Best Garlic Shrimp Recipe ...quick and easy

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1 lb shrimp 1/2 cup olive oil 1 bulb chopped garlic (to preference) 1 tsp red pepper flakes 2 tsp paprika Salt and pepper to taste Lemon juice to taste Fresh chopped parsley

Peel and devein shrimp Heat olive oil in skillet to medium low-medium Add garlic and red pepper flake, sauté for one minute or until fragrant Add shrimp, sauté for 2-3 minutes Add paprika, salt and power to taste Add lemon juice to taste Let shrimp continue cooking until curled up about 1-2 more minutes Add parsley at the end Serve with bread or pasta

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/yashedpotatoes 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
Chef Buck here, and today we're gonna cook up a mess of shrimp! shrimp are already deveined this shrimp recipe will cook up super fast I've taken the shells off the shrimp and I will save them to make a soup broth I've got my skillet on medium high heat and i'm adding a lot of olive oil this will be a very garlicky and oily dish this dish is best with thick slices of bread to sop up the tasty oil it's gonna be super tasty this dish will cook very quickly...just 3 or 4 minutes nonsensical talky talk blah, blah, blah once the oil and skillet are hot, add in red pepper flakes i'm using an entire bulb of garlic it's garlic shrimp! so use lots of garlic! stir and let garlic begin to color up, but don't let it burn it smells terrific! add in shrimp add paprika, don't be shy with it adds great color and flavor add white wine if desired, it's a great flavor, but not required add salt and pepper to taste everything is to taste! there's no wrong way to cook this dish the shrimp have been cooking for 2 minutes add lots of fresh lemon juice I'm turning the heat off now adding more lemon juice since it's a lot of the juice of 2 lemons total I'm gonna get the pan off the burner and add fresh chopped adds a nice color and flavor took about 4 minutes total cooking time this shrimp dish goes great with fresh sliced bread divide the shrimp and oil evenly!! :^) make it beautiful give this recipe a try, and bon appetit!
Channel: Chef Buck
Views: 8,727,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shrimp, recipe, garlic, seafood, scampi, spicy, butter, spanish, mediterranean, skillet, sauted, saute, hot, appetizer, recipes, cook, cooking, food, easy, how to cook, lowfat, diet, healthy, how-to, howto, make, how to make, chef buck, buckredbuck, garlicky, Shrimp (Food), best, world's best
Id: kzPAeP8flMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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