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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm going to show you how to make a pattern called stars within now this is a pattern i've been looking at for several years but it looked a little bit difficult and i was a little intimidated but i've read through all the instructions and it really isn't going to be that hard to make so let's go ahead and get started now this is a jelly roll pattern and my husband matt just finished cutting some nice bright multi-colored jelly rolls so let's see if they'll work for this one hey matt oh hey donna how you doing we came to check out those new jelly rolls you just cut outstanding i'll show you right over here this is a collection of batiks that i got from robert kaufman and i cut these into two and a half inch strips i think it's a beautiful combination i have some over here in the corner that i haven't shrunk wrapped yet that would be really easy to show you okay so these jelly rolls here are in the staging area and i'm about to shrink wrap them but you can see there's a lot of beautiful colors in here if i could show you here oh those little aren't those nice yeah i think they will just be perfect in this pattern nice and bright different colors i agree 100 we're also going to need a background that's this white section here showing behind all the patchwork so we're going to go down to the shipping department and pick something out now since all of my strips are batiks i'm going to go ahead and pick a batik for the background now i'm going to want something that's pretty light something so that all of these colors will show up against it so we've got a lot of these almost solid batiks they're like um watercolor batiks so we've got some down here and a lot of these would work really well i'm thinking this lavender would work but so many of these are blue i think this really light blue i think it's called breeze it looks almost white but it's got a nice shadow effect that'll be perfect now we're also going to need a secondary background color where this gold color is here but i think what i'm going to do is make all of my patchwork first with the jelly roll strips and this background see what the blocks look like and then pick that secondary color [Music] now this is a cozy quilt designs pattern and it comes with five different sizes i'm going to be making the wall hanging size so i'm going to need 15 jelly roll strips now i do want to use a bunch of different colors so i'm going to pick out 15 different strips different colors nice colorful ones and then put the others aside for another project now the whole quilt is made up of just two blocks the star block and the sashing block we're going to work on the sashing block first so we're going to sub cut some of the strips for those sashing blocks i can't give you all the sizes because it's not my pattern but i have made a lot of cozy quilts patterns and they're very easy to follow now we're going to need a little bit of background cut the next step is use this template that comes with the pattern now you can either cut it out or you can trace it onto some plastic this is plastic template material that came from a quilting store or you can trace it onto a manila file folder that works really well so the template is going to be used to mark all of these background rectangles so i'm going to line up the bottom of the template with the bottom of the fabric and then i'm just going to draw with a pencil along these two edges here and then i'm going to turn it around and do the same thing on the other side now if you're using a dark background you might want to use a white pencil but for my purposes this works pretty well now i'm going to draw it a little bit darker so you can see it but when you're making your own you really only need a light line so now we've got four lines on the template now i'm heading to the machine with the marked backgrounds and those jelly roll pieces that we cut earlier we're going to use a method called no paper piecing so if you've done paper piecing before you'll notice this method is very similar but we're not going to use paper it's a very simple method we're going to take one background and then we're going to take one of these pieces here and we're going to put this on the bottom and we're going to slide this over so that this line here is about a quarter inch away from the outside edge of that batik fabric so you can kind of center it but really the piece is quite a bit bigger we're not going to need all of that fabric and you can see because it's shadowed i can see that i'm a quarter inch but even if your fabric was dark you can see if you've got a quarter inch here and a quarter inch here then you'll be okay now we're going to stitch on the pencil line and we're going to back tack at the beginning and the end so i'm going to go forward a little and back and then stitch to the far end and then back up a little bit and that back tacking that will anchor your stitching so that the seam won't start to come undone now what we're going to do is we're going to finger press this away from the center so we're going to press it just like this flip it back over then grab one more piece different color and again put this on top of that piece with that line about a quarter inch from this from this edge so i'm going to have to move it over here scooch it around until it looks like it's about a quarter inch a little more than a quarter inch is fine you just don't want it less than a quarter inch that looks pretty good now we're going to stitch again on that line be sure to back tack at the beginning and at the end and then we're going to press this to the outside now all you really need to make sure is that these pieces are extending out beyond your background and you can see we've got plenty of it sticking outside there now i'm going to keep going i'm going to grab another color let's try this bright pink i'm not being picky about the colors i'm just getting four different colors again put this about a quarter inch from the edge stitch it on and back tack when you get to the end so i went all the way to the end here and back tacked flip it right side up press that to the outside flip it upside down again now we have one more corner let's try let's try this green orange one here and remember this one is right side up and we're going to put this over on top of the fabric make sure you've got a little bit sticking over on this edge it's a little hard to see here but we can scooch it over a little even a little more when in doubt use a little bigger seam allowance so now i can see i've got at least a quarter inch there and start where your pencil mark started backpack back tack at that end now it looks pretty funny but let's take it over to the ironing board and then to the cutting board and you'll see how perfect it'll look when we're done since