Proverbs ~ 10:6 to 10:32

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word that's a good place to be there's where we gain wisdom knowledge understanding and success and we think our Father for that we're in the tenth chapter of Proverbs proverbs a book of comparisons giving you the ability to make your own mind up which path or which way you're going to take it's up to you and giving you in detail from our father's word what you're going to find on the trail if you walk with God's gonna be pretty good you walk away by yourself and it could be very bad so this is comparison showing you the good and the bad chapter 10 verse 6 word of wisdom from our Father and Yeshua Jesus precious name in verse six reads blessings are upon the head of the just but violence cover at the mouth of the wicked in other words God observes God knows and he brings blessings down to the person that is just that means he justifies what he does and he does it according to God's Word does that that is right that's what just is and always justify what you do and violence cover as the mouth of the wicked wine because that's pretty well what comes out of that mouth and they plan it night and day and God certainly isn't going to bless it whatever it is verse seven the memory of the just is blessed in other words they have a good reputation and what they've accomplished will be remembered but the name of the wicked shall rot meaning it's not going to be remembered nobody wants to remember them they'd rather forget about them and really in the ultimate why are there no tears in heaven when many of the loved ones will go to hell and and be in the lake of fire the the reason being they won't be remembered you they will be blotted out and so it is verse 8 the wise in heart will receive Commandments that said that they'll receive instructions but a prating fool shall fall what fall on his face always you don't ratchet jaws or a dime-a-dozen they know everything you can't tell them anything and and you are really quite better off if you never asked them for any instruction they'll give you something but it won't probably be a line with God's Word verse 9 he that walketh uprightly walketh surely but he that perverted his ways shall be no one shall be exposed okay it's God does not like perversion that's one of the things that he's really against and but the upright walketh surely in other words it's gonna happen they're going to be blessed always will be blessed so there you have the comparison walk uprightly don't Tim whatever you do revert to your ways perversion brings death okay verse 10 he that winneth with the eye causes sorrow but a prating fool shall fall now I want you to note that you don't have a comparison here but when you pull in the ancient manuscripts you find that that's not what this says I'm going to because the comparison is lacking there's something wrong okay they're both bad in other words so I'm going to read it to you as it translates from the most ancient manuscripts he that winneth with the eye causes sorrow but a prating but a person who rebukes a platting fool shall bring peace that being the positive now many people take this winking as the fact that that you can't tease someone you can't that there's no humor suppose and that's not what it means at all okay when you mock someone to the point that it hurts them spiritually physically mentally I'll say or even if it hurts them by property that's not funny that's not humor it isn't it's real good to tease someone a little bit because you love them okay and and that's fine but if when it does harm when it hurts someone's feelings that's not teasing okay you you went over the line so you want it and it can be very negative as well so always beware and and don't Rob yourself of a sense of humor but at the same time don't mock people don't belittle people because of handicaps or some other reason all right verse 11 the mouth of a righteous man is a well of life that's to say eternal life it brings not only eternal life to him but to others he or she but to others around them okay but violence cover at the mouth of the wicked and he's filled with curses okay well because God observes you know it someone who believes God doesn't exist Rob's themselves all the way around anything if that's what you choose that your life hey have a good trip but it's so much wiser to take the high road and and have our Father love you a mouthful filled with curses is not a very pleasant thing to be around that is to say that just it all it anything it turns God's blessings away from people verse 12 hatred stirreth up Strife's but love covereth all sins its hatred stirreth up strives it's over insults okay if you hate someone usually this doesn't have anything to do with righteous indignation of correction for correcting someone as verse 10 from the ancient manuscripts of correcting the prating fool brings peace well maybe it helps them know at the same time you want to remember if if you correct an unwise person you're gonna get a bought from it okay they're gonna wear up in some cases that's okay you planted the seed if it didn't grow that's their decision have a good trip you know enjoy your ride to hell you don't you can't force truth upon anyone that's why i'm that this is a book of decision that you giving a set of opposites you choose the one you want naturally god gives you advice of what hatred causes you got hatred it'll mess up your life okay it'll fester verse 13 in the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found and he's a good counselor he's good to be around he's got wisdom but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding in other words he brings stuff down on his own heart his own head and seems to enjoy it in many men said well no you don't understand brother it's just that people advise being wrong no you you're the one that makes the decision