Leaving Things In A Hot Car For A Month

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- What happens when you leave scrambled eggs in a hot car for a month? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical summer! - Don't miss the big end of summer sale happening over at mythical.store where you can get these very last ever run of the dink it and sink it mugs! - We're not making these anymore? - Get 'em while they're here, before they're gone, and they're on sale through July 31st. - As you know on this show we like to leave things in things and see what happens, that's why we have a shelf that we leave things on called the shelf that we leave things on. But today we have a different idea. - Yes, little backstory. Few years ago when I went back home to North Carolina, some friends provided a car for me to use that they hadn't used all summer, but what they had done is leave a whopper in it all summer. - On purpose? - Oh no, it was accidental. They took it out, they cleaned it up, but the whopper had left its mark, it is a smell I will never forget, it was horrible, but totally inspiring. - So, we bought a car for the sole purpose of leaving things in it. We call it the car that we leave things in. - I call it a 1993 Infinity G20. - We've done coke, bleach, air, Guinness, salt, pool water, nail polish remover, mouth wash, champagne, shamrock shakes and Irish whiskey, and now we're testing the scientific properties of a sun bake hooptie. It's time for left in a hot car, hot car edition. - We'll be presented with two or more items that were left inside the '93 G20 that was left under the sweltering Burbank sun for an entire month, and then we're gonna be presented with a specific result and we have to guess which item that applies to. If we get less than three right we'll have to wear fuzzy dice earmuffs and truck nut necklaces in Good Mythical More. - Oh this is gonna be great, I think my voice was left in the hot sweltering sun for a month 'cause I have a cold. - Let's do it. (whooshing) (screams) Okay so we're getting started with red wine. - And white wine, left in a hot car for a month. And it gets hot out there in that parking lot. - But what are the options, or which one of these things experienced the following. Which wine turned into a soft, shimmery goo, like a My Little Pony at the glue factory. - Oh is that what they do to 'em? The red wine or the white wine, or both is an option. - Huh, tricky. - Okay. - [Both] Soft shimmery goo. - It seems to be more stuff inside of red wine than white wine, that's just how I think of it. - Well you think that because you're right. Red wine has skins in it. - I'm saying red, not white. - They stamp with the skins on 'em. - Yeah, so we're saying red. - Shirts and skins, going with skins, so we're saying red wine turned into a soft shimmery goo. - Now which one are we opening first? Both at the same time? - Yeah. - Three, two, one. Oh my word. (buzzer drones) - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - First of all how is this white wine? - [Rhett] Look at that. - [Link] It's the same, the same. - [Rhett] But there's a little bit more in this. And a residue. - Okay we've gotta, we've gotta stir this up. - I'm just gonna grab it with pincers. - What? Look. - And just. - [Link] Oh my gosh. (Rhett yells) It's a. - [Rhett] Look, look at that link. - [Link] Oh, I'm making a fortune cookie. - Get a smell of that. - Whoa! Smells like Vegemite. - It smells like ... It smells kind of good. I wanna put it in my mouth. - Do it. - [Rhett] No. - Come on man for science. - Look, look, I let go, and it's glued. (soft snapping) (crew chuckling) We've invented glue. (whooshing) (screams) Okay we've got three different items in this round. - Uncracked egg, cracked egg, and scrambled egg. And that's what they look like-- - You made a mess. - If they're not in a car for a month, but our option for one of them turned completely brown like Rhett's mouth when it was filled with my chocolate pea. (laughing) Let's keep hearkening back to that. - I remember that. - Was it the cracked, scrambled or the raw egg that turned completely brown? It was only one of these, right? - [Crew] Yep. - Yes they say. I gotta clean up the mess I made. - Completely brown. My instinct is that the scrambled eggs would just go completely brown because they're already like halfway there. - It goes to hot in there like cracking an egg, that thing is gonna cook. - Saying the scrambled egg has already cooked. - Already cooked. - So it's all the same color so it seems like it is a better canvas for turning completely brown. - We agree that the uncracked egg is probably not gonna do anything, but we are gonna crack it and see what happens. - I'll tell you one time I touched a rotten egg as a child, and it exploded so I have, there's a lot, trauma associated with that so I'll let you touch that one. - Okay. I agree, I think it's the scrambled