How to undervolt your CPU for cooler temps

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all right here we go quarantine continues and I told you guys in a video recently when I talked about nebula where I had to do a bit of an under volt to get any sort of an overclock on this 18 core Intel CPU to stay anywhere near reasonable when it comes to temperatures one thing I think we can all agree on is as AMD's core count increased with its thread Ripper lineup they did a much better job at keeping temperatures in check versus what Intel has done with something that's got a fraction of the amount of cores as some of the top tier like 3990 X's and such now even fills 39 70 X editing rig even it's on water just like this system is has twice as many cores as we have in this 18 core Intel CPU yet this one gets way hotter so a lot of you guys showed interest in how I did the under volt and gain just as much performance while under folding and still overclocking with Intel so I thought maybe I just kind of take you guys along for the ride on some of the steps that I did and some of the features and tweaks that I made to the BIOS to get it reasonably sure you know what guys I got new merch it's available now karma calm /jc sense we got zip up hoodies we got tri-blend we got a new logo I digress since 2012 but the rest logo you guys been asking for that anyway well guys we all kinda stuff zip up hoodies beanies polos don't take my word for it cuz obviously I can't do this ad so just look in the description below and you guys will find the link thanks you guys your fan noise I'm sorry it's starting to get warm here in SoCal and I'm gonna do the best I can with what I got here at the house if you're gonna try this yourself it's gonna be fairly the same when it comes to AMD although you're gonna use AMD's rise and master to do all this stuff for whatever they decided to name it this month we're gonna be doing this a bit more manual when it comes to Intel and doing it in the BIOS there there are some programs that you can use to do this at a Windows level like using Intel XTU or extreme tuning utility and I like to do things in the BIOS because I know they're a bit more stable and they're not going to conflict even though XTU writes to the BIOS I like to do it the old-fashioned way oh and sorry that I'm pointing a camera at the screen I can't exactly capture this screen for two reasons one it's thirty eight forty by sixteen hundred so it's the width of 4k but the height the a sixteen hundred panel they don't have capture cards that will capture this weird resolution to I used to splay port those capture cards use HDMI so I'm not able to do a screen capture three I'm going to be doing all kinds of reboots and I can't exactly view a screen capture when I'm in the BIOS unless movie another PC and I have a stream PC because those are dumb and we'll be talking about in the future in another video why you don't need a screaming PC anymore even if you're on a low-end PC but with all that out of the way here are the pieces of software that you're gonna want one hardware monitor it's cpuid HW m or HW monitor it's a free utility that will show you all sorts of things with your system your voltages your CPU load everything down to memory your smart any smart devices like your hard drives that are reporting temperature all that stuff's gonna show up here as you can see we've got our thirty-six threads worth of CPU right here here's our core clocks and temperatures on each core plus the package and then we can see our voltages right here and they're fluctuating between point eight volts to one point 105 looks like it's the highest note one point one three one no one point one seven one so as you can see they vary the other thing you're gonna need is some sort of a load utility now what I'm gonna be using for today is Cinebench r15 or no are twenty and the reason why I'm using are twenty is because it will put a significant AVX instruction set load on the CPU which means we're gonna be able to really see what the temperature spike is the other thing we probably do too is a more reasonable load which would be like three D marks CPU test only now to test an overclock stability you need to make sure it can pass all of your programs which means all your games whatever streaming software may be for whatever rendering software video editing stuff if you can get through all of those workflows without crashing then you're stable no single program or even two or three programs is gonna say hey this systems stable and everything until it passes everything you do it's not considered stable but obviously we're going to need to get some baseline information to go off of here this is a Intel 99 80 XE like I already said we are running an Asus Rampage Omega which has a X to 99 motherboard it is water cooled with 2 420 millimeter radiators it's also rather warm today it's probably about 76 degrees Fahrenheit in this room right now a little warmer than I'd like it to be that's because I had the windows and the doors shut and the computer on and the air conditioner in the house was off so again we are dealing with the odds stacked against us of getting some decent results but that's ok we're gonna make the results decent by doing the under Bowl so the first thing we need to do right here is get our baseline so I'm gonna run Cinebench our 20 just one