and if you follow God's Way he says don't take advice from a fool or you're a bigger fool than they are okay you you don't you do not take advice from fools but you take advice from a wise man a woman a wise person that gives good counsel and good counsel always comes from God's Word because all wisdom comes from our Father all good counsel comes from our Father or hey you can you can choose the rod if you like it on your back verse 14 wise men lay up knowledge but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction always bumping at the door of destruction by laying up knowledge when you study God's Word you tuck these things away in your mind you know if you could create a computer that could store what a human mind can if you'll exercise it and condition it there's no one can make a chip for a computer disk that can store as much information as the human mind can and in in the flesh body we only use about 1/10 of it so according to some so how fantastic it is that you can store up a lot of wisdom if you'll just do it in your mind that you always have it there to draw on and you will not see that destruction verse 15 the rich man's wealth is his strong City the destruction of the poor is their property poverty for for one of necessities now and many people say I always thought it was a sin to be rich well you misheard if you are rich with ill-gotten gains that's to say you rip people off you got that right it's a sin to be rich in that way you don't have to worry about it God will unload their donkey pretty quick okay their camel I could say because they're going to go through the eye of they make it the eye gate that is to say but if you're rich with God's blessings you're rich indeed and it does become your strong City because it's the knowledge of God that you have stored and it's God's blessings and they are gained justly righteously and it's yours with the no strings attached and no one can take it away from you why because you have wisdom if you don't have wisdom even if God gave you riches you'd lose them so that's why that's why wisdom becomes so very very important verse 16 the labor of the righteous tendeth to live that's to say the earnings of the righteous tendeth to life - not just life but eternal life the fruit of the wicked - sin went because he helped Satan the wicked cannot help but play right into Satan's hands okay and they serve the old apostate has a great part in it because they'll say it looks so religious I thought I was doing really quite well all those do you understand all those that follow Mystery Babylon and the end times do it for religious reasons they think she's the way they think that she's worshiping the true Christ when it's the fake I mean all in the name of religion that's why Christianity is not a religion but a reality it's everyday life and you want to always remember that don't help Satan out gain wisdom from God's Word choose the right path verse 17 he is in the way of life that keepeth instructions in other words the way of eternal life when you keep instructions you're going to gain eternal life what's the opposite of that well but he that refuses reproof Aerith in other words he goes astray and when you go to stray I go astray if there's not some corrections made you're going to hell okay you're not going to make it so the the fact that he's in the way of life that keepeth instruction that and tucks it away okay that's counsel from Almighty God it keep you safe it'll it'll warn you wisdom and instruction warned you of what's down the road and do you know something you hear me mention this quite often but it's a fact man only fears the unknown because what he's going it's just the logs the nature of survival will cause you to figure a way around it through it over it or against it okay it's just the way it is and and how do you get rid of the unknown well you get rid of the unknown by gaining wisdom from God to know exactly how it's going down and then make your plans and you do quite well okay that that the way of life eternal life keeps instructions from Almighty God verse 18 he that height of hatred with lying lips and he that utter at the slander is a fool here this one even the good is a little bad if you don't take the advice vent you know know the difference between hatred and righteous indignation and you learn those two by venting do not let something build if you have aught against someone don't don't let it just lay there a neighbor or someone else don't just let it lay there and fester take care of it if you can't take care of it in any other way forgive them you may cut off the the space between you but at the same time for your own benefit don't don't let hate build up in you practice forgiveness the greatest gift of Christianity and and that may that may sound very difficult for some to accomplish but you're helping yourself when you do and then let righteous indignation take over by breaking or putting that particular person away from you but but don't hate somebody in lie about it okay fix it verse 19 in the multitude of words there wanteth not sin in other words we can say it lacks no sin I'll say that again in the multitude of words there lacks no sin ratchet Josue ya crotchety ratchety ratchety a multitude of words that mean nothing it'll lead to sin mainly just what I told you earlier Mystery Babylon a lot of people listen to that ratchet jaw and end up in a religion that is contrary to God's Word but he that refrain ahthe his lips is wise if instead of ratchet joying about nothing if you don't have something to say keep your mouth closed okay and and that's the way the wise do never give an advice that you don't know what you're talking about if someone asks you for advice and you don't know do the right thing and tell them you don't know there is no sin and not knowing something and then help them find the real truth help them find the