The PlayStation 5: Five Months Later Review

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[Music] my name is tyler welcome back to nanotech and yes this device right here has been out in the wild and of course in my hands for five months now i want to give you guys just some of my thoughts some of the things i like some things maybe i don't like about this console and what i'm going to be doing is breaking it down into sort of chapters if you will so i'll actually have time stamps down below in the description which will then do it's a little auto breakup thing for you so if you have sections that you care about you can jump to those however if you do want to give me the full watch time help the channel out i want to be opposed to that as well so i will be addressing the stock issues but i'm going to save that for the end so if that's something that you care about that would be at the end of this video but first things first the actual design looking at this thing now for over four months and actually having people come over and take a look at it right it's not been many people given the sort of situation that we're still in right now across the country in the world but the few people that have came in they noticed this immediately whether they know about the ps5 or they don't know about the ps5 and during the like reveal of this that was one of the biggest things so many people were talking about right was the design you could clearly tell that sony was making a statement with the design of this piece and it obviously also serves some other purposes like airflow and all of that but it is massive if you're not familiar it's almost 16 inches tall it is huge so if you got in vertical format it's going to be taking up a lot of room i hope you got a lot of room between whatever entertainment type stand you've got in your tv but if you have it in landscape it is also taking up a fairly decent amount of room but the actual design has grown on me however when i did my ps4 20th anniversary unboxing i kind of got reminded of the size of the original ps4 and just the overall sleek design of the playstation 4. i actually just really liked the ps4 design more of course than the pro i was never really the biggest fan of the pro i mean it was just like building on top of the ps4 but just the ps4 had the right amount of aesthetic going on anyways yes a lot of people notice it like anyone that knows about the playstation 5 and know what knows what it is they're like it's huge literally they just go that thing is freaking massive and like one of my friends came in and they were like dude there's no way it's a ps5 and i'm like yes and he's like it's so big and i'm like yes yes it is it's uh it's definitely interesting seeing what people have done to make this work in their entertainment setups especially since everything was moving to be much smaller and then we got this thing next up though let's talk the controller the device that you have in your hand for tens hundreds thousands of hours right this is the thing that really takes you into the game the thing you get the most acquainted with with any of these consoles the first thing i will say is the dual sense is incredibly premium filling there's just something about it that it does feel a lot nicer than the dualshock 4 but speaking of the dualshock 4 i do still like the dualshock 4 a little bit more i think this is actually my personal favorite controller of all time i just something about size the design the feel i just i love this controller so much so i think as of the standing of right now in 2021 if you ask me what is my favorite controller of all time it is the dualshock 4. i think they just got it right but i will say going back to the dualshock 4 the first thing i noticed and i don't know if it's just the weight what it is but it does feel like just a cheaper product than the dualsense now i also will address this too the dual sense does have a drifting issue that of course has been addressed and has been several news articles over the last like month month and a half two months because unfortunately even as premium as this thing might feel it's still using the basic joysticks that you can get in pretty much any controller ever like there's just not anything special about those so if you're putting hundreds or thousands of hours into this controller you're eventually probably going to run into those issues and you may have to replace it and so forth other than that it does feel like a good and solid device now one of the things i noticed when i first went back to my dualshock 4 because again the ps5 is one of the best places to play it is the best place to play your ps4 game so i've been using my dualshock 4som2 again because i love this controller so much i noticed that the l1 and r1 buttons have gotten larger i didn't notice this initially i did i think just subconsciously but not like actively noticed it but they are larger and the thing is there has always been a gap between l1 and r2 or at least on the dualshock 4 right and the dualshock 3. they got rid of that gap and instead just made the l1 and r1 larger so it is just worth noting i actually like that they did that there's just more of a surface there to actually like put your finger on and press down with but such a small subtle change that i just happened to notice when i went back to my dualshock 4 after using the dualsense for several hours i know this is small but another thing that i really like is that they just finally upgraded usbc i actually thought they might upgrade usbc whenever they did the mid generation upgrade to the ps4 pro i thought they might be like hey we've made dualshock 4s with usbc but no they they continue to use micro usb it's such a small little thing i just i'm so happy that usbc is now here on actually this controller as well as the series x controller and as far as battery life goes i've been testing it for the last few weeks just kind of have a good idea when i'm playing a game that's utilizing the adaptive triggers and a lot of the haptic feedback i i'm getting about nine to nine and a half hours if i turn that off i'm getting right at about 10 and a half to 11. the advertised battery life is like 12 hours so that's pretty close to that and so