Joy Comes in the Morning | Bill Cloud | Jacob's Tent

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[Music] you who are joining us online shabbat shalom to everybody there shabbat shalom to everybody on the other side let me hear you there we go [Applause] all righty so let's pray shall we our father in heaven god of abraham isaac and jacob once again father we thank you for this day that you've that you have set aside you have infused it with blessing with peace your shalom you've sanctified it and you've instructed us to remember this and to to always guard it and to make certain that it stays set apart from the rest of the week and so we come to you in a feeble attempt but a humble attempt an earnest attempt to do what you've instructed us to do to honor you by honoring this day that you've set apart to come together to be echad a community a a family that loves you and wishes to praise you and wishes to honor you wishes to learn more about you and your word and your ways so that we can be the people that you've called us to be in particularly for this time in which we live we ask father that your peace would settle upon us in this room and the other rooms in this building around this building around this area i pray that your peace and your shalom would settle upon your people who are joining us online from all over this nation all over the nations i pray that father your peace your shalom your presence would be here with us to to rest among us to abide with us to impart unto us those things that we need from you today to strengthen those who are weak and to encourage those who are discouraged to heal those who are who are feeble or ill and father to be the lifter of our head and i pray father that today that we would be equipped enabled empowered by your spirit to lay aside all concerns all worries all frustrations all the concerns of this past week and what lies before us help us father to lay those things aside that we can truly cease and desist from the common things of this world that we might enter into your presence into your holiness and that we might truly be one people in you today help all the technical things to go as they should so all of our family that are joining us online will be able to participate uninterrupted unfettered by any of the things that can go on sometimes with technology just keep your hand upon everything we do here today every prayer that is prayed every song that sung every word that is spoken let it honor you let it sanctify your great name that we may lift up the name of yeshua our messiah and then send his name that we come to you today and everyone said amen just remain standing [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and in thy great compassion i will come into your house [Music] there i will bow there i will fear thy holy [Music] we could have all the those who will sound the shofar this morning if you will assemble please [Music] we are fast approaching [Music] a season where we celebrate our king we acknowledge the need for our redeemer and when we will rejoice before him because sukkot's just right around the corner and sukkot is the season of our okay now some of you that haven't been with us for a while you'll just have to get accustomed to this because this is our way of reinforcing that when we get to sukkot it is the season of our and nothing else [Music] right so all the nothing else we want to deal with now and we want to deal with before we get into that time all right so as we approach the as we come closer to the end of this season of the show and you know searching within and reconciling with our father and with our brothers and sisters let's just remember that the sound of the shofar is among other things it's a call to repentance this is called to turn from those things that would lead us astray that would stand between us and our king so if and i underscore the word if there's anything like that in our lives today before we leave today let's make sure that there is nothing standing in the way amen so we hear the voice of the shofar we hear his call to come to him to return to him with all of our heart all of our soul amen [Music] hmm shabbat shalom everybody [Music] [Music] shabbat [Music] [Music] alone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together behold how good and how pleasant it is [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] so [Music] for others to dwell together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] blessed it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] still reminding me about that everybody having a good morning so far all right good [Music] now arise your lord to your resting place with all your power and might as we stand here clothed in your righteousness we will sing and dance for joy for you have chosen zion has a place for you to dwell [Music] salvation is [Music] glory of god [Music] is [Music] we will run to the mountain of god we will sound the alarm salvation is gone we will dance we will pray we worship the names [Music] learn [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] salvation is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory of god [Music] crazy rising eyes [Music] you and in your presence all our fears [Music] us [Music] [Music] hear the sound of hearts returning [Music] broken [Music] cause when we see you we might train [Music] and in your presence [Music] you are the god who saves us [Music] all of our praises [Music] we welcome you here [Music] oh [Music] me the sun comes whatever maybe [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] 10 000. [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] and on that day when my strength is failing the end draws near and my time has gone but still my soul will sing your praises [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] leanne [Music] me [Music] and as for me and my house we will serve in the [Music] oh we will not bow down to the gods of man we will worship the god of israel for you [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] and as for me and my house [Music] oh we will not bow [Music] is [Music] like you [Music] there's nobody [Music] me choose this day when you will serve [Music] choose this day when you will serve [Music] this day whom you will serve [Music] come on and choose this day choose this day who you will serve [Music] [Music] [Music] in my house [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] who is are [Music] [Music] like [Music] foreign [Music] all night [Music] we will serve you lord [Music] [Music] we [Music] to is jesus i have decided to follow jesus [Music] i have decided to follow jesus no turning back [Music] to follow jesus jesus i have decided to follow jesus no turning back [Music] the world behind me the cross before me the cross before me [Music] no turning back [Music] still i will follow [Music] still i will follow sing it out [Music] know [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] no turning back no turning back [Music] oh man [Music] [Applause] our father our king god of abraham isaac and jacob thank you for the demonstration of love and commitment to us that you have made through your son yeshua we thank you that yeshua for what the joy that was set before him endured the shame of the suffering that is represented by the cross and we acknowledge today yeshua that you have called us who profess to follow you that we are to take up our cross that we are to do so that we are to deny ourselves each and every day we may follow in your footsteps that we may follow the example to walk in our father's ways to be witnesses of your resurrection to be witnesses of the fact that you are alive forevermore to be witnesses that you are returning that you are coming again to take up your throne [Music] we pray that you will continue to inspire and equip and empower us to be faithful witnesses to take our cross all the way to the end of the journey that you have already established that is our life help us father as we look to you and as we lean upon one another to fulfill the function the purpose for our being here to be those witnesses to be that assembly that is a light that city set up on a hill that cannot be hidden should not be hidden will not be hidden in spite of the darkness that gathers around us we look to you we depend upon you we thank you everyone if you will just remain standing i want you to join with me as we recite the vishamru once again i want to remind everybody let's not just read words on a screen but let's declare these words from our heart as his witnesses say it with me please and the lord spake unto moses saying speak thou also unto the children of israel saying verily my sabbaths you shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations that you may know that i am the lord that doth sanctify you before we read the next one i just want to remind you i've said this before i want to say it again he said that this will be a sign between us and him and when you look at those signs between us and him that are in the scripture very often they are the difference between life and death they are the difference between blessing and curse and so we want to make certain that we are faithful to do those things that he said are a sign between us between him because as we approach the day of adversity those signs are going to be very very important wherefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever for in six days the lord made heaven and earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed in mark chapter 12 one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he'd answered them well ask him which is the first commandment of all and yeshua answered him the first of all the commandments is hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength this is the first commandment and the second like it is this you shall love your neighbor as yourself there is no other