answer but many people won't they know that I opened myself to questions after I teach in a large congregation and I'm not saying this to put down some ministers but many of them say well how can you do that why do you open yourself up to an entire congregation and allow them to ask questions well because I don't mind saying I don't know something to me there's no sin in that you know nobody knows everything so you don't have to be ashamed to say I don't know let's find out we'll both something so a wise person keeps their mouth closed rather than giving advice you're not sure of okay because it becomes your responsibility then you let them down Primrose Lane Plaza possibly verse 20 the tongue of the just is as choice silver it's valuable okay it's precious it's good advice you can go to the bank with it in other words meaning you can count on it a figure of speech the heart of the wicked is little worth it has little worth and and the heart is the mind you there mind is just it's not worth much it has a little worth if any at all okay so again the tongue of the just what he knows something and speaks it it's its choice it's like silver it's valuable meaning never if God gives you a truth don't hide it under a bushel if someone asks you a question help them okay share it God gave it to you you give it to the family that's of humanity that's why truth is so valuable it's something to share verse 21 the lips of the righteous feed many but planting seeds but fools die for want of wisdom and for one of wisdom in their heart they're mine and this is this is why that that wisdom feeds many meaning you share you don't just think about yourself you don't selfishly just take a truth and he won't mind God gave it to me it's all mine oh it is that it's God's it's God's truth and and you should feed people with it you should help people with it that's the way God operates verse 22 the blessings of the Lord it maketh rich and he added no sorrow with it it's our greatest possession it absolutely is our greatest possession as the blessings of the Lord verse 23 it is as sport to a fool though to do mischief but a man of understanding had wisdom he's distinguished oryx and distinguishing quality of being able to help people and and take that wisdom again it is as sport to a fool don't don't again saddle this up with humor God has a sense of humor and so do his children and and good humor never brings mischief when mischief begins to enter in as I for stated then it's not humor anymore it's hurtful well if you tease somebody to the point that you really hurt their feelings it's not Doomer that is using your nonsense as a mischievous thing against an individual whether it be his person or whether it be property okay don't use your sport in that way okay and again I hasten to add this has nothing to do with good humor that that does no harm but you know a smile a life it's healthy it's good medicine and that's why you should always have humor when when it's proper and in its right place verse 24 the fear of the wicked it shall come upon him but the desire of the righteous shall be granted granted what he'll be granted eternal life but the fear of the wicked it shall come upon him means he what he deserves the the righteous desire will desire and it shall be granted what eternal life The Fool are the wicked his desire is to rip somebody off and guess what he's going to get it all right he's the one that's going to get ripped off that's God's promise and in life that very same thing happens over and over and they never learned they never learned usually they'll say well how long are you in for this time twenty five as the whirlwind passeth that's to say the storm so is the wicked no more there's time coming when God's wrath comes up but the righteous is an everlasting fountain that's God's promise the wicked when that final storm which is God's wrath at the end times when it comes there won't be any wicked among us and praise God that's good but let that be a lesson to those that might think the path of the wicked is a little interesting it isn't it will damn you it will put you where you definitely do not wish to be so you want to always think right act right and do right in him and gain eternal life because God has this is not the only place that God says the wicked won't be among us he tells us where the wicked are going to go and whose fault is it their own they they made the choice so have a good trip you know this is why I'm teaching you never want to try to force someone to see a truth everyone has the right to choose their own path if they choose to go to hell and be annihilated so be it let them go but plant the seed of truth and give at least give them the choice that's what proverbs is about it's giving you the choice to do right rather than to do evil to be blessed or to be cursed but the decision is always in other words what it amounts to you might say well God is the judge yep but really you have put yourself in a position where you yourself judged yourself beforehand you judged yourself right into the pit when you do wickedly your fault no one else's you certainly don't ever try to blame it on God verse 26 as vinegar to the teeth and a smoke to the eyes so is the slugger to them that send him that means you send a lazy person out to do something and it's like getting smoke in your eyes or it's like vinegar in the teeth don't ever ever have a slugger on your payroll okay that because right because it all it'll do is cause trouble now I want to say something this has nothing to do with handicap or even somebody that's slow you can always find a spot in your organization that there'll be a job there that that person if they strive they're not a slugger they're just slow you find a place there that they can be used and they'll work out just fine okay but don't ever have a sluggard okay because God just simply tells you