egg that went brown because it was already cooked. So let's take these off one at a time. What is under that one? That is a brown, which one is that? - That's just the straight up cracked eggs. - Seriously, well that turned brown, (buzzer drones) so we were wrong. This got turned into granola. - [Rhett] That's the scrambled eggs. - [Link] Is that the scrambled eggs? I can't even tell. - That's the scrambled eggs? That turned brown. - So this must be the uncracked egg, nothing, yeah. Okay. - Well hold on, I don't, I mean. This is a lot browner. - Browner, completely brown. (laughs) Completely brown. - Okay. - [Link] So we were wrong. - [Rhett] Well, we were kind wrong. - Let's dissect this crap man. - It's super, super dark so we'll say that is the one that is the brownest. - All right, so, this is a knife, but it's a little knife. Oh my gosh that is so hard! - Oh, it's like egg crystals. - It's crystallized, look at this. Look at that. - [Rhett] Oh egg crystals, you know what? - It's translucent, it's like amber. - It's almost smell-less. - Now this stuff here is wicked looking, look at that granola. You just wanna chew on that when you're on the trail. - We gotta bust open that egg, man. You're delaying the inevitable. - No. - Just pierce it. - That's what this is for. - Oh, just a needle? - You've got me scared. (crew laughing) - You should be man, that thing just popped. It was a fertilized egg too. - It's gonna stink right? I mean we've all read Charlotte's web. (crew laughing) - Or at least listened to the audio book. - Three, two, one. (soft banging) Three, two, one. (soft banging) Nothing coming out. (crew chuckling) - You gotta cut it with something, I mean you're not really supposed to touch the scalpel but-- (whacks) Oh, oh. (tapping) (cracking) (tapping) (crew laughing) (clinks) Now just break it open. - What is that? What is this alien? Oh, it's gummy. You love gummy. Look a there. - Okay, I'm gonna smell it. (crew laughing) It's kinda subtle. - It gives you the face shakes, man. - [Rhett] Ugh, smell that. - Now I've got a cold so I don't know if I'mma be able to smell it. - It just smells like. - Ugh. - It smells like a century egg. - Yeah. - I think we've made ourselves a month egg. (crew chuckling) - I'm gonna chop her in half. - It boiled. It basically boiled. It's probably safe to eat. It's probably safe it eat Link. - [Link] That's cool. - 'Cause I don't think bacteria can get inside of an egg. - To me, this is the crazy. That granola, I did not know that's how granola was made. (whooshing) (bubbling) (screams) Okay so we got some cheap sunglasses. - And a sandal. Which one of these things got all bent out of shape like Gumby practicing the Karma Sutra with Stretch Armstrong? - Oh, practice makes perfect. - All bent out of shape. There's more than can go wrong with a pair of glasses, let's be honest. - But here's the thing, sunglasses are made to be in the sun. Maybe nothing happened to 'em at all. - And sandals are for inside only. - Not in this fashion forward age Rhett. - I feel like sandals are made to be like on the black top, y'know what I'm saying? They get hotter. Yeah, mm-hmm. - [Link] You think they get hotter huh? - Mm-hmm. And your feet are the hottest part of your body, everybody knows that. Especially on me. - Well I'm not gonna disagree with that. - Thanks. - It's not that I like your feet, it's that I think you're ugly. (laughs) - I mean it doesn't take much for a cheap pair of sunglasses to get bent out of shape. - So you're voting for-- - This is already flat, what else could happen to that? - Yeah, I agree, I think it's the sunglasses. Official answer, sunglasses. Three, two, one. (whooshes) Oh gosh. (buzzer drones) Oh my goodness, we were totally wrong. - Hold on. - The sunglasses are-- - Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. - Unchanged. - This created something that we should immediately sell in a vending machine in Tokyo. - Can I? I mean it looks like you could really sprint in one of these things. - See if you can get it on. - See if you can get it on? - Yeah. - Let's get it on, oh goodness. Nope, that's not really working. Not really working, not here. (whacks) - You're gonna break your own toe. - Not here, not in Tokyo. (yelling) (bells ringing) So we are oh for three, man this new format of this game is really stumping us left and right. - You got us. - But maybe now you can just wear it the other direction. I don't know, there's gotta be a use for this. - Baby shoes. (whooshing) (bubbling) (screams) - So we left a whole thing of tofu open to the air in the car. - And a string of beef. - You're like what's a string of beef? - It's just a string with beef on it. - That's it, stop asking so many questions. - This is just-- - Badgering us. - One piece, but there were several pieces that were left. String of beef, y'know. Y'know the string of beef. - And Lucas informed us that the hottest it got inside