Quickest Way to be Delivered

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I've addressed joyless for prophetic conference with Buffett passing Java whose profits million dollar Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24 doors open at 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. five zero zero with ham traveling Marilyn 2:09 Z before he they're gonna be sure to change her life [Music] joyless for confetti conference with profit Pass and Java and prophetess Lily done Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 zero-zero with Hampshire ave maria' 2 Z 1 and Z before he big gonna be sure to change her life [Music] joyless prophetic conference with profit Pass and Java and prophetess Lily done Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:00 five zero zero New Hampshire a beam Maryland to Z 1 and Z before be they're gonna be sure to change her life [Music] join us for prophetic conference with prophet pass and Java and prophetess Lily job friday february 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and saturday february 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:00 one 4500 exams for Abilene Maryland 2 0 9 0 for B they're gonna be sure to change your life [Music] joyless poor Confederate conference with Papa pass and Java and prophets Lily dogs Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until five zero zero exam traveling nearly two zero nine zero easier to change our life [Music] joyless for prophetic conference with prophet pass and Java and prophets Lily diamond Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 2:30 p.m. zero-zero with Hampshire Abaddon Marilyn to z1 as evil for he they're gonna be sure to change her life [Music] joyless for prophetic conference with Papa pass and Java and prophets Lily done Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:00 0:02 name travelling merrily to zero Nancy before people can be sure to change Alanna ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba me ricotta teri dee dee diddly-dee diddly-dee diddly-dee dee da ba ba ba ba ba mien pratically be under enable chatot irritable sotto Lambrakis Cadabra hostage apricot tushy kappa Hootie & the gang taco de Bahia hotel has a I am NOT here for a long time today I was praying and ministering to people one on one and I felt a leading of the Holy Spirit to come and bring answers to people I wanted to share the broadcast those that on Facebook share and receive a prophetic or what got bottom bottom left click share those on periscope click the three dots and invite followers something is happening today is the day the Lord is man that you may be glad and rejoice in it the unknown ting of God is gonna come upon somebody I want you for the next two minutes those that are giving their offerings give your offering to profit passion calm and those that are praying lift your voice and pray the Bible says you shall ask me whatsoever you will and I'll give it unto you Calico bran Takeda bun to sake I remember lava Dean Dome OCD random a league a bar a deist a command a la costa by men sternum Umbra husky debry god bless everybody inviting follow us god Bless You God bless you would hand for inviting followers god best we just love three god bless you god bless security i bless everybody inviting followers post peace god bless you like a brand acadia co so give the bangy decade and chiropodist a land coastal a Cupra eager AHA schooled abrupted lift your voice and pray for the next 1 minute everybody in the name of Jesus Christ lift your voice and pray those that have been offering those that are giving an offering to it in a minute we are starting a polka broody been a messy keho day Danika brand a minima so delicate Rhonda Keyshia LA has a saloon Amasya has a La Nina Nina Nina Nia Kalindi akatsiya Cali La Laguna a blonde a leaden a clubby Bella badiya : a messy day on the lake east allocative prahasta debry Grampa Kabir Pasha Grampa kebab' Akasha Vanka copra honey we pray in the name of Jesus we decree and declare today the foul the Holy Spirit that resurrected Jesus from the dead let it vitalize your mortal bodies today I pray that the anointing of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost be upon you in the leg and eco praça de que comprar takasaka has a Elaine Benes soto a glim protect a deer conquer Malagasy CATIA and the gist of improper dear Katya haka body acocella via ante as you are praying your member at your workplace you might be hiding putting earphones listening to this message God is empowering your spirit marco de orkut the artisan someone you're watching me you are some way and you are longing for your spirit to grow in the lord i empower you it binds - in chi someone you are tired of the job that you are waking and praying for you right now that God will give it a better job I pray in the next 30 days may God be with you someone you are driving and you are listening to my voice I pray for you in the name of Jesus they are knowing thing of God to touch you made this message to bring a turnaround in all sectors of your life I bless those that are giving offerings of the day may you be empowered may you be blessed may you be favored wherever you are Africa Australia Asia Europe America I pray for you wherever you are watching me from made the power of the prophetic which knows no boundary come to you as you touch I receive I pray for you in the name of Jesus may God touch you may God bless you may God empower you I four doors to open I pray for guests open I pray for windows to open in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray link una mokuba da Costa Rica a break Adia cosa some of you you are praying some of you you are praying for a transfer that you be transferred male host a broth Mirotic adiga Bala Masika Dame some of you you are praying that you be transferred from where you are waking to another location to another place I pray let the transfer big quick and let it be approved now I pray for those of you that are looking for promotions at your witness be revived by the pod the Holy Ghost and I commanded that promotion in the name of Jesus Christ those of you that want to see angels that want to hear the voice of God people that want to grow in the Holy Ghost I pray for you in the name of Jesus made the Spirit of God touch you empower you bless you Accardo Stella Vika praça da Kent osika Ponte Ponte coupon tequila Nanticoke Leticia debryn tequila Antonio Mon Cala membra dia cozy libretto Kousaka blonde tequila Boone's Allegheny NT in their ad Deana so in da da ba ba da da da da ba da da da da da babushka in cata parental and pray never die cut randomest olivine tous Lantis Calum bomba mela bimba mila caste Doubront a kadai in the mighty name of Jesus I bless everybody watching me on Facebook on periscope on YouTube on K TV on Twitter wherever you are watching me from I pray the hand of God be upon you right now in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen I'm just excited today I was not planning to come because I have a lot of people to attend to and call and minister to them over the phone for one on one program but I felt a leading of the Holy Spirit of City and share a revelation that to bring a transformation in your life so I want you to hold a pepper a book right somewhere or make sure you record this god bless you Christina Christina Java for the for the offering Yesenia I I want everybody to come to a place where you understand that what I'm teaching here it's more than a mystery it's more than a revelation it's more than the word you are looking for what God is going to touch you bless you and bring a turnaround