GPU Undervolting Guide | Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti | Step by Step How To Guide

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hey what's going on guys this is your boy c will back to you with another video super saturday why because man i've been waiting been waiting a while yep oh i know you see it you see it this is a rare breed this is unicorn you don't get a chance to see this often you'll get just this out of that cause it's usually in my computer but man look at this all right i'm not gonna play with these two too much longer but yeah this is the rtx 3080 ti asus asus rod strix version and yeah the reason why i got this right here is because have you ever thought about under bolting your gpu and you're probably wondering what undervolting is well hey that's why i'm here but before we get started if this is your first time here welcome here we do everything take all things tech whatever it is we like to do it if you're a returning viewer i appreciate you the most because you keep everything going so if you want to see more content like this make sure that you hit like hit the bill hit subscribe do all that youtube algorithm stuff let youtube know that you like your boy and man never miss any of my uploads none of my notifications and so make sure that you hit those things so you don't miss it and so yeah let's get started so let me explain what underwater is and why you want to do it with your gpu and specifically we're going to be talking about nvidia gpus today um i don't have an amd gpu to test but that's going to be coming pretty soon but if you have a nvidia gpu you could definitely be able to follow this step-by-step guide today um i'm definitely i'm excited about this because of the results that i've been able to get for my gpu which affects everything else within the case so uh undervolting um is real simple that means that you're lowering the actual voltage um that's needed to actually run the card and hit boost clocks and all that stuff and i'll explain that but you lowering the voltage um instead of letting it do its own thing and be all over the place and usually if you have a really high performance card it's going to use a lot of power it's going to cause a lot of heat which for nvidia gpus um it's actually you know it works best doing the opposite meaning that the lower the temp the higher the boost clock and so and it works the same way with cpus and stuff like that as well especially with amd cpus the you know lower to higher the boost clock and so i believe the um and i may put some stuff up on the screen but for this card the actual boost clock in gaming mode has two different modes on this on this gpu it has a gaming mode and an oc mode so the gaming mode the actual boost clock is like 1815 1815 megahertz and then with with it in oc mode it's like 1845 megahertz um but i've actually been getting um a lot higher boost clocks um usually around about the 1935 1950 um on his car so obviously you know when the temps are low that's when you know it does its best right um but consistent between 19 20 and 1935 right and so you know and the way that i've been able to measure that is using msi afterburner you've seen some of my overlay stuff like that we'll be able to take a look at that and i'll put everything in the links in the description below everything that you're going to need we're going to walk through it step by step but um those are some of the boost cards i've been able to uh to get um but the cost of that is also you know when you're running stuff like that as soon as the temp starts to go up you'll see the actual boost clock will go down in the megahertz and so so the goal today is to be able to show you how to get lower temps better performance higher boost clocks lower fan speed lower power usage and that all five of those things are key to the longevity of your actual card and your equipment and all that good stuff especially if you plan on doing a small four factor bill man can you imagine putting this in a small form factor bill and i actually have a case i got a video that's going to be coming up real soon and we're going to be talking about that on the cooler master nr200p uh yeah we're going to be moving over to a smaller case and we'll test that out do a full review on it so stay tuned again hit like hit subscribe hit the bell so you receive all notifications so you don't miss that but those are the five things that you're gonna receive as benefits um if you follow everything by the t so let's get to it got to put this joker back in the case so we could be able to take a look at it all right good people so now here's the thing um i got everything set up on my screen that we're going to need uh first things first you definitely need to download heaven benchmark uh msi afterburner and then take powerup um gpuz and here's the reason why you need these so uh heaven benchmark is free um so as you can see here uh once you download this you get it installed um we're gonna use it that's what's running on right here and i have my overlay um you know with the you know all the information stuff that i need uh you may not have this configured this way and that's okay uh which is the reason why i want you to download take power up um gpu-z um and so this is gonna give you all of the actual numbers that you need um in terms of like temps uh you know clock speeds and all that good stuff um but if you're familiar with at the burner you could you're still gonna need this either way it goes so make sure that you download afterburner but don't worry about if you can't see the overlay that type of stuff um all right so once you have that downloaded and installed step two uh what we're gonna do is actually um i've already done this um you're gonna let unions in heaven run for about 20 minutes and the reason why you want to do that you know before we actually get started with anything because you want unigine you want the actual gpu to be saturated