True Crime Noir Full Movie | Dear Murderer (1947) | Retrospective

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I thought this was some rip off of the Deer Hunter before I saw it was made in 1947

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BazF91 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Dear Murderer is a 1947 British film noir crime, drama, thriller, directed by Arthur Crabtree for Gainsborough Pictures, and starring Eric Portman and Greta Gynt. The film has come to be regarded as one of the best movies made under the supervision of Sydney Box at Gainsborough. The film was well-received for its tautness and ingenuity." - Wikipedia

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/oceanmutt 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anybody at home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. Penton yes could I speak to you from loving please is the business matter well it's rather urgent oh all right come in Thanks oh yeah that's it sure dad Thanks I don't think I know you I know we haven't met officially but you must have noticed me quite a lot recently but hello we're on the mantelpiece I've been there for some time now I was there watching you every time you came to make up to my wife in fact I should have thought that any man with a touch of finer feeling would have turned me to the wall or at least covered me with clay you're lee Wallen that's right I thought that you were in America Vivian had a cable from yesterday what will these husband's do next I suppose we didn't tell Joe that we'd been mean what well that's we'd be not together very nicely put I didn't mind the going out is the staying in the die objected to I don't know what you mean no Joe no I better tell you I've been away for eight months during my absence my wife is be spending a lot of time with you now I want to know where I stand and what sounds Vivian that I will of course depends I want to know what you're offering offering yes you want to marry huh how can i when should matter to you how that is such a thing is divorce I see you don't like the sound of that very much well frankly no how do you mean to say the divine took a sock at you now and saw my solicitor in the morning it wouldn't exactly enhance your career with it it isn't that so much it's just that I'm not sure that live in move on to marry me that's all it's anywhere it doesn't get it anywhere does it well what you suggest we do about it how tell you tomorrow well you can go away take a long holiday I can't do that not right away why not visit me I'm not busy enough apparently what you do for a living I have a barrister no then your own master you can spin a yarn about your health or something all right I should be able to fix it somehow I think you can you can write a letter to Vivian finishing the affair once and for all but I'd like you to do it now please well wait will compels it together how do you usually address our big India Vivian darling I love you you got that yes I realize look whatever your feelings are for me now you love your husband and always will better go I cannot bear to be near you and to know that you can never be nice and if what I'm about to do may seem cowardly to your Karva your tip you're running away without seeing Oh cowardly to go it is the only way out so tomorrow I'm going away on an extended trip abroad when I return I hope that you will again be happy with your husband and our friendship that are happy a memory of the past love again what have you usually put now always that's right love always how does that strike you I think I see what you're getting at one you want all traces of our position out of the way so that you two can try to get together again exactly do you have any understanding Clinton now the circumstances I could almost like you thank you what about a drink that I should like one whiskey please what's your American trip successful did it Sara please you wouldn't care to settle the I suppose no naira tell ya Cheers yes may I now of course hmm I don't think we could improve on they're still sorry Fenton that's all right I'll fix wala that's not the drink I'm worried about fidelity statue it they'll be able to send their fed you have to write another well I don't care what a newcomers tell us about this letter hey there sorry to be such a nuisance all right could a girl who is she my sister why I just wondered your shirt is not somebody else's wife I don't think it's very funny yeah that's not hello oh honey now heard I'm alright yes yes of course but not tonight metric I'm just getting out yes yes good night your sister no your wife I don't mean that's very funny either she wanted bring some friends they let her drink but a sharpshooter haired you'd better finish the letter stop that's enough what's your hands behind your back okay I told you I'd blow your guts out well the basis will paint it's just joke joke no if you can run yeah well I got on that server what do pee fifteen seconds to get under that server put your feet up I suppose you realize you're laying yourself open to a charge of criminal assault no and I'm not interested hey now perhaps we'll be good enough to explain or quite extraordinary behavior certainly that's why I came here did you and Vivian often talk about me not often no I don't suppose you would I'm at a job if I didn't be very much to you but it meant a great deal to me you probably wouldn't believe this but I can remember exactly I mean detail of every minute of every day since I knew I was going to America and have to leave her I can remember exactly how she looked when I told her she was wearing on your breakfast didn't stay but a match until it started the dinner the way can be done then I said Vivian Thurlow to get an egg if they want to put open a couple of deals and make arrangements with New York office well you'll go No why not I say I can take you with me but Lee shorty okay do you want me to go without you side down but if it's your job oh I get it you're not so ridiculously jealous that you're still thinking about Paul nothing ridiculous worth it I promised I wouldn't see him again there's only stupid collabs sure you can forget that now describe means promotion nothing then there may be a fool not to take it karna will you be away about five or six months that's not very long I write you every day [Music] get all the guessing you [Music] I knew everything was alright that it really custard round stage lasted exactly near the mail mr. Warren oh thanks [Applause] [Music] and in this funny video [Music] No yes thing [Music] you still take a cable in you mrs. Warren thanks for long letter stop and mailing your bottle of ink and fountain pen stop please use them stop looking forward to seeing you fondest love D right away sir in the end I couldn't stand it any longer so I put in a transatlantic telephone call all one weekend I tramped down down the office waiting for it come true but it did [Music] Vivian is that you do not happen to