The Bad Sister (1931) Bette Davis Humphrey Bogart

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[Music] [Music] Oh Freddie how's business just fine take up enough to buy a new catcher's mitt good wait a minute yeah get yourself a new baseball to [ __ ] say thanks mr. Henry copy ed Laura he's up alright I dumped him out of bed good for you he's been late for school twice this morning breakfast ready be sure you do it gently you know how nervous she is yes'm I found that out hmm you sure make them nice and brown what do you mother I've been making them for 27 years breakfast ready oh dear I don't think I'm a bit well this morning then you don't want no breakfast wait a minute Minnie perhaps a little breakfast would be good for me will you bring it up to me on a tray like a darling not me I won't are you hired to run up and down stairs for the likes of you your being in [Applause] mmm certainly do smell good mother many where you going oh what's the matter I'm just as good as she isn't baby better she can't suck me that way and get away with it you mean to say you upset miss Marianne again I'd like to let her have one no you Mary Ann don't mean no harm I'm sure you don't need it oh I don't see why a poor girl has to take insults just because she has to go out earn her own living there now Minnie don't worry everything will be fixed up oh well all right this once but the next time there won't be any next time well all right mr. Madison oh you're bringing them in so young man you finally decided to get up a please do Minnie may I have some pancakes there Thank You Jon here's a letter for Mamie where'd she say be quiet and that mother read well don't you want me to be interested in my own sister Henry oh no bad news mother sans lost his job I all said he was dumped Sheamus oh what a pity and the baby coming anytime now they're coming here to live til Sam gets on his feet but they got no other place to go oh well we get along somehow good morning Oh Minnie what am I supposed to do celebrate heaven's sake head attach make less noise I'm doing an imitation didn't you get it did what I was doing an imitation of the way you sounded last night when he was kissing on the front porch liar I ain't a liar what I thought we'd left before we went to bed I thought you were practically engaged what waiting I engaged I should say not can you imagine me married in that big he's very successful he's got the biggest insurance business in town who was on the front porch with you last night I'll tell you who it ones with big lynly the answer to marry him too dick is it true I engaged today nobody said I was engaged he asked me to marry him thank goodness a girl's got to do something for excitement in this one-horse town well gotta be getting down to the office $50 $50 what for old having Marcus handed over Myers reduced 497 it's such a bargain I'd like to marry and I just can't afford it I haven't got it please daddy I know but Amy and Sam are coming back on our hands now and I've got to figure yeah if you want it as bad as all that I guess I can manage stop into the office I'll give it here okay daddy you're an angel yeah darling we don't fit oh heavens whatever cuz that's him to come tonight well I guess she doesn't know about dick you gotta tell him course not you haven't heard anything have you not a word no don't it's pretty it has got a nice line okay yes indeedy and Mugsy look but your shoes too which is what I did have had new shoes oh the new dress I charged them too father you shouldn't have done it but they are pretty no and how are you - you look pretty do dress swell it cost $50 how about the movies Mary Ann got a swell show down the palace well what do you know about that you have oh he doesn't know what he's talking about oh I don't Lizzy was to walk in here now would just be a : sedan father will you make it big mind its own business Henry yes come on wait I'll get you to play back down no no I know good game like I do all the dirty work for the whole family she never does a darn thing for nobody [Laughter] hello Henry well houseboy they finally caught those fellows on Cincinnati is that so Oh everybody hello dick how's the doctor business Richard or fire mr. Madison hello Mary Ann hello dick well what's this backgammon you go on play no I'm no good at games see there's a good picture at the palace wouldn't you like to go why no thanks I'm sorry but I tell you what I would like a breath of fresh air let's take a little walk sure you won't mind will you wait no not a piss anybody here darling I thought you might need me okay hello hello miss Madison have a good time oh we will that haven't seen you for a long time oh well I been sort of busy you know how it is I guess doctors are kind of busy well they certainly are in this town well more ready all right night Laura good night good night Laura sure yeah it is where's yours well I'm sorry Marianne I let my kid brother have it tonight oh I hate driving a bus well if I'd known it oh I'm sorry you know miss Madison you're looking younger every day oh yes you do and anyway you're going you'll excuse me I asked them so good night good night miss Madison they're certainly worried worried but what about marrying me off oh that ought to be easy you'd be surprised oh gosh I think you'd make some fellas swell wife would you know yeah well that's awfully sweet hope you wait really swell one around here's Mary Ann you're in love with her aren't you oh gosh I I guess most of the gang is and I'm no different than any of the rest I think you'd know enough by now when to leave the girls alone it's gonna be hard enough getting Laura married I don't want to get Laura married I don't want to get any of our children married I kind of like having them right here how would you like to play something for me huh see if I can haven't played for a long time now what would you like I'll play anything I