it's definitely gonna just depend on the games that you're playing and like how much force feedback is having to give you in these adaptive triggers how much insane vibration is it giving off from the haptic feedback and so forth those are obviously going to play into um the factors of how long your controller's gonna last for you but i will say like this controller right here doesn't even have too much use on it as you can kind of tell it definitely does still look pretty new and it only lasts me about seven to seven and a half hours so they actually added features to the dual sense you know these insane sort of things they're supposed to bring you into the game while also upgrading the battery life of it too which was definitely nice so let's talk new features primary things haptic feedback adaptive triggers gimmick or not it's a little bit more complicated than that it depends on the game that you're playing so this week that i'm recording this we actually got the upgrade for avengers avengers the ps5 and series x versions finally launched they were promised at the launch of the console but now they're finally here i don't know what they did like with their settings in particular but they literally went okay they have adaptive triggers they have haptic feedback set the settings to 11. and someone's like wait it can't go to 11 and someone's like set it to 11 anyway it's so much that it definitely takes me out of the game like when i'm trying to throw thor's hammer and this thing is literally pushing back on me as if i'm actually trying to pick up mionora it's a little bit too much however when you hop into a game like spider-man where they obviously first party so it is a little bit different i'm sure they were really pushed to make sure that everything felt really really like tight and just great the adaptive triggers and the haptic feedback within spider-man miles morales has so far been my favorite experience with the controller outside of of course astros playroom but i put an asterisk next to that one because not too many games if any any game ever again will be developed to truly just showcase the controller like the entire purpose of astros playroom is just to show you what the dual sims controller can do but they do it in a really fun way and actually if you are a fan of playstation even if you're not a fan of playstation it's totally free and if you have a ps5 and you haven't checked it out yet please check out astros playroom i don't spend too much time on the controller i will just say the haptic feedback is great within spider-man it does give you like a sense of enemies about to attack you so it brings you into the game like that's kind of the thing with this is the controller is like that extension like the thing that connects you you to the game and so the fact that the haptic feedback within spider-man is is good enough to be able to tell me like hey this enemy's about to hit me on my left side or whatever also the venom punch like any of the venom strikes or anything like that where you're using some of his like more exclusive moves like you can fill those move through the controller in a way that i've never felt before in another controller like obviously the series x does have good rumble and stuff like that especially built into the triggers and you know switch has its hd rumble which is probably the closest thing to the haptic feedback within this the dual shock vibration from this doesn't even remotely compare to the experience you get with this so can it be a gimmick yes things like avengers obviously can it be great and utilize to bring me into the experience more and actually make the experience better and build on that yes because another thing that spider-man does before we move on talking about the adaptive triggers is that it gives you that feeling of tension when you're swinging through new york city and you can feel the tension in the r2 button from his actual web strings that is dope like it's just it's just enough just enough feedback from the adaptive triggers that you're like okay i actually feel like i'm gripping onto something right now versus you know on the opposite end of the spectrum picking up thor's hammer and it just just pushing back on you and is not that fun a couple other things that were fun with the adapted triggers were call of duty black ops now i enjoyed it more in single player and zombies because when i got into multiplayer it was just enough feedback that i felt like it was making me be just a little slower at shooting in call of duty a couple milliseconds can be just enough to be the difference between you getting killed or you killing them so i had to actually disable it for that but in cod it is still a pretty dope feature and it is still fun and i've showed a couple people and they actually enjoyed it themselves as well but it's just not something i would really want when i'm playing like the competitive side of the game because again every single millisecond can count and also too if you're not a fan of any of this if you don't have this yet or even if you do have one you didn't know you can actually go into the settings on your playstation 5 and turn the haptic feedback and turn the adapter triggers totally off so you don't have to worry about them period what i'm hoping for moving forward is that a year from now two years now three years from now we can see more of the first parties develop different sort of ways to integrate this controller in and make it actually like a unique experience that builds on top of the experience doesn't take you out of the game i have to be like what is my controller doing like it really just brings you into the experience and as those first-party developers do it then the third-party developers can kind of see what they did and maybe emulate it or even build on top of that and i'm not saying that third-party developers can't do that themselves as well but it just is more likely for sony to push the first party exclusives to want to include this in unique and fun ways and so once they see that they can almost probably copy paste and then maybe build on to it a third party developers can copy paste and build onto it and go from there i will be excited to see what happens but as of right now