( Delivered from Spirit Husbands ) by Prophet Passion Java

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Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] TV changing you god bless everybody are watching me this is the gaffer the prophet passion Java excited sitting here knowing that God is going to touch you and deliver in this coming into the comfort of your homes you might be watching me on K TV or YouTube on one of our social medias a word that I'm about to bring will bring a turnaround in your life today I'm talking about spiritual husband's how to deal with spiritual husbands how to be set free from the morning forces that comes in your house in your dreams that hold your finances a lot of stuff like that and a demon that have been holding your success how do you break forth from those spirits those demons that are holding your success so today as I'm gonna go deeper in this topic I want you to be in faith and in believing that Jesus is going to touch you and bring you in a turnaround that will bring a new season right in your life I know many of you you've been in a position way you are praying and you're confused why is it I am bound I have these spirits I have these problems yet I'm a child of God I'm a child of success but how come I don't live a life of success how come I'm a prophet I'm a past I'm a teacher I pray for people and they are blessed but my life is not blessed I'm stagnant I have a word that's gonna bring a situation in your life that you end up praising God instead of being in fear amen so when I deal with this previous number one I want you to understand that there's a difference between being possessed with a spirit or being attacked with a spirit or having a spirit that is attached to you mainly let me talk about the spirit II that is attached to you because many of you you are attached to some certain spirits they are not possessing you know they are not attacking you but they attached to your spirit we understand that many people don't believe that there is generational cases because once you are in Christ there is no generational case the question is why would Jesus when he is on the cross when we believe through the cross we were broken from generational Chris why would he on the cross say to the people do not cry for me please cry for yourselves and your children and your children's children the reason why Jesus is telling people that because of what you did to me you brought a case to yourselves you brought a case to your children and the children's children now if he was to break a generational curse on the cross he was never going to refer us to everybody so the reason why Jesus is revealing that to people is to make people understand the reason why Jesus is dying on the cross is that his blood may be able to forgive our sins but not to break a generational kiss so you find out that many people in life they tend to believe that when I'm in Christ I'm a perfect place and I don't have any spirit attacking me attached to me or anything but I'm going to deal with what affects people with their bloodline I was prophesying in Canada Toronto two days ago and when I was prophesying in Canada Toland I picked their family which I prophesied the same thing on the grandmother is the same thing that happened with the mother there's something that's happening with the wife does the same thing that is happening with the daughter and I moved to another girl and I prophesied to a girl that in her family there is a case of anti marriages she's pregnant but she can break forth into marriage everybody in the family everybody from the grannies they are all in the same line why it's what we call a generational case the Bible says your forefathers Edward grapes but now the children are suffering with sore teeth so you have to understand that there are many people that are going through stuff spiritual husbands that what are mainly talking about today as spiritual husband when we talk about spiritual husband we talk about a men which is a spiritual men a demon evil spirit unclean spell whatever spirit that be your grandfather or be it your father met a covenant wit and said anybody of my bloodline I want to be rich they go into the world and they dedicate their children all my daughters will be married to you all my daughters are going to be connected to you and once you get at that point you have to understand something important that in everything that you do you have to understand that God would do it with you whenever God is moving God is moving with you but though God is moving with you have to understand one thing that God is with you with a spiritual relationship that would not break the Covenant that was made covenants they are not broken by an age or by God covenant are broken by another covenant which means it takes you to have a covenant for you to break another covenant for example you see that a lot of people in the Bible made covenant with God the reason why they're making covenant with God is because they wanted to break a kiss and announce a blessing there can never be a generational blessing unless a generational curse is broken because it is the power of a blessing that breaks the kiss a kiss can never break a blessing but a blessing breaks a kiss so many people your grandfather your father your mother anybody connected to you with the bloodline what they did is they they connected you with spirits before you were born or even after you were born some you have marks in your bodies they took your blood and sacrifice your blood to some spirits now that spirit I've got illegal ground with you that spirit claims you to be a wise spiritually it says are a marriage to you so it brings effects now in your life every time you get a man that men cannot marry whenever you wants to marry you things they turn around the reason why things turn around is because this spirit will put another spirit on this man who just cause confusion with you and this man and you never be married you can be pregnant ideas or things can happen I remember we were in Zimbabwe around 2005 and lady wanted to be married this Nigerian guy came to Zimbabwe wanted to marry this girl the girl is beautiful and he comes home knocks at our door took off midnight but prophet things are not okay what's happening Oh prophet what's happening is and my house I'm trying to be with my fiance and she changes their face he changes their voice she's speaking like a man and she's saying why you