♦Noir Classics♦ 'THE PRICE OF FEAR' (1956) Lex Barker and Merle Oberon

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The Price of Fear (1956)

Crime, Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller [1 h 19 min]
Merle Oberon, Lex Barker, Charles Drake, Gia Scala
Director: Abner Biberman

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6.3/10 (149 votes)

The co-owner of a racetrack discovers that his partner has sold out to a gangster. The gangster plans to take sole control of the track and plans to get rid of his new partner. The partner's problems are just beginning, though, as he finds himself involved with a beautiful woman who, unknown to him, was involved in a hit-and-run and is trying to set him up for the crime. (IMDb)

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this dog track is nothing to do with a story but without it there wouldn't be any story because a racketeers desire to get control of it said forces and motion that caused a man and a woman who had never met and were not likely ever to meet to converge on each other like Express trains and with the same result the man is half owner of the track honest altogether a decent guy his name is Dave Barrett they'll be frightened Dave this isn't a stick-up I'll let you in that myself in looks like I'll have to have the locks changed don't waste your money Dave you'll just have to get extra copies made for Frankie where did Frankie a day I get those keys and why where is easy from your ex-partner Lou Belden why is that this ex-partner catching on Belden sold out to a dare bingo I don't believe it believe it where's Frankie Adair right now get the intermezzo having dinner you saving a place for you let's go while Dave is on his way a lovely business woman is coming happily out of the nightclub she has devoted her life to her work and the greatest success of her career is within her reach and tonight she is celebrating Jessica Warren beautiful successful above reproach a woman used to making decisions and right decisions she's happy maybe have been too happy adding taught a fateful decision [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hello Dave sit down a mistake no thanks am I oh come on sit down Black Angus raising my my ranch high stakes in town and when I operate a place everything is the best you'll find that out David not if I can help say we're business partners now you say so I got a paper in here proves it signed by your former associate how'd you get Lou to sell out I think I pressure I didn't need the pressure he offered me a deal don't believe me ask Lou what's your angle Frankie nothing in my setup for an operator like you not the way you run it that's the way I'm gonna run it I'm not cutting you in pump beg for trouble Dave there won't be any trouble pull out now oh I got a better idea you'll pull out I'll give you the same deal like a Belden you must be stupid Frankie Racing Commission hears that you're moving in I've closed down the track in five minutes bailed who's gonna Front for me now who's gonna know my connection me okay Dave anything goes wrong I'll know who to thank I couldn't help it Dave you couldn't help now wait a minute so help me I get easy now look for ribs they broke okay so now all you got to worry about is me so help me I ever lay eyes on you again I'll kill you all right Dave get out of here I don't go for this rough stuff come on Lola buy you a drink [Music] goody [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're following us right mister I don't want to get in any trouble okay look like math here's 25 pull over and stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] operator give me the police [Music] this is Jessica Warren 600 Chelsea Drive I want to report a stolen car now I've had enough Frankie oh come on Lou do your good no more I can't shake it come on one more it's good scotch well what yeah just a minute boss yeah Frankie we lost Barrett well he spotted us and he ditched the taxi but we do now go back and wait for him at his apartment no Dave's no sitting duck he's scared he's got some angles to figure he's smart enough not to light any place till he's figured him you get the number of that cab I know the cabbie AC guy named Johnny McNab he hacks around a club a lot good I'll take off till tomorrow night enjoy yourself Dave's gunning for you Lou you think Dave's really saw her enough don't worry I'm driving you home myself got the back way my car's parked there [Music] what was that what [Music] we do [Music] it's okay nothing but a cat [Music] somebody fauna police randomized has been shot [Music] [Music] Jessica are and I love you [Music] the first I heard of this was when I saw it spread all over the front page of the morning paper my name's Pete Carroll I'm a city detective who gave this to the players I did why yeah lucky they didn't quote you lieutenant you got another angle Pete yeah Dave Berra didn't do it but betting on the dogs lately ma'am if you mean is Dave a friend of mine and the answers yes then where is he have you tried his home gym stop kidding Pete he didn't go home all last night nobody's laid an eye on him