Placemats from a Jelly Roll | Courthouse Steps Pattern!

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I'm Matt Jordan from Jordan fabrics here in Grants Pass it was a beautiful fall day here today cold in the morning nice and warm in the afternoon I know fall is coming by the way the trees are turning all their leaves are golden summer beautiful reds I'm gonna cut some fall placemats for our holiday table this year I think I'll use Matisse let's get started [Music] hi everyone today we're going to make some placemats from a jelly roll we're going to make a pattern called courthouse steps it's a variation of the log cabin block now I've made a sketch here just a rough sketch of what I'm going to do so we're going to make four placemats and it's going to take eighteen jelly roll strips or two and a half inch strips so we're going to need three lights and we're going to need five darks and then we're going to need one yard for the backing and that's all we need so mat is next door picking out some fabric so let's go see what he's got picked out for us first in fall colors now what I do is just move through and just start picking stuff out that catches my eye and fall colors and then I'll take it up to the desk that's super interesting and then I'll I'll take it up to the desk and sort through it and kind of try to pick out something that that may be pleasing I picked out what I think is a really pleasing mixture of greens and browns and rust colors I'm going to use you know I I had these other options which are great options and I had some more of them of the light background prints which were great options but these are the ones I came to I I love for a table to have the grapes that's a neat great print from Hoffman this is from Kaufman Kaufman these are Hoffman and Kaufman prints love them and I love the leaf that's gonna be my outside border so here's my center square here's my center that nice rusty red color with the leaves and on my darks I'm gonna come out with these three sorry there that gives me four dark so far and here's my fifth which would be the border and then here's my three lights we're going to use this is a small site to the grapes into this beautiful print with a lot of nice fall colors in it I'm gonna cut the fabric off the bolts and get it all ironed up and then Matt can cut it to size so we just need a yard for the back and this just needs to be ironed and cut into quarters I always like to iron things really really flat before we cut them it makes a big difference so I'm gonna do both sides of the fabric and I'm going to steam press it [Music] so I'm starting to cut the fabric that Donna has ironed into two and a half inch strips now matt has nicely cut all the strips so I just need to do the sub cuts you can see my little sketch here there's not very many different sizes these two pieces in front of me are both gonna be 14 and a half so I'm going to cut them to 14 and a half the next ones over here these are gonna be ten and a half's six and a half's and two and a half's and that's all the sub cutting we have to do so I'm gonna go ahead and cut it up pull off a square and then we'll stitch up one of these blocks I have all the sub cuts done and we will have all of these sizes on the free download the pieces won't fit exactly together right now because each piece has its seam allowance added but we're starting to get an idea of the blend of colors so I've got them all stacked up but I'm just gonna make one of the placemat tops right now I've just stacked up enough pieces here for one placemat I'm gonna make one at a time when I make the rest of them I'm probably going to chain piece them but for now we are just gonna make one so we need to sew these all in a row basically courthouse steps it's a variation of the log cabin but instead of adding pieces around and around a center square we're going to add pieces to the sides then to the top and bottom then to the sides then to the top and bottom so it's still a log cabin it's just a variation I'm going to be pressing all of my seams away from the center now this next fabric it's going to go on the top and it's going to go on the bottom so I'm just going to turn it sideways and sew this onto each side one of the nice things about this pattern and any log-cabin is that I don't have to match any seams within here I'm just adding things to the outside of the block now the next piece is gonna go here and here so again we'll turn it Stitch Mon now the boutique's they finger press really nice and flat if you want to stop and iron in the middle here you can do that I find with boutiques that it stays pretty flat just with the finger pressing but that's an option you can always stop an iron anytime you feel like it needs to be pressed [Music] now there is one courthouse steps block I've got the same fabric used twice but you can use your scraps you can use a lot of different strips so this does not have to be the same print but it should probably be the same color or the same value now we're just going to take these last two pieces and we're going to put them on either side so that our placemat will be rectangular and then we'll be done with the top now we're gonna steam press it really really flat it's already pretty flat the boutiques are so easy to work with but let's go give it some steam I like to feel with my hands that the seam allowances are going the way I want them to these ones are laying really flat so I'm gonna go ahead and press it and then steam it you can always turn it over to see if your seam allowances are laying exactly the way you want and these ones are so we are ready to finish the placemat now I'm going to finish the placemat using the flip method so I'm gonna it's also called the envelope method so I'm gonna put the front and the back right sides together on top of the batting I use the Hogs 80% cotton 20% polyester it's the same batting that I use in my quilts