The Fat Man 1951 / William Castle

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[Music] my momma please dr. Bromley guess what is it [Music] [Music] I worked for dr. Bromley in California been his nurse for years anything the matter with it well he was just nervous about a speech he was going to make before the convention tonight is it yes it was a new system for dental bridge work he was trying I was going to help him with the x-ray demonstration too bad how does it stack up for you Frank Deb due to accidental causes a lot about washes it up for my department but it doesn't make sense yeah sure it does the doc can't sleep so we take something to help him stuff makes him dizzy so he tries to open a window to get some air loses balance makes it grab at the curtains falls out the window accidents happened 380 times a day in a city like this trucks windows guns you take care of the doctors things of course thanks we want you will contact you come on Frank [Music] see that fellow there lady just telling me one read writing Thanks I'm looking for mr. Runyon Oh boss - getting ready to eat man it's important what nothing's more important to the fat man that easy there isn't much time please hey yo yo the name is Louie not hey you for 43 years already it's Louie all right Lilly tell mr. Runyon he has company he's in surgery forget any promise knife slices [Music] no yours was the real artistry I bow to you fellow gomez see it's the it's the way you toss it that's important first part right and five to the left well hello boss miss Adams the boss how you do how do you do and what would miss Adams want with a private detective a private talk mill how many times have I told a spendthrift for the oil a miser with a vinegar more oil boy more oil well I've got some right here boss beat it but the salad isn't finished yet take it whether you would eat it with my digestion it would be poison if you're poison that's all your little soft cooked oatmeal with milk is all I can have today okay sweetheart how can I be of service mr. Runyon the name dr. Bromley does it mean anything to you Bromley Rock splendid Louise blendin give my compliments to the chef thank you sir as I was saying mister how will you join me miss Adams well I begin to see why they call you the fat man that's the title I intend to live up to sweetheart dr. Bromley is dead what's that got to do with me he had an appointment to see you tonight I found the memo in his appointment book when I was getting his things together that was before he fell to his death then you know about it I read the papers we daren't and you don't think there was anything wrong about the accident should I No but what I mean is why should you want to see a detective I don't know he didn't tell me over the phone he just asked for an appointment you work pretty closely with the doc any worries anybody annoy him well he never told me well it doesn't help me very much Dennis sweetheart I'm frightened mr. Runyon I have a feeling I'm being watched followed now relax you're just on edge I'm taking the three o'clock plane back to California today I want to make sure I get on that plane very simple all you have to do is hail a cab you got there I'd feel much safer if you saw me okay sweetheart give it'll make you feel any better bill it's well-oiled now boss bill you're taking miss Adams the airport well I haven't had my oatmeal yet have it later and see that she gets on the plane safely well I'd like to see anyone stop us goodbye mr. Runyan and thank you no not at all [Music] I was a great job you gave me what happened what happened here is the last thing I remember was taking miss Adams back to her hotel to send a telegram when I haven't had my oatmeal yet never mind your oatmeal what happened I was sapped that's what you asked me that Dame screwy where did you leave her where did I leave her look when I came to I was propped up in a linen closet come on but I haven't had anything to eat yet boss later I'll have a little milk or something to go on you know hey taxi the bar the airport to step on it attention please announcing departure of the Easterner flight number 76 downloading and gain 24 hello sir Runyan there she is boss you're going out and get your own meal mind if I sit down I see you made it alright I thought I you thought what was animus that man who had been following me the one who SAP bill he's all right isn't he it's too bad you didn't wait around to find out I was scared I got panicky and ran the same thing as the lady on now suppose you give it to me straight sweetheart I am giving it to you straight it sounds crazy I can't help it his whole trips been a nightmare first the doctor now me I'm beginning to think maybe your hunch was right maybe the same little fella with a happy blackjack was the one the doc wanted to talk to me about I'm gonna stick on this case but I haven't any money mr. Runyan I couldn't pay you anything forget it sweetheart this one's on the house all you have to do is answer questions now what did the doc mean to you he was good to me he helped me over a lot of rough spots he was good to everybody why would anyone want to kill a nice person like the doctor we don't know that anyone did what about the doc did he have anything worth stealing no he never worn a jewelry and his