How to Receive the Anointing || Prophet Passion Java

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hola bro Takia ah Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You spirit of the Living God sia paramon Delica protégée debajo de la la compra turkey dibianco sakara mallika protégée dibianco Saqqara music network VPN a to the order of people some solitude a cage sabotage reycraft a kitty beholding who want to suffer a money leak Rosco Genki Dabrowski I was open at 12:30 p.m. until to avenge a Maryland to zero not even food Thank You JB be sure thank you Jesus lob protected on Sally Lim protected on the key Stoli Lala beam prodigy Degrassi Doubront Ikeda Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 [Music] [Applause] [Music] people liberated Ibaka shaker etc debacle cetera navaja strategy Reaper attack adiga pala bush lancret Ikeda Bogata baar ADEA Katella body edition of AHA see Baba say today February 23rd 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday to listen to the voiceover coming on to you listen to the message invitation to the program listen to the indication [Music] prophets Lily done Friday February 23rd doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday February 24th doors open at 12:30 p.m. five zero zero defense Robin Marilyn two zero nine zero floor beep they're gonna be sure to change her life [Music] Thank You Holy Spirit [Music] god bless everybody watching me this is the gaff of profit passion Java you just had a voice that was inviting you to come to our program right here in the month of February end of February we are going to be live indirectly in Maryland for a prophetic conference that will bring a turnaround in your life wherever you can be fly into Maryland and be a partaker a participator of what God is doing very in America if you can make it in person make sure you are able to join in on periscope Facebook YouTube on Twitter on Instagram and watch us life is going to be an event that will bring a turnaround in your life for jesus loves you the power of God is upon you hallelujah somebody I have a message for somebody today that will bring a turnaround in your life I just want to right now to share the broadcast invite followers make sure you invite somebody there are people that have never invited their own friends that one family I don't know why but let today be a day which you go bottom-left on Facebook and click share share it copy the link and spread it all over what's up all over your your all over to your friends and everybody on periscope they are three dots on the right go bottom right and click those three dots and share with your friends with your followers on Facebook Twitter Instagram share everybody I give you two minutes everybody to invite followers to share everybody god bless clifford for your offering thank you God bless you God bless you God bless you lebretia god bless everybody giving in the name of Jesus God prosper you God establish you God increase you in the mighty name of Jesus I will appreciate everybody giving I have a message for somebody today that I know your life will never be the same after today it's gonna be a message that will bring a change in your life remember I promise I will be coming every day here until we perfect our studio I'm also working on my office to make sure also becoming life in my office not only in the studio zone you're gonna have many many regulations which is good for you we are going to have many and a lot of revelations that are going to be coming to you so every time you know when we go live you have somewhere to write you have someone because it's good to keep a video it's also good to write something because what you write you don't forget so it is always good I give you a minute to invite followers a minute to share the broadcast to reach out to somebody and be a blessing to somebody tell them the Gotha prophet fashioned java is right here live in the red to bring the good tidings of the Holy Spirit thank you Jesus I'm going to pray and be a blessing to everybody watching me some people said a prophet person why is it you you don't have time for people like us who cannot afford to join one on one I said people just don't understand how things wait I'm available to people every day I come and bring the word if the word is not enough to you what else can I do to you I cannot be available to everybody so we have selected people that can be a blessing to our Minister that I can be a blessing to them because if I'm to come to everybody and say right now everybody call me I will never have life I will never have life so I'm always here to bring the good tidings of the Holy Spirit to you because Parakletos is always there to make sure your life is transformed through the word that love goes word before the Rhema toss word and many times I also come your life to give prophecies to people so try by all means to follow my minister every day on Facebook if you don't follow me you may be watching live but you don't follow my page click follow so that every time when I go live you can also click notification so you can be notified every time and go live and it goes on periscope makes you you follow profit passion right here on this page that I'm live right now thank you Jesus thank you Jesus so these are upcoming events before I get into teaching just today's gonna be powerful the teaching that we're going to have today number one the conference is number one we are going to have a conference what's the conference we are in Minnesota this Saturday and Sunday you can get more details on our website or on my Facebook page passions about Instagram Minnesota Minnesota I will be there with pastor Tony Saturday and Sunday Antoni is a great man of God that God is raising in Minnesota so Saturday and Sunday I'm in Minnesota the following weekend remember the test days I'm here in Maryland for my Thursday services but next week I will be in Orlando Orlando I will be in Orlando more details are on my facebook or my website then you can visit me the last week of February I will be here for a prophetic mentorship program which is going under registration when it is intestine but Friday is an open door for everybody for a prophetic conference no registration is not mentorship it's prophetic conference Friday and Saturday your life will never be the same again make sure you fly-in into Maryland and your life is going to be turned around into another level we are working hard to make sure we end our lusts in March and we're working hard to be in UK in much we are working on that until we sue the debt we'll post it on our social media and also put it on our website this is the Gaffa profit passion Java I'm going to be starting to again to teach people and empower