it's it's a very it's a very thin line of like this is really gimmicky and i don't like it or this is really awesome and i love what it's doing right now to bring me into the experience and with that let's talk ui okay so for this part we're coming over to the actual gaming section of my room to take a look at the ui and i'm not going to do just a total deep dive because i feel like there's plenty of videos out there that have been doing that but i do want to talk about some of the things i like about the ui some of the things i'm not the biggest fan of starting off with the fact well i am actually in the middle of avengers right now but watch what happens when i hold this holding down the playstation button right now nothing is happening they for whatever reason trained us on the last two generations of consoles to hold down the playstation button and then we'd have some features pop up like you know turning off a console turn off the controller all of that you want to turn off the ps5 you have to press the ps button one time so press that one time it'll pull up your control center which is i'll let you guys on the secret as to everyone that's been asking for this that's why they really want you to use this control center but you have to then press left go over to your power you can press right all the way over to it and then you have your options for rest mode turn off and restart i know this is such a simplistic thing but it really is something they had embedded into our brains for the last two generations of consoles and to completely change that i just i don't know i don't see why they wouldn't just leave that feature in next up and this is because the playstation 5 does not have a game resume feature like the series console on the series consoles you're able to resume up to a certain amount of games it'll leave them in a sort of like saved state and you can come back to them exactly where you left off but on the playstation you can't do that at least not yet there is an option in the control center that has there's a switcher option here you can see and you can see the last like things that you've been on and you can change those really quickly it is a nice little feature so far maybe in the future we will eventually have a safe state and be able to run multiple games at a time but the thing is is i'm in avengers as you guys saw but if i go back right now and i go home and i just accidentally press x on spider-man it doesn't ask you there is no like are you sure or anything it is now killed avengers so like imagine you were in the middle of like a massive fight in demon souls and the save point is like 30 minutes prior to where you were at but there's no failsafe at all and i've searched all the settings i couldn't find a single thing where you are able to actually turn it on and say like are you sure you want to start this game so yes i do think that is just like an oversight on their part and i'm not sure why that's not there and for people that maybe wouldn't even want that feature make it be just a quick little like on off switch in the settings so it is really confusing to me that those like two things we've mentioned so far are not there now on the flip side something i really like about the ui is that they have split out games and media so they are totally two separate sections they don't flood you don't have like netflix or disney plus or all that in this which helps keep the ui much cleaner and i love it one other feature that i absolutely love too is that the playstation store is just built in now it's not this whole separate app that you have to launch and wait on and it's slow and all of that is just literally right here like it's really nice that they went ahead and made the store feel like an integration of the just normal main home page as opposed to having to launch this app that takes forever to load and do anything with one thing the playstation 5 is lacking at the moment are themes and i'm not really sure how they'll handle them now initially when we got to see the ui for the ps5 i made a tweet almost immediately of looking at this ui i don't think they are even going to support themes because i think they're trying to kind of maybe step away from that because prior to you know the ps5s ui the ps4s ui supported them really well right because their sort of control center popped up and then you were able to see your theme a much maybe larger picture of your theme or a different picture from your theme or whatever it might be and a lot of the ways that that user interface functioned it allowed for themes to really shine through taking a look at how the ps5 works with your control center being just down here and then wanting you to focus on cards and just their approach to this user interface i just don't see where themes are going to come in play so it's very possible we never see that happen because then scrolling through your games they really want to focus on the splash art from the game like even things like ghosts and days gone i'm pretty sure they actually updated and gave them a splash art specifically for ps5 so this is something they're going to want to do moving forward so i don't foresee themes even having a place on your ps5 ui at all but i hope that they prove me wrong it's also worth noting that going back to record these ps4 sections just made me notice how much snappier the ps5 is even over the ps4 pro so i can definitely appreciate just that next gen feeling the playstation 5 has if it's snappiness in the ui and speaking of games why don't we talk games because like what 99 of people buy a playstation 5 literally to play games on it and something that i think makes this one of the best generational jumps to date at least as a playstation fan is because there's still so many great games that are releasing for ps4 and they all work and run their best on a playstation 5. they're not being emulated they're actually being ran natively and because of the ps5 having an ssd like a proper m.2 ssd very very fast ssd these games even if they don't receive an actual ps5 patch like games like god of war days gone goes to sushima they're still getting an upgrade just simply from low times alone now you could argue you could have put an ssd into a ps4 or ps4 pro