in your life now and for you about your life will never be the same after this you shall see the mighty hand of God so quickly everybody go and share the broadcast invite somebody let blessings come upon you let the anointing come upon you I just pray that the hand of God that the blessing of God rest upon you made the fire the blessing the anointing of the heaven come upon you in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen and amen thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I'm quickly going to remind you to understand the scriptures that are in Genesis chapter number one Genesis chapter number one Genesis chapter number one it became a confusion to a lot of people that is why I said here to teach you today a lot of people are confused because pastors teachers we have preached a gospel that is not scriptural we have told people that God created the ground god never created any ground we have taught people God created light no God never created the light we have told people that God created Eve Eve was never created by God so I'm going to move through the Scriptures empower you bless you so you can really understand the power that is in God because once you understand this power you are able to move with him and under 10 the excellence that comes with the power of the Holy Spirit I want you to understand that there are things that God never created in your life even in the lives that you are living there are things that God never created but it is what is called the other side I spoke a very message that I want everyone here to master it's very important you need this everyone has a twin we have a twin everyone you have a twin and your twin is the very opposite of you master this your twin is the very opposite of you your twin is the very opposite of you when your sin process whenever I want to do what is good evil is always before me what's this the opposite of good is not bad but the opposite of good is evil hey the Bible says God Adam Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil not a good and bad because the opposite nature of good is bad in every goodness there is evil in every goodness there is evil so once you know that you are a good person the very opposite is what you fight with if you know you are a giver the opposite is always true there is a stingy nature that you need to fight and to resist now going back to creation the Bible says in Genesis 1 verse number 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth verse number two the earth was a formless but inside the formless was the opposite nature of formless hmmm the F was void inside the void there was the opposite which is true and it was a full of darkness god never created light but God created darkness but inside the darkness was the very opposite nature of darkness that is why John chapter number one says and light was in darkness but darkness could not comprehend it hey Kaaba Santoli craaaazy darkness was then but light inside the darkness darkness could not understand darkness could not comprehend it therefore Genesis chapter one verse number three God says let there be light what was God doing God is not creating the light because creating means to make something out of nothing but to make something out of something is not creating so from Genesis chapter number one verse number three God is not only creating but it's not manifesting the very opposite nature of what he created in verse number one therefore he looked in darkness and inside darkness was light therefore he commanded light let there be light God separated the darkness and light because they were mixed together that is why inside of you is good and the very opposite of good is evil so you are always fighting the tween of what you are caring maka Posada God is going to help somebody today God is going to remember somebody today you have been in a struggle but I'm here to speak prophetically and the prophesy over your life but I want to prophesied this declaration that the very opposite of the nature you have been living is going to manifest and in the opposite side the ditch is bad God is going to give you power to resist it watch this Thank You Holy Spirit blood loot and when God looked in you he saw millions billions of dollars where is this in billions of dollars billions of dollars is not in prosperity but billions of dollars is in poverty taco proc Abaza let me explain this someone is going to be blessed today every financial investor those that invest big huge amounts they are wise to an extent that they look at the right place to put money they travel to countries where there is war or crisis because they know whether is a crisis that is opportunity of prosperity macabre and abaya biggest finances they don't put their money in a place where there is stability they will travel all the way to India all the way to Africa and they put their money where there are problems because every problem inside the problem the very opposite of a problem there is a breakthrough thank you Jesus so someone is asking God questions but let me tell you every answer is lying inside your question the moment you say God am i blessed you have answered yourself kannababu who shall amazi every time you're asking god god shall i profit sigh you never answered yourself every time you say God will I see an angel one day the opposite of what you are going through is what God is about to manifest therefore god never created the ground but God created the water when God created the water what happened God commanded the very opposite nature of water therefore ground came out from the water hey inside water was the ground but the ground inside the water was the ground but the water could not know what it was carrying until the manifestation took place I'm here to tell you you don't know that you are a billionaire because right now your paycheck is 2,000 is 5,000 is 7,000 but I'm here to tell you any side that lack that you are in there is something that you don't know that you are caring and what you don't know is that capacity that we have not yet seen and God told me to come here and speak prophetic declarations that to manifest what had been hiding inside of your spirit calf of lamb protec is alla hunt a kebab out netted so god never created the ground but God created the water and he says from the water let the opposite of the water come forth hey link righto Lambretta kid abba asking abaya there is someone here who is everything a spiritual husband coming to you why is the spiritual husband coming to you there is a nature in you that we have not yet experienced and our column of secretive aha same God is telling me as I'm speaking right now that is an anointing that is a power that is the presence of the Almighty Living God that is visiting your houses right now they are angels that are being deployed all over the world in the board of Christ to empower people that is the very opposite of what you are or camreta bellamy Socrative la Mesita process when I will to do what is good eheu is always present before me what I do not want to do I find myself doing why because there is a queen inside of him look at this the most holy people that we see living in this in the Bible let's take an example of poor let's take the example of David when we see them standing on holiness look at their opposites Paul was so that wing of poor is so and the soul is a murderer why is he a murderer in him is the resurrection power what happened what happened is when they made that the poor and deter him out of the city they threw him out of the city because it's dead but when they came back they saw him alive preaching