II Corinthians ~ 11:1 to 11:23

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say you welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 this is a chapter you want to really play pay close attention to you want to absorb it it's kind of the center of Paul's teaching as far as you directly are concerned especially in this generation of the fig tree so it becomes doubly important to us so with that having been said the word of wisdom to God's elect is sufficient chapter 11 verse 1 and verse 1 reads would to God you could bear with me a little in my folly and indeed bear with me the words to God are not in the manuscript so you can drop those and what he's saying is I've got something on my heart I really I really want you to listen to me you may even think it sounds foolish but I want you to listen to me anyway because it's very very important and you want to bear in mind in the last couple of chapters he's been talking about these super preachers that come along with different Gospels and he's going to drive that nail home in this particular chapter verse 2 before I am jealous over you with godly jealousy for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ and that's the subject is losing virginity before the truth has been Christ returns when you start messing around with other teachings he gets jealous not only Paul but God himself verse 3 but I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ now many people would say this word beguile means this and that it only has one meaning it's the Greek word to explain you and it's for your information it's 1818 in the Greek manuscripts you with comparing it with Strong's Concordance estate een 18 and it has only one meaning and that one meaning is wholly seduced this is why Paul would say or rather mark and Matthew would say Matthew 24 mark 13 Walter that those that are with child when Christ returns what does that mean you've been messing around spiritually speaking and this is what he was concerned about and if you ever wanted to know what happened to even why Cain was so wicked then you kind of begin to get the idea okay verse 4 for if he that cometh proceed preaches another jesus that's the false one the Antichrist whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with it or what he says is you you bear with it all right you swallow it hook line and sinker it's a new message there's nothing new Under the Sun our fathers word was written it is it is sealed it is written to you a letter so that you're not deceived and certainly he wishes you to remain that virgin until the true Christ returns to that wedding supper otherwise you can kind of begin to understand here why some would come up out je-sus jesus we're glad you're back we've cast out demons and your name is and you get out of my sight I never knew you now why would Jesus say that they fell off to the wrong Christ that's to say the Antichrist it is a real sad situation that not too many ministers teach that the false christs comes first whereby one could be spiritually seduced verse 5 for I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles no I wasn't that far above the old boys that walked with Christ Christ strapped me down on the road to Damascus that's what he's saying I'm not behind them verse 6 but though I be rude in speech I might be a little crude in the way I talk yet not in knowledge but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things I have proved this to you over and over and over I brought it right to your attention I've laid it out in the simplicity in which Christ teaches the false Christ is coming first you are not to to go with him and you are to remain away from him and you are to know as I told you in in before that if you if you do not recognize that you have two bodies and that we are changed instantly it happens at the last Trump not the sixth when Satan comes have you ever read the book of revelations if you're not you're in a heap of hurt because the false christ comes at the sixth trump the true christ doesn't return until the second and you are flying nowhere that is not biblical it's not going to happen listen to the Word of God don't let man add stuff in that that there is no article there is no subject other than what the simplicity in which Christ teaches you're being deceived and beguiled by the false Christ verse eight I robbed other churches and and I'm sorry we got what is it verse seven with verse eight or seven anyway have I committed an offence in abasing myself that G I be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely that's the way Paul was now verse 8 I robbed other churches taking wages of them to do you service to bring to bring you the real truth and you listen to these super preachers verse 9 and when I was present with you and wanted well I was hungry I was chargeable to no man for that which was lacking to me the Brethren which came from Macedonia supplied and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you and so will I keep myself I like it that way that's the way it's going to be and and so it is with Paul he was a tentmaker he liked that part why well he wanted people to not have any questions about why he was in the ministry it sure wasn't for money okay it was to teach the message so that you're not seduced so that you're not beguiled so you're not carried away by false teaching verse 10 as the truth of Christ is in me no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia I intend this grace is going to be with me God's grace will stay