commandment greater than these gentlemen [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ladies [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be his name and his glorious kingdom forever amen [Music] [Music] and you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your mind with all of your strength [Music] you shall love your neighbor as yours [Music] and upon these two commandments stands a whole long love your neighbor love your god [Music] [Music] and you shall love the lord your god with all of your heart [Music] a man greet someone especially our visitors say hello [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] papa [Music] [Music] all right we need a couple of tall volunteers right here [Music] all righty can we have all of our little itty bittys all of our smallest family members come on up under the hoopa come on mom and dad bring them up underneath here [Music] and all of you on the other side all the sons and daughters over there gather under the hoop on the other side [Music] all right let's get all of our children all of our sons all our daughters all our grandchildren gather under the hoopa [Music] peace [Music] [Music] if you're at home go ahead and gather your children close to you if you can also want to again acknowledge that we have our treasure box under the hoop so all those pictures of all your loved ones are we're going to be pronouncing this blessing over them too if you want to put a picture of your son or daughter or grandchildren in the treasure box just send us pictures and we'll make sure they get there do we have any more how do we do it on the other side can i see all right they're all set all right so if you will everyone stand [Music] if everyone stand please i want you to extend your hands your hand to our children our grandchildren and as we're pronouncing this blessing over them let's remember those of our children and grandchildren that aren't here and they're out there in the world somewhere we are praying this blessing over them as well that our father will keep these he'll keep those he'll keep all of our children wherever they may be amen may the lord protect and defend you [Music] may he always shield you from shame [Music] and may you come to be in israel a shining name and may you be like ruth and like david may you be deserving of praise faith in them o lord and keep them from the stranger's ways [Music] may god bless you and grant you long life and may god make you good husbands and ones [Music] may the lord protect and defend you may the lord preserve you from pain [Music] favor them o lord with happiness and peace oh hear our sabbath prayer [Music] earl pass this mic to glenn glenn i want you to pray over our children almighty father we thank you so much for this wonderful day thank you for the sabbath that you bring us the feast days that are coming up on us and we're grateful for these young children that are here the next generations are coming up behind us abba i pray for your almighty blessing upon them that you keep your hedge about them and you follow them and guide them and lead them throughout their days and i pray this in your wonderful son yeshua's name hallelujah [Music] all right i'm in you may return to your seats [Music] [Music] [Applause] you hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't have one let's do an old standby then or you have one i don't know let's see [Music] jesus [Music] i've heard [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus is the way jesus is the answer for the world today but then there's [Music] oh man [Music] thank you didn't know you had it in you just playing i'm just playing i'm just kidding oh good morning shabbat shalom everybody hope everyone's having a good morning um as soon as you exit the stage sir you check that thermostat i'm about to hot to death up here no i'm not melting yet but anyway shabbat shalom everyone uh for those of you who are joining us online shabbat shalom to you and it just occurs to me that maybe i should remind everybody that you know um in this congregation you're you're likely to hear hebrew songs hymns uh just anything and everything that expresses our heart toward our father so um i just felt like i needed to remind some folks of that that we're here to honor him and we're not going to be should i use that term yes i should hamstrung it's probably not a kosher term but we're not going to be hamstrung by the traditions and hangs up hang-ups of men amen all right let's go to our torah portion it's called the kitavo begins in deuteronomy chapter 26 in verse one it goes all the way over into the uh very few verse very first verses of chapter 29 but in this particular portion moses is beginning to conclude his address toward the children of israel as they're preparing to enter the land of canaan so we want to read the first few verses of this torah portion in deuteronomy 26 and it shall be when you come kitabu when you come into the land which the lord your god has given you as an inheritance and you possess it and dwell in it that you shall take some of the first of all the produce of the ground which you shall bring from your land that the lord your god has given you and put it in a basket and go to the place where the lord your god chooses to make his name abide and you shall go to the one who is the priest in those days and say to him i declare today to the lord your god that i have come to the country which the lord swore to your fathers to give us so before i continue just i want to thank that family who brought the produce of the land and put it on my desk this morning thank you very much i was gifted blessed with a huge bag not a basket a huge bag from new mexico of every kind of pepper that you can imagine so thank you thank you very much but anyway there uh in this torah portion we see that there were certain laws that were to be kept once the people come into the land there are several others that we can mention but uh this one is referring to when you come into the land there are things that i want you to do as a presentation of the fact that you are in the land i have brought you out from under the bondage of the egyptians i brought you through the wilderness i preserved you i sustained you provided for you and you're going to bring the first fruits of what the land produces for you as a testimony of that as evidence of that so along with that i want to suggest to you that there were certain attitudes in certain disposition that was to be upheld as well when you come into the possession of the land when you come into the fruition of what he has promised to you in this particular case it's gratefulness it's an apprecia appreciation for god's faithfulness that's again what those uh in part with that produce that they were presenting was demonstrating that we are acknowledging your faithfulness to us we're acknowledging that you did what you said you would do you delivered us you preserved us you redeemed us you saved us so then i believe that this is one of the main reasons that the person was to bring that offering of the first fruits to the sanctuary to express that thankfulness to thank god for his deliverance and for his protection for saving them from under the hand of the oppressor and so they proclaim that when they brought this produce we're here in the land that you swore to us and to our fathers you did what you said you were going to do so in deuteronomy 26 verse 9 it says he has brought us to this place and has given us this land a land flowing with milk and honey and now behold i have brought the first fruits of the land which you o lord have given me and so again this portion is at least is at the beginning here it is a pronouncement of victory over our adversary victory over all of our enemies and all of the trials that god's people have had to endure up until this point and so it is not only an acknowledgement of his goodness it is a joyful acknowledgement of his goodness see how i slip that word joy in there it is a joyful acknowledgement of his goodness which is an important thing for us to continue in that is being joyful as we thank him being joyful as we express our gratefulness to him so with that thought in mind i want to read from psalm 149 should be very familiar to most of us anyway sing to the lord a new song we used to do a song long time ago he said sing unto the lord a new song sing unto the lord all the earth sing unto the lord a new song this is not my nose sing unto the lord all the earth for god is great and greatly to be praised god is great and greatly to be praised [Music] sing unto the lord a new song but about a sing unto the lord all the earth sing unto the lord a new song sing unto the lord all the earth for god is great for god is great and greatly to be praised god is great and greatly to be praised sing unto the lord a new song done about it sing unto the lord all the earth sing unto the lord a new song sing unto the lord all the earth sing to the lord a new song in his praise in the assembly of saints let israel rejoice in their maker and let the children of zion be joyful in their king let them praise his name with the dance let them sing praises to him with the timbrel and the harp for the lord takes pleasure in his people and he will beautify the humble with salvation so let the saints be joyful in glory let them sing aloud on their beds how many of you do that i've done it before let the high praises of god be in their mouth so what i want to express here at the beginning of my message is that it's very important that we continue in an attitude of joyfulness and gratitude and in spite of what might be going on around us this is something that we are to do this is what should be expressed in our lives in this world and i say that not being the best at this i know that may come as a shock to some of you but it is not my first reaction many times now i know all of you that's what you