coming out the gate it's like smoke in your eyes and I don't know if you've ever had smoke in your eyes it's not fun verse 27 the fear of the Lord for long of days that's if you love the Lord it prolongs your days but the years of the wicked shall be shortened and what this has to do is not necessarily longevity but better years you're going to have more good days than you are bad okay if you love the Lord you're going to have longer stretches of really good times instead of bad times everybody in a in these flesh bodies were Satan is here oh his spirit here on earth you're gonna have some bad days because he's after God's elect but we have power over him and what God is promising you is you'll have more good days than you do bad when you do it God's Way okay verse 28 the hope of the righteous shall be gladness okay it's bliss okay blessings but the expectation of the wicked shall perish whatever they expect it's not only happen okay the wicked can never well and and you know something the wicked might say well you don't realize what I've gotten away with in life oh you haven't had the big judgment yet friend you've got to stand before God it's in the book you may well you may have outsmarted somebody here on earth but you didn't outsmart our Father it's in the book and you know something if you don't take care of it and wisdom will tell you how to take care of it I'm not going to right now but if you really care you will take the time to gain wisdom and know how to take care of what's written in the book about what you did that's a big dark secret that would send you to hell if you didn't fix it because your main trial is with the father and those who you offended stand by fix it and be relieved okay blessed 29 the way of the Lord is strength to the upright it strengthens you God is our strength but destruction you might say God is destructive destruction if you would shall be to the workers of iniquity you know he'll destroy it you'll see to it verse 30 the righteous shall never be removed why they have eternal life but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth that lets you know heaven is right here on earth we're here forever but they are removed the wicked are removed blotted out there in the abyss then that lake of fire and God is that consuming fire that bloss them out and they will never be remembered again there's a lot of good information in this chapter if you know how to glean it about the Eternity okay in regards to memory and as well as their habitation they're not going to inhabit why because they're not going to exist any longer verse 31 the mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom I mean it buds all all over them but the froward tongue shall be cut out it's it's going to be cut out forever okay won't be with us no longer would you have to worry about it verse 32 to finish the chapter the lips of the righteous know what is acceptable I know it's a pleasure okay but the mouth of the wicked speaketh froward mnestheus a perverse eveness and that that is perverse God will not allow he hates it he hates the abomination do you remember back in chapter 6 and I believe it was verse 6 if my memory doesn't fail me I'm sorry at 16 not 6 ad 10 chapter 6 verse 16 these six things that the Lord hate yay 7 or an abomination unto Him so you need to know what it is that he considers to be an abomination and it kind of falls under the heading of ratchet job that accomplishes all of the six we kind of went through the six if you want to know it we will in the next lecture especially the things that God truly he hates and a wise person would wish to not do what who wish to not do any of those things that God hates because when you know you're doing something that God hates it's going right into the book of life right by your name and guess who's going to enter for it not somebody else you are the one that's going to answer for it and you will answer for it to God himself and don't think you've got a secret for him he already knows why it's in the book that's wisdom keep your name clean your name especially here on earth is important it's one of the most valuable things you can have but your name there is the difference between eternal life and being brought it out so you want to take real good care of your name your reputation your knowledge your wisdom and your love for God it's in the book see to it right okay don't miss the next lecture it has to do with neighbors gonna talk about them okay listen a moment won't you please the epistles of John three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation Zand warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children is written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the First Epistle are practical teaching and the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous is love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world that explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold Murray and are back again let's sent the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from a puerto rico throughout the u.s. alaska hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves and you've got a question you share it with us won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular religion denomination Reverend or organization let's don't judge people God's Word is the judge he goes to great leaks to see that everyone has the truth or a warning and even the warning is a truth meaning if you participate in it it's a warning all right you're going to get it man that's a truth also so it's important that we gain that truth those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address you got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking he really does and and he loves you he may not love what you do all the time but he does love you so what does he want from you this is important