Passing a Physical GPU to a MacOS Proxmox VM with PCI Passthrough

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foreign Tobe retro today we're going to take a look at passing a physical GPU to a Mac osvm in proxmox to get started log into the proxbox host either via SSH or using the web-based Shell first we need to edit the grub bootloader to enable iommu edit the grub command line Linux default value adding either Intel iommu or AMD iommu depending on the host system's CPU foreign next we'll apply the configuration change by running the update Grub command now we'll edit the Etsy modules file and add the four lines to enable vfio kernel modules with the four vfio lines added save your changes and close the editor foreign by adding iommu interrupt mapping as well as blacklisting GPU drivers so they'll be forced to use vfio using the lspci command will list out the attached PCI devices on the system scroll through the list of devices and find the target GPU that is going to be passed to the Mac OS VM noting the device PCI ID 0 1 colon 0 0 in this example next we need to Output the vendor and device IDs for the Target PCI device by passing the PCI ID to the lspci command then we'll write these IDs to the file make sure to update the IDS in this command with the IDS output from the last lspci command before pressing enter we'll generate an updated init Ram FS then reboot the host system for all the changes to take effect once the system reboots we need to verify the GPU is using the vfio PCI kernel driver using the lspci command if the GPU is not using vfio PSI at this point something isn't set up correctly troubleshoot the issue before moving forward we're now ready to pass the GPU through to the Mac OS VM open a web browser and navigate to the proxmox web UI and log in expand the target node then select the target Mac OS VM and select Hardware from the sub navigation menu [Music] click the add drop down and select PCI device then select the GPU from the available PCI device listing you may need to check the advanced options and play with the different settings to get PCI passthrough to work correctly it's not an exact science click the add drop down again and select USB device then select a USB keyboard and mouse to pass through to the VM so we have a way to control it and finally double-click the display option and set the value To None then click ok with the device pass through setup start the VM if the GPU passthrough Works successfully you should see video output from the GPU if you don't try a different combination of settings on the GPU PCI device on the hardware page you now have a physical GPU passed through to your Mac OS VM in proxmox
Channel: i12bretro
Views: 15,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Debian, GPU, GPU Pass Through, GPU Passthrough, Graphics Card, Home Lab, Home Lab Ideas, How To, Hypervisor, IOMMU, Linux, Mac OS, MacOS, PCI, PCIe, Passthrough, Proxmox, Proxmox Add Physical GPU, Proxmox Add Physical Graphics Card, Proxmox How To, Proxmox Step By Step, Proxmox Tutorial, Proxmox VE, Proxmox Video Card Passthrough, Tutorial, VFIO, VM, Virtual Machine, i12bretro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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