Hackintosh The New Way Using Proxmox In Depth Guide

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foreign welcome back to another video today I'm going to be showing you how to build from scratch your first Hackintosh system that will run the new way so right in front of you you have my main PC that I'm going to convert into the new way um so you're probably thinking how am I going to get on this because it looks like a gaming PC well it is I've got the 6500 XT here a four gigabyte version which is plenty for what I use uh for games um and also I'm going to be adding this gt630 uh for actual gaming but the actual system itself has the AMD ryzen 7 to 700x so that runs at four gigahertz with eight cores 16 threads and 24 gigs of RAM that you can see here two of them uh in dual channel uh of course Vengeance lpx eight gig sticks and then the other one's just a standard um crucial one that will I will add a 32 gig one in the future then for boot medium you can just see it below uh I've got an m.2 so I'll stay at drive at 500 gigabytes by crucial um that we'll be using to boot proxbox and also store my main gaming machine on and then the rest is actually on the other side of the PC so I've got the um OWC Mercury Electra 6 gig SSD um about one terabyte in capacity so six gigabit per second so I'm gonna actually add this GPU in now and then once I've done that I will show you how to create the boot medium so you can see it's nicely in there now along with my 6500 XT from um MSI um and it's a low profile card so it doesn't require any PCI Express power which is great and you do want to bear in mind um with your lens how many lens your CPU supports with PCI uh just because you can um receive like worse performance especially if you've got four m.2s in there and two graphics cards you're obviously gonna um receive some performance issues but I will now go on to how to create the actual USB install so let's do that so you can see we're back on Windows now so we're just gonna go to proximox.com to actually download our proxbox ISO so we'll go to downloads approximately virtual environment ISO images we're going to download this one I've already got it downloaded but you can download this oh if you want quicker speeds use a bit tone so use a torrent client-like transmission so I've already got mine downloading so the next thing you need to do is go to bolina .io forward slash etcher whoops I've spelled it wrong weird spelling all these links will be in the description below on my GitHub post but when I click download etcher and then download the portable one once we've uh wait for that to download I don't know why my slot I've got slow speeds on Chrome and once we've got it downloaded we want to open it so once we've got it open we're going to insert a USB which I've already done and click Flash from file you can see here I've got the proxbox I saw I want to select the target so minus this Cruiser guide 32 gig USB click select Flash then Windows command processor will appear just click yes and now it will begin to flash so it'll take about a minute just thought I'd tell you um as well it proxbox for some reason doesn't like AMD gpus to be so you might need to grab a Spur um an actual spur Intel igpu for example just use your onboard Graphics or if you use an AMD with no Apu then you're gonna have to grab a spur and video card to install um I don't know why this is but you can fix it by just unplugging the PCI Express power on your AMD GPU and actually um installing from your Nvidia I've not a clue why it does that it's a bit weird but we're gonna wait for this to actually finish so let's do that so at some point you'll see validating we can just skip that because we know it's already valid and then it'll say flash completed so now we're actually ready to install proxbox so let's do that so you can see here I'm going to just shut down the PC now and once it's shut down I'm going to disconnect the PCI Express here um which is shut down now so I'm going to just disconnect that which is pretty straightforward as you can see it's disconnected and I'm gonna now switch over the HDMI to the Nvidia GPU so with that done I'm just going to switch on and we're going to hold delete which is I've got an Asus b450f gaming so I'm gonna um hold the delete um option you can see that it says at the bottom as well if I hold that it'll take us into the interactive bios setup which we need to check some settings out so at the top you'll see uh abundance of options so I want to go to events because we're the advanced people today we're gonna go to system sorry we're gonna go to CPU configuration and then we want to make sure that svm mod is enabled this is virtualization technology on AMD but if you're on uh Intel it's called vtd and VTX you want to make sure they're enabled to with that enabled I'm ready to exit so I'm going to save changes as an exit at the top and press ok then for my motherboard it's f8 so we're going to hold f8 to bring up the boot menu but if you're unsure what your boot options key is just search it up on Google you manufacturing model of your motherboard we want to hold f8 for me anyways and you can see we'll get some options wanna go the UEFI SanDisk press enter and then we get the proxbox boot menu press enter again sorry about the angles by the way I'm trying my best here we'll get some text there in the screen but we just want to wait for it to boot into the installer so it's going to try and grab an IP address from the writer and you can see it's got one but I'm going to change that to static if you don't grab an IP address then you need to sort out some drivers which I won't go through today you can look on the internet on how to do that for your specific model we can see we've got a mouse now which is brilliant now we're ready to go through the installer so this is what it looks like all we want to do is Click agree make sure you read this first though and then select the drive you're going to install on so you can see for me I've got two options the nvme drive and the actual set to drive I'm going to install it on the nvme disk so I'm going to click on that and click next then the country settings you can set these yourself for me it's United Kingdom so just start typing it and it'll come up and then the time zone and stuff should be populated for you just click on next set a password again sorry about the angles here making sure that it's secure email put that in if you want to if you don't want to then fair enough then click