have nothing available for now but darling I wrote to you yesterday and on Jordan I know I mean so terribly busy yes you see mothers in town I've had to take her out I know darling but someday alright darling I'll try I miss you terribly - no no I'll write you every day from now on yes I promise hello hello [Music] you look enough but I didn't care I'd spoken to Vivian and I was happy that shows you the sort of fool I was about but we could to her letters arrived regularly [Music] I knew paradise in love one night I came upon a note atlas on an FBI and they are laughing up at Mavis video and beside her with his arms round her also laughing a bear was mr. Richard Fenton [Music] I went back to my office to think of what I should do I know I said staring at the picture bars it seemed to me that both of you were mocking me but I was thousands of miles of wet helpless is then that I began to plan what I should do every detail and it was then that I made up my mind how to kill you what did you say I said I was going to kill you and I won't yell you can lift your voice I'm gonna gag you remember that you won't be able to peep your life for the Hank ship halfway down your first I must have met think you can get away with this if I'm found injured you'll be the first person they look for if you are found injured okay about now make a bargain with you you'll set me free now and I'll go away to modern say nothing about all this nonsense although I could prefer charges you know anything you're very against this isn't nonsense I'm in deadly earnest I'll just try to scare me that's all oh no you were more scared later on I said tubercle yeah you're going to die you're not going to like it one little bit missus a fool can't get away with murder nobody can but I'm going to commit the perfect murder there's no such thing oh yes that is the perfect man is the man that nobody ever hears about because nobody thinks it is murdered that's impossible I admit it is a little difficult but I wanna scheme it is good enough to be worth the risk and I think it's time to think it out when I was in America and you were with Vivian it's bound to be a hell and if it always is I won't you have a lawyer and I know they'll be applauding it somewhere and that floor lens on the gallows the sores you're standing there however that's where you're going to help me don't talk nonsense why should I help you for your own sake I'm going to tell you exactly how I propose to kill you and I promise you if you can find one flaw in my method one thing with one incriminate me I let you go any back hard I'm sorry they're really going through with it yes no joking aren't you it's a pity you're not a little more subtle you'd appreciate the situation another usually has to act alone you can trust no one but in my method I have you to help me weigh in considering every detail you can't find a mistake and I have the comfort of knowing that my planners been approved by an astute Lloyd okay well I don't know where they want to fight me or to kill me whichever it is you won't gain your objective your wife isn't only interested in me but a plenty of others too and you can't kill him order for such a mouse very clever of you to get me to lose my temper it's true I tell you let me look at your cheap Miri alone nice still lucky it's only a surface read nature take your dirty hands off me and leave a telltale bruise on the cheek of your taking all this trouble that's all right now now you lie still now I show you something really interesting fun why don't you this is a little invention of my own I'll give you a demonstration it's quite simple I put the end of this tube in there I then put the pillow slip over your head you're the open end tuck around your neck can you hear me then I put the free end of the tubing into the guest head over there and turn on the gas ahh you get the idea so she'll be able to breathe quite now be sensible what about you help me copper I'll do anything I'll leave the country for good I never come back I'll give you an opinion I've got in the world okay let me live you don't understand Fenton I love you you just created the only precious thing I ever had now listen it's how listen I will I'll help you I will I promise you good possibly you've noticed the flower vase I'd be very careful not to hurt your Macchio that's my used silk scarves too bad you're going to be a suicide and I put your head in this pillowcase and turn on the guests are going to struggle and strain every muscle me about it now I'm gonna kill you in this room oh now I just want you unconscious a nice tip off the scars on your blood is still circulating I don't want it to coagulate and I get you to the kitchen where your head in the guesser Harlen then I leave the second the unfinished letter by our side you began writing the second letter than I stopped you do remember yes yes I remember listen Vivian darling I love you but I realized to deliver your feelings out for me now you still love your husband and always will I cannot bear to be near you and know that you can never be mine if what I'm about to do may seem carda to you it is the only way out that's why I stopped you any suggestions never think I once give it time to think nobody can make me the perfect that must be applauded somewhere there must be go ahead think I cut yours anything wrong Oh what do you say when you're doing this evening if a questioner oh that's easy arrived in London by air I reported my office telephoned Vivian she was out so I don't alone went straight home to bed anyway a man gone before somebody's head in the gas up and Kenny don't forget you're not proved they won't find any drugs in you when they open you up fingerprints gloves motive I never met you I've never heard of you never knows that I've found out about you somebody must have seen you come in here I hadn't taken care of that I should be enough marks on my wrists silk scarves any other suggestions well good-bye Fenton you were a bit of a failure as a lawyer I'm glad my life in defending our arguments [Music] [Applause] [Music] big-big you see there's nobody here darling relax what I don't see is why you've got a key to his flat if there was really nothing between you it's no use my pretending Jimmy you're right there was something between us but it's all over now I haven't seen him or spoken to him since I met you and you expect me to believe that you must Jimmy because it's true do you think I'd come up here tonight if it wasn't you wouldn't have come at all if I hadn't made you cross not I'm gonna try and cover it up naturally I didn't want you to know I hadn't found that key in your bag II wouldn't I tell you what do you know I'm glad you know the truth now I don't want there to be any secrets between us it's far too important to me for that and anyway it's not a crime to have had an affair and then found out that you made a mistake you know why I wanted to be certain there was nothing between you and digging yeah because I wanted