and so what that means is that we want to mimic um you actually playing games and so that's important because you want to make sure that you get accurate numbers and so i'm looking at this right now um it says that my 38 ti temp um is 73 degrees this usually i usually max out like right now my room my ambient room temperature is about 70 degrees uh fahrenheit 21 degrees um celsius and so typically when i'm playing games for you know hours or whatever the case may be um my max temp on my gpu stop because everything is on start right now it's between 72 to 73 degrees which is actually pretty good you know uh for a high power gpu um and i get into some of the reasons behind that as well as you can see my clock and then the power that's being used 300 like i seen this top out at about 390 watts yeah now my gpu like if gpu says supposed to use 350 but as you can see i'm running unison at like 1440p 99 usage but as you can see the wide edge is almost 400 watts so that's a that's another video um that i made about that um and the other reason why i want to do this because like i said earlier when you're running um when you're running your card and you know and it's going and it gets saturated uh once the temps go up that's where you could be able to get what your actual sustained boost clocks are and so i've been jumping around between 1905 to 1920 um and that's where it's being so you see it's a 1905 right now but it's been jumping around between 1905 to 1920 so we're going to keep track of that we're going to actually jot some of this information down um as you can see my fan speed is at 83 percent uh which is 2270 rpm um and the voltage gpu voltage um i actually have that listed here but it's also listed here on msi afterburner so it's jumping around you know uh 10 36 millivolts that's the actual voltage so keep that in mind your temp is here um memory clock speed is here gpu clock speed is here um so those are the things that you know so once you have all this stuff downloaded uh so i can actually get rid of this so i can pull this up uh once you get all the stuff downloaded um we can actually start you know playing around with some of these and this is uh tech pyro gpu-z i like this too because it gives you a lot of the same information as here so if you're not familiar with the overlay you just come here and say okay hey this is my gpu clock speed uh which is the boost clock gpu temperature 73 and this also gives you more information because it'll let you know your memory temperature as well which is 80 degrees so to give you the fan speed um and all that good stuff um if you go down here at the bottom it tells you your gpu voltage um as well your power consumption tells you about cpu temps um then it'll tell you what the actual the different power voltages and also wattage per 8pm so like for my car that takes three eight pin connectors in all individual apns uh which is needed when you're running a car like this um but it'll tell you how much why you know the wattage that's being pulled per eight pin um and then it'll actually give you a uh uh board power draw uh which is the total which is the same thing this matches here and you'll see that number jump around and so yeah this is these are the the tools that we will use in order to be able to keep track um of what we're doing and so what we're gonna do now is actually take down the stats so first things up basically the numbers that you see here because this has been running for 20 plus minutes now um you want to get the max temps right and so um i've seen this get up to 73 degrees so we'll say gpu temp 73 degrees um i also want to keep track of the highest boost clock um and i've actually seen this get up you know after having this run max boost 1920 megahertz makes sense right um and then we have the fan speed want to keep track of that fan speed 83 and 22 let's say i'm just going to say 2280 rpm and then the last thing um i want to keep track of is actually what the voltage and so looks like it's been bouncing around but the voltage is to in order to keep these clock speeds i would say 1062 so voltage 10 62 all right so these are the stats before under voting and who's going to type this up stats after under voting we're going to actually run uh a benchmark score see what score we get you know beforehand and then you know once we get the actual score and we do the actual undervote we'll see we'll actually run a benchmark again to see what type of score that we receive um the goal is to be able to load attempts lower the power draw lower the fan speed uh and either get the same performance or better performance and typically i've been seeing uh where i've been able to get better performance um you know so once you you know once i show you the actual steps in doing this um you can actually be able to do this for yourself okay so the benchmark finish and as you can see the score that we receive is 33.74 uh fps is 133 here are the settings that i used uh 2560 1440. um i just maxed out everything ultra extreme so just so you know um you can set that up when you're first starting up unigen um but the score was 33.74 and then fps 133.9 [Applause] um oh one other thing that i forgot that i wanted to keep track of was the actual uh how much power was being used here and i think oh well i just saw it get up to 400 watts so you just saw that right so i want to put in here gpu power 400 watts and so yeah all right so now that i have that what i am going to do is actually close unigine and you're probably wondering why am i closing energy well the reason why i'm closing units because i want the card to go back down to being normal and i don't know if that makes sense but i don't want you know when we get ready to start and make the changes um i want the the card to actually cool back down and all that different type of stuff because once we make these changes and then we'll let unity run after it runs for a while um you'll be able to see what the actual