Hackintosh The Easy Way Using Proxmox | 1 Click Templates

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foreign [Music] welcome back to another video today I'm going to be showing you Hackintosh the easy way using proxbox so the way we're going to do this is using a one-click template so these templates were created by me and my Discord team these allow you to actually get Mac OS up and running without any additional configuration the only configuration step that you need to do mainly is enabling iommu which allows GPU pass through and PCI add-in card pass through such as Wi-Fi cards Bluetooth cards USB cards things like that so you can see on the screen right now you've got my website so we've got a download Links Page now which is going to be in the description below what I want you to do is download a version that you want to set up so the Sonoma because it's in developer better um obviously not everything's supported so today I'm going to show you Ventura so all we're going to do on the website is click on HSV Hackintosh Ventura if I click on that it'll take you to the download station so you can see here that it's a second revision of this Ventura template with the updated open core and the tech text and also the apps and tools um so you've got two options so you've got the 2005 labeled template which is a pre-installed version so this means that when you boot up this template for the first time it will just straight up um be ready you just use the initial setup screen so setting your language Apple ID things like that and it'll be ready to use then you have the 2001 label this is a pre-configured so this is for only if the 2005 pre-installed template doesn't boot so this allows you to get it installed but it does require some additional steps so first I'm going to show you the pre-installed template and then later on in this video I will show you the pre-configured one and how to actually set it up so you've got two options for download you've got a torrent and a direct download so a torrent uses peer-to-peer connections uh so sometimes you get faster speeds using the torrent but if you don't have a torrent client I just really don't want to use a torrent all you do is do the three dots next to the 2005 or the 2001 if that's what you're using and click on download then if we go to the downloads folder you can see it starts to download I usually get about 280 megabits um but you can see it's just a bit slow so basically um once that's done obviously Nine's already ready as obviously I've created these templates along with Tor my Discord moderator once you've got this downloaded you need a program called winscp so I'll show you now how to get that so to download when SCP go to winscp download on the internet is the winscp.net click consent download one SCP and then whatever version and then obviously direct download so quick and easy 10 megabyte file and you just go through it like a normal setup um so if I just wait for it to go through uh whilst it does uh yeah there we go but whilst it does set itself up what I'm going to do is you just click install for all users except the USC and then read through the terms and accept them typical installation and then just next through all of these uh it's quick and easy once it's done you'll get a icon on your desktop and also in the start menu you click untick the getting started page and click launch when SCP you can see it's now launched so you'll have it in your downloads folder but I'm just going to actually do that now and then I'll meet you back and show you how to copy it over right so with that copied over all you want to do is enter the IP address of your proxbox host so mine's 102 168 no.35 the username is always going to be root and the password is the one that you've set in installation click login if it asks you about an unknown host key just click yes and then on the left here is the local PC on the right is the server so mine's in the download section so I'm just gonna go back a directory and double click in downloads you can see the VZ Don qme 2005 template so we're gonna backslash into the root directory which is followed so I'll show you double click into there right at the bottom you've got there double click into that double click into VZ scroll down to the bottom uh sorry you double click into the lib and then double click into VZ then go to dump and then I've already got some files here but yours will be blank I'm actually just going to delete them files just to make it easier so then you just drag the template in it's as simple as that so it'll say do you want to upload click ok so now it will uh go over usually I'll get about 50 megabit megabytes per second sorry um over but it says about three minute 45 uh so I won't get your waiting and I'll see you once it's actually completed so you can see now it's copied over um you can see it's on the right now fully uh so all we need to do is go uh back over to proximox Virtual environment so on proxmox you just want to go to your local those will be called local like mine then backups because it'll be on summary by default click on backups and you can see that it's there now all you want to do is click on that and do restore then just some few configuration options it's all what storage so I select your storage if you've only got one obviously just select that I've got multiple here so I'm going to select VM storage four for mine give it an ID so I'll do 896 for example and call it HV Ventura keep all that at default for me I don't need to change that and then the one click restore so no it will restore so it'll take a few moments depending on the speed of your disks obviously the disk that's got the backup on and the disk that's got the um actual uh thing copying over so the actual disk image um will depend on how long it takes for example if you copying over from a network such storage device like I've got a Synology which is run on a VM in proxbox you haven't seen that video please check out my channel um it all depends on how long it takes to finish so I'm just gonna not keep your weight in and meet you back when it's fully restored so you can see it took 75 seconds so just over a minute you'll know it's done when it says task or cat in all capitals also if you go to status it will say stopped okay so click close dialog you can see 896 HSB Ventura we'll go to summary here you get a notes page so it basically tells you that a few instructions and if you're running