but just because the way those systems were built they could not take advantage of the speeds of an ssd so load times would typically be almost unaffected by installing an ssd onto one of those consoles you might gain a second or two on load times but here on the ps5 there are some games you're seeing upwards of 10 plus seconds shaved off of low times on these games and that adds up a lot but enough about those ps4 games let's talk about the ps4 games that have actually received a proper playstation 5 patch for totally free we're talking god of war days gone goes to tsushima all of these games now run at 60fps with their best settings possible day's gone of course getting the biggest breath of life from this update because if you guys played desgon on ps4 i feel sorry for you if you played it on a pro even then you still were seeing insane frame drops because that game first off was just absolutely beautiful and secondly was just trying to do a lot with old hardware from the massive hordes of freaks to just driving around in an insanely detailed environment with a pretty massive honestly load in it was just a lot so now that they're able to utilize the ps5 power you're seeing this game and all of its glory running at 60 fps and it is truly an amazing experience now on the playstation 5 and of course god of war always looked good always ran pretty well it gave you the option to play it in sort of the better resolution and better settings but it'd be a lock 30 fps so they gave you the option to run at higher frames which still didn't target 60 fps it was just an uncapped and i believe that game would typically run between 45 and 55 frames you really were still never hitting 60 fps total on the ps4 pro however now with this patch you need the best best of both worlds you're literally getting this game at 60 fps and also at the highest resolution you're going to be able to ever play it well until maybe a remake comes out at some point or whatever and then goes to tsushima another one where you're literally getting to play this game on its best setting because on the pro you had to either choose between you know higher resolution higher textures or getting 60 fps and now you don't have to do that there is no sort of sacrifice compromise here you get to truly experience ghost sushima in all of its glory at 60 fps and the insanity here is that even though these were completely free patches they almost feel like brand new games brand new experiences on this generation of hardware and i'm sure there's plenty of people that haven't experienced some of these games maybe you're new to the playstation family or just never got around to them and now here you go like it almost even though the launch lineup of the ps5 had some strong titles it was still not a whole lot of titles and we still haven't you know four months in had that many playstation 5 and sirius x like actual games to play playing these games with these three games i mentioned with their ps5 patches do actually feel like playing new ps5 games and i think that says a lot for those experiences and then that leads me into playstation 5 games now i will say four months in you're not missing out on a ton right because a lot of these experiences are still available on the ps4 and the xbox one and stuff like that you know you're not getting the best experience on those consoles but as far as just the actual games you're not missing out on much right there's not been a whole lot that's just exclusive to play on the ps5 but i did mention it earlier my favorite experience thus far as far as a total next-gen package with visuals and load times and integrating the dual sense in a great way is just spider-man miles morales it is one of my favorite ways to show off what the next gen of gaming looks like to someone when they're you know asking about it and so forth because that game loads in from the time you press play to the time you're literally running around in new york city in 25 seconds or less which i think is just crazy and especially if you know you're talking to someone that hasn't played a game in a while hasn't you know had a console in a while like you don't expect that from a console but because we are talking about a console that has been built up with an ssd in mind these developers are able to package their games to truly utilize the power of the cpu and storage all working together and you're getting a much faster experience than you could ever achieve before on a console so yes spider-man i think is one of those that does truly take advantage of next-gen it is a shorter experience without question but in my personal opinion it just is the best overall package because even with its visuals if you guys haven't played since the launch of this if you maybe you're just kind of watching this and you actually have one they actually patched that game previously at launch it did feel a little bit like kind of a step backwards because you did have to choose between visual fidelity like ray tracing higher resolution everything else and you were going to be locked at 30fps or you could choose a higher resolution higher frame rates and you would get you know not the ray tracing and some lower res settings but since then they've actually released a lower setting ray tracing but still targeting higher fps you're still getting to experience a you know again a lower setting ray tracing but still ray tracing nonetheless and still hitting those higher frames then beyond that demon souls that is definitely an exclusive to the ps5 it looks great it runs great and it does load incredibly fast and even though i i don't think it utilizes the dual sense as well as spider-man it still does utilize the dual senses capabilities and it is still a really fun experience nonetheless now as far as third-party games i do think valhalla it does target high resolutions while also slating 60 fps so it's not a bad one but i like hitman 3. i think hitman 3 as far as third party and seeing these companies like take advantage of these new consoles hitman 3 is great it's targeting 4k albeit some of it uprez but still 4k nonetheless and still hitting 60fps is a great experience as far as next generation gaming goes and then the most recent game that i played on my ps5 because