why is it liberality of diet is because the opposite of death which is resurrection power was already in him but what he experienced before he met Jesus was murdering people because the very opposite nature of death is life so the greatest power God is a visiting you it today is the opposite of the life that you've been living I'm here to tell you something right now some of you you are living to see tomorrow you don't have any money in your savings or karbas Santo la croix de barajas Lida Moorabbin there is someone watching me right now your name is Samson you have been seeing demons from this smaller edge in fact on choose the last week 19 past 1:00 in the morning you were in your room your lights were off but when you open your eyes you saw two images that we're moving you switched on the light is like there is and them next to your bed usage on the light there was no one in the room the reason why you have been experiencing demons is because in you is the capacity to see angels and God is telling me to tell you the angelic visitation is going to be unlocked today from today you shall begin to see angels Seraphim cherubim receive it in the name of Jesus who come by at etiquette at our papapapa can take a decorative i prophesy to everybody that had been seen spiritual husbands may you see angels in your life may you see oka bran Takeda in calm practically the bajas in our professor letter thank you Jesus so God is not having time to come out and start putting Eva at the nonononono Wow did Eve Oh God to exist how did it seem God to exist what sin created by God no what God created is not seen what God created was holiness so God is an a creator who is not created what happened to him is he is willingness and the opposite of him is always the truth and the opposite of what is in him is sin so sin have to be somewhere because in God has in God there is no sin what's this if in God is not seen but willingness where is the queen of war eNOS the Bible says God perceived in the heavens and sin was found in Lucifer why is sin found in Lucifer it's like we have a war and if there is a war and water comes flood comes they cannot go to the other side because the war is the one that is resisting so heaven has holy and in holiness sin could not be found and to sin looked at the weakest point and the we can't appointed that was a found was Lucifer let me give an example if the water want to comfort what happens and the water want to break out they look for a weakest point if there is a creek my god a novice or if there is a creek at your wall water comes and uses the weakest point and it breaks the war war what happens if the devil wants you to divorce that devil knows you are not a weakest point that devil comes through your weakest point what is your weakest point your husband when you see your husband cheating that husband that is cheating that devil is not after your husband that devil is after your weak point which is your husband to destroy you not to destroy your husband let me explain it god never created Eve but God created Adam and when Adam began to exist the very opposite of a man is a woman and the woman was in him because you always carry your twin before you see the manifestation of your twin so if is affirmed but the Adam is created when we speak of creation we speak of taking something out of nothing so Adam is created from nothing but Eve is coming out from Adam which means God is not creating Eve but God is not manifesting the Eve that is already the opposite nature of Adam so the weak point of Adam now becomes the woman because your very opposite nature is the weakness or thank you Jesus that is why woman is the W or men weakness of men wo men weakness of men now why is she the weakness of men because it is the opposite of the man and because she is the opposite of the men Adam what happened when the devil is coming in the garden that David does not come to the origin now that the devil comes to the weakness the very opposite nature of you Eve and because the devil from the weakness you penetrated in the life of Adam and messed up the lack of Adam so the greatest person to pray for is not you but your husband because when the devil is coming after you he comes through the opposite nature of you which is your husband he come through the opposite nature of you which is your wife and when your wife Cumbre Takeda ba I didn't either bruh Haskell is not covered in prayer then you are destroyed go Kaaba Santo so how do you get to be delivered from demons is the question how can you be delivered from demons how can you be delivered from evil spirits some of you you are looking for for the fruit of the womb how can you be deliver pon the demon that is stealing your babies in Miscavige how can you be delivered from financial bondage some of you yes you gotta wake yes you wake yes you have a little money with you but if you check it yourself you see that there is a problem you don't have a house but you've been working for 15 years you don't even have a house you don't even have a car you have been waiting for all this time why are you staking it you have been doing business up to now you are not even in ten thousand year why is it so when somebody's such a business today in one week they are already making five thousand in one month they are making ten thousand in six months they are making hundred thousand but you don't even have ten thousand in your bank account as a businesswoman as a how can you be delivered from such spirits watch this demons they operate like the anointing the anointing when it's coming upon you the anointing does not come to operate according to its nature but the anointing comes to operate in your life according to the nature that you are so if the anointing I carry leaves my body and it come to you it is not going to operate it the same it operates in me because the nature of Gotha passion Java is the prophetic if this anointing comes upon you it takes your nature and become prosperous in your business when it leaves you and goes to your son it makes your son imperfect ethel --it it leaves your son and goes to your daughter it makes your daughter a good basketball player what's happening here when the anointing comes it takes the form of the nature of the person that you've received it so let's deal with the demons that have been limiting you now hey when demons were removed from heaven and we cut it down demons it took nature of the place where it landed on demons that landed in the water they became immense they took the nature of a fish demon seed that became that landed in the mountains they took nature of animals they became animals demon study aimed in the air they became dragons they became vultures they became devorah's demons that landed in the ground they became human beings they became some certain type of animals why because it demons when they come they take nature of the place which they have landed if a demon lands on a stingy person or kava Santo it uses the nature that is new so what they begin to look for number one is the very opposite of you that is why every true prophet if they leave Jesus and they are demon-possessed they still prophesy why are they still prophesying when the demon comes on a prophet it takes the nature of a prophet and to prophesy on the opposite side because the very nature of a prophet is a prophecy and therefore the opposite of prophecy is the false prophecy I hear the spirit of the law saying I'm touching up people today I release my power upon my people today I will prosper them our empower them I will release my grace and raise them up higher people have loved at my church