Quick and Easy Placemats and Napkins

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today we're going to make some placemats and napkins we're going to drive to our new store and we're going to pick out some really pretty fabric combinations that will make some nice gift sets for christmas [Applause] this is our new store here it's not quite open yet but we've moved all the fabrics down so we're gonna pick the fabrics from here here's the first group of fabrics I'm going to use now the placemats that are going to be reversible so we're gonna pick a real pretty print for one side this one would be really nice you can see those silver accents then I'm gonna pick another fabric and this one goes with it really well I will either use that for the napkins or I will use it for the backside the key is to get three prints that look really good so I want to get plainer cream one so I'm gonna go on the next aisle over here I love the fusion prints from Robert Kaufman these are prints that don't have much pattern but they have metallic now that one's metallic gold and I think I want to get a metallic pearl or a metallic silver that looks real pretty with it this one also looks real pretty so we'll use one of those the next group I want to pick from is this kitchen group this is a really nice whimsical set of prints so we've got plates we've got little teeny coffee cups there there's a nice coordinate and I think I want to use the hot pads that's a really cute print I really like this fabric with it and then we'll pick oh here's a really fun one spoons and forks so that would make a really nice set I'll probably do front back and napkin for this one now I get to pick the most fun fabrics those would be the Cape facet prints we've got a lot of them here and this will make a very happy happy placemat this is one of my favorite prints called big blooms that would be fun and I really like that with it colors look really good together and then for a napkin I'm either gonna pick a solid grunge or I'm gonna do that one would look really good you can see with all the K facet prints we have here you could really go wild you could pick a brighter one for the napkin if you want but I think we'll do this so let's take these back to the workshop get them ironed up and start sewing [Music] the new shop and the workroom are in the same parking lot but they're in separate buildings so we have a little bit of walk to go between the two places the numbers are really really easy for these placemats one yard that will give us for placemat tops or for backs or for napkins so if you get a yard of each print we can do the tops the backs and the napkins now we're gonna cut out the placemat tops 14 by 19 inches so what I'm going to do is cut a yard off of every fabric and I'm gonna steam press it really really flat before I sew it here's my kay facet fabrics that I'm going to use for the back of the placemat and the top of a placemat so I cut one yard off of the bolt and I've got it folded in half and I've got both yards layered up here because I can cut eight layers easily now if you like to cut four layers or two layers that's okay cut with what you're comfortable with so I only need to get 14 by 19 inches so I'm gonna make a nice first cut here so I always line up on my grid mat with my plastic ruler and I'm gonna put a weight up on top there to hold it steady and I'm just gonna cut a 14 by 19 inch rectangle here the only other item we need is some batting so I've just cut this up from my scraps and it's cut exactly 14 by 19 so I'm using the Hobbes 80/20 that's the same batting I use in my quilts you can also use the polyester quilters fleece you just need something in here to give it a little body now we're gonna sandwich everything together we take the batting we're gonna put the back right on top of it it's gonna fit exact [Music] then we're gonna put the top right on top of that and we are going to stitch this front to back using a 3/8 inch seam allowance now you might want to put a couple pins in it just a couple pins around the edge just to hold everything in place while you stitch it so we're going to use a 3/8 inch seam and we're gonna leave an opening in it so we're gonna leave an opening on this side because this side is the easiest to stitch up when we're done you want a back tack at the beginning there so that your stitches don't come undone and just pivot at the corners and sew all the way around and then we'll stop right about here [Music] so you want to leave an opening big enough for your hand so I can see where I started here and so I'm gonna stop sewing right about there now all we have to do is trim a little off of each corner not too close to your stitching but just a little bit of the bulk we want trimmed out so we'll do that on all four corners and then we will turn this right side out so reach between the front and the back and just turn it right-side out then you want to put one hand back inside and poke out the corner so I'm just using my fingernail there and I'm just going to press it flat so do that in all four corners all right now we've got the corners pretty well poked out so I am going to place this this side up and I'm gonna move it back so we've got a little bit of fabric showing here and I'm gonna use my fingernail and just finger press what I'm doing is finger pressing the seam open and then when I push it back this way that seam is gonna be right in the middle so I'm gonna use that method on every side let me show you again just move it up just a little bit and all the seams want to go that way because the batting is against this back here it wants to push that way so it's real easy to get it flat so if you iron it open which is what I'm doing with my fingernail and then put it in place and just use your palms to press it flat it will stay really really flat there so you can't go all the way into the corners but pretty close now you can flip it over and now none of the back is showing from the front and none of the front is showing from the back and that's real important if you're using drastically different colored fabrics you wouldn't want any this side creeping over so now we're gonna take it back to the sewing machine and we are going to stitch that opening shut there's a number of methods for stitching this opening closed there's some fusible tape you can get and you can iron it closed you could whip stitch it by hand I'm just going to make a very narrow seam right on my sewing machine here now these fabrics these are cut the lengthwise grain so this came off of the bolt this way and the lengthwise grain doesn't stretch very much and that's good because it makes it really easy for me to stitch this opening up that's why I put it on this side because I know it's not going to stretch so I'm just gonna use a very small seam here and I'm going to back tack a little and then I'm going to sew it shut so I'm gonna pull it I'm pulling from this corner down here and that makes it turn in there very nice and even so that's all I'm gonna do for the opening and it's gonna be very very unobtrusive now I am going to do one row of stitching a half inch in from the edge so I have a half inch mark on my machine here if you don't you can put a piece of tape and you don't really even need to pin this at all give it when you get to the corner and just so nice and smooth all the way along the edge here's the last side and it's going to be careful