholding i wish i can tell you beholding will be nice you will receive a whiplash for beholding concentration has a consequence when friends call you and say where are you and you say i'm sorry i have a new project over my destiny i'm thinking of my children and what my father could not give me a vow to give them and so i'm paying the price to behold you will be misunderstood can you stand the conflict that comes with beholding can you stand the conflict some of you you will not need this message now this message is waiting for you in your future a day will come you will run and look for this tape you will say wow this is what apostle was saying beholding beholding everyone is sleeping and then the holy ghost wakes you and says if they are sleeping and you are sleeping to who is the savior stand up it's time to behold and you sit on scripture and you are praying behold behold while you are praying he's saying behold there are he continues to cut away your appetites and your conveniences you want to play and also hang out with friends and he says no this is the price for beholding let me tell you how you know you are truly beholding someone must be angry enough to pass a comment and say are you all right that is a validation that you are beholding well they're called elijah the troublemaker of israel they call the disciples they that turn the world upside down there has to be a name that is a report card beholding is hard i submit to you you will cry but still behold sometimes you will be alone for a long time continue beholding some of you are in this stage right now so i'm talking to you you are wondering oh god five years you've not said any new thing about my life it says you are beholding beholding is hard very hard beholding is not something you do with one month of emotional bible study and fasting and prayer and you just feel it's done those are just the initial processes you will behold till you are immersed in that burning bush all of a sudden one day as a worshipper you go to worship as usual and then a song comes from heaven that is the one song you don't need three just one is the song that will start giving you visibility that one will not be composed it's the testament of beholding one day a message will come god knows how to announce those who have really really spent time beholding they will give you the mic and say uh brother just round up this prayer meeting and god will line up your destiny help us in front of you and then you now say let's close this service and his majesty who has supervised your training will honor you in aware manner that that becomes a springboard the way you will start running you will run so fast you would thank god for the times god did not move you see don't worry seasons you will miss what you are rushing away from today i assure you don't worry seasons seasons have their timing what you are running away from today you will turn back tomorrow and you will miss it it's true today you hear personality come up with new songs new songs the song you just sang now i was in i think i was in the east when i had it in the car that they were taking me i said ah this man has come again this man has come again it looks like there is an endless fountain let me tell you this by the grace of god and with all humility i have a very busy shadow and i know that there are certain things subtle wealth if you don't dig before the journey starts you will die on the way the sheer demand on the grace of god upon your life you will need to dig a very deep fountain that hits that spiritual aquifer where water keeps coming is it is an oasis where you preach three five ministrations in a day then you have your own then you preach another one i tell you in two months you'll finish all the summons that you have prepared you will find yourself repeating yourself everywhere until people say okay we have we thank god for this the gift that you have remaining ever fresh is a testimony that you beheld well [Music] you have seen correctly someone said i will see correctly i came to challenge you tonight we're going to pray remember you're not the former things that's going to be our first prayer point we have to pray the spirit that makes yesterday become today there is a wicked spirit that makes the yesterday of people to become today that's what is responsible for patterns i can almost predict negatively and say you will be like his father he will be like his mother because yesterday is looking for attention don't give it attention if yesterday latches on to you tonight you are going to break away from it yes i was in a wrong relationship two years ago so what god is already doing great things in my mind and while he's speaking to you that you will not only be a great wife and a great mother you will mentor and raise others yesterday comes yesterday once you invite yourself into your destiny you must learn to shut the door and say this one thing i do forgetting the things that are behind i press prophesy say i press one more time say i press [Music] behold this is my reality everything around my life was engineered to ensure i behold my house does not have anything negative that can take me to yesterday i edited my house intentionally the worship songs insist that i behold what i study insists that i behold when you come to my house you have to be willing there is an agreement you sign from outside that i will honor the atmosphere i meet and not disrupt it if you are going to disrupt my atmosphere i love you i respect you but whatever is an interruption to my beholding there are destinies attached to that beholding do you have the discipline or you want a good name everywhere someone comes up with an atmosphere you've been laboring from january till november and someone just comes up with an atmosphere no i'm beholding you are sleeping worship you're waking up with scripture while you are sleeping this and people say what is happening to you suddenly you will find out that something begins to happen to you you are listening to a message and you sleep and you continue in your sleep there is a there is a merging of your mind and your spirit