Proverbs ~ 5:1 to 5:23

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our our father's word fantastic that's all that can be said for it The Book of Proverbs a book of comparisons giving you the good and the bad the path you choose this is what it comes down to on Judgment Day you're judged by your decisions not somebody else's and you're judged by what's in the book of life and as we discovered in the last chapter with wisdom speaking she mentioned the tree of life which is the Lord Jesus Christ and you want to make sure that you listen to wisdom for it will wisdom will lead you to him chapter five verse one that word of wisdom from our Father and we'd have to title this chapter the foreign woman okay chapter five verse one my son attend unto my wisdom and bowed thine ear to my understanding that means you in another place that would say let your ears point that means as an animal when they hear a noise their ears point forward and and they focus on something what are you saying is is let your ear focus on my word and gain understanding it's that simple never make God's word complicated for God is more natural meaning it's just natural and when you understand the natural thing then it will fall in place for you so you open your mind and attend to his wisdom walk it away in your mind it's precious verse two that thou mayst regard discretion and that thy lips may keep knowledge that your lips will keep knowledge and as much as you know when were the lips to speak and when not to you have discretion meaning common sense and here there are times to speak and there's times not to speak and ultimately it comes down don't cast your pearls before swine okay God's words off times wouldn't he likens it to secrets it's just that some people don't have eyes to see or ears to hear it doesn't matter how simple it is they're not going to see it and there's nothing you you can find someone that doesn't have eyes to see or ears to hear and you can plant all the seeds you want to you can cast all the pearls you want before them they're not going to get it okay because father has basically blinded them as it is written in Romans chapter 11 so make sure you know and get the discretion and the wisdom to know when to speak and when did not speak verse 3 for the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil oh I mean she can sure sweet-talk okay but I'm going to tell you something you're gonna have to learn the difference in the word foreign and stranger here in this chapter or you're never going to understand it the woman we're just speaking of here is azor and Ezer is an Israelite or a Christian woman that has been has gone to apostasy in other words has moved over into worshiping traditions of men more than the Word of God they can seem to be very holy but and this is what makes them dangerous they'll call their name by the Lord Messiah they'll say I'll follow him I'm this I'm that but they're an apostate and you have this is why wisdom is ever so important that you can respond you can spot the apostate now the other stranger that will be mentioned here is neat car in the Hebrew town and it literally means a foreign woman and this has to do with spirituality or that in a moral sense and basically that foreign woman is where the kenai comes in and also the old harlot Mystery Babylon is both in the xur and then a car I will call your attention as from the manuscripts as to who we're talking about the one just mentioned is er okay that means an apostate claims to be same thing you are basically but she's not it's religion be real careful religion may call itself serving the Lord Christ it may seem holier than thou but don't be deceived take God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse do not listen to the traditions of men that make void the Word of God I'm telling you it can being like a honeycomb dropping smoother than silk they make it they can bundle it up the traditions of men until they and they'll swear by it and yet you won't find it in God's Word and that makes it apostate in this generation you must especially take this serious because you live in the generation of the great apostasy that's apostasy is a Greek word that means changing one's religion from one thing to another and sometimes instantly especially when the false Christ appears okay so there you have it remember those names and I'll call it to your attention as we go what does it say about this one that claims to be like in your church but what does she say verse 4 but her end is bitter as wormwood sharp as a two-edged sword now if you're familiar at all with Revelation chapter 8 verse 10 where it states there I saw it beheld to fire a star fall from heaven and his name wormwood that was Satan we know that so we know who she's following basically she's setting herself up for the false Christ that's who wormwood is so it goes without saying you know wisdom prevails and and it's a simple thing for you to understand wormwood if you've ever read revelation 8:10 that's who she follows apostasy verse 5 her feet go down to death that's her path ok her steps take hope on hell in other words her lies in her religion though it may be sweet as a honeycomb it takes you down that slippery slope all the way to deception to a wormwood himself that's to say the devil verse 6 lest thou should as ponder the path of life her ways are movable they're not solid changing changing that thou canst not know them her ways are unstable and she doesn't even know it so these religionists will change their mind every time the wind changes direction and and shouts and goes on and praises God but what what God okay you have to you know a teacher teaches God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse that's God's Word but one of these people that claim to be a teacher and we'll read