do first thing something bad happens oh hallelujah sometimes with me it doesn't happen that way so this is a reminder to me it's a reminder to us all that yes we live in a fallen world we live in the midst of corruption and yet we are to be joyful to rejoice in our maker to rejoice in our god to be grateful for what he has done what he is doing and what we believe that he is going to do in spite of men's efforts to undermine his kingdom and the and the work of his people in this world amen now i realize that saying it's one thing doing it is another nevertheless it is expected of us solomon wrote this in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 13 and 14 consider the work of god for who can make straight what he has made crooked in the day of prosperity be joyful but in the day of adversity consider surely god has appointed the one as well as the other so point being regardless of the circumstance if god allows adversity to touch my life or to touch our lives corporately if he allows that adversity to touch our lives will it not in some way if we're faithful to keep our eyes on him and walk up right before him will it not in some way bring forth his will in our life do we have a consensus all right so then even though we acknowledge that there will be tears that there will be sadness that there will be grief that there will be these difficulties and these difficult emotions to deal with nevertheless the joy of the lord is what our strength now i know that everybody knows that verse everybody knows that statement can anybody tell me where it says nehemiah a gold star for you nehemiah chapter eight but here's here's what was going on when that statement was made um it's in the book of nehemiah chapter eight and the children of israel come back you know they've come back to jerusalem to rebuild the walls and rebuild the temple and these things and it's recorded that on the first day of the seventh month which would be what what would we call the first day of the seventh month yonder feast of trumpets which is kind of coming up pretty soon so on that day ezra was reading the book of the law unto the people who had regathered in jerusalem from babylon in chapter eight beginning in verse two it says this so ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly of men and women and all who could hear with understanding on the first day of the seventh month then he ran from it in the open square that was in front of the watergate from morning until midday before the men and women and those who could understand and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law so those who were attentive those who could hear those who could understand they're hearing the words of this law and if you read it it's it's kind of amazing to me anyway it's like we're hearing things we've never heard before they they go on to realize that hey we're supposed to keep this feast that we move out into booths for seven days like they'd never heard that before or is kind of new to them and i can't imagine how that would be well unless you're in a situation where nobody told you you're supposed to do that and then all of a sudden you read something in the book of the law that says on this day i want you to do this which is why i'm guessing that many of you are here right now because at some point in time you started reading things and you found out wow there's things in here my mama didn't tell me about there's things in here they didn't teach me in the sunday school right and why didn't my mama tell me because nobody told her they in some ways were kind of experiencing in that regard anyhow what you and i have come to understand and as we hear these things you know it grips our heart and it was it was the same with them and as they heard these words it says that they begin to mourn and they begin to weep which is then when nehemiah tells them don't do that the priests tell them don't mourn don't weep because the joy of the lord is your strength now the word joy we have that to show everybody there we go reading from right to left do this for all the hebrew fans and it comes from this root word and which is is it just simply means to show happiness showing happiness the happiness that we have in yo te vave is our strength but the word strength is not what you might imagine it would be you know it's it's not a word that means some energy or some force or anything like that and the word is mose and it is so it's it's not some energy or force that's not what it means by strength what it really is it's a refuge it's a place of safety it denotes something that would be a fortified place a fortification a fortress and what what is the purpose of a fortress or a fortified place protection safety from the enemy and so what it's saying is that to rejoice in our lord is a safe place that we can go to and it is a fortress that protects us from the onslaught of our enemy in fact the word maos it denotes something that is strengthened to the point of being invincible you know what that word means right it means that nothing can overcome you whoever builds on this rock is the one who is going to be able to withstand the storm that is going to come and even the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against his congregation that is on that foundation stone on that rock that's what messiah said which if even the gates of hell can't prevail against us that would seem to imply that in him we are invincible not because of our strength not because of our power not because of our might but it's all in him and because of him but i want that to really sink in and maybe you've heard that before but if you haven't i think it's very important that just showing happiness in our father in our king is a fortification that it is possible that in him and because of him that we can become invincible in the sense that regardless of what the world is doing to us or wanting to do to us or threatening and accusing and all those things if we stand in him and pres and demonstrate happiness in him that knowing that regardless of what happens he's got me if i have to go into the fiery pit he's got me i may not come out of the fiery pit but he's still he's get he's got me right and so in that we become invincible so i thought that was very very interesting now there is a jewish liturgical song many of you probably heard of it called zur actually the official title is yeshuati and mao's is strong rock he's our strong rock and joshua t my salvation so he is my salvation in that he is my strong rock he is my fortress and so then he is our fortress but being joyful in him goes hand in glove with the fact that he is that rock that protects us so in spite of our circumstance the joy of the lord is our safe place that we need to run to so again i'm i am talking to me as i'm talking to you all right because when we look around us and we see what's going on in this world there are forces in this world who are trying very very hard very diligently to tighten the noose so that they can have their way would you agree i'm not really certain at this point that the mask and the mandates are going to go away they may i don't know i think there's an agenda at work here and some people are calling the new normal but more and more is being done to try to determine and and define how you and i are to live our lives and in my view my opinion this is just my opinion that what's going on now is not too far removed from you do this or you can't buy and sell now if we stayed right there we'd all want to take you know a bunch of sleeping pills or something i don't know if we stayed right there that's all we thought about it would be very depressing we could very easily give in to being discouraged being just in despair so we can't stay there we need to go to our safe place we need to go to our refuge when the world is closing in like that what the joy of the lord is our safe place it is our fortification so coupled with that in times past it was the restrictions that the adversary imposed on god's people and the oppression that they placed upon god's people that actually provoked god's people to once and for all cry out in egypt when all these things were happening to them and they began to cry out they were not crying out for get somebody else in the oval office get us another pharaoh that's not what they were crying they were crying uh get him some new advisors so they can make some new rules so that we can go back to the way things were that's not what they were crying out for they were crying out for him to deliver them to save them to come to him and deliver us from our oppressors so it's very important that as we consider that the joy of the lord is our safe place and our fortress it's also very important that we cry out to him for his will to be done and to deliver us from the oppressor but according to his purpose and his will and when they cried out he responded with signs and wonders and they were supposed to respond with gratitude thankfulness and joyful attitude so my point in all of this is that when the people came into the land this is what we read at the very first part of the torah portion when they came into the land it was to be a joyous thing it wasn't supposed to be glad that it's over even though i'm sure many of them felt glad that's over but it was to be a joyous thing and they were to express joy and gladness along with thanks and appreciation keeping in mind all of the things that god had done that he was doing and that he would do so that's the first thing that just really jumped out at me about at least the opening verses of this particular tour portion because quite frankly this particular tor portion can be a little alarming have you read it this week it can be a little man this is pretty tough this is a hard pill to swallow so that's why i felt it was important that we also look at the fact that there are things that well i'll put it this