of the car was 210 degrees Fahrenheit. - That's almost unbelievable. - And he said that was only on a day when it was 85 degrees. So something about the-- - The greenhouse effect. - The confection affection. - Confection? - All right-- - That's like the sugary thing. - Bakey makey effect, I don't know. So which one of these things changed color and smells rancid, oh gosh, like a mood ring in a dog's butthole? That is true. - How would you even know? - Does change color and smell rancid. - Huh, how would you even know what that was like? - This dog (clacks) is very ... - Oh gosh. - Emotional. - Rancid. - I mean the beef is gonna go rancid. Well you hang beef in a-- - I feel like the beef turned into jerky, I think that's gonna be edible. - You think this tofu became stinky tofu? - Mm-hmm. - And like firmament? - I mean I've been wrong every time though so I feel like we should go with the opposite of what I decide. - Or I could decide. - Yeah, but I'm saying it's a pretty good bearing to just go with the opposite of what I'm thinking. - [Link] It's gotta be the tofu right? - Well I think it's the tofu so that's probably wrong. - Well then how are we gonna decide? - You make the decision, I don't care. - Tofu. - We've already lost, we're already gonna have truck nuts on in Good Mythical More. - Three, two, one. No. Oh goh, something stinks, and it ain't that. (dings) This, ugh. (coughs) - Yeah that smells good. Not really but not bad. - [Link] You smell this? Look in there, that is just blackened-- (retches) (coughs) - Oh gosh, oh. Ugh you better be glad you're sick bro. - [Link] It smells like roadkill. - We gotta cut it though. - You know how if you're like walking your dog and you're like, you don't see anything but you smell something and it's like hitting wall of like skunk nasty? This is-- (grunts) Cracker texture. I'm gonna use the Mickey Mouse tool, and I'm just gonna. - Oh look at that. (grunting) - Oh, it's-- - Oh my gosh. - [Rhett] It's like gelatinous. - [Link] It's like caramel. - All right now just take a little piece, fresh broken piece and put it right up next to your noise. (coughs) - Oh I just did dude. - Just right, right, right, right, right. (broken yelling) This'll clear you up man! This is better than that over the counter bull crap you've been putting in your nose. - Why am I listening to you? Get that away from my face. - Hey we were right, you were right Link. - Oh my gosh. - Oh gosh, it's man, it's y'know what? I've never directly smelled a dog's butthole but I can imagine that that's what it smells like if you get close enough. - Yeah but this, this is not like beef jerky because this stuff kinda just pulls apart. It's very brittle. Whatever it is, oh gosh, everybody's making these faces. - We need to get this outta here. Of course, we also left Link's glasses in a hot car for a month. - Oh, so that's where those have been. - All right, we'll be wearing truck nuts and earmuffs in Good Mythical More. Thanks for liking, commenting and subcribing. - You know what time it is? - I'm Ashley. - I'm Kaia. - And we live in Utah. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! - Hey guys! - Long time mythical beast here. Click the top link to find out what happened to the ingredients of a ham sandwich left in a hot car in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Catch a wave of discounts for a limited time only. Our end of summer sale runs through July 31st at mythical.store.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,492,216
Rating: 4.880836 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, good mythical summer, Leaving Things In A Hot Car For A Month, summer, leaving things in things, Leaving, Things, in, hot, car, hot car, for, month, guess, raw eggs, scrambled eggs, cracked egg, sandal, sunglasses, wine, beef, tofu, rhett and link leaving things in things, gmm leaving things in things, heat, experiment, lab, gmm lab, science, link's glasses, link feeding rhett strawberries
Id: vR8owIdd6jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
Reddit Comments

Link's voice (even though he was sick) sounded awesome. "What is that?"

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Rhett has some extreme beard action going on today: upward and outward.

Given the choice, I am leaning toward that being fashion rather than a reaction to food fumes.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is rhett wearing a fake beard again or has there been a long time between this and the suitcase episode?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FiveMugger 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

So was the Tokyo shirt only brought back for a day or something? I saw the video today and can't find the shirt anywhere.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cloudfenrir94 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
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