money hadn't been touched well that eliminates robbery as a motive now that you mentioned robbery there was something missing Oh an x-ray plate it was one of six that he brought along as an exhibit to prove a new theory on dental bridge work who was the patient a man named Roy Clark was there anything special about Roy he was a new patient wait a minute I guess maybe there was something special about him we first saw him one night about a month ago we had just closed the office when I heard the Bell who is it back around its toothaches killing me oh come in you've let this condition go far too long I'll have to extract several teeth or anything you say tack I come back in a week we'll make an impression for the bridge thanks doc what's driving me bats but will it be all right if I only give you ten bucks no I'm kind of short well certainly Jane I got this gentleman's name and address Roy Clark 4228 West Olympic Boulevard that's Wilson's motel thanks again doc expect you a week from today about four o'clock good enough the next time we saw Roy Clark was over a week later only you wouldn't know it was the same man hello hi mr. Clark the doctors free he can see you right away thank you I'll call you in about 10 days mr. Clark we'll have the bridge all ready for you swell you are still at Wilson's motel oh no I've moved you can get me at sunset 3 3 2 9 8 oh and I here's something a little extra for carrying me when you didn't know if you'd collect I was necessary I was my pleasure [Music] [Music] sunset three three two nine eight mr. Roy Clark please well he was supposed to come in and have a fitting on his bridge I see when you get in touch with him I have him call me dr. Henry Bromley the numbers in the book and that was the day before he left for New York you've never heard from Roy Clark since no never mr. Runyon the last time I saw him was the day he came over with a chauffeur I'd like to know what was on that x-ray you got any duplicates of it just one but it's in California back in the office okay we're gonna have a look at that x-ray bill get us a couple of tickets hey we'll be able to get us some of that apple strudel in Beverly Hills never mind this strudel and after you get the tickets call now I haven't send our stuff right boss [Music] it's gone are you sure you had a duplicate positive I filed it away myself are there any other records on Roy Clark in the officer just a card with a patient's name and address on it check that that's gone too what about the phone number Clark left I put it in my appointment book yes here it is sunset 3 3 2 9 8 looks like Roy Clark figures after all great I can't tell you too much about Roy hadn't seen him for years and then Lee had a pretty tough time of it I don't actually when it came to me and glad to help out a friend stake into a back room hello there represent my wife there's mr. Runyon how do you do mrs. Corney how do you do Tony would you have the car ready in half an hour please yes sir this run is trying to find out what happened to Roy how long was it he stated his dear Oh about three weeks he left rather suddenly I gather oh very he had an offer of a job somewhere in Kansas doing one selling did he leave any address know Roy's always been like that just leaves without warning that's better you'll be around when you least expected well thanks very much where you stopping in case I should hear from Lily the Beverly Wilshire hotel right so long bye [Music] so then the manager said to me why should mr. Runyon require a kitchenette my good man we are proud of having the finest cuisine west of Chicago west of Chicago well that's when I pulverized it I said now let me give you a piece of advice Bob once you're west of the Hudson River they know from nothing except making with a frying pan how to make friends that might be her now well what kept you sorry I couldn't make it for lunch but I got tied up hello mr. Runyan no oh sit down thank you you still want to help of course I do good bill formers Adam some coffee that chauffer you were talking about the one who drove Roy Clark over the docs office wanna try catfish Creek but no thanks I think I found him it works for a fella named Gordon name mean anything to you no well I want to make sure he's the one who drove row that day so if you'll go over the Gordon place and can identify him I've got an idea for my next move all right how's that for flavor wonderful bill yes boy you're taking miss Adams over the Gordon place oh not me boss the last time I took her anywhere I wound up in the linen closet I got a date with a cop oh here we go again oh you got me a car a Hyundai boss it's right downstairs [Music] [Music] want me to call a cab I'll tell you in a minute [Music] up until 1940 Jean Gorton and his partner happy Stevens were mixed up in everything from slot machine rackets to bookmaking his wife doesn't seem to fit into that picture oh she's ready to shut her eyes to his background as long as he keeps her and horses nothing on him at all we pulled Gordon in a dozen times and never been able to get a charge that would stick even the feds double-checked his income tax returns he's too smart what about Stevens he legit - sort of mr. happy Stevens bought into a hotel and gambling casino in Las Vegas huh but nothing on Roy Clark no not in