(OLD) Hackintosh The New Way Using Proxmox 2023

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[HSVE Intro Music] welcome back to another video today I'm going  to be showing you how to set up the new way   of Hackintosh so the new way if you don't know  what it is basically you use Proxmox which is   a type 1 hypervisor so if I pull up the proxmox  website basically it's a virtualization platform   so the word virtualization usually comes  as sort of a negative to the Hackintosh   world but promise you it doesn't affect  performance at all so today I'm going   to show you how to set up Proxmox install  it set up your Hackintosh Monterey VM and   how to do GPU pass through to that so  without further Ado let's get into it so to set up proxmox you're going to  need two things a proxmox ISO and Balena   etcher which is an Imaging tool so to get  the proxmox iso navigate to proxmox.com   and go to the download section it's pretty  simple and then the download we want proxmox   virtual environment and then we want an ISO image  which is a virtual disk image so back in the olden   days when you used to get an operator system used  to get it on a disk and ISO is a virtual version   of that so you just want to click download  on the 7.3 ISO installer and a manual pop-up   asking you where to save it once you've done  that you should see that it starts downloading   no the servers are really slow  I usually get about 130 megabits   per second but as you can see it's not  that good so I'm going to wait for that so what I do to download things a bit quicker is   download it using free download  manager uh this speeds up a lot   so you can see that it's already counting up  speed uh but you can see it's not that great also you can download it through a torrent  which sometimes can be faster too there's   many different ways of downloading proxmox but  if you have a torrented server then I strongly   recommend using the torrent because it uses  peer-to-peer connections which makes uh the   download quite quick you can see I'm getting over  70 megabits per second and counting up so whilst   it's downloading I thought I'd explain to you  what products box is so it's a virtualization   platform as I said before but it's got a lot of  advantages to other Solutions like VMware esxi   Citrix Zen server and virtualbox so virtualbox is  a type 2 which means it runs on top of an already   existing operating system many people get proxmox  confused as a type 2 because it does run over the   top of Debian but it is classified as a type 1  hypervisor because the Debian version is really   light and it doesn't have any functionality so  if you're running something like virtualbox it's   very uh not recommended for this method because  you're running on top of your current Windows   installation so by running it as a type one you  take a full advantage of your hardware and you   can use virtualization for many different things  like I edit this video on a virtualized virtual   machine running Windows 11 and Premiere Pro and it  fully works at full speed so you can see that the   proxmox installation is now done now we needed  to occur Ballina etcher so let's download that   so you can see we're back on Chrome and  now we're just going to search for belena   etcher so it's belena.io/etcher and  then you want to click download etcher   and then it will ask uh what operating system so  I'm on Windows 64-bit so I want to click download   and save it to a place where you know where it  is and you can see it will download my Google   Chrome sometimes has issues where I don't get  great download speeds I'm not sure why that is   if you would like to leave a comment on why it  is uh please do because it does bug me sometimes   but once we've got bullying it etcher  installed we're gonna now prepare our USB drive   so you can see I've installed an open Ballina  etcher the installation process is pretty   simple but we want to click the flash from file  function I will want to select our proxmox ISO   so you can see I've selected it it's the  7.3-1 ISO file and we want to select a Target   no you need a USB for this so I'm  going to insert one of mine now   so I've plugged mine in so if I click select  Target you can see the sandisk Cruiser Glide 32   gig USB you need a four gigabyte or greater USB  drive for this installation but all we're going   to do is Click flash you will get a user  account control uh for CMD just click yes   then the flashing process could take  quite a while so we're gonna wait for that   so mine's successfully flashed but I'm not going  to be doing it this way because I already have   mine up and running so I'm going to be actually  using my um virtualization server that I already   have and to do this but do not get confused  I'm just running it in a virtual machine so don't be aligned by this step I'm actually  using a proxmox virtual machine uh to install   products box on just to show you how the  installation process works so don't be aligned   with this this is not what you need to do what  you would do is access your boot options menu and   boot from the proxmox USB that you created this is  because I'm running a virtual machine but all the   steps are coming once the installer is loaded  will be the same