"To Know Him is To Love Him" | Bill Cloud | Jacob's Tent

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't yell that in the mic shabbat shalom everybody come on in have a seat what we want to do is get everybody seated as quickly as we can so that if we do have any empty seats that we've got some folks over on the other side we've got some folks in this other overflow room so we want to try to see if we have room for any more over here did anybody have a hard time finding a place to park like i did this morning i knew when i got here i'm like uh oh yeah all right we have three and four empty seats here if anybody is looking for a seat we got four empty seats there um anybody else can you identify whether or not you have empty seats okay all right hey jordan you have an empty seat next to you while you're on your phone look over there and see notice how i just slipped that in right there is that jeremiah's okay all right very good all right so we do have four empty seats if anybody is out here that you need a seat but uh or on the other side but other and they are together beth is telling me and paul the monitors up here are ringing terribly um you got two seats in the back together okay very good [Music] all righty well good morning everyone shabbat shalom i hope everyone's doing well this morning i hope everybody if you can hear me on the other side let me hear you okay i heard you all right all righty well we're going to go ahead and get started and so if everyone can you hold up your hands with the four seats the four seat there's there's four here and are there still two back there clifford okay there's there's some over there right back there we've got one two three another one here so we've got yeah come on in all righty pardon us for taking a little extra time here but we want to try to get everybody situated as best we can all right all right well i'll tell you what let's go ahead and do this um let's go ahead and stand [Music] all that who will and who can i want to welcome everybody who's joining us online who are comfortable in their pajamas on their couch and [Music] going like this [Music] we're glad you're here this morning as well i want to before we get started i i think you've probably noticed by now that our friend gabe bello was with us this morning [Applause] so you might want to strap it up and get ready all right let's go to the father in prayer and ask his blessings on today all right our father in heaven god of abraham isaac and jacob we thank you father for this day that you've given us we thank you father for watching over us as we made our way here we thank you father for with all of its constraints we thank you for this place that you've given us where we can meet together we thank you that we don't have to meet underground we thank you father that we don't have to meet in secret we thank you father that we do not have to fear for our lives by just calling on your name and so we're grateful this morning for all that you've done for us all that you're doing for us all that you will do for us we thank you for health we thank you for provision we thank you father that you you're answering our prayers you have answered our prayers and we're believing that you're going to answer those that we are still coming to you for so we are grateful today that we serve a great king a loving father we thank you that we serve the sovereign of the universe whereby when all the things that are going on in this world leave others hopeless we have hope because our king is sovereign over all father i thank you for your people that are gathered here today and i just pray that you'll help us all to lay aside the cares of this life this past week help us to forgo those concerns that we have for next week so that we can truly set this time aside and set it apart in our hearts our mind our spirit so that all of our faculties all of our energies will be focused on you today to commune with you and we pray father that it is your heart to commune with us that your presence would abide with us and so i pray that there's no unclean thing that is found among us today if there's anything in our hearts and lives that would prevent you from visiting us and abiding with us today father search our hearts bring it to our retention that we might acknowledge it and seek forgiveness cleanse us of all unrighteousness help us father with our attitudes to be in sync with what is important to you and your your purpose and your will today if any have come to us we can body we pray that right now before we have to pray individually that we would just you would touch them and strengthen them and help them today if any have come discouraged that you will lift them up that you will be the lifter of their head that you will encourage them by your your presence and your spirit [Music] and i pray for all of the other issues that we may come in here with help us father to leave our baggage at the door that we might celebrate you worship you honor you and humble ourselves before you today i pray that all the technical issues will be resolved and that everything will go smoothly so that all of our family that is joining us via live stream can participate unfettered and unhindered by the miles that separate us for all these things we pray we ask we believe because we come to you in the name that is above all the name of yeshua our messiah redeemer and king amen and our man and if you'll just remain standing please [Music] [Music] [Music] how lovely [Music] [Music] and is thy great compassion i will come into your hearts [Music] there i will [Music] lord if we can have our shofar choir come forward or assemble where you're supposed to be assembling today [Music] i think what i'd like to do today is when we hear the sound of the shofar this morning let it be that any kind of walls or impediments or obstructions or anything that is standing in the way of the father's will and our life as individuals today and in this congregation that those impediments and those obstructions and those obstacles will begin to come down and it's not by might nor by power but it's by my spirit says the lord of army says the lord of hosts and it's really easy for us to look around and see that there are things that we would like for him to do sooner rather than later but he has a he has an order to things he has a time for things he has a purpose for everything and so in the meantime we will continue to march we will continue to do we will continue to function in those things that we know we are to do that he's given us to do now until he chooses the time the place in the scenario whereby all of those obstacles are removed and we can go in and possess the land so to speak and so we're going to continue to petition him and we're going to continue to come to him and we're going to continue to believe for things amen and so when we hear the sound of the shofar let's just at the end let's lift up our voice and thank him for what he has done is doing and we know that he is going to do on our behalf amen [Music] [Music] amen thank you father shabbat [Music] he named [Music] name [Music] it is for brothers to dwell together [Music] in unity [Music] here we go [Music] good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together behold how good and pleasant it is [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] and let is enemies be scattered and let the righteous speak alive yes let them rejoice with gladness god destroy my journey [Music] [Music] let his enemies be let his scattered be scattered let the righteous and let the righteous be glad yes let them rejoice with gladness [Music] be calling [Music] for the lord has taken your punishment destroyed your enemies [Music] he is [Music] rejoice rejoice [Music] is his name rejoicing over here with songs of gladness singing joyfully he will save us [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we with the go yes let them rejoice with the land yes let them rejoice come on shove and rejoice this morning [Music] rejoice come on shout aloud rejoice come on rejoice it's the track line on munich somebody unmute the track line please unmute the track line is the track line come on paul help me out here we go what [Music] keep going here we go somebody [Music] the lord and bless his name his holy name declaring heals come bless the lord come bless the lord come bless the lord join me to worship [Music] here we go [Music] rejoice [Music] join me to worship christ the lord and bless his name is [Music] [Music] is it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] with us [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] so [Music] [Applause] praise the lord come on everybody clock your hands this [Music] [Applause] [Music] one morning one [Music] of our salvation [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh take it out check it out [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] singing and shouting [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hey paul can you give me a little bit more juice in this thing i'm losing my voice praise the lord praise the lord can we just lift our hands and honor our heavenly father lord we thank you lord you are our king we rejoice in you we ask you lord arise not just in our nation not just in our states lord but in our very hearts that you would be first in our lives we would focus our hearts mind soul body and strength solely on you trusting in you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you thank you lord holy [Music] us now for you are welcome in this place show your mercy and your grace come and fill us [Music] um [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] come spirits to come come holy spirit [Music] show your mercy and your grace come and fill us holy spirit comes [Music] of god [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] of god [Music] of god [Music] oh [Music] by [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in the highest [Music] sing holy holy holy lord play with me as musicians come on play with me sing holy holy [Music] holy [Music] [Music] in [Music] come on play play [Music] in the highest oh lift your hands o jacob praise the lord o we bless you magnify your holy spirit [Music] we praise you we love you lord holy spirit from this place with your shalom [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and glory [Music] foreign [Music] just sing forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] power be blessing and glory and honor and power [Music] just worship the lord tell him in your own way this morning love on him we're so thankful and grateful lord for all that you've done for us sacrifice on the cross the redemption that you've given us bless you i just want to sing just one stance of this hymn real quick before we move on to the next part of the service [Music] my [Music] our song shall rise [Music] holy [Music] god [Music] blessed father we just thank you today for being with us and visiting with us we thank you