Xbox Series X - Unbox & Setup

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so today we got a pretty special video because we have the xbox series x and it's quite exciting to finally have it after waiting for so long and this is also the most powerful console available today so in this video we're gonna unbox it set it up and play a few games alright so let's get started [Music] all right so the x series comes in this box and it's surprisingly heavier than you would think so we can see that they're going with this dark theme very nice and pro looking so we got 4k at 120 frames per second velocity architecture and the series x has the one terabyte ssd internal storage let's go to the side here we have some more information you can see a pretty cool picture here of the main board so we got the 4k 120 we also have potential for 8k output in hdr so you can see here that this thing is quite future proof and obviously you're going to have hdr in all the modes so xbox new generation velocity architecture will come into play as a newer games come out so very exciting to see that the one terabyte ssd we also have variable refresh rate compatibility and because this is the x series and has the disk drive you can play blu-rays on it so this is the back of the box and the other side so we have four seals and you can just peel them off but i'm just gonna cut them and it should open up check out that presentation very cool so we got a lot of soft foam around the xbox itself and even here on the top very interesting and unique packaging so this is the x right here let's go ahead and pull it out wow this thing is quite chunky and very heavy well i guess for how small it is it definitely feels heavy so we have a little power your dreams around it just a marketing and it's wrapped in this plastic protector here and check it out it's actually a box like a tower very interesting so we're going to check this thing out in detail in a second let's see what else is in the box so it looks like we have like a little quick start guide and kind of shows you what everything does how to get started so here we have another box that flaps open and we have our controller so it is all blacked out we have this nice and new d-pad that's pretty cool looking we also have the new share button but other than that it looks pretty general like very familiar we do have some extra gripping around the controller and also some grip here and everything is placed like it was before so there's no learning you just get straight to play so we also get a high-speed hdmi cable and the power cord that's a two-prong and also a little booklet of some warranty or something like that but yeah that's everything that's in the box so very simple well packed and very unique packaging all right so this is what the x series looks like so it's literally a box or a rectangle and it's completely blacked out so up here we have the xbox power button and i'm sure it glows and overall the front is pretty clean we have the disc insert right here with the eject button on the other side we have the remote pairing and a usb port so this console can stand both ways vertical and horizontal so if we go this way we can see that there are little rubber feet and this is how you can sit it down horizontally just like that so depending on your layout and how you're going to store it you know you could put it like this so if we go to the bottom the vertical bottom we can see we have venting ports and then the stand the stand has a rubber all around it so it's very grippy when it sits upwards and right in the middle here if you guys can see maybe that line it does say xbox on one side and hello from seattle that's quite interesting so i'm going to stand it up horizontally again so now we're looking at the back and up here looks like we have some kind of venting pretty clean side going down we got our label here and below that we got all of our ports so there's two usb ports an ethernet port a storage expansion port and this is if you want to add more storage you can expand it here and then below that we got an hdmi output and the power input port and on each side we have pretty large venting openings here so it draws the air from around the xbox the bottom and the sides here and pushes it up and speaking of up this is what the top looks like there's a lot of pretty large holes that the air vents out of now there is a green insert in there and you can only see it when you look at it from an angle so if i turn it to an angle it appears all of a sudden so that's quite unique and also we do have like this concave kind of a look so quite interesting for sure i think some of us wish that you know xbox added some kind of illumination in there that would have been you know a little cooler but it still looks really nice and the last side that we haven't seen yet is this here there's a little xbox logo here and it's just clean so yeah pretty interesting looking box definitely quite plain and will blend a little better with furniture i guess and it's not too showy but i think some of us wanted something a little more aggressive but i am kind of digging the overall clean look and definitely will keep it in this vertical mode so as far as the remote goes it's quite typical and feels pretty much the same with some subtle changes like the d-pad and the share button it does feel a little different something about it maybe smaller a little bit or something not sure exactly but this grip here all around the handles is really nice it definitely feels a lot more like you can play it with sweaty hands and not have trouble and we still do have the same ports underneath now one thing i'm not too excited about is that they never upgraded anything about the power of the controller so we're still having a cover here that we have to insert batteries into now the good part is it does come with two double a batteries but i was sure hoping that they would make a chargeable one where it was internal but this is not a huge deal because you can upgrade an aftermarket battery pack that you can just charge up and also we do get a usb type c port now on the controller compared to the micro usb from before so that's a nice upgrade there so let's go ahead and compare the x here to the s i do have the s also here we are looking at him from the front and you guys can see how much smaller or thinner i guess the s is now the x being completely a square box you know it's the same on every side but the s here is a little different so if we face it this way we can see it gets quite wide now if we put it in front of the x it's actually pretty much the same width here as the x so that's quite interesting so putting it right next to it you guys can see that you know the s is much smaller well i guess i had it upside down this whole time and also much lighter than the x which is definitely interesting considering the s is you know quite capable but i have a feeling the x is just gonna destroy it as time goes on with newer games but if we lay them down and the s next to it you can see what that looks like now as far as the ports go it looks like we pretty much have everything identical here