for you so let's wait for it so a few moments later you should be greeted with  the EULA so I'll have a good read through that I   already have plenty of time so I'm just gonna  click agree then you want to select your hard   disk I recommend installing it on a solid state  drive and I also recommend you having more than   one hard disk medium so I've got 120 gig virtual  hard disk remembering that I'm running this in a   virtual machine then select your country and  your time zone and also your keyboard layout   then set a root password so I'm going to set one  really quick and then set an email to whilst you   go through the setup then give it a horse  name so you can call this PVE Hackintosh dot local and then that's the static IP address  you can change that if you want I do recommend   changing your DNS server if we click on next  it'll walk you through what you've set just want   to click install now while we install it I just  thought I'd tell you that if you do need any help   setting up the new way because I know it is not  easy for newcomers that did it the old way uh I   would say it is much easier once you get it up and  running but if you do need any help just contact   me uh Pages down below so if you want to contact  me about it please do so it's going to create the   logical volumes and install all the stuff that  it needs so I'm just going to wait for that now   also for this method we are going to be  using open core so all the functionalities   and benefits that you do have with open core  you can use on this build too but this build   I would say is much better because you  get features such as snapshotting which   we will go through in this video and we will  actually use it and it could be beneficial   to lots of people it certainly has been for  me that is um for example change my SM bios   I realized that it doesn't work so then I can  restore from snapshot and get back to normal   I know that I've received comments saying who  would overwrite the Essen bios who would change   the EFI file but lots of people do and they make  mistakes so it's better just be safe than sorry   rather than just plugging in your USB and having  to reinstall the open core bootloader again   so I think it's much better in this method  anyway let's wait for the install to finish also just to add a lot of the server  users do ask whether you can run ZFS   yes you can you could run a ZFS pool so  you can do red Z1 and have a redundancy   and also I have a backup straight to my  network search storage of all my crucial   virtual machines which I do use in my lab  which I will show you later in the video   anyway it's doing the last step now and we  should be greeted with the reboot screen   so let's work for that so you can see it's asking  us to reboot just click reboot or wait for the   countdown whichever you feel like doing then it  will ask to remove your installation medium so   make sure you do do that now the next step for you  would be accessing the IP address of the proxmox   server which will appear when it boots up but I'm  not going to be using this virtual machine I am   obviously just showing you how to install proxmox  but the steps after this will be the same for you so at some point it will be greeted with the  screen like this that tells you the IP address   so I'm going to back out of this now and go to my  actual proxmox portal which I will put to you now   so you can see that I've been just doing it in a  proxmox virtual machine but do not get confused   you would do it as though it was bare metal so  you'd access the new products box URL put in   the https core on double fold slash then your  IP address call on 8006 you will then reach a   page that looks like this you want to then enter  your username and password which I will do now   now we can get on to actually creating our  installation so to do this all I want to   do is click on our proxmox node and you can  see we have a overview of what's Happening   now I'm using my um currently using a workstation  to record this video that has obviously   some recording software on it so that just shows  how powerful the product works installation   could be obviously it's struggling right now  because it is recording a video on a gt630   so let's go on to creating the products box VM   so to create the VM you're going to need two ISO  images so I will leave links to the description   below you can see that I've got a lot of iso  images but we're going to be doing Monterey   today so you're going to need the open core v19  ISO which will be linked in the description in   my blog post and you're also going to need the  Mac OS Monterey installation medium too which   can be easily obtained from the links below  it is better to download them as torrents so   if you don't know how to download them  as torrents you head to transmission I download the Windows installation  and paste the torrent file in there   but in case you're a dummy  you should know how to do that   anyway let's go to creating the VM so to do  that is pretty simple click create VM at the   top uh right and we're going to give it a name  so we're going to call it Hackintosh the new way Monterey and we're gonna do the VM ID as 1000 just  for later reference I'm going to also put this   