Quick And Easy Custom Twitch Panels

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Looking on how to make panels for your streaming platform on Twitch YouTube and mixer for free in this video I got you covered let's go! hey it's me it's wild coming at you for my stream support playlist where I bring you the best tips and tricks and if this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow and improve your stream make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and tick that bell so you know in my videos go live for you customizing your streaming channel is one of the best ways to add style and flair to your channel but it's not always just about style adding panels to your streaming platform shows to your viewing audience and new people coming in that you take your channel seriously and this will pay huge dividends down the road with more followers and higher viewer retention which is always a great thing to have now when it comes to panel in my opinion there are three types of panels the first one being a header panel and it sounds exactly what it is it's basically just a header and below that you get to type in markdown of information that you want your audience to see I highly recommend doing this style if you think your information is always gonna be changing because it's very easy to change it on the twitch panels just going under the edit section for number two I like to call it the graphic panel which is where you can make a fun little graphic that's a little more stylized that contains all of the information that fits within the dimensions allowed on Twitch's platform it's a little harder to change if you constantly make changes because you always have to re-upload the graphic but this is a fun one if it's just something simple like a Twitter or a donation one that's gonna have a great visual impact and then last one are extensions now these are broken down into two categories within extensions you can have plugins and widgets that can be from twitch itself or from third-party services for the sake of this video right here we're gonna save extensions for another video because that's gonna be a whole thing that I want to go over with you that's gonna be really helpful now it will be up to you to decide what type of panel you would like to put into your channel whether you want to do a header or full graphic but a lot of people are like wild I'm not creative and I don't know what to do I got you covered you're gonna use a cool program called canva.com I'll put a link in the description below but it's a very easy and simple to use program that's free to use and I'm gonna show you all the ins and outs so that way you guys can create beautiful panels for your twitch your YouTube and mixer so let's go over the computer I'm gonna show you how to use this bad boy now that we're over at the computer the very first thing you have to do when you go to canva.com is create an account it's easy to do and it's also free but when you log in it may prompt you to explore this canva 2.0 which is their new website but you can explore that on your own time what you want to do is go to create a design which is this big green button right here which will take you to this page now you're gonna see a bunch of templates that you can play around with on your own free time but if you want to make anything for twitch like a twitch panel you're gonna have to go up to the use custom dimensions go ahead and click on that and it's gonna load up here the custom dimensions now if you want to do anything on Twitch it has a maximum panel width that you can do and that maximum panel width is 320 pixels you can't go any wider than that but you can go as long as you want on the actual height for the box or the header or the panel page that you want to make but for this one we're just gonna leave it at 200 because I'm just gonna make a very simple basic design make sure you click on that and it's going to load up everything here in canvas page now it comes with a bunch of preset load outs here that you can take a look in these layouts right here if you want to make any kind of you know graphic design or like a 1x1 or a 3x3 for different types of styles but these are mostly situated for like social blasts but it's also got a bunch of free elements here anything that you need a load for text and backgrounds but let's put together one basic panel so you guys can get a feel for everything on canva now if you're not a creative person that's okay because canvas got your back with all these free backgrounds here everything labeled free is free for you to use they do have premium ones down here that cost you a little bit of but nine times out of ten you can get away with just using some of the basic backgrounds and adjusting the colors so let's go ahead and use one of these basic backgrounds I'm just gonna go ahead and click on this one right here and it's gonna load in this kind of teal green color if you want to make any changes to the color just go ahead and click on the background and go to the top left corner here you can see it says pick a color and it has a bunch of defaults but if you click on the plus you see you will get a color wheel of any color that you want to use and you can make any type of adjustment that you want since we're gonna make something for twitch let's go ahead and do it kind of like a twitch purple and click off of that if you want to make any adjustments to this background you've got flip which you can flip horizontally or you can flip vertically it's completely up to you feel free to choose what you think feels best and then you've got a bunch of filter options it comes with preset ones in here that you can click on and you can see all the adjustments or you can use any of the advanced features which comes on a slider which you can move up and down to get the kind of style that you want like for instance there's a hundred percent vignette and there's no vignette I kind of like the vignette let's leave it there for this example now if you want to include any style of text that is just as simple up here it has all the basic title headers that you can put in which is kind of like big medium small or it has a bunch of pre ones in here that you can do again these are more or less for social blasts or like emails or Instagram or Twitter or anything like that I recommend just using a basic header which you can put in here since we're working on a small pixel size it's gonna be pretty big for it so we're gonna go ahead and adjust that we're gonna hit select all so we can bring the font down for you guys and just bring this to like a 24 whatever so here we have my text it says that we get to put in here so let's just say we were making and about me whoops I got my caps locks on you're making an about me panel well if you want to change this to any one of your personal branding or a font that resonates better