since he threatened to kill Belden who said he threatened Belden Frankie Adair about 20 witnesses all disinterested all in full possession of their faculties quote if I ever see you again I'll kill you unquote that doesn't prove anything this wasn't their first skirmish Belden had been dipping into the till dave was pressuring him to pay up so he knocks him off to make sure he can't collect that makes sense to you another thing yet placed him at the scene of the crime you haven't got a murder weapon yes ringing believes me in guessing who's blasting runs hot shop down on Third Street sit over here mr. Velez meet mr. Blass nay mrs. Sargent Carol tell him what you told me I don't want to make any trouble for mr. Barrett lieutenant just because he brought a shotgun from me when yesterday evening I was just closing the shop when he came in how do you know it was Barrett sometimes I bet underdogs races so I look in the sporting pages for the winners I saw mr. Barrett's picture there many times well the light sign when he came in excuse me you're closing up the shop did you turn off some of the lights you could be mistaken but was dark in there good to be sure that the man was Barret yes I'm sure thank you why a shotgun they did the job I think somebody was gunning for Frankie and to get the wrong guy Frankie thinks somebody was gunning for both of them and he thinks that somebody was Barrett we're gonna have to pick up Barrett you know that don't you yeah I guess hold on stick around P when was he picked up on what charge take him to the interrogation room I've got Barrett in a Cell downstairs pick him up early this morning on suspicion of grand theft auto Dave Barrett a car thief well that's the wireless one yet hey Pete yeah Mon we've got the guy that did that hit one last night it's the car thief they're holding downstairs what yeah exhibit a fragment of glass from the scene of the accident Exhibit B fragment of glass from a light of the stolen car no it's a perfect fit also bloodstains from the fender of the stolen car match the victim's blood same type in our rare one anything else yes the victims watch stopped at 12:31 good work one say would you get to work on that buckshot that I got a building sure we got chosen white trouble she presses the charges I plead guilty and get a suspended sentence chances are she won't though after I get some pretty girls in your bestie okay look I didn't steal that car let's forget about the car from it talk about Lu Belden why was I gonna find out who killed him that's why move killed yeah but two hours after you threatened to kill Frankie was with him who wasn't much good but I say the wrong man got it wait am I they don't think I did it do thee no not anymore and hit Mun you did alibis hidden right look Sarge stop talking like a detective and give it to me straight me all right you ran down that old man at approximately 12:30 you couldn't possibly have driven from the scene of the accident in time to kill rubella but I didn't run down any hey wait a minute how good is the frame for the belt in killing it's very good so far if I know Frankie Adair it'll improve as time goes on come on Dave let's go miss Warren do you know this man no you ever seen before never miss ready have you ever seen this man no now I miss Warren according to your statement you left the Domino arrested approximately midnight and drove straight to your office it might have been earlier for certainly no later at 12 o'clock then give or take 10 minutes that's right how long did it take you to drive from your restaurant to your office five or six minutes there was very little traffic at that time you ordinarily leave the keys in your car it's it was a bad habit of mine maybe you didn't notice that the car was missing until you telephoned the police that's great thank you Miss Warren that's all nothing Bart we're holding you on suspicion of grand theft auto pending for an investigation of the hit-and-run the man dies he'll be charged with manslaughter but I I don't understand you mean that this man or whoever stole my car you get it all right how dreadful and you she's the victims daughter miss Warren oh I'm sorry I I feel sort of responsible you see if I hadn't left my keys in my card dr. Ferrari is still alive miss Warren when he tells his story it'll change a lot of things [Music] [Music] I know that mergers not gonna happen but the time to sell is just before it doesn't happen do you agree good then we'd hold on a little longer excuse me yes Mary that's mr. Barrett out here huh aye mr. David Barrett she says it's important all right I'll see him excuse me mister how does an I'll have to call you back don't be frightened swine I didn't break out of jail they let me out on bail I'm not frightened merely puzzled puzzled what about I don't understand how a man like you would steal a car well I'm just an ordinary run-of-the-mill car thief don't talk nonsense not with me well I didn't really steal it I just borrowed it because I because I needed it but I didn't didn't run down that man no but I'm going to find out who did good and what do you want of me well you might explain why