PS5 vs Xbox Series X - After 5 Months of Use!

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[Music] i've been using both the ps5 and the xbox series x for the past four months now so massive thanks to both sony and microsoft for sending these early units i got a chance to finish a bunch of games on these consoles i've spent dozens of hours with each and now i'm ready to give you guys my final thoughts as to which one you should go for in this video i'll be covering the design the controller games ui special features and value and giving you guys my thoughts on each of these after again using these for the past four plus months now something that i will not be covering as i've already discussed those in the previous videos also we're giving away a ps5 this box is so gigantic so this is actually for a giveaway that we're doing and um yeah if you want to participate in a giveaway by the way that's the disc version so same as this one uh all you have to do is to be a subscriber of the channel and follow on instagram as an of tech and leave a comment on this video saying what is your favorite playstation game alongside your instagram handle so that we can check that you're a follower the giveaway will end in four weeks so you have a month to enter this and the winner will be announced in a pin comment on this video and also uh on instagram by a story but now without any further ado just get those snacks ready and enjoy the ps5 versus the xbox comparison [Music] starting off with a design i gotta say i do actually like both a lot so the ps5 looks more like a console from the future with its spaceship style design and the led strip not even to mention the extreme attention to detail that sony has given it the xbox series x on the other hand looks more strapped into the present but it still has a very modern look i do like the black monolithic look that it has as it's very clean and very industrial i also like the fact that the xbox looks good in both vertical and horizontal orientation whereas the ps5 only looks good when it's standing up as when you put it on its side the disk version at least looks quite odd when it comes to build quality there is no comparison the xbox is built like a tank it feels premium it's screams quality whereas the ps5 actually feels cheap the plastic feels flimsy and thin the glossy middle gets scratched super easily and yeah build quality wise the xbox takes this one by far i also like that the xbox is smaller for example i can easily put my xbox in my tv cabinet whereas my ps5 barely even fits so i gotta say if you count the build quality and the size in this design equation the xbox series x takes this one moving on to the controllers i've used both of these quite heavily and there's absolutely no comparison the ps5 dual sense controller just obliterates the xbox controller first the dual sense has some absolutely incredible haptics the xbox controller just vibrates but a ps5 controller gives you actual haptic feedback so this is very similar to how on android phones you have haptic feedback for when you're typing but on the really cheap ones you can hear the vibration motor rattle inside your phone and the experience is just horrible but once you get to more high-end ones the haptic feedback literally gives you the impression that you're pressing actual keys on the display and it's literally the same thing with the xbox and the ps5 controller the best place that you can test this is in astros playroom which is a free game that comes pre-installed with your ps5 and the haptics are so good that you can feel individual droplets of rain hitting your fingers spider-man models morales does kind of use it to the point where you can kind of feel the punches but nothing to the extent of astr's playroom now the second reason why the ps4's controller is miles better is when it comes to the triggers so while the xbox controller does give you vibration feedback inside the triggers the ps5 controller also has adaptive triggers meaning that in some games the triggers will have different tension levels and this surprisingly does work in more games than i expected it works in astros playroom of course but also in spider-man when you're swinging across new york city in black ops cold war when you're shooting a gun and yes each gun will have a different trigger feel in hitman 3 you can feel the tension before you're about to throw a coin or fire weapon a lot more games support the adapter triggers than the haptic feedback which i found quite interesting then third the ps5 controller also has a built-in speaker which you might think is pretty useless but as a matter of fact it actually adds to the immersion as you don't necessarily hear the same sound as on your tv but instead you only hear the sound effects in astros playroom for example you can hear how the droplets of water hit your finger and then you can also feel them thanks to the haptic feedback all of that is coming from the controller itself whereas on the tv you will hear the storm and the rest of the game music also if you're in a party you can hear the voice chat through the controller and you can even respawn because yes number four the ps5 controller also has a microphone which the xbox lacks by the way you can disable this via the mute button if you want and number five the ps5 controller also has a touch pad which some games do actually take really good advantage of and for the ones that don't it actually acts as a menu button as the touchpad is fully pressable the xbox controller has none of that number six the build quality remember how i said that a ps5 feels cheap when compared to the xbox well this is actually the opposite when it comes to controller the xbox controller feels to me like cheaper plastic and less refined overall when compared to the ps5 controller however there are two advantages that the xbox controller does have over the ps5 and the first one is actually comfortability so while i do find the ps5 control to be far more comfortable than the ps4 one it is a bit too big for my hands and it's a bit too fat the xbox controller fits my palms perfectly so i do find it more comfortable because of that and second the xbox controller doesn't have a built-in rechargeable battery like the ps5 controller does which is actually a downgrade but in one way it is actually an upgrade for example i'm actually using my old apple rechargeable batteries i always have two on the charger and two in my xbox controller and when the controller dies i simply swap them out and there you go in seconds i am ready to go with a ps5 controller if i don't have a spare controller i have to plug it into a wall charger that's close to my sofa to be able to continue playing now you do have to buy a rechargeable battery separately for the xbox controller but you can