This CHIPPING Technique Saved A 12 Handicap Golfer 6 Shots First Round Out

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so we've all been there and we've just missed the green with a really straightforward shot a little bit Fringe to carry over get onto the green but no real trouble but we've also all stood there felt pretty confident setting up made the swing and I have a hit way behind the ball and it's gone nowhere or maybe more destructively we stand there and kind of thin that one that shoots across the green so I'm going to talk about a technique today that's going to make it incredibly simple for you to strike your tips well and actually did this with a golfer last week who's off 12 who's ball strike is unbelievable and first game out they saved him six shots so maybe more for you maybe less so first thing we need to understand is if we're going to hit a good chip shop we want to make sure and have to make sure that we strike the golf ball first and then touch the ground so the big problem I think a lot of guys have is that when they set up they go up to the golf ball they appreciate that but the way they get their weight for it is they push their knees forward and we can see the sternum moves behind the golf ball which straight away is going to create a challenge for you to do that now in the golf swing we want to see a little bit of pressure shift but because the golf swing is so small for a Chip Shot we want ultimate stability so we're going to set up to the ball ball in the center of the stance we're going to then make sure fairly narrow stance for me because it feels nice and controlled and I'm going to move that sternum ahead of the golf ball now all that will do is it will create a very slight shaft lean but the key now with our technique is we don't want to be using the Leading Edge into the ground we want the bounce so that back edge of the club now I'm chipping with my 52 degree which has got 12 degrees bounce but you can imagine if I set up there and have a tiny bit of shaft lean there's still a great opportunity that the bounce to the club is going to touch the ground so the club won't dig but if I would stand there and drag the handle forward we can see there the club bottomed out early but also dug into the ground now I mentioned this is something I did with a client last week this is something I still don't do well enough in my chipping and just down some bad habits as a kid so we want to feel we're also going to set up not with the light angles then we're going to get the club much more upright more like a putter so we're going to feel that only the toe of the club is interacting with the ground and that's going to help because the more interaction there is with the ground possibly if we're a little out the more will get punished so we're going to feel in the middle shaft more up right I would use my putting grip but it depends you can use your normal grip if you want so once we get ball forward at bolt Central sternum forward and we're going to try and return the shaft lean that we had at a dress perfect little strike landed just on the edge of the green I know you can't see the result but can about four or five feet but we could see there very little interaction with the turf so easy to hit the ball and then just touch the ground so let's do that again and I think the key is develop a routine as well so for me I like to have that set up and feel a couple of little practice swings where I feel the club's not really it's just bruising the turf rather than digging into the turf then you can stand there get that technique good again crisp little strike judge that one a little bit better and that one's closer dipping well is a lot of people count the number of putts and that's a great way sometimes of measuring your putting but if you keep chipping to 30 44 you're gonna two and three put a lot whereas you can chip Stone dead or even in surprise surprise you lose use your putter less times so let's go one more with my 52. so again go through my routine that feels good and again this has got a chance and again nice and close and easy one put so once you've got the technique down it becomes incredibly simple to suddenly go how do I know which club to use well all I'm going to talk about is depends how far I need to fly the ball and how far the ball can roll so my 52 there was just landing on the front edge of the green if I wanted to fly it a little bit further I'd just go to my 56. now this has got 10 degrees bounce so again even more important that that shaft lean doesn't get that way and that's very very easy for me to do because it's still a very ingrained habit but go through toe down to the ground feel that technique's good set into the golf ball make a good swing and a really crisp little strike and that one again still just a couple of feet away but you can see even though I've already hit maybe five six shots very little interaction with the turf no divots at all even though I'm controlling the low point but using the correct part of the club so so many golfers use that Leading Edge and in their defense you know there's some very good amazing chippers and short game tour players who talk about doing that but if you've got tens of thousands of hours to practice you get very very good at controlling that strike if you may be more realistic with someone who's got everything else in life going on we need a technique that's simple easy to repeat and even if you get a little wrong still gives you a great result so again let's go a couple more with the 56 so I've got that toe down sternum forward now that one a little bit thin got a little bit lower and just run out a little bit more but I missed the ground there that's always my concern that if I hit the ground it's in the wrong place so let's have a good one to finish toe down pressure forward really really good but like we said all you're looking to do narrow stance ball Central sternum forward get that shaft board right so only the toe of the club touches the ground and then all you're thinking about is getting that shaft lean the same impact as you had address and the length of swing in the loft of the club is going to give you those great results
Channel: AliTaylorGolf
Views: 329,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12, This CHIPPING Technique Saved A 12 Handicap Golfer 6 Shots First Round Out, ali taylor golf, backspin, ball, callaway, chipping, coach, comparisons, custom, distance, draw, drill, fade, flex, golf, golfer, handicao, hit more fairways, hit your driver straighter, hook, how to hit a draw, how to swing the golf club, launch, lesson, mizuno, monitor, pga, ping, review, shaft, slice, speed, srixon, stop your slice, straight, taylormade, technique, testing, tips, titleist, turn your slice into a draw
Id: J31s2IPTwWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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