Quest 3 - Setting You Need Change Immediately!

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if you do a lot of in-game screen recording you definitely have to know about this so go to your system settings go into camera and here not only can you move the LED indicator the Little Red Dot that you'll see on your screen when you're recording down here where it says landscape this is where you can go in and get out of that traditional 1X one square into something more reasonable of sharing and that is full 108p here you could also adjust the FPS rate as well as the bit rate the lower the bit rate the Less storage space it take up in my opinion this is the best setting I think because it's not only storage efficient but also looks good enough to make content and that's just one of the many more settings and some cool things that definitely enabled in the settings section if you have a quest 3 I'm also going to be covering the new features I got recently added for the quest 3 in version 60 lack the capability to store more boundaries as well as more boundary settings you could adjust so if you're excited for this video make sure to hit that like button to turn on that cool new YouTube animation And subscribe for more Quest three content so I don't know about you but whenever I put my quest down and it turns off right when I just placed the headset on so now everything's black and have to wait for it to turn back on you can actually extend that time duration so I highly recommend going into your system settings and go to Power and right underneath automatic wake where it says display off here is where you want to go in and change that time duration if you want to extend it you can even extend it as long as an hour but on the very bottom here is where you will find the new extend battery life setting which will allow you to actually extend the VR headset to give it the best battery life as possible they're in no situation just trying to squeeze as much juice as possible just keep in mind enabling this will basically make your your quest 3 into a quest two with lower resolution lower refresh rates and such so only do this if you really have to like game night with all your F friends and family but if you can I'll strongly recommend just pluging it to a USBC to a power bank or something now boundary sensitivity if you're just like me who you're not really a huge fan seeing the lines whenever you're just barely approaching the boundary limits you can customize the sensitivity by going into the settings section in here tap on physical space and in the physical space you'll see boundary Sensitivity I like to personally keep it on SIMPLE because this little slide bar underneath is where you go in and adjust in real time to see your personal liking when it comes to the boundary walls from interfering when you're gaming you may also select Advance which will give you more options to select from so feel free to play with the sensitivities right here to find the best one for you I personally recommend tinkering with it if you play a lot of AR games this way you don't have the boundary lines constantly interfering ruin the whole AR immersion and also right above here is where you go in to change the boundary colors to your own personal liking as well you only have three colors unfortunately now if you just recently updated to version 60 right above here there's a new cloud-based boundary which allows you to add as many more more boundaries to the VR headset now since this is new the preference tab is highlighted which if you click on it will actually automatically take you to that tab but if you don't see this you'll be able to find this new add more boundaries to your headsets by going into this setting menu and select on privacy and go into the device permission and just go ahead and enable share point cloud data now for my understanding images and stuff of your room isn't being shared it's just the points but by enabling this allows two VR headsets to actually communicate with one another if they're in the same room playing AR games as an example from my experience this works extremely well and this is how you can add these two headsets to communicate with one another when you're playing virtual reality Games with two players or more you can find out more if you click on the link information that they have on the meta headset now I don't know about you but I like playing video games with live captions but instead of manually going into the video game that you're playing and enabling the captions there the viewer headset is Advanced enough that could create captions on the go whenever you're watching a YouTube video movie or even viewing a trailer or playing your games without fiddling with any settings to enable this feature you need to go into accessibilities which by the way here is where you can also adjust the text size your own personal preference under division tab but you want to go into the hearing tab to enable lab captions you'll find it right here enable this and now any vocals of somebody talking the VR headset will automatically have a live caption popping up right there in the menu and if you like to turn this off you can also disable it in this little menu section as well so it's an on demand live caption just like our smartphones nowadays have this capability then if you want to if you go back you could also enable some games and apps to have this ability or not then if you thoroughly look even further you can also customize the caption size as well as colors now since we were recently talking about visualization there's no other way to get the best visualization Clarity in VR Gaming than purchasing prescription lens and