something is happening to you you start making mistakes like bless you you want to say come and before you know it you are saying bless you all the bible said you are trying to say somebody said something is happening to you positively you are being immersed the implication of your beholding they beheld jesus till they look like him have you noticed a mystery that happens with couples that when they stay long enough they start looking like one another it's something science has not been able to explain it's a spiritual mystery the same way when you see people who are part of a ministry or part of a man of god for beholding and robbing of that grace it's not just about talking like the people they literally their physical fashion starts to change show me who you look like and i can tell you where you have been spending your time you can look like the holy ghost because he has a form you can talk like him when you hear him enough everything about your life should point us back to where you spend your time hallelujah behold i will do a new thing we'll discuss that tomorrow i want us to pray i will do a new thing i will show you something very please do not miss tomorrow whatever price you will have to pay i will show you god's commitment he said even if it means making a way in the wilderness once you play your part as far as doing a new thing is concerned leave that to my ability i am a master over chaos i know how to turn yesterday into tomorrow one last scripture and then we'll wrap up second corinthians 4 palusabiatos second corinthians 4 from verse 16 to 18. second corinthians 4 please read with me if you can see it ready one to read for which course we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day for our light affliction which is but for a moment walk it for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory stop there let me explain that scripture before we go to the next everything you are going through no matter how heavy god calls it light our light affliction do you know what this means the constraints that you have to go through on your journey to evolving to to become that which god has destined for you to be he already gives you a hint that it's not just going to be a smooth journey there are some things you don't pray away you receive grace to pass through them isaiah 43 and verse one and two he says fear not i have redeemed you i have called you by name you are mine then he says when you pass through the waters i will be with you through the river it will not overwhelm you it says when you walk through fire not pass when it has to do with fire you don't run you walk through it because there are things it has to burn so you will there is already a timing to it no matter how you want to rush you will have to walk and it will have to prune you i have redeemed you and called you by name you are mine but it does not excuse the things you will go through while you are in that fire he still says you are still mine you are still mine but pass through it for the sake of the purposes of god let's go back to that scripture ii corinthians it says for our light affliction which is but for a moment that it walketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory read 18 if you're a christian while we look not at the things which are seen stop stop you went to school read that thing again how do you look not at the thing that is seen this is seen and the bible says there is a way i can refuse to look at it and yet i'm looking at it it does not have to disappear for me to stop seeing it there is a technology i'm teaching you something now that there is a way god can help you that there are things around your life and yet you don't see them color parrot theater things that are seen i can look not at it pain challenges bills negative things around me they are physical they are real the landlord's call is not in the realm of the spirit it comes physically your phone is bearing witness but the bible says there is a way you can look not if if you can succeed in getting this key tonight we have done well look not how do i close my eyes from something obvious how do i close my eyes from something clear the devil is lying to you that the blood condition you have the medical condition you have that you will not be able to solve you cannot solve the purposes of god with this genotype with this blood group and the bible says while we look not at the things which are seen there are two things he's teaching us here this is our this one is not homework this is now work we're going to do it now number one i must teach you how to look at things look not at things which are seen something must happen to your eyes tonight that you can stand in the midst of what kills other people and you act like it's not there you have master this is not pretending it's a higher technology in the spirit so you can still be singing when there is nothing to sing about and they say what are you doing i'm taking my eyes away from the things that are seen and then the second thing we are going to learn tonight it says we must learn to look at the things which are not seen number one you must make the physical realm invisible and then you can make the invisible realm visible are we blessed your tomorrow is not yet visible but you can see it instead of seeing your today that is visible this is very powerful so you can get to that point where you are already living in your tomorrow possessed by the reality of that which men call unseen that's what makes you to laugh alone you are in your room and you begin to laugh alone because in that room you're in a crusade ground it's only your neighbors that think you are in that room the truth is that your mind left that room longing as do you know years ago we have our boys quarters the family house and i would go to the boys quarters and hold a stick and be preaching and believe me i'm not in the boys quarters oh yes sir i'm preaching powerfully i'm sensing the anointing of the spirit i move to blocks and i'm saying give me your hands in the name of jesus rise up and walk watch this i stand before the god of heaven i never