on next give it a horse name so why not called it PVE Hackintosh then for the IP you can change this which is what I'm going to do a num lock isn't default on by the way so I'm going to do it as 245 and always set the DNS server to Google's which is or which is cloudflows then we want to click on next it's going it's giving us a summary page if you're happy click install now you can see it's doing some things it's creating the politicians and stuff um and then it should automatically reboot which is fine um but we're gonna have to shut it down again to actually plug our AMD GPU back in um which is fine and I'm gonna actually boot um with the display coming out of the AMD GPU too just because I'm going to be using that on this big 32 inch screen and then the little screen here I'm going to be using um the gt630 on Mac OS so this part can take quite a while so don't be threatened when it's not moving um because it does take a while especially if you have windows installed on that drive uh yeah I still wipe all the stuff out so I'm gonna wait for this luckily with the power of editing you don't need to wear so won't be long four minutes later it's moved on from um creating all these now um so it takes about five minutes expect it's weird on an m.2 to be honest you think it'd do it instantly but now you can see it's creating the root file system and it's you can see it's just jumping through it now um which is unexpected really for an m.2 SSD you'd think it would just do it in fractions and seconds but you know if you've had windows installed on it then it's fair enough so you can see 99 making the system bootable and then it will reboot in I think it's five seconds or 10. yeah it's five seconds and you can see it's saying access this from the IP address so click reboot um text Will go down your screen also make sure that you have um an actual um screen tap which is um what I'm going to be doing now and make sure that you unplug the USB too because if you don't it might beat into it again but we'll get the proximox CLI or command line interface so you can see here proximately press enter it would boot itself but I just feel like it being a bit quicker today but now you can see it's booting we will get errors down the screen but don't worry about them they're not errors that you're typically thinking of but we get this so it's telling us to visit the IP address but I'm not going to do that yet I'm going to actually press the power button on the machine and actually plug in my um AMD GPU PCI Express connector for the power back in again and switch over the display so here we are um I'm actually on my main server right now because um I'm not using this Mac anymore on here I'm going to be using the new way um so we're gonna copy the IP from the screen so it's https coin double follow slash 192.168 not DOT two four five colon eight zero zero six and we get a privacy error just click that pretty easy then once we've got that we'll see a login screen the usernames root and that password that you set in the installation a moment ago once we're on you can see it will go to summary here we are with the 16 threads and the 24 gigs of RAM no we're going to actually um fix this storage issue because if you look it's give 100 Gig away for just isos and the rest for storage but I want to make them combined so I'm just gonna look up the commands for that and then I'll be back so I now have the commands so what we're going to do is go to PVE Hackintosh um and then go up to Data Center sorry go to storage and delete the local lvm directory remove that go back to your node and go to Shell then we need the commands here that will be linked in my blog so we're going to do the LV remove PVE data yes so it's successfully removed and then we're going to reallocate that space to the main local uh PVE Hackintosh by doing that which is successfully done and then resize that press enter and that's it so now I've got to local you can see now it's 500 gig in size which is the size of the m.2 I want to go back up to storage though and double click into this and select all so we want obviously disk images otherwise we can't use VMS with it but once that's done we're finished so now we're going to actually need um to sort aiyma mu which is how we get gpus pass through so to do this again stuff will be in the description below I'm just gonna have to um scratch through this so Etc default group and then here we can do AMD underscore iommu equals on and also if you go to my GitHub page um you can see I've got lots here on my um Ventura the commands are actually there so I'm just gonna copy all these here space that and paste in the new with the I or mu equals PT and then we control X Y enter and then I believe we have to do up there push grub and that'll update the bootloader to run the new settings on Startup once that's done we just do the command reboot and that will reboot our node so I'll catch you back when we're fully Rebooted so uh we're ready to go on to the next step so all we want to do is check the Iowa muse now enabled by doing this command again all will be in the description and you can see it's loaded and initialized which means it's enabled now we want to Nano into this file again everything's in the description and go to the bottom of that file just underneath all the commented texts and copy and paste these values Ctrl X Y enter and then we want to see if CPU supports remapping so we do that command and it does if it doesn't you can do the command below that and you'll see that it will work then obviously you can ask a question in a discard if that doesn't work so now we're actually going to get on to creating a Windows Virtual Machine that I'm going to be using for gaming and also how to create your Hackintosh machine so first we'll do windows so it's pretty simple I'm going to add my NAS drive so my SMB sure which I'm going to call isos and then uh this will allow me to get on my eyes so it was off which I believe is here I know just what isos and content templates and backup files in there if you don't have a Nas like me you can go down here click ISO images and upload the file because I've already got them here as you can see quite a lot um I don't need to do that so our first we're going to create the windows VM so I'm going to call this PC and then we're going to go to OS OS I'm going to use Windows 11 here windows 11. go to system and then just select all the defaults here it doesn't matter on Windows really I'm going to thank you emu agent on