with me he won't with the super preachers but it will with me and you're going to have it and what he says is in verse 11 we're for because I love you not God North I do he does love them that's why he come came that's why he preached he established the church there verse 12 but what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion that we're in their glory they may be found even as we in other words I'm going to show you that I can pull the rug out from under them anytime I so choose there that when they bring their faults teaching and their lies to you I can pull the carpet out from under them anytime I choose to and show you what they truly are and that's the way it is well well brother you don't understand we're gonna fly away we're gonna be gone oh oh whoo where did you learn that who spoke that to you it's not written in God's Word so if you're listening to these super preachers with the flyaway doctrine then you're not understanding first thessalonians chapter 4 where it says if you believe Christ rose from the dead you better believe all these that have died or asleep in him have risen also they're already with him and there's no way we can precede them because they've already resurrected and gone to him to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord and then at what Trump the last the seventh then we are all changed into spiritual bodies as he aptly brought forth in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 52 we we've covered it in the first book instantly at that seventh Trump the Greek is very specific it's the farthest one out now a child can understand that that's the seventh he's not coming back until then so don't you let some super preacher misguide it teaching falsely tells you you're not going to be here you're going to be gone because it is not written there's no way you're going to gather back to Christ until after the false one comes and stands in the holy place this is why Paul is saying I'm worried about you I'm afraid he's going to seduce you I'm afraid you be deceived by the false Christ and when somebody brings you this other Christ that appears before the seventh Trump you better be careful because he's a fake and now we go with verse 13 for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ oh praise God some will say they were transformed into apostles of Christ that word in the Greek is disguised they come disguised as apostles of Christ this is why the Lord Jesus Christ himself in Matthew 4 and mark 24 Matthew 24 and Mark 13 tells you the very first warning don't trust men or let somebody that comes in my name that's to say claiming to be a Christian preacher deceive you because you're the Antichrist is coming first and you're going to be delivered up before him you're not flying anywhere that's the teachings of Christ you're not to premeditate what you will say but the Holy Spirit will speak through you at that time and then we go on to 14 men and no Marvel I don't marvel at that why for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light now how is it that say it well praise God even God's going to convert Satan then you would show your ignorance again the word transformed is disguised he's coming as Antichrist just disguised as Christ himself you can read about it if you want the specifics in Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 where it says hey it looks like the Lambs land basically got two horns but it's the voice of the dragon is none other than Satan himself so our Father gives us all kinds of warnings to not be seduced you have no excuse quite frankly other than ignorance and that's bliss I suppose but he could not make it any clearer and the simplicity in which Christ teaches Satan's coming disguised as the real thing and that's the way a lot of P well are going to be seduced lanes they're not being taught well brother you don't understand our preacher says we're going to fly away well your preacher is lying to you he's a false prophet and I know that offends some but God help you if you listen to them because you're going to be deceived the false one comes first let's let's let's let's nail this down in a different place of the same teachings of Paul you're not going to have it but I want you to make a note of second Thessalonians chapter 2 now this is the letter that follows the first letter to fess up the desolate nangka where the would be any moment people mistakenly get their rapture which the word is not even there and Paul hastily I mean sigh Silvanus and Timothy were still there at at Thessalonica and he hastily wrote this second letter to straighten people out about this flyaway stuff and you need to read it for yourself because your very soul and eternal life depends upon it from the Word of God not some man chapter 2 verse 1 2nd Thessalonians now we beseech you brother we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him now what is the subject I want to really talk to you I'm beseeching you to understand how we're going together back to the true Christ the real thing our Savior Yahshua that's the subject you can't fit anything else into that it's telling you plainly and simply how we're going to gather back to Christ are you going to fly well I don't know he's going to tell you do you believe God's own man Paul or do you believe preachers super preachers listen to the Word of God verse two concerning our gathering back to Christ that you be not soon shaken in mind don't you get all mixed up or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us