people and bless people those that were not here invite followers share the broadcast invite followers share the broadcast in Jesus Mary name hallelujah so I'm going to take you to a Bible verse Bible verse that saw interest it says that depo came to steal he came to steal kill and destroy that John chapter number 10 John chapter number 10 verse number 10 it says the devil came to steal to kill and to destroy there's nothing else that he can do but he comes to kill the father is he said the Bible says you are like your father who is a matter of from the beginning he kills then his dues and he destroys he kills to use destroys he's a killer he is a thief is a thief and he is a destroyer so I'm going to go down in the scriptures and real tissue and empower you and give you a word that will bring a turnaround in your life I know for sure our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what does he steal anybody as a clue what does he destroy what is he that is stealing because the devil is a businessman he doesn't have time to waste he can just come and smile at you with the whole day when you see the devil coming to you he is coming to kill to steal and to destroy nothing more nothing less to kill to steal and to destroy and the question is how does he kill how does it feel what is it that he is destroyed what is it that he is destroyed and today's teaching I'm going to teach about it the unknown team I'm going to teach about the anointing every believer every Christian every child of God you have an unknown team whether you fell down you never fell down you have never shaken you have never felt heat you have the anointing someday for when they received anointing if I talk about all those experience I want to tell teacher what is the anointing what is the anointing so if you have somewhere to write I want you to write what is the anointing the anointing number one is oil in the ointment number two is the ability to number three its focus so when we say I have been anointed it means I've been placed for you on me he anointed my head he anoint my head with oil my cup runs over that's for you being placed on you you are being unwanted number two there's an anointing for you which is spiritual which you cannot touch you cannot see it you can't smell it but it's spiritual when it's poured in you it enters you direct your spirit not your forehead but direct into a spirit that one is called the ability to so if Jesus says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he has anointed me to preach what he's saying is he have given me the ability to preach which means you don't preach because you are excellent you don't preach because of your eloquence you don't preach because of Bible School you don't preach because of anything else but you are able to preach good tidings to the poor why because you have been given the ability from heaven so the anointing is number one oil number two is the ability to if it is the anointing of preaching I've been given the ability to preach and reigning or prophets have been given the ability to prophesy if it is done pointing to your decision being even the ability to heal the sick then lastly anointing also means focus you have been anointed to focus you have been given the focus on people that are watching focus on people that I need of the way to focus in this damage so the anointing is focus that is why when a man of God used to be powerful doing great things and he's no longer and that powerful doing what he used to do we say oh he losted the anointing in another words we are saying he lost the focus he used to have focus but he lost the focus so now I can continue I wanted you to know what is the anointing I repeat the anointing is oil the anointing is the ability to the anointing is focus when you check in the realm of the Spirit the anointing comes in three dimensions I taught this it comes in form of fire in form of water and form of electricity the anointing in form of fire when it comes upon you your whole pot will be hot you feel heat all over you that's why Jeremiah said it was like fire it's not fine but it was like facet arm in my bones the anointing in form of of water when it comes on you you don't feel it you don't feel any heat you don't shake you don't fall nothing happens to you god bless that are giving then then the anointing that is in form of electricity makes people shake people fall down people jump it when you look at it in the spirit is like lightning so to some people when the anointing comes they'll be sitting like this they don't fear anything I'll be looking at other people some people don't be second some people they fell down when it's coming on your hand alone you see some people are shaking their hands say what what's happening to you because some kind of people cannot understand that things of the Spirit some the anointing comes on your leg your leg is shaking and people like what's happening with this one you don't want that anointing at your workplace hmm you don't want that anointing in front of your mother and love you you don't want that that is why when the court is anointing sometimes it separates and put you some money the ISO lets you for the anointing now questions have rose and people they ask themself am i anointed yes people do themselves questions they give themselves questions am i anointed do I really have the anointing of God listen the word Christ means The Anointed you cannot have the unwanted in you and not have the anointing because Jesus Christ the word Jesus means the Savior when you have Jesus yourself Christ means the anointing when you have Christ do you have the anointing so Jesus Christ means the saved the Savior the anointing when you have Jesus in you you are served when you have Christ in you you have the anointing so if you have never prayed a prayer to say Lord Jesus come into my heart you are not saved if Jesus comes today you don't go to heaven that's why you need to repent and give your life to Jesus but there is someone called Christ christ is the anointed hmm Christ means The Anointed I said yesterday everyone effort a twin the Bible says in the book of Genesis chapter 49 Jacob gathered his children and Esau Israel began to bless them Jacob gathered but Israel bless them he is every person here for the twins I said they saw was a middle but the poor was an apostille so Jesus is the Savior but his twin is the Christ so Jesus did not want to die on the cross that's why he was crying at the Garden of gas man but Christ wanted to die they are 90 with the ability to die was in him now as we go forth I want you to understand something every child of God every Christian every child of God we have Jesus Christ in you you have the unknown team but the question is