you half a verse from God's Word and then pop air for an hour or a half that's not God's Word that's the traditions of men basically and I'm not judging it doesn't you don't have to have too much wisdom to figure that one out and she doesn't even know it and you know the strange thing you can go to that congregation and they'll come out and it wasn't that wonderful well what did you learn from God's words and they'll say huh I don't know well that's a sad time to not have knowledge it's when you just walk out of a church building verse seven hear me now therefore you listen up o ye children and depart not from the words of my mouth you these sayings that I have this wisdom you listen to it you pay attention to this word God's Word not man's not this man or any other man you listen to your heavenly father verse eight remove thy way far from her that's to say this apostate and come not nigh the door of her house don't you even go in that house it may call itself the very center of God's orbit that doesn't make it so what it's telling you if God's Word is not taught there don't go now the beauty of it is that one well founded in the scripture of God can go anywhere and you're not going to be swayed by nonsense or trivia you're not going to be swayed by the traditions of men because you have locked in your forehead wisdom from God's Word which is called the seal of God revelation chapter 9 verse 4 you can go anywhere and never fear for a second but for a person that's weak that door of the apostate is a dangerous thing they could be taken in by down that slippery slope that decline that ends up in death which is one of Satan's names what a fantastic word our Father has stay out of that house the house of the apostate we'll just say again what that means it means where God's Word is not taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse verse 9 let's now give thine honor unto others and thy years unto the cruel lest you fall for her temptation lest you fall for the honeycomb that drips from her mouth uh we're talking here but old sister Babylon of the end times don't be taken in by her she rides that old beast system which is to say Satan's own little trumped up mess verse 10 lest lest strangers be filled with thy wealth that's to say your strength and thy Labour's be in the house of a stranger now here you have both those words you have sir let's desert be filled with your strength that's to say the apostate and some and the laborers be in the house of a stranger that's to say a foreigner okay at the kid night okay in part you know father's word many might say well well how would I ever know that well if you have a simple Strong's Concordance which I request that you have you can find this out which is earned which is nacre okay it's no big deal it's really quite simple because when we start talking about apostasy you want that to grab your attention because you do do not want to be sucked in by that made the fool of and robbed actually where your wealth which is your strength Almighty God you are robbed by nonsense and here you have both as I stated lest strangers that would be less the apostate the harlot be filled with your strength and your wealth and thy Labor's be in the house of a stranger that's to say a foreigner like the kin I'd not even of your house verse 11 and thou at the last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed you lose it I mean lose everything that's why this is very serious and that's why you want to attain and listen to the Word of God verse 12 and say how have I hated instructions however I hated guidance and my heart despiseth reproved in other words I didn't accept the warning I didn't listen the warning is there my friend and you're in that generation you want to get your ears on the point you want to stay focused on the Word of God because that apostasy works over time in this generation I mean it comes under many names well how do I tell the difference whether they teach God's Word or not that's really quite simple isn't it you don't have to be too wise to know or you studying chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby it is the letter that God has sent to you or are you listening to smoke okay doesn't take a bright person to figure that one out verse 13 and have not obeyed the voice of my teachers nor incline my near to them that instructed me well which teacher does he want me to listen to listen to this teacher and that teacher to what teachers teach the Word of God Isaiah Jeremiah all the minor prophets Luke Matthew Mark John and Paul those are the teachers that bring forth the Word of God not man that's the teachers you want to listen to chapter by chapter verse by verse the very word of Moses as he brought through the wilderness setting the example as it was in the beginning so shall it be at the end know that do you even know what happened in the beginning or I'll even rephrase that do you with wisdom even know when the beginning was did you know of the first Earth Age if you didn't during a heap a hurt friend for there was an earth age before this one do you know what happened there well then you haven't listened to the teachers for they tell you chapter by chapter and verse by verse well do you know something some might say well that sounds complicated it isn't in the simplicity in which Christ brings forth the word in a very natural way stay focused on the Word of God and let the traditions of men that make it void fall by the wayside stay focused on the wisdom of God wisdom speaks you listen to her it isn't difficult to know which teachers to follow for wisdom follows those teachers why because it really wasn't their words it was the Word of God verse 14 to continue I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation in assembly I I was I was just about ready to