that is where today's video sponsor of VR wave comes into play the unique things about VR waves is not only do they easily attach to your VR headset but they use these magnetic design which allows you to easily remove these without removing the whole adapter and owing other individuals to also use your VR headset and then when it's your turn you can just attach them and bada Bean bada boom you can play in VR with Clarity and no longer need to worry about your glasses frame hitting the lens and possibly scratching your VR headset their website will be linked in the video description down below and I also got this promo code you guys could use to save some money but the beauty about their website is not only do they advertise a phone number right on top to get a hold of the real individual in case you have any questions but their website's so easy to navigate use that you could easily enter your prescription information and see your total cost right then in there VR waves also feature blue light filter as well as anti-glare all for an amazing affordable price tag so if you're looking for some prescription lens highly recommend checking out VR wve another cool setting to definitely consider enabling is for those that like tracking their calories if you're playing a lot of high intense motion games like pistol whips or beat saer or even kickboxing games then you'll definitely want to open up your app library and go down till you find the move app here just enter your current body information for the most accurate way to track your calories in case you don't have a smartwatch and you have the preference between viewing this information on top or the bottom I like leaving it on top but this is your calorie count on top that you can always view in the games but if you like to remove this if you're playing like a cinematic game you want nothing to ruin the whole imersion but going into this menu right here just like the live captions you can disable the move VI icon right here but this is definitely a great way to make sure you achieve your calorie goal if you're using VR Gaming for calorie burning now I do sometimes use my VR headset for desktop office work and because of this having 120 HZ enable is kind of meaningless as there's not really much going on that's fast framing especially when it comes to like text work so to squeeze much battery life as much as possible without sacrificing overall performance go into your system settings go into system and on the first tab disable 120 Herz to squeeze up as much battery as much as possible when you're just using your VR headset as a three monitor display then right here I should also mention here is your night display as you have a full adjuster right here to enabled this is good to know in case you're playing games at night right before you're about to go to sleep so without disturbing your sleepiness and guess that's one way to word it depending the level of sensitivity you enabled if you go on your little tool bar right here you can enable night mode right here and disable this automatically now for some bonuses you can find some bonuses in the private sensitivity because right here I do recommend at least overviewing this because there's some things here that does allow meta to receive photo data from your room environment to help them improve their developments so if you don't like to be a part of this and you do like privacy it's good to know if you go into your system settings and go into privacy and in the data and analyst go ahead and read through this and disable the ones you feel comfortable in sharing and the ones you don't you could just copy mine because I made sure I'm not sharing any photos or room images around my environment I think that's just a little bit too much meta now another cool setting to definitely enabled is the Swift to type now instead of just punching your keyboard which is yes you can actually do when with hand track in you could punch the keys to type in whatever you want but if you go into experimental settings right here you can enable Swift to type and just like our smartphone you easily Swift quickly to type whatever word you're trying to type in and it'll auto correct it to make sure it's accurate and it's a fast method than individually typing in things and those are the settings I highly recommend others to at least be aware of and enabled to have a good Pleasant Quest three experience now if you're curious what type of decals I have on my quest or other accessories you see on my VR headset one of these end cards I cover all my favorite accessories I have on my quest but in the description down below I'll have a link to where you could get these cool decals for your VR and right now there actually is a promo going on if you buy two or more decals if you want to experiment to look of your quest you'll be able to save some money as well for these holiday deals all that and more in the description down below but again you can find out more in this dedicated video as well thank you so much for watching
Channel: HotshotTek
Views: 7,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 3 best setting, quest 3 setting to turn off, quest 3 settings pcvr, quest 3 tips and tricks, best quest 3 tips and tricks, first time buyers quest 3 tips and ticks, quest 3 best features, quest 3 hidden features, quest 3 turn on live captions, quest 3 save battery life, quest 3 max graphics, quest 3 best apps, Best Quest 3 Settings to Enable, Quest 3 Tips & Tricks That You Should Know!, meta quest 3 tips and tricks, quest 3, oculus quest 3, quest 3 how to use
Id: kk9JSZIdGgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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