i already finger pressed it it's laying nice and flat but i'm going to want to steam press this all we have to do now is trim off the extra fabric so the edges are exactly the same as our background so i'm just going to line this up with the background and trim off the batik piece is there so do that on all four sides so now what we have is a very exact rectangle it's exactly the same shape as what we started with and we've got nice points now they overlap on these two corners and they don't overlap on these two corners now you have two options here you can leave the background there it helps keep everything stable when you stitch this into your patchwork but if you feel like it's too bulky you can trim off that bottom layer so you can do this with scissors or with your rotary blade and you can just trim this off so you have a quarter inch left there so one thing i want to talk about real quick is what do you do with all of these odd size scraps that maybe aren't big enough to cut a big patch out of the best advice i can give you is to always save them now scraps are kind of an unavoidable part of quilting and if you have big scraps they're easy to use you can cut new patches maybe make a new quilt a new small quilt but these little ones are a little bit more of a challenge so i'm working on a pattern right now that's going to use up these odd shaped pieces and it's called the twisty quilt so we will have an upcoming video to show you how to make that quilt but for now just be sure to hang on to all of your scraps once you have all of those done we're ready to work on these star blocks so we need to cut just a little more background now these jelly roll strips we're not going to sub cut them we're just going to cut them right along the fold so we're cutting them in half and we're just going to do the same thing with these background strips just cut them along the fold so the reason we cut them in half is just to make them easier to work with now we only have a strip that's about 22 inches long so take one background and one print and put them right sides together and we're going to make small strip tubes we're going to do that by stitching down one side with a quarter inch seam and now i'm just going to turn it around and stitch down the other side with a quarter inch seam once those are all stitched you can take them right to your cutting board and i'm going to use my strip tube ruler now if you don't have a strip tube ruler the directions in the pattern will tell you how to do it without but it's easier with this now i'm going to put the two and a half inch line on the stitching line not on the raw edge not there put it on the stitching line hold it down firmly and then cut along both edges so when we do that we have a perfectly sized half square triangle now i'm going to move the ruler to the top of the strip again put that two and a half inch line on your stitching line this up with your cut edge there and make a fresh cut we're going to get eight of these blocks from each strip tube now we want to iron them open so i'm going to iron towards the dark i kind of peel it open and press it flat with my fingers then grab my iron steam press it and all we have to do now is trim off these little dog ears so i'm just trimming it even with the raw edges and that will reduce the bulk in our patchwork so i've got all the pieces i need for the first block i've got eight blocks from one strip tube all eight that match then i've got four that are the same from another strip tube and i've got four background squares so here is how the block gets laid out these plain ones go in the corners then we're going to put that there and there and now we're going to make our star from these guys i'm just laying these out from memory there is a nice diagram in the pattern so you can follow that it makes it real easy to get them in the correct order so what we've got is just four blocks wide and four blocks long so you have choices now you can either make it row at a time and then sew all the rows together or you can do it the method i use which is a little bit easier to keep them in order and it creates a lot less threads so i'm going to put these two right sides together and take them right over to the machine here stitch down the edge and leave it on the machine now we'll go right over and get the next two pieces right sides together be careful you don't spin it and take it right over and sew these together and just continue on down that whole first row now we can open all of these up and we're going to take this next piece here it's going to fit right over here so i'm going to put it right sides together and stitch this onto that top row take the next piece it's going to go on to the next row put it right sides together and continue all the way down this third row now we're going to do the exact same thing with that fourth row top piece goes on the top now we have all four rows sewn together but they're attached with these little strings and that helps me make sure i get them in the right order and nothing gets turned around now before i move on i do want to take a look and make sure that all the pieces are turned the right way because it's a lot easier to fix it now rather than when the block is done so the top row we're going to finger press all these seams to the right now some of these like this seam here those are all biased pieces so you want to be careful you don't stretch it as you finger press you can just squash it a little bit this one this does have straight grain so it's a little easier to finger press the next row is going to go the opposite way again you can kind of smash it especially where these extra the extra bulk is here but just press that seam the direction you want it to go press down a little bit the third row again going the opposite way so what we're doing is we're making sure that these little seams are going to be going in opposite directions so that when we sew our rows together everything will nest and it'll be very easy to match all the intersections there now take this put it right sides together take it right over to the machine match the top there and you can kind of feel with your hand if your seam allowances are lined up because they're going in opposite directions they nest so it's real easy to get them lined up now i'm just going to stitch the next two rows using the exact same method and then the whole block will be done now let's press this nice and flat so it doesn't matter now which way these seam allowances are pressed so this one is already kind of going that way and i'm just going to help it along by smashing it down again you want to be somewhat careful because there's so many bias pieces in here you want to be careful that you don't distort it so try to just get it flat without stretching it once you've got it pretty flat you can use your iron to help out and then add some steam