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He should have test those items with a geiger counter.

A lot of those "ionic" devices are using low-level radioactive substances in them which produce "ionizing radiation". That wrist-band he's wearing may have powdered thorium ore in it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/troyemcintosh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

These kinds of products serve to remind me of just how obscenely easy it would be to make money off of fools if I didn't have this pesky moral compunction against deceit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/foss4us πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Positively charged electromagnetic radiation

Pffffft πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aceofspades25 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
that's not just bad that's criminal you're about to witness the worst product to have ever graced humanity but for some reason people are buying it and people are raving about it so the other day i was browsing for the best smartphone gadgets of the month and i came across this peculiar device mobile phone and wi-fi radiation harmonizer and i was not expecting the journey that this was about to take me on trust me this starts strange and just keeps getting stranger so what it says is that all your smart devices emit positively charged electromagnetic radiation your phone your computer that cell tower five miles from your house it says that this radiation causes symptoms like sickness dizziness or and i quote hot head syndrome and that the solution is this product right here it does look a bit like a sticker but there are some really strong reviews here my goodness i can feel the difference already the aching in my hands is permanently gone now my phone never heats up anymore it's permanently cold and i quickly realized that these radiation harmonizers are a much bigger thing than just this one website even amazon is full of them sometimes costing extortionate amounts of money but again with very positive ratings so i thought okay something's going on here are there any other products like this i couldn't believe it there's the ener band which apparently creates a harmonizing field of negative charge to neutralize the harmful positive charge there's the stellar dome which you place on the floor in a room and has been tested 100 effective against 5g there's anti-radiation bears plates that rejuvenate your food an ionic air cleaning wand and most curious is the geocleanse this seems like their flagship product they can plug into the mains and apparently harmonize the entire perimeter of your building neutralizing over 30 forms of noxious radiation and the reason this one is interesting is that because it's an actual electronic gadget in theory we could take it apart and see how it works or prove it's a scam so i ordered it in fact no i ordered pretty much every single product on this entire website and sure enough two weeks and 700 australian dollars later harmony was restored my order arrived and in it was a lifetime supply of protection enema bans stellar domes rejuvenation plates harry potter weapons stickers i meant radiation harmonizers and a permanently energized koala but i think what this company didn't quite anticipate was their customers having an actual electromagnetic field meter and check this out this is telling us the amount of radio frequency radiation in this room right now right now it's basically nothing because it's not next to any rf devices but if i bring a phone in front of it it does shoot up and check this if i then send a text message from that phone it goes haywire now this might seem alarming and it might make it look like the website was telling the truth all along except for the fact that almost all of this radiation is microwave radiation don't even think about throwing that which on the electromagnetic spectrum is even less powerful than the radiation of just visible light so much less powerful that actually the most powerful microwaves are only about 1 1500 of the power of the least powerful visible light rays but anyway let's uh apply this radiation harmonizer [Music] did it just start beeping as i put it on that's all good okay but what if we put the enema band on but maybe we need three of these products let's put the stellar dome down gotta get one of these rejuvenation plates under there let's get the koala in on the action what do i do with the wand vada cadaver and hey if you are enjoying this video then a sub to the channel would be magical but seriously i can't believe this like who do they think we are this is a stick of plastic it's got to be one of the simplest cheapest products ever to be manufactured even would be laughing about this oh shut up and finally we've got the geocleanse now the website does specifically say that it's been programmed to neutralize noxious electromagnetic radiation but tell me this how do you program a bar of soap well no to give it some credit it is a bit harder than soap it's more like a resin but the point is this plug 10 amps 240 volts it leads to nothing like i'm assuming if we just peel the sticker off [Music] that's the other side of the plug you know just to make absolute sure hammer geocleans [Music] okay yep just a plug [Music] that'll do and piece of plastic let me just reiterate i spent 180 on that it was backed by hundreds of positive reviews across many many websites but all it is is a block of plastic and maybe a fire hazard but it's only when i found the supposed science behind all this that things started to get really concerning welcome to the gift that keeps giving their youtube channel do you remember that product description that said it had been tested for 100 effectiveness against 5g well this is how that test was conducted they do one experiment without geocleanse which basically consists of someone prodding various parts of this woman's body and concluding that yep her organs are not happy with 5g and then doing the exact same thing again with the geocans plugged in and just concluding that oh yeah she's fine now that's literally the equivalent of oh guys did you know that i've got an iq of 690 look i'll prove it yep 690 it's not how you do a study but it gets worse they then start waving this rod around in front of her they call it a bio tensor and they're using the fact that it's moving in a circle instead of moving in straight lines to show that her body's being affected but i can literally see his hand controlling it to do that great experiment guys i'm pretty sure my cat has that toy he doesn't like it right now anyways just to make absolutely sure that all of this is bogus i decided to book myself in for a consultation so for the price of 50 they will search up your home on google maps and i guess based on what it looks like advise you on your current radiation situation so i created an account and i set my location to north sentinel island which is arguably the most remote location in the entire world it's actually inhabited entirely by a tribe called the sentinelese who are possibly the only humans on this planet