they actually finally released the next-gen version of it is avengers i actually didn't play that game at all when it released on ps4 even though i did pick it up at the time because it just didn't seem like the right time and i really was just looking forward to experiencing it on the next generation consoles and it's finally here and it actually is pretty dope outside of their weird integration of the dualsense controller the actual load times you can definitely tell have been handled very very well and the fact that you can actually hit 60fps on console with that game is definitely welcome and i want to touch on remote play just briefly because i know it is more of a niche feature but i actually think the more people try this out on the ps5 it may kind of gain some popularity because this is by far the best iteration the best experience of remote play to date which of course is what you would expect with the ps5 but it truly is now my personal experience with remote play of course dating all the way far back as a psp to ps3 which was very select titles and then finally they let us play the entire ps3 on a vita whenever it launched but the network cards in the ps3 and video just weren't up to snuff and it really just wasn't a great experience nowhere near one to one and it was more just like a thing of like you know this is going to be a compromise it's not going to be the best experience but you are getting to play your ps3 on a smaller screen on the go and others could like watch shows and all that and you could still play your ps3 then the ps4 improved on it and it was a better experience but still not a one-to-one experience but now here we are on the ps5 and it is the closest one to one experience you could possibly have with playing your playstation games remotely on a different device as you can see here i'm playing them on an iphone 12 pro with a backbone and i could honestly use the backbone right now as a controller to play on my actual tv that is how low latency this feels and as far as my actual network i'm not on wi-fi six or anything crazy my network is still wi-fi five um and i'm not running any sort of like top of the line just crazy expensive network router to do this so if you have a ps5 and you were turned off to remote play before because of a bad experience i highly suggest trying it out again and speaking of all these games let's talk storage that's our next section here it's a little bit ridiculous if you haven't seen this for yourself let me show you just how much storage you have available to you total 667.2 gigs now it's advertised as an 825 gig console when that was first announced i prayed that that was them telling you the exact amount you'd have available to you maybe it was like an actual one terabyte ssd but the actual usable space was 825 no the actual ssds total 825 and you only have once you get started downloading games not even 670 gigs to work with and when we're talking about games like warzone that take 100 gigs alone on ps4 and ps5 and plenty of other games i mean that's just that is not enough storage in the gaming space of 2021 it's absolutely insane and they still haven't patched it to where we can actually add our own m.26 into the ps5 now they have made that actually easy to do it's a very easy sort of process to add your own in once it is available but we're waiting on them to have like an approved list of brands and specific m.26 you'll have to install because as i mentioned earlier with spiderman i'm sure these games are being built and the entire like experience of the ps5 is being built on a certain level of speed so the m.26 that you're going to have to buy to expand your storage space are going to be very very very expensive there's a reason why they're shipping this at a certain price and only giving us an 825 gig m.2 sig it's it's absolutely insane to think about but we are still waiting for them to do that because right now like even filming this video that you're watching to get the b-roll footage am i having to delete games and install games which the network card on this is incredibly fast the playstation store everything downloads really really fast now it's very very nice and i like that aspect of it but i would rather not have to only have like 10 to 15 games total and that's if some of them are even smaller and then i've got to start like just chopping chopping games off the storage to make room for other games as well so i definitely hope that is something they patch very very very soon because as of right now the whole process of owning a ps5 and only being able to have this few games installed at a time is just it's just ridiculous and i feel like i'd be doing this section of disservice if i didn't talk about some of the future games i am personally excited for and that is of course the final fantasy 7 remake update i was super busy last year when it launched with the move into my new place and everything that i just didn't get the chance to play that game and so i'm so excited to play it on the ps5 it's gonna be the best place to play the game until it eventually releases on pc as well as ratchet and clank they claim ratchet clank is going to take advantage of the ps5 in a lot of different ways especially the ssd being able to load environments so incredibly fast something they haven't been able to do before so the whole rift apart section of the title will actually mean something and be meaningful and we'll be seeing worlds generate in ways that we haven't really been able to see before which would be really really exciting and then obviously horizon forbidden west and god of war ragnarok but i'm not holding my breath on either of those games releasing in 2021 i just don't know what it is horizon i think has the best chance of releasing this year but i just don't foresee either of those games making it into 2021 and then as far as maybe some patches for older ps4 games i could make the list go on for forever i'm sure but i'll just keep it to one in particular and that is i very much so am ready to see an uncharted 4 ps5 patch that gives us 60 fps because that game at 60 frames per second is going to be something special and the last game i'll mention here is resident evil 8 which of course i will be streaming live