he works your love returned this hosea chapter 6 verse 6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your love your grace is what is written in your unmerited favor love him he's your father the creator of your very being father around the globe we come last that you lead guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Amen okay and questions we're gonna go with Ray from Connecticut do guardian angels have more than one soul to look out for well you find it written in Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 and all that is written is to these Saints which means simply the set aside ones that's to say those that act justly before God the the so to speak and that'll say it better it declares there that your angel has the attention of God so only singular in that respect as it's written read it for yourself Matthew 18 10 Liu from Colorado in I'm I'm reaching the end of my life now and I'm wondering about something is it wrong to be cremated after death as far as the word is concerned I know that when Christ comes back the dead in Christ will rise first and the sea will give up the dead I'm trying to save my wife the choice if I go just we we have been married 42 years and the Lord has been very good to us and well that's that's wonderful that you're and it's always good to plan ahead and see that your wife doesn't have to decide this you are confusing two things though the sea doesn't give up the dead until the end of the millennium and the those that have the dead in Christ meaning those that love Christ and have passed on they go first because they're already with him they're already there they're not out here in some hole in the ground and and here's here's what you're looking for Lou is Ecclesiastes this is in the Old Testament in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 instantly when you passive when you go on your spirit which is the intellect of your soul meaning yourself goes instantly to the father that's why they go first you go first you're there you're with him okay and this body goes back to dust so it doesn't matter whether it's cremated or not it's a lot less expensive cremation is and I know many people on fixed incomes it's very important so as far as God is concerned you can help your wife by making that now if that is your choice if that is your choice there's nothing wrong with cremation and God has sure been good to you all right that's for sure thank you for that I know you haven't do Elizabeth from Alabama oh my husband and I study with you we've never been taught in our I know I have my husband and I study with you and have learned so much that is never taught in our pulpits one question that has me puzzled when the sons of God had children by the daughters of men they were called Nephi Liam when they were called deburr okay but the Giants and Satan this the children were Nephi liam has fallen angels okay Satan being Nava is the prime in the Hebrew being the leader of the Fallen Angels had cain why was his child called aconite and treated differently well because the Kenites were the tares are the negative I don't want to say the negative part of God's plan but God allowed the negative so that we had a choice either follow God or Satan and his children okay it is when you I think if you were to read the parable of the tares knowing that the Kenites which when you say Kenites you're just saying children of Cain that's all that's that's a Hebrew word children of Cain his posterity but when you read that 13 to 13 chapter of Mark I'm sorry the 13th chapter of Matthew you read of the tares and the tares or the Kenites and God says leave them alone when they're growing up they look just like the wheat in other word you can't tell the difference until the seed is produced and then wheat is a rich golden grain good but there's a one which is the tear is black and poisonous and so it is with the Kin itthere there as long as they followed their father which you read of in st. John chapter 8 verse 44 st. John 8:44 is not good so God allowed it so that knowing in producing the fact that he gave His only begotten Son that all you have to do is believe upon him and follow his word which is the Bible and gain wisdom and you don't have anything to worry about period okay Pat from Missouri you were talking about food that God wants us to eat but you didn't say anything about chicken or turkey and I was wondering if it's okay to eat I can't find it in the Bible if you see it let me know where it is in the Bible and keep teaching you are a you are okay in my book well thank you I'm I'm glad to be in your book listen let's take what did when the children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness what did God feed them with number one he fed them with manna which which is angels food okay the same food that sub-state sustains an angelic body will abstain or a flesh body but what else did he sin he sent quail by the drove and quails have a gizzard okay and they eat locust and other things which makes them a clean bird and so is a chicken okay there there in that family so there okay if we were not to say and it would be a really a sad thing the way they always claim in the South that when the preacher comes you kill a chicken okay so the and they love chickens supposedly so it is a clean food Helen from Pennsylvania pastor I have in in my possession a Holy Bible announced the King James and others the King James which I study from I see here I go on down and I see that you like dr. George lamp says work and I do too I have all of his work in my library dr. lamb so was a good scholar but he was he was of Ishmael and the reason I keep his studies is there are certain scriptures that he translated from as a matter of fact let's let's cut to the quick let's take his figures of speech and idioms and he has a book on dr. Lansing has a work on idioms I can't