also buy microsoft's own kit but that one costs 38 pounds in the uk which is almost the entire price of a brand new xbox controller in itself but anyway overall the ps5 controller is just light years ahead of the xbox controller however there have been some reported issues with the dual sense controller in terms of stick drift which you might have heard about apparently sony use the exact same joystick manufacturer as nintendo who also had some pretty big stick drift issues with the nintendo switch there's even a class action lawsuit against sony on this even josh from our team had some pretty severe stick drift issues on his own controller so i can confirm that we've had it here too i personally haven't on my own ps5 controller but it is definitely something that you should be aware of so now what about the games which console has better games well this is where it gets tricky the games that i played on the ps5 were astros playroom fully finished it spiderman miles morales fully finished it like 100 percent uh black ops cold war fully finished a campaign and mostly played zombies after hitman 3 this is the game that i'm currently playing uh i'm trying to finish all the maps with 100 completion so yeah it's a really good game now the games that i played on the xbox were forza horizon 4. i didn't finish this one yet zoo tycoon so i played this one for probably about eight hours or so mostly because i was a fan of the original series and yes those were indeed way better and assassin's creed valhalla this is actually the game that i've played the most overall so i got about 50 hours of gameplay which is a lot for me but that game is massive and i absolutely love it okay so here's what you need to know if you care about first party exclusive games that you can only play on that console then go for the playstation and that's because microsoft's policy on the xbox is that you can play xbox games on your pc too and if you already have a powerful pc then there's no point in getting an xbox sony does have some amazing first party titles such as god of war last of us spider-man uncharted horizon wretched and clank and many many more which can only be played on a playstation however at the moment none of these games are actually exclusives to the ps5 as even the latest spider-man mods morales game is actually a cross-generation title which does also work on the ps4 but there are three very good ps5 exclusives indeed and those are astros playroom demon souls and the upcoming ratchet and clank rift apart those are not playable on the ps4 at all which means that they can fully take advantage of the ps5 hardware so if you care about exclusives then go for playstation however if you care about backwards compatible titles and playing cross-platform games at the highest possible settings then go for the xbox for example on the xbox you can not only play xbox one games but you can also play xbox 360 games and even the original xbox games while the ps5 only supports ps4 games not only that but the xbox sort of acts like a pc meaning that if you play an xbox one game on the series x it will automatically run at higher settings than when compared to the xbox one x the ps5 on the other hand will require an update for every single game to run better and here's what i mean by that in call of duty warzone the xbox series x ran the game in native 4k at 60fps on day one whereas the ps5 was only 1440p60 not only that but the drawing distance was far better on the xbox the shadows were improved and the texture detail far exceeded the one on the ps5 keep in mind this is this is before any update and that's because the ps5 needs a manual patch for these games to take full advantage of the hardware whereas the xbox does not now the xbox did actually get a patch which enabled native 4k at 120fps which is absolutely ridiculous now the ps5 also got a patch which increased the texture resolution but the rendering resolution was still kept in 1440p and the frame rate was still kept at 60. according to developers this is because the ps5 is still running the ps4 pro version of the game rather than an actual ps5 version and because of how the dynamic resolution was implemented in that ps4 version of the game with checkerboard rendering the ps5 just cannot run the game at a high resolution unless it is rewritten with a ps5 in mind same thing in cd skylines where the ps5 was running the game at 1440p or even 1080p to be honest as it was super blurry and these were the exact same settings as on the ps4 pro but at 60fps same as the ps4 pro however the xbox was running at native 4k60 now obviously once developers update their games the ps5 will match the xbox but most of the old games will never get updated so if you care about playing those games then definitely go for the xbox now if you care about current gen aaa games then these will actually run better on the xbox as this is a far more powerful console for example hitman 3 runs on the ps5 at 1800p resolution 60fps compared to native 4k 60fps on the xbox series x which also uses higher quality shadows when compared to the ps5 version not only that but iron interactive announced that the xbox series x will be getting ray tracing support in a future update with no word on when the ps5 will be getting this if ever so in terms of games it really depends on what you want you want exclusives then go for the ps5 do you want to play loads of older titles then go for the xbox do you want to play current gen cross platform games at the highest possible quality then also go for the xbox so what about the ui now which one has a better ui and here i actually do think that they both have a lot of work to do but for me at least the ps5 ui is better and that's because it is far easier to use the design is more streamlined and way more intuitive on the xbox you have menus on top of menus and the fact that you literally get ads on the home screen is just unacceptable to me oh and there's no way to actually remove the ads you can customize the home screen and just have fewer ads but some ads will always remain also i have a 7.1 surround sound system props to lg for saying that over but if i want to use that with my consoles on the xbox i have to literally buy a dolby atmos license on the ps5 on the other hand my surround system just works not only that but i found that on the ps5 all games supported whereas on the xbox even after buying dolby atmos the license assassin's creed valhalla still messed up the sound a lot of the times where my rare speakers were not working at all i never had an issue like this on the ps5 also the xbox ui is 1080p i have a 4k tv yet dui is 1080p now i know that most of you are probably not bothered by this but when you're playing a super sharp game in full 4k and then you bring up the ui it just looks off