face disgrace you could even translate it or I was almost sentenced to death if you listen to that garbage to be misled to not even be taught about the false Christ coming at the sixth Trump and the true Christ not returning until the seventh that simple order of events that is so well illustrated in the Word of God in the simplicity brought forth by the Holy Spirit in that great book of Revelation which means to reveal or to make no one have you read it do you know it has it been revealed to you that's what the title means surely you can understand it surely you haven't listened to one of these knuckleheads that would say you supposed to understand revelation you're going to be gone that's a lie and you've listened to false teachers just making friends and influencing people but your soul depends on this do you listen to the Word of God or do you listen to man that's up to you what you do goes in the book of life and that's what you're judged by entirely up to you make sure that you're not one of those that's almost disgraced or embarrassed before Almighty God verse 15 drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters out of thine own well that's just a freshwater cistern is a Doug well that water is placed in to keep and running waters is Doug well in other words if you be Christian you know what water it is that we're to partake of you know who the living waters are belong to but the Lord Jesus Christ you for take of that water and you'll never thirst again and and don't go drinking water out of somebody else as well okay and and what that means our living water is Jesus Christ what is theirs you don't need another you have the Savior so stick don't be movable don't have that movable path that listens to this person thirty minutes and somebody else changing changing changing stick to the Word of God listen to the teachers God has sinned that's to say the Solomon the rider of these proverbs he that brought forth wisdom at the hand of God verse 16 let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of waters in the street I cannot let that stand okay because it's a mistranslation I rarely ever do this to you I usually teach it as the King James has it and make the correction without even calling it to your attention but the Septuagint which comes from an older text then even this King James comes from does not have it worded that way what it says is let not in other words you've got to insert the word not and you might as well write it in and finsih lit in the co side column of your manuscripts let not the fountains let not thy fountains be dispersed abroad in rivers of waters in the streets don't cast your pearls before swine okay the next verse will clear it up for you verse 17 let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee that's to say sir not for the apostates the sir means apostates don't forget it don't let the clear water be wasted before the apostates there's one thing to plant seeds it's another to just spew forth real truth in the streets where you have nothing but apostates that are never going to hear any good for it this is when you know when to open the lips and when not to okay that's what his caution is here and in the New Testament we're encouraged don't cast your pearls before swine and so it is that's someone that has an unclean mind meaning do not have the clarity of the Word of God that's to say a czar an apostate one that claims or thinks they are Christian and falls far short of the mark of understanding God's Word I'll read that verse 17 again let them be only thine own and not strangers err with thee you want to watch that verse 18 let thy fountain be blessed that's where the big difference you want God to bless you Mountain then you better listen to him and rejoice with the wife of thy youth then naturally you are told in the great book of Revelation in chapter 2 that one of the churches is main sin was it left its first love which is to say Messiah so you you want to stick with the true Messiah you know we can take this on the other hand as the gift of God to man the greatest gift God gave man is his wife and and that she is precious and that's what it's talking about here verse 19 let her be as the loving hind and pleasant row let her breasts satisfy thee all times and be thou ravished oh and be thou ravished always with her love in other words let that love grow and so it is and so it happens okay you can see Solomon writing this and it should remind you of the greatest love story ever told the song Song of Solomon and and it is truly is a beautiful thing it has to do with Christ and his bride and that's what it's speaking of here and at the same time you should love your family and you should take care of your family and well what is he talking about don't expose your family to desert if you allow the xur or you take your family to that house of desert the apostate you're asking for trouble your children might just abandon you and go with the apostate it could happen we're talking about a very serious subject here beloved family is family love is love our first love is our Heavenly Father and the son that he sent that gave his life for us and that great wedding that is about to take place do you have own a wedding garment you don't want to be the old harlot chasing around after the apostasy you don't want to be the old harlot chasing around after wormwood talked about a death sentence and talk about disgrace it can happen verse 22 continue and why will tell my son be ravished with a strange woman that's an apostate sir and embrace the bosom of a stranger that's neat car the key night why would you let the world deceive you that way that you wouldn't know one from the other you know you may not take this too serious but you should for within this is entailed the key of David to know