remember the title the correct title but I'll just say hid Ian's or figures of speech and that's where they're a little different than ours what but then you have to realize he's of Ishmael and they do have different figures of speech than we do but his Aramaic was fantastic he was a good air make scholar so you're okay but always keep the King James in the Strong's Concordance there's regular and but it doesn't hurt to gain what you can from his his knowledge Ephraim Texas I have to admit that I once believed in the so called flyaway theory and now I know the truth thanks God for your studies I've one question not to bother you pastor but I've been taught that in the midst of trouble God holds still and strong to his promise to pull us through and that if we hear or see trouble in our lives that's a confirmation that a blessing is closed I was taught that Christ slept through a great storm and his disciples feared on only Christ didn't does this make sense what I'm asking well yeah it kind of it does but Christ was that your Christian boat they weren't long and waking christ up to quell the storm though okay they called out to him and that's what you do when you're in trouble you call on Christ your answer to your question is God's Word in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 everything you have said there is documented in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 and it reads there is nothing that shall happen to you that isn't common to everyone but God will never test you over what you are able to handle and he will always show you a way out in other words God never leaves us he never forsakes us and and so it is okay we got I'm looking for a name here and don't see a name so I'm just going to read it I love the way you read the Bible verse by verse pastor Marie I have a question I think I was no now this is wondering she doesn't want her name mentioned I don't want to say my real okay no problem and if you're living with another lady and she's in sin I want you to make a note and you seem to be quite concerned about it but sin of one person doesn't rub off on another okay I want you to make a note of Jeremiah 31 verse 29 Jeremiah 31 verse 29 if the son bites a sour grape the father's teeth aren't set on edge meaning each of us answers for our own sin and and that's but one because God loves us and that's fair you don't have anything to worry about that's your good reputation with our father is still in good standing okay pastor Marie I have a question I am really in trouble for names today but that that's I don't see one I usually don't take a question it doesn't have a name but somebody is tour and part of this off probably to fill an order so I'll take it anyway could you tell me where I could get the materials to take communion with you at home I'll watch your program and it's the only one that I felt to be true well bless your heart God's Word is true and I thank him for that it is I personally like for people to take communion with pure wine grape wine okay and and but grape juice is fine if you have a medical problem no problem the juice of the grape is fine but go to you know at most grocery stores you will find unleavened crackers okay and if you can't find unleavened crackers just take a little piece of a cracker okay it would be fine God will understand and and you'll do just fine okay taking communion with us man does not have the right to tell someone they can or cannot take communion because if you believe Christ was was worthy to pay the price then you should take communion this is whether we're worthy or not but whether he was he definitely was Jennifer from Minnesota first of all me and my mother love your work and thank you for taking my letter you're welcome I have a question or two for you the first is where in the bible does it say that the last babe that passes through the womb will be the start of the end of this earth age it's in the Apocrypha in the books of Ezra okay I'll say it again Ezra is simply the Greek pronunciation of the Hebrew word Ezra okay but you have to read it in the Apocrypha it is written there and also the signs of the last day I'm looking and cannot find them in my Bible well they're there throughout the but the Bible mainly you will find them in the great Book of Daniel you will find them in the book of Revelation but the easiest place for you I want you to make a home assignment of mark chapter 13 this is what happens in the end times to those that recognize the false Christ and and some of you have a destiny and that is your last days mark 13 mark chapter 13 cover the whole chapter less from Texas a question for pastor Murray would proverbs chapter 1 verses 7 and 8 be a good start for putting a 14 year old on the right track any suggestions that's a good place but we on a 14 year old that is not real founded first of all you got to let them know what's in it for them okay this this is the slant you want to take everybody wants to know what's in this for me well number one eternal life that's that's a start but also there are so many blessings that are in it for you if if you follow God's plans as God would say in the great book of Isaiah which we covered not long ago chapter what is it 43:26 if my memory doesn't fail me sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't most often it doesn't fail me 43:26 God said hey remember my promises and remind me of them God speaking and let's talk about it meaning I'll honor what I have promised but you've got to let me know you know what those promises are that you're going to claim okay so let the young person know there is a lot in it for them and that they can be a blessing to their family when they grow up and have a family but they can also be a blessing right now to their best friends and end their immediate family okay and thank you for teaching your son that's fantastic okay Patsy