what type of an anointing do you have and what it brings the anointing what increases the anointing before we talk about how you can lose the anointed they are anointing that you have received first John chapter 2 it's a teacher all things the Christ in you is the hope of your glory Christ means The Anointed One he teaches you all things now the anointing teaches you how by creating problems that anointing in you only can self can help can resolve the problem if you are noted to you the sick people around you they become sick they are no nted to interpret dreams people around you they start having dreams that they will not understand that is why when Joseph was pledged in Egypt they started having dreams but people that were interpreters of dreams for years they could not interpret because the anointing of Joseph was drawing dreams to people dreams were coming to people because the anointing in you creates problems that the anointing a new alone can be able to reach out and resolve so when you have the anointing of prosperity you attract poor people the Bible does not say Jesus was poor but the Bible says Jesus became poor that we may be rich Jesus a big came poor became means he changed the form he is not but he became why so that he attracts the poor you can only exact of your kind and divorce lady attractive was ladies check every group of people a drunkard child send him to school you are charted drunkard kids around him that's why they say baboons of the same age they play together they say birds of the same feather they flock together so your gifts your anointing it sucks what it alone can touch and save so Jesus is prosperous but as the anointing of prosperity that is leading him to become poor so when he attracts the poor he can preach the good news to the poor he says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me have anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor so everyone around you is a prophecy of the anointing that his in do you want to know your calling do you want to know they are noting that is in you check seven people that are around you what are they going through they need deliverance you are a deliverer so Moses is surrounded by people that needs to be delivered he lives Egypt you cross the median he missed the totals of zetro under the bondage of the shepherds the boxes and he delivered them from the Shepherd's everywhere is going is attracting people that are bondage because he is a deliverer so they are noting in you tells you what you are supposed to do the anointing in you at sucks what is supposed to do now when the anointing is upon you it is increased through pain when we are making olive oil we make olive leaves and we crush them when we crush olive leaves they bring the olive oil it is through the crushing that you see or your coming out so the more you are going through persecution the more you are being anointed that is why the Bible says and the disciples rejoiced when they went through persecution they were actually happy that they are being persecuted because they know that our anointing comes our anointing is in the power of persecution when we are being persecuted perplexed towards the true and from the unknown thing is being increased in ass that's why god says to Paul why listen to this verse Paul you have been go and meet a man by the name Ananias ye shall tell you things that we shall suffer for my name's sake poor is told to go and meet a man who prophesy things that he shall suffer for the sake of the gospel some of you you don't want to suffer but you want but the anointing is in Safari they are noin ting is in problems the anointing is when you are going through tough times that is why in the minister of Jesus you was ever suffering who brings the suffering that devil why is he making you to suffer he wants the anointing he doesn't know by making you to suffer he increases it so when the devil is coming he comes to people that are anointed it doesn't have time to waste coming to anyone who is not anointed that Devil is coming to you why because we have done hunting hmm why is all yo after you today you have received a new anointing in this periscope Facebook YouTube this movement we are doing live sessions we have been changing lives impacting people the anointing of the prophetic and because you are ever-increasing look my son yesterday called me professor Ron says Papa had been fasting over the days but I never fasted without water without food we have soup when I'm fasting I have water when I'm fasting sometimes I only bite an apple to keep going because I'll be waiting but when you declared three days of fasting I went for those three days three days three nights of fasting no food no water and then one thing I felt on the third day Papa I don't know how to thank you you have changed my life Thank You Holy Spirit there are people that are increasing in anointing as we are going life number one they are noting is being transferred to you number two as you are fasting number three as you are praying the prayers that we are leading you here they are empowering you to increase so if you want to increase your anointing read the Bible every time because the more you have the word the more anointing you care number two the more you go through suffering and you're standing in Christ we increase the anointing number three the more you fasts and pray increases the anointing make it a combination of prayer every day of fasting every week of going through whatever you're going through and to say thank you Jesus for what I'm going through the reason why the devil is squeezing you he wants the anointing but tell you let me tell you yesterday I said Jesus said to Peter flesh and blood did not reveal this unto you why because the anointing is not in the flesh the anointing is not in the blood but the anointing is in the ball that is why when it the balls of Eliza was to in the graph and the dead man was placed in the same pit the Bible says when he only got connected to the born of Elijah he came back to life because the anointing of resurrection was the stew in the body so God is blessing people God bless everybody given God is blessing people God is anointing people God is the favoring people but is as he is increasing the anointing in you that there was trying to squeeze it he's trying to put pain in the flesh tone in the flesh because he doesn't know where they are meeting is let me go into my subject now why is the devil coming to those with the anointing Thank You Holy Spirit why is that they were coming to doors with the anointing molecules of attire Lily Kalamata Terry day Becca Kia Kyle the reason why the devil is coming after you when you have done hunting number one Ezekiel 28 verse 4 and 5 it says the