Proxmox Hackintosh NVIDIA GPU Passthrough To macOS Ventura

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foreign welcome back to another video today I'm going to show you how to pass through your Nvidia GPU to Mac OS Ventura so let's get into it so first you're going to need your actual Hackintosh wrenchura installation done using the new way which is using proxbox virtual environment if you're unsure to use or set that up please visit the video on my channel where I show you that but once you have that you're ready to continue so first we need three things so the three things that open core configurator open call Legacy Patcher and the custom EFI folder for NVIDIA so first we're going to download open clock configurator so if we open up Safari or the web browser with our choice and the Hackintosh you want to go to open code configurator and the Machi 100s projects you want to click on that scroll down to download here this set isn't very laid out uh but you want to accept the terms and download the latest version I've already got mine downloaded but once you've got that downloaded you want to move on to the next step which is download an open called Legacy Patcher so this is GitHub link so if you look here releases if you click that and then scroll down go to the open core package GUI app allow it and then wait for it to download depending on your internet speed it could take a while but hopefully you've got a decent enough speed like me then once that's downloaded um we're ready to go on to the next part so you're gonna have to join the discard which is linked in the description below so you can see I'm on the discard now and you can see we have any fi section so underneath here um will be where the EFI folder is the link to download it but once you've got that we're ready to move on to the next step so once you download and it should get a folder like this GPU EFI you want to double click into that you should get an EFI folder just drag that onto your desktop then we're ready to head to our downloads folder so open up finder go to downloads and open up open call configurator so that's the one we're going to open first we're going to go to tools main TFI you should have the one that's the Apple link vertile black media meant that partition and to use a password open it up and you should already have an EFI folder in there I want you to just move that to the bin and drag the new one in then once that's in um all you want to do is close out all the windows unmat the partition configurator and then restart your Hackintosh so I won't keep you waiting see you in a moment so you can see we rebooted so I'm just going to log in now now we're going to need to enable um VNC so this will allow us to make the screen mirror because at the moment it'll mirror this screen with the actual external display which will allow us to see on screen so to do that go to system settings then go to General then go to sharing and I want you to turn on screen sharing here a note down that IP address so mine's 30. but yours will be different to mine especially if you're on a different subnet so I'm just going to take a picture of mine that's how I remember what IP and then when you know click done and I want you to shut down the Mac if I click shut down then once it's shut down we want to go to hardware add PCI device scroll down and then go to your GPU select it all functions and Rumba that's all you need to select and click add if it says the iOS not enabled please visit um the link in the description below to learn how to enable it it actually links you to a Windows iommer mu thing but um it's the same principle how to enable it once that's um passed through we want to start up the VM again so a back in Venture so go to finder now we're going to open up open called like dispatcher oh here it's called open cut Apache we want to open that by right clicking and open to disable the gatekeeper authentication um it's still going to verify but it won't stop you from upping it it'll just say that you want do you want to proceed opening it but once we've verified um we're ready to actually start applying patches to our GPU or you might call it drivers so if we click on open we can close the downloads folder we'll get a window like this we want to click post install root patch and you can see here Nvidia Kepler Legacy USB um is available for patch no I need to fix this but for you it should work so I actually missed the step out because that will do it for you as well you want to restart Mac OS and you want to reset the NV Ram um I actually forgot about that because I've not done this many times um but yeah we want to wait for it to boot up and instead of pressing into our Mac OS we want to scroll across the reset and vram and do it I'm going to do it twice to be on the safe side so you should probably too but when we reboot um we should be able to then apply the patches so I'm going to do it once more and then we'll boot back into Mac OS so you can see now it's fixed we can just click Start repatching It'll ask you to relaunch his root so click yes and then enter your user password so I'm going to enter it and then the program will restart so it's going to download the patches for whatever reason um so I'm just going to wait for that I want to keep your item for it so you can see now that it's going to patch um you might get the spinning wheel don't worry about it it will freeze along the way but the patches will be done very shortly so you can see it's telling us to reboot to apply so let's do that let's reboot so click restart the VM will begin to reboot so if we press enter on Mac OS you'll see that um when we get around three quarters of the way sorry about two quart two three quarters of the way um we'll get a display output that you'll see very shortly um on the monitor um but once we've got that display output we can't do much because we need to actually use VNT so I'm gonna uh load up VNT right now so you can see we're connecting through VNC the username should just be a full name um joined together by via unsure um let me know but you can see if I move my mouse across you can see the um the two monitors but we want to make that one obviously so once we're loaded in you should see a bar appear at the top on your monitor we will go to system settings and then go to displays all I want you to do is select your second monitor and then click users main display and then um that's all we need to do you can see on the second display now that we have um a full view of what's Happening and if we just close VNC and open it back up again just to give that a refresh you can see again that we have the second display with my mouse on it also you can have it where if we click that and do mirror we then just get one display on VNT so I've got to about this Mac now on the main display using the cursor on BNC you can see that it now says that there's a gt632 gigabyte eight gigs of RAM and it doesn't know about the processor yet because we haven't set the right SM bios hopefully that um makes you happy that you've got that saw today if it does please leave a like and it's bad to think that 95 of you aren't subscribed it's free and it really does help me out anyway thanks ever so much for watching this video goodbye
Channel: Harvey’s Virtual Environment
Views: 6,981
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Id: Kogtk2Qxi5o
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Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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