The Crime Doctor's Strangest Case 1943 / Eugene Forde

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh hello dear you terribly late I'm sorry darling it's alright only I'm afraid we may have lost our appointment I don't see why we should let some outsider settle our problems well he's not exactly outside it don't forget he's the man that straightened out my trouble then we'll see you next Wednesday of three yes thank you Miss Watson goodbye are you mr. Trotter yes you may come right in hello Jimmy wait it's good to see you well he she is my fiancee miss Munroe I'm very happy to meet you doctor well I'm more than pleased to meet you miss Munroe sadaham thank you oh you'd better sit here that's the doctor's third degree chair he makes his patients tell all I wouldn't sit there for world don't you believe her it's not nearly as bad as that I haven't seen Jimmy since I resigned from the parole board tell me what you've been doing with yourself getting engaged to Ellen oh I know you told me that much over the phone well then we wanted to ask you what you think of our chance of making a success of marriage I mean considering the trouble that I was in Jimmy's worried about that but I'm not Jimmy wants to make a home Foyle he's bragging being concerned about your happiness were you working now I'm secretary to a retired real estate operator named Walter burns oh that's like the job you've had with Henry Guling well it was all I could get every place I gave my name it back two ways if they expected me to pull a gun on them after people in town still think I'm a lucky murderer if he was found not guilty why should people feel that way about him I wish I knew but I'm only a psychiatrist I thought you were gonna look me up I might have been able to help you oh you've done enough already by getting me a new trial I'm gonna give you two some advice you won't like it don't get married until Jimmy's found another position is there anything wrong with what he's doing now I don't like the idea of his working for an individual I'll see what I can do Jimmy meanwhile try and connect with a big company even if you have to leave town then get married if we have to wait till then we may never get married Jimmy did you really come here to take my advice or to have your own judgment confirmed well I I guess I did hope you tell us to go ahead anyway thanks a lot all right Jimmy goodbye dr. Audrey thank you I'm glad you came come back and see me again won't you any time at all [Applause] good luck Jimmy thanks Jimmy work for Henry Goulding and Goulding died of poisoning what if I water burners gave him a job when nobody else in town would I'm sure I don't know but why not ask mr. burns was that - simple away for us our characters no as a matter of fact that's a chef what I'll do [Music] good evening I've dr. odd way I come you know doctor I thought the police would come with you police perhaps I'd better get my bag out of out of the car I I wasn't sure that this was mr. burns do you need your bag after all of us nothing can be done you know mr. burns is dead well thanks but I'd feel more professional with it it's poison you know doctor there's no doubt of that and I believe it's murder are you one of the family no I miss Cornwall miss Patricia everyone calls me I'm the housekeeper Oh have you been with the Burns family long 30 years Hey and you believe the poisoning wasn't an accident or suicide but murder yes I hope we can have a nice long chat later they'll make you believe that everything is sweetness and kindness and honey but it's not like that I can tell you [Applause] we must be all business now doctor they mustn't know that we are friends I'm loyal to mr. burns they don't like this is the doctor from the police good evening who called the police this is mrs. Walter burns dr. ugly how do you do who called the police I did when I couldn't get dr. Stanley he's the family doctor boys dr. Stanley would have had to call the police if it's poison may I see the deceased please was dr. Stanley and regular attendance on mr. burns my husband had a stroke a month ago that left his legs paralyzed dr. Stanley's been attending him since then did anyone of you ever study medicine no not I I didn't then I congratulate you must Patricia mr. burns is dead from a poison and it's murder okay I'm Edison burns what makes you say my brother was murdered because the acid used causes instant death if he killed himself that cup containing the poisoned coffee would be on the bed he wouldn't have had time to put it back on the saucer but it was there when I discovered mr. burns was dead who brought it up to him I did mr. burns told me to put it on that little table did you make the coffee no no I made it but it's the same coffee everyone had at dinner I'm mrs. Keppler the cook was mr. burns alone when you left him the coffee no mr. Trotter that's his secretary was with you did you or mr. Trotter leave the room first oh I did I put the coffee down where the cup is now because mr. burns said that Jimmy mr. Trotter could pass it to him later where's Trotter now downstairs in the study I believe well doesn't he know that mr. burns is Ted well we haven't told him if that's what you mean where was everyone else while he was up here with mr. burns that's what I'd like to know you'd better mind your own business Patricia and I suggest that you attend to yours too doctor leave the questions for the police and I'm sure they'll have plenty to ask you has a screen been fastened all evening of course it's always fastened mr. Yarnell mr. Reef and dr. Carter here from the