devil because of the excuse of your trading you have increased in world the devil is a trader when he sees that we have done knowing he wants it he wants to trade it he wants to offer you something in return of you giving him the anointing or angels are created by God but what makes other angels powerful is the power of trading the Bible tells us that seraphim's are angels responsible of worship they have six wings they have tambourines the pipes and hubs in them to bring worship to God karru beams they have got the four wings they guide the glory of God they don't wash it Ezekiel 28 verse number 10 says you wear the unknowing that Caleb Tom Hollands pipes and humps were inked repeatedly new in the day you were created why is he finding everything in the day is created and what is in him is not for kerubim Stowe is a kerubim is for the seraphim's he knows how to trade what's this he comes to Jesus you know that Jesus is the chief Cornerstone Ephesians 2 verse 20 the foundation of the church is built upon the apostles and the prophets and Jesus is the chief Cornerstone so G the devil knows the house cannot stand without Jesus so he wants to take the position of Jesus he comes to the wilderness huh he says you are hungry were fasting 40 days and nights he offered him breads god bless that are giving white bread bread is tempura but the stone is everlasting therefore he says change this stone to become bread give me the stone I give you the bread he says bow down to me just worship me I'll give you the kingdoms why worship me become my son let's trade your sonship with my kingdom I'll give you the kingdom you become my son when ever that there was greatness in you he comes to trade he looks at Samson he sees that Samson is highly annoyed he is anointed with power not Philistine can stand him what does he do he comes to Samson and he begins to trade he says give me this anointing I give you the liar therefore dilemma is given and returned he took the power the anointing of Samson Samson became powerless he had to wait to renew the power to be revealed to have another head so the unknowing thing can come upon him again and empower him again because the power which he had from bed the power that you've got that over theirs was taken by the devil ha because he traded when they are know the devil is coming after you he is coming to traded he is coming to traded the anointing with you when he offers you a lady is trading the anointing when his offering you the pleasures of this world is trading the anointing do not touch anything which God told you not to touch do not go after what God says don't go after because the devil creates a problem in order to offer you when you can cut the devil the unwitting increases you the Bible says something important watch this before Jesus went to be tempted by the devil god bless that are giving before that dead boy met Jesus to tempt him Jesus never declared himself anointed from the age of 1 to the age of 30 we don't hear the anointing of Jesus but when he went and he was tempted by the devil and he overcame the temptation he came back from the wilderness and says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he anointed me to preach ways in getting the anointing by overcoming what the devil is trying to give him whenever you overcome every temptation you in creasing that nothing so the temptation comes to demote you or to promote you when the temptation is coming for you is to take your anointing or to increase the anointing I'm talking to you my sister my brother my daughter my son I'm talking to you right now what you have is special guided jealously don't trade a holy anointing because of a kiss because you are lacking finances and the men wants to sleep with you and take you off your tooth of your piece of your kids of your house no the anointing in you is too special that you cannot trade it with a man you can trade it with sex get out from those dirty videos get out from that bad behavior leave those drug life alone and leave that type of music listen they are demons that comes to take your anointing how so listen to some certain type of music that brought in demons in him when demons comes in you they corrupted the anointing the Bible says the ability to go and play music so the spirits can come out why because a demon that is played in it cannot be considered by fire fire come out come out no no no a demon displayed in it has to be played out well cried your ear to protect the anointing because the demons they have got entry points that they used to take the anointing number one your ear what what you listen because what you listen can corrupt your Ont trade your anointing steal your anointing destroy anointing or kill it I'm going there your eyes watch what you watch be careful what you watch because what you watch can some certain spirits that can trade your anointing Jesus look at these kingdoms I will give you these kingdoms if you can worship if Jesus is to look the devil was student how do I know it the devil came in the Garden of Eden what does he do he makes the woman to look the Bible says when the woman saw that the tree was desired to make one wise she took the fruit and ate it when she looked when she looked some people they say is not bad watch the TV don't let a bad enemy for you what watch what you watch watch what you listen to because the anointing can be corrupted or it can be stolen timon entries they enter through the hands watch what you touch not when a second I don't shake hands like I use my fingers to greet people why this second this area it's an entry point that can make the anointing enter or you can lose it through this entry points I was cutting out a demon called the demon or chain yes back and when I casted this demon this demon began to say my name is chain what I do is I go I don't enter the church I'm not authorized to be in the presence of God but I wait at the door when people are leaving I greet them we stand on the door we greet people when we greet whoever they go and greet it becomes a chain where they open a portal for themselves to lose the anointing we drain the anointing that even when they enter in church after we greet them they are powerless they cannot pray if they leave the church and we greet them the war week they will not be able to pray watch whoever you greet would do you open your palm to because you can lose the annuity another entry point of the anointing is your head some of us we go to the Bubba's we have our Bubba's that comes to the house that we trust because when a Bubba or a hair stylist touches your heads your head is a sensitive place of the spiritual world especially come to the anointing that's why the Bible says he annoys my head with oil my heads someone