you to divorce your husband and marry me and now I want him more than ever darling you will marry me as soon as you can get your divorce mind you I don't know what to say this is all rather sudden get me a drink Jimmy I don't want to touch his drinks well I do I need one so do you make it strong darling it doesn't every day one gets a proposal laugh about it please I'm serious want a cape of your husband tomorrow until in the news you are a quick worker aren't you I'll get some ice from the kitchen Jimmy come and sit down here with me I won't take a second darling I don't want any ice I want you you're gonna have both that's so you can you smell gas darling come here it's this isn't it clear lucerne site ending after enough I'll open the window stop rushing about now what's the matter I can't kiss you here not in his flat well let's go somewhere where you can that would you like to get bottle party can't you think of anywhere more private yes that's a person darling we are going to be married aren't we yes but do I have to write you a letter mr. Martin [Music] [Applause] you can't kill em all you fool obviously about that [Music] [Music] and you I bought your little prison today you shouldn't have done that it's only an old signet ring I came across in the junk shop but just you read what's inside till death us do part Vivian will you wear it till death us do part what was that what was the word I thought I heard a door close it's any reader coming home she's very discreet oh excuse me madam before I treat her I don't you said you'd come to bed you needn't worry about her she knows how to hold her tongue there's for Danny stop worrying and say good night [Music] [Music] me darling when did you arrive how long have you been here I've been in for us you poor darling why didn't you phone me when you weren't handed I did no answer I came on home I went to bed why didn't you wait up for me doctor better rotten crossing there's no one in anywhere poorly what a homecoming and just the one night I'm out you must tell me all about your trip was it successful Lee I've been so miserable without you what time do you turn in about 10:00 did you have something to eat yeah I didn't want anything let me get you something now no thanks well I didn't you write to me live in if I take a moment why didn't you but I did darling dozens and dozens of letters but you said every day but darling that was only a figure of speech you know I was thinking of you every minute missing your dreadfully but I couldn't just go on saying that over and over again could I it would have been so boring and I've never bought you yet have Eileen not until now but Lee you see I don't believe your darling well you want duty last night yes sir did anyone ask for mr. Fenton during the evening no sir did you see anyone strange anyone other than the usual tenants come in or go out no sir no I can't say I did mr. Fenton often have visitors hmm not many no any ladies sometimes yes one particular lady not so you'd notice all right thank you that'll be all for you too just now why don't you want me anymore not for the moment thank you oh all right only I found him remember yes thank you we're very grateful there's a lady here to see you sir she's mr. Fenton's sister oh yes article to come in with you yes sir please come in for you miss Benton sit down won't you what's the matter inspector why'd you send for me I've got some bad news for you there's something happened to my brother I'm afraid so miss he he isn't dead how did it happen he was found this morning in there but he's hid in a gas oven you mean he committed suicide don't believe it did would never do such a thing he's not that sort of a person the door man can't be forced to put his head in the gas of him is Fenton it wasn't like that you better read this I don't understand there's something strange about this in what way I realize you still love your husband and always will but he knew perfectly well Vivian didn't love her husband who is this Vivian do you know her of course it's mrs. Warren and your brother had an affair with her yes and there was trouble with mr. Warren no he's in America you say your brother knew that mrs. Warren didn't love her husband because the men I was engaged to gave me up for her a fortnight ago are you quite sure about that perfectly and what was the name of your young men Martin Jimmy Martin I see and you suggest that he took your brother's place that mrs. Warren I know he did and she took your place with him is that it yes I'm just excuse my asking so many questions but it is a bit complicated isn't it it's all very sordid and unpleasant and it's all her fault yes I'm sorry now if you wouldn't mind giving me this mr. Martin's address why are you going to see him well just give me the address if you don't mind and I'll decide about that later on yes of course aren't you going to the office this morning yeah why not ain't just get rid of me not at all I've turned in my report now I'm taking a few days off put some private affairs in order my private affairs oh through the other papers they're over there good morning hello there thank you very much my favorite flower oh sweet I think your partner Joe make yourself at home by the way I didn't quite catch your name Leoben introduces Jimmy Martin my husband how do you do mr. Martin how are you you know my wife long mr. Martin all right of course he hasn't only during my absence I take it I think I'd better go no no I think I'm entitled to some sort of explanation isn't every husband who comes home to find a handsome young man calling on his wife with flowers and a breakfast time to do sit down mr. Martin by the way you had your breakfast yes thank you I think you better go Jimmy yes of course and I think he'd better stay Lee don't be ridiculous no sit down mr. Martin have a cigarette you know I don't know what you can hope to gain by this behavior Lee it's more than Tony either the habit of yours the calling my wife so early in the morning certainly not this morning you just thought that you would is that it you may as well know it I'm in love with Vivian well at least you're honest he's a likable lad have you quite finished Lee nearly tell me mr. Martin there's my wife return you I loved you happen to know yes I think so is that to Vivian I refused to take part in this ridiculous charade doctor you're curious aren't you they're not missing a word please go Jimmy I can't stand any more of this you must forgive my wife she's not usually so inhospitable then of course you know that don't you that's a fine place to park a car now isn't it keep in mind on the job folks we got more important things to do you wait here I shall be long good morning I like to see mrs. Warren please what name should I say inspector Pembry will you come inside thank you excuse me sad as a policeman called infector Pembry who does he want to see mrs. one she brought her flowers no thanks I'm in no come this way sir thank you good morning sir good