people my sons and my daughters have been moved around the world but this very day I remember them I give them revelation of prophetic knowledge that unlock them to operate fully in their business and they are calling in their giftings in their future therefore I release marriage breakthroughs and break demonic operations remove spiritual husband spiritual wives I release what my grace I release what my reign therefore open for your mouth and receive and be filled with my power and my spirit therefore I'll give you an utterance that you shall speak in other tongues and receive impartation empowerment revival in your spirit that will take you to the next level of your destiny my grace is upon you my anointing is upon you I remembered this is the Spirit of the Living God Thank You Holy Spirit god bless everybody the sobbing a seat I pray for you Pamela I pray for you Diana I pray for everybody giving listen to this when Timothy fell into the water they became mates because they took the nature of the water what's this fish does not even knows and fishapod gives gills so a fish does not need a nurse to spread a fish uses gills because the nature of water does not require a nose for you to breathe but gives for you to breathe so if you take a fish and take it out from the water the fish cannot operate outside water because the nature that it had been cut out from cannot make it operate the fish can only operate in the nature of the water because it was created not with the nose but with the gills so it is the gills that enables the fish to operate in the water if you take an elephant and you put it in the water the elephant is going to die because the elephant can you to breathe the under the water because the nose that was big given to the elephant was given because of the nature of the ground in which it operates when you take the elephant and you put it under the water the elephant cannot operate under the water if you take a lion and put it in the water the lion tamer to become the king of the sea because the nature of the lion is not tied to the water but it is tied to the ground so how do we cast out demons profit because I read I received Jesus I pray I serve God but they are demons that are operating in my life how can I get to deliver myself from this dream and listen to this if you are fighting a demon you have to remove this nature that it feeds the licking demon into your system once the nature is removed that demon or kava start over god bless you Lucy for your giving in the name of Jesus and saying and gossiping jaymund when it comes on a multi-person it cannot operate therefore it leaves a wandering spirit that oneness everywhere that moves around going to and from makes you to move every day to and from to and from without direction it cannot come on a creep of your person and it makes that person to walk because it demon operates according to the nature that you have as a person a demon that operates and speaking Chinese for example cannot operate by coming into your system because in you there is no platform for Chinese language therefore the statement that speaks Chinese cannot come and operate it through you because you had the wrong platform god bless you dearly God is telling me to tell somebody once you destroyed the nature which demon defeats in you that demon will never be there again watch this I gave an example that if flies are coming into your house and you keep spraying the flies you spray them the warrior used to be fighting with those flies why are you fighting with the Flies every day there is something in the house which is a nature which is a smell that is attracting thus the flesh to come into your house once you destroy the nature this smelling stuff that is in the house and you take it outside of your house what happens is you are going to witness every flight that is in the house flying out without you ducking talking to the flies without you spraying the Flies every fly is going to go why are flies going they are going because there is nothing to stay for in this house so once you remove the certain things in your life demons that are freedom from that nature that is in you they will never be you so I am NOT about sin I am talking about nature that is Anu why because the sin can never be destroyed it will be alive if I come to you and say I'm a man of God hadn't seen me not seen ah what am I saying sin cannot be destroyed sin cannot be destroyed because of one reason sin is the opposite of war leanness so once worldliness is removed or holiness is not a filling up your spirit there is a room for seem to be there we create space for something if something is missing if you have 1 million dollars and you take out your five hundred thousand it means if five hundred thousand is missing therefore you are no longer a millionaire but if we put a big five hundred thousand you become a millionaire again why because there is no long as pest that makes you not a millionaire so poor knows that sin is always in the members god bless you practice afford sin is always rolling in the members of your flesh why is it in the members of your place because in your flesh and light snow were leanness so you can not eat claim to be holy unless you do out with it that's why the baptists none is wali none is righteous not even one why because wherever is born but a woman conceived with this flesh the Bible says you were conceived in sin and in sin you shall live this world why because you carry this nature God is telling me to tell somebody that there is something inside of you that is about to create a bumper harvest that you never yet Odysseus hmm Thank You Holy Spirit God is speaking to me I'm going to probably sell you some people right here I'm going to speak prophetically to some people right about this place take a bow Sally Ellie bumble a dear Kampai Brabham belly bump our beer prepared Esther Tyrande still a career in history idea cattle disturb I ran a car on a pedestal Akuma Medina Club Rocca Deacon sake Gabbana Craig a bogus kita brand Abadi g'day so the very opposite of everything is always the truth god never created the light but he created the darkness and the very opposite of darkness he manifested it he separated light from darkness they were together you are together right now with the opposite twin of yourself because everybody has his own twin what's this pause twin is so Israel's twin is Jacob Jacob is a thief Israel is not if Jacob is a lion is race the truth the very opposite of a man is a woman therefore the weakest point that you can ever have is not you but is the woman so never be afraid of yourself but be afraid of your twin god bless you son Abbas Abbas a key so God is speaking to someone that as long as it is broken god bless you heroes solemn as God is reaching out to you today they had people that he is going to bless and if God is saying it's your time to cross over to the other side you have suffered for a long time therefore I am just flipping the flip I'm flipping the clip the fist shall be the last and the last shall be the first therefore what you were experiencing I'm flipping it there is a lady you are watching me I don't know I'm seeing white god Bless You Christian combo there is somebody you are wearing white I see a cross I see a church building as I walk into the church building I see your posture died your posture died God spoke to the church that it is time to die is not now therefore the church gather to pray for the resurrection of the life of the pasta you are watching me on Facebook and therefore when you gathered and prayed nothing took place you are discouraged right now you