for the fact that we can rejoice in whatever our situation may be and we as your people we look at our situation and we say that you are good and that we can have peace we can have shalom and knowing that our father is in control of all things and so once again just collectively we say thank you we are grateful to you for all that you've done for us all that you are doing and all that you will do father i pray that you'll help us help us to do that that you have set before us to do [Music] i pray for all of your people in jacob's tent that the peace that surpasses all understanding would wash over us [Music] you told us you would keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds upon you and so today we have set we have set this day apart because you've set it apart we are blessed because you have blessed this time and i thank you for your peace that we feel may it permeate every nook and cranny of our being father i pray for those that are joining us for the first time and are wondering what this is i pray father that you would just speak to them through what is done here today to let them know that you are on the move [Music] that you are moving in your people that you are working in your people that you're working through your people [Music] because there are those that you are yet to gather you are not done speak peace to those people as well to know that the father is still at work i mean if everyone would just remain standing please [Music] for the beshamru say this with me please and the lord spoken to moses saying speak thou also unto the children of israel saying verily my sabbaths you shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations that you may know that i am the lord that doth sanctify you wherefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed in mark chapter 12 it said that one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he'd answered them well ask him which is the most important commandment and he answered them next slide please hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one and you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your mind and with all your strength this is the first commandment and the second like it is this you shall love your neighbor as yourself there is no other commandment greater than these [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] a third time please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] vinegar hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be his name and his glorious kingdom forever hold on hold on we got we got new guys here today so you give us the key flag on the play is this right [Music] um you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your mind with all of your [Music] you strengths love your neighbor as yourself and upon these two commandments stands a whole lot love your neighbor love your god they are [Music] and you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your might with all of your strength amen that was kind of a cross between the horror and the pentecostal huckadee buck so we're gonna make a hebrew out of you yet gay hey man shake somebody's hand say hello wish them well hug their necks [Applause] [Music] thanks guys [Music] [Applause] [Applause] alrighty i would like for us to get all of our little ones gathered up now can we go ahead and get our young boys and girls sons and daughters young ladies young gentlemen gather gathered under the hooper please [Music] i [Music] mike would you come up here carson you too can grab that [Music] right there [Music] all righty if i could get everyone's attention now i don't know if you can tell at home but it's a lively bunch here today there's a lot going on there's a lot of folks here are gathered with us we have a lot of young men and women gathered under this hoopa and i also want to remind you i'm going to step over here that we've got our treasure box under the hoopa 2. and so for those that have been sending your pictures we're putting the pictures of your loved ones in the treasure box and so it's under the koopa as we pray by the way if you do want to do that we would ask that you actually mail pictures not email pictures but actual photographs if you would mail those to us but anyway we are adding those to the treasure box it's already starting to fill up because we believe that when we pray this prayer and this blessing over our children our grandchildren that he not only hears for the ones that are gathered with us but he hears for the ones that are far off so i'd like for everyone who would to stand please [Music] and i want you to if you will extend your hands toward our children our grandchildren and let's remember those who can't be with us today may the lord protect and defend you and may he always shield you from shame and may you come to be in israel a shining and may you be like rude that like david may you be deserving of praise strengthen them o lord and keep them from the stranger's ways help me out ladies may god [Music] and bless god make you good husbands and wives may the lord protect and defend you [Music] may the lord preserve you from pain favor them o lord with happiness and peace [Music] father we thank you for our sons and daughters our grandchildren our great-grandchildren our nieces our nephews the most precious gift that we can have in this life are these children and we thank you for allowing us to be the stewards to watch over them we thank you father for the opportunity to speak into their lives and may it be that we always are diligent in our responsibility to teach our children when we rise up when we lie down when we go in when we go out to continually plant within them the word of the almighty and to live these things before them in a way that they will be able to quickly be able to discern between what is true and what is not to live these things in such a way that they have respect and honor for your word and for your ways and when we fail because we do we ask you to forgive us father and help us to show them that even in that your word is true in that there is reconciliation there's restoration and there's a there's a path that leads to peace and blessing in spite of the fact that we are we are weak at times and we fail at times but let them know that we love them and we look to them to be the generation that carries forward that that has been entrusted to us and to let them know that as much as we love them there is one who loves them more there is one who can speak to them in a way that we cannot there is one who can lead them in a way that we cannot and that wherever they go in life and whatever situation they find themselves in that they can know that they know that their father in heaven is attentive unto their prayer and would lead them into the place that he's called them to be speak to them today in a way father that resonates within their spirit from the infant to the one who's graduating high school and the ones who are older speak to them in a way that resonates within them that causes them to want to draw nearer to you these things we pray and believe because we pray in yeshua's name amen you may be seated everyone when i'm having to walk a tightrope along the stage that means we need a bigger place yes if you would [Music] adam was just telling me that we have expanded to five to elite stretched out now you're going for six if we go for six or seven we're going to be out in the street all righty um again can we thank our friend gabe bello for coming i may get in trouble for saying this but he actually left his family in florida on vacation to come up here and be with us she said it was okay i checked but i just i just want us to thank him for being with us and helping us out today all right uh okay and thank you ralph and jonah for and heather miss kathy's good to see you you're doing doing better i see good and whoever turned that air on bless you bless you alrighty well it's uh every week new faces and and more and more of them it's uh it's wonderful to see thank you so much for being here i want to go to our torah portion by era and it's taken from exodus chapter six and verse two is where it begins and god spoke to moses and said to him i am the lord i am you devape i appeared valera i appeared to abraham to isaac and to jacob as el shaddai as god almighty but by my name you they i was not known to them i have also established my covenant with them to give them the land of canaan the land of their pilgrimage in which they were strangers and i have also heard the groaning of the children of israel whom the egyptians keep in bondage and i have remembered my covenant therefore say to the children of israel i am the lord i am you with hebaphase so as we begin this portion we are reminded at the end of the previous torah portion things didn't quite work out the way moses thought they might he had gone in with aaron to tell pharaoh let my people go pharaoh said who is you deva who is the lord that i should let israel go i'm not going to do that in fact i'm going to show you whose boss i'm going to make your lives even more difficult and so when moses and aaron came out from that meeting the elders of israel were there and were quite put out with moses and with aaron because you've made our lives worse and so moses goes more or less complaining to god you you haven't delivered your people at all you've made things worse by having me go in and say these things so that's what was going on at the end of the torah portion previous to this and so these words that are spoken here are in response to moses complaint if we can use that word and pharaoh's decree that the hebrews are going to we're going to have to fetch their own straw and it was like that god gave mo excuse me god gave pharaoh an excuse to even to be even more cruel to people now i'm going to interject my thoughts my opinion in this we're going to see in this torah portion and in the following torah portion that god hardens the heart of pharaoh and it would on the surface seem as if god just had this man cree he created this man for one purpose and that was to be a cruel tyrant so that he could just display his might and power and make an example of him i don't really think that way i think it is that this man was cruel and cold and calculating beforehand and god says well i'm going to use this to demonstrate my power and my authority in other words he was already somebody that was motivated to kind of be cruel and cold and all these kinds of things so i just i wanted to say that up front but in looking at this man and what is to see his heart and his intent god tells moses to go tell him something that he knows this man isn't going to respond well to and it's going to provoke him to treat israel in an even more uh heavy-handed way but apparently this was needed so that the cup of iniquity would be full and here's why that's important for you and i today because unseen to us there is a measuring cup that the almighty uses when it comes to determining when