morning I'm inspector Penry mr. Warren yes can I help it all my wife's death it's a better friend of your wife's a mr. Richard Fenton do you happen to know him Fenton I don't think I do what about he was found dead this morning Oh what's that got to do with my wife we found this letter near the body it's addressed to Vivian I think that your wife's name sir yes it is now read it if you wish Thanks I'm sorry to have to inflict this on you sir did you know about your wife and this mr. Fenton no I've been away for eight months I only got back from America yesterday oh really sir then I expect this must come as a bit of a shock to you well yes no yes and no there's no point in beating about the bush I came back from America earlier than I expected because I was worried about my wife she hadn't written for several weeks and I'd heard that well which was going about another man now it looks as if I misjudged her you mean this letter makes it quite clear yes did you say anything to your wife about mr. Fenton's last night sir how could I didn't even know you existed oh of course not sir silly of me but you did talk to her I expect not very much she didn't come into bed late didn't she come to meet you then no but she must have known you were coming home as a matter of fact no I thought it was more of a surprise if she didn't I see do you mind telling me what time you arrived back sir we learned about five I came back yes and after you landed yeah what are my movements got to do with all this you may as well know sir there was another man in mr. Fenton's flat last night we found his fingerprints the moment I thought it might have been you if I known of the existence they very easily might have been you mean you might have taken a law in your own hands yes good thing you didn't sir oh darling this is inspector pin how do you do inspector he wants a word well I asked if you knew a mr. Richard Fenton I did yes why do you say did madam well I haven't seen him for some time have a cigarette no thank you that's all this about mr. Fenton's was found dead in his flat this morning darling never get your fingers I mean no I'm alright thank you do you mind if I ask you one or two more questions madam of course not thank you we're you friendly with the deceased did you know him well we went out two or three times together if that's what you mean did your husband know him or of him no he was someone I met just recently when did you see him last I I haven't seen him for well it's dinner with the town business about two weeks ago did he ever say anything that made you feel he might take his own life no that's terribly unexpected I hope you'll excuse me mrs. Warren but I have to be more explicit did the deceased leave don't use that word did mr. Fenton's ever well you know if he was fond of you I suppose he must have been in a way otherwise he wouldn't have wanted to take me out I don't mean that exactly did he ever tell you he loved you I'm sorry Lee but if I don't tell you now I expect our friend will ferret it out somehow I couldn't help it I never encouraged it but he did he told me he loved me he even suggest that I should divorce you of course at first his flattery turned my head that's why I didn't write you then I realized how stupid I'd been and how very much I loved you and I said I wouldn't see him again but I still couldn't write you because I didn't know how to explain why I hadn't done so for so long you do understand don't you darling more than ever now my precious I was gonna try and tell you this morning but you were I'm glad you have because Fenton left a letter a letter and what you said just now explains perfectly what he wrote does the inspector it does indeed What did he say just one more question first what did you do last night madam I I went to a theater with a mr. Martin he brought me home about a quarter to twelve did he come in for a while of course not he saw me to the door say goodnight and left thank you madam here's the letter he killed himself how terrible terrible don't take it like that he killed himself because you were faithful to me didn't he yes Father well no one can blame him for that you won't want to ask you any more questions now will you inspector no I better be going inspector if there's anything else please don't hesitate to ask me however badly I may feel about this it's not myself I'm worried about it's my husband your husband met him I don't quite understand well you know how people talk and that letter it looks so awful must it be published well that's for the con are the same Adam I'll do what I can Thank You inspector thank you madam you've made things much easier for me good day inspector good day Lee darling yes hello hello I can only talk to you for a second please in the other room Jimmy listen dick Fenton's committed suicide who told you Oh is she there well be careful what you say Jimmy listen the police have been here asking all sorts of questions they wanted to know where I was last night and I had to tell them if they ask you say that you saw me home and whatever happens don't bet out that I was in defendants flat last night no don't worry I wouldn't of course not or I don't watch miss dead bless you darling and be careful that was her wasn't it yes does she know mm-hmm I can just hear her clotee dick he killed himself with me you know isn't it to touch him no she's not like that isn't she first she lets a husband down then she lets deke down some day she'll do the same to you I don't believe she will anyway I'll take a chance on it do you really love her yes is she coming here no it's wise to calm down I can see who it is good morning mr. Martin yes I'm detective Inspector Pembry could I see you for a moment yes of course come in thank you through there I believe you know miss Finland yes we met this morning I'd like to speak to you alone mr. Martin I'd better come back later on I was just going I'll see you to the door well inspector I suppose you've heard of Richard Fenton's death yes his sister was telling me about it no thank you just a few personal questions mr. Martin do you mind not at all how long had you known the deceased since we were at school you're engaged his sister I believe I was we broke it off some time ago well I'm sorry so far as you know had mr. Fenton any business or financial worries use the successful banister they don't have that sort of way sit down wonderings Victor thank you any suggestion as to why he should take his own life none at all do you think there might have been an unfortunate love affair what did I know of drinking this Victor no thank you you can't think of anything in that line No when did you last see the deceased at a party about 10 days ago I see perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me your movements last night oh into the theater alone know where the mrs. Warren a friend of mine got off at her flat and came on whom someone confirm the time you were right back here I can't help you there I have no maid