way don't have to happen if we'll just do what we're supposed to be doing right there are things that don't have to happen to me to you to our families to this congregation there are things that don't have to happen if we'll just do what we're supposed to do so the portion reminds us of that it reminds us of the blessings that accompany our obedience deuteronomy 28 verse 1 and 2. now it should come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the lord your god to observe carefully all his commandments which i command you today that the lord your god will set you high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the lord your god so that's good those are the things that we want so and i think and well i think it's pretty clear those are the things that he wants for us that's what he wants for us and so he says there's just these inherent blessings that are at your disposal and so these inherent blessings are there for you to to grab hold of just do what i'm asking you to do and if i'm walking in that and i'm walking in prosperity and life and blessing that makes me happy i don't if it depresses you or not it makes me happy you're looking at me like well i'm bored about that you know no if things are going well and you're blessed and you're at peace and your children are prospering and everything's you know working out for you doesn't that make you happy and so wouldn't it just make sense to thank the one who is the author of these things and say i'm grateful for all you're doing i realize that every good thing comes from your hand i can't do it in and of myself you're the one who gives me the skill the talents the gifts the favor all these things to make all these things appear in my life and so i'm grateful to you i'm thankful to you i want to express with a joyful heart just how grateful i am that you said that we are your segula your treasures your own prized possession and that if we continue in obedience to him we will continue in that blessing if we continue in that blessing we continue in that joy and so it just makes sense to do what he said it just works out all the way around that being understood how then would a lack of gratitude and or gladness contribute to disobedience let me ask again how would the lack of gratitude the lack of a gladness of heart possibly or potentially contribute to disobedience and then if disobedience the cur the curse that goes along with being disobedient in other words how much of a role does our attitude play in what we do and what we don't do how you think determines what you will do brad used to put it this way if my mind is telling me to go fishing i'm not going to go bowling and i just thought salah because how we think is going to determine what we do and if we have a rotten stinking attitude it is probably going to have an effect on what we do and even if we're quote unquote keeping the commandments with a rotten stinking attitude that's going to come out too and nobody's going to be attracted to that so what would happen then if we allowed our joy to turn to anger and discontent what would happen if we allowed our gratitude to turn in to taking god's goodness for granted if you read most of deuteronomy 28 you will or excuse me if you read deuteronomy 28 you will see that most of it in most of that chapter moses outlines the different curses that will befall a disobedient israel and as you read it very carefully you see that what was a blessing when we were walking in obedience now has become a curse while we're being disobedient so then god's laws have a reverse side to them that is only visible when we walk in that disobedience now let me say this and i've said it before bill's very strong opinion i don't believe that god zaps us with a curse when we're disobedient i believe that that's just the logical consequence of the choices we make when we decide to be disobedient also in deuteronomy chapter 28 for the most part it appears that these curses that are listed are generally affecting the nation at large and not necessarily the individual that's not to say that the individual can't suffer the same thing and won't suffer the same thing because they will but it's just to say that the tendency of disobedience is that a nation is going to eventually suffer the consequences of that i hope that made sense and i said that because there are things going on in the nations this one included at the very least hint at the fact that the things that the father said would happen to a disobedient people are actually happening right now so in that context what happens when a nation becomes expected of the blessings to the point that we feel that we are entitled to them that we take them for granted and then we forget why we were given those blessings we forget who gave us those blessings and we're no longer grateful but we're an ungrateful people we're a belligerent people we're a defiant people what happens blessing becomes a curse deuteronomy 28 46 and they these curses shall be upon you for a sign and a wonder and on your descendants forever because you did not serve the lord your god with joy and gladness of heart for the abundance of everything therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the lord will send against you in hunger and thirst in nakedness and in need of everything and he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you i want to go back and read something again so make sure everybody caught it because you did not serve the lord your god with joy and gladness of heart you didn't serve him with a good attitude you weren't grateful you didn't respect the fact that he wants a a joyful people to be grateful for all that he's done because you didn't do that and then for the abundance of everything because you had everything at your fingertips you had all these blessings all these luxuries which came about why because of his goodness right for the abundance of everything therefore you shall serve your enemies and so it would seem that losing a joyful attitude ignoring our duty to be grateful and the abundance that has been given us losing our joyful attitude not being grateful that these things lend to forgetting about god and forgetting about god lends itself to transgressing his commandments and his structure instructions and standards which when that happens it can very quickly and typically does spiral out of control and it ends up being destructive to to families to communities to nations but here a bit more specifically he says where his people are concerned it results in an iron yoke upon our neck and what would an iron yoke be signifying that there are those who would put a yoke upon our neck to do what control us to tell us what we can do what we can't do where we will go where we can't go etcetera etcetera and so this is the ultimate conclusion to a people who have enjoyed blessings who unfortunately forgot the source of those blessings ignored the source of those blessings maybe took it for granted took advantage of it maybe felt entitled to it and did not serve him with the joyful heart did not serve him with a with gladness of heart and they had all this stuff and it dulled that sense of duty to be grateful which in the you know in our world if someone does something nice for you something that benefits you something that helps you it's just common courtesy to do what say thank you sometimes we forget to do that or he's concerned if we forget it long enough and we become the type of people that's been described in the torah portion that iron yoke is placed upon our neck and again it's it's to keep us under the control of those that he has allowed to rise up against us and this particular verse or this statement in this verse as far as i'm concerned it alludes to what was spoken to esau after jacob had gone in and obtained the blessing from his father isaac and then he goes out and esau comes in and he realizes that jacob has attained the blessing so in genesis 27 verse 38 esau said to his father have you only one blessing my father bless me me also o my father and esau lifted up his voice and he wept then isaac his father answered and said to him behold your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth and of the dew of heaven from above by your sword you shall live and you shall serve your brother that is jacob and it shall come to pass when you become restless that you shall break his yoke from your neck now i don't necessarily look at what isaac said as being a blessing as much as just being a prophecy that's just my view but here's what's really behind all of this if you back up in time and you go to chapter 25 when rebecca was pregnant she realizes something not normal is going on inside of her womb and she goes to inquire the lord and she finds out she has two nations that are developing inside a woman she's basically told this they're not going to get along they're not going to co-exist they're not going to put a blue bumper sticker on the back of their ox cart with all these different symbols it says co-exist not going to happen actually they're going to always be in competition with one another to see who's going to run the family but the prophecy was that in time the older one is going to serve the younger one of course the older one is esau and he would end up serving the younger one which is jacob and of course that is connected to the idea or to the concept that we see in genesis chapter 3 about the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent after you you know that story i'm going to put enmity between you and the woman speaking to the serpent i'm going to put enmity between your respective seeds and eventually the seed of the woman is going to come and bruise your head and the process his heel will be bruised but the idea here is that the righteous seed is going to overcome the unrighteous seed and ultimately that's fulfilled in messiah except the serpent still isn't in the