with you just go to the top left corner and here you will see a bunch of different fonts that you can pick from and it'll automatically change I like to use something big and bold so it stands out more on twitches platform here here we can see we got a nice black ops one let's uh let's stick with that that seems like a fun one and let's let's fill out let's fill out there we go fill out the whole box here so let's go 28 go a little bigger go to 32 can even go a little bit bigger there let's go 36 now if you want to make adjustments and move this just click outside the box and click and drag and you can move this wherever you want and you can see that canva will snap this into a location here that it will meet in the middle or if I have another graphic here it'll try its best to find that now I always like to add drop shadows to my font so that way they stand out a little bit more so if I go to the top right side here you'll see it says copy it's gonna duplicate it right there and I'm going to change the color of this one right here let's do just a nice teal for fun or aqua teal in a sense I'm gonna put that right over there and then I'm going to go to arrange and move it back now since it's still selected I can use the arrows here to move this and now it's gonna have a cool 3d pop-out effect which is gonna make it more visually appealing but if the foreground is too distracting or my background is too distracting you can blur them out with a nice filter effect which I use all the time you don't want your background being more visually stunning than your foreground so all we're gonna do is go and take up our blurriness and we're gonna take it to like a nice like 15 or so and that way my font stands out a little bit more versus this busy background with the vignette and all the lines now we need to add a fun little graphic adding a graphic is real easy I don't have anything really accessible at the moment so I'm gonna pull from an off-screen really quick just this little cute picture of a panda and all you have to do is just drop it down here and it's gonna instantly load and take a little bit of time and pull up there but it will remember all of the graphics that you point here to use at a later time as you can see I've got a bunch already pre-loaded in here so let's go ahead and just use my little small graphic here that I can do that's about me I'm actually gonna do I'm gonna move this up just a tad so it bumps it a little bit there make myself a little bit bigger cuz I'm handsome and move them over right there and I'm gonna push it back so my about me just comes right across and now I have a fun easy little panel that's about me actually my fonts hidden a little bit behind me which actually kind of looks a little dope because the teal goes behind it and then the white sticks out but if I wanted to I can move this back even further by clicking on me and hitting back one more time just like that so there you go there's the forward and there's the back I actually kind of like it that way if I was gonna keep it change that's kind of dope might change that on my other ones and there you go that's how you make a simple twitch panel now if you want to download this all you need to do is go up to download here and click download and this will download to any file that we specify so that way we can load it into our twitch panel's here it's gonna take a few moments we're just gonna load it directly to our desktop they're gonna click Save and close and now we can go over to our twitch panels now to add any twitch panel just go ahead and click down on the window to hit edit I'm gonna drag this all the way to the bottom down here and we're gonna add a quick panel it says do you want to add a text panel or image panel or extension we're gonna add an image panel so go ahead and do that and right here click on add image and now we just either have to find or click over and drag our graphic that we just made so I'm gonna click from off-screen right here and drag it on and here you can see I can extend to any size I want as you can see it has the maximum of that 320 pixels so I can't go beyond that but I can go as far down as I want so I'm gonna go ahead and select that and click done if I need to add any images to links I can if I need to put any descriptions this is where I would type it in this is where I would type in Wild4Games is the best Cod player ever said and done to add a little boom in there that way people know I'm serious and you click Submit and one this has a chance to actually load in here and it's done with the saving there we're gonna go all the way back up and click done these Edit panels right there and go back down and we can see our beautiful panel and there you go and you can make a bunch of easy panels this way canva.com is a really cool program to use and like I said use the link in the description below that will take you right to it now it's really up to you on how many panels you want to add to your stream I have made a video about this before and how to customize your channel to make it stand out amongst the masses I'll put it in the top of the card right there within the video go ahead and check that out it gives you a bunch of ideas of what kind of panels you can make that'll help you grow with your channel out there but have fun with it that's what's the really cool thing about having a twitch channel a YouTube channel and a mixer channel is all the fun things that you get to share in to promote within your own channel so have a good time and play around with the program hey if you guys like this video and you want more helpful tips and tricks please let me know by leaving a comment below it down this video and also giving it a nice thumbs up and if you want to keep up with me and my videos in my art make sure you follow me on Twitter and Instagram and if you want to see me paint and stream or you want to do some stream coaching if you need a little extra help make sure you go over to my twitch account at twitch.tv/wild4games and don't forget to hit that almighty sub button thank you for all the support for all of you out there already I will see you all in the next stream support video coming up real soon take care all peace
Channel: Wild4Games
Views: 286,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make Twitch Panels Quick and Easy, how to make twitch info panels, easy twitch panels, how to make twitch panels bigger, panels twitch, how to make twitch panels, how to make panels for twitch, how to create twitch panels, twitch panels, twitch panel, how to make twitch panels look good, twitch panels tutorial, twitch panel tutorial, how to edit panels on twitch, how to add panels on twitch, how to setup twitch panels, how to set up panels on twitch, wild4games graphics
Id: avgDhK2j6Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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