time because what we're testing here are the temperature spikes because this CPU with having such a focused amount of cores is going to see a temperature spike long before we ever see the coolant temperature increase with water cooling it takes a while for the water depending how much is in your loop to reach equilibrium or its maximum temperature based on the heat it's having to dissipate from the loop so what I'm gonna be looking over here for on Hardware monitor is what are the individual voltages to each core gonna go what is our voltage gonna be on the main V core voltage this is core voltage this is the actual package voltage or V Korat there and then I obviously care about package temp and individual core temps but we're clearly running warm right now because our cores are sitting in the 50s right now doing absolutely nothing and it's funny because the package is bouncing around between a high 20s low 30s but the cores are sitting in the 50s what that tells me is we don't have nearly enough fan speed and we probably don't have enough pump speed either part of the problem with these motherboards and they're out of the box settings is they want to optimize silence and you're gonna get all sorts of temperature problems with that and to prove it it's going to go right now so temperature wise you can see our package is showing only in the mid 40s but that's why you can't only go by the little readout that's on the actual front of the motherboard because that's what this number is it is showing because if you look at the core is they're all in the 70s so as you can see there is a 30 degrees discrepancy between the package temperature and the core temperature and we care about core temp and these are all stock settings on water getting into the 70s with our core speeds only at 3.3 gigahertz all core now what we want to do obviously is get that all core up as high as we can without getting the temperature as high as we can and as you can see we had a score right here of 7575 and you can spoiler alert I've got this CPU up to ten thousand three hundred ninety two one thing you might notice here is the core frequency is bouncing all around and we were only at three point three all cord which you'll see over here it went as high as four point four megahertz on almost every core and the reason for that is as you can see the load of the world thread of the the main thread of the computer is bouncing around it's spiking up to its turbo o'clock which is why it's individually showing all these clocks higher on the right so that's why we care about monitoring this in real-time you might look at this and go home getting a really weird all core that's not all core this is real time and you want to see what that was and it was three point three as we already showed so I'm gonna be doing times by extreme because this also puts a bigger load on the CPU than the regular time spy and we're just going to turn off the graphics test this isn't a GPU test this is a CPU only we're also gonna run this in a windowed mode that way we can keep an eye on what's going on over here with our temperatures as well Senate bench chart 20 is on intel immediately goes to the AVX instructions which means way more heat and that's why most BIOS has an AV X offset which is basically a clock reduction when it sees that there is an AV x instruction that way it can save its temperatures when we do our overclocking I actually turn that off and I still managed to get the temperatures reasonable so we're gonna kind of show you that today also to this video is gonna probably be a little longer than normal but I think you'll learn something maybe all right so we're seeing the temperatures roughly the same high 60s low 70s so they look like they're about 5 6 C on average per core less but if we come down in the clock speed you can see our clock speed is actually bouncing around quite a bit and going higher it's set three point three to three point eight C it's on three eight all core it there so the reason why you're seeing the temperatures go up we're not really up but stay high is because even though this is a less demanding test in our twenty is because it's getting more core clock to it right now but we're still way below what we want it to be obviously at three point eight that's noob level we need we need to be deep into the fours at least no be honest I don't care what these numbers are as long as they're below what we're setting our t.j.maxx to you which is 105 many of you might go oh my god 105 is way too hot for the extreme series but we know that this particular CPU can handle it because it is a soldered Tim we know that we're gonna be able to push this much farther so now that we've got an idea of what it was going to our voltages look like they didn't even really pass one point one volts we are gonna go ahead and reboot right now into the UEFI because we want to now set our core clock where we want it and we are going to now see what the stock temperature or what the stock voltage goes to when we leave it at Auto because we want to see how much voltage it thinks the CPU needs we're gonna let the motherboard decide I can tell you right now it's wrong so here's the Asus BIOS and it's Big O stretched out glory now if we come over here to AI tuner you have two options you can go manual or XMP XMP is just gonna load the XMP profile for the memory but