their files it's a phony name maybe he only had a little more to go on well I'm following a thin thread and it doesn't break in my hand it might lead to something well I don't think you've got a chance but you'll back me up if I need help back you up oh brother I'll give you my right arm if you can hang something on those guys that make it stick well what did you find out Jane all right good girl I'll take it from here yeah goodbye see Reginald stop yourself you look like that the trick boss isn't just dumping the things into the shaker it's the order you use and brown sugar man hi [Applause] swell swell shifted you can't complain what's the idea of using a pass key well we got a bail out there so what I forgot yeah well see that you remember this is no heist once another with him ulcers very funny some of the boys been asking about you shifting you don't say yeah but she's multi to needle lately I've been around the Bowery I beg your pardon here buster thank you what's up I'm looking for some advice like what like where I can find a character named Clark Roy Clark hi Clark I never hide him what about Gordon nice coat you wouldn't be meaning Jean Gordon that's my boy I get him I can't did I ever steal you're wrong Bradford no you haven't and I'm depending on you to help me out this time - all right I'm helping you take my tip they get him what about that show for the works for him okay yeah that's the one either two-bit phony I gotta get something on him something I can hold over him and make him talk they're getting it up to your neck well it's my neck come on spill it okay Tony and Gordon's wife have been two-timing I figured as much I wind up with the heaven of throat of Gordon finds out about it you're a good boy shifty Thanks yeah no brat but no no it's a pleasure and give my best to the boy I'll do that Oh buster yeah you forgot this one [Music] hello honey well what are you doing here just resting that's gone tell me no complaints you're lucky I got lots of complaints you're not so lucky huh got an errand to do for mr. Gordon very attractive woman mrs. Gordon [Music] what's the pitch mister I want to know who our Roy Clark is you talk and I keep my mouth shut about you and Gordon's wife you don't I talk well you're crazy how would I know where he is you chauffeured him around plenty in this fancy car didn't you so what I take lots of people around okay Tony you better start running because Gordon's gonna get a phone call open the door no wait a minute look I'm giving it to you straight I don't know where he is they tell me Gordon's a real tough boy maybe Pat knows whose pant Feeney was sweet at the anchor Club in Hollywood I've got to morph every not almost what does she look like this Pat blonde wears a charm bracelet Roy got her you know the kind with them animals and coins and things hanging off of it would you join me for a drink oh no I'm Brad Runyon and what would you like the usual you're the first thing I've seen in California lives up the advertising waiter yes sir same thing again you get used to working in a place like this Fred I wonder why you feel at home dance oh well I guess so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I put all my cards on the table Pat you can help me if you will how tell me about Roy his habits what does he think about tell me all about him why should I because I think you're just as anxious to find him as I am what makes you think so there are lots of fish in the sea maybe doesn't want to be found I think you got it all wrong sweetheart I also think you got it bad you ever think he might be in trouble need help well why don't we help him that all right what do you want to know everything right from the beginning you couldn't really call it a beginning first time I met Roy it was more like the finish for me I was pretty much convinced everybody had an angle I didn't know who to trust how about it baby beat it chiseler you didn't always talk this rough let go let me go lady says goodbye what's it to you baited alright alright tonight Narmer sure help yourself what's your angle you owe me nothing it's not even thanks [Music] I'm sorry buy me a drink no mind if I bring mine over here it's a big boy [Music] friends why not I'd only known Roy short time but it was a lifetime for me God so I took him for granted I guess maybe it's because we were both lonely needed someone to trust I'm waiting for Roy look if he was coming he'd be here by now I'll lock up suit yourself all right good night her I see you Phil you're a light I got tied up until 3 o'clock you could have called maybe I could have but I didn't look baby there's no strings on me I do what I like and the same thing goes for you I didn't mean it that way Roy I thought maybe you were hurt or something I can take out myself pen well I wouldn't even know where to call you you can always call this number my message you'll get to me okay okay now let's get out of here I thought we had a date that was last night well it's time anyway you're here we got music [Music] I saw Roy almost every day after that but he never talked about himself until that Sunday we went to the zoo back east when I was a kid some fellas I knew raised pigeons up on a rooftop I used to wonder about those birds what Roy what did you wonder what it's like to have wings