and I saw no one well thank you mr. Martin arrived in court do any inconvenience no not at all before you go inspector may I ask you a question by all means was it really suicide I haven't the foggiest idea good day mr. Martin hello what are you one got something I'd like to show you here I've got nothing to show you look at this where is it fund in the waste paper basket in fentons flat Roberts turned it in just after we left so the same as they are the one by the body the same only different look at that what do you think it means it changed his mind or someone changed it for him murder I shouldn't wonder what have you got this where'd you get it it's a Martin's car what is it thought you might know something he cleans the car with us first that's what I thought at first but it's too clean for that stuck out a mile among the other stuff in the boot and what's this for anyway I don't know no no time to start playing guessing games now folks smell that smells like the back of a cab anything else gas gas is right give it to me what is it do you think I don't know gas all right you come on in just a couple more questions mr. Martin reinforcements yes it started folks my assistant hang away this is the weekend come on Tina you'll quite show your answers to my questions this morning we're correct of course and before I ask you this final question I must warn you that anything you say now may be taken down and given in evidence what is all this just a formality are you quite certain you didn't visit mr. Fenton's flat last night quite certain and how do you account for your fingerprints being found their fingerprints oh they must have been left in the last time I was there when was that about two or three weeks ago do you think mr. Fenton would have left a whiskey glass on his table for three weeks no of course not and perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me what really happened very well I went there for a drink when was this well I dropped mrs. Warren off at her flat at about 11:30 and I thought I'd call round and see Vicki he wasn't inside a drinkin lift and he was out how did you get in I am no I had a key you mr. found it I left it on the table by mistake so you arrived just before midnight did about that doctor puts the time of fentons death a few minutes either side of midnight so you see mr. Martin it looked as if Fenton was in his flat when you called but I swear to you he wasn't now wait a minute I didn't look in the kitchen you mean he might have been lying in there and you wouldn't have known anything about it well it's possible who didn't go to the kitchen for water or soda or anything no I had to explain your fingerprints being found on the kitchen doorknob what oh yes well I started to get at the kitchen but I couldn't find the light switch and I just didn't bother I'm sorry mr. Martin but I don't believe a word you're saying I don't he'll then I've told you the truth family haven't guessed yet still on this morning if the deceased have been lying in the kitchen when you were there you must have smelt the guests did I did I remember now I said I mean I thought it was a leak what's all this about anyway the suicide wasn't it nice but that before this morning remember yes but miss Fenton was telling me that he left a letter well what makes you think that letter showed he intended killing himself if you let me read it I'll tell you oh here's a copy it's pretty obvious answer explains everything not quite everything mr. Martin the deceit found it difficult to write a letter giving up the woman he loved anyone under those circumstances might have written a dozen letters we know for a fact that he wrote to you've just read one now I'll show you the other do you mean the letter firm but the body was to have ended the same way as that one precisely he couldn't write a letter like that at the first attempt who could so he threw it away the murderer interrupted him while he was writing another killed him and finding the half-completed letter on the desk realized that there was the final link to make it look like suicide he didn't know about the full letter in the waste paper basket waiting to put the noose around his neck but I didn't do it tincture no and I can prove it now he was family's head in the oven wasn't he how could I make him do that why it's ridiculous come on dick Oh check sticking hit me I'm going to turn the tap on we'll come onto that now if you like you see Martin you were very clever and you know it but one or two things are gonna trip you up like the letter and this what is it I was going to ask you well never seen that thing before when we searched your car we found this in the booth I've never seen their thing before someone must have put it in my car anyway why should I want to kill Vicki because he was in love with mrs. Warren - nonsense is it I'll tell you this Martin in the whole of my experience I've never seen a cooler more carefully planned and premeditated murder I've already cautioned you and I shall now arrest you for the willful murder of Richard Fenton you're making a great mistake inspector take him away folks I'll be over in a few minutes that young man of yours seems to be hitting the headlines who cheat yourself Jimmy didn't kill him he couldn't have no of course not gosh it will be them all the time but you I don't know what you mean good morning thank you you know Jimmy didn't kill Fenton because he never left our side all the evening how do you know that did I happen to be that we're in fentons fair but you couldn't have been unless you John unless I killed him no no you how could you have done it when you didn't even know about it I found out that's easy in fact I only made one mistake what is that I thought Fenton was the only man in your life he tried to tell me there were others but I didn't believe it until you came in with Jimmy then it was too late so no repentance ed said you can't kill em all you fool well it was probably right Fenton and Jimmy in one day is a pretty good start isn't it now what is it first adjust cam well put them over there no give them to me with a breeze you don't expect me to believe any of this to you I don't see why not it's all quite - I worked out a foolproof plan for killing Fenton and Jimmy turned up i replant things a little putting the pillow slip in the back of his car for instance instead of destroying it if we don't pay the telephone bill in seven days we're gonna be cut off you mean to tell me you wearing Vincent's left that night but he was dying there why we were talking in the next room Declan I don't believe it oh you don't yet do I have to write you a letter mr. Martin remember I see your mother wants to come and stay with us Rush's doors write to me I don't know perhaps you think I'm kind of harder than our daughter after you and Jimmy had left I fiddled round fentons flat and the more I fiddle the blacker things began to look for James you wouldn't really an innocent man suffer for something you