be careful who lays hands on you it can be a pasta it can be a baba it can be established whoever lessons on you your knowing can be corrupted or it can be stolen it can be taken away from you by someone who is laying hands on you ever they can corrupt it they can dilute it they can put the anointing of lasts because that therefore perhaps the anointing the corrupted anointing means the anointing of love have become the anointing of lust he puts it when you go up to have been prayed for you start fighting organist lasts it's burning you it's not coming from anything you are not watching any dirty video but it's burning you be careful who lays hands on you it's another entry point we have an alert it's another it's another thing that I'm gonna be teaching you we have we have the belly button we have the private parts we have the underneath but watch this that they become to steal kill and destroy how does this do when he fails to trade when you overcome you double your anointing every time you are tempted and you overcome you increase in the 90 when he sees that he cannot trade with you he comes to a plan B John chapter 10 verse 10 that they will come to steal kill and destroy stealing is not robbing stealing is not robbing if I'm robbing you I have robbed you at least you are looking when you are watching I break in your house god bless everyone sharing on Facebook god bless everybody inviting follow us when you are when you are I just forgot I was talking about the devil coming to steal your anointing definitely stealing and Robbie the difference between stealing and robbing is this I can break into a bank holding a gun and Rob everyone is looking at me it's a Robbie but if I come to your house Wallace you are asleep and move slowly in slow motion and begin to pick things from the house I'm not robbing you I'm stealing that's why the Bible says who a man Rob God yes you have robbed me by not tithing by not giving offerings I would kiss you with a kiss God is saying people god bless that are giving why is God saying people are Wahby it's because he's looking at tourists who are eating he is looking at to Alice you are taking Nui he is offering to pay your own bills so when you don't give an offering and you buy your girlfriend with an offering God says you are robbing me why because I'm looking at you but stealing is not robbing that Deborah does not rob which means when it comes after youth after your anointing to take your anointing he makes sure you're not seeing it because a robber comes why least everyone is looking at him he may put a mask but we are seeing that there is a robber but st lana when he comes to steal hmm you make sure you don't see it you will be asking how did you drop the anointing how did you lose the anything you don't even know that's why the Bible refers to Jezebel as a spider why as a spider god bless that are giving why is a spider because as fighters puts a spider web once the eases in the house the spider goes and relaxes a fly comes and is caught on the on the web and the spider grabs the dead the fly and begin to suck the blood lives the body and goes hmm hmm that devil put some doctrines that will mislead people once you are misled he drains the anointing it takes away you are 90 big careful of the doctrines that you are raised in by churches let me tell you my church I don't have any other doctrine by the Bible Bible is the only doctrine that I follow the Bible is the only doctrine don't listen to men who tell you what to eat what not eat don't listen to any men that tell you what to watch was not what the Bible is the only doctrine that tells you want to watch what not watch what to listen to what not to listen to everything you need is in the Bible that's the doctrine what's the doctrine that are given to you how does this till it is the main question excuse it by giving you wrong people wrong people for example if I tell you to come to Silver Spring go by Bank of America in a street called ADIZ you shall see amen Cody Jitsu or double-oh-seven standing there with a black bag black shoes and black shirts give him the money if you go and their wrong person is standing there then you give the money to that person you just lost the the money how by giving the wrong person how do you lose the anointing that therefore puts the wrong people in your life if you are assigned it to prophesy to passion Java then you prophesy to double-oh-seven what does it mean it means the anointing you used on double or seven belongs to passion Java therefore that anointing that God placed four-passenger in you have been stolen by the double-oh-seven some people are not getting this your anointing is a tight to some certain people Jesus was not called to preach to the prosperous people Jesus is not called to preach to rich people that's why when they called him a glutton they said it's because you go to rich people's houses and you eat with them you've got two thieves and you eat with them why he had no attempt to preach to the rich people when the rich men came to Jesus by night sneaking out where no one was singing Jesus did not preach to him why because the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he have anointed me he have given me the anointing to preach to the poor the anointing ahead is to preach to the poor if Jesus was to be losing the annuities are kind of poor people to number one ignore your crowd when God anoints you who are you unwritten to who are you anointed for are you rented for poor people are you anointed for rich people are you anointed for everybody who are you anointed for so his thing is de-rating by bringing wrong people that's why the minister of Jesus yet some senses that would block Jesus when you Baptist and Jesus could not perform miracles in the city it could not means he tried and it did not happen why he could not when he is the King of Kings the Lord of lords the code of course the miracle worker is because his assignment was not for his City Jesus was anointed for the colonies he was anointed for the people in Galilee and he performed the miracles in galle like never before like in any other place why because he is anointed for the Galileans when he wants to release the anointing to the wrong people the annuity could not come out Heda by under a debacle sheket I mean Bharata Takeda bazan god bless everybody that's giving god bless everybody I appreciate their power god bless you watch this when you have the wrong people around you you would doubt your annuity when you have wrong people in your life you'll be asking yourself am i anointed because you pray for them nothing happens but good the way you're lying God God you you told me I saw I lay my hands upon the sick and they shall be healed God what's happening