we got the ethernet the two usb the hdmi output and then the storage expansion so yeah exactly the same ports and that's probably because they do both have the same motherboard so there's a lot of similarities to it but the x has more performance in it and graphics and also ram so so now let's look at the remotes real quick so they look pretty much identical that i can tell everything looks the same the same kind of patterns grips buttons joysticks everything seems to be exactly the same except for the color differences so yeah all right so let's move the s out of the way and we'll get the x plugged in and set up so we're going to need our power wire and that simply plugs in down here and then our hdmi cable now it's quite important that you use the cable that comes with the xbox because this is a ultra high speed cable and this is important to get the speeds and the resolutions to the tv correctly from the xbox so don't use your old hdmi cable so the hdmi port is next to the power port and that's it simple as that now we can grab the xbox i guess we'll set it right here for now all right so i got everything plugged in and the tv that we're using is a v0v series it's a 40 inch but the great thing about it it is a 4k tv so it should do quite well so let's go ahead and hit the power button and it does light up all right looks like we got a signal [Music] and it's booting up and it seems to be sitting on this boot up logo here for a little while all right and there we go so it did take a little bit there about a minute minute and a half to get going and this is what we're greeted with so you do have an option where you can use an app to do the setup but we're going to go ahead and use the controller so let's go ahead and pair that i'm going to push the button on the controller see if it connects and it looks like it's not synced so let's go ahead and sync it by pushing the sync button here on the xbox and then the controller and they both start blinking fast and now they're connected all right so let's navigate through here so we're going to click next so here's going to ask our language i'm going to click english set up our network connection connect to that looks like it says it's all good where do you live and now for the update so the update is 775 mb and that might take a little while we can see on the bottom there the progress bar but it is going quite quick so that's a good sign so this is something you can expect when you have these next generation consoles is a lot of downloading so make sure you have a pretty decent connection because there'll be a lot of that happening and it's going to be either software updates or game updates so as it's updating it's going to turn off once or twice and reboot itself so just be patient and wait for it alright so now wants us to push the button on the remote and then a and it's going to update the controller that's definitely interesting so even the controller gets an update all right that didn't take long looks like it's done so next you're going to need to sign in into your microsoft account and if you don't have one you can create it all right so we're logging into that and it looks like it found me no thanks so here wants to apply my other settings let's just say no thanks for now security preferences we'll keep it unlocked instant sign in time zone automatic energy saving you probably want to keep this checked to keep the games and the system updated so here it says it looks like our tv supports advanced features so we're gonna use the 4k display and it looks like we are done let's click on take me home and this is our home menu here so you guys can see this is the layout or the new layout i guess different choices on the side so obviously you know new things are something to get used to but i think the way this layout is overall seems to be quite intuitive now if you don't have a game pass you might want to consider getting it we did sign up for it for the series s and that is definitely worth it for that console now for this one depending you know what you're playing you know if you don't have 80 games practically that are discs and you want to play digital this might be a good choice here to sign up for this game pass so they have quite a few games here and they're all alphabetically ordered here so depending what you're playing and how you want to play the xbox game pass here is a great option to have so since the series x has the disk drive let's go ahead and start off with a disk game called project cars 2 all right so it ate it up and i can definitely hear the disc be spinning up and reading whatever it's doing in there i'm gonna bring my mic in now it's just a disc drive not flow of air the fan here and i can feel a very slight breeze coming out from the top but it's silent it's just a disc all right so it looks like it needs an update but we're going to skip that for now i think so even though we installed the cd you guys can see it's still updating and it needs 36 gigs this just shows you guys that even if you do have a disk it still has to download internally so it can you know have those quick start times and load times but the good part is if you see where it says ready to start there on the bar once it gets there we can go ahead and start the game and by the way while it's loading up if i click info on the tv you can guys see here it says 2160 piece so it is outputting 4k so let's go back while it's installing here and check out the settings and here we have network settings tv display options and if we click that here we can choose the resolution we can put out the 4k tv details so here it shows us what our tv is capable of so it looks like we pretty much have all the check marks except for the 120 hertz and this tv can only do 60 hertz and we can see down there that it does support that which is good to see and we do have hdr support also here we can calibrate the tv then we can calibrate for hdr games i guess we can go ahead and do that real quick so right off the bat i can see that it does look a little bit washed out all right and so here we can see what it's calibrated to and then uncalibrated so but even though this tv has hdr it's not very good at it here we can choose video modes of what we want to display and then the over sampling can adjust that here so yeah and you got a bunch of other stuff you can you know do in control so let's go ahead and go to game pass here since i have that and we'll start downloading a couple games also and by the way the e8 games are also included in the game pass so that's pretty cool okay so it looks like there it says that project cars is ready to start so let's go ahead and download this unravel game real quick since it's not too big alright so if we go to our games here we can see that the unravel is queued and the project cars right now is updating or downloading let's go ahead and start it alright so it won't let me start because it needs an update and the update is 44.3 gb wow so yeah you guys can see that even though you have a disk it doesn't mean that you're gonna play so you gotta have to wait for the updates and i'm just gonna go to the game pass and browse