don't know where to go you don't know what to do you don't know if you can still keep going to the church that says the Spirit of God I'm about to bless you you're on scope the law says I'm about to bless you and I'm about to use you for in you is the special dress for resurrection of the Dead come death is not only done in the flesh your business can die your marriage can die your finances can die that says the Spirit of God you Surrey's already death business from death resurrect people that died into life you shall lay your hands upon dead people they shall come back to life resurrection power I'm giving you my capacitor go bless of in by chica chica Kesha link Radha bass otoko body who is faster dobby pastor Dobby who is faster daddy filter the losses I'm giving you the power of resurrection I'm giving you the power of revival you shall go and revive people you shall go and revive restore and resurrect go in peace my anointing is upon you the very opposite of what you went through is about to take place my grace is sufficient god bless you Antonio Wellington gang gang gang get Appa and Tonio Willington as you get the seed of 10 that law says I'm blessing the wax of your wife's business I'll bless the wets of year hence our blesser yeah business shall triply get increase favor who come to her business Kaaba Santa Marina key de bunda like a brand a sin to Laguna mom Peter Pan idea Katia bahasa I'm coming our profits are people what's this god bless you Molina Allah before the offering what's this what's this when demons fell in the water they do not become lions they do not become human beings but they became may melt with the Telfer fish why because they took the nature in which they landed on mark that some demons fell on the rocks they took the nature and then they become while the animals somewhere on the ground they became beings human beings that is why spiritual husband they come with a body they come to sleep with human beings that is when fallen angels when the rebelling angels came in Genesis chapter 6 they rebelled when they came to human beings what happened they slept with men because they took the nature of a man god bless you shorten the net return for your offering when they came they took the nature of where they have visited of the place where they landed when Jesus Christ who is God in heaven came in the furnace of fire Jesus Christ took the nature of who was in the fire he became a man like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the Bible says when Nebuchadnezzar looked in the fire he says I see four men not three men and god by the four men and the other one looks like the son of men not the Son of God why because of the nature which he visited God in the beginning he was not God in the beginning he was the world but when he created he visited the creation he took the form and he became God the word is God when he visited the human beings verse number 14 the word became flesh why the same word have visited in the world of men therefore it became flesh God is telling me to tell you that the angels I have given you they have the ability to make you anything what you need to work on is to change your nature from being stingy to become a giver because when you are a stingy person you Creepo angels not to operate in the blessing business because they can only operate according to the nature that you are that is why the Bible says the same word which was preached to them is the same word is the same word which was preached to others but if the word manifested differently because when the word was released in the natural it became flesh the word can only become what it is visited so same anointing if it comes to you it becomes according to the nature of who you are it is either limited or expanded according to the nature that you are Thank You Holy Spirit so if you are a stingy person a stingy person means you are a giver but you are giving on the opposite side of giving so you are still giving but you are giving on the opposite direction of who you are every stingy person is a giver it's either you are stingy to your mother you are stingy to your wife but your money is going somewhere where is it going whether you are locking it somewhere whether you are giving yourself but it's either going some way why do people call you stingy when money is not locked in one place is passing through you go into some way it's because you are not giving to them I'm here to tell you angels were released by God God told me I have answered your prayers I've made you millionaires I've met you billionaires I have made you prosperous I've made you perfect but look at yourself and create a nature which angels can manifest a blessing through create and nature which the unknown team can operate through god bless you michelle McDonald the anointing is already available upon you the anointing can only operate in the nature which it visited when the anointing came upon Moses it made him to command the bread the manna from heaven to come because Moses is a Levite he is not over supposed to wake when there is war coming to Israel the anointing in him makes him to lift up his hands and the victory comes to Israel god bless you Rita but when the same anointing leaves the Levite and the girls to Joshua Joshua is not a Levite the same anointing that you've transferred from from from from Moses to Joshua makes Joshua a successful warrior to an extent that you wanted to kill the angel of the Lord why is it to kill the Ender the anointing in him took the nature of a warrior the anointing in Abraham took the nature of faith because abraham believed in here the faith when the anointing came upon him it made him the father of faith but when the same anointing of Abraham came upon Jacob it never made jacob the father of faith but it made him the father of israel hey kaaba santo what is God saying to you God is saying stop praying for blessings stop praying asking me for money gaudy things - praying for a car stop praying for a house create in nature hey Kaaba Santo God is saying create and nature once you create the nature my angels are coming to take form of the nature that is already in you and that nature will create what you don't have I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you you you you you are already blessed you have been praying for 15 years 20 years why are you still in one place God already gave you angels God already Debbie the anointing but that nothing cannot operate unless you have the nature listen to this if a demon of gossiping is released over you that demon can never do anything in your life until you start speaking the moment is not speaking you have an embodied a demon of gossip to make you a big Josefa and you start gossiping that demon is not operating because you don't have the nature in which it can operate through what am i saying I'm saying angels for billions angels for millions are already in your life but you don't even have the nature in which they can express themselves to operate Harkavy Santo repent from your prayer life you have been praying wrongly because you don't create the nature of God to release what you already gave what the devil is fighting in your life is the opposite of you let me let me let me explain Jesus came here not to perform miracles but Jesus came here to do what Jesus came here today but the opposite of Jesus was Christ so Jesus is a twin the twin of Jesus is Christ Christ want to die but Jesus doesn't want to die why because when the devil came in the Garden of judgement he was not fighting Christ he was the fighting the opposite of Christ which is nature which is in his flesh