from Mississippi I think God for your teaching is also thank you and your family you're welcome I understand that when we die our soul goes back to our father the flesh shall turn return to dust or right away but in 1st Samuel 28 13 why did Samuel appear from out of the earth well now now wait a minute go back and read it again was it Samuel or was it a familiar spirit you're talking if my memory doesn't fail me and here I'm using that terminology again that was the Witch of Endor I know it was she called him back up that was a that was a witch okay so you're not gonna put the stock in a witch are you okay against God's word of course not she it made it appear that that's what happened Evelyn from Illinois thank you for old Saul learned a big lesson out of it and God had a little something to do with it okay Evelyn from Illinois thank you for your for blessing us all with the God's Word you're welcome God's the one that's done it okay for thank you for serving our country it was always a pleasure being marine and in combat for this great nation keeping it free does it say in the Bible when the parents are saved their family will be also well I can think of one case and one instant in Acts chapter 10 when Cornelius a Gentile came to Peter's house or sent three men two men to Peter's house and ultimately his whole family he was saved and his whole family was saved it is not that they automatically are saved just because the parents believe but just as you heard me read the question from that's amazing how the Holy Spirit works these things to me it is but this father is teaching his 14 year old child okay how to be saved and teach God's Word and be in God's Word it's just a family thing okay and naturally you're very fortunate when the whole family studies together in God's Word unfortunately in Christ knew that wouldn't always be the case because he said mother will betray daughter and to Satan which in mark 13 and the father of the son when they don't believe or deceit but it simply is the fact that the a family that studies together is going to stay together okay most often Mary Lou from Georgia I have one question pastor Marie I'm know Satan is the great deceiver so I was wondering if I could be deceived as easily as I was by traveling salesman selling vacuum cleaners you know the pitch young man going to college needs money so at a weak moment I bought one after the gentleman was gone I was aggravated at myself for buying one please answer this for me well you know when you want a vacuum cleaner usually go to a dealer when you want to buy anything go to a dealer and you'll probably be a lot better off all right because they will guarantee it now if something goes wrong with this vacuum cleaner you bought from that traveling salesman he's traveling okay we own out there and hit your baby so that's kind of the way it is was Satan if he can sell you a bill of goods he's gone you're stuck with it and so you won't have any trouble you're not going to worship the Antichrist okay it's it's it's your compassion for young people that he kind of talked you into it don't don't just use good judgment okay if you if you want to buy something go where you no it's guaranteed and it'll be made good Dan Diana from Texas when where where Christ where Christ in the work Christ and the devil brothers in the first heaven age I understand Christ the only-begotten side of the Father and I understand begotten is by woman you know in the first Earth Age all of us were brothers well because we had just have one father and brothers in that sins okay so that's no problem that's no step for a stepper he went real bad and of course you got to remember who Jesus was Emmanuel God with us okay I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter but chapter verse by verse most of all though your father does he sent you the letter he expects you to absorb it to really try to understand it and it makes his day when you study chapter by chapter verse by verse when you make his day he's going to make yours no we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that blessed God he will always bless you but there's one thing more important you listen to me close you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble because Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor our lemur if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audio tape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the Book of Ezekiel what a fantastic study this book of ezekiel the book of ezekiel that covers if you would there's vehicles those circular discs in the hebrew it states very clearly that that whirlwind with the color am burton traced back to the hebrew highly polished bronze what an exciting thing that god's word informs us on all things Ezekiel one of my favorite prophets of the Bible probably more written not probably but absolutely more written on what will happen in the millennium age than even the book of Revelation Ezekiel guiding you through it what God will expect at the final battle Armageddon and Haman Gog recorded in this great prophecy I know you're going to enjoy it The Book of Ezekiel [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our are ready to get back into our father's word the subject is faith now we discovered in the first part of this lecture that to understand faith probably we'd better find out why God made man ha ha especially and we went back to Genesis 2:5 and found out it was 2 till
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 779
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Proverbs, Arnold Murray, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Book of Proverbs, Pastor, Shepherd's Chapel, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Murray, Book of
Id: bZZ-F77sk5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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