did I suffer because of something he did that's different not to me I made up my mind to get my own back and I'm getting it you're mad you must be you will have given mouthing very much don't you yes I do and you'll do anything to save him wouldn't you yes but now you're going to be in the interesting position of knowing that he's innocent of a time guilt in that you can't do anything about it you're going to suffer slowly and excuses and I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we go in bed when do mrs. Warren go south - no - so about three where did you go you know no sir she just called attacks him went do you have an address together divert no sir she left a note for you sir yes I know but the bigger thing else now you better go back to bed I want to speak to mrs. Warren please Warren waw rtn says she's not staying detail Thanks there's a doctor sir could you tell me if mrs. Warren is registered the deal please yes uh she's not there thank you he's dead made in heaven six five rules how to tell could I speak to mrs. Warren please she isn't you sure thanks mr. Martin sir thank you folks you ungrateful yeah sir sit down with the mountain please you know miss fender no no Martin I want to ask you some questions in a moment but there's something I must check up on first don't mind waiting William haven't got much option literally no you haven't really have you excuse me I suppose you arranged this no yes partly what good did you think you could do coming here no just thought I would find out it was anything to do to help well there isn't I knew you didn't do it so do i but it happened to the peace can brew there in satisfaction than I did Jenny no I didn't love her at all then why heal her because if they could hang me on the evidence they got they could hang her just as easily as an accessory the significant thing is that pitifully being in my car must've put it there deliberately whoever it was had a grudge against two people Dicky and me and haters booze enough to want to kill us oh excuse me nope I'm sorry but something very important has come up on another case would you mind very much if we postpone our talk to another day no inspector of course not thank you very much Oh gray take mr. Martin downstairs will you I want you sergeant anything wrong sir no that's what's worrying me it's all too neat and tidy all adds up perfectly Cooper don't you think that's just because we were lucky enough to come across the evidence quickly sir maybe I was wondering whether we were meant to come across it you mean you you believed the boy when he says someone else put the pillowcase in his car I don't know all I do know is that whoever planned this murder was a clever man cool calculating ruthless clever that sound like Jimmy Martin to you oh you can never tell her those quiet ones they may have committed half a dozen other mothers for all we know that's right perhaps he's Hitler in disguise is about the right height [Music] [Music] enjoying the view mr. Warren good evening inspector no just taking a walk long way from home isn't it for the matter of fact I'm not sleeping really well stop taking Joe going for a long walk for a go to bed you usually come and look at fentons windows no why how I see what you mean the criminal returning to the scene of the crime and all that I didn't say so no I should hope you wouldn't pity about young Martin losing his head like that yes isn't that nice boy yes I understand well remember meet your wife punches her you don't mind I don't think I will she doesn't like being reminded of unpleasant things good night take the tablets I gave you yeah enjoy the first night three the second and for the sir no effect then at all there's that the wink for over a week it's getting me down I don't mind telling you you've suffered for insomnia before yeah appetite alright so so nothing to speak up any unusual business what is everything an episode no nothing you can think up to a complan know well hope you're not a prescription see what that does they go easy on it and they take them if it's absolutely necessary and they're not more than to let me know how you get on Thanks [Music] when did you come back about half an hour ago you might look as though you're pleased to see me just as I am I thought you might be by now give me a light why did you go off like that I told you in my note it happens a little shake isn't it yes I am me sleeping later you know you do look a little the worse for wear you don't seem very worried yourself I'm not yeah tougher than I thought you were not tough just logical and sensible you see Lee I thought the whole business out quietly and reasonably and I discovered two very important things what are they first that I love you and second that you love me what makes you think that why else should you be so jealous of every man and so much as looks at me why else should you kill dick and Jimmy to make you suffer something about I've suffered but darling that's silly surely I never loved them the way I love you is that true of course it's true why did you think I came back why did you because I was worried about you what in case you might do something much doubt of that because the responsibility for that boys day is getting to a much more yes it is I have been taught to do about it I can't think straight it's all my fault I should have made you see this nobody using provide about Fenton and Martin they never meant that much good why did you tell me because you weren't there I'm so bored without you that [Music] [Applause] yes yes am but you're not completely happy are you no you're still worrying about you a lot I can't let him hang now he's not going to I'm gonna prevent that no yes yes I must say that I was there oh then Jaggu innocent accomplice no there must be some other way some loophole if only I didn't think of it yes Lee that's right there must be something you've forgotten no crime is never perfect this one is too perfect I thought of that I didn't know I was going to want to undo it all again but there must be something you've forgotten there must be leave try to think please try to think Oh Fox so mr. Warren's been telling me the real story behind fentons death see what you think of it do you mind mr. Warren but I've already told you would you mind telling us again for sergeant Fox he's been working on the case with me I'd like him to hear it from the beginning okay well as far as I can remember it was like this on the day that I arrived back from America I thought that my office then bang up my wife wasn't it deny reports terrible thing on her about that's about 7 o'clock when I texted you up outside and I saw my wife getting into mountains car I was naturally curious to know what was going on in Durban I waited to deliver safely in the cup and I tell my driver to follow they went to a restaurant led to the theater when they came out after the show I was there waiting for them I'd followed them again this time were flat at Temple Court [Music] because