which is the body and Jesus struck what until blood was coming out from his head why was his way to meet blood he wanted not to die but what is this angels that were assigned in the minister of Jesus were assigned to resurrect him but they cannot operate unless he dies Cutwater cercle Hazim God cannot operate in your life unless there is a nature in which he can operate so angels were sent by God to resurrect Jesus but they were folding hands they could not operate and to Jesus died because the resurrection can only take place until you die I'm saying angels for billionaires angels for millionaires I already sent to you but the unfolding hands because unless there is a nature for you to become a millionaire they cannot operate and the nature for you to become a millionaire is by giving it takes one to become a millionaire overnight it takes another to become a millionaire after five years what is their different their difference is time what is faster darkness or light what is the faster light or darkness what is the faster is not light but what is faster is darkness that is why when he got created the original that came out was darkness and when darkness came out he came first because it's faster then lighting came second why is the light coming second it's less faster but why is it we have darkness taking short hours and we have light taking more hours during the day the reason why light takes more hours during the day and the night takes short hours is because darkness is a faster than light if we put our same boat in the track and we put you in the tech we put is same boat here and we put Wallace here and we say God Wallace is going to take more time why because it's not a faster than is involved what am I saying to you the reason why you're experiencing poverty fests is ababa is faster than prosperity why is it faster than prosperity it is accepted a certain place in you before the opposite manifests let's go to heaven in heaven what is the fast light or darkness it is like why is it light because there is not even time for darkness to appear so God could not create any platform or only nature for darkness to appear because the demons or evil operates in the darkness so in heaven there is no evil in that in heaven there is no demons why are they not found in heaven because there is no space for them to operate therefore demons who took their bags and they says we have been removed so when the devil and the microwave fighting in heaven what they were fighting was the nature to be released if the darkness was going to be released that they were I have warned you rude the heaven if light is winning then God will ruin heaven so the better was not for anything but it was for in nature because we thought a nature there is no operation there is no manifestation what nature do you yell goblins you see in the basket for your offering as you are giving you are creating a nature some people are tired of giving some people are tired or train some people are trying to fasting we are fasting today some people are not even fasting why do you fast we don't fight to get a car you first to create a nature in which your soul can operate together with your spirit to be closer to God why do you pray you pray to create a nature so that God can you bless you but when God releases that nature to you what do you do you keep clear and expanding that nature the more you expand and nature the more angels and demons comes to fight a better and angels they win that battle I'm here to tell people it's your time to create a platform if I want to send you money and you don't have PayPal or you don't have a bank account I cannot sensei my money from my account to you because there is no platform so I already have there is a lady here I was praying for people to five o'clock in the morning and around 5:00 I prayed for a lady in New York when I prayed with her she wants to give but she doesn't know how to give she doesn't know how to go to the website and leave what is it so god bless you George the why is it so what's happening is she wants to do it but there is no platform for her to do it therefore there is a limitation what am I saying I am saying passion wants to give you $1,000 but there is no bank account for me to transfer it to you let's take it to the spiritual realm God wants to bless you with a million dollar but for him to bless you they must be a platform for him when he sends for the platform to rest God wants you to be a prophetess god bless you Thomas Monti Bay for your for your seat this is a big city god bless you as you I fear God is folding hands saying I already blessed you with all spiritual blessings pertaining life in this world and the world to come but why is it that blessing is not many manifesting there is no platform for the blessing to manifest and you keep praying praying praying pray God give me a house God give me money no no no no no no no God is in create and nature for me to manifest it it's already there why is God prophesied to you that you you shall be married I have given your husband God already has the but you say create an esse for you to become a wife so that a husband can have a platform so God could not create the atom face without creating the ground because the ground is the platform in which the men's of leaf god bless you Siva Siva Prakash for your offering so God is speaking to people that I yet to create the ground create the water create the trees create everything and they put the Mende what am I putting the men I appreciated and nature in which he so live on and grow in which is only born you are praying for a car but you don't have in nature you don't have a license you don't know how to drive you don't have a garage you don't have anything how can I release it to you if you don't have an nature for it lekha Babu shot a la la boum boum OCD be upon mamacita baletta bloody bodega de cosas de koti so whenever you see God operating he's looking for a space to operate he's looking for a space to get in you and be a blessing to you thank you all his spirit I wrote everything I released a new book today go to the website prophet pass under and get the book do you know what I said in the book very scary let me stir it with you the book is called overcoming the forces of sets overcoming the force of says how do you overcome that force that makes you cetera that makes you gorgeous bed that makes you sleep when you don't want to sleep around some people are tied to masturbation they don't want to do it the end up doing it why are you tied to it you have and nature anew you have a platform that we have created that if you removed that platform that meta that let me explain it Isaac is not a child of Abraham Abram never slept with Sarah for abra for Isaac to come out Jesus is not the child of Joseph Jesus is the child of Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit Sarai is not a pregnant by Abraham and a lot of people don't know it but Sarah is a is pregnant by the power of God if you go to Genesis chapter number 18 it says in verse number 1 and God appeared to Abraham and he told him I will return according to time and I will make sorry pregnant and she shall give birth God appeared underline and this is chapter 18 when it says God appeared God to Genesis chapter number 21 verse 1 after you read Genesis chapter 18 verse number 1 the Bible says and God visited God is not appearing to survive God appeared to Abraham but to Sarai God did not appear God left heaven and visitor there is a difference between appearing and visiting right now I am appearing in million over an oven in millions of houses on K TV I am all over