max temps are so i just want to be able to replicate how i started and that's important you want to you want to be able to replicate how you started and so um we got stats all this stuff is you know before the undervolting so now msi afterburner so let's take a look at this so now msi afterburner so a couple of things that we're going to do um you have the option you see right here where it says curve editor um you can either click this and it's going to pull up this actual screen here or you could do control f on your keyboard and it's also going to pull up the same thing all right so what we're going to do is actually i am going to slide this down right here so on the left hand side you will have the actual frequency core clock um and then at the bottom is the voltage so starts at 700 goes all the way up to 1250 on the voltage starts at 500 on the frequency it goes all the way up to 3000 right so what we're going to do we actually are going to go up here to where it says core clock in here you're going to hit minus or dash whatever you say minus and then we're going to do 250 hit enter so what this does is the actual graph is going to come down um essentially we just underclocked the actual gpu um and a safe spot to start off at is about 950 millivolts so it's 950 is right here and what we're going to do is you're going to take one of these dots you're going to left click on the mouse and you're going to raise this up and what we are going to do when you get ready to raise this up we're going to raise it up to whatever the actual the max boosts um that we receive while running at these temperatures so um i am actually going to raise this up and you'll see it go up on the left hand side uh i'm going to raise this up to 1929 if you want to get exact numbers you can hold down control to use your actual arrow keys um to go up or down i'm actually one at 1920. and so once you have that um you hit enter you're gonna go up here to this check mark right here and you're gonna hit which is apply so you're applying any changes that you've just done you click apply and then boom you'll see the curve so it's gonna start here you know at you know as far as the actual frequency and then it's going to slowly go up and here you see it plateaus that means that for this voltage you know 950 it's going to max out at what we chose which was 1920 megahertz and so and it's going to stay like that across the board so now if we run unigen again we should see a difference in in temps and all this different type of stuff all right so now before i run unigen again i'm actually going to i know the numbers for my card because i've done this and i got it to exactly where i want it um and so what you would need to do um when you get ready to start playing around with this um as you can see down here at the bottom um this actually the the actual voltage numbers are they either increase by 25 millivolts or they decrease by 25 millivolts so if you start off at 950 what you're gonna do is okay hey you you see you're gonna run the actual benchmark again make sure everything is stable and then what you can start doing is actually decreasing by 25 so um in order to get this back to where it originally was you could hit this actual arrow with the circle it just resets everything so when you hit that boom now this goes back to normal the actual curve goes back to normal so now you can be able to test out a different voltage and so once you hit the sweet spot so you'll keep doing that and so let me just go back over here so step three is going to be start with 950 millivolts choose your boost clock which was the 1920 for my car your every card is going to be a little bit different um and then start decreasing by 25 millivolts until your system starts to crash and i know don't be alarmed when you start to decrease the millivolts you will get to a point where your system becomes unstable you may see it like your monitors may black out or your system may restart everything is fine um the way that your gpu is set up is going to you know run the way that it needs to run and if it finds itself where it can't run off that voltage um then your system will just restart um it's not going to harm your gpu it's not going to harm any of your equipment um and i've never ran into any issues and you could be able to look that up online um but you want to decrease by 25 until you get to the point where it's not stable so once you once you get back here and you say okay hey if i hit ctrl f again once you you have to go back in here negative 250 hit enter it's going to bring this down so let's say you started at 950 you brought it down to 925 then you brought it down again to 900 then you brought it out again to 875. and let's say at 875 and you were still trying to boost up to 920 and once you did that let's say that your system wasn't able to run the benchmark uh through unity um man and start freaking out okay that's fine then that means that okay you can't do 875 so you go back up here you reset and you move back up to 900. try it again and so it's a little bit tedious but once you find your sweet spot it works wonders and so um again for my card what we're gonna do is we actually are going to let me go back up here negative 250. um i found a sweet spot at 900 millivolts so i'm going to take this dot here and i'm going to raise this up to 19 i'm gonna hit the check mark and then now this is my curve now i've done this right i've done this part and so what we are going to do we're gonna run unigen again all right so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to let this run for another 15-20 minutes and then you'll see what the actual max temps and all the other stuff will be and we'll make sure that we document that okay all right so i let this run for 20 minutes and as you can see i'm just going to pull this back down here to the right so stats after under voltage so gpu temp uh the max that i saw with this um it's actually been 66 degrees max