did you ever find out don't I can tell you Roy anybody can get off the dirty streets if they want to you got every reason right you up there with those birds I was just thinking they're all dressed up can't go anywhere where would they go Roy the Helms here I knew a pigeon once he used to beg crumbs in the park they wouldn't swap places with these fellas he didn't like being caged up come on let's get out of here you're a funny one you have more moods than anyone I ever knew I talk too much and I still don't know anything about you how about a picture those things kill Duke eyes about a great big smile come on you can do better than that that's in turned out that little pin type we took at the zoo was our wedding picture because Roy asked me to marry him fraid you what are we waiting for Pat there's something I gotta tell you you don't have to everything begins now right now I did time in state prison for six years I've only been out a short time I love you Roy where are you gonna do it or not that was on Sunday the following Thursday was gone I found that number he'd given me sunset three three to nine eight yes he said he'd gone out of town suddenly you never got a message a letter or anything no I guess that was just his way of calling it quits ten times I got ready to leave get out of here go home to Kansas anything then I got to thinking suppose he'd come back wouldn't find me so I just sit here waiting that picture you had taken at the zoo have you got it it's all I have left Brad I'll see you get it back it might just give me a lead yeah you're up that's your friend Roy Clark all right only we knew him as race Shevlin he got his record thanks Bob ray Shevlin Elias Roger Considine six months reformatory 1935 for disturbing the peace stolen car 1938 suspended sentence Brookfield racetrack robbery 1944 five to ten in state's prison well that Brookfield job was quite a thing you remember that Begley we were never sure how many were in the caper but part of the mob made a nice clean getaway with more than half a million and untraceable bills half a million you know one of them was killed I forget his name he was the Inside Man and Roy Clark was wounded and caught when did he get out April 3 four days later he shows up in Beverly Hills with a toothache and broke doesn't have that does it what do you suppose happened to his share of the half a million they got away with we find him we'll ask him I can almost give you the answer right now Gordon that's why Clark beat it to him first thing that's why Gordon gave him a car and a steak you think Gordon was part of the caper exceptin except why some innocent little doctor was tossed out of an 18-story window yeah that's where the arithmetic doesn't total up I only knew a little more about Clark his habits his friends we might get a pattern to follow well under behavior it says here he cooperated he got along well with his cellmate there's so much what was his name Dietz Dietz actor some kind maybe the probation officer can tell you where he is well if he can't and the Actors Guild can they luck thanks so long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's go back good luck hello boys all right which one of you characters is a said deets he is oh hello it my name is Runyan I'm a detective well now what it's over I did I just wanted to find out something about your ol roommate upstate you mean ray Shevlin yeah I think he's in trouble and you may be able to help him you see her sit down mr. Runyan Thanks all I can say that he was a nice kid he feel the same way about you he had no other choice we were stuck with each other for almost six years hadn't have been for me telling him jokes going through my routines Heda never made it the first time he opened up was the night we were giving his show for the boys but it was in the wings helping out with the lights [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're graded just great thanks ray you should have seen me on the circus I will someday when you do be smart stick to the straight and narrow I won't have to take chances anymore I'll be eating off the fat of the land my pals will see to that pals they're no pals of yours it's coming to me they left my cut waiting when I get out maybe even more they're smart operators yeah smart enough to let you take the rap it was worth it six years off your life wasn't their fault in Turner all of the caper we had it figured out of the last detail even where our driver was gonna develop engine trouble to fix that carburetor Joe yeah hand me the toolkit what's the matter carburetor trouble posture give me a cigarette [Music] [Music] results the fifth race at Brookfield Park to win an abstract second furlong third within the for the win update 11:35 ATM 324 long 440 the place $3 to show within the four three dollars even next force 309 let's step on it we've got three minutes to make up [Music] where's Mike oh they shuffle all the crews around again some more of that safety stuff okay [Music] hi Ralphie so Lenny better still hang on hi Tim my pledge new crew right Mac breaking the boys in that's funny they never called us about a change in crews I'll have to check hold the load Tim Oh Pratt all the armored truck outfit get an official verification of a nuke rule will do regulations you understand