go to disks I'm going to use a set of disk and I'm going to have it as a 250 gig so it's a SSD sorry not sector it's the m.2 disk I'll show you how to add the setter in a minute I don't want to be able to back up then on CPU I'm going to give this 8 of the 16 threads because it's gaming and set it to host on the memory I'm going to give it um 12 gigs of RAM actually I'll just give it eight for now turbo in enough phone turn off firewall and we're done it's that easy for Windows it's not as hard as the um hacking Hackintosh but once that's created now I'm gonna um Power on that machine and we'll start to um install Windows on it and whilst we're doing that whilst we're installing Windows once we get it all set up then I'll show you how to add additional storage so we're installing Windows now I'm going to press enter to boot from CD DVD obviously that's a virtual DVD drive um but you can see it's boots in now we're not adding the GPU yet until we've successfully installed Windows because you'll see why later so I want to go to United Kingdom because I'm from the UK click install now starting the setup and you're gonna go add another product key because I'm going to enter mine later Windows 11 Pro next read all the terms in accept and as you can see our disc is there we want to click on next so whilst that's doing that I'll show you how to add the other storage so to add the other storage you want to go to our PV Hackintosh node scroll down to where it says disks and then you can see the dev SDS SSD here the one terabyte one you want to wipe it first once that's wiped we're going to create a thin blue you'll see it'll automatically populate with that disk and I'm just going to call this SSD once that's done click add you should see that it's creating that sometimes proxbox may freeze up when it's creating the SSD um and sometimes it might not but I'm gonna wait until this is created and then I'll show you at the end so you can see it's now created and the side you see it says SSD and it's all allocated here because we've just created that lvm thing um so if I go to PC you know which is our Windows 11 VM you can see it's just about to reboot so that's brilliant now I want um keep your waiting I'm gonna wait until we're on the initial setup screen for Windows 11. so here we are on the initial setup screen um you know what Windows 11 setup screen guys I'm just going to select my country and stuff and um set it up fully until we're on the desktop so here we are in the windows element desktop now um all we're going to need to do is we're going to actually do some GPU pass through to this but first I need to get the drivers for my GPU so all I want you to do is for me I'm using an AMD GPA the 6500 XT so what I'm going to do is do AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT drivers on Google here we are on the AMD website and then I'm using Windows 11. so just click download and it will begin to download so basically once this is downloaded we're going to enable remote desktop just in case we can see the display uh which for somebody certainly me I know that the last damage our proxbox on here it didn't display but we're not going to run that yet we're going to go to settings on Windows 11. and then on system scroll down to remote desktop and just turn that on I've named my PC so I can access it easily but if you're using a um if you didn't name it you can do ipconfig and then I'm just going to take a screenshot of the um screen but once that's done we want to shut down the VM Now by just simply shutting down Windows 11 like normal once that's done I want to go up to Hardware again add PCI device and then you'll see somewhere there'll be at my Advanced Micro Devices mine's blank type because AMD didn't do a good job of the 6500 XT so what I'm gonna have to do is check by doing lspci and then finding a VGA controller is they call it um so you'll see something like primary VGA adapter or something like that so you can see here VGA compatible controller and it's at the zero zero range so if we go back to Hardware here PCI add that you can see on the zero zero ranges here and that was the audio device we don't want to pass through the audio just the GPU take all functions PCI Express and I'm gonna try primary GPU if it doesn't display on the screen I'm going to untick the primary GPU but hopefully it does display on the screen so I'll just wait for this and see if it works so you might get this error unable to retail got zero bytes but thanks to my discard members I've got a fix for that so all I'm going to do is go up to the threads at the top and find um how someone's fixed it so if you need any help create a thread and someone will fix it for you so let's search for unable zero bytes here on a discard mods did this um so I want you to go back on proxbox here many thanks to A2 R2 here by the way real help so we want to First make sure that we've got the right subscription so if we go to repositories and untake the Enterprise subscription and we want to add the no subscription which is a add that then we're done then we can do updates refresh just click ok and it'll do the uh at get update for us you can see we've got a lot of updates here but I'm now going to follow the steps they will be below if you get this issue so basically now I'm downloading a kernel um and then once we've downloaded it we're going to actually pin that and reboot um and then we'll get a option on our boot screen to boot from that new kernel which we obviously want to do um which I might show you in a bit once we um pin the kernel and reboot so I know that it's downloaded just pin the kernel so you can see it's generating a new group file and we want to do reboot no then once it's rebooted I'll meet you back here so here we are is boots in here um so I'm gonna see what the option is now this is actually my first time trying it to uh because this has never happened to me believe it's gonna go into advanced options yes and we have two options here if you look right here we've got two options so the option that we want to select is the 15 one that it was going to do so now I'm gonna wait for that to be and meet you back on the products Mouse web UI and just like that you can see we're actually getting a display output from the TV so I'm gonna shut down this machine now using the actual options shut it down we'll get a no signal and now we're ready to pass through the USB devices so the VM is now uh I've clicked start on the VM so shortly we should see the display