an AMD system it's pre-installed for an Intel system so you just need to edit the VM config using Nano and then Etc PVE qmu server follow slash and then in my case 896.conf and then commented out the existing arguments and pasting them in obviously um you can visit the discard if you have a bit of trouble adding them in you can see here there's an artist about the uh inv TSC which is how to uh emulate the frequency of the CPU but it could break booting as well then on the hardware section you can customize so this is where you'd add your GPU um you've got a PCI device scroll down iggp when for example which I'll go through in a moment and then consoles where you actually interact with the VM so if you're going full screen and click Start now Mac OS will begin to boot straight away so there's no installation no configuration all you need to configure is IO mmu so the iommu needs to be enabled I'll leave a link in my blog post down below um to how to actually configure it you can see we're on the open copy menu if you press enter Microsoft will begin to load so in the blog post there's a pcie passthrough guide you just enter some commands in the command line and you can instantly beat Mac OS I won't cover that in this video um but I will in the next video so you can see here Mac OS um it's ready to be set up um I won't go through setting it up because it's just normal the only thing you do need to know is um to skip Apple ID because you need to generate an SM bios later so you can see on the select your country or region all you need to do is obviously select your language and things and skip the Apple ID and the analytics stuff but I'll meet you when we're on the venture or a desktop so here we are in the Ventura desktop so we've got the keyboard setup assistant I'm just going to complete that click done and you can see in the top right at the desktop we've got HSV get it started so I'll be double click into that we've got two things we've got a folder called get started and a readme file which is a PDF if we double click in the readme file it literally tells you everything so being told written this up uh it tells you everything literally everything uh so I won't uh go through that today um All I'm gonna say is it's pretty straightforward if you follow this guide again if you need any help visit the discard link below now let's go on to the pre-configure template so leave it shut down this uh we'll restore the 2001 template which is pre-configured also the templates um all of them whether it be from High Sierra all the way to Sonoma they are both the same so the pre-installed one shows you the setup screen and the pre-configured one you have to type in the Shell command which I will go through now so I've gone my storage and go to um the 2001 template which I don't actually have downloaded so I'm gonna go to here go to the uh direct download right click download uh wait for that to download and I'll show you the pre-configured so I've moved over the Capri configure template now the 2001 labeled um so if I click restore it's the same principle really select your storage uh the properties you can override the settings here memory cores uh and then once you're done just click restore this one does it take as long to restore uh because all it's doing is copying over the venture or ISO the uh open car isole its customized by us and the HSB ISO with all the tools and EF5 folders for you so again just to not get your editing I'll just Skip Along so again you can see it's done with the task okay so I've labeled this uh just simply the 110. no the same Hardware settings apply if we go to console click Start now and then um wait until we get into the open Core Business new you see we only have two options so we have UEFI shell and reset and View Run if we press enter on new EFI shell and enter again you'll get a shell prompt so it just says shell and then an arrow that's it to get into the installer we need to do fs0 colon backslash on UK keyboard you need to do the alt gr key and then the hash key to get backslash because we have to emulate the US keyboard so you do fs0 colon backslash system so if I do sys and then tab it folds it out for me call services sorry system Library call services boot.efi so again fs0 colon backslash system backslash Library backslash core Services backslashboot.efi if we press enter you can see we get the Apple logo and this will load into the installer just to speed things up I'll just skip to when it's loaded so once you pass the Apple logo you get a screen like this so this would be typically what you see in the recovery screen which is exactly what it is so we need to go to Disk Utility double click go to the view at the top show all devices then we need to go to The applelink Virtue or block media then go to arrest name it whatever you want so Mac OS make sure that the format's apfs and the scheme is guid ing click on arrest it'll then erase the uh volume when it says that it's complete just click done close out of the Disk Utility and double click install Macos Ventura no the installer may get unresponsive UV button off a recovery Drive um like a Nas so if I click continue you can see that we get the spinning wheel of death don't worry about this um you just have to wait a little moment and then we'll be on the next step like you can see so read the agreements when you're sure that you're ready to continue you can click agree and then agree again then you have three options the Mac OS disk that you created I will get it started partition and the actual install Mac OS Ventura disk we're obviously going to click the one that we just created then click on continue so when it's got past this phase it'll reboot you just need to keep pressing enter on the default value then you'll be back at that same setup screen on the pre-installed template so from there it's the exact same and you've got that HSV folder on the desktop so I hope you enjoyed this video on setting up the easy way and if you did please leave a like consider subscribing as will cost 4 000 subscribers and also if you need any more help visit the Discord server below thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Harvey’s Virtual Environment
Views: 1,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hackintosh, thenewway, macos, ventura, monterey, bigsur, mojave, highsierra, catalina, hsve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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