Africa you can see me you can hear me I'm appearing on your screen but I did not a visitor I'm Syrian America right now I am on periscope in over thousands of phones I'm in facebook over 1,000 points that people are seeing me appearing on their phones but I am NOT with them god bless you Nana Mensa God Appy it to Abraham Genesis 21 verse 1 says God who visited them Sarai and God did according to what he had promised and the sir I became pregnant Sandra is not pregnant by Abram that's why if you check the whole Bible someone is asking how do I saw you've got a prophet pattern.com and you the Bible says something important someone's asking on Facebook again check though what's this if you check the whole Bible the Bible never said Abraham knew Sarah and she became pregnant and gave birth the Bible says Abraham knew Haggai Abraham knew the seventh but Abraham never knew Sarah check the whole Bible there is no business as a Abram knew Sarah but Genesis chapter 21 says Abraham God visited Sarai and did according to what he had promised and when he did what he had promised sir I became pregnant god bless you Ian and when she became pregnant to get better and get she gave it a shout and gave to Abraham God says to Abram you what is your duty speak things that are not as though they are God never said grab RAM go and slip it away God says speak things that are not as though they are why is it so that they are not giving better because of sex why if because they opposed the nature they looked and they saw that Sarah was Baroness so they opposed the Bible says again I hope Abraham hoped and he believed again I hope energy had a son why are they doing it again Ezra because according to what it could not happen therefore they came out from the natural world and enter into the spiritual world where they believed that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above how we think above how we operate that is the same thing that happened to Mary Mary gave birth that by process when she was engaged to Joseph Mary was found the pregnant with the power of the Holy Spirit the pregnancy Matthew chapter 118 says the pregnant is not of Joseph but the pregnancy also of the Holy Spirit can we say the Holy Spirit has sex with man no because the Bible says she was a virgin that means nobody penetrated into her nobody slept with her she's still a virgin but she's pregnant so what happened the Holy Spirit seat was placed inside Abba and she became pregnant without sex why god uses power for her to be pregnant which means in hair was a platform to give birth therefore God could not come to Joseph because in Joseph was no nature of giving birth but instead in Mary was a nature was a platform for her to be pregnant and for her to give birth I'm just here to tell you when God is looking at you what is searching is not your prayer what is searching is your nature that is why most successful people are not the prayer for people but are people that knows how to create nature Makabe Sita gdb Anuradha Bokashi so Genesis chapter 18 God appeared he did not visit Abraham why because in Abraham there was no nature of giving birth and he promised him that I'll come according to time and I'll make Sarai pregnant right now I'm appearing in your house I'm not visiting but if I live America get in the flight and come to your house what happens I have visited I'm no longer here so God left heaven is no longer in heaven you visited the sunrise and it did according to his promise and his son I became pregnant and the beg bed the whole Bible does not say and Sarah and Abraham knew his wife it says Adam knew his wife Isaac knew his wife Abraham Musa Dagh died but it never says Abraham knew sorry I'm just here to tell you that God loves you Jesus did not come on earth to destroy sin because sin cannot be destroyed sin is the opposites of oneness when the holiness is removed what the left is seen because the twin Brandner of holiness is seen so if there is no willingness in you is automatic that you've seen that why process when I will to do what is good evil is always a present before me that is always a twin of what I want to do so when ever there is no holiness that is of Jesus could not destroy sin because the removing sin means the removing holiness it's one and the same thing but Jesus came to conquer death so that you can have light and life in abundance but you can never access the life unless you receive Jesus I want to pray with you right now you are here you have been following my ministry you'll love my teaching you'll love my prophecies you have been giving god bless him Paul Matthews for your offering you have been giving you have been praying but we have never received Jesus in your heart repeat these words after me when you receive Jesus you have received life and life in abundance for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life I pray for you repeat these words after me you have been in church for a long time but now is the answer say Lord Jesus I come before you I repent of my sins I open the door my heart I believe you died for me and the father resurrected you from the dead I confess with my mouth that Jesus you are Lord you had a team of Kings you had a lot of Lords come into my heart be my Lord be my Savior now and forever it is done in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name babaçu paper to paper kizomba Papa to paper cut etiquette Amba pepper unum all paper we Attia Tatara per pound and Reba dee dee da ba hustle everybody began to pray say God teach me how to create nature those of you that are still giving offering give now as as we appraise give thank you thank you exotic tears as you are giving also pray say God teach me how to number my days teach me how to create nature to prophesy teach me how to create a nature to you the sick how to create nature to do bigger business teach me how to create nature to be a millionaire fit me how to create nature to be married begin to pray pray pray pray pray pray pray Massey Coppola TRO Graham Bembenek whatta Gant rockobatty Co mondo kopaka ten-day mesito coq10 dead attack on command a Coastie dabrander Milito obrigado namaste de brandy Baptists colleague Adel trollin uste Ron de Kaap Rodina mosquito gran Dynamo Sunita Gant in Yangon DNA capitán de condado de da de Nino meseta Umbra Dandini mostly Donna namu Dengeki disky de Gong in Echo Prada a conga meant echoed endo Monsieur de Bastide a bond a handicar chakuda moon tiara pepper Podesta top-ranking cookie the crusty Miku congee Maki take a Kaku cetera Tatara debacle chic a matador bosque de Kraske levanto horde and in MS attempt and Annette arena motto caboose Katya combi my akafuku call today Reba didn't deity Tongan dynamic Pepe reproduce counter LOC LeBron Donna Masika la brisket Akina Muscoda bran Ikeda Bob Papa brainy Messick Rajas foodie brand a mess Iike uh dento cope random STD Brandi Higa Tonto Makita Malik Oh Oprah cannon a mosquito brand ambassador param endo equipo station atiba dusty Nicotra been toasted a brandy Caleb and Ellie Capra Dana Sakuraba santaguida born Ikeda Kentucky Brandi que diga as you appraise something is happening in the realms of the spirit as your grained anointing is coming into the manifestation of the nature that is a new macabre and MST LeBron de Macedo bonhomie Cabrini barista and praying with you right now as your bring the anointing is working in your spirit something is happening in your life the anointing is creating waves in your spirit nature is coming you may be driving keep praying you may be at the way please go to the bathroom and lift your voice and pray let them call you crazy you are