you told the police that your car was stolen in front of this building because it was not by me I picked it up on a gas station on the other side of town but that's impossible that's right but it's true I don't know why mr. Barrett but I'm inclined to believe you thank you let's keep it our secret for the time being but if you were innocent I want them to think I'm guilty for a while now I am really puzzled I'm supposed to been in the act of murdering a man named Belden and the time for a knee was struck down murder I didn't do it the only way I could prove that I didn't to let them think that I'm the man who really ran for Andy down in your car mr. Barrett I hope you won't think me unsympathetic but you must understand that my livelihood depends upon my clients confidence in me it would be fatal if they should think that I had anything to do with a suspected murderer and proven car thief after all your problems are not of my making do you understand quite days then of the facts you willfully and feloniously quit the scene of the accident and wanton disregard for the life of the injured man and violation the law as a statute to this state would you say that this is an accurate statement as the facts in this case mr. bad as far as it goes yes anything you'd care to add do it at this time no any specific objections let's get this over just a moment captain yes mr. Mitchell the district attorney doesn't want Barrett charged at this time we have a full confession here waiting to be signed all right but you're free to go hey wait what's your hurry Mitchell you're gonna call my office Tyrell I haven't time to talk to you just know maybe you better take time it's all very simple we just don't want you to perjure yourself the DEA is pledged to protect the innocent as well as punish the guilty and you know as well as I do you didn't run down for an T what makes you so sure because you were on the other side of town on your way to murder Belden you really think you can prove that we've got 20 witnesses to testify that you threatened Belden's life we got a witness who says you bought a shotgun Beldon was murdered with a shotgun have you found the shotgun we will [Music] what are you doing here naturally I'm interested what are you going to do now well they can have a rough time finding the fellow that really did that hit-and-run otherwise there's a guy named Frankie Adair would have found him by now Frankie doesn't like my using it as an alibi any more than the DA does while they're looking for him I've gotta find a way to stay out of the electric chair well there's nothing you can do about it for the next hour or so is there I thought you wanted to stay out of this whole business I did but watching you just now I had to believe in your innocence and I want to help and besides yes I'm hungry [Music] good evening good evening welcome in of course thank you I'll tell you how it is miss Warren the District Attorney is pressuring us to get Dave off on that hit-and-run charge but I thought you were David's friend I'm also a policeman and being a policeman comes first even if means having your friend convicted of murder Randi's watch stopped at the time of the accident 12:31 he reported your car stolen at 12:45 but I told you I didn't know what time it was I reported it to the police as soon as I am mr. 10 after the accident why don't you come out and say what you're thinking all right Dave's not a car thief my dad was out to get him he stole your car to make a getaway he didn't even know about the head and run till I told him therefore he must have picked up the car someplace else after someone else at distance I suppose it's possible but I still don't see one what would you say the odds are in a car being stolen twice in one hour I've never computed them hello Jessica sorry I'm late say what's going on here miss Warren will tell you all about it Dave wait a minute Pete I want to talk to you all right my colleagues down at headquarters have just torn your apartment to pieces in the last stitch of it to find that gun that killed buildin they've got all of us to search everything whose brainstorm is this district attorney he figures all he needs to nail you for that killing is the shotgun yeah how do you figure it that depends on where we find the gun good night miss Warren good night Dave Pete Jessica what is I feel terrible you look beautiful sergeant Carroll thinks I ran down that poor man did he say that not in so many words he suspects me Jessica look at [Music] did you do it no I didn't that's good enough for me [Music] and what about you I've got enough when I need it I was in a taxi at the time and I know the drivers name well then why haven't you can also place me within shooting distance of Belden that's why I'm saving him till I need it are you sure he'll recognize you he recognized me all right I tipped him $20 in his name's McNab you don't seem very pleased oh I am really I am but don't you see that when you're clear they'll come right back at me [Music] Jessica listen to me if I ever thought I'd be standing here in my right mind with two sets of bloodhounds on my trail for two crimes I