Virtual GPU Is Now Functional On Proxmox!

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hey guys what's going on it's don here from nova spare tech and welcome back to the channel and today i'm gonna be showing you something really cool that you could do with proxmox which is virtualgl so let's get started [Music] now i've been using proxmox for many many years and i've actually attempted this a few times over the course of the past few years trying to get virtual gl to work and pass through to my vms which means it's basically running the onboard graphic card or whatever graphic card you have and it's passing the gl portion or the processing portion over to your vm without actually having to pass through a full graphic card it's really good for day-to-day use if you're using something like blender or 3d software or anything with video editing that uses opengl it's not really geared for games but it does work for games because that's actually a really good testing factor to see where your limits are but ultimately we now have that support in proxmox natively without having to compile the kernel or do any extra steps to get it working so that's what i'm going to be showing you guys today now to jump into my desktop a little bit i am on a proxmox environment on actually a mini pc so this is an intel nook that i'm using you can see it's an i5 eighth generation so it's not anything powerful it's got four cores and uh four threads so totaling in eight and um what am i using 2.3 gigahertz so this is not in any means powerful i got 16 gigs of ram but it's enough for me to um test out the operating systems that i need so sometimes if i'm playing with zorin os or alpine or something like that i could at least spin it up without physically needing a computer to be used i could just test it over here so what we're going to be doing today is this pop os i already have some stuff installed but one of the main things you have to change is this hardware swap over here go to displays and if you go to edit you could actually choose between normally it would have been standard vga but you could choose the virtual gl gpu and that's what we have using now default is 256 so you don't have to change this unless you need more ram but gpu memory i mean but 256 is perfectly fine once you reboot the console everything should work now keep in mind this only works for linux operating system not for windows or anything so popping into console mode if you use normal console this is just regular vnc so it's not super quick but there is spice enabled as soon as you use virgil spice is enabled so i'm going to pop over here and use spice open this up and there we have it this is a little bit smoother but it's not perfect i mean if you really need the acceleration or the smoothness you could use something like moonlight or something that will you know i've done previous videos on streaming software and moonlight will probably be your best bet on this type of setup now i'm going to do full screen which is shift 11 and i have a few games installed in here that are open gl uh rise of tomb raider i couldn't get opengl to work but other ones like space run rebel galaxy kerbal space program they work perfectly fine so i'm going to show you what i got going on here now sound does pass through but it's not great it works actually better in windows but in linux the sound doesn't pass through that great so i'm going to launch rebel galaxy i'm not really going to play a game but i'm going to show you how it actually works and how smooth it is or not smooth but we are using spice which is faster than vnc but yet slower than moonlight make sure this option is checked off opengl it does not work with direct3d it they don't have vulcan installed or working yet it is in the works so it's not don't knock that out yet it will eventually come but for now we are still stuck on opengl which is more than enough for most linux operating systems if you want to get like i said blender working or some video editing software so here we are we are in the splash screen uh this is using an intel um am um intel 600 gpu and or something like that so we're getting about 24 frames 25 frames per second in the main screen over here uh the audio is skippy um so it's not the best with the audio but in windows it actually does a lot better windows actually has a delay but the audio doesn't skip around but as you can see it's 19 frames per second watching the intro all this is moving around it works really good and spice it actually works semi-decent i wouldn't play games with it but it's smooth enough for me to actually watch videos or actually use opengl and it is absolutely playable like that's 24 frames per second now if i was to pop into something like kerbal space program which takes a lot less resources than uh rebel galaxy give it a second it does take a while to boot up don't close this out just leave this and it'll eventually boot up there we have it like this is the loading screen and it's doing 220 frames per second all right so the game finally loaded you can see it's doing about 60 70 frames per second this is just the intro i could start game and actually get into something i just started learning how to play kerbal space program and it's actually been a lot of fun learning those science points and trying to get into space so pretty it's been pretty fun so yep in this space port over here you do about 11 frames per second say if i go into the vehicle assembly um i think we get about 40 frames per second uh let's see 20 29 30 yep about 30 40 frames per second i want to drop this in there i could actually do that let's drop an engine into the bottom um utility let's drop one of these parachutes and we're not going to try to go far so let's just kind of change the solid fuel to like this much and we'll blast off uh launch pad proceeds recovery vehicle yeah clear the launch pad next i was playing around with something and i left something out there should have recovered it but oh well i forgot this has cloud save so here obviously if you don't know how to play you have to do like different stages on getting this to go so i got stage one stage two uh spacebar to launch i'm gonna run out of fuel soon oh i can't even detach but it's gonna lose its momentum let's pop open the parachute oh maybe it was a bad idea to pop open the parachute but yeah 12 11 frames in planet it's actually very low frame rate but this is a pretty bad idea okay there you go it's playable let me close this out i'll recover the vehicle later but yeah absolutely um playable you could actually do this if you wanted to that is it i mean i really like the fact that now it's actually um built into proxmox and also i'm using version 7.2 so anything above that i'm guessing you're going to see that option so if you want to play around with it yourself i just showed you how to unlock it through the hardware so yeah give it a try if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and then say my nerd cave have till it hurts you
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 67,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, proxmox, virgl, virtual gpu, virtual machine, vm, prox, pop os, ubuntu, rebel galaxy, kerbal space program, gpu, opengl, spice, virtual gaming, gaming
Id: gkzrAYQHtk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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