to drive right over where previous stitching was and give it a little backup now I'm going to trim these threads off and then I'm going to stitch one more time and I'm going to stitch one and a half inches in from the edge now I've marked my machine so you can see a line here and a line here now I used a sharpie to mark it with and then I covered it up with some clear tape the tape will come right off the the Sharpie will come off if you like then you can always use a product called googan if this leaves any sort of residue but I use tape on my machine quite a bit so I'm going to move this over so that it's right along that pen mark and I'm gonna stitch like this and I made the pen mark go farther than I need so I know when I'm coming near the stopping point and you can always turn your fly wheel by hand then we're gonna pivot right there and I'm not gonna need pins you can pin it if you like but it's really good it easy here's the last side [Music] all right now we're going to mark a few more lines on this you can go wild with your quilting if you want if you have a machine that you can drop the feed dog and do free motion quilting you could quilt all over here I'm simply going to draw some lines like this so that everything will stay put when we put this in the washing machine now the area that I have in here it's 15 inches wide so I'm going to put a line every three inches so I'm going to start over here I've got this lined up on my mat I've got this line right on one of the lines and that makes it real easy for me to do a straight line here so I've got a quilters pencil here and I'm it's a little chalk pencil and I'm just gonna do a light line that I'm going to stitch on let's see if we can see it yep then I'm going to move over three inches and draw this all the way along here here's the chalk line I drew this one a little bit darker and we're gonna stitch right on top of that and as we stitch most of the chalk will come off just from the needle going through it now we're just going to quilt on these lines you do want a back tack at the beginning in the end it's nice and flat but we do want to steam press it a little bit more so this one's plenty of quilting so you can wash it over and over and over now we eat with cloth placemats like this at home and we have for decades and I just throw them in the wash and throw them in the dryer and we use light-colored ones and I just don't worry about it but it's a really really fun way to put a little color on your table now we need to make some matching napkins for napkins I like to cut them 18 inches square you can cut them a little bit bigger if you like but these are just going to be hemmed napkins and that size seems to work really well so I'm gonna cut all four all at once here [Music] we're gonna do a rolled hem on the edge of this napkin so I like to start on the grain that does not stretch so that's this side here again the lengthwise grain doesn't stretch much the crosswise grain has a lot of stretch I'm gonna start on this side you can pre iron these if you want but I find that if I just roll it over about 3/8 of an inch and then sew right on the inside edge then it goes really really fast and it doesn't really matter if it's not perfectly the same all the way down now again when I sew on these lengthwise grains I like to hold this down here and up at the top and I'm pulling it a little bit I'm keeping it from puckering at all and do you think it really flat as I saw now when you come to the corner just turn it up this way twice stitch down till you're in the fold there now we are going to pivot and we're going to back tack so we get that little teeny fold there so you can see right there we want that stitched down that's why we backpacked after we pivoted so let me show you how I fold this it's about 3/8 of an inch once and three-eighths of an inch again and you can just use your fingernail to slide under there to make it really nice and even and we're stitching right along the inside edge so as you go down you're gonna need to refold so you can pull it up here refold just a little bit and then just pinch that and pull and this part tends to fold in really really easily as you come to the corner we've got it folded over twice here nice and flat now I'm just folding it up twice now since we are stitching right along this inside edge if we just pivot this part here is going to be loose that's why we come to here and then we back tack this is what we are stitching down like that [Music] so I'm gonna pivot now I'm gonna go backwards and that makes that corner nice and flat now I'm just gonna iron that hem down really flat and if you like you can fold this up and you can iron it really flat folded or even one more time and then that'll look real pretty on top of the placemat these are all done I'm going to show you a different method for the Christmas placemats so I took the yardage before I cut it to size and I'm quilting it on the quilting machine so I've got a poinsettia pattern that I'm quilting in blue thread and that's gonna be the top of the placemat and then I've got the poinsettia print on the back of the placemat and then these will have binding so I'm doing the binding out of the third print and that will match the napkins so these also go really really fast but this is just an alternate way for making the placemats so let's go ahead and get this finished Colton we've got our fun placemats all finished so they are reversible so we've got blue on one side and then we've got the brown print on the other side so on your table you can do some face up some face down you can mix and match here's the napkin it looks good on both sides so it's an 18 inch napkin and I just did that narrow hem and I've got it all folded up so it will look nice on the table the K facet this one I made two different napkin choices so we've got this really nice fancy napkin here and that one looks good no matter which side of the placemat you use but if you wanted something planar here's the grunge option and this again looks really pretty on either side the nice thing with these placemats is because the print is so large you get different things showing in every placemat they're really really fun for Christmas here's the poinsettia one so it's got the poinsettia quilting pattern showing on it and I did it really small so you could really see the detail and then we've got the point set of print on the other side and I've mixed silver metallic and gold metallic they look just great here's the napkin these look really really elegant they're really really easy to make no matter which method you use and remember you can get four napkins out of a yarn you can get four placemat tops out of a yard and four placemat backs out of a yard so it's a real efficient use of the fabric and it's a really fun way to give someone a personalized gift so if someone you know loves football you can make football placemats or if you have a little princess granddaughter you can make princess placemats they're really really fun and really quick so try out the placemats and a Merry Christmas [Music]
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 2,625,773
Rating: 4.7712679 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, placemat, placemats, napkins, napkin, quick, easy, quick and easy, christmas
Id: MEaCQ0zLmgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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