into a resource pool but you don't need to then  we're just gonna click on OS also this static boot   is quite handy if you're just using Hackintosh  for this installation because it will power on   as soon as you turn on the proxmox host but anyway  I'm going to skip through that so we go on to OS   no you're going to need to be very very very  cautious with what you're doing here because   follow the exact steps so first I'm going to make  the open court and team ISO first I'm not going   to make the Monterey one first the open core one  first make sure and then set the type to other   then on system you want to go to machine  you want to go to Q35 and the BIOS to UEFI   and also untick pre-enroll Keys  otherwise your installation will   not proceed and also take qemu agent  when you've done that we're ready to   go on to disks so we're going to click on  that and then select the bus as vert IO   then select where you want to store the disk  and I'm going to give it a size of 120 gigabytes   so you could keep IO thread ticked if you want to  and I'm going to click discard too also set the   cache to right back onto f for best performance  then if we go to CPU I'm going to set four cores   for mine because they only have eight threads  available in this system and set the type to host   then for memory we're going to select a minimum  of four gigabytes of RAM which is in megabytes   so I'm gonna select 8192 which is eight gigabytes  of RAM uh but yours can be lower or higher I do   recommend doing the installation of four  gigabytes of RAM and then moving up first   but I know what I'm doing so I'm going to  select eight gigabytes then on network we're   going to select the model as VMware vmxnet3 and  untick firewall then click next and then finish   so that's creating the virtual machine no one  needs to do some configuration so let's do that   so to configure we want to click on our virtual  machine and we want to go to the hardware section   then we're going to add a CD DVD drive and then  select where your monitor AI ISO is and select it   making sure that the IDE is on zero then  click add then we're going to need to edit   some configuration files which I will pull up  on screen now so if you're using Intel you copy   this command views an AMD copy this command  but I'm using Intel so I'm going to copy this   and then we want to go back to proxmox and go on  to the node and click on shell this will open up a   live shell and you can see you can see we're using  uh gnu Linux or Debian so what we're going to do   is do nano slash /etc/pve/qemuserver/1000.conf  remembering that that 1000 is our VM ID but if   it's different replace that if we press  on enter we're first going to change the   media equals CD-ROM to Cache equals unsafe this  converts the CD images into virtual hard drives   which is how we make it work don't ask how  that works I've just done some experimentation   then we want to click paste and I've  pasted it right at the bottom of the file   and then do Ctrl X Y enter and then we're nearly  ready to boot just hold on though we've got to   do one more option so if you click back into our  virtual machine go to options we want to set the   boot order to First boot from the open core ISO  then the Monterey and then the disc and we're   going to disable net booting because we're not  using it for this installation once you've done   that we're ready to go in console so I'm going  to full screen and we're gonna press Escape I don't know why I just went out full screen  then but then go to device manager ovmf platform   configuration and set the resolution to  1920x1080. once you've done that press   Escape y escape again and then go to reset we  then should see the proxmox boot loader again   but this time we should see the UEFI shell on  open core now this is not what usually happens   and you might consider this bad but no we actually  want to be in the UEFA shell so I'm going to press   enter and then enter again and type in fs0 Colon  backslash system Library core services boot.efi   also on the UK keyboard you have to press alt gr  and then the Asterix key or some of you might know   it is the hashtag key I don't know why you need to  do this but I went through a pen and I'm going to   like to find the same so I know a lot of you have  asked that in emails so I thought I'd mention it   in the video but now you can see we can see an  Apple logo and it's looking good so let's wait   for the loading to comment so we should see a  screen like this which is brilliant so we're   in a Mac OS installer environment and it might  look familiar to you so if we go to Disk Utility   click continue and then we're going to click the  view option up here and click show all devices   you'll then see an Apple Inc virt-io block media  we want to erase this format it is apfs and give   it a name so I'm going to call this Mac OS click  on erase and wait for it to erase you might   notice that it's quite laggy this is because GPU  passthrough isn't enabled and it will be until we   enable GPU pass through but I've just closed that  now and I'm clicking on install Mac OS Monterey so the installer will proceed uh so we're going  to show later on GPU pass through so I'm going   to click continue and the installer