output hopefully no we won't get any Novi and Z output because we have disabled built-in graphics as you can see we're getting that display output now we're logging in let's see if keyboard and mouse works once we've logged in we're even getting sound you can see the mouse is working if we press the windows logo so as the keyboard so if I go to task manager I see what that looks like so you can see on the CPU I've give eight of the 16 threads eight gigs of RAM and also the 6500 XT you can see it's passed through now which is absolutely brilliant so that's the windows side sorted so I'm going to install all my software and get ready to install Mac OS next so I've got the basic stuff we're installed now and now I can actually um access that web GUI from here so I'm gonna do that just for to make it easier for me so here we are whoops not the right password so there we have the PC now we're going to go on to actually you can see here it's just using what it needs um and if we go to task manager let's see that the CPU is higher but obviously it will be because we've only allocated eight of the 16 threads you can see the gpus now being used as well because obviously I'm screen capping and here is the eight gigs of RAM with the SSD here so um now we're gonna go on to actually creating the Hackintosh so all we need to do is Click create VM and I'm going to call this Hackintosh or you can call it uh something else but I'm just going to do Hackintosh Monterey now you might be wondering why am I doing Monterey just because it's the most strongly supported build at the moment uh Ventura is only just really been released um so the cats and stuff sometimes don't work but first we want to select the open core v19 ISO which is in the description below and you can upload it from the same method that we did for the windows ISO so to upload that select the OS tag to other with the version is the line click on system uh the machines Q35 or vmf UEFI for the BIOS and then I'm going to store it on the SSD untick premium roll keys and tick QE agent and for the disks I'm going to do vertical block on the SSD which is going to be a 120 gigabytes which the num lock isn't on which I always have on because it's a new system then just click this card and turn on backups obviously because that's what you want on then on CPU I want you to select at least four cores I'm just going to do four cores and then host for the type then select the ram so I'm just going to do four gigabytes for this installation and turn off balloon and device then for the internet model just do vmy Vmax net3 for the network model untick firewall next and then finish now if you go to the website in the description below archive.org Mac OS collection um you will see that there's a torrent available because if you download it from here just directly you'll get shocking speeds so you can download something called transmission which is a torrent client for Windows and Mac I believe so you just download that run it and obviously we're going to install it right we need to install the runtime but you run it install it and then you want to select the actual monitor AI so on the menus and and then that's it if you don't want to use a torrent client you can just simply click the download but you can see shocking speeds I usually get around 280 megabits per second and you can see we're in kilobytes per second here so obviously you want the torrent version but once you've got it downloaded uploaded in the same method click add DVD drive isos well that's my storage medium for you a bit local and then we'll want the Monterey ISO which is simply added like that then we want to double check that ID 0 is the Monterey ISO and the IDE to use the open core one once you're all set with that you want to go to the PV Hackintosh if you called it that uh your node shell here you want to type in Nano slash Etc PVE qemu server and then 101.conf so 101 is the VM ID so if yours is different replace 101 with say 1000 or whatever but if we go down with our arrows we want to go across to where it says media equals CD ROM we want to delete that and replace it with cash equals unsafe on both of the IDE drives like I'm doing here once we've done that again visit the GitHub below I've not created the GitHub yet it's the time of recording so I'm going to have to just use the one from um the actual Hackintosh uh the new Way Ventura so this is for Andy CPUs generic ones but for the um the actual new um 3000 Series and stuff like that you need the different arguments which I'll pull up right now so on the Discord you want to um go to the threads uh sorry you want to go to a and b Hackintosh at the bottom um and at the top here you want to just copy the arguments for the ryzen CPUs as you can see even though it says Ventura this works for Monterey once we've got that you want to paste that in the bottom making sure it's all the way at the bottom of that file Ctrl X Y enter and um I'm going to pass through the GPU now if your GPU does not display output which I know that mine didn't on my Intel system but I know it does on this no worries just don't tick primary GPU in this step just take all functions Rumba and that's it well with me I'm going to select primary GPU too so I've clicked add and now we're going to actually go on to the screen so if I press start in the proxbox web console now I've passed through my USB keyboard and mouse um just make sure when you're doing Hackintosh that you uh you want to press Escape here by the way when you're doing Hackintosh you need to make sure that um you don't use USB 3 even though the USB 3 ports uh you'll still get full speed with them um so if you don't get a display output like this you'll just see this in the console so I just kept spamming a skit uh Escape then and then all I did was went to boot uh sorry device manager or vmf platform configuration and make sure this is set to 1080p once it is F10 why exit and reset so it's gonna re-reboot the machine um and then we'll be presented with the UEFI shell now usually this is bad on open call but it's not here press enter enter again and then we're ready to input the command so I'm sorry for the bad quality here but I'm zooming in so you can see what I'm typing into fs0 colon backslash if you're using a UK keyboard you need to do the alt Jr key and then the hashtag well if you're in us or anywhere else in the world you'll be fine system I'm pressing tab here so Library if I press L and tab it'll fill it out for me backslash core