okay i have all the star blocks and all the sashing blocks done and we're ready to lay out our little wall hanging so let's see we're gonna have two blocks like this one kind of in the middle those two go up there and i think i'll balance the colors a little i think this green one will look good in the middle good now we're going to add the sashing blocks so these are going to go between the blocks so i'm just going to put it around the middle one not going to worry about the colors right now i'm just going to try to get everything laid out now the sashing blocks also go on the sides of these star blocks so i'm just going to keep laying them out on every side of the star blocks and you can see as we lay these out we are getting a secondary big star in the corners here there's the last sashing block there now what we need to do is fill in with these blocks triangles here and big triangles along the edges to make it square now the pattern actually has instructions for two different fabrics to be used for the cornerstones and the side setting triangles they just decided to use the same fabric in both spots and it looks very nice but i thought hey we've got instructions for two fabrics so i'm going to try two myself so i've got a nice deep batik here that's going to go for the cornerstones it's real easy to see where these go it's those four empty squares then these little triangles they're going to go wherever these two cornerstone blocks are excuse me sashing blocks come together so this is already starting to make our edges square now we're going to go to these nice turquoise blocks there's two sizes of triangles the big ones fit in these four big spots here and then we've got four smaller triangles and they go in the four corners so it looks kind of complicated when you're laying it out but of course the directions have diagrams for every size for the layouts and it's really much easier than it looks now this wall hanging is made on point let me tell you what that means that means the rows are not perpendicular they're not parallel to the edges they're on the diagonal so this is the first row it just has one piece this is the second row here is the third row so basically you're going to be using the same method you would always use when you put a quilt together you're going to make separate rows and then sew the rows together so let me show you how to sew this first row together the first time i made a quilt that was on point i was a little bit worried i didn't know if it would be real hard it looked hard but it's really not it's not that difficult you just take it one step at a time so my first step is to pin these rows in the order they're going to be sewn and i'm not putting them right sides together i'm just overlapping them a little bit so that when i get to the sewing machine i will know which way everything is facing now this is really the first row but there's no piecing there's no sewing to do here so we'll take this one right to the machine all i have to do take the pin out match up these straight edges so i'm going to put these right sides together and start sewing at this end toward the point and yes the triangle is cut a little bit bigger and that's okay we're going to trim off the excess in just a little bit and we can go ahead and finger press this so we're going to press away from all those patchwork seams now this corner again we want to line up this edge so i'm going to put it right sides together and now i'm going to turn it around just because it's easier to stitch this way if you want you could flip the whole thing upside down it doesn't really matter this is small enough to where i can see that these edges are lined up i like to iron each row as i go and trim off these extra bits right now so you can take your ruler line it up with this long edge and just trim off these extra bits now i'm going to use the exact same procedure with this row stitch it together trim off the extra bits and do that with all of the rows then i can stitch all those rows together just like any other quilt i've got the whole top done it's loaded on the machine and we need to pick some thread now i don't want the thread to show up too much in here because the patrick is so fancy so even though this matches the best and will blend right in in the corners i think it's probably going to be a little too dark in there now the green looks lighter when we put it on that background green would be a good choice i've got this lighter blue now this one it'll show a little in there but it really is not going to show in here at all we'll show a little bit where is it here it'll show a little bit on that dark boutique but i really think this will be the best choice now since most of my batiks have a tropical theme in the prince i'm going to use this botanical blossoms for the quilting pattern the quilt is all done and i'm very happy with how it turned out stars within is the perfect name for this because you see these stars inside the patchwork but you also see these big stars it also looks like there's circles so there's a lot of secondary patterns that you can look at the method we used with this little block here no paper piecing makes it so that you get perfectly pointed stars every time i love that method the quilting is understated it just disappears into the background here which i like on the back side i used a nice batik and again i can't really see the quilting but it's nice and even that green binding really pulls out the bright green from the quilt and it's echoed in this little teeny border that goes around now the wall hanging size it's 49 by 49 but it would be really easy to make a bigger quilt you just make more of the blocks more of the sashing borders and it goes all the way up to a king size in the pattern thanks so much for watching our tutorial today we hope you enjoyed it now at the end of every video we do a giveaway today's giveaway is a quilt called ribbons i've made several of these this is a free pattern we have we did a video on how to make it it's a fun quilt to make with one whole layer cake but today you can win this one this has prairie dreams fabrics in it from moda kansas troubles it's very easy to enter just click the link below this video that says giveaway and put in your name and your email address good luck now if you like our videos and you want to support us the best thing you can do is subscribe to our youtube channel that really helps us out happy quilting you
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 124,267
Rating: 4.9441581 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, paper, piece, peice, piecing, peicing, jelly, role, hand, made, make, fast, easy, learn, stitch, needle, thread, threads, colors, art, crafts, home, homemade, binding, machine
Id: Q4buqpTp6PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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