we better get our identification card so thank you sickness is mine as I've done in your bag don't turn around and do as I say Wow what's the delay we gotta get moving take it easy Fletch we're just checking that's all start walking and tell them everything checks everything checks new crew set up all right Jim start loading okay okay Fletch it's all yours take your weight is where I signed my life away don't worry it's only money where's Mike all they shuffled the cruise again how can that be he found me less than an hour ago he was on his way down here said he was going to bring me some tobacco [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] they got away with over a half million dollars but Ray didn't get very far not with the slug in his leg did he ever mention their names that much he didn't trust me I get out before ray did haven't seen him since how about it you coming or not coming max okay well gotta go make some people laugh do you think something could have happened to ray I can think of a half a million reasons why something could have happened to rain you asked me you took it out of the oven too soon no one's asking you this time I'm the chef well I was only trying to help well too much crust that's the way we do it back home hi boss hi Bo I'll Pan specialty of the house I thought I'd show you the way we do it out here mmm looks well tastes even better suppose you wash up if you're going to you find out something amateur night boss I figured we ought to give some new talent a break you know it's good Mia what did you find out no time enough right there now bread it's about Roy isn't it it's not good news sweetheart give it to me straight you're promised all right I think his pals got rid of him everything points to it but why why what difference would it make to know why they had reasons go on back home to your people pan I can't sure you can I'll keep at it until I know without a doubt it's the best thing Pat if Roy's alive he'll come harlot bread you say sir I guess I just don't write being happy sure you do to get it just wasn't in the cards your foods getting cold [Music] let me know when you find out who did it so long [Music] why'd you wait all this time you could have called me down from Las Vegas before this two reasons one I didn't know how far running would get and two phones can be tapped we've come a long way gene will a JIT why should anyone want to tap our phones he's still only gonna happy I don't need that $200 suit all muscle and no brain okay so I'm a hooligan but that fat bozos getting in our hair it calls for a little muscle only if we have to how long we gonna wait that depends on jane addams and what she has to say okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. rangoon suite please mr. Runyon I've got to see you right away I know who killed dr. Bromley come up [Music] [Music] well mr. Runyon yes bill wanted me to tell you he's out hunting up some new places to eat its death due to strangulation but why did he want to kill her same reason the doc was killed you want to see her no thanks the body I want to see is ROI clients well you forget we're not looking for Clark out here you are now if he was picked up unidentified missing persons would handle it no record on Roy Clark or Shevlin you ever figure he may not be dead I figure everything until I know for sure let's see Roy disappeared on April 20th on a Thursday how many bodies were brought in between the 20th and 23rd April 23rd five how many were identified three give me a rundown the other two one female suicide on mail truck smash up burned beyond recognition any medical report Ella man was over six feet tall had dark hair hey Clark had dark hair and he was about that size too so my my hair dark now here's an interesting note a truck was stolen from us trucking company oh that's great now Clark steals himself a truck and sets himself on fire look I've got a desk full of work let me know when you hit on a better idea I'll do just that sweet aren't this looks like a nice one Just Peachy don't you feel well never felt better yes I'll take this one you know this is the favorite with little boys well I'm a big boy madam I'll take this one very well but the other one has real headlights well so you got yourself a truck now what are you gonna do with your toy play exhibits a B C D and E one wooden toy truck several sheets of paper a toothpick a match and a highly combustible lighter fluid everything is here everything but the man in the white coat in the straitjacket but there's a method to my madness observed here we have a truck the sort of a truck in which mr. Roy Clark man he's dead in here cargo that the trucks carry and here Oh may i one else tooth Hey and that gentlemen is how Roy Clark perished and this this is the reason why dr. Bromley and the nurse were killed Roy Clark's teeth the one thing fire can't destroy oh it's been a tough day Brad see if you can take it slowly alright then from the beginning the minute Clark was sprung he made a beeline for his pals to man his share of the loot they figured was cheaper to kill him and eliminate the one person who could finger them for the job reasonable sounds reasonable thank you but a phone call from a dr. Bromley threw them for a loop it seems he had taken x-rays of Roy's