don't care I guess Dick's in love with Mary Ann too huh she's one of the game Marianne in love with dick I guess her weight what's the matter nothing only okay it's my head I'm so tired you mind awfully if I went to bed no not a bit I'm sorry you don't feel well thanks wait I'll be all right sure you you just take some aspirin or something the best thing in the world for you always fixes me up oh good night good night well you're gonna see what's in that book surely after they killed the cat oh don't be so we let me see go to bed just one little look you go to bed alright good night good night say Laurel now there's something I don't understand yes here's waiting go with Mary Ann dick in love with Mary Ann and you and love with David goodnight hedrick's all right I'm going you know we hurry we can catch the 10 o'clock bus I'm sort of tired you know what he did eh sorry no I've got lots of time I didn't recognize you when did you get to town y-yes yesterday I had a chance to look you up you don't know dr. Linley do your document day this is mr. round I didn't get the name call it oh how do you do glad to meet you hey you you can't park in the middle of the street move on I'm practically moving nearly ran me down the least you can do it's driving me home they do the trouble dick coming all the way out to the house and then back into town again well I don't mind a bit hey you are you going to get going here you want me to give you a ticket here we go call me tomorrow dick goodnight Lindley see you again [Music] laughs if I may say so was very neatly done there was nothing exactly wrong with your cooperation you belong here where in this town well I live here but I don't belong I get it what's yours what's yours call it now call it pleased to meet you I assure you the pleasure is mine here's where we good on the right very good madam [Music] let's stop all out no just me oh why the family's probably still up how could I explain you we met we met where I don't know where have you been very few places never been in New York nope Chicago not even Columbus know when well fine that's where we met then you and I for springtime in Columbus and certainly when they introduced me to you well good night good night would you call me tomorrow every hour on the hour perhaps you'll come to dinner well now don't tell me you cook too family depended on me for that they'd starve to death well good night we'll say wait a minute you didn't give me a phone number well you wouldn't remember but it's in the book medicines the name yarn Edison thanks good night boy those Marianne's right those are yours right again you don't like lace do you Laura of course I do then why don't you wear lace pants Oh but another will you please go inside and get some more clothes I won't you tell me why you don't want my pants just because I don't get the kite scratchy anyway what do you how long since you've been down Sarah about a week don't you think it would be nice if you went there to supper tonight how much water cash cash wanna get it when you go to Aunt Sarah's okay ain't you through clean on that yeah no not yet we're having a mr. Collis for dinner tonight but you're staying help no I got a date please Minnie I hate waiting on table when there's company yes this one won't be through the laundry in time have dinner until 7:30 7:30 I never heard of such a crazy thing but you will stay won't you minute please Minnie all right I'll stay and Minnie you'll be careful won't you uh what well of the way your spirit you won't drop things will your aunt and you won't stand gaping and listening to the conversation same listen I told you that I got a date and if you think you're not gonna be fast I know it me I'm sure you'll do splendidly but you will be careful won't they say how many will I set the table for my son sir my name is coming after noon can you imagine and we ask the bestest food which thou has given us thy service we beseech thee to make us worthy of thy bounty and make us worthy O Lord to by divine kindness amen I thought you were dining at it seven times six so I come home [Music] hello Minnie how you been Oh fine Sam how's yourself I've been feeling pretty good considering we're expecting the baby anytime now what's the matter listen Sam don't you know when you're dying it's 7:30 ain't supposed to talk to the servants Hedrick must be awfully nice having your whole family here at the same time yeah we're gonna have some more family pretty soon mr. Colley's oh good for you it's gonna be a boy Sam how do you know when I say I'm gonna have a boy I have a boy why it's even more charming than I expected what did you expect well I don't know exactly that's an ordinary small town you're right this isn't an ordinary small town it's the fastest-growing community in the country what are you doing here anyway Henry please behave oh that's quite all right he's got a perfect right to know you see Henry I'm vice president of a new company called the electoral household corporation the reason I'm here is with an idea of building a factory on the outskirts of the town you don't say so who's going to add the plumbing contract for your factory I'm in the plumbing business and that is I was there and you've been directed mr. Corliss why not a call me this outcome I'd be very glad to talk that over with you when we decide to build you see I plan to taking a limited number of local people and make them partners oh I think that sounds perfectly wonderful is that so who were you thinking of having well your father for instance his reputation for honesty and integrity is pretty well-known to us now how would you like to be the secretary and treasurer of a big corporation me secretary and treasurer to big corporation well yes why not why not after all I don't see why not of course mr. Cordes you realize I haven't any money to invest right now but times have been kind of hard oh