and how he's going to judge nations let me read for you in genesis chapter 15 verse 16. he's speaking to abraham about what is going to become of his descendants and he says this but in the fourth generation they shall come here again that is coming back to the land of canaan from this land that they had gone to which we know to be egypt they shall come here again here's why for the iniquity of the amorites is not yet full now who were the amorites they were the people who were living in the land of canaan at that time those people that abraham was living among and so what was the creator saying i'm not going to give israel this land just yet as a possession i'm promising it to you but i'm not going to give it to you as a possession just yet because the cup of the amorites is not yet full or the iniquity of the amorites is not yet full so it has to get full and when it gets full he says that's it so make of that what you will as it relates to our day and time all right so apparently there were some things that had to happen in egypt even though moses and aaron go in they say let us go let us go out into the wilderness to keep a feast unto the lord and pharaoh doesn't respond that way he makes their life more difficult apparently there are some things that still had to happen even though the children of israel were aware of the fact that their redemption was at hand there were things that apparently still had to happen for that cup to be full and even here we see that god gives the wicked time and space to repent even when it seems that they are determined not to i want to say that again even when it seems the wicked are determined not to repent the father still gives them space and time to do so until that cup is full compare how pharaoh reacts to others for instance when pharaoh in this torah portion at first he says i don't know the lord i'm not going to let israel go and they come to him another time and he says i'm still not going to let israel go he was unimpressed with the rod turning into the serpent or the nile turning to blood and the frogs he was unimpressed with all those kinds of things because to some degree his magicians could mimic that and the only times he would relent was when he was afraid but as soon as he was afraid what would he go back excuse me as soon as he relented what would he do after there was a reprieve he'd change his mind he would act treacherously with them in fact here's something kind of interesting when it says and i forget the verse because i don't have this in my notes but when it says that after one of the plagues and he asked moses to appeal to god on his behalf and that mose excuse me that pharaoh saw that there was a reprieve then he went back and you know went back on his word so to speak the word in hebrew that is translated reprieve the root word is ruach now why is that interesting to us because rural is also the word for breath wind spirit so the idea of the reprieve is that coming from that word is can catch my breath there's the connection but here's my point pharaoh saw it as a reprieve when he should have seen it as the spirit of god was working that the hand of god was at work which leads me to this thought there will be things that will happen in our day and time that will happen tomorrow and next week and next month the next year there will be those that will look at it and not discern exactly what's going on they won't discern in other words that the spirit of god is at work they won't discern that the hand of god is at work i'll even go so far as to say this there will be those in the body because there always have been who when the spirit of god is at work they don't recognize it as the spirit of god in fact there are those who even accuse yeshua of doing things by beelzebub right and yet he was doing things by the spirit of god so my point is pharaoh is representing that person who does not have the spiritual discernment to understand what's going on right in front of him why because their hearts are hardened to what the father is doing and as the father is moving and acting they don't they don't respect it as such they don't honor it such they don't understand that this is the spirit of god at work and so what's my point for us we need to be discerning people in this day and time we need to be of such heart and mind and spirit that we can recognize when the spirit of god is at work and be able to discern his work from that which isn't i would add to that we need to be able to discern that there sometimes are other spirits at work you know the magicians of egypt they tried to mimic what god was doing and to a certain degree they were successful so successful that they justified for pharaoh why i don't have to let israel go anyway i'll move on but let's compare how pharaoh would react to that of say nineveh in jonah chapter 3 verse 4 pardon me it said the jonah began to go into the city and he called out yet forty days and nineveh shall be overthrown and the people of nineveh believed god they called for a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them to the least of them the word reached the king of nineveh and he arose from his throne removed his robe covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes and he issued a proclamation and published through nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles let neither man nor beast heard nor flock taste anything let them not feed or drink water but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and let them call out mightily to god let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands who knows god may turn and relent and turn from his fierce anger so that we may not perish and when god saw what they did how they turned from their evil way god relented of the disaster that he said he would do to them and he did not do it so i wanted to read this because this was a nation that we know for certain they were just 40 days away from destruction the father had already determined 40 days is what you have left but repentance changed the outcome repentance changed the outcome so then it makes me wonder today are we egypt or with nineveh the answer is yet to be determined perhaps but the point is that when it comes time the father says i'm going to deal with this nation and even then he gives them time to turn from that so even now what would repentance do in this nation now going back to moses moses is upset you haven't delivered the people at all the thing is worse now pharaoh is really riding us now we've just kind of made things worse which is kind of curious when you consider that god had already told him before he ever went back to egypt exactly what was going to happen he told him that pharaoh was not going to want to let you go he'd already told them it was going to require the death of the firstborn before pharaoh would let you go and so it's kind of interesting and i think of myself when i think of this particular scenario because there are things that i know in the word there are things that i know that god has spoken through the scripture and i know that he does things pretty much according the way he said he was going to do it and still i'm thinking but where are you why aren't you doing this how come you're not doing things the way i thought they should turn out i guess i'm what i'm trying to say in that way i will compare myself to moses you know in that way okay you haven't made things better you've kind of made things worse and i will tell you when it comes to our flesh and this temporal world if we do what god tells us to do and leads us to do it will make our life in this temporal world worse do you understand what i'm saying where our flesh is concerned if we do what he says that we are to do if we follow him in the face of wickedness and evil and stand against those things if we follow his instructions we're not going to make more friends chances are we're going to make more enemies and so in a temporal sense following him kind of makes things worse i hope you understand what i'm saying here that doesn't mean that we can't be blessed that doesn't mean that we can't have peace it just means that we're not going to be at peace with this world all right and so to that the creator says you're about to see what i'm going to do to pharaoh i want you to remind you that pharaoh doesn't necessarily have to be a person pharaoh is a title that was given to the egyptian kings but pharaoh was it was much more than that person it's what the function is about what that function of that king and what egypt represents to god's people and so what happened then is a pattern for what will happen and perhaps what is happening so he says now you're going to see what i'm going to do to pharaoh now you're going to see what i'm going to do to that mindset that system that way of thinking that way of living i'm about to show them that i am the lord so he says you go tell israel that i am you de vave so it seems a good place here to get into just a little bit of what the name yudhi vavav is all about i know that a lot of people say yahweh some people say jehovah yahuwah i know that there are different ideas of how it should be pronounced some people believe it should not even be pronounced and so they say hashem and they use adonai in the place i i i'm not so much interested in getting to all the nuts and bolts of that but i do want to talk about what this name implies and what's behind it it is believed to come from the three tenses of the verb which is do you have that to show us which means to be to exist when moses encountered him at the burning bush and he says who should i tell them sent me when i go to the children of israel you tell them i am that i am i exist because i exist i will be what i will be now if i come and told you that the one who says i am because i am i exist because i exist i will be because i will be does that tell you anything as far as the name no because it's telling you about what he does what he does how he functions he has always been he is and will forever be i exist because i exist and by the way implied in that is you're not going to really be able to compute that in your little finite brain when i was a kid i would try to contemplate eternity sometimes and i'd lay there in the night trying to think about what it must be to go on and on and on and just when i think i've gotten to the end i add another day and go on and on and it never ever ends and literally it would make my head spin and i hadn't even considered from this point backward i'd only considered from this point forward i can't comprehend that and i think he that's why he tells moses just go tell him i am that i am that should be sufficient for right now but he tells him here you go tell them that i am means to exist to be and so there are three tenses of that verb hayah the past hovay the present yavo we sing that right you are the one who was you are the one who is you are the one who will be which means that yo exists outside of the limits of time