will be  slow because of this too so you might get the   rainbow wheel of death sometimes but don't  worry it'll just take a while to load also   I'm running this off a SMB show the iso so that  might be why it's taking a bit longer for me too so make sure you read them  I'm just going to agree twice   I'd select the Mac OS disk that I formatted  which is a virtual disk I want to click continue   and then we'll get the timer so it says about 18  minutes left but really it'll be about an hour   so it says 18 minutes but this is 18 minutes on  this stage which does lie because it's more like   half an hour on this page then we'll reboot  and we will get the Apple logo too which will   say about 30 minutes so call it an hour so get  a drink sit back relax watch some YouTube TV   whatever until we get back to the setup screen so  at some point you should see this screen we just   want to press enter and then we will get another  progress bar you can see that this time it will   be a lot longer so it took about 30 minutes for  me um but we're gonna end up waiting about 28   minutes again as you can see about 29 minutes  remaining so again we're gonna wait for that   so when we reboot the final time you'll see  that it just says Mac OS so we're just going   to press enter then we should be booted into  the initial setup screen so you can see we're   on the setup initial setup screen we're just  gonna uh go through it like a normal Mac uh   and I'll meet you on the desktop just make sure  to skip Apple ID setup as we can do that later   so you can see I'm on the Monterey desktop so  we're now going to install opencore configurator   on this Mac machine on the virtual machine so  um to do that we're going to open up Safari   and navigate to open color configurator  the Mackie 100s projects website   I'm going to set all the cookies and we're  going to scroll down it's not the best of   layout edited websites but we can find  the download also all the links will be   down in the description to save you all  this hassle we want to click download and now we are ready to start moving our EFI  folder so we're going to click the little   magnifying glass to show it in the finder  window right click open and we're now ready   to mount our EFI folder and move it over to the  main disk so now we're just going to click open and go to the tools at the top and click Mount EFI then we're going to mount the EFI zero partition  it will ask for a password to enter that and then   click open partition you'll see an EFI folder  we're going to just copy this to the desktop I'm gonna paste it and as you can see it's copied so now we can  unmount the one from the virtual hard disk   and mount the one of the Mac OS installation  burning man that it could take a while   so let's make the other partition and whilst we're  at it we're going to copy it from the desktop   and open up the new Mac OS partition  that should be empty and click paste item   once everything's pasted we're going to double  click double click into open core or C open up the   config.pa list go to the misc section untick the  short picker and also set the platform in for if   we scroll down we're going to set it to iMac Pro  1.1 which you will see right here scrolling down   here Mac Pro 1.1 now we're going to go  file save and we're going to shut down   the virtual machine not restart shutdown  on tick reopen windows and click shut down so but I'm gonna exit full screen and head to the  hardware section of the virtual machine and we're   going to detach both the IDE 0 and the ide2 drives  so then we're just left with the virt-io medium   we're then going to do a test to make sure that  the VM boots without us having to input to it   so this should override the boot selection  menu making it for quicker boot ups and sort   of a headless Boot and as you can see  it's doing so so once they've booted up   I'm gonna shut it down again because now  we're going to get onto GPU pass through   so you can see uh I've shut down the  virtual machine again I'm gonna go   to Hardware this time add and then PCI device  then we're gonna select our correct PCI device   and then go to all functions tick that making sure  to leave prime your GPU and pcie express unticked   if you haven't enabled iommu I will leave  the commands down below you basically need   to edit your default group file with the  following dependent on your platform so   by default quiet will just be here but you just  add the rest if you're on Intel and I'll put the   ones down below for amd2 but once we've done  that if we boot up the virtual machine again   with the GPU plugged in you'll see  that it won't work straight away   this is because we haven't configured it as  yet so uh Let's uh wait for it's a boot again so all we need to do is Click login now so  just enter my password we're gonna have to   install something called open core Legacy Patcher  so we're opening up Safari to do this and you can   see that performance isn't that great but we're  going to go to open core like it's Patcher which   will be a door 10 year link um so just tap that  into Google it sets all the stuff and go to the   open code like this batch website click on the  getting started page and click run the installer   we're going to