abyss he's not in the bottomless pit right now is he no because we can see his handiwork when we look around so in connecting to the idea the messiah is going has overcome has bruised the head of the serpent there's this idea that because we're the body and he's the head we also have to walk this out and we have been given the power and the authority to do what to trample on scorpions and serpents right all right so i'm giving you a lot and then condensing in just a couple of minutes but here's what i was wanting to get to there is in genesis 25 this idea that israel or jacob would rise above esau and be his master and that is in fact alluded to in this torah portion moses told israel or the the father told israel through moses in deuteronomy 28 13 the lord will make you the head and not the tale you shall be above only and not be beneath if you heed the commandments of the lord your god which i command you today and are careful to observe them so you'll be the head not the tail if you do this you'll be above and not beneath if you do this but if you don't do this what should we expect you'll be the tail and not the head you'll be under and not over so to be the head to be over esau if it were as it were this is the promise given to god's people but again it's contingent upon their obedience so then what happens when god's people are disobedience are disobedient what happens when the salt stops being salty do you remember what he said it's tossed out in the street in white trampled underfoot what happens when we stop serving with joy and gladness of heart coupled with the fact that we have all this abundance what happens when jacob stops acting like he's supposed to and starts acting like esau remember how esau acted i'm so hungry i'm about to die i need that what good is this birthright to me he despised his birthright he didn't regard it what happens when jacob starts acting like esau that is what is hinted at i believe anyway when isaac says to esau when you become restless you shall break his yoke from your neck see jacob is supposed to keep esau under control if jacob is the head then esau is the tail obedient israel keeps esau not the guy that lived thousand years you know thousands of years ago but obedient israel keeps esau under control disobedient israel doesn't everybody with me so the implication is that if jacob starts acting like esau esau's got an accusation to make esau has a case esau has a beef a grievance in fact there are some translations that isaac says and when you have a grievance then you can break his yoke from your neck and if esau breaks the yolk that's on his neck what do you think he's intending to do to put the yoke on jacob's neck and what is that yo supposed to do control tell us what to do what not to do where to go where we can't go this that and the other you know those kinds of things esau is the epitome of the enemy that is in the midst of you deuteronomy 28 verse 43 the alien the stranger some translations say who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you and you shall come down lower and lower he shall lend to you but you shall not lend to him he shall be the head and you shall be the tale so the enemy within the one that rises up from the midst of you is the most common and the most effective tactic that the adversary has used it goes all the way back to the very beginning and so then when israel becomes disobedient and keep in mind that is tied because we read it in our torah portion to not being joyful and you know not serving the lord with joy and gladness apart coupled with the idea you've got all this abundance and so when israel is disobedient they come under the heel of the adversary and god's servants become the servants of those that they were to rule over in ezekiel chapter 20 the prophet speaks to this issue and i won't take the time to read it all but because of disobedience israel is turned over to all these other nations and there's a verse in there and i forget which verse it is exactly but i'll paraphrase the creator says to his people something like this i'm going to give them up to statutes and judgments that they cannot live by [Music] it's prefaced by i did this for you and then you did this you were ungrateful you were disrespectful still i was merciful and i did this for you but you know what you did same thing the generation before did and so finally he says you know what i'm going to give them up to statutes and to judgments that they cannot live by which to me says you think my standards and my statutes and my ordinances are so strict and so hard to live by tell you what i'm going to do you want to be like the nation so much i'm going to let you be like the nations and i'm going to turn you over to the nations and i'm going to let them rule you and let them govern you and let them pass the statutes and ordinances and you're going to find out that you can't live by them now i want that to just kind of resonate for just a moment in light of things that are going on in this world there are statutes we'll use that word ordinances laws decrees executive orders whatever you whatever term works for you that it is painfully obvious that there are those people in this world who are intending to impose restrictions guidelines whatever you want to call them that some of us are not going to be able to live by right which will then force us to do what choose this day whom you're going to serve that's where we're at in deuteronomy 28 verses 30 through 33 i'm not going to read it but summoning summing it up it's something like this israel would fall victim to others who would consume everything nothing would be called their own not even their children not even their wives others would dictate what their children would do where their children would go it got that bad that could never happen here bill things got so bad in this description that we have that the most delicate and tender-hearted people man and woman became monsters they were animalistic i'm not i'm not going to read it if you've read it you know what i'm talking about if you haven't read it you need to go read it he said this is what's going to happen the person the last person in the world that you thought would do such will basically act like an animal they will become monsters because these personalities that were tenderhearted and soft-spoken will change in certain situations and because of the harsh conditions of these tribulations that have come upon you because you decided to forget about me and not do what i said to do and you chose to do your own thing so here's what happens this is the end result not because god zaps it on you but because we chose that path and then when i say we you understand i'm speaking collectively so then if jacob acts like esau it seems to me he will become as esau who was a pursuer of blood he was a hunter this in turn is tied to the whole wheat and terror concept they're not intended to coexist with one another one or the other has to govern one or the other has to rule it can't be that both of them work together it's not going to happen jacob could not coexist with esau and the main reason is because esau hated jacob and was wanting to kill him that's why they couldn't go or one of the reasons that they could not coexist which then speaks to the fact that the tear and the wheat and tear concept the tear has an aggressive nature it's never going to be satisfied you give the tear just a little bit thinking that that'll make them happy it's not going to make them happy it's just going to to incite them to want to take more from the very beginning of modern israel's existence that has been proven time and again because every time they say we want peace p-e-a-c-e what they really mean is we want p-i-e-c-e another piece of land and another piece of land and another piece of land until israel is no more the leaders of israel i don't know why most of them have not figured this out yet and they're really smart people i barely made that out of high school and i figured it out how is it that we think that we can make peace with a mindset and a heart that wants our destruction well to not take the route of making peace with that means that we're going to be at war with them and war is hard war is going to require me to daily be fit for battle that takes a lot of effort it takes a lot of prayer it takes a lot of fasting takes a lot of saying no to myself and i just don't like doing all of that bill spirit's willing right flesh is weak so what needs to happen to the flesh needs to die so when god's people are weak when the flesh is weak and we give in to that weakness and we give in to disobedience then the aggressive nature of the terror is exacerbated or the the situation is exacerbated and they just the tear is going to feed on that it's going to feast on that weakness and the tear is not going to coexist don't believe that garbage for a second the tear is going to steal going to kill and it seeks to destroy and so when the wheat has become weak morally and spiritually that is when the terror is going to be the most aggressive because you see unless the tear is completely eradicated the wheat's always going to be in potential danger that's why at the time of harvest what does the parable tell us that the owner of the field sends in the reapers the workers to do what to snatch up the wheat nope take up the tears first bind them in bundles to burn them he gets rid of the tear and he burns it he burns the stalk he burns the fruit he burns the seed he burns it all to totally eliminate the tear because you see as long as the tear is allowed to survive the tear is always going to pose a potential threat to the wheat because if the wheat decides well let's go let's coexist for a little bit just to see how this works okay the tear is over there plotting that's just the way it works you might get a little breather but the terror is over there plotting your