he didn't used to be and now is and tomorrow he will be no presently he was presently he is presently he will be because he exists outside of the confines of time time is something that he fashioned for our benefit so that we could function better but here's why i wanted to bring that out moses is more concerned about things that are happening right then and there and how were things looking right then and there not so good and so because he's looking at the present what's going on right now he's going to him and saying you haven't made things better you've made things worse and so moses has to be reminded that you might be looking at the right now but i am good i'm not confined by what's happening right now or what happened yesterday i already see what's going to be and so he's not limited by our understanding or our time frames he's not limited by our finite interpretation of the events that we see going on right now because we see it as one way when all the time he's bringing his purposes and his plans to pass he told moses that the patriarchs that came before him did not know him in this way they did not know him as they knew him as el shaddai as the all-sufficient one as the one who provided for their daily needs and these people were given promises but they didn't live to see those promises come to fruition in fact in the writer of hebrews in chapter 11 makes this point that even though they believed in the promises they saw them from afar they didn't actually walk into them but they nevertheless believed in them but moses on the other hand and this generation they were we're not going to have to look at things from afar they were going to see these things happening right then they were going to experience these things redemption was at hand which was to say it was going to occur in their lifetime by saying i am yup hey he was not informing moses of what i am called as much as who i am what i am and so he says to them by you they i was not known to them by the way there are places in scripture where you can find where abraham called him by the name of bhave so it wasn't that they were unaware that his name was it's just that they didn't know him in this way by that i mean to have an intimate experience and understanding do we have the word yadda that we can show everybody there we go the root it is to have intimate knowledge of this is the same root word that is used when adam knew his wife khaba and she conceived they were one and so abraham isaac jacob they understood his name was but their experience with him their relationship with him was as el shaddai the one who provides for them the one who makes these promises and they believe those promises but moses in that generation would be one with the idea that he is the one over the past he is the one who is the present he is the one who will be tomorrow he is the self-existent one he is the eternal one and he is the one who causes all those things that he's promised to come to pass by saying that he is also asserting his authority over every power over every sovereign over every king ever every kingdom and he has the authority to overturn governments and kingdoms to deliver his promises to his people and basically that's what he was saying to moses this is what's getting ready to happen so you're focused on what's happening right now but i'm telling you you're about to see what i am going to do to pharaoh he is going to be he was telling him i'm going to fulfill what i promised your fathers abraham isaac and jacob so that in the end moses you and your people are going to know me not as just one who makes promises but is the one who keeps them not as the one who through prophets foretold of certain things to come that generations past have been longing for anticipating for looking for no moses your generation are going to be the ones to see these things come to pass and so again is not so much about a pronunciation the form but what's most important the function what does he do in their lifetimes he had provided for the patriarchs every circumstance everything he made them promises he brought deliverance but moses is going to see and the children of israel that they're going to see things that abraham didn't see they're going to see things that abraham would have liked to that isaac would have longed to that jacob would have longed to but didn't so judge again is more about actions than pronunciations and that's why it is his memorial name forever it's because the people who know him in this way know by experience that he does what he said he's going to do so that leads us to this idea when redemption is at hand that means unprecedented things will begin to happen going back a few months i i made the observation that if you take the hebrew spelling of this year it forms a word or phrase and it's that means you will be amazed now i am actually right but when i when i shared that with folks i think they were thinking in one vein and i have to admit i probably was too but i want to suggest that perhaps there are things the father is yet to do but is about to do and when we sit back and watch it we're going to be amazed and we are going to know that this is the hand of god even the egyptian magicians had to eventually come around to pharaoh and say we can't do this this is the finger of god and so there are there are people out there who are looking to others to to mimic what god does to provide for them to sustain them to preserve them but eventually they're going to hit a brick wall because circumstances are going to be that nobody no government no agency is going to be able to mimic what only the father can do and people are going to have to admit and concede that this is the finger of god and when that happens folks i want to be on the right side of things i want to be where we're supposed to be right so i'm still of the mind that before all is said and done we are going to be amazed because if you're living in the time of redemption that means that unprecedented things will begin to happen previous generations saw things yes and in their trials they would say that my they would recite my grace is sufficient for you and they would sing songs like when we all get to heaven and they would look forward to those things but in the age of redemption that generation is going to have an experience and a knowledge of him as they are going to witness things that prior generations did not and they're not going to sing songs about when we all get to heaven they're going to be singing songs and all shall see how great is our god do you understand what i'm saying here yeshua said this in luke chapter 21 verse 25 there will be signs of the sun and the moon and then the stars and on the earth distress of nations that's happening with perplexity i'm perplexed i don't think anybody knows what's going on right now okay there's one but he said there's going to be this perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth there are a lot of god's people right now that are in fear there are a lot of god's people who are wringing their hands over what the future might hold and while i certainly understand that what goes on in this world affects me and my world we cannot be those people who are living in constant fear so much so that our hearts are overwhelmed to the point that their hearts fail them from fear and expectation of the things that are coming upon the world and i'm going to go off script just a little bit i don't think that's talking about the world right there quite frankly because if these days are like the days of noah we understand in the days of noah that the people the unrighteous had no idea what was getting ready to happen yeshua said they knew not until the flood came and swept them all away so the only people who qualify for kind of having expectations of what's coming on the earth or people who are familiar with what the word says but apparently many of those people are overwhelmed by these expectations and these things they think might happen let us not be those people those things that we sing let's believe them let's walk in them and let's encourage one another when we see our brother or our sister faltering in that regard remember you can't encourage somebody if you don't have courage so if we're going to encourage each other we're going to have to possess courage ourselves and if we don't have that courage then what we're in we'll end up doing is discouraging one another and let's don't be ten spies who discourage their brethren all right so we have to find some courage we have to be the caleb we have to be the joshua who were of a different spirit because what those other people saw in the circumstances presently they couldn't discern in that the hand of god was at work they couldn't discern that the spirit of god was at work we look out here and we see all the things that are going on we think oh evil is taking over wickedness is abounding guess what we need to be the people who see that the hand of god is at work that the spirit of god is at work even even though it's it looks distressing let's go go on that there are going to be those hearts who fail them from fear and expectation of the things which are coming upon the earth for the powers of the heavens will be shaken everything is going to be shaken in the time of redemption they will see the son of man then they will see the son of man coming in the cloud with power and great glory and now when these things begin to happen you know this verse look up lift up your heads why because your redemption draws near if we're living in the time of redemption then we should expect unprecedented things begin to happen and when these unprecedented things begin to happen don't falter thinking that others are contr in control of things but see beyond that and understand that the hand of god is at work in times of redemption the wonders of the past will pale in comparison think about that the wonders of the past will pale in comparison the generation that is living in the time of redemption won't look to the past as the only times that miracles occurred quite frankly i think that's what we do right now even though there are miracles going on all over the world we still kind of especially from an american and western perspective we look to the past we look at these these stories that are recorded for us in the bible with almost an other worldly perspective that you know they were just different kinds of people you know they were something spectacular and super and special you know when in reality you can look in our torah portion when it's talking about the genealogy of levy and it gets to the sons of co-op and then it talks about omraam and then it talks about uh moses and aaron it makes this point this is the same moses and aaron that god used to lead the people out of egypt as if to say you know that aaron that you grew up with that's the guy i used to lead the children of israel out of egypt that moses that you heard about he's the same one that i used to