touching my property why are you touching my property the lady is speaking with a human voice and man voice with the birth she don't have that voice but this spirit called a spiritual husband have taken over and this man can't say the same bed with her this lady has power like a man now this man is dominating to an extent that the many to run away from the house come to me and we got them moment we reached there the space that's saying I was sent here by the grandfather before she was born she is mine I cannot go anywhere she's mine the spirit of a legal ground to claim because spiritually the spirit is married to this person so how do we connect ourselves with these covenants that were made they have to be a covenant for another covenant to be made or they have to be a spiritual rank in order to break a lesser rank so Jesus moved by and he says watcher name and the man says my name is legion legion for we are many Legion is only a military term which means an amine of 6,000 yes in the army of Cobras we have measures we have generous we have major-generals we have general generals we have ranks when a kilometer major when weather a Quattro is 40 and and a major is 19 you have to salute when he says go get me water you run when he says the new down you do that why you are not yelling to a person you're kneeling to a ring when that major meter general the general will say anything and you react and do it without asking any question why because it is in the ranking now spiritually there are people that God have ranked that they can face a a major spirit they can make a general diamond frame for example if you check the story of the sons of sceva I believe they had casted out demons before demons with less ranks but when they met another demon one day that demon says no I know of poor why poor is a higher rank if it was poor addressing me I would've left this person I would have set him free deliverance was gonna take place but now who are you poor I know Jesus I know these are high ranks in the spirit but you are not yet rain to an extent of addressing me I'm a general and they were all stripped naked and over beaten they were chased away why it's not that they don't have Jesus in there they have Jesus but their rank is a little in another word I'm talking to somebody right now that you have to understand that they are ranks in the spirit that if you are open lettering their spirit you cannot address you need Gotha persons often that's why today I'm taking calls and I'm praying for people that God can deliver you but you're watching on Kate TV after this broadcast I wanted to call the numbers that are appearing on the screen here and I want you to to pray with me for your deliverance mainly spiritual husband's or spirits that are causing havoc sin marriages spirits that are holding your destiny and there's going to be deliverance listen to this very carefully I do deliverance but you don't see me putting my deliverance on Facebook or YouTube or year on Kate Eve why I believe there are people with private lives that don't want to be exposed of what they do how can I cast out a spirit from a lady that says uh his mind and she is the speech husband and expect her to be married tomorrow what man is gonna be proudly standing in front of everybody with the simulating and do that I don't want to cast out a demon from a lady that says I'm a witch I killed my mother-in-law I ate my mother-in-law how is she going to relate with the family after her deliverance for that reason I don't put deliverance out there people that put it they do it in the right way in their ways but I personally don't go with that I believe there's a deliverer and that's gonna come to you you're gonna pick a phone and call the numbers that are appearing on the screen and God is going to be released a deliverance power upon your life and I know your life will never be the same again so I'm talking about rings in the spirit Jesus for instant Jesus took his disciples and breathed upon them and send them to cast out demons what happens the Bible says when they came back Jesus says wow you did well I saw that damn for himself falling down like lightning the reason why the devil isn't falling down is because Jesus gave them power but when he went up to be transfigured together with the Peter James and John the Bible declares important stuff the Bible says they nine could not cast out a demon when Jesus came down he cutted it with one word and they were all astonished did they say oh Jesus Christ we we know you are great we know you have given us power but how did you do this and this has began to refer there are types of demons says this type can only go by prayer and fasting there are types of demons they are demons you can address there are demons you can never dress they are demons that even passion cannot address it depends with a rank helping Jesus in my heart is yes it is good and you have to understand not every rain DiSpirito I address them they are spirits that I will never remove unless I get another so I'm going to be praying for people in the live event is gonna be taking place and I know Jesus is oh yeah I feel that know anything already God is touching some people that are watching me right now you may be watching life on facebook on periscope or here on Cait Eve on YouTube I want you to believe that you're the anointing is coming to you them the power of the Holy Ghost is coming to you right now as I speak whether I'm gonna pray for you I'm gonna speak prophetically to you over the phone but right now believe and have faith that the Lord Jesus Christ is touching you and bringing a turnaround in your life now that person with a spiritual husband is in - they're people that are attached to a spiritual husband then they're people that are married to a split your husband split husband they don't possess people they don't live in you they come to sleep with you they slave you they control your life so even if you pray in church hallelujah hallelujah Jesus you don't manifest a demon you don't manifest a spiritual husband that means it's something that has to be cut off Jesus is in your heart but this spirit is not in you it comes to affect you to sleep with you I remember the lady that could not walk after experiencing a spiritual husband I know of another one that would see something physically like the minute produced something and could see that physically they are spirit and this world is real there are people that