knew that my mother used to hide somewhere and watch me it was in the future she said let me tell you something one day i came to do something and suddenly i'm looking at a madman who is preaching i'm not talking of acting i'm preaching with all my heart i didn't know i was in the cave of abdullah i was [Music] that was where i started learning the mysteries of the anointing i would be ministering the power of god will come upon me nobody to lay their hands on nobody to minister and i would just close my eyes and i'm there for hours and hours acting like a fool i was mastering the art of looking at the things that are unseen i never saw blocks i never saw a stick i saw a generation tonight if you will take your eyes away from that which has pegged your growth through the sorrow and the pain [Music] i lift my hands to honor you that's the part i want us to sing because your word is true i lift my hands to honor you because your word is true one more time i lift my hands to honor that when he says it he does it [Music] listen pastor not you did not rehearse this trumpet on stage it was in places where people will never believe some of us went to forests and shouted there like mad men praying and talking to ourselves believing we were talking to angels and because we were convinced they came god takes serious people serious listen to me you can be in your room and while you are baking there in your mind you are preparing you are serving kings i know your pot is black i know you cannot afford any other thing and yet you are giving it diligence and heaven is bearing that record you get up and you are praying you get up and you are diligently following you are watching the videos you are praying sometimes you cry because it's painful your tears should not stop you it should only reassure you that if you cried then you will laugh there are bills pounding your head and you say in the name of jesus i know that one day i may not be able to pay my rent now but i'll build homes for people for the glory of the name of the lord i may not be able to buy an instrument now but in the name of jesus i will set up a worship academy and i will mentor people to preserve the art of worship i know that today i may not be able to preach to the crowds but i can speak let me learn to speak to the realm of the spirit first before i speak to men because if you only can speak to men you are not powerful you must know how to speak to the realm of the spirit so he starts training you by speaking to yourself do not be embarrassed and ashamed of your training is someone ready to pray please rise up on your feet [Music] for you are glorious and worthy to be praised [Music] our hands [Music] father break the power of yesterday over my life i desire to move forward please lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray someone is praying this is oasis international conference is someone praying remember not the former things do not over meditate on the victories of yesterday do not over meditate on the pain and the limitations of yesterday both of them have the power to destroy you if you allow them someone is praying [Music] your pain can bring discouragement your victories can bring complacency lift your voice and pray i remember not in the name of jesus i remember not someone is praying salah barathashia yes i failed yesterday but i remember not yes i succeeded yesterday but i remember not [Music] yes i was applauded yesterday but i remember not [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it says and sarah considered not the deadness of her womb she considered not to consider is to bring together all the facts that can negate what god has said god said i will give you a house you now wrote the name of all your uncles and said none of them is rich you are considering [Music] god said by this time next year you will have triplets you now go and you are reading how to have triplets and you didn't see anything there that you can do you are considering there are times you have to close everything and just say this is we're talking jesus here let every other name fade away [Music] prayer point number two behold conceive us a reality master the art of seeing the unseen realm oh you may laugh at me today but the spirit of god is walking when god gives you his word you hold it and run with it you run like a madman they may not believe you but i know whom i believe and i am persuaded persuaded persuaded listen while praying prayer point number two self time in the name of jesus i declare every negative image standing before me standing before my destiny i come against you now by the power of the world lift your voice and pray i know the bills are there i will be responsible over them but i refuse to see them i know the amateurism is there i will keep pressing but i refuse to say all i see is the glory of god all i see is the beauty of destiny someone is [Music] praying pray over your music ministry pray over the prophetic ministry pray over the apostolic ministry i choose to say i choose to see wash my eyes with eyeshadow that i may see i see i see i see please look up isaiah chapter 6 and verse 1 in the year that king uzziah died i saw something must die for you to see in the year that my limitation died i saw in the year that my yesterday died i saw lift your voice whatever needs to die for me to see oh god in the name of jesus let it go let it die let it give way my failure my past my limitation my achievement whatever needs to die for me to see isaiah saw the lord in the year that king usa hallelujah look up please one king had to die for another king to be seen he was not a servant that died one achievement must die for you to see the next achievement you don't see two kings at the same time choose usia or choose the lord choose the achievement of yesterday or choose a more superior and great achievement if i were you i will wave yesterday goodbye with such determination that i will never turn back again turning back at yesterday to admit to a fault is mocking god saying lord your best is behind me it means you can never do something before me please listen to me i