don't you let that first letter to Thessalonians deceive you in Chapter four as that the day of Christ is at hand don't let any man any spirit or anyone deceive you about Christ coming and how it's going to be that's pretty plain isn't that a child could understand that very clearly verse three let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition perdition is apollyon it means - it's one of Satan's names the destroyer he's the only one that sentenced to death in in Ezekiel 28 verses 19 and a palea is in the Greek language is Satan's name so what did it say don't let any letter any man or anyone deceive you Christ is not going to return until after Satan returns as Messiah that makes it pretty plain how can anyone miss that point how could anyone be seduced by him knowing he's coming first and he's in that bomber nation though he's beautiful though he talks a mean trip though he performs miracles and though he comes in prosperously and peacefully and though he is supernatural he's still Satan the son of perdition what what does the son of perdition do this falling away is the great apostasy that you read of in the book of Revelation many people that are true Christians are going to fall away why they're going to think it's Christ and they start worshipping the devil the son of perdition how sad to be seduced by evil spirits right from those that would claim to be from the house of God verse 4 who opposeth the son of perdition what does he do who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God he stands on Mount Zion he claims to be the Lord Christ returned and you know something people that are not taught by this simplicity in which Paul brings this forth they're gonna be seduced they're gonna worship the false Christ thinking up to fly you away whoa don't forget me let me join the group you don't want to be seduced that's ignorant stick with the word of God what again was this is it this is how we gather back to Christ no other way it's not going to happen until after the false Christ appears claiming to be God verse 5 remember you not that when I was with you I told you these things when we walked the roads I wound you verse 6 and now you know what withholdeth that he may be revealed in his time you know where he is you know Michaels holding him you know when he's cast out at the sixth Trump verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity doth already work and only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way well now let's figure this out who is this he a lot of your so-called would be super preachers will say let's talk about that's talking about the rapture and that's talking about the Holy Spirit being taken away this has no article whatsoever and the very verb itself in this 7th verse is a trance Steve herb you need to educate yourself on that well what pray tell me does a transitive verb mean it means the he must be identified by the verb in the preceding verse well there was it talking abou was the he and the preceding verse Satan the Antichrist son of perdition that's who he is well we're with you right now revelation 12:7 Michael's gonna throw him out of heaven at the sixth truck he and all of his little angels coming with him to fulfill this role to see how many people have read God's Word truthfully and how many people will be deceived for he is coming and that transitive verb identifies that as the son of perdition don't ever ever let some person uneducated tell you that this has anything to do with the church or the holy spirit there's no article and you can understand that that's the subject go back to verse one our gathering back to Christ when is it going to happen these things must happen first verse 8 and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming that's when Christ returned this happened he comes after this you want to get that down real good Christ we do not gather back to Christ until after these events transpire then you will see him coming verse 9 even him whose coming is after the working of Satan as his role as false messiah with all power and signs and lying wonders well he can do a bunch of it he's supernatural he can deceive the world he can say I'm coming to fly you away and how many people are already brainwashed mark of the beast in their mind ready to jump on that wagon and yet God's Word says don't go there don't be seduced don't be deceived the false christs comes first at the sixth rung what happens if we do get on that wagon well he God will help you if you want to verse 10 and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved they listened to man and man's traditions that make void the Word of God instead of reading the letter that God has sent us to forewarn you not to be deceived you you want to believe lies well listen to it verse 11 and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they shall believe a lie in other words if you haven't read the letter he's going to send the evil one he's going to allow him to have his way with those that will jump on his wagon okay to fly away God does that why well this is a time of choosing who's going to make heaven for eternity and who can be messed up and we don't want them with us if they can't learn to read a simple letter that God sent them or listen to a teacher who can teach that letter in its simplicity then you don't belong there verse 12 that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness there's 13 you have God's elect listen carefully but we are bound to give thanks always to God