Quick & Easy Undervolting | MSI Afterburner Tutorial

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today i want to look at how to use msi afterburner  to quickly and easily undervolt your gpu so this   is mainly pertaining to nvidia gpus the same  method applies to amd but it's kind of easier   when the amd side we'll deal with that in the  future so i did make a video on why you need to   undervolt your gpu where i go over the benefits of  undervolting so to actually get there you're going   to need a few things first off you're going to  need hw info or a similar program for diagnostic   info you're also going to need an application to  push your gpu to the limit here we have horizon   zero dawn running in the background and then  as we can see that's pushing the gpu to 99   which is exactly what we need open up these again  and of course you're going to need msi afterburner   this is the main skin that i cut it comes with and  if you're curious and you install it and it's not   the same it is this one the msi mystic afterburner  skin by drex design so the first thing you need to   do before actually tinkering with msi afterburner  is figure out what your gpu is doing so you can   easily go do this let's say it's the future and  you have i don't know a 40 80 and it's really   pumping out the heat so all you have to do is  google your specific gpu so if it's an asus 4080   just type in asus 4080 under volt and i'm sure  you'll find a setting that'll probably work well   for your card but i recommend actually going in  and figuring out what your card does because each   card is going to be different to some degree so  this is pretty simple and all you have to do is   let that game run until your card hits that heat  limit starts the thermal throttle as we can see   mine is pretty much plateaued here at about  81 to 82 degrees so at that point you take two   measurements one of them is going to be your gpu  clock so i'm going to be choosing around 1860 you   can go above or below that by about 20 megahertz  and also you're going to be looking at your core   voltage and right now we're getting about 1 000  millivolts so i got both my clock and i've got   my voltage yours is going to be different now with  that info we're ready to undervolt so go over here   to msi afterburner and i'm not going to go through  the details of all these little settings here   what we're looking at is the curve editor so you  can either click that button or if it doesn't   have that button just hit ctrl f and that will  open the curve editor so this is pretty simple   it's very straightforward so we have we have  our voltage here we had a thousand millivolts   and we also had a clock rate of about 1880 is  what i'm going to set it to so what you need   to do is come down from that 1000 millivolts about  50 millivolts each time so from there 950 reaching   up to this here and we're going to pull that up  to 1880 as long as it's close to that now this   is the next step that's very easy some people  actually manually move each one of these to be   in line you don't have to do that just hold shift  then drag the left click across hit shift enter   it'll flatten out that line and then all you have  to do is hit apply boom you're under volted that's   it that's all you have to do so what you want to  do from there is move down that voltage further   by about 50 millivolts is probably  good you can go slower if you want to   until it becomes unstable and what i mean by  unstable is essentially you'll you'll know   very quickly is the application you're running  will crash or your computer will crash it's not   a big deal it's not going to ruin your computer  or anything it's not going to cause any long-term   problems but that's how you know it's unstable all  you have to do is go back up to whatever voltage   you were at before that was stable so it wasn't  crashing and that that's your under volt so i just   repeat that process i'd come down hit you can hit  that reset come down to 900 pull that up to 1880 drag cross shift enter apply see it's  stable and i do it again restart 850. drag it across shift enter apply it's  stable at least initially it's stable   so i know that's the limit for my gpu i could  go lower but i've already tried that in the past   and the application crashes and essentially that's  where i landed on 850 millivolts at 1880 megahertz   has been good for me so that's my upper limit for  undervolting and as you can see it has affected   the temperature already the game's still running  the temperature has gone down a few degrees   you can see that this voltage is flattened out  the power usage has come down and the core load   is still up there at 99 percent so from there what  you can do is you can save it all you have to do   is hit the save button you'll get these flashings  on the side and you can just click on one of those   and then i'll save a profile so if that's all  you wanted to do that's it you can stop there   if you want to go a bit further and you're not  completely satisfied with the temperature of   your gpu you can take it down further so at this  point you do the same thing but now you're going   to do it with the frequency you bring down the  frequency you can do 50 100 millivolts so for   example if we're at 1880 let's say i bring it down  about a hundred i'm going to go to 1770. i know i   was stable at 850 but we can go lower than there  because it's not going to need as much voltage   so let's go down to 800 and bring that up to 1770.  about 1770. come on there we go same procedure apply and now we have our under volt and what  we're going to see here is the temperature come   down even further than before we see that we have  a new lower temp power substantially lower than   it was originally almost by 100 watts there's  about almost exactly 100 watts now lower than   it was before and the temperature is continually  going down so that's it just experiment with it   experiment with your card see what kind of results  you're gonna get and i'd really suggest using   some kind of benchmarking software once you find  those stable clocks for your card try something   like 3dmark to see what kind of performance it's  going to get for example this clock here 1770.   i was able to get it down to about 780 millivolts  here let's actually apply that profile right there   and that was good for me i found it as a sweet  spot i actually got a tiny improvement with   performance with a pretty good drop in temperature  all right i'm in the middle of editing this video   and there's one thing i think i forgot and  that's the fan because it's pretty much the   only other thing i use on msi afterburner so if  you go to the settings what you can do is go to   the fan tab and enable user defined software  and what you're going to be able to do here   is actually set a custom profile so it's usually  this is not what you see this fan curve here   this is this is my custom curve that's the curve  i use it's more aggressive than the default one   the default ones usually have an auto off so you  can actually override that auto off so that the   fan always stays on and i think the minimum  for this card is something like 40 on stock   so it stays really low when it's on idle but gets  quite aggressive when the heat starts to pump up   that's something that's going to help keep  the temps down help performance for sure   so that's it i wanted to make a really quick video  on how i undervolt if you have any questions just   leave them in the comments this has been tech  illiterate my name is nick thank you for watching
Channel: Tech Illiterate
Views: 371,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech illiterate, gpu memory temps, hot gpu memory, video card overheating, bald techtuber, johnny sins, pc, gaming, Best Undervolt Settings, Undervolt Performance Increase, Reduced Power Draw, Why You Shouldn't Undervolt, MSI Afterburner, easy undervolt, video card, graphics card, rtx 3080, overclock, MSI afterburner tutorial, how to use msi afterburner, how to undervolt, hwinfo, Fan Curve Tips, How to Get Cooler Temps, How to Find GPU Clock & Voltage, Benefits of Undervolting
Id: kh1QsSCt4Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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