over on twitch a link to that will be down below in the description if you guys want to check it out that brings us into our next section which is amd's fidelity effect super resolution now if you're not familiar with this this is amd's answer to nvidia dlss which is essentially just a super sampling artificial intelligence program that allows them to take much lower res images and upscale it to 4k now the actual meaning behind dlss is deep learning super sampling so obviously rendering an image at native 4k takes a lot of horsepower and so what they can do is they can actually take a much lower res image like let's say something at 1440p and then artificial intelligence basically super uprezzes it into 4k and if you're sitting here thinking like oh well if it's not native 4k i don't want it no there are some examples of nvidia's dlss where it actually looks better and for sure as good as native 4k but it is much less strenuous on the chips and the fact that it is coming to the playstation 5 and the series x because when amd announced this they're doing it for obviously their future gpus but as well as their older gpus this does include the consoles because both the ps5 and the series x are built on amd chipsets and while we're here because this was just revealed rumored but the nintendo switch might be getting dlss as well so things like this are just amazing honestly for consoles because what it means is that when you buy this 500 device is going to have a much longer lifespan because obviously what we want them to be able to do is hit 60fps while giving us a beautiful image they could make some of these games even on ps4 hit 60fps but you're going to be playing it in a very very very low resolution right like that's just sort of there's always going to be like a give and take there you're always going to have compromises but the point of amd's fidelity effects and nvidia's dlss is the fact that they can still hit those frame rates that they want to hit like 60 fps while also still giving you a very good looking game so it's only going to benefit all of us in the long run the fact that they're making this and they're going to give developers the power to give us high frame rates give us high resolutions and everyone's happy so in the most simplistic terms this is huge for consoles and it's awesome that they're doing that and it will be awesome to see what developers can do with this technology moving forward and lastly like i mentioned way earlier i wanted to talk about the shortages of these consoles of course it's not just ps5s it's series x's and the reason behind it is a global semiconductor shortage so you're gonna actually see this outreaching into like car manufacturers as well as like phone manufacturers it's going to be a lot more than just consoles so my best guess is that you're not going to be able to just wake up one morning and decide i want a ps5 today and stroll into a best buy or go into and add one to your cart and just check out without being like freaking clicking like it's not going to be easy like that probably until 2022 maybe even later and i know that's not what anyone wants to hear but it's just probably the truth of the matter these are going to be in very short supply and in very very very high demand for a very long time because the thing is the ps4 sold so incredibly well and so many people adopted into the playstation 4 um ecosystem and now this ps5 is being touted as the best place to play those ps4 games well of course the brand new experiences on ps5 so everyone wants one right the ps4 sold over 100 million over 100 million consoles so there's a lot of people out there wanting to get their hands on a ps5 and they just can't keep up plain and simple so i truly don't think we'll be seeing these in stores easily get a hold of until sometime in 2022 and by the time they catch up we'll probably be close to holiday 2022 and they'll still be hard to get ahold of so i hope i'm wrong like i really really really hope i'm wrong i mean based on the fact that we're now leading into april they're still really hard to get a hold of and we'll be getting into holiday before you know it it's just going to be chaotic and my tip or some tips in case you're not familiar there are tons of twitter accounts that literally their whole job is to alert you when ps5s or series x's are going to be in stock things like wario 64 things like ig and dills i have links to some of those down below and follow them on twitter and then tag them for all all tweets and it does get annoying but if you want to be on a level playing field with the other people that are trying to get these consoles you have to do that what they'll do is they'll send out tweets whenever things like go in stock maybe sometimes literally that second and then sometimes you can kind of have a heads up they'll tweet out like hey walmart's gonna have some today at like 2 p.m or 3 p.m or whatever it might be that's going to be your best bet to getting your hands on one of these ps5s right now overall i love this console this is by far by far my favorite generational jump period there has never been a time that i feel like it's been this well done outside of maybe the ps2 but that was you know 20 years ago so it's just great that literally ps4 games run their best on the playstation 5 and literally it's all but like less than 15 titles that work it's fantastic i love this console i really do i hope that they fix some of the things that some of the quirks some of the weird things that are happening with it and i really hope we get that storage update very very soon but anyways y'all if you enjoyed this video as always consider hitting that like button if you didn't like you can hit that dislike button it is what it is consider subscribing as well we're trying to grow this channel as much as we can and i appreciate every single one of you that tune in and watch means the world to me you all have a great day keep on keeping on tyler signing off and i'll see you all in the next video bye guys uh
Channel: Nano Tech
Views: 41,687
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PlayStation 5, Nanogenix
Id: jtnP6fAsY8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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