didn't commit I'm not minding very much when you look at me the way you are right now you've got nothing to be afraid of stop worrying promise no trust me I can handle Pete thing that bothers me is [Music] do I know how to handle you yes ma'am what can I do for you I'm looking for a driver named McNab McNab everybody's looking for McNab so McNab turned his cabin last Friday and he never came back I tried to call him but he moved out he left no forwarding address that's all I know would everybody mean mr. Frank Adair Frank your dad do you mean the big wheel look I would make it worth your while if you could find mr. McNabb for me if I do where can I reach you I'll telephone you daddy gone I want to talk to Frankie dare just one yes I'm Frankie dare yes you and I have a few things to talk over miss Warren what on earth could you and I possibly have to talk on mister there should I go into detail not here get it go for a drive Oh quite a girl Jessica thank you oh don't worry I wasn't about to make a pass that's very kind of you don't get me wrong I'd like to but with me business comes first you know we've got an awful lot in common Jessica Oh hmm such as a powerful itch to locate a character named McNabb McNabb oh don't be cute yeah like I say we both want McNabb you want him to clear your boyfriend of that hit and run why it's okay with me I like it that way once he's clear of that I've got all the evidence it takes to send him up for the Beldon murder he didn't kill Beldon you know it you didn't pull that hit-and-run he you say something hello I get it an insurance policy I don't know what you're talking about stupid me no I thought you were betting on the wrong horse and all the time you want Barrett sent over for that hit and run don't you you want McNabb kept quiet don't you did I say that oh you don't have to uh Jessica you and I are gonna do business together yet watch and see that depends on which of us finds McNab first no matter who finds him first he's mine you want to stay pretty stay in business better make a note of that you must have a lot of money in that Greyhound Trek oh not the money I just don't like people that get in my way mr. Adair if David were convicted for manslaughter that would put him out of your way for a few years wouldn't that be enough that old man might just recover never thought of that he hasn't regained consciousness they don't expect him to last the night mm-hmm no I preferred capital punishment it's so nice and permanent it's getting chilly don't you think we ought to be going back let's change places sweetheart I don't trust your driving as Warren's Farben that's right smart person oh well just put it that these yes some flowers just arrived for you miss Warren how nice water please miss Warren inne yes she is mr. Barrett I'll tell her you're here thank you it's alright Alva what a nice surprise I thought you might like to go to the races in this lonely afternoon I'd love to you'll take me a moment to get dressed Oh your flowers just arrived what are they roses your guess is as good as mine what does it mean [Music] eight I mean Jessica Warren's apartment someone just sent her a shotgun hold it Jim yeah anybody sending the tip and a beldam Erdogan yeah anonymous said we'd find it in Jessica Warren's apartment probably some crackpot but I'm sending over a couple of men just in case I'll hold them I'll handle it hello Dave yes Pete I'll be right over [Music] that's what it came in yes I'm afraid I'll have to take you downtown miss wine you'll have to make a full report on this look Pete it's such an obvious plan what's to be gained by dragging your name through the headlines maybe putting her out of business just to make something official that you already know I'm sorry Dave but I have to my book says you have to what do you say there's wine if you will mail me a signed statement I promise not to use it unless I absolutely have to that's fair enough it's more than fair sergeant Carroll thank you all right bye miss one see you Dave oh say Dave comb at the office in the morning I've got an idea okay fine goodbye [Music] Thank You Danny [Music] good morning pop why do you always come here Oh already I got enough trouble because of you know what's eating you what's eating me you asked you stay here all day the police spy on me at night followed everywhere we love you see what doesn't should happen to you hey you got anything to read back there yes a newspaper Thanks this is a foreign newspaper you think I'm illiterate I'm sorry excuse me please that's okay pop I got some magazines out in the card what can I do for you I sell a gun here maybe where you get this solitude nice Friday evening to whack you know me well enough to identify me to the police what you want mr. Barrett are you sure that's the gun you show me yes we really bought that shotgun mr. Bosley I don't want to make troubles for anybody who bought it you did mr. Barrett you swear to that I talked to the police it's all me blast me I'm the one you talk to it headquarters okay I don't sit record that visit you can't say good enough to identify anybody now isn't that true Belleza hi look