creating and nature for your own business you are too anointed to be praying and working for somebody you had two unknown intended to be begging for some people's money you want to pray and create your own nature create a world of prosperity come on lift up your voice and pray makuta Makeda makuta take a deep and amiga rental boom acridity scott aprende akira lere Anan soto Pragya cotton kim practice ola kita kita carro que mató katika - clicking continues ek Clanton Emilie de otros la mezquita Krong Keenan toki dance Tony Cottee Rico rocket akiza higher rate akiza honza ha Dunham's a little shaky Ron take idea cop rocket Eco prom court Osaka llaha big idea I eat a lot saying I've answered thee I have read your prayer I wake to wake inside of a spirit I'll bless you this year you saw achieve what we never achieved before you would do beyond what you've been doing before give me a platform or bless you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus create a platform for your Marriott's create a platform identify your twin your twin is a weakness the queen of adam is if that ever comes true if the weakness to destroy the man that queen of what you see is what you don't see the Bible says if the foundations of the house are removed the house will not stand you can see their house you can never see the foundation because the foundation is the twin of the house that you see what makes darkness week is the twin which is light god Bless You Nana for your offering those of you that are sending their offerings you are creating a net of giving you are creating an edge of giving mail by Sturdevant station iodine a Massoud event renovate and free Lelouch bucket or Congress Creber day in Kabul destined evade entry god bless you Hannah Java for you offering carbide in Kaaba Sun TRO dinner part of a Laden cleaner Morosky de prata bahasa then to create a platform for God to bless you you are to anoint it to be begging people you are to anointed to be looking for people's puppets you can create your own at one winter to be working for people you can set your business you are too gifted to be rasa you are too gifted to be a bench warm and a church identify your calling check your twin block the doors of the devil and operate operate why Jesus never wanted to die he wanted to be with this church he searches his wife but he learned to overcome through the weakness part for you came for his own and his own rejected him why because you're on unnoted the problem the opposite of your own is the problem therefore he identified it and you went but to those who received him he gave them the power to become his sons because they were not the sons there were not the sons he gave them the power to become gods yo-puss to locate our destiny today I pray for every viewer I speak and bless every person I block every entry point of the devil in their life as I said the war with a creek the water best is embraced the war they shall be no creek in their lives which the devil would take advantage and use they are protected in their spirits they are protected in their lives god bless you Christabel D for your offering may you be increased everybody may you be protected highly undaunted by the power of the Holy Spirit I pray for you sama David I pray and speak the blood of Jesus over everybody a name of Jesus you are blessed I'll come back with a patty true of this message to really empower you you have to walk in the fullness of your calling this year how do you identify how do you know what you are posed to do how do you know yourself how do you know how I'm coming back with party to win a by comic I need to deal with one on one I'm left at about 65 people now if you are if you are there and I've not raised you for one-on-one text you of our office number you're available time we normally call what's up cause if you have what's up reach us with what's up if you don't have also it takes to also call you again so it takes us those that are free on plus one three zero one five zero three seven one number for your available times I'll be going to church later I'll do a bonus class later and you are blessed God sent me for you that's why I'm coming to reach out to one one and be a blessing and prophesy to you because without you I'm not gifted my gift is not for me my gift is for you if it wasn't you God was never going to give me a gift so I'm here and wake I did one on one still fight four o'clock in the morning today I slept two hours came back to do one on once I had to cut to come life be a blessing to you I gone the prophetic schoo again a blessing to you I go to church tonight I have service here in Maryland if you know people tell them to come to our service after the prophetic session things will keep up and I bless you I speak the anointing Bernadette is a God bless you for offering I pray for everyone that gave an offering today those are to watch later and give their offerings I thought to give just after may you be found in the grace to look at your own nature for the breakthrough you are looking for in the name of Jesus until then visit my website profit passion calm and get a book coming the force of sex it deals with how to overcome spiritual husbands how to break sort eyes how to break sexual addictions or to come out from masturbation how to live a sex free life you'll need that book who go to profit passion dot-com go to the store get the book get the book our promotion ended last night but I'm here to be a blessing to you I pray that God increases everybody played this song for the last time and will bless people and touch visitor for our conference next week I am in Maryland today tomorrow I'm in Orlando Friday Saturday and Sunday after Sunday morning I fly to LA California our minused I'll be in California Sunday Monday I come back Tuesday Wednesday we start mentorship conference here when is dentes day if you have not registered register we can watch online or come here in person then Friday and Saturday it's a free prophetic conference is it I love you all with the love of Jesus play for us in Jesus name Jamis prophetic conference with proper pass in Java and prophetess Lily done February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. one 4500 defense traveling nearly two zero nine zero for bbear gonna be sure to change her life [Music] I never come into a private meeting so I won't be meeting people so beware of Facebook's that people are talking is profit passion this is the only Facebook that we use in our office passion server this Facebook that I'm like right now don't communicate with anyone on messenger that tells you to give or they effect email called passion Java something ministries we don't have emails like that our info info at profit passion dot work or school of t07 is our own email don't be fooled by scammers and make sure UK text us if you're in the UK or no office number we are am coming to UK in three weeks time I will be there in London information about my itinerary is on the website we are working on Africa up in Africa South Africa first week of May first week of May second week of May we are waking from next Mexico so until then keep checking on the website god bless you Taylor for offering and everybody that will be giving may the love of Jesus Christ be upon you and your families this is the gaff of profit passion server signing out aim
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 41,215
Rating: 4.8320775 out of 5
Id: rkBPfbuyREM
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Length: 87min 26sec (5246 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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