for you brethren beloved of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth not some super preacher not some false teacher not someone disguised as a angel of light when indeed there apollyon which is to say Satan yems performing miracles in the sight of people it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verses 12 down through 18 which identify them has Satan 666 the Antichrist comes the sixth seal six Trump and six vial is number 666 that's his appearance a child can understand that and father wants to know if you're willing to listen to him and learn truth or do you want to be damned it's that simple and it's that clear is that plain I choose eternal life I choose the simplicity in which Christ brings forth it is not a popular thing to teach the real truth it is it is but at the same time I would never teach anything but God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and let the little old chips fall wherever they may so let's return now to chapter 11 we'll come with the next verse please in that chapter 11 verse 15 this is concerning don't Marvel for Satan himself comes disguised as an angel of light meaning the false messiah verse 15 therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed disguised as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works they're going to hell if you you know a minister must stand good for every all the people that perhaps he has led to God but at the same time however many people he led to Satan he's got to enter for it I would hate to be in the shoes of those that would lead their flock to jump on that first wagon this cried I'm flying you out of here that's to say apollyon standing the son of perdition in the Holy Place claiming to be Jesus and the church itself leading people to it saying here go fly away it's not written don't be seduced we're in critical times you're in the generation of the fig tree when many of these things transpire stay in the Word of God and prove yourself let's go with the next verse 16 I say again let no man think me a fool if otherwise yet as a fool received me that I may boast myself a little in other words you may think this sounds foolish but you better believe it so that the few of you will be saved and I can boast to myself that I saved a few out of the fire for 17 that which I speak I speak it not after the Lord but as it were foolishly in this confidence of boasting I have told you the exact truth and and I have laid it out exactly as it is written it's for you to assume 6:18 seeing that many glory after the flesh I will glory also in other words you're super preachers they look and commend themselves as the last chapter declared and Paul says I'll be commended of God and I'll teach this truth though it may make me look a little foolish I will teach that truth and I will stick with it verse 19 for you suffer fools gladly you swallow the whole lie seeing ye yourselves are wise wise in the ways of the world the traditions of men you you think you really understand the Word of God is what he's saying here but unfortunately your wisdom comes from traditions of men sayings of men not what God's Word says the son of perdition will come first before we ever gather back to Christ and you must if you're one of God's elect stand against em verse 20 for you suffer if a man bring you into bondage if a man devour you you into it if a man take of you if a man exalt himself if a man smite you on the face you still seem to like it it's a new thing and that's what false teaching will do for you beat you to death spiritually I mean it takes your soul and rings it pulls you away from the true teachings and the love of Almighty God and puts you in Satan's camp I'm 21 I speak as concerning reproach as though we had been weak howbeit we're in so ever in his boat I speak foolishly I am bold also I'm not afraid to lay the truth out on the line and stand behind it why verse 22 or they Hebrews are you checked out these super preachers so am i and Paul was a Benjamite of the tribe of Abraham I'm sorry it was a Abrahamic covenant of the tribe of Benjamin chapter 11 the great book of Romans verse 1 documents that are they Israelites and certainly that same scripture will document that he was an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin so am i and he was are they the seed of every Abraham so am i well a lot of them that would sneak in and put on a robe we know from the book of Ezra you were warned over and over that the Nathan him moved into the liturgical duties of the true teachers of God and you had a bunch of fake preachers begin to take over doing liturgical duties and well there's not all of them are Israelites and not all of them are of the house of Israel and they will mislead you it does not matter what one is if he teaches the truth chapter by chapter and verse by verse but Paul is giving you his credentials and he does not want any to be seduced led astray 23 are they ministers of Christ I speak as a fool I am nor in Labor's more abundant in stripes more above majors in prisons more frequent in deaths of I face death night and day faced it always to bring the word the real to words no not this easy stuff these super preachers would lay on you traditions of men and so forth Paul says I've been after with it establishing these churches under those conditions and and it was pretty good we'll continue on in the next lecture beloved do not be deceived in these end times it is so simple in reading God's Word how it's going down there's no excuse for anyone