police department show them in have you been in regular attendance here doctor roadway certainly not he's a police doctor isn't he a little misunderstanding Oh doctor odd way is a psychiatrist who used to be a member of the parole board he's known as a crime doctor because he likes to play and being a detective but that's about as close as he ever got to the police department why did you come here and what right had you to question everybody like murder suspects but you all are murder suspects I call to see mr. burns on some business that has nothing whatsoever to do with this so with your permission I'll leave I'll be at the office in the morning if you want to see me which one of you people discovered the murder would you mind waiting until the doctor says it's murder that's right orange ain't officially dead yet is he come in dr. hardway hello Jimmy what are you doing here was everything wrong mr. burns is dead I was talking to him an hour ago yes he died almost immediately after you left his room did he have another stroke bars didn't die from natural causes but from a poison are you sure your books are in order Jimmy oh I see what you mean they'll try to pin it on me like they did in the Guling case what makes you leap to that conclusion I didn't tell you Burns was murdered Burns wouldn't kill himself he'd hang on to the last gasp no matter how sick he was you're right about it not being suicide I'm right about them trying to pin it on me with my record I'm the perfect fall guy I suppose they'll drag Ellen along with me there's no reason for them to find out anything about Ellen they'll find out under falada by tomorrow we were married right after we left your office now that you were leaving doctor odd way oh I decided to stop in have a little chat with Jimmy I often wondered what became a youth trailer I suppose you don't know any more about this murder than he did about Henry Goulding's when you were his secretary you can't all the ghoul in case against me a jury found me not guilty you were always guilty to me even though dr. Ordway didn't manage to get you a new trial now do you think it's fair to convict Jimmy before you've even arrested him he's under arrest now come on fara or would you like to come upstairs with us no I don't think to be necessary I'm sure you'll take good care of Jimmy so your song Jimmy good my brief good night I see you got out of the clutches of the law there's nothing I could tell them except that I made the coffee and drank some of it myself you don't happen to have a cup of it left around do you no I haven't but I just brewed myself a pot of tea would you care to have me serve it to you in the dining room oh no no I'll have it right here very well have you worked here long missus yes I've worked here six months although it seems longer with those trays going upstairs they have today did miss Patricia always take them up herself oh yes she couldn't abide anyone else doing for mr. burns is that any poison kept around the house Oh dear me no sir oh but there are some legitimate uses for poison you know tell me you seem like a smart observant lady who do you think killed mr. burns I wouldn't know sir did mr. burns and his wife quarrel more than usual lately no from what I understand a body couldn't crawl with mr. burns he had his say and that was that although there were some things about mrs. burns I couldn't abide like her smoking and drinking but she was a dutiful wife well thank you I enjoyed the tea about wrap now suppose you tell me who you really are and what you're doing in this house besides pretending to cook Jimmy don't don't be a fool [Music] where's your phone over there so Trotter got away yeah it's through the courtesy of dr. Ordway who very conveniently left the keys in his car and all you have to do is find him certainly wouldn't run away if he wasn't guilty I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't right lady [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] drove me could we have a little chat now what did you want to tell me Jimmy didn't kill mr. burrows can you help me prove that it would be nice for someone if Jimmy had been killed on the stairs who is that someone I don't know so many things don't seem to fit right in my head and I've been having a strangest nightmares lately you're a psychiatrist that's what you do isn't it straighten out things in people's heads we try to maybe if I came to see you at your office you could help me please do come tomorrow morning you'd better go inside now yes we mustn't be seen together [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is Kepler break it down what are you doing in here I had a very interesting talk with mrs. Keppler a while ago I came back to continue it why'd you lock the door I didn't I found it locked how did you get in same way mrs. Keppler went out [Applause] she's blown all right and she didn't leave anything to come back for mrs. burns didn't ever strike you as funny that your cook would live here for six months with no more personal effects and she could carry through a window I'm not in the habit of prowling through my servants bedrooms own headquarters give him Kepler's description right wait a minute are you gonna describe her five foot one a hundred and forty pounds got brown eyes and hair a forty years old walked with a little stool oh that's very bad oh you will never catch up with her on that description yes she is high five foot four weight 125 erect carriage age 28 to 31 and blonde blonde yes I found this blond hair pin on the dresser they're brunettes never use them