having this low resolution side menu right next to that 4k game the ps5 doesn't have this problem as the ui is full 4k but i'll tell you where the ps5 has a serious problem ui wise and that is when it comes to downloading games you see on the xbox if you download the game it will automatically download the xbox series x version of it and if there is no xbox series x version of that game it will download the xbox one x version which will automatically run at higher settings now on the ps5 at least at launch it would actually download the ps4 version by default unless you manually selected a ps5 version instead now they have changed it now so that the ps5 version is downloaded by default but you can still download the ps4 version on your ps5 which i think doesn't make any sense you should not be allowed to download a ps4 game that also has a ps5 version on the ps5 and in some games like hitman 3 which does actually support vr on the playstation you have to download the ps4 version of it as ps5 games do not have native vr support for whatever reason also if you want to chat with your friends on pc you can do that on the xbox but not on the ps5 the xbox supports third-party voice chat apps such as skype which the ps5 does not the ps5 is the equivalent of apple where you have a closed ecosystem whereas the xbox is the equivalent of android where everything is open and you can do way more things with it so what about special features is there anything that makes each of these consoles unique well the biggest feature by far is game pass on the xbox which is pretty much netflix for games so you pay 10 a month and you get access to hundreds of aaa titles that you can download and play at any time you want sony does have playstation now which is a similar service but that is mostly for older ps3 games and only a few ps4 games and it is also a game streaming service meaning that the quality is heavily downgraded you can download some games too but not all of them and most of them are actually just streaming only and all the titles are also a bit older rather than literally new releases like we get with game pass with game pass you fully download the games and when you have games such as doom eternal forza horizon 4 battlefield 5 destiny 2 fifa you don't even need to buy games at all the game pass collection is very strong and for just 120 a year also known as the price of buying two games you have access to hundreds of top tier games to play on the xbox which is i would say by far the strongest feature of the xbox and both of these consoles really oh and if you have an android phone you can play all of these game pass games on your phone on the go with an xbox controller the xbox also has quick resume which lets you quickly go from one game to another something that the ps5 does not have now the ps5 is super quick at loading games and it only takes about 15 to 20 seconds or so to load one but the xbox is faster here so if you're the kind of person that jumps from one game to another then the xbox is a better choice here now the ps5 does have vr support which the xbox does not but unfortunately you need to buy an adapter if you want to use the playstation vr and uh i've ordered mine you have to actually you have to reserve one you have to place your order for one which is free i ordered mine in november or in february and i still don't have it and since you have to download ps4 games to play them in vr on your ps5 it's pretty obvious that sony doesn't really want you to use the playstation vr on the ps5 yet we know that they're working on a brand new headset the psvr ii which should be launching in 2022 or so uh but yeah if you buy the ps5 it will be vr proof so to say but this one will not be when it comes to storage the xboxes offer you more as it comes with one terabyte of storage when compared to 825 gigabytes on the ps5 both consoles support external hard drives but you can only store previous generation titles there and not current gen as the current gen games do you need that super fast control storage you can expand that storage by buying the seagate expansion drive for the xbox or pretty much any m that you drive that has 5.5 gigabytes per second or higher read and write speeds for the ps5 so the ps5 does have an advantage here however adding an m.2 expansion drive is currently not supported in software this will be added at a later point in time so in the end which console is a better value well the ps5 costs 500 which is actually the same price as the xbox and for this price i would recommend getting the xbox as with game pass you get plenty of games to play most of which are aaa titles however the ps5 also comes in a digital only version for 400 which removes the ability to play games from disc but other than that that is a fully fledged ps5 now microsoft also has another xbox the series s which retails for 300 we do have one but unfortunately i cannot recommend it as it is pretty much a 1080p console in most of the games and for a hundred dollars more you can get the mighty ps5 digital which is significantly more powerful and it is way more future proof however the xbox does actually have a major advantage in terms of the price and that is the fact that you can actually get xbox all access where you pay 21 pounds a month and you get the xbox series s as well as two years of xbox game pass ultimate and if you pay but more 29 pounds a month you get a series x plus again the same two years of game pass included so in the end they're both great consoles the ps5 offers you the advantage of a better controller and exclusive games whereas the xbox acts more like a pc aside from game pass which is a massive advantage you also have the ability to play a large catalog of previous gen games while also being able to run those games and the current gen cross platform games at higher settings on the xbox but yeah let me know the comments which one would you guys pick and why and don't forget about that ps5 giveaway that i mentioned at the beginning of this video and give this video like if you have enjoyed it and definitely subscribe for more cool tech videos like this one hopefully it was i'm daniel this has been enough tech and i'll see you guys in the next one it's an effect signing out cheers you
Channel: ZONEofTECH
Views: 800,931
Rating: 4.6968489 out of 5
Keywords: PS5 vs Xbox, PS5 vs Xbox Series X, ps5 vs xbox series x graphics, Xbox Series X vs PS5, PS5 Disc, PS5 Digital, PS5 digital vs disc, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PS5, Playstation 5, ps5 vs xbox series x, xbox series x, playstation 5, ps5 vs xbox series x specs, ps5, xbox series x vs ps5, playstation 5 vs xbox series x, ps5 review, xbox series x review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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