destruction so again that's why at the time of the harvest the reapers are sent in to take the tears and to burn them not doing this not eradicating not eliminating the tears altogether is simply allowing the tear an opportunity at some point in the future to come back and to try to choke out the wheat again so that's wh that's why we read when yeshua returns to sit upon the throne of his father david he doesn't take prisoners now i know that some people you know they have the messiah pictured as this you know very soft-spoken guy kumbaya you know and he's merciful and he's compassionate and he's already demonstrated how much he loves us and you know what he loves us so much that when he comes back he's getting rid of all the tares that's just the way it is he's getting rid of all the tares he eradicates the terror and all things that offend so now i want to i'm going to get not political but it's going to touch on a political subject consider what's going on in afghanistan right now i i am not a politician praise god i am not a military strategist i think i'm just a common sense kind of a guy but because leaders were unwilling to eliminate the taliban and al qaeda altogether and decide we'll go we'll go so far but then we'll go so far we're going to just try to co-exist with the taliban and al qaeda you know what that means al-qaeda and taliban are just by biding their time waiting for an opportunity for weakness to be demonstrated whether spiritually morally or what have you for weakness to be demonstrated and guess what they've been allowed to survive and now they're being allowed to thrive that's what's happening and it it has as far as i'm concerned what i just said resonates and touches a lot of different things but it is just showing that we as a nation and this is what i believe are in a weakened state and that means that the tears are going to return and they're going to thrive deuteronomy 28 49 the lord will bring a nation against you from afar from the end of the earth as swift to the as swift as the eagle flies a nation whose language you will not understand a nation of fierce countenance which does not respect the elderly nor show favor to the young so what led to that statement because god's people the individual the nation corporately fell into disobedience and when they fell into disobedience there's just certain consequences that are all laid out for us and then that's that explains why the adversary is allowed to rise up why the adversary is allowed to oppress that's why he's allowed to restrain god's people we understand that that is why eventually a yoke comes upon god's people if they remain in that disobedience and i've said all that to say that in some ways i feel that that is exactly what is happening in our world today because you see not everybody it's implied anyway when ezra read the book of the law it's implied that not everybody understood the ones who understood they begin to mourn they begin to weep they begin to realize what was being spoken to them implying that maybe some didn't understand there are some of god's people my view that do not understand what's going on right now because they don't understand what has been written in all those chapters and verses that come before matthew how what's the word i want to use here because i don't want to give the adversary too much credit but just how much like the adversary to convince god's people that if it comes left of matthew you don't have to worry with it don't read it and in so doing robs them of very important information and so they don't understand some of the things that are going on because they don't take the time to read these things and that is not spoken in condemnation that is spoken well let's put it this way it becomes our job then to be those witnesses it becomes our duty and responsibility to live according to these principles and concepts that we might produce the right kind of fruit that we might be an inspiration to our brothers and sisters and yes even to our countrymen to wake up to what's going on so this is why we must cry out for mercy and for forgiveness and why we must find a way and i'm talking to bill what why we must find a way to be joyful in the midst of trial to be of gladness of heart in spite of what's going on because what the father has already done for us what he has already provided for us what he is doing for us right now in spite of all the crazy stuff that's going on a lot of people have become sick a lot of people unfortunately died and we that's regretful but we're still here he's seen fit that you and i are still here a lot of people through all of this lost a lot and maybe that has touched us in some way but we're still here and for that we need to be thankful we need to be joyful we need to have gladness of heart that he saw fit that we're still standing because if we're standing in him if we if the joy of the lord is our strong place we can in him become invincible that the things of this world yeah it may affect us but it can't destroy us unless we allow it to so we have to find a way to be joyful in the midst of all the trials and we need to continually be thankful for his goodness in spite of the circumstances of our tribulations so we're you know just a little over a week away from yon torua and then you know 10 days following will be borim and then five days beyond that will be at sukkot right and because it is the season of our let's start practicing now yes is coming we need to turn from our sins we need to turn from our transgressions we need to purge our hearts of things that are not conducive to life and they're not in in line with his will and his word yes we will we will afflict our souls we will do those things but we can still do it with a joyful heart we can still do it with gladness of heart and so as we approach those days let's keep this in mind and as we approach the day of adversity we need to keep this in mind as well because we're going to be challenged even further than we have been to this point and that is not to discourage or cause us to lose hope or to fall into despair it is just for us to know this is what's down the road at some point it may not be in my lifetime it may not be in our lifetime but it could be and we have to resolve that regardless of what we are going to what he's going to ask us to encounter and to endure we need to resolve that we will do it with gladness of heart with a joyful attitude in spirit because we're going to be challenged to persevere we're going to be challenged to be faithful we might as well do it with a good attitude i'm going to leave you with a couple of verses and then i'm going to call beth to come up here isaiah 29 verse 19 says this the humble also shall increase their joy in the lord and the poor among men shall rejoice in the holy one of israel why for the terrible one is brought to nothing the scornful one is consumed there is coming a day when he will put down his enemies once and for all when he comes back he's not taking any prisoners he's going to eliminate all things that offend i don't want to be one of those that are offended offensive to him amen psalm chapter 30 sing praise to the lord you saints of his and give thanks at the remembrance of his holy name for his anger is but for a moment his favor is for life weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning amen and father we bless you help us father empower us to be to be joyful to rejoice in you to serve you with gladness of heart to look at abundance as a blessing and not to allow it to become a curse to thank you for what you have done and what you have provided for us to always acknowledge that you are the source of these things and that we should never serve these things but serve you and always be quick father to give you thanks to be grateful because while we have not yet come into the land so to speak we do acknowledge that you have brought us to this point in our life that you brought us to this point in history and you have been faithful to us you were faithful to our fathers and their fathers before them even in those situations where they may not have served you as you required nevertheless you preserve them to bring us to this place you orchestrated their lives and you worked things out in their journey that resulted in us being here today many of us are the brand that has been plucked from the fire and we thank you that you have been faithful and we are standing here today to acknowledge your goodness your faithfulness and we rejoice in it and we humbly come before you to ask you to watch over us and our families to watch over our loved ones in these days of adversity to protect from the pestilence to protect from the oppressor to protect father from the adversary and help us father to recognize at any time adversity is allowed to touch our life that if we will walk up right before you and faithful that you will sustain us you will preserve us you will bring us through you will help us to overcome so that when we get on the other side once again we can stand and say i'm coming here today and presenting this offering as evidence that the lord our god has kept us and he's been faithful to his word and to his promise i pray for all of jacob's tent today that you will bless them that you will prosper them that you will grant unto them peace and a sound mind a clear mind to face the days ahead in yeshua's name amen once again the holy spirit is weaving that little thread i know i'm not the only one i mean raise your hand if there's something that already happened even just on the way in this morning or prior to this message this week that you can say yup that's what he was showing me to i know yeah see a lot most of you i know it's true for me and allison and i were i was praying while we were driving in this morning and some of the things that i were praying i was praying as we were coming in it's almost like i read bill's