who you should follow the true Christ who is of David or you may end up with the false and that is a straight ticket to hell okay that is disgrace embarrassment shame and the important thing is if you want like if you let thy fountain be blessed do you want God to bless the very fountain of your life your soul your mind through which this wisdom comes forth is embedded there and shared with those that deserve to hear it that plant seeds that that God blesses then it grows and strengthens that family of yours will buy it holds together then that's what he's talking about don't let the xur or the nay car tear up your family it'll have you fighting tooth and nail among yourselves and you just let the devil have his way with your family and you become a part of it regardless of how closed you try to follow if you imbibe in this if you allow yourself to be drawn into that same thing then there you go okay deceived again be careful my friend know the difference between the apostate and the canine especially in these end times extremely extremely important verse 21 for the ways of men or before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings your ways are observed the eyes of the Lord see you observe you take note goes down in the book of life my friend as I have warned you and and the Lord Ponder's all his goings in other words he observes where you go this is why well you might say well well how could I believe that well do a few how do you think he knows who to bless and who not to bless do you think he just hands out blessings by shuffling the deck that would be ridiculous father doesn't operate that way he has his eyes upon his anointed and he follows them and Ponder's and he knows when you need help and he passes out those blessings to those that own it you were taught that before in these same parables proverbs be sure and give just do to those that deserve it God knows who deserves it and he certainly follows his own word in his own law in his own wisdom he knows who to bless and knew not to bless pondereth means team meditates on and even what why well he loves you that's the reason verse 22 his own iniquities shall take the wicked himself and he shall be Holden with the cords of his sins these these cords of his sins he weaves own web in his own web entraps him he's caught in it we studied debt also in Proverbs at how a man as a dumb bird sees the net and flies right into it he weaves his own net and drops into it that's what wickedness will do for you you see if you don't know an apostate when you hear one and if you don't know an inkaar when you hear one and many months as well that sounds very difficult no it isn't sir simply means an apostate that means somebody that teaches different than God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse it means somebody that claims to be bringing forth God's Word but they never quite quote God who are they quoting them you know you don't you don't have to be the brightest bulb in the cabinet to figure that one out many illusionists have going out into the world to make appear what doesn't appear to appear to be something they're not you know Jesus thought enough of this that in mark chapter thirteen and in Matthew 24 he even told you the first warning beware of those that come in my name do not be deceived no words that claim to be of Christ that claim to be of God he says I didn't send them so you want to learn how to test the fruit if you see an apple growing on an orange tree that's not natural and if you see somebody that claims to be a preacher regardless of what Garbi wears and he's spewing forth something other than God's Word he's not a preacher for my father verse 23 to complete the chapter he shall die without instructions and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray do you know that to go astray is the same word as err basically that's what azor does they go astray they go into apostasy they go into false teachings what a way to complete the chapter and probably one of the greatest chapters in God's Word follows this in chapter 6 wisdom calls it's going to take you back into the first Earth Age even it's a fantastic chapter don't miss the next lecture it is a breath of fresh air in a cruel world where many men try to mislead I'm not going to say they try to mislead as I stated earlier there they they don't even realize they're on the wrong path because it's so holy it's like a honeycomb it's so sweet if it's not of God it's not sweet it's bitter so take the true Word of God and let it be sweet in your mouth and maybe a little bitter to the tummy because of the wickedness is in the world but no truth no wisdom lock it up here and wear it well and you will always learn discernment between xur and a car between an apostate and a son of Cain you'll know the difference you'll know and recognize the action alright hey whatever you do don't miss the next lecture bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please the Book of Ezekiel what a fantastic study this book of ezekiel the book of ezekiel that covers if you would there's vehicles those circular discs in the hebrew it states very clearly that that whirlwind with the color amber traced back to the Hebrew highly-polished Barnes what an exciting thing that God's Word informs us on all things Ezekiel one of my favorite prophets of the Bible probably more written not probably but absolutely more written on what will happen in the millennium age than even the book of Revelation Ezekiel guiding you through it what God will expect at the final battle Armageddon and Haman gog recorded in this great prophecy I know you're going to enjoy it the Book of Ezekiel alright and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii a all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it with us would you do