again pressing Tab and boot.efi enter now you can see that we are getting the Apple logo which is brilliant obviously that's what we want to see so we're gonna wait for the um actual installer to start up but it's crazy that this is running on AMD just as easy as personal arguments in but here we are if we go to this utility sorry for the weird uh display here I don't know why it's doing that click view show all devices then the vertile or block media click on that and then erase it call it whatever you want I'm calling my Mac OS click arrest it's going to arrest and make the volume done close that double click into install Mac OS Monterey and then um will actually get on to install it so many of you on real max might have seen this is usually in the recovery um stay on your Mac but we're actually installing from this so if we click continue the install will be slow for me as I'm uh running off an SMB drive so it's getting over the network over a gigabit connection so um yours will be quicker so I'll read all through this and then when you read it and you're ready to accept just click agree and then agree once that's done click on continue and now we need to worry for the installation to proceed so I'll meet you back when we need to do some human input so that's what so at some point you'll get the open call screen again with the Mac OS install option just press enter again and then we'll be greeted with another progress bar that says around 30 minutes I know it's not ideal and it does take longer to install than the old way but there's so much more advantages you'll really want to um wait for that so you can see about 29 minutes remaining luckily because you're watching the video you don't have to wait for that again after that progress bar we just want to press enter again and it will be reboot a couple of times but that's fine just keep pressing enter so this should be the final time because now it doesn't say Mac OS installer it actually says backlash which is the name of the disk so we should very shortly get to the initial setup process so let's see if we actually do um also just to note that um if you didn't um if you weren't able to tick primary GPU or make it successfully boot up on this screen don't worry this is the exact same setup process you just won't have a picture on the screen you'll instead be on the proxbox web interface in the console also just thought I'd add here that I'm actually running Windows as well so you can see Windows is running as well as this so that just shows the power of prox marks so you can see here that is rebooted again just pressing enter on the keyboard and once we've set up Mac OS we need to run or CLP or open call Legacy Patcher which will install the NVIDIA drivers for us the Legacy drivers for the gt630 then I'm going to install a program called sure Mouse which allows me to use the keyboard and mouse on both devices at once which saves me from using separate keyboard and Moses and then once we've done that we'll finally go on to the benchmarking on the Windows gaming PC just to see what FPS we get in Minecraft and games like that so you can see we're on the setup screen there United Kingdom I need to scroll down to it's going to be very slow the setup process and it can freeze but just hang tight in there and Blaze through it so um just next through most of this for me um not now we're not going to sign in with Apple ID I'm gonna skip that and then read all the terms and conditions and just go on to agree because I've already read them but make sure to read them then um I'm going to set an account name you can see it does lag behind sometimes but I it's much more um responsive when we get to the actual desktop um and actually configure Mac OS I forgot to say as well we need to remove our EFI folder over to so um we'll need to do that so I'm gonna wait and go through the setup process and meet you on the desktop see in a moment so here we are on the desktop so we're just going to set up our keyboard by pressing the right thing and once we've done that if we go to about this Mac you can see here it thinks this is I3 in here even though it's a ryzen seven four gigs of RAM and the display is eight megabytes so I'm just going to do auto adjust because this is a VGA monitor it's got a HDMI conversion on it um but now we're going to actually install the drivers so we need something called open call configurator to move over the EFI folder all of this will be in the description in my GitHub post I just need to do this because obviously I've not got that GitHub post handy so I'm gonna download the latest version from the website but for you just download it from the GitHub and that will be linked above the instructions once you've downloaded it's showing Finder right click and open it this bypasses gatekeeper just click open and then go to tools main TFI we want to make EFI or first on the qemu had this media click Mount enter your password open the partition drag that EFI to your desktop close all of that unmet the partition and met the other one which is the one on the actual virtual disk that will rooted Mac OS from and you do this typically on a bare metal installation it just won't be virtual with this because it'll be real disks so one would be USB and the other would be your actual partition so you can see this partition is empty because we need to just drag it in there while we're at it we're gonna go to open core config.plist if you double click it will open and open code configurator then we're going to do a few things so I'm platform info I'm gonna select uh an SM bios so I'm just going to do it as Mac mini eight comma one then memory if you go to memory and you set it to your system if you're unsure how to do that check my previous video um but I know that mine's DDR3 synchronous memory with the data width of 64. most width 64. um and because I'll give it four gigs of RAM you want a bank zero then A1 for me it should just be the same for you actually 2048 3200 Mega transfers same with um bank one because computers count from zero in binary dim B1 and then size 2004 yeah again the reason I'm doing that is to have two sticks of two gigs of RAM which is four gigs which is what I've give this video put the manufacturers or mine's cursor same on the other stick it's your custom memory is ticked and then go to misc timeout we want to do five seconds on on here on the boot and then file save reboot there Hackintosh machine sort of the untick reopen windows and restart then we're ready to