THIS Custom GPU fan set-up will SAVE your GRAPHICS CARD!

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so as you can see the graphics card is now reaching 90 degrees and our FPS counter is starting to drop down welcome back to another punch technology video today I'm going to be showing you how to control the fans on your graphics card this can be done on pretty much any graphics card we're going to be using the software MSI afterburner if you've already got that software downloaded or have used it before you probably know that it's used for overclocking and but it's also used for controlling your GPU fan speed the software pretty much works on any graphics card I don't know of a graphics card that it doesn't work with if you want to tell me down in the comments go ahead and do that the reason you might want to manually configure the fans on your graphics card is because of your PC is running quite hot then you might want to turn up the fan speed on the graphics card however that has a side effect of increasing the noise of the graphics card if your PC is already running quite cool then you can drop the fan speed down on the graphics card it will slightly increase the temperature but if you're willing to have a little bit more heat for less noise then that might work for you another video I also suggest you go and watch is how to configure your CPU fan and case fans whichever you click on another video I also suggest you go and watch because it will help you configure your PC even further is to go and click on here to watch how to configure your CPU and case fans lastly if you're on the lookout for a new pc make sure to go and visit our website today because we currently are doing gamer days deals on our gaming PCs if you buy any PC with an i5 i7 or I9 and a graphics card you'll be able to get discounts from 50 pounds up to 250 pounds on these systems just visit our website go to gaming gamer days deals and from there you can check it out right so enough of that let's get to why you're here and configure the fans on our graphics card we're just about to jump in so make sure to download furmark and MSI I'll explain why you need both those programs the download links are in the description below once you have both programs open you're going to set it up just like this we're going to have furmark on the left here and MSI afterburner on the right as I mentioned before MSI afterburner can also be used for overclocking but we're not going to be doing any of that today we're going to be leaving that as default what we want to do is come over to the settings Cog just here and open that then at the top we just want to come over to fan and enable user-defined fan control before we start to edit the fan cover tool what we're going to do is actually come over to furmark and run a GPU stress test so that we can get an idea of where our temperatures are sitting and how loud our GPU fan is we can just set this to 1280 by 720 and we're just going to start the stress test it should only take a minute for the temperature to level out here so once it does that we'll check back to see where we're at with the default fan configuration it's been a couple of minutes we can see that the GPU temperature has settled at around 71 degrees under a full load I'm just going to close this window now and we're going to head back over to the fan curve just here just to quickly explain how this diagram works as the temperature goes up in this direction the fan speed goes up in this direction based on how we've set up the curve once you've got a base reading and you know what temperature your GPU is running at and you have a general idea of how loud it is what we're going to do is now configure the fan curve so that it is best optimized for you so once you know your base reading in my case it's 70 degrees what I'm going to do is find the 70 degrees mark just here I'm just going to come up the line and select right on the point where that meets the line I'm just going to click there and what that's going to do is that's going to add a point where we can now reference and adjust all of our temperatures if your graphics card is running too hot what we're going to do is Select our reference point and we're going to drag it just over to the left just by a bit we're going to do 15 degrees in this case and take it from 70 to 55. now obviously this graph doesn't look very tidy now so all we want to do is just tidy up the other Corners so that we have a nice curve for our system here so if we take the first point I'm going to bring it further back take the second Point here take the third point just to here and take the top point just to there just so that we have a nice curve ready for our next test I'm going to apply this setting now and hopefully when we run a GPU stress test this time we should find that the temperature is running lower although the sacrifice is that our fans will be a bit noisier now so I'm going to run the stress test and once the temperature levels out again we're going to take a look at how much temperature we've saved so again as we can see it's just taken a couple of minutes but we've gained about four degrees so the card is now running four degrees less than it was at the beginning so we've gone from 70 degrees down to 66 degrees I'm just going to close Pharma and I'm going to set up the graph for a loud graphics card before we move on for the rest of the video please stay for one second I just have something to say if you have a look at our Channel analytics we're still in our growth stages where we're trying to develop our community so if you enjoyed this video If it helped you please subscribe because we're doing what we can to help you guys out and also if you have any more ideas leave a comment down below because we want you to be part of our community and we want to grow this channel together so please subscribe if this has helped you today and we'll move on to the next part of the video we're just going to reset our curve by clicking this drop down and select default and then click on custom again we're going to re-add our reference point on the graph by finding 70 degrees come up to the line and just adding a Point onto the graph there just like that now what we want to do if the graphics card is running quite loud and you want to make it quieter we're going to have to move the entire graph slightly to the right hand side this way it's going to be quieter but it is going to give you a little bit more heat on your graphics card we're going to take our reference point which is currently on 70 degrees and this time we're going to move it to the right by about 10 degrees so we're just going to go over by 10 degrees if it doesn't let you move any further it's probably because there's a reference point just above that which you also need to adjust so we're going to move that over a bit and then from here we're just going to tidy the Curve just so that it's nice and that is going to do like that so now the whole curve is moved slightly over to the right we're going to again apply the settings run a stress test and see what temperatures we're getting so I'm just going to apply this now I'm going to come back over to furmark run the stress test and see what kind of temperatures we're getting this time it's taking a little bit longer for the car to heat up as it had to get a bit hotter but you can see here that the card is running at 80 degrees that's about 10 degrees hotter than the default temperature if you decide to run your GPU hotter make sure to keep an eye on the FPS counter just here and make sure it's stable at what you're expected to receive I'm just going to show you what happens to the FPS counter if you decide to make the GPU overheat on purpose so what we're going to do is come to the fan configurator and we're just going to drop down all the reference points to here and what that's going to cause is the fan to slow down and it's just going to get hotter so as you can see the graphics card is now reaching 90 degrees and our FPS counter is starting to drop down that's actually to keep the card safe it drops the amount of performance that it's producing lowers your FPS and eventually you'll see that the graph down here will balance out again as the card has reduced its performance so you can see the card has now settled at around 90 degrees um but the loss of this is that we've now lost about 60 to 70 frames so just to summarize if you want to keep as much performance as possible out of the system while keeping it as quiet as possible at the same time then you're going to have to use this method by lowering the fan speed although when it does start to throttle you're going to have to find a balance there bring the curve further to the left or the right until you find where you've got the most amount of performance and the quietest fan setup if all you want to do is lower the noise of the fan and you're not worried about the performance of the system in particular I'm going to show you one more thing we can do with MSI and that is to come over to the power limit and lower this so if we go to 80 degrees for instance and click on apply just there this is going to mean our graphics card is only running at 80 of the performance which means only 80 of the temperature is going to be produced which means the fans are not going to be running as hot there is one more crucial step that we need to take come back over to your settings in MSI afterburner and select start with Windows and start minimized and then click apply and press ok that's gonna be it for this video hopefully this has helped you to set up your GPU fans if this has helped make sure to leave a like make sure to comment make sure to subscribe to the channel because I'm always working very hard to produce these kind of videos for you and just help you have a better life with your system that's going to be it from me today I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Rollwith Punch
Views: 62,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu fans not spinning, gpu fans spin then stop, control gpu fan speed, control gpu fan speed nvidia, how to change gpu fan speed, how to control gpu fan speed, how to control gpu fan speed msi afterburner, how to control gpu temperature, how to control gpu fans, how to configure gpu fans, how to lower gpu temperature, how to increase gpu performance, gpu fans too loud, how to control graphics card fan speed, how to change fan speed on msi afterburner, fan, gpu, msi afterburner
Id: ZShtbkA8e3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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