you know do you mean to say that woman has been working under my eyes for six months in some sort of disguise yes it was their addiction that made me suspect her what diction I didn't see her with any I mean the word she used she said a body couldn't do this she spoke of things she couldn't abide she said she'd brew me a cup of tea nut make one she was overacting to put herself acrost as a middle-aged slave e she put over the middle-aged woman of 1909 of today now the doctor or Duane mentions it I remember she did talk like that and she had unusually small hands and feet for her size I was well manicured fingernails didn't belong to a cook certainly proves you never really look at service you're way out in front on this Keppler angle you got any idea where we can find her oh I'm not interested in finding mrs. Keppler so long as she's missing you haven't got a case against Jimmy that's why you scared her away I didn't I merely asked her what she was doing here besides pretending to be a cook well I I really should be going now good night crazy ever since you phoned darling I think it was a mistake for you to run away they sure to catch you no not this time did you have a mention my name to your landlady no are you sure of course I only see her once a month when I pay my rent then I'll be all right you tonight but tomorrow the piece will find out remarried and check on you I've got some coffee of the sandwich for you no I can't eat anything I've got to think good morning I've got to be out of here alright let me wear what you don't know you can't tell the detectives oh you don't mean that Jimmy it would be like admitting you're guilty don't you see if you give yourself up you can fight even from the style you can fight Mike and he'll well what can you do up here where will you go it'll be coming you Wyatt I came here to go the streets not to listen to that I'm gonna call the police Jimmy and tell them you're here it's the only thing to do I'll get this straight I'm not going to be arrested oh I'm sorry darling I never wanted to get you into a mess like this you better forget about me as fast as you can you'll have no trouble getting an annulment what makes you think I want that I know you didn't kill mr. burns how do you know I didn't did I say sir then like cooling and burns are exactly you know you're like a servant in their homes maybe I resent that maybe I could only take it so long and then killed stop it Jimmy you there are such people you know sometimes it's a long while before they're caught sometimes I never catch them Jimmy I don't know you when you talk like that no of course you don't know me we only met six months ago we were attracted to each other weren't we you like the same things like to be together how could you know what I was thinking yes him believe me that don't you Alan I'm not exactly the man you thought you were marrying Helen Melanie it's not true I didn't kill anyone but what I said is just what the district attorney will tell the jury he'll say that I'm a fiend then I killed Guling and got away with it now I've killed Burns and if the jury lets me get away with this I'll kill another and another and the jury may believe it because you believe it and you love me no you understand why not give myself up give me a cigarette with it in my coat pocket I wouldn't worry about what Jimmy said last night he's right about what people were thinking you you can't blame him for feeling better but what about that doctor know if it was give Eva we've held on to what was left of the poison what are you throwing it on the nearest drain that's right but will the police believe that we'll do our best to make them you're not with the Box to go on thought it'd be easy for them to find out who bought the poison oh the druggist name has been scraped off there no other identifying marks on it well anyway we'll give it to the police and see what they can do with it I'll get out of headquarters with you I have someone else to see first I'll wait outside all right will you commend miss Patricia please sit down miss Patricia thank you I'm sorry I had to keep you waiting so long that's all right all right I want you to talk about anything anything that comes into your mind about mr. burns and the relatives if you want to yes but you spoke of having nightmares I I thought I might be able to help you overcome the cause of him last night I had a shocking dream tell it to me it was about mrs. burns mrs. Steiner burns all oh she was a little child she was playing with a skipping roll she was on a pretty Street with small houses and lawns and she was going along the sidewalk as if she were on some errand then the street seemed to come to a sudden end like a road leading to a bridge that's been swept away by a flood I called her she didn't seem to hear but skipped into space when I saw a game she was dangling in midair the skipping-rope twisted around her neck as I watched horrified everything grew hazy and suddenly she became a real language I heard the sound of footsteps and Edison Burns appeared he was carrying a pill box like the ones he used in his pill for Henry only it was as big as a suitcase he watched Diana for a moment and then he disappeared and Diana disappear was that the end of the nightmare yes I woke up and saw Diana Edison burns and Paul Ashley beside the bed they said I'd been screaming I see perhaps you'd better rest for a minute now have a sip of water you know I I don't understand that part about Addison burns what did you mean by his pillow factory that was his business until a year ago how long had walter