lead israel israel out of egypt you know that guy that you knew he's now doing this for the kingdom that person you knew they're now doing this for the kingdom and i'm working in them and i'm working through them you know that little group that started out on inman street on the corner i'm working in them i'm doing something there the hand of god is at work my point is that we are of generation if we're living in the time of redemption that end time we will not look to the past for all the miraculous events that god did then we will be experiencing those things in fact according to the scripture not bill's opinion it will become evident in the time of redemption that those things of the past will pale in comparison to what he's doing now that well according to jeremiah he puts it this way verse 14 of chapter 16. therefore behold the days are coming declares the lord when it shall no longer be said as the lord lives who brought up the people of israel out of the land of egypt but people will be saying this the lord lives who brought up the people of israel out of the north country and out of all the countries where he had driven them for i will bring them back to their own land that i gave to their fathers my point here is this in that generation they won't look to the past for a frame of reference they will be talking about what god is doing right now i believe we're that generation i believe that that's not to say the issue is going to come back next week i'm just saying that i believe that we're that generation because we just heard yeshua say when you see this begin to happen and you see that begin to happen and when you see this begin to happen all the things he described are happening what did he tell me to do lift up my hand look up why because my redemption is at hand our redemption is at hand and so if that's true if a is true then b has to be true if it is the time of redemption then we should expect there to be unprecedented things beginning to unfold before us and we should not be dismayed and given to despair when those things begin to happen but we should look up and lift up our hands and know that his hand is at work and that he saw fit to bring you and me into his kingdom at this appointed time he chose us to be here at this time to be his vessels to be those servants that he could call upon and and we would say use me amen all right now going back to exodus in our torah portion actually no let me let me say this if we are living in the time of redemption it's going to be really important that we do know him because we don't want to be those who hear these words i never knew you that is this tragic verse in all of scripture as far as i'm concerned to think that you are part of his kingdom to think that you're part of his body we cast out devils in your name we we did all these wonderful works in your name i didn't know you let us not be those people so we need to know him we need to experience him there's a lot of people who are going to make the issue about the name how you pronounce it i almost guarantee when i go back later and look at some of the comments there are going to be those that say well it's really this and that and the other but i'm going to tell you and this has been my position and will continue to be my position the real issue about the name you have is not how you pronounce it but what it means it's about his actions what he does now granted there is a correct way to pronounce it and one day yeshua will sit us down in the kingdom and you know what he's going to clear up a lot of these mysteries for us okay and i respect that you believe it should be pronounced this way and i respect that this person believes it should be pronounced this way i respect the fact that there are people who don't try to pronounce it out of respect i respect all those things i don't want us to get entangled in those kinds of things though because while we're fussing about how you pronounce this and when a day begins he's moving he's acting his hand is at work and that's what i want us to be focused on so we can get in sync with what he's doing all right i'm going to get off of that let's go back to the tor portion exodus 6 verse 5 and i have also heard the groaning of the children of israel whom the egyptians keep in bondage and i have remembered my covenant therefore say to the children of israel i am you i am the lord i will bring you out from under the burden of the egyptians i will rescue you from their bondage and i will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with the great judgments i will take you as my people and i will be your god then you shall know that i am the lord your god who brings you out from under the burdens of the egyptians and i will bring you into the land which i swore to give abraham isaac and jacob and i will give it to you as a heritage i am good i am the lord and so one of the reasons that i wanted to read these verses is to point out that it is the outcry of the people for deliverance from egypt that initiates the redemptive process in other words the cry was to leave get us out of here not change things so that we can stay a lot of times we appeal to him to change the circumstances so that we can remain in our present scenario but sometimes it is not his will that we stay in that present situation sometimes it is his will that we move beyond that those things of the past serve their purpose but when that purpose is fulfilled then it's time for those things to fade away and it's time for other things to be engaged you know john put it this way i have to decrease now why that he may increase that's just the way it is to everything there is a season a time for every purpose under heaven there is a time that the infant child develops inside the mother's womb and it's very important that that happens it's a critical part of the process from conception to delivery but there's a reason they call it delivery i think that maybe escapes us sometimes and that is that if the child is not delivered eventually the womb would become its tomb and so there comes a time a set time that the child has to be delivered from the womb so that it can continue to exist as the creator intended it to be and so it is with us we don't always remain in that scenario where we are most comfortable why does that baby come out screaming and squalling because he liked it in there it was safe it was warm it was cozy it was familiar and so when they come out screaming it's because i want to go back but to go back is not possible because that would mean it would die right and so with us sometimes we have to be reminded that where we've been is not where we're necessarily going to end up where we've been may have served a purpose but when that purpose is fulfilled well he usually has to make things uncomfortable for us to be willing to move on and to progress and to follow him and so it is the outcry from his people deliver us that initiates the process of redemption and the promise that they were given included a judgment upon that nation that was trying to keep them to that brought suffering upon them in these verses there are four things that the almighty said he would do which according to jewish commentary anyway represents four stages of redemption by the way when we get together the seder at pesach the custom is the custom is we have four cups and those four cubs are supposed to represent the four things that the almighty said he would do when he brought israel out from under the burden of the egyptians the first one was he said he would relieve them of their burdens he said i am you they and i will bring you out from under the burden of the egyptians the second thing he said was this i'm going to to deliver you but in hebrew here's the word do you have that next tb word for me jonathan not sal here we go it means to snatch to actually snatch you from bondage meaning that he was going to remove them from egypt altogether and by doing that he was going to deliver he was going to save them the third thing he said that he would do is i will redeem you with an outstretched arm the word to redeem comes from this root word and to redeem is the root for this word that you might be a little bit more familiar with goel goel is the redeemer as in the kinsmen redeemer boaz was goel to to ruth to naomi he was the redeemer so he said i am going to redeem you with an outstretched arm so what we understand here is the creator's saying i am going to ransom you i'm going to ransom you from the hand of your adversary and at the same time i'm going to avenge you i'm going to avenge you of your adversary and he says i'm going to do this with an outstretched arm i thought this was might be appreciative of this that word that he uses here is zaroa and it's zein and here's why i wanted you to see that because when we gather at pesach at the seder on the seder plate there is a shank bone of a lamb but in hebrew here's what it's called zoroa because it represents it represents the outstretched arm of the almighty who is doing what redeeming us snatching us from the hand of our adversary their redemption was completed when he opened up the sea and he brought them through i always like to look at it this way they're going into the birth canal that canyon that he took them into he brings them into the birth canal before them is the sea the water pharaoh is pursuing them from behind so how are they going to be delivered the waters have to break and then i called my son out of egypt and so when he brought them up on the other side they were completely redeemed and pharaoh was no more pharaoh would no longer have opportunity to claim them as his possession they belong to him he said i'm going to bring you and make you my people and i'm going to be your god and so he brought them from that point he take them he took them to sinai he gave them the contract of the covenant and all of these things that we're talking about here is not just what happened 3 500 years ago it's what is happening it's what will happen it is the pattern for what he does in the future redemption ezekiel chapter 36 verse 24 for i will take you from among the nations and gather you out of all the countries and i will bring you into your own land and i will sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be clean from all of your filthiness from all of your idols will i cleanse you a new heart also i will give you and a new spirit i will put within you and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you a heart of flesh and i will put my ruach my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you shall keep my ordinances and do them so i read that to show that in the future we see the same pattern that we see in the book of exodus but i also want to make this point when he is what he's describing here is as his people are being redeemed from the nations which has not yet happened at least in fruition but i want you to notice that as he's doing this we have not arrived why do i say that because