being deceived it is very hurtful for innocent people to be led astray but innocent people should be wise enough to know you listen to God not men not this man or any other man you listen to the Word of God you know when Christ walked the earth and someone would ask him a question what was his answer haven't you read it's written right here up for told you all things why haven't you read it and so it is the truth is there it's called the Word of God that word became flesh and walked among us his name was the Lord Jesus Christ you need to read it alright bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 645 that number is good from porto rico throughout the US alaska hawaii all over canada if the spirit moves if you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we don't judge people don't need to gods the judge and you have the right to discern the scripture even if even the scripture we disagree covered today you should have spiritual discernment to determine truth from fiction it's critical especially in this generation for many of these things will come to pass many of these prophecies in this generation to fig tree so you need to pay real close attention to your father's word not the word of men those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure now got a prayer request you don't need a number or the address why god knows what you're thinking he's got time for you you know he's the one that created your very being he's the one that created your spiritual body that is eternal if you will believe him his word and follow him that he turned a life with him when he loves you that's why he made you different than anyone else he wants that love back you're unique let him know you love him today once do that father around the globe we come West that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You father they meant okay in question time we're going to get right into it here Debbie from Mississippi I have a dear friend that we discuss your program and I talk of things in the Bible he says no one knows if he or she will be a will be in heaven only God knows all we have is hope that God will take us to heaven Romans 8:24 is the scripture he refers to please could you explain me about hope in Christ and how we can know he will be with Christ you know it's a promise of God that if you love him if you be Christ was the son of God you're not going to perish there's hope doesn't have anything to do with that now the scripture he's quoting is set aside for the Saints which the Saints meaning the set aside ones he's using 8:24 how about 826 two verses on down what does it say concerning God's elects the Saints he says you don't even know what to pray for therefore as an elect intercede in your life I make sure it happens in your life I put you where I want you and as you continue on then in verse twenty seven and eight he says I for ordained you you were predestined to hear this word and to do it as God would so indicate so there's no hope in that it's the strongest Scripture you could possibly have of the declaration of God if you're one of God's elect chosen before the foundations of the earth you don't really have all that much choice about serving he's going to use you to bring the scriptures to pass as they're written it's a good chapter to read for you everyone Joyce from Louisiana my question is is it alright to give your body to science for research because of expenses yes there's nothing wrong with it it's good especially like if you can give eyesight to someone mean that that's a beautiful thing and when we're through with these flesh bodies were through with them and that that's it we have a more perfect body it's a spiritual body that you're already in William from Kentucky would you please share this I'm trying to find your question okay I'm wondering if pastor Murray thinks that turban of Taliban and Taliban or all related words are is it a coincidence it is no coincidence the the word the word turban in that tongue is Taliban that means turban and and it is even a turkey Adi blonde but it all comes from Taliban and those the and it's called a crown in Revelation chapter 9 they wear crowns all of them but it means wrap around they all wear a wrap around which is Taliban Taliban and turbine take a good dictionary check it out okay in the different languages of the east and you'll find we're talking taliban byron from california the two witnesses is that Enoch and Elijah no wouldn't you think that if Christ came on the Mount of Transfiguration if the two witnesses were Enoch and Elijah you think they would not have appeared with him but who did not Elijah but his meant or Elijah and Moses the lawgiver so you have the head prophet and the head lawgiver you don't have better witnesses than the law and the prophets they are the heads and they were transfigured and so it is that I give it a strong strong point and that that's who the two witnesses will be Kenneth from California there's Kenneth and I'm glad you're I see you're a marine and your son was a Marine Semper Fi good good to have you with us and good companionship is no sin dr. Murray I think our Father in Heaven that we finally have a man a marine at and at that one of chesties boys from frozen Chosin and to lead well I was a member of that group and chesty puller was a Marines Marine thank you for that too from the frozen chosen to lead guide and direct and correct us through God I've been to many churches throughout my life and have never gained such knowledge as I have