berns been married to diana less than a year what did his first wife died 28 years ago and you looked after him and managed his home all that time yes it wasn't very fair of him to marry Diana was it no it wasn't don't you worry about it now let's close your eyes and relax try not to think of anything at all from anything that dream of hers was really a beautiful lie I'll try to get some truth Oliver light the lamp going through that nightmare again was a trying ordeal but you feel better for telling me about it look at me for a minute close your eyes rest what a strange year it was in that house mr. burns getting married Jimmy Trotter going to work there and then mrs. Keppler arriving some mysterious reason and she fooled will them all except you what's her real name Evelyn Fenton but she's married now a name is mrs. Mallory Cartwright how old is she 31 she was born in 1912 how do you remember that it was the night her father and walter berns quarrelled in the golden knights cafe tell me about the Golden Knights and their quarrel Walter burns and George Fenton owned the Golden Knights I was their star dancer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how about Birds I can't stand here arguing tonight I'm new at the hospital now what's your objection to investing in real estate some of the biggest fortunes in the country have been founded on it I know what's in the cash register I know what the liquor costs and what the rent is but I don't know a thing about the real estate business and I'm not gonna learn about it from you that's the fine remark coming from a partner well that's the way it is Waller I've got a kid being born tonight I'm saving something for it you sound as if you think I'd double-cross you not necessarily but if you want to buy real estate let's split what we have now and I'll take out my share every week sorry I broke in I thought you'd left for the hospital mr. Penton just going back run along address I'll be through in a couple of minutes was Fenton arrested no why did phantoms daughter come to the Byrnes home as a cook why did you give her the job dear me did I have to sleep I'm afraid recording your dream was too much foil dr. odd way what does that nightmare mean well it's pretty obvious that you believe Diana burns poisoned her husband and is gonna hang for it but when did she have the opportunity you carry the coffee upstairs and only Jimmy Trotter was with burns then that's true but don't forget it was mrs. burns who found him dead and you and the police doctor both said that that poison works instantly I saw her go upstairs and it was quite a minute or two before she screamed for help long enough to put the poison in his coffee and watch him die did you tell the detectives that no I didn't think of it at the time well you'd better go down tell them now please doctor odd way I don't want to be the one to get Diane into trouble I've eaten her food I'm still living at her house or won't you tell the detectives alright alright I'll suggest that they check a little more carefully on mrs. burns movements I do thank you for calling and you'll come back if you have any more bad dreams thank you goodbye goodbye why didn't you call the police you know she killed burns and is trying to blame it on his wife that's sweet old dear poisoning sweet oh dear she's waited 30 years to marry Burns and when he took a young wipe all the poison has sold for over into burns coffee yes and Jude tends Diana to hang for it she's trying to frame Diana how did the poison get into Jimmy's coat cancel my appointments for the rest of the day will you Anne good and don't forget to remind the police that it was miss Patricia who took the coffee upstairs all we know definitely about that coffee is it burns drank it [Applause] it's alright getting on a bus headed for home what do you mean it's alright she'll cause a lot of trouble unless something's done about her [Applause] [Music] that's all right well let leaves us when we've got before this box looks like one of those Addison burns used to package pills in because millions dislike it in every drugstore who is that in your car why nurse of course she wasn't there when we went inside are you losing your mind somebody is drop off the office sometime maybe I can help you good night fellas Jack I could swear there was nobody in that car when we arrived of course there was no delays up to something well what are we stalling for Jimmy telephone he's still in town and wants to see you where is he in a lunchroom he's sitting by the telephone booth no wait as long as he can to hear from you oh we're being followed when we come to a drugstore I'll stop you hop out telephone Jimmy tell him to meet me at the old golden lights cafe on Atlantic Avenue but hasn't it been closed for years that's exactly why it excites my curiosity what possible connection could there be between that place in the burns case I don't know it seems funny that although Burns sold off all these big really holdings in hotels apartments and office buildings he's always hung on to and paid taxes on an empty worthless dance hall what time you want Jimmy to meet you right away just as soon as I can shake these two detectives Jimmy Jimmy yeah [Music] [Music] all right Alan oh what a place I nearly fainted when I heard that piano I did that where's Jimmy I have a scene he must have left before I arrived oh he wouldn't do that I talked to him on the phone and he said he was gonna give himself up as soon as he saw you did he ask you to come here no he told me not to but I couldn't let him go to jail without