know that there's a covet while observing the robot in the next one minute as you are praying prophetically i want to be moving forward and make steps by faith and stop prophesying in the name of jesus i behold i behold someone is prophesying you are walking i behold in the name of jesus i behold by discipline i behold my study i behold by endurance are you prophesying i refuse to remain stagnated oh i behold oh i behold in the name of jesus who is the christ of god i behold i live this current realm spiritually i leave this current realm financially i live this current realm ministerially to a higher dimension a more superior dimension hallelujah please return back to your seat while rounding up i have about five minutes luke chapter 15 from verse eight jesus spake many parables when he was in the earth look at this very parable it's called the parable of the lost coin let me show you something either what woman having ten pieces of silver the bible says she loses what one piece she does not like it can do that's the first thing she does to find what is missing you don't just say where is it the first thing you need is light the second thing you need is a boom there will be an effort on your own part to sweep the house i know it's somewhere i know my greatness is in lagos i don't know where yet but at least i know the reason the bible says the first thing you do is to light a candle lord what have you said the second thing is to use boom you know what that means is determination determination you you i know the region that's how many of us are i know i'm called but i've not exactly found my place today i think i'm an evangelist next tomorrow i think i'm just a missionary and then i prophesied once they call me prophet now i'm not even sure you're already within the vicinity what you need is light a candle i sing but i have not yet understood my pattern of grace and worship for now i'm just copying people around and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't a candle it can do this what god is speaking to someone right now this is how we become masters in the spirit you hold a candle and you trust god for a broom and start sweeping it is a hard thing to sweep but while you are sweeping lord i know it is somewhere as i buy the books i'm sweeping as i buy the materials i don't know which of them will bless me but i'm sweeping i know that god has called me into the worship ministry i buy all pastor nathaniel cds all of them i know one of them has a revelation i don't know which of the songs will bless me so i'm not taking the risk i buy all of them i went to preach somewhere and one of the fathers of faith was also ministering there and he came with his books and so while we were talking at the lounge he said apostle um you know i have the books i was asking him about it and he said i will give you a discount i say me i'm well trained enough to know that i will not collect a discount as a young man from a father of faith no way i will not destroy my destiny i told my protocol i said from top to bottom just gather the books like that go and keep it for me first in my house i know there is something i need for the next level of my life is in that book are you learning how to sweep you don't sweep just a portion you sweep the whole house is that true have you not swept and found things in unexpected places when you sweep well you a coin is small but it's precious so you must sweep well you're going to pray for grace lord the grace to light my candle and the grace to be diligent as i sweep the grace to be diligent as i sweep i sweep through studies i sweep through sacrifice sown seeds to men of god but i will also sow to the man of god i know that one of them has the anointing i'm looking for i don't know which of them but i continue to sweep i sweep with wisdom i sweep with understanding that coin must come out i will not lose it i will not lose destiny i obtained grace someone obtained grace you have one minute to do this the grace to sweep the dress to sweep my music ministry the grace to sweep my prophetic ministry till i find ancient treasures hallelujah let me tell you something and i'm speaking by the grace of god god has granted me by his mercies the privilege to discern anointings graces and mantles is something that god gave me and put in me i can look at a man and know the grace is carrying most of us the graces were carrying did not start with us they are older than us we are carrying very very ancient things on our heads i remember every time i listened to bob fitz don muen i said what is the mystery why don't their songs die there is something [Music] only god knows what they swept to find something that david had that still makes us sing his songs till now only god knows what they swept that made them to find the songs of miriam that even in heaven will still sing can i tell you this and i stand before the god of heaven this man you see carries one of those ancient mysteries that makes things do not die it's true i'm not saying it just because i'm preaching here i fear the lord i have descended upon [Music] pastor nathaniel the grace that many of these veterans of the gospels song dead and alive is something on him when that grace comes on you except you are not alive you will never die it's impossible to phase out i'm sharing with you mysteries it's not just enough to be relevant you must be long-lasting and you are not just long-lasting based on efforts because times change technology changes but when you find some people consistent there is something upon them i'm still saying it again i'm giving you an assignment by the spirit you need to go back to sleep some of us may be lazy enough that's why we have not found anything get that boom by the spirit light that can do sweep sweep through those songs there are some of his songs that have been in my car only god knows how many times i've listened to them a whole journey we start listening to it maybe interrupt just to listen to some things and then one time you would just hear something his name is yahweh yahweh there was a time i sang that song for over maybe two weeks just