that please never ask a question about a particular sir or nacre that is to say individual some reverend or some denomination or some religion let's don't judge people God is the judge just because we teach the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse you may think we're judging it's not us it's God it's our Heavenly Father and he is the judge of judges he does not need our help or yours to judge is a great sin you are to discern who to stay away with when to speak when not to speak and with the Holy Spirit directing what at what a fantastic world we live in those of you that listen by shortwave your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address all the way around the world it's such a pleasure hearing from you and studying God's Word now got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why god knows what you're thinking did you not read today he said he his eyes are upon his own and he ponders they're very moves he helps them he watches over them he's got for you he loves you he even knows what you're thinking he could read your mind in the Greek he's called the cardio ignore okay he knows what your are things which is your mind father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and questions we're gonna go with Heather from Arkansas if we are married on earth will we still be together in heaven and if we are what happens if we remarry after our first mate passes well it's there is no marriage of that respect in heaven but as far as knowing each other recognizing each other sure but the wedding is with the Almighty God okay the Lord Jesus Christ I should say Adria's from Iowa my question is you stated we need to follow the solar calendar because we are children of light not of the dark at a moon calendar we are farmers and we're taught to plant in ween by our baby animals according to the signs of the Moon the baby animals don't cry for mama so much and so forth if we follow this is this wrong to do no no that's why God placed the Sun the moon and the stars is for science okay he expects us to use them but we ourselves are children of light okay and we are to follow the Sun but the moon is there for us for signs as a matter of fact you need to be very familiar with it because every prophecy that has to do with Satan is given in months not years not days every prophecy given concerning the two witnesses or God's elect is in days they light every prophecy of Satan is in moons I'll give you an example chapter 11 revelation the two witnesses will have 1260 days Revelation chapter 12 verse 4 the dragon that old devil will reign for 42 months both the same period of time but one in darkness and the other in light that's why it's very important but no I also understand the signs for planting winging castrating and so forth talking about animals now of course ok sets from Pennsylvania if a couple is married by woman preacher Minister will God recognize this union well hey when two people me read their vows are between themselves in God not the preacher the preacher doesn't have anything to do with the union okay the the vows are made before between the husband and the wife and Almighty God they certainly don't take the preacher into their marriage okay he's got nothing to do with their marriage so I think that answers your question Colleen from Arkansas Colleen you are right okay I have to use your own judgment but the Holy Spirit is speaking to you in a very correct way and you need to stick with what you know is right okay Gloria from Virginia would you please talk about the wickedness of mankind in Genesis chapter 6 verse 2 8 or the sons of God angels who left heaven with Lucifer and came to earth and mated with the daughters of men the daughters of Adam not men ah dumb F ha ha ok and is that one of the reasons why God chose to destroy the earth well he destroyed those people not the earth itself ok the earth destruction came in the first Earth Age he simply destroyed the people that he made the fallen angels return home and he destroyed all those that did not have a clear pedigree meaning hybrids and the only family that was left genuine with perfect generations was Noah his wife and his sons and their wives they were all perfect and he took them this is my first time watching you and I've enjoyed listening to you and I pray that you answer well I hope that answers you but you are correct and that is what happened this is why the Fallen Angels called Nephi Liam in the Hebrew tongue Nava from fallen you can read of them again in the right book of Jude where their sin was they left their first habitation or you can read in the great Saint John chapter 3 where John is teaching or Christ is teaching in in John's of a book that you must be born from above not fallen from above not born again the Greek is very fixed it's born from above meaning this God's plan you got to be born of woman innocent to make you mind up whether you're going to follow God or Satan Omar from Illinois are the white Europeans some of the Lost Tribes of Israel well God didn't lose them they lost themselves okay they went north over the Caucasus Mountains captured by the Assyrian and later settled Europe and then many migrated to Canon Canada and America and there you have it they're scattered everywhere but then that's no marble because God said God promised I'm gonna scatter you to the four corners of the earth well he did a good job Marilyn from Ohio who are the Kenites and what race are they today well they're a race of their own when when you say the word kin is ke and I tes it's a Hebrew word that simply means the sons of Cain okay or the offspring of Cain and it's his children you can trace them throughout the Bible they're recorded and with us Jesus taught of them even and the he taught of the first murderer in Saint John chapter 