it's pretty much gonna leave the CPU at stock what I'm gonna do right here is turn use multi core enhancement and leave it on auto I'm gonna leave the ABX instruction core ratio negative offset to zero by default that number is three but we're gonna leave it at zero because I don't want it to slow down the clocks and in AVX instructions same thing with the 512 leave that at zero what we're also gonna do is core ratio we're gonna set that to sync all cores and we're gonna let set the Alcorn limit to four six that's telling us 4.6 gigahertz now we got this CPU up to 5.9 gigahertz on ln2 I know the CPU is capable of it but we clearly don't have cooling for it and I can't even get anywhere near 5 without even going ice water so 4.6 is about as far as we're gonna let it go I'm gonna leave their cash ratio at Auto and I'm gonna leave the memory frequency also at Auto for now and then the CPU core voltage will also you leave it auto I'm really curious as to what its gonna do voltage wise save and restart and then I'm gonna go back into the BIOS and see make sure those numbers applied and then I'm gonna run the same test again okay so here we are back into the desktop you can see now it's pumping 1.2 volts into the V the vid and it's locked there our core clocks as you can see our core temperatures kind of bouncing around in 30s 40s and 50s packages at Wella going as high as 50 right now but you can also see our core clock is also locked at four point six now I don't really want that to be the case I'm okay with allowing it to move around but I just want to double-check right now though if we go into power settings that we're not yes you were on high performance right now I'm gonna set that to balanced because I want to let the core clock come down I don't want it to be shoving all this heat in there if we don't need it too so make sure you're unbalanced just so that we can get a realistic situation here in terms yeah see now our core clocks came down there in 1200 our cores are down in the 30s that's perfectly fine but what happens as soon as we say run this test oh okay 90s 80s 96 on the package fans are going full blast we are hitting 80s and 90s that's actually not that bad I say not that bad 105 is where we're gonna let it start the thermal throttle we stayed at 4.6 the whole time but as you can see we're at 98 see on the package 70s on some cores 90s on the other that's just core density right there you're never gonna get them to be even all the way across the board but as you can see we just got a new high score of 10,000 417 our voltage it looks like it's stuck at 1.2 on the vid but our V core went as high as one point three to eight that is far too too far but when I'm kind of curious now and I'm gonna go ahead and run the Cinebench or the the 3d mark as I'm curious as to what its gonna do in that test I think we might be able to go as high as four seven maybe even four eight oh wow okay so our max temp on the package was 82 looked at the lowest core was 69 no 68 and then as high as 80 80 82 was the hottest quart oh we went up to 10,000 316 on the the cpu score there so we gained what 2600 something around there math whatever we gained a lot that's what matters if we look at our temperatures one could say yeah you're fine you could just you don't have to under bolt but why not if you can and those performance to be had and the performance doesn't change and you can make the system cooler why not well what we're going to go ahead and do now is we are going to I'm gonna bump at the 4:7 and see what happens I'm curious as if I can get a four seven stable with lower temperatures and we're seeing now so the only setting imma change here is from 46 to 47 on the CP ratio keep in mind we haven't even touched our memory clock yet and as we've already shown in our previous video that memory speed does matter some instances and 3dmark is one of them we are going to go ahead right now and just do that one test do everything again see what the voltages are going to see what the temps are going to and then we're gonna start manually pulling back voltage oh yeah there's a hundred and three hundred and six hundred and seven hundred nine hundreds on the cores one hundred four hundred eight funny enough our clock is not dropping which means the setting that is designed to save the CPU is probably not active right now because that should be down clocking because we are over t.j.maxx on one two three four five quarters hottest core is 110 C or 230 degrees Fahrenheit and if you look over here on the left we went from a ten thousand four seventeen to a ten thousand five nine nine not a huge difference quite honestly like not much at all that would be a poor trade-off but as you know we've got to do our three mark test now just so that we can keep our numbers consistent we are seeing 88c on the package it shows 67c on the actual motherboard itself but our cork clock or core temps are sitting in the 70s with the hottest cores at ninety see exactly what I'm gonna do next is simply lock the voltage at the 1.25 oh I'm gonna see if we can get away with that on V core because there's V there's V droop in there - it dropped from one point three to eight to one point two six four so it V drooped already it brought the voltage down I don't think we can go much lower which means I don't think we're gonna get four point seven at a reasonable