we're still unclean we're filthy we're idolatrous and we're in need of a new heart and a new spirit even then so i guess my point would be get over yourself i'm talking to me too we have not arrived we are striving we're pressing toward the mark we're looking to the author and the finisher of our faith but there are things that have to happen in me until that point i see him as he is and corruption puts on incorruption and mortal puts on immortality so even as he is redeeming his people he looks upon them and he sees well you're still in this kind of a situation you've got the filthiness of the nations hanging on to you that's why he has to sprinkle us and make us clean another observation that struck me right between the eyes i don't know about 15 20 years ago and i'm reading this same passage of scripture understanding i grew up as a pentecostal and the pentecostal church i grew up in the spirit of god visited you and filled you for primarily one reason so that you could speak in tongues now if you grew up that way you know exactly what i'm talking about and i can close my eyes and i can go back 45 years and and i can see myself down at the altar i'm you know 10 11 12 years old and all these little gray-haired ladies surrounding me you know and they're praying right um they're spitting in my ear they're praying in my ear and they're saying hallelujah real fast just say hallelujah hallelujah you know they're doing all this kind of stuff so i can speak in tongues and i'm not putting that down but when i read this 15 20 years ago i realized here's why he fills us with his spirit so that we can walk in his statutes and keep his ordinances and do the things that he's told us to do that's why which means if i don't have his spirit living in me i'm not going to be able to walk in his statutes and his ordinances and do them the way that he wants them done i'm going to do them out of this or out of rote but he wants us to be filled with his spirits so that we can authentically do the things that he's called us to do our intellect is never going to be sufficient in and of itself to do what he's called us to do and that leads us to this idea i don't know that i can know him without his presence and his spirit in my life i can know about him and a lot of people know about him and a lot of people can recite you scriptures and they can recite you commentary and they can recite to you interpretation of this an interpretation of that and they can give you their opinion and their position and all these kinds of things but only those who know him who are filled with his spirit are going to be able to faithfully walk in these things that he's called us to do and i would say this that in time it will become obvious who is filled with his spirit and who isn't just like the wheat is going to be separated from the tear or the tear separated from the wheat so is the chaff going to be separated from the wheat that that is conducive to life and fruitful and useful all right so i'll get off of that let's go back to the exodus part to reaffirm the certainty that redemption will occur he closes with the same statement he made when he opened this conversation i am yudhi vahveh i am the lord and so he promised to do what he was going to do in spite of the fact that he knew his people weren't ready that some of his own people were resistant to what he was doing exodus 6 9 moses spoken to israel but they didn't listen and it says because of the hard bondage that they were in they were crushed by the disappointment of thinking we're out of here and then pharaoh doubles down and so you're gonna have to collect your own straw make the same number of bricks so that was a punch in the gut and so they're overwhelmed by that and they are in dread of him that is pharaoh more so than they are the almighty so it would seem then and this is why i'm pointing this out it was seeing that we if we're not careful might allow pressure persecution oppression we might allow those things to dull our ability to believe that god is at work can i say that again if we're not careful oppression depression persecution these things if we're not careful those things can dull our ability to believe yeshua said that because of lawlessness the love of many would grow cold lawlessness we know is going to abound and he warns us that be careful because lawlessness is going to be so pervasive that the love of many is going to grow cold and what does love have to do with our topic because who knows the bridegroom better than the bride do the attendants know him better do the guests know him but who knows the bridegroom more intimately than the bride and who loves the bridegroom the bride oh yes others have relationship with him but who's going to be one with him it's the bride and so we cannot allow the things that are going on in this world dull our ability to believe to continue to believe that he is going to fulfill his promises there are those according to yeshua in mark 4 who allow the cares of this life to choke out that seed that is trying to grow and produce fruit you know when we read that parable of the sower and you know the cares of life choke it out like the weeds and the thorns and all these kinds of things we're thinking about yeah they're worried about their mortgage and they're worried about their children and they're worried about this and i would suggest to you that the events of the last several years and what we anticipate may be coming down the pipe has had a whole new layer to this whole thing about this cares of life choking out that seed we cannot allow that to happen in fact peter said this in second peter chapter 3 verse 3 i mean excuse me verse 4 there are going to be people who come where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation now you may have a differing opinion on this but when peter says this i don't think he's referring to those in the world asking this question i think he's talking about there are going to be those who are in the body who are asking this question where is this promise we don't believe those people of israel many of them did not believe moses when he come to them because of their bondage their oppression their situation they couldn't get their eyes and minds off of that to open their minds and hearts to the fact that god was truly at work and to believe that and so likewise there are going to be people who are because of the things that are happening in this world because they've continued on as they have always been which then in my mind connects to this uh evil people are still doing evil things and evil people seem to get away with evil things and rather than righteous rising up and being in power and trying to kind of assert their authority it's always been the other way it's always been the wicked who've been stomping on the righteous things have been going on the same way since the fathers fell asleep so where's the promise of his coming i can see that happening i can see that happening let us not give in to that and so in the end it says or he says i am and he is going to do what he promised he would do and he is going to pour out wonders he said never before seen so that friend and foe will know that he is there are going to be a people a remnant of his people who will believe to what he who believe in what he's doing and who will respond to what he's doing who will recognize what he's doing but unfortunately there's going to be a lot of god's people who are overwhelmed by what they see everybody else doing i don't want us to be that people from this pattern we also see that when god begins to act the nations of this world are going to resist and they're going to harden their hearts just like pharaoh did they're going to resist they're going to work against it in revelation chapter 9 it says that they did not repent of the works of their hands their murders their sorceries all the different things that it lists there they continue to do those things why because they harden their hearts they cannot discern that the hand of almighty god is at work or they refuse to regard and respect his authority and unfortunately apparently many of god's people will be affected by that same seduction we need to also understand that in the days ahead that the world is not going to be overly impressed by what god is doing my magicians can do that my astrologers can mimic that and they will try to mimic what god is doing and therefore you and i need to be on guard against lying signs and wonders like i said at the very beginning there are those who will not be able to discern the spirit of god at work it is equally important that we be able to distinguish between the spirit of god and these other spirits that will be at work so that we will not be seduced by lying signs and wonders because these things are just an illusion and so i want to read what paul had to say to timothy in second timothy chapter 3 to kind of connect these two ideas and how it relates to the to the last days verse 1 but know this that in the last days perilous times will come let me just stop there moses i'm going to send you to pharaoh i'm going to have you tell him the time has come for him to let my people go now he's not going to listen to you and he's not going to want to let my people go in fact i'm going to have to pour out signs and wonders on the land of egypt and it will shocked when perilous times begin to unfold why are we going what's going on here we weren't expecting this we thought everything was just going to go on the way it's always going on in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god i mean he's covering all of the bases here and then he says this having a form of godliness but denying its power in other words all those things that he just described apparently are things that will be found within the body because they're going to have a form of godliness or at the very least people who are professing to be one thing and having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof and where does that power come from it comes from the spirit of god there will be those who have the form but they won't function they won't function in the way those who love god and who are following god should function they'll put out the persona there but you'll be able to tell the difference how those who are filled with his presence and spirit will be able to do the things that he's called them to do eventually you'll be able to separate jonas and jamborus from what god is doing let me go on they have a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people what are we to do turn away for the for of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins led away by various lusts always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth man more and more that one is is really connecting with me and some things that i see going on there's always these people learning learning learning learning learning learning learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth let me go