to be completely without technology it's kind of crazy no phones no tvs no internet they still hunt with bows and arrows and have nothing close to a wi-fi connection so if there's ever going to be a population that doesn't have to worry about radiation is this one anyways my consultation boiled down to a series of emails the guy started by saying he loved the look of my island but couldn't find any houses on it no surprises there so i just sent him a photo of a random tent i found on google as my home and then after a few more back and forth like what part of the island i was from i got my answers now what i was expecting was for this guy to say oh yeah you're surrounded by 5g waves and that you should buy our products to save you wow and if you did say that then that would pretty much prove that they were making it up because modern technology doesn't even exist at that location but the actual answer that i got was far stranger i think this person realized who i was based on the email address i was talking to him on and then looked up photos of me and based on those photos came to the conclusion that my bio field has a positive charge and that because of this i have the epstein-barr virus or in other words herpes can confirm not true but also enlighten me how does one measure the charge of a person through a jpeg image of them what are you like scanning the pixels of my face with an electrometer anyways all of this just leaves one question these products are about as useful as paperweights to be honest that probably couldn't even keep paper down they're extraordinarily expensive and they're backed by science that feels less real than the entire harry potter universe why are people buying it and why are people liking it well turns out this started in the 1900s with a guy called william wright he decided that there was something called orgone a massless substance that was all around us in the air the orgone was central to life and that the lack of orgone was what led us to problems this idea stuck and then as computers and phones started ballooning tech became the enemy and algon became the solution and possibly the most pivotal and successful product in this lane was a pendant called the q-link and i've got one right here basically this thing claimed to change your life the box says it will give you more vitality greater focus improved performance better stress response this thing was praised by the times the mail itv and of course it doesn't need batteries because well the copper induction coil means it can be powered by the wearer but jordan was funny they used to say that the source of its power was a circuit board that they'd had printed onto earlier models except this circuit didn't connect to the coil or to a battery or to itself it wasn't actually a circuit at all which is why they then had to change the design and start including a little slip with every q link they sent which says no party involved with q-link makes any claim that any of its products are intended to prevent cure mitigate treat or diagnose disease you must not rely on any information provided as an alternative to medical advice that's only like half of it but the point is if you're already telling me that i can't rely on the information you're giving then how on earth is this still allowed to be on sale this is not a new branch of science it is literally taking existing science and making it wrong but this is where things get really bizarre because it was at this point that i realized that the issue is bigger than stickers and wands and pendants if you start searching for general orgone products you'll find pyramids with over 2 000 five-star ratings on amazon orgone generators which for some reason don't require a power source there's even a 5 000 5g fighter super big legit apparently but just look at the first seven supposed power ingredients of it polymer resin so plastic copper iron steel brass aluminium so basically what you're saying is i should just sit in my tool shed look i'm not saying that as humans there aren't things out there that we can't see and experience there probably are but what i am saying is that if i am sick then sitting next to 5 000 metal poles or plugging a bar of soap into the mains is not going to solve my problems but the reason that these products still work against all odds is that they convince people that there's a problem they establish themselves as an authority and then they offer themselves as the solution almost all of these product descriptions start with something like have you ever felt a headache or have you ever felt you had tired eyes to which of course people are going to be like well yeah actually i have they follow up by telling you that this is not normal and that the problem is either your phone or wi-fi or 5g or some combination of them to establish themselves as an authority a company who knows better than you and then they finish by saying buy our stuff to fix that problem you might have heard of the confirmation bias this idea that when we believe something then we tend to focus on information that confirms those beliefs so providing that companies like this can make us believe that their products will fix our problems then when we get these products we'll convince ourselves that they do like one of geocleanse's recommended tests is to plug it in and then put your hand against a fridge they say you should feel like a calming sensation to be fat it does actually feel quite nice but the point is it's got nothing to do with geo cleanse because they're priming people to be ready for good things to happen when they use their products then when good things do happen to customers then those customers attribute those good things to the products the only actual proof that these things work comes from customer feedback but that's a self-reinforcing cycle as more and more people leave positive reviews for this stuff then it's even more likely that the next customer is then going to also believe they work and then trick themselves into thinking that they're seeing positive benefits from them these are nothing more than extremely expensive placebos and while there is a time and place for placebo products creating the problem to then sell a placebo is borderline evil and i do not believe that whoever made this doesn't know what they're doing because you can't manufacture something like this you can't set up the factories and create the molds and inject those molds with plastic and not realize what you're doing disappointing is it just me or is cleansed meant to have an a in it if you enjoyed this video then i've got a really fun guide to crypto for people who know nothing about crypto and the smallest tech in the world up here thanks for watching my name is aaron this is the boss and i'll catch you next
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 3,045,949
Rating: 4.9516859 out of 5
Keywords: emf protection, 5g, scam, tech scam, tech, mkbhd, wallpaper crash, marques brownlee, 5g shield, 5g protection, smartphone, radiation, iphone
Id: wkReOA2nBn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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