to me God is telling you you are in the wrong place with the wrong people so you don't want to be at the wrong place because when you are surrounded by people that are doubting you you are meeting cannot about it Jesus says a prophet is without honor in his own City to his own people that's why God says Abram come out from your people come out from your country come out from your father's house why because these people don't believe in that know anything I've given you the Bible says when we do not separated himself with Abraham God says as far as you can see possess these are wanting to possess that are functioning when he disconnected himself with a lot what am I saying there are people that are in your life that are limiting your anointing therefore you are doubting am i anointed am i truly cold do I have the calling of God in my life yes you have but you are surrounded by our own people in your life the Bible speaks our are busy Goodman but the Bible says when he married Jezebel her the Bible says she changed him and made him and even the Bible is specific to say he became evil because of Jezebel he married a person who was from another king who was from unbelievers people that worshipped idols Jezebel came and ABS life changed some people you are limited because the devil gives you a wrong person the wrong people they steal the anointing that is in you the ability in you is taken because you are attached to a wrong person and I pray for you if you are sleeping on the same bed with the wrong person some people are married to a woman to a husband that is a wrong person I caused it in the rim of the spear to be a change so that wrong one becomes the right one from today in the name of Jesus I pray that your husband be touched by the power of God your wife-to-be tend to fit in the category of your anointing in the name of Jesus Christ so your anointing can be stolen because you are with the wrong people we move again the unknown team can be killed how do you cure the anointing by being in the wrong place the anointing is cued by being at the wrong place if you are in the wrong place you are knowing thing is cute what is the meaning of killing the ability is not operating you can be doing business but your business will be dead what is the result that your business is dead there is no profit your business is dead so how does the devil kill your business how does he cure your anointing he comes to kill steal and to destroy the Bible says Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they are not a born in Babylon they are born in Israel their anointing is dead nobody knows them why that devil put them in the wrong place some people you are in the wrong place that's why you are knowing is not waiting why the devil kills you are waiting by putting you in the wrong place but when they were in Babylon Shadrach Meshach Abednego stood before the king they can challenge the king they can fail to worship an idol they are placed in the furnace of fire they can praise God and they can manifest Jesus in the fire that King looks and he can see Jesus he can see three four men in the fire why they are now in the right place that Devil Peter in Minnesota when you are supposed to be in Maryland you put you in a Mississippi when you're supposed to be Maryland that devil put you in Atlanta when you're supposed to be in Maryland I pray hey come out today Kadapa hota let it be a prayer today as I pray for you that you may identify the place of your calling because when you are in the wrong place you are waiting does not operate Daniel Jeremiah prophesied in Israel that they saw been bondage Daniel is there but Daniel is not prophesying is not hearing God why his ability up until by being in the wrong place if it Jeremiah goes to Babylon you never professor anything because your anointing operates when it's in the right place now that is taken daniel is now in Babylon he began to prophesy like never before Lee Cumbre take a Dipity a tantalum and Augusta they are people that are in the wrong place being in the wrong place your anointing is dead hmm how does that devil destroy the annuity you come to kill to and to destroy how does he destroy you are no anything by giving you the wrong assignment because every anointing is attached to an assignment you have never seen me casting out demons I don't do two minutes I'm not like people obviously what's your name where you coming from why I don't do that in a minute that demon is gone I mastered that but I was not assigned for deliverance you have never seen me doing them astray no power I don't you know they are pastors that would be laying hands on you you have to fall by force they will push you I don't touch you when I demonstrate the power you can be then I just say touch and the power comes on you I can just move my hand I can move my leg I have been anointed with power but that's not my assignment my assignment is to teach is to speak in tongues interpret ends and to prophesy mainly in in brackets is to raise people in the prophetic he says I have called you to be a prophet of prophets in Zimbabwe and all nations around the world my assignment is to raise people in the prophetic I don't advertise healing I do real deep healing I don't advertise miracles you have seen me raising people for mooches I have prayed for people that were dead they came back to life some of you yet elder Capone Bishop in Zimbabwe testifying how his child died prayed for him and the doubt came back to life why is it I'm not putting everything out then I am NOT marketing myself as everyone I'm marketing myself as someone if you are FBI you cannot go in the traffic and stop stopping people's cars being a police doesn't mean you do everything you have a department that you are assigned to so that devil destroys the anointing by given your own assignment some soul is assigned to fight against the Philistines if the Samson is to fight the other nations hmm that not his assignment is anointing is being destroyed so the devil brings your own assignment you start calling yourself prophet when you're called to be a teacher you start calling yourself pasta when our co2 been a posto he gives you room assignment therefore you're unwitting I've been destroyed let me tell you something there is no god bless everyone sharing on Facebook keep sharing keep serving god bless those that are inviting people on Instagram periscope the anointing of God is so strong I feel the power of God what it is where was I Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung Samsung source all right that Devil Makes sure if you're in a poster he will make you a profit people let me tell you something people always call you up on what they see for new doing but God doesn't call you according