temperature with an under volt another thing to kind of show that we're in diminishing return land is we only went up to ten thousand four four five so we gained a little bit more score tiny bit but these trade-offs are not worth that alright so not only did I go in here and manually set the voltage to one point two five I left at four point seven I'm just kind of curious whether or not we'll sing or pass I also went had to put the memory back up to 3200 megahertz I want to run the X and P profile on memory and I need to make sure that the temperatures and the memory controller and all that can handle the additional heat as well so you want to test this with your memory set to where it's gonna be now I also went in here and adjusted all of my fan curves and you have to do this based on your system and your fans and what way they're all plugged in but I basically have got it to pretty much set it very silent mode when it's not under load but then when it goes under a heavy load just rant the fans up I don't even care about the noise I'd much rather have the noise and a CPU that's still alive rather than worrying about the temperatures being a little bit on the well worried about the noise being a little bit too high now I'm gonna tune for Cinebench although Cinebench is a harder test if I can't get through Senate bench what the temperature is okay I don't consider myself in check in terms of temps so once Cinebench is okay then I'll validate what the temperatures really are and something like 3d marks and games but I tuned for Cinebench and then I know from there I'll have a stable PC in the most for the most part in any of the other type of gaming scenarios that I could possibly come on experience now the funny thing is by me locking the V Corps at 1.25 that's what our vid went to we're still at one point three one two or one point three one two on the B core it was a there it is 1.30 four it's fluctuating a little bit so I'm curious as to whether or not this is gonna stay stable with that voltage being a little bit lower in order to get the temps down we need to lower the voltages kind of across the board and we're gonna see if whether or not reducing our voltage causes us any kind of a problem okay there's a hundred hundred one hundred and four hundred and six hundred and seven I'm one point two five volts still across the board on the core did we go up on score or drop I should say no we went up ten thousand six ten okay although I think 109 110 107 101 101 107 109 107 we have more cores in the red now that we did before so clearly more tuning is necessary I'm gonna start by dropping the vcore now just to kind of explain something some people might be watching this right now and I didn't do my traditional reset until you I hear Jay you lock the voltage lower the V Corps was lower it was all way down to one point one something during that test although stable wide the temps go up well that's because we increased the memory speed as well and that puts stress on the memory controller which is also located inside of the CPU so we added more heat through the memory controller as well that's why we have to do this tuning I've set the voltage now to one point two and what I'm trying to do is by lowering that voltage I want to find where we crash once we crash we have a decision to make do we add a little bit more voltage and see what our temperatures are or do we reduce the clock speed by 100 megahertz and see if we're okay with that performance I was still but feeling where to land somewhere around the four point six instead of four point seven because I did find with the CPU in previous testing that from four six two four seven took a significant more amount of voltage and heat to get it stable but as I kind of showed you in the beginning of during this testing that from four six two four seven was not a huge jump in performance but obviously from three three two four six is massive or even three three two four three that's a thousand megahertz that's huge we're doing a blue screen or better temperatures or neither 102 103 now we're set to throttle at 110 that's what I actually set it to I went the BIOS and checked it's at 110 which is not good but our temperatures are starting to come down and we're actually at one point two to five I lied when I said one point to you but we are still at 10,000 6.99 so we have not lost performance yet but we have lost some temperature but I'm not happy with this yet I've got to find where it crashes one other thing I did change previously and I just went down to one point two is I did change the CPU input voltage from auto to 1.8 we would go as high as two oh two point one we were doing the extreme overclocking but we're not pulling those kinds of voltages and since we're reducing voltage we can reduce this too which means that we can bring down the package temperature as a whole one other thing that I did too I disabled CPU s vid support what this is doing this is where the commute the CPU will communicate with the voltage regulator and that's part of what causes V not necessarily be droop but power limit and all that sort of stuff now we just disabled that and I'm a expecting by disabling it we might see the temperature come back up but I've never actually played with that setting before so I'm kind of curious now as to what its gonna do our V core is all the way down to one point