are suffering that's why I'm on this broadcast today to say God is going to touch you and deliver and is going to come upon you and I'm talking to some people that understand this spiritual stuff are real people that knows we are not just talking of spirits they are spirits that are dominating in this world as I speak then we move from spiritual husband there is what we call a spiritual warfare there are people that don't have a spiritual husband but as more as you grow in the spirit what happens when you grow in the spirit the spirits that will try to pull you down take you there PhD PhD pull him down pull head down they want to pull you down the reason what they want to pull you down is because no spirit will ever allow you to go high because the higher you go spiritually the more you cover people so your family can be under in attack and you're the only one that spraying what happens this spirit to attack you because they know the more you are becoming powerful the mode they don't have access to your sisters your brother's your father that your mother so you're representing everybody in your family so the more attacks that come to the family they are all centered in your wife the Bible says that you can never possess a house unless you destroy the strongest men in the house so you can be there where you add the strongest in your family so all spirits they don't fight your mother your father your sister your brother anybody this spirits they come against you because you add the key to the downfall of everybody in the family or you are the key to the uprise of everybody in the family so the better you are fighting now it's not like you're possessed or you attach to any spirit no you are in a spiritual warfare spiritual warfare remember the one I did here I did about tongues six six level speaking in turns and as a tongue number 21 it's a tongue of spiritual warfare that when God gives it that ability to speak in tongue number one that utterance you cause things to happen spiritually and you set free people from your family and I pray that anointing be transferred upon you as I release it I want you to have faith and receive it because I know God is touching lives and things are happening right now the anointing of the Holy Ghost is coming upon you that you may cover the family you may cover everybody thank you Jesus lastly there are people that are connected to spirits how it is maybe a short time of amen that you used to date but you are still needed to him the Bible speaks of a so tide that was between Jonathan and David purposes the soul of Jonathan was needed to yeah that they were one they are people that attach to some people spiritually now the danger between SOT is that whenever you are connected to somebody with the demons those demons they now have access to you number two whenever you have sex with someone with spirits there is at sons fear demon day we have legal ground why if you read the Bible the Bible speaks and tells us something important the Bible says whoever joins himself with a prostitute becomes one with her in the spirit which means if a prostitute you have got spirits you become one with those spirits at the same time in your soul it becomes a so tie with her now the Bible says we'll ever marries and divorce if he marries again is living in a doubter why because your soul is too attached to your former wife unless that is broken you're still living in a daughter the Bible says you have to wait until she dies so that you can marry again but you have this flesh how are you going to survive for the rest of your life less than you divorce at age of 23 how are you going to live from 23 to 70 years old without a woman in your life it has to be a so tight that is broken for you to be free to marry another person unless a SOTA is broken you are still married to somebody that's why sometimes it is not good for you to lose your virginity someone is not your husband because once you attach yourself with this person and that so tight is not broken spiritually you are married to this person then you go to marry another person you are living a downer why because your soul is attached to somebody so I'm going to also be picking calls and praying for people that says I have a short time with somebody some is your kids growing up here so in mavim each other you cut your flesh she cut your flesh you put blood together you do all those things and those things are haunting you he had sex with some people may the fat people 20 people you lost count you had shortage with people you need to be some those things that you can't say I've Jesus in my life so I don't have a sword I know it don't work like that it don't work like that that's why you see people can have Jesus and Stu have HIV people can have Jesus and three of cancer people can have Jesus as well as the Bible says you shall eat deadly things drink deadly things and it will not harm you but you drink poison and you die no you have to understand that I have a relationship with Jesus that needs to be empowered so if I swatching me right now on Facebook or on Twitter on wherever you're watching me from Peter on K TV you got to understand I'm opening these broadcasts for a season where I'm taking this cause to pray for you to intercede for you to break a sore tie that is limiting you that is holding you because many of you you are gifted but now you are logged this is how the spirits operate this spirit the injected fear in you this spirit can come and sleep with you when they sleep with you you woke up drained you don't have an urge to pray you don't have energy to worship God you you don't even have energy to talk with people and sometimes they give you fear where you can't even say with just say it with people sometimes you are just shy to tell people that you go through this sometimes you can't even share with your own pastor your own prophet or your own husband because you've to otherwise but let me tell you the Bible says confess your sins to one another when the Bible says confess our sins to one another it means when I confess my sins to God God forgives me and washes me with the blood of Jesus my sins are forgiven but I can still go back and sing again when I confess to a person who is anointed he is the power to break it so when I'm sure oh I fear I just have to come from that zone and allow my deliverance to take place and while my deliverance take place then I'm free you need to pick the phone today and say