what he is seeing in you people they call you prophet because you professor but the bipod disqualifies that the Bible says before you were in your mother's womb before you said that's the Lord I called you I ordained you I name do a prophet people want to see your professor and go you but don't let people put you in the wrong assignment by calling you what you are not remain as you are code there is no calling which is greater than another colleague no all callings are the same according to how body for you who is foo if everybo is foo is foo if a bottle is full is full if a cup is full is for if a pond is full is full you can't try to be fool I can see when you are airports before in your coil don't try to move from your assignment because the moment you move from your assignment you lose it you lose it God is touching some people and is increasing your anointing what what it is God does not operate like magic I'm talking to someone who doesn't want to increase the anointing because sometimes we also you have to give to increase the annuity remember when that depo is trading how does it rate it trade by offering you something in exchange of something I give you as bread you are hungry give me the strong you are the chief Cornerstone give me the stone and give me the bread because G knows it doesn't work like magic for one thing to come on you something you have to come out from you let me take a deeper Jesus is God why is Jesus not multiplying bread why is he not commanding bread to just appear the things of God are not magic you need two loaves and five fish with the two loaves and five fish he multiplies it give me the bread and the fish ow in multiply it he wants to give people wine why can't he just come and wine from heaven he says give me water you must give me water and I'll give you wine some of you give God your time for him to release time because what you give is according to what you attract if you give him time you give you his time do you have time for Jesus in your life every day when you give him your words he gives you your word prophecy is not magic prophecy is God responding to your prayers when you speak to him he speaks back to you and Liza a king sub 2nd Kings chapter 6 they say that the place where we I have become too small what shall we do let us expand it one man borrowed an axe as she was hitting the tree the axe head fell into the water and Liza is the Prophet why is he not commanding the exit to come out he knows they have to be an exchange it takes a stick from the tree and through it the stick is supposed to float the one that supposed to float is the one that is sinking and the beam that supposed to be sinking it began to float and he took it on the water you have to give something that you want in order to get what you want and lifes are ones who Elijah wants water from heaven he puts water on the outer and they bow on the outer and then he commands the fire to come so that when good answers by fire he knows what he wants is the water and you release the water some of you you want money but you don't want to give some of you you want the anointing but you don't want to go through the sufferings of this world some of you you want to be increased in the anointing but you don't want to overcome the temptations that are in front of you God is speaking to you right now and they say increase your anointing and increase your time for me increase your fasting days increase your player life increase the way you teeth are you faithful enough in your type are you faithful in your offerings God is saying when you give our exchange your water with one yes your outer with rain yes then we do was crying I don't have anything the message what do you have you must have something says I believe to always bring it and bring the judge that prophet began to fill the judge when the judge were no more the oil could not come out stop limiting God's there are people that are limiting God they say I've been playing too much a little relax I've been giving every day I need to relax stop limiting God as long as just at them they are you is to be coming to somebody in craft or melody a quarter Mzee I'm going to pray I'm going to release the anointing on people right now how come Retta categorize a I'm opening a minute for people that are not wanting to limit God that says we've been giving we are going to give again be it five dollars two dollars hundred dollars five hundred whatever you have I'm giving you a minute Kaaba so toll Ahuja I know some people have been fair today I know people at manna from heaven today la costa brava labrie khadiyah KO go to prophet Mogga body okati a breeder bosque de bunda musty the brand acadia katya massacre on de body a totally mom ready be a co so Thank You Holy Spirit I have I have pinned the profit passenger come on Facebook oh yeah somebody is sending was this one willing willing vessel is texting a powerful vest the lead was limiting yourself she says I don't have and it the Prophet says go and borrow teachers don't limit yourself god bless those that are giving Wanda thank you for the Kelsey wanna thank you for giving the Bible says the Prophet says go and borrow go and borrow and when she borrowed the vessels instead of keep borrowing she limited a miracle some of you God is opening a door for you to increase in the annuity but you are limiting yourself God whoever increased the anointing know how to trade once money leaves your hand it's trading in exchange of something is it the anointing is it money that you want is it a break to that you want take a carrot awash god bless you for your offering gobble impro takeda bahasa begin to pray wherever you are begin to talk to God wherever you are as people are given pray talk to Jesus pray talk to Jesus something is happening to you la compra tiga Bala massacred a day with Madison god bless you and LM a Socratic EDA bandura Grabbe do Stella Vika Bianca Greene god bless you God bless you God bless you run proto Soto Lim pratik a Sutra Pasha kalahari Amrita taka taka taka pizzelle maria god bless aghh aghh Nadia Ignatius - god bless you masha echo god bless you God bless you for offering a recruit a Kezia la critic Umbria Kasich raha school debry Allen go gobble gobble or even some of your names I don't know but even those that are gonna be watching later on mazi karate Akasha oh I see Katie v-log there god bless the double-oh-seven god blessing rachel power god bless you for your giving Lambretta katya Cumbre huzzah everybody to our left it 30 seconds to give you may give a dollar five dollars $100 whatever you have somebody give five five five Teresa steed god bless you god bless you for your giving god bless everybody giving as you are giving I pray for an exchange or root