teeth and such x-rays could identify Clark as you know yes well go on so they broke into the doctor's office cleaned house and then followed him to New York where they got the other x-ray and knocked off the doc thus eliminating the last connection with Roy's murder well why kill the doctor they had already destroyed the x-rays because the doctor could identify his own work on Clark and as for Jane she must have seen the killer back east and then recognized him out here now do you find any holes in that chain of events holes no but there's no evidence either that's right no evidence yet later lieutenant later come on bill we're going over to u.s. trucking alright boss sure I remember the truck in question two tons of 8 years old who gonna steal a jalopy like that it was a honey just how to repaint it the driver room he's always around I'm stuck with him like Texas pinky pinky my brethren though how do you do hi mr. Runyon here is investigating the case he wants a rundown on that stolen truck yeah how did it happen Peggy right outside the job how do you like that for nerd I'm just finishing off a low working hard you understand I love this trunk out of the house heavy it was too yeah give me a strain I get it up on the truck and cover it over neat like and then I go back into the house for the next load that's all brother they serve no you stupid two-ton job just repaint it and me standing there with a guy my face only to my brother-in-law these things happen what's the matter I got immunity or something where was the truck picked up North Hollywood two hours later when I think of what the guy looked like behind the wheel it burned burned like a little like a marshmallow you can imagine how my sister felt till she knew it wasn't pinkie I'm not sure she wasn't disappointed you got no right to talk like that about freedom I got no right it's my wife so I got a right right what was in the truck nothing nothing that's just that nothing worth stealing do you ask me that crook was nutty like a fruitcake theatrical costumes three trunks full belonging to a fellow named Dietz Dietz yeah e Dietz that's the guy he's in a show of it at the Greek Theatre on Los Feliz aunt dete ain't been around for over a week now just didn't show up for hours till one day did you check his home yep the Alucard hotel him and Dhir boulevard went there myself he just moved out without saying where well thanks Bob well gone disappeared vanished what's your guess I don't know you figured each just walked off or was taken off that's the question with Gordon's car correct William looks like he doesn't want us to find deets I can catch that monkey relax relax we know where he's going [Music] I'm forgetting stock down here now boss and spoil our little experiment uh uh still better than having your face spoiled you worry too much bill well why wouldn't I worry you going in there to accuse Gordon and his partner a murder they'll never let you out of there alive in which event we'll know we're on the right track sure that makes it all worthwhile ok if I'm not out in 30 minutes you can call Stark hello Tony how are you mr. onion lucky I'd say lucky you're such a bad shot now you're talking in riddles again I don't think so someone's been taking potshots at me from a dark convertible like you drive now what would I want to do that for lots of reasons maybe you want to shut me up or maybe you're just taking orders you got nothing on me fat man whoa all right this is an unexpected pleasure unexpected for sure but I doubt if it'll be any pleasure come on in have a drink no well the chip on your shoulder skip it all right it's fine Roy yet frankly Gordon I don't think I'll ever find Roy why not it's just a hunch you don't know Roy like I do I'm not a checking since I was here last nor roads lead to you so what I told you Roy came to me after he got out you also told me that you gave you a mistake and he disappeared on his own I don't like playing cat-and-mouse running suppose I tell you what I think happened when Roy came back here [Applause] [Music] even a cigarette tastes better on the outside listen that is the way it's going to be from now on right Abbi right you know that's all I kept thinking about for six years getting out and getting my hands on my share of the dough and I've bad it's time I live like this how much does it come to anyway almost 200 grand that makes it worthwhile come on pal my door yeah him he thinks we keep that gun at that was sitting around here yeah on account buy yourself some clothes and have some fun myself will take you around wherever you want to go thanks gene be seeing you so well right take care of our friend of course there may have been one or two little details that I overlooked so you think we knocked off Clark yeah you're crazy am i clean through well let's see what the cops think help yourself while you're down there give my regards to lieutenant Starck I'll plant it big huh okay sweetheart ambitious guy yeah too ambitious and what happens if Runyon really finds out well we're all right as long as our friend keeps his mouth shut suppose II don't suppose he talks of course I'm only a hooligan you're the brains but I say we take care of them okay awfully quiet boss you don't get it I just don't get it I don't get what that rat Tony denied