then go to the releases scroll down  to the assets part and go to the latest version so I've done that I'm going  to click download click allow   and we're going to wait for that  to download so let's wait for that so all we're going to do is open up finder head  to our downloads and open up the open curl Patcher   now once it's open um it's going to  verify with apple using gatekeeper to   make sure that it's secure it  won't find it fully secure as   it's been opened from the internet  but we're just going to click open so then all we need to do is Click post  install root patch and you can see Nvidia   cat Plus shows up so we're going to click  Start root patching and then it wants to   relaunch his root so I'm going to click  yes and we're going to enter our password   then you'll see It'll relaunch  and uh just ignore the update   so let's wait for it to do its thing at some point  it will rebuild the kernel cache that could appear   like it's frozen but don't worry it just takes  some time so you can see uh it says reboot but   I'm going to click ignore and actually shut down  because I want to capture on camera the first boot   using the GPU now this will be through an external  monitor but the video will play it right now   so I am powering on the virtual machine now um and  hopefully we should see something at the display   so this is just a VGA monitor that I use as my  second monitor I do plan on getting a dual monitor   set up soon but I'm just struggling for funds  at the moment but if you'd like to support that   uh the donations link is on my website and in the  description but now we're going to see if it shows   up so we've got a signal detected so let's see if  it shows up so we've got the Monterey background and what looks like the login page you won't  be able to see anything as yet on the login   page because sometimes it doesn't correctly mirror  the display so to fix that um all we want to do is   connect to USB which is done by clicking add  USB device and all you need is a USB keyboard   so I'm going to connect mine and reboot the  machine and I'll be here when it's Rebooted   so for the USB device I'm just  using this USB keyboard and mouse   um just to set it up initially but once I've done  this once I shouldn't need to do it again and it's   fairly uh easy to set up so I'm gonna enter the  password headlessly because I don't know what I'm   typing but soon I've just entered the password  so assume we should see the Mac OS uh menu bar so all I did was drag my mouse from the left  hand side of the screen and now we're just going   to open up system preferences on the actual  monitor so obviously it allows me to update   to Ventura but I'm going to skip through that  because Monterey is the latest supported using   um my new wear you can find alternatives on the  internet but I'm not 100 sure whether they work   so you want to hold the ALT key on Windows  and drag over the two monitors or you can   just right click and click mirror once we do that  we should obviously get the whole screen mirrored   um which means we've fully set up Mac  OS no we're going to set up our keyboard   which is done and we are ready to start  running some benchmarks so let's get into it so we're gonna go to the geekbench website  and download geekbench 5. so just type in that   right now it's actually six now so we're gonna  download geekbench six obviously we're going   to download it for Mac OS so I'm gonna do that  if I scroll down uh you can see I click hello   and now we're just gonna wait for that to download  uh it could take a while so I'm just gonna wait   for that and you can see that it minimizes and  maximizes fully accelerated now and it doesn't   just freeze on the screen so let's work for that  so you can see it's now finished so um we're gonna   actually start running that so I'm gonna right  click open uh this sort of bypasses the security   checks by Apple uh but it still does verify it  because it's annoying but we're gonna click open   and accept all the license agreements I don't  have a uh license key so I'm gonna click later   but we're going to be doing the compute uh check  today we're also going to do the metal Benchmark   um and select our GPU and click  run compute Benchmark let's do it so as you can see we have a result so we got a  1587 uh scrub which is uh decent for this GPU uh   I think so anyways so you can see I did the CPU  Benchmark as well and I got 600 uh single car   and 1977 multicore now this is on the R7 to 600  so obviously it's not that great but that's all   I can afford in my budget at the moment so I hope  you appreciate that uh obviously you'll get much   better scores than me but I allocated four of the  eight threads on this CPU anyway thanks ever so   much for watching this video hopefully you enjoyed  any questions please comment down below or if you   need more help and you want more of a one-to-one  talk we can arrange a zoom meeting or we can   email back to force anyways thanks for watching  this video give a like if you enjoyed goodbye
Channel: Harvey’s Virtual Environment
Views: 114,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QFlhSOypPaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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