listening and watching your program thank you and your staff and so it is good to have you with us and simplifying sherry from Georgia I'm struggling daily with an addiction of to marijuana I wake up every morning praying for strength to quit but by evening I've smoked it and I wonder if I keep asking for forgiveness and yet over and over I end up weakened smoking well he continued to forgive me I will not give up trying to finally quit sherry you know what's going to happen if you're not careful you want to pray for strength to quit what it seems you are but bear down on it but when this false messiah comes do you know that he's going to know your weakness for marijuana you know the first thing he's going to offer you some of the best stuff you've ever seen in your life and he's gonna say if you will worship me you will never have to want for the best again I will supply it so you do not want to have an addiction when the false one comes because he is very convincing and conniving you do not want that weakness on your account so what you need to tell my chéri the spiritual body to tell the flesh body to shape up I mean shape up now get it done you're a daughter of the Living God and you cannot let that weakness be in your system when the false christ comes get after it ask his help he'll give it if you'll just really be honest with him Marty from Washington thank you for your teachings I was a cocaine and heroin addict for years when I started listening to you and now I'm 15 years clean well praise God we appreciate that my question is my stepfather just recently shot himself and killed himself he had been suffering from dementia and had gotten very mean to me threatening to kill me prior to his dementia he was a good Christian man will he be in heaven will God see past his illness of course he will you know chemical imbalances and disease and those things that we are not control you you knew the real man but God does not hold accountable in that imbalance and that imperfection there is much pollution in the world and it brings bad things upon us a lot of people so I am sure that even if he is in paradise and on the wrongs that you will be able to help him in the Millennium as Ezekiel 44 is 20 through 25 the direct okay we got Katherine from Tennessee will with Jesus first miracle in John chapter 2 the wedding feast Jesus does what his mother asks she seems to expect some kind of miracle but only the disciples a few the servants at the wedding and Mary know what happened with the water being turned into wine jesus admits this as a bit premature to the well understand this that first miracle of doing this gave you the blood of Christ and many would say what did he really give permitted wine well it made him drunk okay the scripture is very specific in the Greek that they were drunk it was intoxicating but you see for for the grape juice to become pure it must ferment and fermentation takes all the dregs and trash of the world and of the vine and throws it off skimmed away and what is left is that pure blood of Christ that's what it was symbolic of is that he was he had come and that with his blood and the miracles naturally it wasn't time for him to be made no one it was just the beginning of his ministry but he let it no coming out the gate that was symbolic of his blood Irene from New Jersey where is the scripture traditions of men make void the Word of God Matthew chapter 15 verse 6 is a very good place but there there's more than one but that would be a good start for you Matthew 15 verse 6 Aaron from Tennessee why do people prefer to why do people refer to the serpent in Genesis chapter 3 as the devil it does not say that the serpent is the devil in the Bible please explain Aaron you're mistaken the Bible does say that the serpent is the devil and he has many names dragon serpent Lucifer devil and you will find them all connected in Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 I will repeat it again for you Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 declares that the serpent in that garden was the devil and and it's also in many other places you can read it again in Revelation chapter 20 verses 1 and 2 Rimi from arkansas we lost the baby in the womb at 6 months well I know my baby when I die well you every soul at conception is in the womb so naturally the child is with the father and innocent naturally he the child overcomes and yes and you will know them I have no doubt about that Ezekiel chapter 44 verses 20 through 25 Debbie from Georgia please explain clean and unclean foods to eat well a general rule of the thumb and this is an oversimplification but so so be it never eat a scavenger scavengers all types of scavengers are unclean example a fish that has no fins and feeds off the bottom off of dead droppings and everything all the filth God created them for a very good reason is to keep the water clean and healthy the same way with the certain animals that are scrabbling scavengers that eat dead flesh and germs and disease and Rutten and scoot and and for take all that in and yet there they have no sweat glands or anything and they can store all that poison in their fat until they die it never bothers them was that good yes it is because that keeps that poison away from the good animals and human beings and naturally flesh that is edible is flesh that comes from the soil that is to say beef that eats grass the grass grows from the soil our bodies come from the soil everything that our bodies consist of is organic that's the