that part it's not every part of the song that will bless you because the songs are ladders when you find the ladder that is for you you can stay with one one verse and that's it you will keep singing it like a madman someone will say let me teach you the other stanza you say i know it i'm climbing a ladder please take what i'm saying seriously when you see certain ministers just keep quiet for a while then come out from another dimension let me tell you what they were doing they were sweeping after you have stretched yourself and done so much and it looks like they are exhausting your grace this is the ancient secret we find lost things lost energy lost passion lost vigor it is in the room but it is in god's wisdom to hide things you show how serious you are by searching it apostle i'm trusting god for a worship ministry like that of this man let me tell you how to search i wish i had time many of us i submit to you and please don't be offended the level of seriousness that greatness demands we're not willing to pay for it no you can be casual and passive no sir i told you in my house now there are books like this and you'll be surprised i will finish those books before the end of this year behind every glory there is a story it's not just god blessing people you ask demons ask angels because all of them are witnesses [Music] please one more time lord the grace to sweep if this is all you have learned tonight that if i want to see a new thing in my life i obtain the grace to sweep i sweep from experts i know it's in the room that anointing is within my vicinity the grace for worship the grace for business and entrepreneurship the grace for leadership i don't know specifically where it is but he told me he's in that room so i light my candle and i obtain grace to sweep through sacrifice through diligence the bible says for everyone that seek it find it everyone that secret find it hallelujah just a minute i have a minute i'm going to speak over your life and as i go back to sit please can you sing that song the last song that your latest song i'm not yo but forgive me yes that song so just just prepare them when i speak over your life and then you sing that song can i pray for you you can only give what you have you are not receiving an impartation of anointing this night leave that for tomorrow what you are receiving is a hunger the hunger that produces the discipline and the consistency [Music] personality is already standing here with this trumpet listen something prophetic is going to happen here please believe that i have decided that there is something that happens over this it's not an instrument it's a weapon [Music] i want to pray some of you after this conference believe me this night as you are going home you just go unlock the door and sit down carry your notebook and start writing things about destiny and say i'm i'm tired of waiting for god to move i'm tired of saying things will change one day go better lord you called me it is my responsibility to make my calling and my election sure therefore i sit down some of you will go to the book stand immediately after this and say please give me all personal not worship from first time till last and you sit with it tonight put it in a flash and you are praying in tongues for hours you make up your mind that sleep will not touch my eyes again until i pray every day minimum one or two hours is a discipline you are sweeping i know that praying in tongues brings the anointing i don't know what dimension of tongues but i will sweep all of them i will play in the spirit i will bring understanding one day as i sweep i will collide with a grace for a generation i speak over your life the grace and the power from heaven khali sarratus yatakata that empowers men and supplies the discipline to press till you emerge may that grace rest upon you now [Music] every voice coming from your yesterday and interrupting what the spirit of god is doing today and tomorrow right now we bury that voice forever in the name of jesus the christ of god and i pray for you whatever has beclouded your vision the bible says without fish on the people cast off restraint i pray dream dreams receive visions tonight because you're not books some of you left the notebooks where the holy ghost used to teach you things is now three years all the way from you after tonight go and carry those notebooks again it's time for the lecture to continue in the name of jesus christ and i pray for you that everything that wants to interrupt your focus everything that wants to the comfort and the pleasure that you are afraid to give up for the excellency of what is greater i supply grace for you in the name of jesus christ it will cost you but obtain grace from god to go through knowing that in the end of it is a far more exceeding weight of glory in the name of jesus christ and i pray standing and joining faith with all the fathers and the men of god who have ministered all through this conference i pray every discipline and every sacrifice they went through the grace that kept them as a combined effort may that grace rest upon you that you will not only admire the anointing and admire the new things happening receive the grace and the staying power the fortitude to endure in the name of jesus christ god bless you sir [Music] [Music] there is something you cannot [Music] [Music] if oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for life then you gave us the right to your holy name the september the satire of powers restraint there is nothing you cannot change [Music] he says you'll do everything if you [Music] [Music] if and you're not about to stop me [Music] lift your hands lift your hands and pray the spirit lift your hands and praise the holy ghost uh [Music] [Music] hmm be [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Koinonia Global
Views: 72,442
Rating: 4.956284 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Selman, Koinonia Global
Id: 9ZYhQZfJvkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 51sec (6711 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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