I thought then that Martin was the reason why not I hadn't written to be an natural I thought the Dennises so I waited outside about kidney didn't a normally jealous husband have broken in on them right away I wanted to be certain cigarette so but I was funny what I could do they came out again I just had time to dodge around the corner out of sight they were laughing and talking and I tried to catch it they were saying don't I picked up is the man's name Jimmy and I didn't much like the way she said it doesn't tell him after they gun I tried the door which was conveniently open as a matter of fact it was the catch hadn't dropped they often don't unless you slam the door it happens in my flat and I'm sure it happens in yours so you went in I thought I'd wait and knock head out of this junior when I came back I look carefully around the apartment taking everything in and I went into the kitchen you know but I found there a man dare do this head in the gas up I turned off the gas and picked up the letter suggests the video when I read it I realized the fat didn't belong did you belong to the other poor devil who everyone and a thought struck me I could turn this suicide into a murder done by Jimmy that meant I had to get rid of every scrap of evidence and my wife had ever been in the flat it wasn't easy I had to think fast I put a cigarette stubs in a pot and I noticed a boy spin a basket is full of unfinished letters I look at some of them they were holding the same strain he'd obviously made half a dozen shots at writing that favorite letter before he got hit the way you wanted it one of them gave me another idea the best idea of all I left the finish letter in the waist of the basket put all the rest in my pocket all except one an unfinished one one you found beside the body inspector then I washed the gas giving a juicer to remove the fingerprints how did you know which one was hers by instinct no my lipstick no one in the same way I got to do the cigarette she been smoking leaving traces that only Martin had been their choices that you were bound to discover inspector and what did you hope to achieve then by all this exactly what did happen I knew this when I turned up my wife would have to deny being infant inspected Martin and when the body was discovered she'd have to stick to her story I'm a new inspector found fentons first letter and Martin's fingerprints all over the place after he denied having been there well you were bound to wonder what really happened weren't you undoubtedly of course I was mad with jealousy then trying all I could to hurt Martin I regret it very much now what did you do with all the letters you stuffed into your pockets I took some away and destroyed them of course then I had to find a way to connect Martin directly with a fake murder that wasn't easy if Fenton has shot himself at have been a gun but gasps then I had a really brilliant idea you know the gas masks like I said to work and made it how could possibly be use and a strong healthy man even I can't imagine now if it was found on Martin it and make things even worse for him you mean to tell me it was never used of course not I invented it then how do you explain the fact that it was impregnated with gas yes because in my son away I didn't forget to play the guest jet over it very clever indeed mr. Warren and at the risk of appearing a trifle dense myself may I ask how you planted it in the car of a person you didn't know quite simple Martin's cows outside my own front door and I returned from fentons flat where exactly did you put the contrivance in the back right-hand side of the luggage compartment correct so what you're saying is that vented committed suicide and you made it look like murder is that it it is interesting yes sir yes mr. Warren has a gentleman steal oh thanks sorry - why are you again so soon mr. Warren oh that's all right you've come to arrest an obstruction of withholding evidence or something I suppose no we don't want you we've got Martin surely my confession clears Martin let's just it mr. Warren we don't all together like your confession as you call it in fact we're not inclined to believe it unless you can produce a little more tangible evidence to support it Roger that trouble to invent a story like that well because you were grateful to Martin for getting rid of Fenton so conveniently for you or because your wife asked you to that's all nonsense everything I told you this morning is the truth that's I'm rather dull but frankly I don't believe any man could think as fast as you say you did but I warn you that the evidence I shall give me to bring Barton to trial do you really think you should you're sitting pretty well I save him at the expense of yourself which I can't see an innocent man hang that isn't what you thought a fortnight ago I would I found out since there was nothing between Martin in my wife your wife told you that she did and I believe her I wish I could believe you sir but I can't what more do you want just something to convince me that your story is true that you really were in the flat that night I let me think I must have something I know there was a dish stopped over the oven door to keep the gas in oh come now so that's the sort of thing you could have read in the news of the world any time wait a minute the kitchen some don't knock the milk over there was a pool of milk on the floor is that enough for you hmm you know it almost looks as though you really were in fentons flat that night of course I was but I still don't think your story is true now you'll be insulting I hope no sir I don't mean to be you know sir I learned a great deal about art on the case once it seems that every artist has a certain style and often it's not necessary for an expert to see the signature on a picture he can recognize the artist from the style what's that got to do with me just this sir your alibi for Martin is too slick if he told me your story I'd have been more inclined to believe it you see it has the same style about it as the murder good afternoon sir good afternoon what can I do for you well as a matter of fact I've come to ask your help I can't believe you need that Oh two heads are better than one you know miss your husband's idea really yes he came to see me today and told me an extraordinary story he said that Fenton really committed suicide but because your husband was jealous of Martin he arranged things to look as though Fenton had been murdered by Martin I know you tell me all about it I said you ought to go straight to you I'm afraid it won't work you know I don't know what you mean it's quite clear surely I don't believe your story and I'm not going to release Martin well if that's your attitude I don't know what I can do about it you could persuade your husband to confess that he murdered Fenton what makes you think my husband killed him everything points to it you must be joking no no if you would have asked me at this moment who murdered Fenton I should have