notes you know and i had my little cheat sheet there so i love when that happens that the holy spirit i didn't read his notes but uh i love when the holy spirit does and it's just such a confirmation to me and it's just um beyond the confirmation it gives you [Music] a peace and a feeling of security knowing that he can speak to you he can show you things and then he weaves it all together for the good of the entire family so the couple of thoughts that i had based on what he said and tied to what i was praying on the way in this morning is as we prepare to enter the holy days let's take care of those things that get under our skin yeah we all have them i know i do but you know that means not being too sensitive not walking around with your heart on your sleeve um not carrying around a bunch of hurts because of things that may have happened in the past but just trying to reach deep down inside and yank those tears out however the father tells you to do it just get rid of those things that get under our skin but at the same time it's just as important that we are not that thing that gets under someone else's skin how do we treat each other what's our first thought when somebody says something that we don't like or that maybe convicts us and we go oh do we go okay abba maybe this is something i need to work on or do we go i don't like that person they got problems they're always just this or that it's much easier to point out somebody else's flaws than it is to look in the mirror and take care of our own but if we will all take care of our own like the the message the flashlight message that has been so popular with shore sheen is if we're shining the light on our own path it's going to keep us from stumbling and what's going to happen is people are going to see they're navigating this journey rather safely here and they're not stumbling i want to find out more about that and then they're going to fall in line too and learn how to shine the light as well but if we're sticking it in somebody's face pointing out what we know and they don't know or their flaws well you know how that goes it doesn't work too well you know just put yourself in the position if you're the one that somebody's coming up to you with a big flashlight and going you know let me show you all the things that are wrong with you and how smart i am well first of all it's blinding and irritating and your first reaction is like get that out of my face you know who learns anything that way we don't so let's think about that let's take care of the things that get under our skin let's not be the thing that gets under somebody's skin and it's all in how we treat each other based on our relationship with him and these are all things that are important oh you're going to have to come do your thing that you do because i think i just deleted my okay i didn't sorry about that i'm still learning technology it's here it's here i thought i deleted it all but some somehow it came back i prayed really fast so you're writing all of this while i'm talking yeah i take notes don't you when i'm talking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] i'm sorry you walked right into that one honey like you ran right into it yes i do take notes you'll see me over there busily typing away because i take notes there are things that he says that are very important that i need to remember and i reference them throughout the week when i need to not be the thing that gets under somebody's skin and sometimes it's his skin that i need to not get under so yes anyway back to what we were talking about yes so talking about things that are under people's skin or not being that thing that gets under somebody's skin as we come into the holy days we have different levels of experience some this is the very first time they just pretty much heard about it yesterday and they're so excited to be here and learning about it and they want to just do it right and they want to know every little thing about it all the way to people who they've grown up in this they've known it pretty much all their lives and they've done sukkot as long as they can remember and all the other feast days and everything in between so we need to keep that in mind as we go into these holy days that people have different experiences and if you're that person who has been walking this a little bit longer and you've progressed and you're you're walking that doesn't mean just in your spiritual walk this goes for just plain old stages of life too just everyday living don't look back with superiority at others that aren't where you are okay we've done that as a people we've done that and that's not conducive to producing fruit it's kind of like vinegar it turns people away so let's make sure we're not doing that when you see something that you think is a childish immature behavior and someone else remember most likely you were just the one doing that yesterday and so we need to walk with grace and we need to [Music] not look at anybody in a condescending manner or in the i've arrived or i know more or i'm all that or whatever we need to [Music] view those who are maybe just coming into this or you know you just graduated to a new stage in life and somebody else is not there it doesn't make you better it just means that now you're in a position that you have more responsibility because there are people who will always be back here who don't get it yet who aren't there yet or maybe not reach that maturity level yet if they do get it and it's your responsibility now to help them along the way and to kind of protect them from people who would behave in a way that could make them say forget it so let's not be that person let's not look at somebody else and what we think is childish or immature behavior and you know look at them in a condescending way because let's remember what we were just doing yesterday let's not focus on the craziness either in this world we know it's out there he talked about some of the things and all you have to do you don't even have to turn on the news all you have to do is just look around you um at you know things that go on just walking through the grocery store yesterday i observed something that made me want to walk on the other side of the store because i'm going father i just don't want to be near what's going on right now because that's not your science and but we can't focus on that we can't we can't say well i can't go here there there there there because all that stuff is everywhere it is everywhere and really what we're living in today is not really that much different than what our grandparents lived in years ago it's just that the news is right there with a camera almost before it happens sometimes it's almost like it's set up but i'll move on um so let's not focus on the craziness in the world we know it's out there and it needs to go let's focus on the craziness in us that needs to go what have we opened the door to and let's examine that door what is the door filthy when somebody walks up to it is it a door that when somebody walks up they go as nasty as this is on the outside i certainly wouldn't want to go inside it's probably worse so let's think about what we present as we represent our king let's live in such a way that we are always walking in positive consequences you know life is just one big bunch of consequences right it's going to be good or bad just like he's the priest of my home and you're the priest of your home you're going to be a good one or a bad one but whichever one you are you are still the priest of the home they're going to be good consequences or bad consequences let's live in such a way that they're good consequences and i'll end with this i saw something um this sweet man who did more than just barely make it out of high school do y'all really believe that i could tell you stories he's so much smarter than that but um thursday i just wanted to go get a few fall decorations for our house and i wanted him to go with me and so that was my birthday present we just went and spent a little time at hobby lobby and just got a few little things and i see some people laughing everybody loves hobby lobby what did i say okay so men are pointing at their wives okay no it's not just the wives i know some of you man i've seen some of you in there anyway okay yeah they're confessing now but um as we were checking out i saw this giant giant poster that i almost stopped what i was doing and ran over said where did you get that but then i realized it was something that somebody framed and so i'd love to know where that was going because i don't know the whole song melody knows it but this needs to be our our marching cadence maybe would be the best way to put it and that is considering everything that's going on in the world considering all the fear-mongering that's around us every day it always has been from the beginning of time i raise the hallelujah in the presence of my enemies i'm his i belong to the king nothing can happen that he doesn't okay and is all for my benefit anyway right so i raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies because i serve the king of kings amen um i don't have any lists of prayer requests written down right now i just want to mention that there are some people that are still dealing with the loss of loved ones um [Music] crystalline has um some family situation that um bittersweet the father has answered prayer in some ways that there's you know providing the opportunity for closure with her grandson and that loss but at the same time it's still a loss and so we're thankful for what the father did do that hopefully her daughter can feel the father's love through this and see him working and so let's continue to hold crystal anne up um i'm so thankful for the women in my life from little brielle who'll be a woman one day you know all the way up to some of the most mature in life women in here and i consider crystalline