seeing him I think you better go home Ellen I have a hunch of hila phone you know I don't believe he's been here yet me I want to wait for him at least as long as you do all right I want to have a look downstairs first then we leave [Music] have you ever been here before no but this place was described for me Chili's warm someone must have been here within the last 15 minutes this place has been closed for years what would anyone want down here hello Ellen I want you to take that lamp to my apartment they're fingerprints on it I'm just as scared of going alone as I am of staying here yeah Stanton Street is only a half a block up the alley you'll find my car there you take it it's important that we get that lamp gym leader a place of safety all right [Music] [Applause] all this provocative don't have anything touching [Music] [Applause] I'm terribly sorry dr. Ordway but I guess I dropped it I guess you did Ellen you better go home now [Applause] hello what do you want hello hello operator can you give me the number of the party that was calling Thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's the fire mister we're on the corner the gold Golden Knights cafe here take this show the farmer where it is [Music] [Applause] where did you come from and why do you duck into alleys when you see a police car I didn't know it was a police car say you're Jimmy Trotter bank guy he's the guy that's wanted for the burns murder come on you hello hello Ellen have you heard anything yet no and I'm terribly worried doctor Ordway well I'll take it easy I'll drop by your apartment little later if you haven't heard from them at that time I'll see if I can find him all right I see you remember me mrs. Keppler miss Patricia was kind enough to tell me your real name come in thank you I really call to see your husband mr. Cartwright am I correct in assuming he's out you are then I'll wait I don't suppose you know where he went that is also correct you see he's a songwriter he sits at the piano for hours and he goes walking for hours what do you want him for hey who's this dr. Ordway we'll take our blood pressure and get out of here well yeah I got work to do [Music] [Applause] will you cut it out it's after midnight you want us to have to move again well they can't throw us out in the morning mr. Cartwright you weren't by any chance at the golden knights cafe this evening were you me certainly not dr. rod wait now I get it you're the guy that ran my wife out of a job you know that could have been very inconvenient for me does your wife always work in disguise certainly who'd give her a job as a cook the way she looks now that's a nice Ike Cartwright but I happen to know why she went to work for birds what self what since when is it illegal to collect a debt never so long as you stopped short of using murder for a collection agency see where your big mouth getcha it's perfectly true I went to work for Byrnes hoping to find out what happened to my father well why did you wait until six months ago that was my idea she never would have thought of it oh you see I can't don't interrupt William after we were married she told me about her old man and I got to wondering why a guy with an embezzlement warrant against him was never heard of we came to investigate not the murder why did you burn the cuffs of the other trousers that I burned him tonight I'm careless shoot matches at that right angel I'm practically cremated he's burned up three beds already I'm gonna put him between us bestest sheep see now if you'll excuse me I'll get back to work sit down doctor I know you're trying to find out who killed Walter burns and believe me at my new idea what do you think happened to your father I think Burns did away with him then accused him of theft so it would look like he ran away I was just getting my bearings in the household when someone killed burns you smell smoke yeah it's him again now you're on fire Oh baby just hot look at that wastebasket [Applause] I'm upside down rocket just like fourth of July oh boy wouldn't happen again 1000 tries I can't the police car never mind that now Joel get it they're coming up oh you don't why didn't you keep out of sight the doc will fix it for us won't you no I'm sorry I'm just leaving exactly we couldn't think of letting you go so early open a store I guess you're not leaving here what the man said did you throw that basket out the window what basket stop their clowning then Hey look at it doctor Ordway can explain everything oh it came in here did he we followed him through the building then we lost him where is he Oh doc he must have gone out the back way if you hurry you can catch up with her look officer he's don't interrupt yeah you can put your coat on if you wanna we're taking you both to headquarters what's the idea of taking us to jail that basket was an accident there's nothing wrong here nobody's been murdered go ahead look around if you find a body you can have it Thanks we'll take yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come here quickly [Music] Oh miss Patricia what are you doing up so late you won't find anything outside the house the screen was fastened you tried it yourself remember oh yes yes yes of course I thought you said there was a man on a ladder out there there was are you sure miss Patricia hasn't hexed you it's nothing to joke about what do I want me to do go through the house I don't know I I telephoned you because oh it's just nerves I suppose [Applause] why are you standing there grinning at me like that I still think miss Patricia been playing tricks on you