no wait a minute we don't want your money all we want is your name in that sound business judgment of yours sounds good to me PAH well I'll tell you what I'll do I'll look into it a little closer don't go on I'd like to be secretary and treasurer of a big corporation henrik leave the room are you hurt no I I think you're just wonderful hello mr. Koerner just a second over me oh pardon me will you I was expecting a long-distance call I took the liberty of telling the hotel yes no we don't need any more money goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] yes I have I wonder if I never get away from me go places Fifi dancing beautiful Borden I guess the nearest eyelid will get to a New York cabaret the wrong end of uranium you can tell stranger things have happened hello Marianne you remember mr. Carlin don't you yeah well how's the family Oh fine Nick I wish you'd run in and get long out here the poor kids been indoors all day do you mind no I'll bring her up how would you like to take a little walk call it there's nothing I'd rather do then take a walk what to do oh wait it's con jumbo honeydew pleased to meet you you're a stranger around here aren't you yeah well I was but the Madison family have been so kind to me that they've made me feel very much at home oh isn't that nice Nick corners going to a factory in town wait Oh what is that so yes need I hope it does great things for the town well I I hope it really gets built and what do you mean well nothing or there's been a lot of people gonna build factories around here oh I see well I think you'll get one this time huh that's good we're going for a walk wait yeah no I know hello wait oh I'm gonna show knit the conus your garden danger many mr. Koretz are the most marvelous things at our beautiful night isn't it dick yeah [Applause] please be careful I'll tell you what we'll do we'll go back and say good night then I'll get rid of them and you come back and half an hour I'll be back and there's work Ollis intends to build it looks good to me it looks like a big thing here's the picture of the factory well I'm gonna leave it all up to you John when you say it's alright to go ahead I'm ready to pay my share over the call and that goes for me too I'm me don't be too hasty in New York to investigate the proposition I think well [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] when I say I'm gonna have a boy I have a boy say I didn't see no stork kid Rick hey you don't think they'll get my boy mixed up with the others do you they'll be able to tell him alright you wait with his knife Bloomberg baby over there looks just like his old man hey she got the funny-looking one there - where's my grandchild where is he Amy everything is fine you're having a finger worship oh thanks very much doctor congratulations I hate to talk business Maryanne but I also hate to see your father lose a chance to make a fortune all his friends are perfectly willing to put up their money as soon as he says the proposition is all right what can I do to help you now I'll do anything you say it's gonna mean a lot to you too why no travel see like Columbus seriously if you can get your father to sign this paper you'll never have to worry about another thing as long as you live y know how to handle father you just leave it to me I'd like to leave a lot of things to you well how do you do mrs. Astor Belle once a plumber always a plumber [Laughter] daddy hello Marianne I just made our church check for your allowance I'm sorry I'm a couple of days that's all right daddy I know you've been hard pressed but you won't be anymore that is you won't see if you sign this proposition to be treasurer his company hold on it says Morton not here it says that I've thoroughly investigated mr. Corliss and the electoral household Corporation and I find them both to be but I haven't done anything of the sort I haven't even heard from Ed grieve yet well all I can say is if you're going to wait forever it's going to be too late you're never getting on it then it'll be just too bad Mary Ann but I'm not going to encourage my friends to go into something that I'm not sure can't be sure of this good heaven you've only got to look at mr. Corliss to know the kind of man he is this is just like you know cautious always suspecting everybody not suspecting anybody it's just don't go into all that again I know you've said it a thousand times before all I ever hear is a lot of preaching about respectability and all the other things others have and I have to do it out I'm trying to do my best you're a lot of good your best is in oh we probably go on being in the same rut I'm tired of it I tell you could be him the daughter of a failure yes that's what you are you never do anything and you never will telephone the doctor quick quick main six four five please yes Marianne yes she's fainted oh I don't know but hurry nothing serious just nerves been under strain lately Oh Stuart that I'll bet you ain't any more sick and I am a lazy good-for-nothing thing one minute bye-bye nothing at all this man isn't just no she'll be all right in the morning oh yeah you're not so good yourself oh I'm alright doctor I guess I had too much dinner hey alright nothing you're going to bed right now get my bag with you Laura Oh Laura tell Mary Ann I didn't mean to upset her I'm sorry I couldn't do what she asked me to come on with the medicine better get him another blanket I don't want to alarm you Laura but it's going to take a good many days of peace and quiet to bring your father around no talk of business just let him lie there and rest I'll keep him quiet well don't bother about coming down they have Mary Ann isn't asleep you better tell her about her father I think I will why she asleep yeah good that's what you needs a good night's sleep you know Laura you'd make something out of one flew away why not Oh many first place oh yes I've never