prophet I am in the real world I'm going through this I know the apostle's that comes out in and they give you a word oh yeah when you are bound say I'm free when you're very demon say I don't have a demon when you are sick say I'm here it's a good thing in the level of faith but whenever you want deliverance you must be real and say this is what I'm going through I need to be set free I can be among a man of God I can be traveling with the past I prophet the Apostle and yet I'm going through these things be real with yourself and say this is my time this is my opportunity to be set free you might be knowing people that are going through that are not on K TV or they are not watching me on youtube facebook or ever the way you are watching me from call them today tell them to access this video and say you need to be delivered there is a rank in the spirit that can command lesser ranks to be broken not everybody can break these things it needs a man who hears from God I remember one day five pastors got that they were making ships for three days God's not a demon they come they go sleep others are doing it and later on they call me over the phone I just started describing out the space re-entering this person ABC diabesity I located the club that she was given and these spirits came through the clothes and how this space started operating and Wallace Tigh was prophesying the demons and screaming by the time we went on the phone I just said come out on a loudspeaker and the demon came out they took all these days the Prophet comes in a minute is doing it and it's done there are rings in the spirit that can cause things to happen it's not too late for your deliverance you might be in churches you may have traveled to different continents looking for your deliverance Jesus is going to touch you today Jesus is going to set you free today it's gonna be your time it's gonna be a moment Jesus is ready and I know my God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above whatever you can imagine he's ready to set you free he's ready to empower you the power of the Holy Ghost is going to vitalize your motor body today this is your opportunity this is your moment this is the time you have to say god I be real with myself and that allowed my deliverance to take place and I tell you you're gonna be free before I close I'm gonna check you to the Bible on the book that I have I have a book in this book I wrote a book called fivefold ministry of God which lives with a poster properly funded pass and teacher and then I did party to the fivefold ministry after their one go on Amazon and buy this book this book contains secrets about spirits and how you can be set free from this spirit I spoke about five levels of spirits I spoke about demons I spoke about Devils I spoke about evil spirits I spoke about unclean spirits and a spoke about familiar spirits and I spoke how they operate and how they can be removed from your life and how you can put a hedge of fire around you so that no spirit can penetrate in your world be it in your life in your family in your house you need to get that book and I know you'll be set free for God Jesus is ready to touch somebody bless somebody being a turnaround in the life of somebody it's never too late with Jesus this is the time you've got to pray and say God give me the ability give me access to just talk to the proper I know it's gonna be a lot of people calling and you you just have to keep calling if if there is nobody tending you because it's gonna be different ones that we gonna be attending to and I personally going to be praying and releasing deliverance over your life and I know God is gonna set you free as Sirte is going to be broken yeah that one for sure it's going to happen one number two you are going to be detached from every spirit that was attached to you God is going to disconnect you from every spirit that was connected to you at last God is setting you free that you may set free other people God is gonna empower you I always say this thing God can never be there where you can allow you to be in that bondage for no reason God allowed you to God through hell so that you can take out people from here when God takes you out from hell so this is the word that I have for you that Jesus Christ is setting you free in this season you have cried to God as the children of Israel cried to God in Egypt Gordon come in Egypt because there was no rank in Egypt took them led them out God visited the place of Midian I can be here in America broadcasting right now on social media on K TV let me tell you this God if he had your prayer that's why he spoke to me to do this video to set you free from certain spiritual husband or any spiritual attacks and to empower you in your spiritual warfare when you fight for your family when you fight for your friends when you fight for everybody around you be it your church or anything we can be a person in need of an empowerment so you can set free people your own children in the church it's not too late for you to call when the children of Israel cried to God cry to God in Egypt God sent a Moses was a rank in the spirit because no man in Egypt was going to suffice Pharaoh no man was going to do those signs wonders and miracles like Moses did 10 miracles that were outstanding that even when the false prophets came and tried to do it they could not do it I'm just yet to say you're delivering this now God is gonna touch you God is going to bless you the anointing of the Holy Spirit is gonna rest upon you it's never too late with Jesus this is the Gaffa prophet passion Java I am signing out and I'm living this word to you whoever the Son of Man says free is free indeed god bless you keep on keeping on stay tuned and KTV for more programs or follow me on youtube prophet person periscope prophet passion or facebook passion java page with a lot of thousands of followers don't follow any passion job on facebook because of scammers only the page with 60,000 we are growing 200,000 now follow that page that i only come out life not a shade one but the face I come out life god bless you stay in Jesus Christ presence for life amen and amen [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 104,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Passion teaching, deliverance from spiritual husband, set free from demonds
Id: Ac36G7y5j94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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