back to another statement i made at the beginning there are those within the body who are not able to discern when the hand of god is at work they don't discern the spirit of god some even say that he does this by the hand of biels above this is of the devil when it was of the spirit of god we had better be very very careful to discern what is of the spirit of god and what is not and if you don't know you might want to keep your mouth shut i'm going to get off that always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as janus and yamas resisted moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds disapproved concerning the faith but they will progress no further because that cup eventually gets full they will progress no further for their folly will be manifest to all as theirs was referring to jonas and yambras as theirs also was so i'm going to kind of close with this we need to be prepared for these kinds of situations we need to be prepared for these so-called wonders because a wiccan and adulterous generation seeks something what is it they seek signs and wonders they follow after those things they go seeking those things now i'm not saying there's anything wrong with signs and wonders as a matter of fact god says in the day of redemption he's going to pour out his signs and wonders joel chapter 2 is all about that however the difference should be this a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but signs follow them that believe there is a distinction because when we're seeking for those things guess what we're setting ourselves up to be seduced by things that are faults and illusions and just not true because when our eyes are on something else somebody else other than the author and the finisher of our faith we're setting ourselves up to be deceived and to be disappointed and if we're not careful destroyed he says here that eventually they're going to hit a brick wall it's not going to be able to go any further for them just like jonas and jabras were manifest that they couldn't duplicate the finger of god so it will be in the end of days so we need to make certain that our hearts are tender that our ears are attentive and that we're full of the spirit of god because if not the pattern suggests that there are those among god's people who might allow their hearts to be hardened against what the creator is doing and if they allow themselves to be hardened against what the creator is doing they may have to suffer along with the egyptians when these plagues begin to be poured out because read the torah portion you will see that number one number two and number three plague affected everybody and i think what that is to say to god's people is it affected those who had hardened their hearts against what god was doing they feared pharaoh more than they feared the almighty they didn't believe moses and some of them were still holding on to the gods of egypt still had not let go and so they suffered right along with the egyptians in those first three plagues but after that third plague god set a distinction between those who dwelt in goshen and those who dwelt in the land of egypt and i want you to remember what goshen means it comes from a word that means to draw near so the implication is what that those who have a heart to draw near to him to know him not just know about him to be one with him there will come a day that he will set a distinction between us and everybody else and so that the things that are befalling the nations will not befall us and it's not because we're great and wonderful people because he's still got to clean us up he's still got to put a new heart in us he's going to put his spirit within us it's just to say that he's faithful to his covenant he said i will remember my covenant and that word remember is the same word we get the word memorial from and everybody here should know what the implication there is i will remember my covenant means i'm getting ready to do something and i'm going to act on behalf of my people because i made a promise to my friend abraham i made a promise to isaac i made a promise to jacob and from our point of view yes it encompasses those promises he made to them but i'm thinking a little closer to home there are promises that he made to my grandmother there are promises that he made to others that have come before us well i don't know if it's going to work okay there are promises that he has he has made to the patriarch yes that was my point but also this one there are promises that he made to your ancestors there are promises that he made to them concerning their descendants because don't you know that you had a praying grandmother or you had a great grandfather you had a great great great great who was on their knees before the almighty praying for their descendants for their children and their children and their children and we don't even know who it was when it was and how it occurred but you see those prayers too and the promises that were given to them he intends to keep as well and it would seem to me that you and i are coming into the fruition the culmination of those things so i'll close with this things may seem disheartening right now when we look at all the things that are going on in the world but as far as i'm concerned all the things that are going on in the world are evidence that we're living in the time of redemption and if we're living in the time of redemption then what is at stake here is and what is at hand is to discern between those who know about him and those who know him because who knows the bridegroom the bride and the bride is the one who draws near and what kind of a bride is he looking for is he expecting it without spot or blemish right so don't let all this stuff taint our garments amen father we thank you for this day that you've given us we thank you father for thank you for your word we thank you father for the challenges that your word presents to us so that we would be provoked to draw even closer to know you even more intimately and to not know that person that was yesterday but to be a person who is more closely conformed to the image of the son of god and help us father in the days ahead to grow so close to you that we can along with paul say that is no longer i who lives but it's messiah who lives in me forgive us of our shortcomings and our failures father forgive us when we have turned our eyes and attention to this world and we asked father that you would quicken us by your presence and spirit to keep our focus on you we are believing you for great and wondrous things we are believing you father to use this people here this congregation this assembly and and others like us we are believing you to use this in a way that we could not imagine but not because of us and not to call attention to us but because it is the time it is the age in which we live help us not to be those of hardened hearts that would resist what you're doing or who would choose not to believe it but let us be those who say we can do this because we have a different spirit within us we have your spirit within us that prompts us to believe that prompts us to draw closer that prompts us to purge unfruitful things from our lives help us father to be full of your spirit and not ourselves these things we pray and ask in yeshua's name [Music] amen [Music] what an encouraging message we know it's crazy out there but it doesn't have to be crazy in here so i'm so thankful for how he calms us how he is truly our rock um one of my favorite things to do when our family finally shuts the door on all the chaos of the world on friday evenings is to once we finish eating and we stack those dishes in the sink that we have to look at until tonight so i'd go away from the kitchen so look at that i love to just put on some praise music um i get to practice my hebrew song during that time because a lot of the songs are in hebrew so last night i heard one i never heard before and i always i like to go and listen to different things so that i'm not stuck in what's comfortable to me all the time i don't think that the father wants us to be that way in any capacity we need to always be willing to take that step out for him and not get too comfortable and so i heard one last night and correct me teacher if i'm saying this wrong ad hayom and it's uh yes okay yeah you see i'm i'm learning anyway it means until today and this was a song on an album a shiloh ben hold is the artist and the song was take everything so i just started thinking i said about this this is powerful i don't know exactly what it means but it just started resonating within me i don't even know what all of the words were but the title of the album and the title of the song spoke to me and i said teach me teach me why this is meaning something right now why did you point this particular song out to me so this morning when we were praying over the children under the hoopa the word counterfeit popped up in my mind and i knew immediately what it meant and that is not just for our children but for all of us that evil has been evil since evil began we know that man brought chaos into the world a long time ago so that's no surprise no secret nothing new right there are counterfeits in the world also not a secret nothing new but are we being counterfeit in our relationship with him and it's not about at this point how you deal with anybody else because it has to be with him first it has to be pure with him first so you i said okay now i get what the song meant the title of the song adhayam until today and the actual title i mean the title of the album was that and then take everything so i'm not going to ask you to raise your hand if you've ever been hurt because i already know the answer everyone in this room has had some kind of hurt some of you have been beyond hurt you've been wounded almost mortally but the father revived you and you're here now so the connection is this [Music] have we been a counterfeit with him in some part of our relationship because if you've been hurt the tendency is to say well i'll give you this much but i'm reserving this a little bit for myself because somebody's probably going to hurt me or somebody's probably going to criticize me or something that's uncomfortable to my flesh it's probably going to happen again so i'll give you about 90 but i'm reserving that 10 for me and that opens the door for us to be counterfeit to walk around like everything's okay to speak to our brothers and sisters like everything's okay i'm cool everything's good i'm happy i'm joyful but we're hanging on to that 10 percent [Music] until today we need to let him take everything but we can't do that unless we give it to him and if we are going to stand against the bigger counterfeits out there we can't be one so we need to examine our hearts we're coming up to purim an amazing story you know it we never see his name in the book but we see him behind the scenes everywhere we look that needs to be what we do now when we stand against the world