shooting at us then eye tracking Gordon he lets me walk right out it doesn't make sense I suppose I would have made more sense if he'd tried to kill you huh yes that's what he should have do uh-huh that's just peachy [Music] something I missed I thought I had all the pieces put together there's one that's not there the missing clown sure date said dates you're right on the ball oh it's nothing really boss said where do we find him hey might just be his landlord has an idea turn right at the next corner see for yourself nobody's trying to hold on you're mr. Patel he's gone where he leave a forwarding address wouldn't he you tell me what happens if you get mail for him it's Uncle Sam's worried all I know he called in the moving van when I was out moving then thanks last week it was he came in to give us a job again see if you can find the order I'm looking I'm looking I'm lucky some brother-in-law I got my own family makes me sit here all night here's the order to be delivered to the ED dete circus in Tarzana we see that who moves it tonight gypsies thanks now you got everything straight I think so boss while you take a look at the circus to see what gives I find a phone booth call shifty and tell him what you want yeah and I call lieutenant Starck right stop over there I'll get that cab [Music] did you get it chuckling what's it for honey you make me laugh well I didn't get a marksman's medal in the Army for nothing right no animals around here yeah that's where you're wrong sweetheart I'm on my way to the circus you got everything straight a cinch boss see if you can find the window with my eyes color that's great but keep them open and watch for my signal when I stand in front of the window you get ready it's after I get out of the way shoot you got that after I get out of the way after you [Music] Oh mr. Runyon hello and following me it looks like it doesn't it come on in nice little circus you got yourself here in sure always wanted one just trying out some new makeup for the show sit down want to take off my face how'd you find me blockhead pure luck and a little figuring why is something important no just wanted to keep you up-to-date on Roy sure how is he dead no how'd it happen well it seems Roy had a friend this friend needed money and he had an idea how to get someone you got Roy Shirley keeper I want a cut of it or tip the cops don't try that you don't think I just walk in here without any protection do you all right suppose we give it to you what happens when Roy gets out that little detail you just leave to me all part of the deal I still think he's bluffing Am I if anything happens to me the cops get a letter telling them everything hmm smart boy right and you got about 200 grand ooh Roy all I want is 50 of it that still leaves you a nice little bonus I bought this friendly to get the money yeah yeah he got it all right and he also took care of Roy just like he promised how well he probably asked Roy over days house one afternoon knocked him out and got him into a trunk then in order to get rid of the body called in a moving van to pick up the trunk diverted the driver stole the truck and burned it to cremate the body you figured good did you also figure that nothing would stand in the way of me getting that money that was a chance to be to have a circus of my own all my life that's what I've been after so you're going killing nobody is that smart nobody I planned every detail then someone like you comes along and throws everything out of gear now take it easy you're sick ed but nobody's gonna let up on you me the cops Gordon or Stephens they wouldn't talk stop ed you're the one they're afraid of they're afraid you'll give them away they're gunning for you right now don't take another step I can help you but you gotta help me get moving now do you believe me these my little pals are out there and they're gonna kill you they are out there if you play ball it I can help you I'll cover them from this window you go out through that door you'll help me with the cops I'll do what I can it you're sick the cops are listen to me head for the other wagon and wait there [Music] [Music] take care of this one Phil please your boss beeps you haven't got a chance [Music] you should have let me know sooner I wasn't sure it was gonna pay off that's when I'm before you see to it hey wait a minute that guy's gone crazy in there we better move in from different sides okay [Music] [Music] don't be a fool DEET [Music] [Music] [Music] chant [Music] [Music] [Music] all my life I've wanted a circus of my own you to get it [Music] you know boss these California cows don't seem to put their heart in their work sure you won't have some coffee thanks I still have some cleaning up to do at headquarters I should have been a fireman more time to sleep hey how's that hotel cooking ball it's a murder just [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: D D C
Views: 513,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, public domain, black and white, black & white, oldies, classic, movies, 50s, crime, drama, film-noir, film noir, dentist's murder, investigation
Id: _KcEfihN5JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 28sec (4648 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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