boost it's actually 1950 which is amazing uh what's next fan speed 71 percent i think this kind of maxed out at about 17 i thought i saw it go higher than 70 let's see 1749 1752 i go with that 1752 rpm voltage 900 gpu power power draw see that now first of all we went from 73 degrees to 66 so what's that we dropped four three so we dropped seven degrees that's awesome we dropped seven degrees uh on the gpu power we went from max 400 watts um to basically this is about three 334 max 335 336. let's say it's about 336. so we dropped 64 watts that's insane 343. so 343 let's go with that 343 so we went from 400 watts down to 4. so 67 67 we dropped 67 watts on power that's crazy um and so last thing that we need to check is the actual benchmark score so let's run the benchmark and then we'll come back okay so we got the benchmark score so we scored 33 43 fps 132 we went from 33.74 to 33.43 on the score uh in fps we went from 133 9 to 132 that's pretty much the same performance um those numbers are negligible so we got a higher boost clock lower temps lower fan speed lower wattage and still get the same performance that's a win-win y'all see that the numbers speak for itself so taking a look at this so now benchmark score 33 43 and then 132.7 fps so yeah that's a win-win in my book so just taking a look here looking at the actual the difference um like i said you know once you find your actual sweet spot um it's a it's a win you know you have a quieter system um you're definitely especially if you you know plan on doing like a small form factor with the real powerful gpu this will also allow your gpu to last longer because you're lowering the temps you know temps and hardware don't go together when it comes to electronics so lowering attempts you're lowering the fan speed your fans your fans will last longer because they're rotating at a lower rpm um all this good stuff lower wattage you know lower uh you know voltage it's a win so these are the reasons why you want to undervolt your gpu and you could play around with this a little bit more if you wanted to but max boost 1950. max was 1950 consistent i would probably say because i chose 1920 but consistent um 1935 is is pretty much um that's what that's been my testing uh that's as far as like the consistent boost clock has been 1935. um so it'll jump between you know if the temp happens to go up um you know it'll jump around but yeah i mean and you'll see sometimes it'll probably hit 67 um but for the most part 66 um but still you know seven degrees so you you drop six to seven degrees off your gpu which allows you to be able to save on your power save well your fan speed save on your voltage you know all that different type of stuff that is a win in my book um so yeah that's the reason why you want to undervote your gpu now i'll tell you what last thing here um something that i'm going to tell you that you should do um once you run you know you can run the benchmark run it a couple of times make sure that that works for you um then i will actually start testing on multiple games that you like to play uh and the reason being is because some games you know there's a lot more stuff that's going on than what unigin you know benchmark is gonna have you do um so some games gonna be running dlss uh you may be doing 4k you may be doing some other stuff and um every game runs a little bit differently so test out your games um if you find yourself where oh okay hey you're not stable um in any of your games then that means that you definitely need to make sure that you actually up your voltage because it may not be enough to be able to run and then pretty soon you'll find well okay hey all your game's running fine then you got your stuff last thing that you should do once you got everything right um you can actually go here um you can actually go to settings make sure you uh go start with windows click ok and then you actually need to hit the save button you hit the save button it's going to give you um different profiles that you can be able to save this up under i already have one set up on the number one so i'm just going to select it again and then boom so now when it starts up you know you could be able if it's not already on there you can just be able to hit one hit the check mark to apply and then boom you know whatever games that you're doing you can be able to run at these actually settings and then you'll be good to go so win-win so let me know what you think down in the comments below um if this video brought you any value uh make sure that you hit like hit subscribe hit the bell so you receive all my notifications uh definitely like the video that lets youtube you know with the whole algorithm type thing unless youtube know that you like your boy and uh let yeah let me know down in the description below uh what type of car that you have what settings that you was able to get at the following uh my step-by-step guide and you know if it helped you out um i would definitely like to hear some success stories um because um i wish the cards came like this out of the box but you gotta find your sweet spot you know every piece of silicon is different and so but yeah once you find out what works for you it's going to be great and you're going to be awesome and yeah happy gaming peace
Channel: WiLcreatives
Views: 139,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undervolt gpu tutorial 2021, nvidia gpu undervolt underclock tutorial, undervolt gpu nvidia deep learning, underclock gpu nvidia deep learning, gpu, undervolting, guide, undervolt, graphics card, fix loud graphics card, hot gpu, temperatures, thermals, noise, msi afterburner, ampere, pascal, touring, super, gtx, geforce, undervolt gpu msi afterburner, rtx 3080, rtx 3080 ti, rtx 3090, rtx 3070, rtx 3070 ti, rtx 3060, msi voltage curve editor, gpu undervolting guide, wilcreatives
Id: GPs7Uufvoyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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