it's nice because it has a little bit of insulating properties so that if you put a hot plate down or a hot bowl on your table it's gonna keep some of that heat from going through so there are right sides together and I've just got them on top of the batting and I'm just gonna stick a couple of pins in and then I'm going to stitch this front to back all around the edge a quarter inch in from the edge I'm gonna leave an opening on the side I'm gonna leave it a little bit bigger than my hand and that's how I'm gonna get this turned right-side up so I'm gonna start right here and I'm gonna back tack so that the threads don't come open when I flip it and I'm gonna pivot at everything and I'm just going around with a quarter inch seam so you can leave a bigger opening if you want I find it's easier to close it neatly if I keep it fairly small so I'm gonna want to stop right about there now let's take it back over to the cutting table and trim off this extra batting and batting this is nice and small and straight and I'm gonna go ahead and use my plastic ruler and my blade and I'm just gonna trim off the edges so this is the same way I would trim a quilt that came off the quilting machine and I'm just trimming off the excess backing and batting now before we flip it we want to trim off some of this excess batting and backing in the corner here so I'm not getting it too close to the edge but we just want to get some of that extra bulk out of there so we can turn it and get a nice pointy corner now you want to flip it right side out so you're gonna reach between the top and the back and you're just gonna grab the other end and then turn it that looks kind of lumpy right now so put one hand back in and put your fingernail in towards the corner and when you have it nice and pointy just finger press it flat and we're gonna do that at every corner we're just going to press that corner out and then finger press it flat now there's tools you can use to get your corners pointy but I find that since we've trimmed out that extra bulk this works pretty well so we've got the corners nice and flat but it's still kind of lumpy so you can start pressing it with your hands and it's gonna lay really flat especially if you're using boutiques now I'm gonna flip it over and I'm gonna press it from this side now if you want to get that seam right in the middle so I want this seam here right in the middle without any of it tucked in here's a little hint here's something you can do that makes it a little bit easier flip this over so that your edge is about a half-inch in here and then finger press this seam open I'm just using my fingernail then when I put it back in place and use the palm of my hands to press it that seam is right in the middle and none of it is tucked in so I'll show you the other side so you can see the contrast that's nice and flat this one is not as flat and also it's poked in here a little bit see we've got a little bit extra there so that's not as nice so flip it to the front side and just push it over like this it feels funny but what we're doing is we're getting to this seam right here so that we can press it flat and then when we push it back in place that seam is right in the middle so I'm gonna do that on all four sides to get it nice and flat and open on this side with the opening you can only do it partway there and partway here now it's nice and flat and we're gonna take it over to the Machine and we are going to quilt it and we are going to close up that opening I've turned in the edges of my opening so they're both folded back about 1/4 inch and I am just going to stitch this up with a very narrow seam on my sewing machine now if you'd prefer you can hand stitch this you could whip stitch it you could stitch it invisibly but I just find it doesn't bother me very much to do this small amount of stitching on the machine here now we're gonna flip the whole thing over put a few pins in it and I'm going to quilt it I'm just gonna stitch in the ditch and I'm gonna go around the center square the next square the next square and then I just have to do the last border area it's really really simple and fast so to stitch in the ditch that means we are going to quilt it through all laters right along the seam line there now if you feel with your hand the seam allowance is going that way so even though we're stitching in the ditch we're actually stitching on this fabric so you want your needle to go just to that side of the seam [Music] here's the finished placemat this is a really fun and quick project now you can make this with the scraps you have you know every time we make a jelly roll pattern we get some extra pieces these are really small pieces and it's really easy to use up scraps on this and you'll have a nice scrappy look you don't have to start off with new strips now here's the quilting on the back it's just a square in a square in a square it's very simple quilting and this is enough to keep your placemats holding together through repeated washings so we use placemats every day at home and I wash them I put them in the washer and then I throw them into the dryer if you want to quote this more you can do it you can even put the placemats onto your long arm you can line up all four placemats into a really long row and just quilt continuously over all four of them now you'll have to put binding on if you do it that way but it you can really get some nice leafy patterns showing on your placemats then be sure to sign up for our emails if you want to see the latest things that we're doing and we'll put that address in the link below and have a lot of fun making some courthouse steps placemats thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 264,165
Rating: 4.9389029 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store
Id: stal6X22QNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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