but we can't if we're going to hang on to that little 10 percent because that 10 percent can be huge it can be such a huge wall it can block blessings it can block you really relating to that person who really needs you to get over that 10 so that you can help them get over it and it's a ripple effect so i knew when we were praying this morning i started out praying father [Music] while bill was praying you know praying in agreement with him and his father don't let our children fall victim to the counterfeits of this world because they're surrounded by it everywhere and don't let them have a counterfeit relationship and don't let it be one just because mom and dad did it but let it be one because now it's in their heart and they see and it's true it's real they have stepped up they've owned it they have that personal relationship so look at ourselves have we modeled a counterfeit part of our relationship i'm not please hear me i'm not beating anybody up and i'm speaking as much to myself as anybody else and i'm not accusing anybody at all of having a fake relationship but we open ourselves up to be counterfeit in a part that's very important that could not only affect our walk and our relationship with him and with each other but it could affect somebody else's we can't have that if we're going to stand against the bigger counterfeits out there so when we pray here in a minute bill talked about you know presently he was presently he is presently he will be we can only in our frame of reference like the little boy he was in the bed trying to think about all of that and you have to just open up the skull cap and mist it down so it doesn't overheat sometimes you know but let's think about that and go back and you know we just came through hanukkah where we went through that time of cleansing our temple rededicating our temple now let's go even deeper and let's go to those hurts that we've held on to let's go to those things that um we say well we'll go this far but man we're not going any further somebody else can do that because i've been there done that bought the t-shirt and i'm not gonna let anybody treat me that way again okay we all have those places i do i do i'm speaking to me too so when we pray let's remember we want our children not to have any counterfeit parts of their relationship and the enemy doesn't care how he makes us miss the mark the point is he just wants us to miss the mark so it can look like the real deal and let's not even know it so ask him to point those things out in your life that we can model that to our children and to his children your neighbors and then when we pray let's say okay father until today i've held back but now take everything and truly give it to him and just leave it there so that we can stand against the chaos of the world that we can have peace in here let go of that story we all have them don't let it define who you are let it shape who you become in him amen there are a lot of requests for healing a lot of requests for people who are relocating for people who have relationships they want to see restored and when we pray in a minute i want to pray for those as well but let's keep that in mind let's go to that deeper place let's just ask him to help us rip off the band-aid and just get it all cleaned out so that when we do come into these crazier times we know they're coming um you know if we think it's crazy now let's fasten your seat belt you know so we have to be ready because if we're not and we're holding back that little part and somebody comes and says will you help me or how how do you have joy now and they remind you of that person who hurt you and you stand back and you go i think i know the kind of person you are and i've been hurt by somebody like you so why don't you go talk to that brother or that sister over there we can't do that we have to trust him we have to give it all to him so until today we haven't but now let's ask him to take everything [Music] okay if you will just stand with me and just think about that while we're also praying for those who need a healing touch whether it's physical financial relational spiritual any other way just pray with me abba our king our provider our redeemer our foundation that solid rock our security our comforter you're that and so much more abba you are our everything every answer we thank you for that abba thank you that we can come to you that we you have afforded us the ability through yeshua to call ourselves your children and i thank you for that so we come to you now as your children i'm asking you i will start with me and my family and my larger jacobs tent family including those that are all online help us go to that place where we've experienced the most hurt that we have held on that we've built a wall that we've said no you'll not get here again because in reality what we're doing is closing you out of the place that we need you the most and we can't heal until we let you come in and apply that healing bomb we can't love properly others until we release that to you until today father we've held on so please forgive us for doing that and not giving it all to you we ask you now please do take everything you made us abba you know us we can deceive ourselves we can think we're living and walking right we can think we've given it all to you we can even fake others out but not you so abba let it not be about what it looks like to somebody else [Music] let it be that when you look into our hearts and you see the truth you see that we've held nothing back so we ask you please take everything we give it to you today help us leave it there in your hands because that is the place it will be most nurtured most cared for and properly healed for those who need a physical touch today father for those who need a spiritual touch financial relational touch you already know help them open up to whatever answer you give and to do their part to receive your answer father i pray that for all of us as we go forward abba you never change but you are marching on let us be what we need to be to march with you so that we can be those that good and faithful servant that in the end you can say well done let us hear those words father not that you never knew us so we open up every part of who we are to you today for you to flood in push out anything that doesn't belong seep into all of the cracks and crevices and the things that we've held behind and the walls that we've put up tear them down abba that we can more properly know you and love you and be what you've called us to be for each other we praise you abba and issue his name amen amen this is the time in the service that we invite everyone who has prepared and has a willing heart to bring an offering forward if you are online and you want to participate in this we invite you to do that as well and as you do we thank the father for all of those who support jacob's tent not just financially but so many people who support jacob's tent through your prayers your encouraging words and because those things are an offering as well and we're very appreciative of them and we're thankful to the father for for all the contributions of whatever type that his people bring forward and an act of service to him [Music] next month will be two years since we had our first meeting um two years [Music] and for those of you who have been with us from the beginning i think you would join me in saying it is amazing it is absolutely amazing to see what the father has done so far and that's just within two years and a lot of what he's done has happened just in the last six months or so i would expect that six from six months from now we will be going wow i'm amazed i really believe that i do [Music] i believe that i just i just want to express how grateful i am to him first and to his people and it is an honor for beth and for me to be able to to serve this congregation and to see and to watch and observe what the father is doing one day i'm going to be able to come out here and tell you something i don't know it yet no but i'm going to be able to come out here and tell you something that has happened immediately you know very quickly and that's going to be the sign that you know things are moving forward i believe that i anticipate having to do that okay so i'm just wanted to say how grateful i am and thank you for everyone who supports jacob's tent as i said in every way so if you will all stand or remain standing and we're going to have gabe [Music] lead us in the priestly blessing [Music] may the lord may the lord upon you and give you peace and give you peace [Music] me [Music] foreign this is the way you shall be blessed [Music] may the lord may the lord bless you his grace and his face shine upon you and may the lord lift up his count and dance upon you and give you peace and give you peace amen okay before you sit down what are we gonna do we have to say hi to the rest of the family they are all over the world i couldn't even take the time to name all the countries but we love you tell them shabbat shalom we love you we're glad you're here with us today and we'll do kiddush here in a minute but once we do that we will give the ladies on the other side a few minutes to get ready and we want our guests to go first along with those who need a little extra time because of wheelchairs crutches canes walkers etc but if you um raise your hand i know we can't see them on the other side but if this your first time here just raise your hand okay you have trash duty today oh no no no i'm kidding no we want you and those who brought you here or who influenced you to come here um to go with you first in line today as soon as we release after kiddish we'll be back at um 3 30 ish but live streamers don't go anywhere yet because we still have to kiddish [Music] okay [Music] join me please [Music] blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine and for giving us yeshua the messiah who said i am the vine and you are the branches the highest [Music] blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth and forgiving us yeshua the messiah who said i am the bread of life amen i'm gonna take that piece [Music] alrighty so we're gonna go ahead and say so long to the live streamers until 3 30.
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 7,114
Rating: 4.954802 out of 5
Keywords: vayera, bill cloud, shoreshim, torah, bible, shabbat, shabbat night live, hebraic roots network, brad scott, michael rood, messianic, prophecy, rapture, sabbath, daily devotional, perry stone, a rood awakening, jewish history, judaism, christianity, joel richardson, mount sinai, israel, jerusalem, conservative, hebrew roots movement, unlearn, bible truth, hebrew, yeshua, messiah, politics news, donald trump, jesus, yhwh, 119 ministries, jonathan cahn, end times, last days, revelation, esau
Id: YXatpsrIjXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 25sec (9445 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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