actually install the patches so to install the patches it's really easy you download open call like it's Patcher and you just run it it's more simpler than you actually think but you can see we're booting back in again and we shouldn't need to press enter this time it should time out in five seconds and continue to boot so let's see if it does that you can see it's gone through and you can see macro I said booting again but once it's booted we're gonna enter a password again um right here and again it's asking me to do the keyboard for some reason but now I've got to about this Mac can see four gigs of RAM I never go to memory there we go also just to add we need to um remove the IDE drives so to do that you want to go on your proxbox web interface and follow the steps that I tell you so you go to your Hackintosh monitor AVM go on the hardware section for me and unmount the ID 2 and the ID 0 Drive this will stop it from beating from that built-in drive this is why it won't show on the right Ram values I've just done that as simple as that um and now we should be booting into uh actual disk without any assistance so let's wait for it to time out again you can see it's timed out and gone straight into Mac OS which is what you want and but this should now be booted off the disk which it is I know it is because I've removed the boot media so log in again you can see we've not got smooth Graphics still because I've not installed there um just do that again you can see the 3200 megahertz now go to memory two slots so let me just skip that it doesn't matter close it I go to Safari again I've not got the GitHub so I'm gonna have to download it um from dotania's website but you won't need to because you've already got the link which is on the GitHub page so if I click download 600 megabyte file so if you don't have good internet connection could take a while luckily mine's decently quick for today's standard um so about 10 seconds to download once this is downloaded again we're going to need to show it and find just to bypass that gatekeeper issue so almost done now it's going to decompress click show and find it with that little magnifying glass right click open I'm going to just close out all the windows now so we don't get confused but at the bottom you can see it's verifying now um and we're nearly ready to click open so this is open called legispatcher you might know it from actually installing Mac OS on unsupported Max and that's what it's for but if a click post install root patch you can see Nvidia Kepler which is the gt630s architecture so if we click Start root patching and click yes enter your password wait for the old process to go you can see that now it's actually applying the patches um which will allow us to get accelerated Graphics in Mac OS which is exactly what we want once that's done here uh take it shouldn't take that long but um rebuilding the kernel cache it can seem like it's frozen but it's not frozen it's just actually doing stuff in the background but once this is done It'll ask us to reboot so let's do that so you can see it says root patches finished successfully would you like to reboot obviously yes so click reboot restart there you can see we're rebooting again um which is great we should now see accelerated Graphics in Mac OS so the display is gone and it should appear again very shortly when it's done its rebooting process you can see here the proxbox logo I'm just going to let it time out because it should and then we'll be ready to see if we've got accelerated graphics so it should be a pretty quick boot up process if you're using an SSD which is a great for modern standards now um but you can see run the login screen you see that login bar there's no transparent into the password everything seems to be transparent you can see the bar at the bottom is transparent I don't know why it's um asking me about the keyboard all the time but if we go to about this Mac not about finder look at this so it's now picking up that it's an i7 even though it's not four gigs of the 200 megahertz DDR3 and the GT 632 gigabytes so that's it now we're ready to move on to installing showmas so open up Safari sureemace.com again this will be in the description click download download for mac and you want to download it for Windows too but I'll walk you through how to do that in a moment when we've downloaded it for this I want to mount the DMG file drag that across into the applications folder give it a moment um it should just copy over pretty much instantly but mine's just hanging here for a minute there we go it's copied over we're just going to wait now and it should pop into launch pad there you go just delete that EFI folder now we don't need it click open then enable accessibility in system preferences so I'm going to do that just click lock into your password click on sure mace unlock it again click OK and now we're ready to install it on windows so let's do that so here we are on Windows shermans.com click download accept the terms Windows download and then click on the share my CXC and then it's pretty much next next so we're going to click yes on that um command prompt next and that's it so once it's installed you can see it says it's found another installation so if I click that you can see it's found the Mac Mini even though it's not a Mac Mini so I'm just going to align that like it should be so so I'm one the main display it's a bit air because the PC is going to be my main display and the second one is obviously going to be the Mac Mini or in this case the Hackintosh so let's do a little demo on how this actually works so just to show you here's the Mason windows drag across you can see on Mac OS so I can change the desktop background on Mac OS for example come over here and search into Google and go on YouTube Etc so let's get on to benchmarking so I thought I'd show you the auto stat feature so I've got Windows 11 to auto start when I turn on the PC so if I turn on the PC you know and we should post and then go straight into Brock's box the screen should go black and then we should be in Windows 11 soon enough obviously it's going to take longer for us to actually get into Windows 11 than it would on a bare metal installation but it shouldn't take that long you can see we're posting now and then we should be able to load proxbox you can see here it's gonna automatically do that and then once it's loaded at the top should get a black screen you can see it's gone black you know it's just on a bit from random errors