only thing you can absorb in your system to do you any good is organic things I would recommend that you read Leviticus chapter 11 that will give you in detail the good and the bad Diane from Washington thank you you're so welcome many people believe the Old Testament is no longer valid that it went away with G when Jesus rose and all teachings started anew in the New Testament how can we present that the Old Testament is still valid and part of the Lord's word and guidance but now the Lord Himself he would always say have you read or it is written where in the Old Testament so the Old Testament there is more prophecy about the millennium in the Book of Ezekiel than there is in the New Testament and one of the greatest teachers aside from Christ was Peter and in in 2nd Peter chapter 3 he tells you in verse 1 or 2 and 3 that the prophets and the gospel tell you everything will the prophets are the Old Testament okay and so you naturally he intended that you read those Paul from whom we're studying you're in the krint coke from Corinth or his teachings to Corinth he quotes more Bible from the Old Testament much of his teachings it refers to incomes from the Old Testament and so anyone that would think that the Old Testament was done away with is in a heap of hurt they shortchanged themselves it's like putting a set of blinders on where you can't see the whole Word of God and and and you need it you need it for clarity and understanding okay Bob from Vermont my question is how does jury duty fit with the judging others factor in Christianity it is a jury of your peers is illegal it is not really judging it is listening to two witnesses and deciding the facts that is biblical and as you are told even concerning the death penalty as it is written in Deuteronomy chapter 19 by two witnesses so you always on jury duty listen to the witnesses and make a decision of guilt or innocence that that is legal and and man is supposed to do that and there's certainly nothing wrong with praying to God that he gives you the ability to sift through that and find truth Linda from Indiana you say Satan will have control of money how will we pay our electric bill phone and home well I don't exactly say he will control money he will control the government and the government prints the money all right or establishes the money and I do say that Satan as it is written in and Daniel 8 and many other places Daniel 11 he comes in prosperously and peacefully prosperously means he makes money available for everyone he buys attention and that's why he is so very convincing and that's why if you are not absolutely have not absorbed the word God in truth to know who he is and what he's up to the chances of you being seduced if you are ignorant of God's Word or almost a hundred percent because he's supernatural and he can he could as it is written in Revelation 13 beginning with chapter 13 beginning with verse 12 he could snap his fingers and lightning come down from heaven do you understand how many people would follow that today they would be awed by it okay but one that knows it's written that he's going to do that we find him to be in about my mission Robert from Idaho what are the people doing when they are at the wrong side of the Gulf well I mentioned they're repenting a lot they're probably thinking things over and probably wondering why in the world they didn't get into God's Word and you can kind of get a pretty good idea of what they're doing by reading what the rich man was doing I mean on earth he had everything he could buy whatever he wanted and here he woke up dead and in the wrong side of paradise and he had to beg for a drop of water from the beggar that is a statement of degradation and have warned you know and certainly this one place no one wants to go but I mentioned they're looking forward to the Millennium when they come to that truth William from Missouri I have a question I would like to ask you my wife went to be with the Lord on March the 1st 2012 I miss her very much as we used to take walks in the dark and around the neighborhood every day as Barbie used to love going on for rides I would like to know if it is okay for me to ask her to take walks and to ride with me when I go somewhere there's nothing wrong with you meditating meditation is to remember old times to remember times and spiritually she's probably with you anyway okay and so just there's nothing there's no sin in that so you you just I'm sorry we're we're sorry for your loss but praise God she is with the father sounds like a good good woman and we're yeah I don't think you'll be away from her that long we're getting pretty close I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all he loves you because you read the letter and do not find yourself deceived or seduced he wants you to be pure when he returns he loves you for that return that love to him won't you we're brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you most important thought you listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,843
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, 2 Corinthians, Shepherd's Chapel, II Corinthians, Shepherd's, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of, Bible, Book of II Corinthians, Chapel, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, KJV, Arnold Murray, Book of 2 Corinthians, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Holy Bible
Id: nH__hdV62XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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