I don't know who bought the shotgun wanna Frank your dance boys I don't know I don't know was a Vince Brady okay you're on illegal business hold the names are in my books you can see for yourself I'm not interested in your books by lastly look in the back maybe you'll find the death in the back look at the back [Music] well now what state just lost a murder suspect you've got other problems object yes may I mr. Adair is on the phone all right I'll talk to him hello hello Jessica I got a hot flash for you your boyfriend's been clear to that murder charge are you sure sure I'm sure well then you won't be sending me any more prisons I stopped getting around we're partners now I'm decided to play things your way my way have you found McNabb no not yet but bad will be turning this town upside down looking for him now now here's what I want you to do get burned out of town see and then mr. Adair mr. Adair I thought we were going to play this my way now you listen to me my way mr. Adair okay keep me posted will ya Vince yeah Frankie I got a job for you the tail a warrant Dame I got a hunch she might lead you to McNab after I find him how do you want it quiet that's all just quiet that's very kind of it was sweet all in the day's work mr. Barrett thanks a lot hello honey I'm sorry I'm afraid we're gonna have to break our date this afternoon oh but I'm already and I miss you me too something important's come up what is it I think I found McNab hello Jessica yes but hold on a minute there's someone on the other phone [Music] [Music] hello yes David this is very important for you please let me go with you I can be of help I am a good salesman you know you don't have to sell me the address is 203 North 7th got it yes I'll be there in 10 minutes [Music] there's McNab yes my name is Barrett is your husband at home oh why no he isn't he is out of the city we come in Lena are you from the police no mrs. MacNab mr. Barrett has been accused of a terrible crime and your husband can help prove his innocence oh I see well won't you come in thank you please sit down I win sir I was just about to make some coffee would you like some no thank you I'd like use alright excuse me I guess we'll have to wait they say a watched pot never boils you'll have to excuse the condition of the apartment since Johnny left I seem to be too nervous to do much of anything is your husband really out of the city mrs. MacNab I wish I knew mr. Barrett Tuesday he went to the unemployment place and he never came home never telephone nothing have you notified the police oh I couldn't do that why not well he might have just gone off on the drunk and and if I put the police on him that's all it was well he'd never speak to me again I don't think your husband's just out on a drunk mrs. MacNab what have you heard is he in some kind of trouble you should know that well what have you heard mr. Barrett what is it did you hear about a man who was run over last Friday night you trying to get Johnny mixed up in that is that why you tried to find him well no wonder he didn't come home no mrs. MacNab that's not why I read here let me David why should I talk to you I don't even know who you are my name is Jessica Warren I'm in the investment banking business you have to be trustworthy when you handle other people's money don't you think mrs. MacNab oh excuse me imagine a lady banker handing all that money my my sure you won't have a cup mr. Barrett money seems to cheer you up a good bad accept my apologies I'm not really suspicious by nature it's not that I've been under such a strain this past week mrs. MacNab are you sure there's nothing you can do to help us find your husband well I knew I I would have found it myself but if he were off on a drunk as you said isn't there some bar that he might go to well there is one near here the Nugget but they haven't seen him thank you mrs. MacNab I'm sure everything will work out for the best thank you miss Warren good luck mr. Barrett they've gone how'd they track us down I wonder I'm glad they did my house $1,000 for a reason once a woman shows that your pockets she's got something to hide [Music] well I didn't know I had a guest my father is dead terribly sorry sorry an old man who loved this life such a gentle old man and you say you're sorry I didn't do it and I can prove it I'm sure you can a big man like you with money and influence and important friends but who is going to worry about professor Ferranti he had no influence no friends but a few students who loved him but I I won't forget and you'll be punished for what you have done I swear to it if he takes me the rest of my life [Music] I shouldn't have come here listen to me please sit down this is a murder now somebody might want you for a witness but keep quiet guys charged with hit and run you know he didn't do it because he's sitting in the back of your cab at the time but Shh keep quiet maybe I'll beat the rap anyway No [Music] and the next thing I hear that the hit-and-run victim is dead that makes it manslaughter for that poor innocent Slava was sitting in the back of your cab at the time I thought you said we should mind our own business