again don't worry about the errors we can see instead of showing the IP address we now get black screen that we should yeah so that means that Windows 11 is booted that once were booted should be in Windows 11. so this auto start is good because if you want to just use the one machine once you set it up it will get the display there we go if you want to use the one PC after you've set it up so you don't have another device you can do it like this but all the time you're recommended to have another device there you go but keyboard a mouse and we're back in Windows 11. so now we're going to actually go on to benchmarking so I'm gonna do some benchmarks on Windows 11 so I'm going to try Minecraft and see what other games that I can use uh just to test it out and also on Mac OS I'm going to do a um a metal test on cinebench um see what sort of performance we get with that so here we are in Minecraft so if I um bring up F3 the menu um you can see right now I'm getting 60 FPS locked um top right here top left sorry um but if I turn off Max frame rate and turn off vsync let's see what FPS we get so around 134 FPS um which is great and for this graphics card that's with the render distance at 12 chunks let's bump it up to 32 jumps you can see it around 72 FPS at Max render distance which is quite good um so that's Minecraft let's move on to a different game also when downloading games you can see I'm still getting full speed here even though it's in a virtual machine which is absolutely great so I'm just gonna I'm downloading the escapists just to see what it's like and also I'm gonna create a snapshot because I'm gonna do a Windows up there because obviously the snapshots are another great feature of virtualization and specifically with proxmox so you can see it's now finished um it's going to do the redistributables once it's verified um but basically um we're going to try Escapist see what FPS we get in that and then we'll go ahead and create that snapshot and update Windows so I have a click play move on DirectX 12. yes so it's going to install the prerequisites so like DirectX and stuff because this is a new Windows installation so that's why um but once it's done that we're ready to play we're in Skip it's so if I go to like yeah just go to the easiest prison a lot of new game um basically um what I'm going to do is use the AMD overlay in this game because I know that there's no FPS came to built in um so we're gonna have to use that so I'm just gonna because this guy and just skip the intro we want to obviously get into the game if we do alt Z which is um amd's built-in thing that seems to be disabled so if I have a look and see if Microsoft Gambar is installed which I'll just do now so I can't get an FPS enter on this game but you can see solid 60 FPS so you get the idea um but basically it works you know you can play it smoothly most games do play smoother like it's on burnt metal um just do not know easy anti-cheat games don't work on virtualization because they don't like virtualized platforms for some reason so let's get on to creating that snapshot so to create the snapshot I'm going to go over to the web portal um on proxmox and to my username and password the username is always root by the way just click on OK and then you can see the pcvm is running so if I just got snapshots and the reason it doesn't support snapshots is the um because they've still got the windows ISO in there so I'm gonna get rid of that now um which I'll need to reboot for but once we've got that done it should be a okay to do a snapshot so it still won't let me uh take snapshot for some reason so we're just going to do a full backup so if you click back up now um and we're just going to change the storage to local here backup now fast and then you can have it protected you'll click back up it's going to back up the whole disk um in a compressed format so you can see it's doing it now you can see the reading right there um but it can take quite a while um obviously if you've got loads of data on it it will take a while so let's wait for that as you can see it says task okay and if we go here it's a 23 gigabyte file but you can see that the disk is actually 250 but you can you know that I've only used um 25 gigabit so if I start the VM back up now we'll try and do a Windows update and see how it goes so here we are back on windows so we've got one settings now um and then go to Windows update you can see apparently that it's urgent even though it doesn't really matter um I'm gonna just click install on and then I'll meet you back here when the update's finished so you can see we're back on Windows 11 now after the update and now we do get the tabbed um file explorer and also the new search um among abundance of other features that I don't really know about um so you know that works uh so let's get on to the next part so what I thought of doing is actually showing you another feature of proxbox so I had a Mac OS VM on my Intel server um that I've created a backup for on my S B drive you can see uh the backups here so I'm going to restore that to the SSD here so you can see all the stuff still populated the only thing that we're going to need to change is the arguments to switch to AMD from Intel but I will do that once it's restored so you can see here um that it's doing it I will be back once it's actually done that so see in a moment so it's uh now restored from my network touch storage device and you can see here we just need to change a couple of things so we need to remove the old address for the PCI and graphics card and add the new one I'm going to take primary GPU but for you it might not work like that I know on the Intel system it didn't um and also I'm going to just add remove these USB ports and leave one for just a simple keyboard and mouse um combo then um once I've done that I need to grab the arguments if you're on AMD from the description below so Etc preview QE Muse server 102.co1f and then these are for the Intel system so I need to remove them because now I'm on the AMD ryzen 7 system so I just need to remove these like so and then get the arguments I'm gonna have to get it from my GitHub page but you won't need to do that because you've already got the GitHub post so it's actually on the discard but for you it will be in the GitHub cost so I've just pasted in the arguments you'll have them Linked In the description on the GitHub post so I'm going to save that and I'm ready to boot up the machine so let's see bit boots so I'm gonna