found any man I can really fall in love with well I'm not surprised I don't know anybody that'll be good enough for you now dig oh I mean that wheel a cup of coffee hey would I just wait Lloyd take a minute all right say listen dick don't do anybody who gave this to you just say you found it oh here where did you get that why I found it I I'm sorry Laura I never wanted you to know I never dreamed you felt that way bi I know you didn't let's forget it let's pretend it never happened what do you say sure that's a go you know I don't think I'm going to be able to wait for that coffee I have another call to make you don't mind do you that's all right some other time sure I'm sorry Laura honest I am I didn't mean any harm that's alright Hedrick I know you didn't hello Dave I've got Madison's letter right here in my hand he says everything is a hundred percent we should go ahead and close the deal yeah just as soon as I looked at this fella call us I knew he was all right yeah well what's the next move well we'll call a meeting this afternoon and put up our money right away say this is the greatest thing in the world that ever struck this town as sure as you're a laborer go to make a lot of money you know that fella Corliss is alive why well I think so you know fathers inside we brought him down this morning oh well it's you down again it's good to be here Maryanne gosh I don't see why everybody's making such a fuss I feel fine I'm so glad got to run we're going taking some old clothes down to the woman Civic League they're the Hennings can stuff to the poor lady be back soon yeah hello better yet I'm just resting out to the woman silicate get some old clothes father you'll you'll excuse me won't you whale I see your dad I'd be glad to drop you off no no thanks big guy I'm in quite a hurry scared not a bit why should I for you and I'm going to be your wife well say listen I've got a great idea instead of getting married here now you know perfectly well that the loping couples never get married in the hometown I'm so happy I don't know where we get married are you happy to Val am I do I look a couple more weeks a good rest you'll be able to go back to that office and work harder than ever hmm thank you sir that's good well how's the rest of the family just fine thanks and where is Laura well I guess she's upstairs feeding the baby you know I haven't seen that baby for almost a week I think I ought to run up and take a look at it go right ahead and he loves the visitors sure he loves the visitors he don't have to clean up after him I cooked more company dinners in the last four weeks in this house than most folks have in a year come in oh wow I thought I'd drop in see how the young man was getting on he can be good and what an appetite what's he weighed out nine pounds two ounces I love daddy's getting on all right Oh correctly I know I'm just sure mr. Collins hasn't come back yet did you get mr. Corliss now from the hotel he left town yesterday Oh Oh it'll be all right mother it's just like Maryann to war to elope they'll probably come back today [Applause] you can come back in with Madison this is a pleasant surprise let me get you a chair oh wow alright if it's a social call I've got great news for you big I'm ready to do it me too didn't you yes of course there's only one condition we've got be married immediately and leave town I'm so fed up with it all I want to get out of here right away but I thought you were in love with Carlos Maryann I don't know what to say you mean you don't care for me anymore well well no not in the way I used to you see I thought you'd gotten over caring for me and well I guess I just put you out of my mind and then and then but I fell in love with someone else with Laura Laura how find I just know you're going to be happy well thank you very end it ain't gonna do any good whirring mother she must be with callers you going up to him when I get in [ __ ] already you better wait out here Tom okay how do miss Madison we want to see John hello boys come to visit me or my grandson well what's going on what are you all so glum about it Carlos checked out of the hotel yesterday morning without leaving any forwarding address I need to call our money rhythm electro household cooperation huh there's no such firm this looks very very shady to me well then why did you give Carles your money why didn't you wait until I heard from New York oh we waited all right so we got your letter what letter you know mighty velvet letter John I want my money or mr. frog that's what it is what better why what is that your signature all us fooled me I thought he was alright I'm sorry I got you into this boys you're sorry that's fine develop our money I tell you you use the males to defraud it's prison offense what are you going to do about it I can cash in my life insurance that'll pay some of it back I can sell the house I give you my word of honor I'll pay back every cent that you've lost only promise me you'll keep Maryanne out of it well if John pays back the money way I'm satisfied Oh [Music] mmm dog going I'm just so happy honey I can't believe it's true you've got it all coming to you darling you're the best hearted thing in the world just look at all you've done for Papa oh forget about it you're a dear to come over and help always glad to do things for them as appreciate something thank you meaning well am I supposed to answer the doorbell and do everything else around here somehow doesn't seem natural for her to be so nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Silver Screen Classics
Views: 378,591
Rating: 4.7741132 out of 5
Keywords: early talkie, 1930s film, classic film, classic hollywood, first bette davis movie, better davis, pre-code film, pre-code hollywood, drama, humphrey bogart
Id: znrq43FLJtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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