I got to live with my conscience Ruthie well live with it then if you prefer it to me don't talk like that no don't you talk like that okay okay I think I'll take a walk where maybe I'll stop in at the Nugget for a drink no Johnny you had enough no stay here I'll bring you a couple of containers of beer how's that I gotta have a drink Ruthie all right don't go to the liquor store for you come on he's rundown on 2nd Street no you just sit down relax listen to some music I'll take the bus [Music] I'll be back dear before you know it [Music] mr. Barrett if you are finished what you had to say to me I will hello speaking who's this you speak up I can't I gotta talk to you mr. Barrett [Music] going out or just slipping into something more comfortable you know I don't think Dave's gonna be in much of a party mood tonight somebody stuck a knife in his alibi you mean McNabb yeah that was Dave's last chance you're in the clear baby well aren't you gonna thank me aren't you taking rather a lot for granted what I didn't ask for any favors I never do any favors sweetheart people do favors for me then you're wasting your time wasting time is another thing I don't do you're on my team now whether you like it or not or would you rather explain to the cops why you were trying to track down McNabb before Dave could get to him what do you want from me [Laughter] like I said with me business comes first and with me how about Dave Barrett strictly business Jessica good night mr. a dad just a minute you that's so fast okay sweetheart that's all I wanted to know for a minute there I thought you might be going soft it's your okay Jessica just stay as sweet as you are sorry I'm late I had a few things to do it's all right I'm not dressed yet come with me while I finish my makeup let's have fun it may be my last chance for a while what's the matter David an Abbe telephoned me this evening McNab yeah McMahon but I thought you what nothing I I was surprised that's all how did you know McNabb was dead how did you know I found his body was still warm when I found it well then Frank you there was behind it how do you figure that he was here tonight Frankie yes I was going to tell you about it later so much has happened today so it would seem David you don't think that I what do you expect me to think you know about the McNab killing before the body's cold who comes running to you it exclusive Frankie a dad what should I tell you why he came here tonight I think it'll be a good idea well the first time I saw Frankie a day he tried to force me to help him break your alibi for the Belden murder why didn't you tell me about it why do people usually keep quiet about blackmail when was the next time I didn't give him a flat no I told him that I would think about it I managed to hold him off until you were clear of the murder charge that was the last I saw of him until he came here tonight and tonight he told me that McNabb was dead and that you would go up for manslaughter and he said that if I mentioned anything about our conversations or if I try to help you in any way he would see to it that I went to prison instead of you go on he told me that I'd I'd done him out of one chance at you and that he wasn't going to stand still for it again and I met he seemed to go crazy and he started pushing me around and calling me horrible names I'm sorry Jessica if I stay here I'll take care of it mrs. MacNab where's miss ball what is it you want I'll tell her myself you killed my husband you're mad you killed him just like you stabbed it with your own hand mrs. MacNab if anyone's to blame I am miss Warren was just trying to help me well then tell me this mr. Barrett if she wanted to help you find Johnny why did she bribe me to keep quiet bribe $1,000 10 brand-new $100 bills I was frightened David frightened for you I thought if I gave her money she might help us she's lying and I can prove it here here's the card she gave me when she handed me the money tell him nothing I meant I meant tell him nothing about the money don't you believe her was there anything else yes you may be taken in but the police won't be sending you to prison miss Warren won't bring my husband back but Johnny was a good provider and you could fix it so in some ways I wouldn't hardly miss him do you know the penalty for blackmail in this state mrs. MacNab David please she's overwrought I'm sorry mrs. MacNab I'll do what I can to help but you listen never never embarrassed me like this again do you understand yes I think we understand each other very well pardon my curiosity but exactly what kind of help were you trying to buy me when you slipped through that thousand dollars I don't know really I it was an impulsive gesture anyway what does it matter now the man's dead sure he is so we're for Annie and Belden what do you mean by that I mean the police are gonna ask questions I'm gonna have to know the answers I want the truth Jessica all right I I tried to keep you from finding McNab because dad said that if I didn't he'd take care of you the way he took care of Belden so he decided to help Frankie send me to jail for my own good you've got to believe