a little bit more maybe i'll add a couple more games to the q actually guys let's go just to the ea games i do want to install this jedi game because i did start playing it on the s series one thing i did notice is that the quality on the game wasn't as good and i think it's because it's using the old s series to port from and so for the x series i think it's going to use the better quality that's on the 1x so i'm hoping for that just right off the bat here looking at the menus everything looks very very crispy actually kind of excited to try this game out also i haven't even tried it yet so let's go ahead and install that too all right so now it's just a waiting game so once it's ready to go we'll start one and by the way i did forget to mention that if you look down there where it says all storage on the left side on the very bottom you can see that we have 750 gb that's free right now so even though there's a terabyte in the xbox you know you're not going to get all of that terabyte because the operating system and whatnot else still uses some of those gigs up so and if you guys notice the download speed it's about 50 megabytes per second 55 or so and that's about what i've been getting and i'm pretty far away from the router so if you get closer you'll go a lot faster now if you plug in your xbox straight to the ethernet with my provider i get 100 megabytes pretty easily constantly so if you want to download faster get closer to the wi-fi or even connect the ethernet to your xbox to get great speeds alright so it looks like the project cars 2 is finished and these two are also done and the heat is still installing so let's go ahead and start the project cars like we wanted to so it did go into hdr mode and it might be too bright alright so it's loading up press a so the intro video is looking really good now let's go ahead and skip it i guess i've played this game before or maybe the kids did i don't remember to be honest it's been a while so let's just go to quick play so it's loading up let's see how quick it takes so we're halfway done all right and it's loaded up so that only took about 15 seconds so right off the bat the quality is quite amazing so you can definitely tell that this is 4k that's that's very nice so we are coming from an xbox one s where it didn't do 4k so not sure how much difference this would be from the older xbox one x but looking at it here it looks quite amazing now you guys are not going to see what i see because i'm recording in 24 frames per second which is not a good frame rate at all to record any kind of movement but i can confirm looking at it with my eyes that we're definitely getting 60 frames per second because it's quite smooth so i'm not familiar with this game i'm not sure exactly what i'm supposed to be doing but we're just looking at the aesthetics of it here and so i'm realizing that i think i'm too bright right now for the camera so i'm going to go to menu and turn down the brightness some more and the contrast down just a bit all right so that should be quite a bit better and also if i click info we can see that we are in 4k and hdr all right so let's just leave this card right here and let's jump to another game let's say the star wars jedi so i haven't turned this on yet on this series x yet but i am playing it on the s so it's just going through it i guess initial load all right so let's click on continue all right so it puts us where i guess i left off last time so initially here i can tell right away that the game is a much smoother and definitely a bit cleaner looking than the series s see something in there i guess we're in some kind of like twilight zone or something but in any case the thing i really wanted to try is go back to the menu here if we jump from this game to the project two cars we should just resume exactly where we were so let's see and there goes we're exactly at the spot we were at and it only took about eight seconds or so about 10 seconds to start up so if i just go back to the star wars game and we can see up there that quick resume say it takes about 10 seconds or so but that's not bad and you get to start exactly where you left off which is quite incredible and so what makes the xbox series x so great is that it can literally do everything you know you can play your cds you know you can sign up for game pass and have literally over a hundred games to choose from and these will you know update and new ones are added all the time i think i just recently had a message saying that there's a few games that were added so and not only that we have a lot of these older ones from the 360. so i feel like xbox did an excellent job with combining the new and the old together because it's going to take a little while for developers to come out with these new games and show the true potential with the velocity architecture we have all these older games and plus semi-new ones here to play while you're waiting so it is quite incredible to see how backwards compatible it is and not only that we also get you know strictly all the ea games so if you like games from ea you have quite a few to choose from there also if you get the game pass obviously so yeah guys i feel like the new series x is definitely up to the challenge for the next generation i think its true potential and power hasn't been unleashed and i think we can all agree that every time a new console comes out the first half a year is a little rough because by the time new games come out and developers jump on the new platform and start making awesome games it does take some time and one thing about the x that you want to consider over the s is that you're getting quite a bit of a step up in power performance but also twice as much storage so i feel like the series x is still a better bargain especially if you're more into gaming this is the console to get now if you are more of a casual gamer or just play once in a while i think the s is a pretty good entry to the system being cheaper and more affordable but if you're any serious about the next gen console definitely go for the series x all right guys well hopefully you enjoyed this a little unboxing and overview if you did enjoy this video then hit that like button also check out my series s that i just did if you're interested in that console and i will be comparing the x to the s and another video so if you're interested in that then stay tuned alright guys well thanks for watching and i'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: Just Vlad
Views: 1,456,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox series x, xbox series x unboxing, xbox series x setup, xbox series x review, xbox series x controller, xbox series x games, xbox series x gameplay, xbox series x unboxing and setup, series x unboxing, series x review, new xbox, xbox series s, xbox series x ui, series x, xbox series x gaming, xbox series x startup, xbox setup, xbox series x console, xbox review, xbox unboxing, xbox unboxing 2020, xbox series x vs xbox series s, xbox console, series x pre order
Id: dnOwCyedro8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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