remember we saw her go toward ways office it wasn't she I saw on the ladder who was it then I don't know I'm worried about you Diana the creature would love to see you go over for my uncles and murder do you think she killed him that's a fine question coming from you alka Patricia have killed him when you did you're the principal heir you know I see they're trying to blackmail me don't be ridiculous trying to help you know you're very attractive Diana and in spite of your late husband's bad luck I'd be willing to take a chance and marry you myself that's the price for my help your help in what in keeping you out of jail and Jimmy Trotter in who could be calling at this time of night the police good evening would you be so kind as to tell mrs. burns doctor Ordway is calling but two o'clock in the morning or you are out rather late yourself writer come in good evening was buzz good evening this is a surprise but I'm glad you're here doctor you haven't had any more trouble have you yes should we go into the study perhaps being a psychiatrist you can tell me whether I'm suffering from hallucinations well I can tell you now I'm sure you're not why do you ask well I thought I heard someone crawling around the house tonight did you actually see anyone not at first but later I saw a man on a ladder outside of mr. Byrnes bedroom window you saw me what were you doing there Oh investigating what I really called for was to find out if either of you know a man by the name of Cartwright I know well he may have used some other name do you know if anyone has been trying to extort money for mr. burns lately not that I know of what about George Fenton or a Miss Fenton that mr. burns ever mention their names who are they oh they have no consequence if you don't know them well as long as you can help me I may as well be going I'll walk to the door with you good night mr. I say good night may I ride downtown with you I think I'd feel safer at a hotel safer that was only miss Patricia you were prowling around tonight I'm afraid of her I think she's out of her mind she won't try to harm you tonight I saw her outside a few minutes ago and I told her that you were going to be arrested in the morning you have no idea how happy that made her she went to bed purring like a kitten I'll see that she's taken care of in the morning for a moment I thought you were serious about me being arrested why shouldn't I be you aren't telling the truth when you said you found the coffee cup on the bed stand will you no it was on the bed and I picked it up and put it back in the saucer without thinking why did you say so I was afraid to I knew those I discovered mr. burns was dead I'd be suspected do you know to what extent mr. Ashley benefits by his uncle's death I doubt if he knows it but he gets nothing then you're the principal here probably I may inherit as much as a million dollars people have been killed for Less mr. Burnes may have been killed for less what do you mean we occasionally had as much as $100,000 in cash in the house what to use it for he never took me into his confidence he may have been why those men who just has much faith in anything but cash well does it does anybody beside yourself know of this habit of burns I'm sure his brother does what stupid day he won't be able to verify your story good night mrs. burns do come in doctor you're a little late but we were still expecting you where's Ella she's at headquarters and you've been waiting just for me I suppose you don't know we've been trying to catch up with you for hours what about the fire in the golden knights cafe man litter of addison burns did the fire do much damage no what nothing I was just wondering who was there tonight besides Anson Burns and Jimmy and Ellen Friday Oh Jimmy wasn't at the Golden Knights he was picked up a while ago and admits he was there but says he ran away when he saw burns his body was that musical genius Cartwright they're following me I don't know about him you fellas grabbed him of course yes and we took his wife along for the ride What did he say he said he'd like to have a piano in his cell what did you book him on 718 oh I don't know anything about numerology 718 is throwing objects out of window now that we've told you everything that you want to know is there any little thing that you would like to tell us yes there is let me show you something it's soda straw poison was blown into that coffee from outside the window some of it's still in one end of the straw that screen was fastened when we got there there's a hole in it so how could anybody blow poison through that without killing themselves oh he didn't put a spoonful in his mouth and then blow it out he he loaded it into the lower end of the straw whoa then it was an outside job no no it wasn't Jimmy could have slipped out of the house and climbed up the burns wind it yes he could have so get mrs. burns or actually a miss Patricia or even mrs. Keppler you haven't forgotten her I hope come across doc you know where she is so do what now you were arrested here tonight she's mrs. Cartwright well it's mighty nice of you to mention that now well now for that I want you to do me a favor anything at all let the Cartwright's go in the morning I want you to let Jimmy and Ellen go to would you mind telling me why we should do that because they'll do you more good outside Jail in here besides you only know how the murder was committed come with me and I'll show you why [Music] now forget about that offer and listen to this James Trotter arrested shortly after the murder of Addison burns has been charged with