me David don't I ever wanted was to help you ever since that first day you came into my office why don't you know I don't know anything for sure anymore you know that I love you what can I do David just tell me I'll do anything I don't know I don't know what to do or think anymore you're tired your hands are cold come in sit down [Music] [Music] you ran down Ferretti I didn't I didn't ran him down ditched your car and reported it stolen or did you see me take it I saw you I was in the telephone booth reporting myself to the police what are we going to do David tell the police no yes Jessica no other way No who you must hate me that's not true I lied to you betrayed your confidence and now I've fallen in love with you it's too late Tony you told me sooner I was afraid David afraid you'd hate me I don't hate you you mean that yes I know I don't deserve anything else but to be left with nothing to feel that even my love for you has meant nothing well David I can't bear it can you forget the other things just for this evening and stay with me - I'm so afraid of stages again just as if we were two people in love would met in the ordinary way and had no problems at all [Music] just as if we were two people in the period [Music] [Music] [Music] David yes you're not gonna turn me in are you you're gonna turn yourself in David no no no wages there is I understand you're quite a girl Jessica David doesn't my love mean anything at all to you nobody loves a patsy Jessica at least of all on you thanks sweetheart but no things David David I'm giving you until noon to call the police [Music] [Applause] [Music] come in I couldn't sleep the house is so empty yes I know I'm ashamed I know you didn't do it I want to help you thanks a lot but I know who killed your father who I can't tell you but I have the right to know that's true and you still won't tell me not until tomorrow I don't understand all right yes David have you told anyone yet no of course not can you give me a little more time two days even one might help why I can't go through with it I'm leaving the country now wait a minute listen to me Jessica I've written a full confession for you my train leaves in half an hour Skylark limited cut to 40 drawing room be I have to leave may I ask you one question sure are you in love with Jessica Warren [Music] hello this is Nina Ferranti Jessica Warren and David Barrett are running away together what they're on the skylark limited it leaves at 348 I can't make it you've got to stop them yeah maybe I can beat the train to clipboard thanks miss Freddy who is it David can't do this Jesse why not we can make it it's no good what do we love each other it's still not good I tried 12:30 a.m. on October 26th hi Jessica Warren struck and injured Emilio friend you're going back with me we're getting off the table okay you win good girl can I have a drink where's the club time it's away trust me David yes nothing okay can I tell him now Jessica I'll keep them guessing I've been reading this to pass the time says here there's a southbound train it passes this one right after we leave playfully you're gonna meet that train day [Music] this girl just me I'm sorry David I can't help it [Music] I made one mistake I hacked it blindly David in a panic and when I wanted to stop it was too late because I'm weak [Music] try that door [Music] yeah it'll be easy all right closet lady the Catchpole I think I'll go to my compartment I think you better stay right here just slowing down it must be coming into clay port [Music] [Music] let me move [Music] [Music] where's Mitch his trip off I'm his relief man I know I'm new what's to say you're gonna have nice company huh gee I sure love dogs well I guess that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] you know that can be dangerous yeah there's a lot of legs that way Carroll homicide Thomas man let a woman traveling together by the name of Barrett and wine maybe mr. mrs. B nobody on the list of that they'd share cars all pool taking up the tickets yet not yet get with it we'll start at the back alright ticket sure see anything yeah he's a white about a mile down the road let's take a signal power we're almost there hey stop that yeah this is her stuff where's the clock oh it's closed for the night sure nobody got off at Claiborne odd what's up there it's a baggage guy conductor I'm worried my dogs in the baggage car and he gets train sick I can hear him barking not to those doors I'm sure I heard him alright madam to make you feel me better I don't meet you this is Harry about that dog you've got in there see okay baby's hungry skip my biscuit okay dog is okay but thank you where's the little something funny in there that wasn't [ __ ] voice [Music] I'm over [Music] all right now [Music] Jesse y-you saved my life I must love you more than I thought [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Rob W
Views: 703,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: B-movie
Id: 5hjm8nejhPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 32sec (4772 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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