one six volts all right this has got to be the one where it crashes it's not nearly enough voltage 1.15 all core four seven okay there it is I know now that one point one seven five is when we put it back to do be fair I sort of broke a rule in that last test I dropped two things you you want to make changes one at a time and the reason why you want to do that is if you change more than one thing you're not gonna know exactly what had the effect so I dropped the voltage in as well as the vcore so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna put the voltage in back to 1.8 because there's gonna become a point where if I drop the vin too far and I go below where the memory controller needs its voltage and the cache needs its voltage because that voltage in is then being split to all the different sub inside the CPU that needs voltage and if I drop that too far then I'm not doing those things any favors so I'm gonna leave it at 1.15 but I'm gonna put the VIN to 1.8 just to make sure that that wasn't caused are causing our problem so with the VIN back up I expect it to also crash in the same spot or not so this is this is a good sign this tells me that I was reducing the vin too much oh it just crashed right there okay so now we knew we know we need to go back up to one point one seven five volts on the core if I'm happy with four seven and I am so let's go and put the voltage back run through this test a bunch of times make sure it doesn't crash check 3dmark and I'll show you the final step now this is sometimes what happens once you experience your first crash and even though you go back to the settings that you know worked and you'll start to get these sorts of issues happening here where it just suddenly won't boot now I'm doing now is I'm just doing another fresh restart if that doesn't work I'll do a full power cycle turn off the CPU turn off the power supply clear the caps and let it start again it's kind of weird how sometimes once you get a crash you get I don't think it's stuck in memory or what but there becomes an issue sometimes what I like to do is force memory retraining I'll sometimes take modules out and switch them and then put them back that way it just forces the BIOS to do something to retrain and all that but it's frustrating when you go back to a setting that you know worked and then you start getting blue screens but it's not uncommon to for you to see a recovery issue also when you crash in a Windows environment because it then goes wait a minute the files weren't put away properly something's wrong with let's repair and then I just did as you saw right now which is just restart my pc and it works so I just wanted to show that because it happened and a lot of people get frustrated when you revert settings and then you start getting blue screens or repair screens and all that stuff I've left the vid at 1.17 oh I reduced it just a skosh because I was curious and we are sitting with our temperatures I think perfect perfectly reasonable 95 on the package 70s and 80s with a couple of cores hitting 93 let's see what the realistic temperatures look like once we go into sentiment or three mark and we are sitting in temperatures that are roughly equal to the stock three point three gigahertz turbo speed at 1.4 gigahertz faster because we came in and tuned the voltage ourselves Oh 10,000 913 close enough but our max temperatures as you could see was out at 78 C that was during loading the test so there you have it by simply finding out what the stock voltages were and then locking it there and stepping it down on your own until you get a blue screen and bringing the voltage back up a tad you can see that you can actually reduce your thermals by a lot and increase your performance by a lot and keep your temperatures relatively unchanged without dealing with the amount of voltage it wants to pump automatically because they have to try and account for millions of CPUs in the wild tune for yours and you can tinker around have some fun with it once you figure out what works for you make sure you save it in your BIOS that way you can revert to it later if you ever have to update your BIOS or you just forget so make sure you save it because you might deal with a blue screen in the future requiring a little bit of more tinkering because you might find that it takes a few days to a few weeks to find what's truly stable once you start going through all your programs anyways you guys asked for this video once I mentioned I had to do some tuning with nebula when I talked about some of the problems with her in the past and here it is hopefully you guys found it enjoyable and you learned something a little bit less entertainment a little bit more teaching in this video these are the kind of videos I like to make as well army you with some knowledge of how things work and then making your PCs run better thanks for watching guys and as always we'll see you in the next lunch [Music]
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,009,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undervolt, how to undervolt a cpu, how to undervolt intel cpu, how to, intel undervolting, intel 9980xe, intel 9980xe overclock, intel, intel cpu, how to cool down an intel cpu, intel cpu overheating
Id: R460NL_wdGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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