Frado god bless you Judy rum Ram Sharan god bless you god bless you maca body accom prodigy Akashic IBD akka say I'm seeing a wonderful picture here on our Facebook and our periscope I'm synced TV log Brande Brande son Brandy's Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooking ton God blessing I'm seeing a nice graphic that is saying so you see it at profit fashion comes I didn't have to pin it god bless you god bless you god bless everybody giving I'm going to pray that anointing come upon us tomorrow your heels god bless it's a big offering thank used to marry your heels God day in Cappadocia and talk about some people who that devil would tell you that is too much I've been giving a bit you give fabulous give dollar or sometimes you given retinas were turned it whatever you give never get tired navigated siege a bully so Maroma god bless you god bless you son never get tired to that extent of limiting yourself when God is blessing you never be tired of bringing the vessels because as long as the vessels are then the anointing is going to be increased the oil represent the anointing the prophet kept on pouring but when the judge were no longer there there was nothing Jesus as a brain just they brought the judge they limited if they had brought 20,000 judge Jesus was going to bring wine in all those 20,000 jars malabar aha day Tamika Smith sooo and the Jesus is able to say something important Makabe Hadi bring water in this Joss they never says why they never complain they were waiting for a miracle Masek raha day yeah a row god bless yo yo yo yo ooh yeah ooh god bless you god bless you I wanna pray for everybody that get I wanna connect with even those that are giving in prayer some of you you're giving is prayer you pray for us I want to pray for you as well Christine doo doo osa you dorsa god bless you Antone Wooten that's a big offering god bless you god bless everybody I wanna speak blessings to everybody okay I give 10 seconds call now to profit passion calm those that are giving gone now so that we can give now and I'll be able to pray for you now in the name of Jesus Gwen Micah son god bless you please come to church today Shawn Williams that's a big offering thank you Shawn Williams Christie burundi D I've never had in last name like D and D I god bless you indeed god bless you for offering I'm gonna pray and speak blessings speak the anointing speak favor speak opening of doors over you may God fill your just in the name of Jesus I pray may that water change to become a wine what is wine wine is the unknown thing that makes you drunk the Bible says don't be drunk and people says God says don't be drunk with one and goss's and people says God is saying we should be drunk but not with wine god bless you see in the basket he says you are saying we should be drunk but not with one jesus says God says yes god bless and read and read ah not with wine god bless Elizabeth not with wine so what shall we be drowned with he says be filled with the Holy Spirit there is an anointing that makes you drunk purpose god bless you purpose god bless you your own colors shiron colors who god bless you god bless everybody mom rated everyone some people are sewing their prayers god bless you aims test see Jessica be filled with the Holy Ghost wherever you are the unknown thing is in the Holy Ghost he says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he has anointed me to Kaaba and al-abadi etc Bosa he had anointed me to preach the gospel massa get her I pray because of the power of your giving today may the Holy Spirit stretch a hand and anoint you the anointing upon me to prophesy I release it over you in the name of Jesus may you be filled or capacity' Tiffany I pray for you and everybody that stretch to give may the anointing increase may you overcome temptation that you are mighty increase I prayed that the anointing in you not to be corrupted but be sued and be protected be covered by the proper Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus baby John I pray for you I pray for everybody listening to my voice you are blessed be increased be favored in the name of Jesus combro at ikeda Victoria George I pray for every Giver I pray for every believer in the name of Jesus be blessed today be increased today big paper today be multiplied by the power of the anointing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray somebody saw a man I forget we're not in church I'm so I'm used to say somebody's out open heaven church international god bless you for the offering god bless you God bless you God bless you God increase you in the name of Jesus some people are gonna be watching broadcast I send my prayer for you as you give after this life as you give after watching a rebroadcast I pray may god's hand be upon you may you be increased in the anointing may you be favored in the anointing I pray that your ability to move to another dimension in the name of Jesus Christ be empowered be blessed be favored Tameka Chou I pray for you that God will increase you God - with a special meeting may you know the place of your annuity may you know the people you are anointed for may you know the power of your destiny in the name of Jesus you shall know your assignments you shall know your people you shall know your destiny and I pray that you'll be established today in the name of Jesus and believe in God you shall be established believe in the Prophet you shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus I pray somebody shout a man in the name of Jesus I will not be here for a long time some people have registered for one one with me I'm gonna be doing one on one and two I prepare myself to go to church so if you have signed for one on one or not my person calm I want you to text our office that I'm ready now if I have not yet reached out to you type I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready we have had some people that were too in the line from December and I cleared everybody and I'm almost done with the people for January and I've also dealt with some people that raised the treble is so god bless you I will be praying for you as you pray for me and I pray binding myself together with you this minute should be a blessing to you as you are also a blessing to us I appreciate you as you appreciate me together the kingdom of God keeps on keeping on in Jesus name again this is the Gotha prophet passenger ver signing out aim
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 78,011
Rating: 4.8124137 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Passion
Id: UsHu2x5o1zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 27sec (4287 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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