just um make sure the display is set to none and now I'm clicking start on the virtual machine so let's see if it boots up so we should get a display output very soon it's just starting so it said okay I'm the start prompt you see we're getting a display output so let's see if it boots this is my main Hackintosh that I use to Video Edit and stuff like that so I'm gonna actually be doing that later and uh actually seeing if that's very smooth and I may even give you an update on that um but this has all my software on it like Final Cut and things um and you can see it's working absolutely great um so my stuff showing up sure most should be appearing very soon and it has as well um and all my stuff so you're like Final Cut logic canva that's just great so we've got to about this Mac you can see I've just assigned four gigs for now but it thinks it's got a four gigahertz I5 in the and then the gpus status is brilliantly um so I'm absolutely chuffed the bits for that um and now I just need to start out the memory uh frequency fixes that I did in the um the start of the video which can it does improve cosmetic on about this Mac but it can actually give you a performance increase because Mac then knows um the frequency of your RAM so I'm going to do that and then I'm going to switch the video inputs around so Windows 11's on this display and Mac OS is on this display by just switching out the hdmis literally um and then I'm gonna do some video editing on Final Cut to see how it is and then once I've done that then we know that it works so here we are I've just switched the display um I did have to um actually stop the machine and start it again on Mac OS but on Windows you can see it just did it straight away um so just bear that in mind when you're actually doing it also it looks like I'm gonna have to change the screen resolution but this TV does have some problems anyway usually with the screen resolution so I'm gonna wait for Sherman's to load in and I'm ready to open up system preferences so this is running Monterey mainly because Ventura is not fully stable as of yet um I'm gonna do scaled 1080p so you can see we're back in business so I'm gonna open up Final Cut Pro now and see if I can Video Edit yeah just loaded up my timeline then of this video and it works fine even though there's over three hours of footage so uh that will be slimmed down though so now all I'm gonna do is download geekbench and we're gonna do a test so if I download it I haven't paid for it so we're gonna have to use the trial version so I'm gonna download it for Mac OS and then we're going to do some metal tests um and then on Windows over here I'm gonna download cinebench just to see how it handles both of them being cranked at the same time so this has a threads allocated and the other one has four threads so this one here has four threads so not all the threads are being used only 12 of them are being used so the system should be able to handle all of them at the same time so I will mention you can get congestion in the network um when you are downloading two things at once obviously on two machines um as that Port is being shared between all your VMS um so just burn that burn that in mind so I'm gonna wait for cinebench to load over here and that needs to be extracted so we'll do that whilst that's extracting you can see we're hitting quite good speeds um for extracting small files but I'm just going to agree to the terms and we'll enter the license later so what I'm gonna do is it thinks it's a hospital CPU I'm gonna run a CPU Benchmark here and we're going to monitor it on my MacBook the overall summary so let's do it so here we are we're about 34 CPU because we're um extracting on that Windows VM then you can see if we go to the side I didn't feel like screen recorded on this one the PCS using nearly all of its 16 gig of RAM allocated and you can see we have some CPU usage on Mac OS so but now we're gonna run the CPU Benchmark on geekbench and watch the CPU so should start kicking to life now you can see it's rising slower so in a file compression test and then on Windows we're going to run Center bench which is another CPU stress test as well um so I could definitely if I look on the Mac van that means that it's being used not not by much to be honest uh I expected high it will on the PC you can see where we start just do a preference of one minute to test duration and do a multi-core test this is with eight cores not the uh sorry eight threads not 16 like you normally used to so we're 100 CPU on the actual Windows VM but if you notice look only 60 here because we're only using half the CPU which is that eight thread and the other um the other VM I can still do stuff whilst we're sort of rendering an image here so that's brilliant so I'm gonna wait for the test to finish and then once it's finished you can hear down here as well but the computer's working hard now so I'm gonna wait for this to finish when it does I'll let you know of the results on both of them so we finished with six thousand which isn't great but it's half the score that I usually get with eight threads here and you've got to remember that this is still running so I've looked down on the PC now you can see that we're idling out but on the Mac we're about 50 usage there you go fluctuations whilst it's still doing the test but once the mac's done doing the tests I will um show you the results on the Mac so there are the results so you can see three thousand multi score now remembering four of the 16 threads here so you can see only four cores which is four threads on this AMD system so bear that in mind obviously because we have 16 threads so that is the benchmarking so let's go on to finally ending this video so I want to say thanks ever so much for watching this video this dip this video did take me a really long time to make so I hope you appreciate it so if you did like this video please leave a like and please consider subscribing 95 of your ad subscribed and it's free all you do is press the button below also you can check out my membership program and if you need more help please visit the Discord server that's linked below thanks ever so much for watching this video goodbye
Channel: Harvey’s Virtual Environment
Views: 15,166
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Id: mX3gTHdObIo
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Length: 73min 47sec (4427 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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