8 verse 44 Jeanne from California what does the word Shulamite mean Shulamite means peaceful kind of comes from the etymology of Shalom okay Georgia from Iowa please explain the old and the new covenant also where is the Ark of the Covenant and what does it symbolize well you asked you asked me to explain both the old and the New Testament in one question that would take some doings okay the Old Covenant is not old in that respect the news simply fulfills it that is to say continues that and Christ on dying on the cross certainly opened that to whereby salvation was taught all the way back to the beginning God always being fair and equal to all peoples now the ark of the covenant you will find where it is in by reading the last two verses of Revelation chapter 11 father took it he didn't leave it here on earth because man wouldn't take care of it properly and what's in it you can read in Hebrews chapter 9 about the first nine verses read it it's still in it and it's all there for a purpose and I taught what each item was basically in this last Passover Carolyn from Washington it seems to me that the whole Flyway fiesque Oh probably started with Matthew chapter 24 verses 40 and 41 please explain the true meaning of this well that's not where it started but that's part of it it's where one woman is were there two women working in the and ones taken and one isn't now to study God's Word you have to follow the subject and what is the subject of Matthew 24 God is warning us of the coming of the Antichrist and the Antichrist takes the first woman out of the field she's the apostate and certainly she flies away all right she flies right into Satan's bed to disgrace and a wicked wicked path and that's the meaning of Matthew 24 40 and 41 you can back up from there just a little bit where it says it's going to be just like it was in the days of Noah and it which aligns with the question just prior to this about the Fallen Angels mating with Adams children daughters Jesus teaches in Matthew 24 that it's going to be just like it was in the days of Noah they're going to be giving and taking in marriage again what to Satan and his fallen angels because as it is written in Revelation chapter 12 verses 6 and 7 Satan and his angels are physically de facto going to be kicked out on this earth they're coming but that's alright we got power over him so we don't have anything to worry about but what are those that are ignorant of God's Word that's sad Yolanda from Indiana do you think that someone can commit murder intentionally and be forgiven I am concerned because I heard a serial killer was saved and confessed Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior before he was killed himself or executed I suppose I was asked to read Luke chapter 7 verse 36 through 50 love your program well that wouldn't help you on that that's not God's law if he were to lie in wait now there makes a difference okay if someone takes a life in a crime of passion that means in a crime of passion that means they have pushed the buttons that throw out of control the law of jealousy and many other things that either into this and a person isn't is responsible for their own actions as perhaps they should be this is why to judge God's law you have to know both sides and you have to know each person that's why God is the judge okay but if one willingly takes another life if he can repent if he wants to and he could be tried on earth all he wants to but his main trial is going to be with the father and the one he murdered okay they're there they're waiting Caroline from California why do people say not to ask God for patience they say it opens doors for the devil to send all kinds of attacks you know I really I really don't know where people get things like this because you could ask you can talk to God about anything you could as if if you need patience by all means ask God to help you with it okay God Himself as it is written in his long-suffering Saint Peter the the second book of Peter chapter three what is it verse seven and eight God has as his long-suffering me he's got all kinds of patience but don't don't ever have someone tell you you can't talk to our Father if you have a problem he wants to hear it okay it is not written anywhere that when Jesus Christ when he gave up the ghost on that cross he ripped that veil to the holy of holies from top to bottom and you can boldly go right on the end and say father I need more patience if you have a trouble with it there is patience in short of patience might you might cause you to tend to allow Satan to trick you a little bit but asking God for it doesn't have anything do with it impatience can lead to anger or many other frustrations but you need more patience talk to him you know Father loves you and you can talk to him about anything in the world and ask help with it if you can't handle it or or let him know that you love him enough you're going to try it on your own to change or whatever but if you need something ask him for the ability to do it he loves you and he wants to help you okay bread from Arizona I really you know this is why would be preachers can get people in trouble this is why would be so called Christians can get people in trouble because they absolutely handcuff the Living God they let Ezekiel chapter 13 verses 18 through 20 come to pass where God says you women that's which it has no gender use so purchase and place them over my outreach saving arms where people can't see it and teach them to fly to save their souls I'm against it he says don't don't let somebody handcuff God don't put up with it Fred from Arizona were their only spiritual bodies on earth in the first Earth age and was it Satan and his followers well he was there but they weren't the only ones okay only a third of the people followed him