one of those mature and life women who has so much that we can all glean from so we don't realize when somebody loses a loved one what it puts on that person to present for the rest of the family you know that the burden that can be there so as a a mother as a sibling you know as a grandmother as a mom you know all those hats are worn and everyone is affected through that so let's pray for strength there for her and for the others who have lost loved ones um let's continue to pray for russell and renee russell is improving and renee is very hopeful that and prayerful that this continues so that they can follow through with their plans to be with us for sukkot you know that russell has been dealing with a lot and renee is another very strong woman so let's pray for them um do you have anything in specifics let's see if anyone here okay i thought you had something specific but yes let's do the people whose job situations are [Music] in a situation of insecurity right now perhaps let's pray for them uh when we have a good job with good benefits we really want to keep that but what it all boils down to is my father owns the cattle on a thousand hills and he owns the hills that they're on and he controls the planet that the hills are on and the universe that they're in so really let's pray for peace for them i would pray for them to keep their job but maybe that's not the father's will maybe he has something better so let's pray for his will and for peace for that person whose job may be in an insecure situation right now if anybody out here okay if you will just raise your hand if you have a prayer request you all know i'm always in line with you i'm in that group i always have prayer requests i always have something i'm taking to the father you know for myself or my family so i'm there with you so if you will stand with me and again if you are next to a person who raised their hand and both of you are comfortable with it just put your hand on their shoulder lightly and pray with them and you pray to the father don't just listen to me pray pray with me please our king a redeemer a protector a provider lover of our souls thank you for who you are to us and that we can come to you thank you for this day that you've given us that we can rest between cares thank you that you commanded us to do it father knowing that we need it and thank you that we can come to you corporately on a day that you've set aside to be with you as one large family all over this globe father i thank you for the live stream i thank you for the the brilliant minds that are part of jacob's tent that uh made this possible and the passion and the drive that they had to see it through and for those who've supported it father that we can all be here together and that we can pray for each other through a live stream but that when we're not live father we can still pray with each other through what is provided with technology so i thank you for the good that you're bringing out of technology we know it can also be used for evil father but we thank you for how it is serving this family for good father i pray that as we go into these holy days that are coming up that you would cause us to truly look inside as we should be all year long father but especially now so that we can go unhindered into our season of joy father knowing that we have taken care of business we've done the hard things that we have gone to anyone that we've wronged father that we have forgiven if we've been wronged and that we've taken it all to you and left it there abba help us not to keep going back and picking up hurts father but just to realize hallelujah we've grown from it and we're a better person now and we're stronger and how much better we can help someone else out of what we went through but not go back and pick it up constantly to drag us down be stronger for it father help us to take care of business and as we do father and as we go into these days help us to remember it's always only about you help us to use our gifts to serve you help us to have attitudes that are bringing others to you father and that there would be not one of us that pushes to have our head higher than everybody else but that we would all push to have all heads turned to you our king abba for these people who have needs for crystalline and her family they have just had a more than a double dose of sorrow lately and i just pray that you would bring just a beautiful beautiful good out of it saved souls out of it and i thank you for the strength that crystalline has father and that you would continue to strengthen her and allow her to walk in the peace and the beauty of her relationship with you as such a shining example to others and that they would be drawn closer to you because of it father i pray for russell and renee that you would continue to strengthen russell and that you would also strengthen rene as she cares for him father that she's a strong woman and this requires a physical strength as well so i just pray that you would provide the strength where she needs it and where she doesn't have it or you don't provide it that you would provide the person who has it abba for financial needs for relational needs for marital needs spiritual needs in the relationship with you we know every one of these exists father every one of them right here in this little room and especially across our family across the globe with our family i ask you to minister to those in the ways that only you can because you are perfect in all of your ways and you know before we even ask and you have the answer so father help us to do our part to have our heart clear and our ears open to receive from you what the answer is and above all to have joy in all of it because if we're walking with you father it's a winning situation always we thank you for that we know it is only because of yeshua that we have this opportunity and we thank you for that and come to you in his precious name amen amen while you're still standing this is the time of the service that we want to invite everyone who has prepared and has a willing heart to bring your offering unto the into the lord today and as you do we we recall what was in our tour portion this week sometimes our offerings are just evidence that he's done what he said he was going to do and we're testifying of that that he's brought us to a place in our life that we can bring these offerings as as evidence of his goodness and his faithfulness if you're online and you want to join us in this part of the worship then we invite you to do that as well [Music] is defeated is [Music] death is defeated [Music] amen just everybody remain standing on the other side just remain standing at home if you can stand as well [Music] [Music] may the lord may the lord bless and keep you may his grace and his face shine upon you may the lord lift up his countenance [Music] give you peace and give you peace [Music] is [Music] this is the way you shall be blessed [Music] show me the lord may the lord bless may his grace and his faith you and may the [Music] give lord peace [Music] peace peace thank you abba okay guys where's the rest of our family this morning which camera in the corner okay let's turn back to this camera in the corner so many more of us are out there shabbat shalom we love you thank you for joining us today we're glad that you're here and uh don't go away we're going to have kiddush and then we'll be back for mid rash at 3 30 ish got all that right ok okay let the other side wave too yay [Applause] so now live stream family you get to see what happens on the other side of the building because there's only half of us in here the other half of us on the other side of the building we are more and mightier than we and i want to thank all of you who make the sacrifice to go and sit on that other side where the screen is and you have to watch us through the screen we appreciate your humility and sense of being good good servants to our master so thank you for doing that we appreciate you so very much don't we [Applause] so everyone join me please [Music] blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine and for giving us yeshua the messiah who said i am the vine and you are the branches look higher [Music] it looks really good you know what i think it needs wally some hot peppers [Laughter] [Music] blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth and forgiving us yeshua the messiah who said i am the bread of life amen and as he said he is the bread that came down out of heaven and so each day we look to him to give us our daily bread and we look to him as our redeemer our savior and our soon-coming king and it behooves us all to make certain but before this day ends that we make sure that our relationship with him is unhindered in any way and if there's anything in our hearts and lives that would offend him that we appeal to his mercy and his forgiveness that all those things will be washed away and that we know our messiah not just know about our messiah amen okay raise your hand on this side and on the other side if you are a visitor first time never been here before oh nickster first time visitor put them up high so we can see you look at all that guys [Applause] okay and i can't see but i know we have some on the other side too so what i want the rest of the family to do is to make way for those people to be first in line for oneeg and also if you are in a physical situation wheelchair crutches canes walkers we'd like for you to go ahead and go as well or or if you don't have one of those and you just have a situation where you know it's going to require more time for you to get through the line for
Channel: Jacobs Tent
Views: 6,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QxD033qNBR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 16sec (8656 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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