both crimes and detective John Ellen re4 confident of an early confession what was trial doing at the Golden Knights he suppose he knows something no no here's something else the body of Addison burns has been taken to the city mortuary and police guard removed from the cafe that's very nice of them to tell us that that's the nicest thing that's happened since they let us out of jail all right thanks they still can't locate dr. Ottaway what does it matter darling you'll hear from him soon enough the important thing is you're free it seems like a million years since you've sat there Jimmy I don't understand why they let me out without giving me any reason and the morning paper as good as convicts me don't worry darling it'll be in the evening papers you know there's nothing to prevent those detectives from coming here and arresting me again I think I'll take a walk maybe I'll pick up a later paper I'll go with you no you better stay here why a doctor odwin might call you think we should wait any longer we'll give her a few more minutes what did you say when you asked her to meet your hair and she seemed a bit surprised I can imagine [Music] I just about given you up on side the tool to take his call now I have a little trouble getting rid of them what's Ashlee doing here I want him along too good evening Diana this was the cornerstone of your late husband's fortune mrs. burns you didn't bring me down here to tell me that no there's something I want to show you downstairs [Applause] careful these stairs they're pretty well burned through it was probably a door Bruce shut fireman broke a lot of windows and the place is full of drafts I broke in here last night and found something I want you to identify well let's get it over with this place gives me the Harvard look here any idea who he was no why should we he was walter berns partner 30 years ago his name was Fenton how do you know this is Tenten his names engraved on that watch don't move now get over here what do you know it says to George Fenton from his pal Walter burns must be your father now mrs. burns this is the manual a husband murdered and then accused of abscond with $50,000 I don't see what that has to do with me well I mr. Fenton's daughter and I I'll do the talking she wants that money with interest as far as I'm concerned she can have it if she can prove her claim in court that's fair enough and as a first step to court you can come down to police headquarters with us and we'll report finding Fenton well that's a lot more pleasant than staying here with what's left of him I'll wait for the police they all want to question this all anyway Thanks do you have to stay with that someone should and I'll keep your company Thanks do you think this has anything to do with my uncle's murder Oh people don't usually wait 30 years to kill for revenge please that explains why he never sold the place what's that it's telephone bring my gun hello hello I found out you don't suppose my uncle could have kept that phone connected all these years do you well someone did why would he have a phone down here we knew that when Michael Viner was killed something back at this desk I have a hunch this has a lot to do with burns murder you're right Ordway it has step away from that safe [Applause] I had intended to wait a month or so for things to quiet down but now thanks to you have no choice but to open it and clear out before the police get here they got the wrong gun Ashley yours isn't loaded than mine is I'll take the case to the real money was taken to headquarters this afternoon you should have realized that telephone wouldn't be working after the fire mr. Yarnell rang the bell from a dressing room across the hall all right boys take him downtown looking for the murder of Walter and Addison burns wait a minute I didn't kill Walter burns his brother did how do you know that I suspected him from the first because he was once a chemist the night after the murder I followed him here and saw him open that safe was that the first time you knew about the safe yes oh I knew that Walter Burns had large sums of cash available for deals he couldn't make public but I didn't know where he kept it did Alison know about it before I doubt it but when Walter became paralyzed he had to confide in someone then Alison killed him and came here to get the money for himself that's right when I accused him of the crime he tried to kill me in the struggle I I guess I must have choked him he is sure did the only thing you have on me is one case of manslaughter if you killed Addison Burns accidentally how did he come to be hanging upstairs I did that to make it look like suicide and I suppose you accidentally slugged me with that piece of chain last night and accidentally tried to pump three bullets into me tonight huh take him away before we have another accident come on you none of this joint we're still in business I'd buy you a drink doc you'd better find Jimmy and buy him one we'll buy him a case we stopped three people trying to get out a while ago you said they're going to headquarters we put him in a squad car okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I guess I'm just careless with matches [Music] [Music]
Channel: D D C
Views: 516,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, public domain, black and white, black & white, oldies, classic, movies, 40s, crime, crime doctor, drama, poison
Id: TRyAmL5o0yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 38sec (4058 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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