to say mr. Warren but I can't prove it he's been too clever for us so far but I can prove it against Martin so either you've got to help me or I've got to go ahead and hang a man who's probably innocent I think you better go what are you suggesting is insulting and ridiculous very well look mrs. Warren when Martin comes off a trial you'll be called as a witness there'll be a lot of dirty linen washed in public but if your husband confesses we shan't have to call you you'll make a very attractive Widow to put it bluntly don't you think it's a question of which of the two you prefer your husband or mr. Martin how dare you of course I prefer my husband [Music] yes right now I got two seats for the follies tonight we can't go would you like it's not my evening off till tomorrow that doesn't matter you take tonight off as well thank you very much man I need the tickets on the whole table for you now you're gonna ring your boyfriend yes thank you [Music] gosh I'm tired come in here and I'll give you a nice drink Thanks had a busy day oh you've been overdoing it again you know yeah I walked home good heavens why I wanted to think Pembrey was at the office this afternoon he's been here to him what did he say don't worry darling put your feet up and relax where we are I can handle him what did he want oh it's just probing around as usual I think he knows I did it did he face it nobody kept on hinting he said he didn't believe a word of my story is that more than that to me what he thought he was quite sure you did it well they uh but he knew he couldn't prove it I'm not so sure well I am and so is he he admitted he hadn't got a thing to go on now shut your eyes darling and rest up a bit I once jumped off men have a good time you look very nice tonight Rita thank you madam I don't know if you're doing packing I can see that but for by taking a trip don't be an idiot Vivian I can't stand any more tonight listen Lee I found the answer to the whole wretched business you remember Pierre no who's Pierre Pierre bergé a the lawyer we met in Paris well what about him when he's back in London I spoke to him this afternoon you didn't tell him anything about me I mean yes I did you shouldn't done that suppose he goes to the police he won't I know Pierre you can trust him absolutely I hope you're right of course I'm right besides the lawyers like a doctor or a priest they never repeat anything all right what did you say he's very smart you know that and he says the best thing for you to do is to get out of the country at once not a hope will be stopped before I got across the channel Pierre says not he says they can't stop you without charging you I mean no they can't do that he's flying back to Paris in the morning we can have two seats on his plane it'll never work it's got to work oh yes and there's one other thing Pierre said you shouldn't just walk out that might look bad so you're running away he said you should write the inspector a note saying you're going away to avoid the publicity I don't very much like the sound of that no that's what Pierre said I better telephone no darling don't do that he particularly said not in case the lines tapped yes I suppose they're not do that no perhaps I don't move darling I'll get you some writing paper he said write the note then leave it here then take the car darling then take the car down to the airport in the morning all right try anything once they are the envelopes are a mess vivianne mm-hmm do I have to write this tonight darling the plane leaves 713 I can't see you doing it in the morning I don't know what to say tell him the truth you're fed up you can't stand the publicity so you're getting out I wouldn't say too much I don't like putting things down on paper you never know what people make of them afterwards please yourself darling I'm only telling you what Pierre said well I've got to have another drink first the only drink you're going to have tonight is hot milk I hate milk or maybe just a little whiskey please don't go yet tell me what to save first I'm no good at letter-writing that's your job well you might give me a start darling I've told you what to say you're fed up you can't stand the publicity and so you're getting out while the getting's good now get on with it finished just about oh thanks man I never know whether it's the Memphis positive risk it or the whisking milk you can't have it both ways darling how were you what's up lots of tickets just remembered I've left them on the hall table in the play that's Tony what do we do now get back oh well miss off the show we hurry [Music] I'm not surprised I put some of your tablets in it good 20 [Music] I'm quite I'm afraid that was just a fable did you see if I hadn't made you things that I loved you I was ready to go away with you you would never save Jimmy you do love him yes yes Lee I do feed the boys donation please it is too lately but you needn't worry you won't feel anything you just get sleepier and sleepier [Music] but is sake I don't want you to die Lee but you've got to so that I may go on living the way I want to live [Music] [Applause] good evening I want to speak to you for a moment I I was just going out I went to two very long it's about Jimmy all right what is it you asked me to give you this he said there wasn't any point in his kicking it any longer you're lying Jimmy would never say that to me I know Jimmy do we will mrs. Warren get out very well good night [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] tell me is there a doctor in this bluff no I'm gonna get him quick Specter pen buddy yes quickly can I ask him another question you can but it won't do any good I'm favored we were too late yeah have you anything to tell us there no madam mr. Martin won't see you but did you tell him who it was did you say it was mrs. Warren yes I told him and he still doesn't want to see you but I must see him it's very important I am sorry madam but you don't understand it's very urgent mr. Martin was most definite he said there was nothing he had to say to you [Music] just in the lip [Music] please inspector not again as you say mrs. Warren not again I think this is the last time have you seen my husband yes madam mr. Warren's in the bedroom he died a few minutes ago we were too late to save him but we were just in time to learn how helpful you'd been in effecting his release I don't know what you mean don't you mrs. Warren and you better come along with me to the station and I'll explain more fully you know what madam till death us do part [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Retrospective - Classic Movies
Views: 1,206,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retrospective, movies, film, classic film, classic movies, british film, dear murderer, full film, full movie, horror, thriller
Id: Hw59GS_IukI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 5sec (5405 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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