in the first Earth Age what what is Satan's role with the earth I heard only a portion of a comment that you made and thought you said he ruled the earth well he's his spirit right now is the Prince of Darkness but he doesn't rule unless you lady okay because in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 we have power over all of our enemies so don't let Satan get any grip on you because his evil spirit is here but we have power over it I was baptized at an early age and was baptized again joined my wife's church is my soul lost for having been baptized twice of course not God God loves his children and and God is not looking for a child as a peach day and he understands how people I'll say it God doesn't weep necessarily diggers but he does understand when one doesn't know melody from Ohio is it alright to put a price on God's Word and is it alright for a preacher to put a price on their knowledge of God no you can't put a price on the knowledge of God but now let's be careful here okay because at the same time a servant if a preacher is a servant of God every servant is worthy of his hire but he cannot charge for the knowledge of God and but let's say that if you ask some material that has part of the knowledge of God on it you should pay for the material but not the knowledge of God okay I hope that you understand what I'm saying just because I choose not to take a salary for teaching God's Word doesn't mean that a minister or a teacher of the word does not have the right to take a salary they certainly do I just choose not to because I like to I enjoy making my own way okay and and that's just an agreement between me and the father but at the same time I you can't take that away everybody must every servant is worthy of his hire okay but you can't charge for God's Word again Robel from North Carolina why did Jesus need to identify Christ with when he but betray why did Judas rather I'm sorry why did you just need to identify Christ when he betrayed him they all knew him and Matthew 26 verse 55 well it was dark you ever been out in the boonies on a real pitch dark night and he was paid thirty pieces of silver to betray him first off they didn't know where he was they knew him when they saw him but they didn't know where he was Judas did and for thirty pieces of silver Judas not only led them to him they led them to where he was but then gave him the kiss of death as the approach to identifying and collected his thirty pieces of silver Sheila from California I'm afraid I have a stupid question what what event ended the first Earth Age well that's that's not a bad question the rebellion of Satan and a third of God's children following him he was supposed to be protecting the mercy seat and he fought over it and that caused God to have to sentence him to death and to destroy that first earth age and instead of destroying Satan and the children he destroyed the age and brought this age of salvation in so that hopefully a third of those that were Satan followers we can get straightened out who knows maybe maybe not John from Florida I thought that the word him in John 3:16 stood for Jesus rather than the father however I came across a similar statement in Romans 4 2425 that more clearly implies to him to be father rather than Jesus John I think for a moment what you're saying and think about the scripture of what did God say to call Jesus him What did he say Immanuel God with us there's only one him if you've seen the Sun you've seen the father leave from Georgia pastor Murray I really enjoy hearing your teaching well thank you and I wish I was closer to Arkansas well great in Ezekiel where it talks about the burning wheels of light could they have been spaceships or UFOs they were they were ships because God's altar was aborted okay it was right there on it in in it certainly they were vehicles but the Hebrew is very specific in verse 4 where it says amber the color amber that word in the Hebrew is highly polished bronze vehicles I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse you like to hear the teachers that God has sent us Isaiah Jeremiah and Daniel and so forth you like that word but most of all it makes God's all day when you study that word and he loves you for it too we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that when you bless God you know what he's always gonna bless you and that's that's the way he operates he loves you now most important though that you listen to me carefully you stay in his word every day every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor our lemur if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grant in Arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome to the Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray open your Bible and let's go to class with dr. Murray for a better understanding of our fathers were all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shippers Chapel welcome to this recap on the book of Revelation most asked questions on the book of Revelation this I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have doing it the question we came up to that we would handle in this particular lecture is explained blood up to the horses bridles and we asked a word of wisdom from our Father that we may understand this great book of Revelation in Jesus precious name amen amen Yeshua is good to us and as much as he uses symbology so naturally we cannot visualize a city with blood for two hundred furlongs
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,318
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Proverbs, Shepherds, Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Book of Proverbs, Arnold, Book of
Id: kyfFkgt7Hys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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