John 1:1 to 1:23 ~ (2013) ~ Rebroadcast beginning the Gospel of John 1:1

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wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is Pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word book of John today you know the disciple that Christ loved John means in the Hebrew tongue yah his gift what it means in the Greek tongue also but Christ would use this particular John to not only do the Gospel of John but to do the epistles of John and even to do the great book of Revelation meaning the unveiling so he used him tremendously in bringing forth the very word of God now in as far as the Gospels go the book of John presents Christ as God if you've ever had a trouble if you've ever had trouble trying to figure out the triune Godhead the book of John should straighten it out for you because he makes it so simple a child can understand remember that Matthew brought Christ forward as king of Israel and then Mark would bring Christ forward as a servant of Yahweh and then we would have Luke who would bring Christ forward as the correct man the good man the ideal man as an example to us of how a man should react now what a man should do but then again this gives it away John presents Christ as God and let's get right into it and you'll understand as we go it's a fantastic book and like I said if you've had trouble understanding the triune Godhead John will fix it for you with clarity with understanding and the smoothness which God's truth brings forth chapter 1 verse 1 great book of John in the beginning was the word now this word was means pre-existed it's it's or cake I mean from a long long time ago the very word was at that time this is like the very first verse of chapter 1 the great book of Genesis and the Word was with God and listen carefully and the Word was God that that's his word is the law it is your comforter it is your counsel is the way things are going to be and that's what makes it so beautiful because when you stick to the word God takes care of his own I don't care how many troubles there are in the world if you stick to the word his advice through I'm talking about the complete word chapter by chapter verse by verse it will always see you through so it's important that you remember the last segment and the word was god it's important that you remember that verse 2 the same the same what the work the same was in the beginning with God and and so it was the spirit this is why when you read chapter one of the book of Genesis and the word and precedes almost every verse it's called a polythene dentin which means it means a great deal more than it said what it means is when you see that and the spirit the Holy Spirit moved in other words formed brought forth that's God's word in action victory all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made he spoke and nothing became everything you no man can widdle out a few things but he's got to take God's material to build it God made has made everything God has made it possible for us to accomplish whatever it is we wish to accomplish as long as you go by his word a sister chapter that you might read on this same subject just for wisdom speaks in Proverbs chapter 8 that before the earth was wisdom was with God also because all wisdom true wisdom comes from him but God made all things so you see then who should you look to for blessings naturally he who made all things he didn't make all things and quit he's eternal so naturally when you have a need he that made everything watches over here because you see who did he make it for he made it for you he made it for his children so that they could be happy so they could have life and by that I mean life eternal next verse please first for in him was life and that does mean eternal life life was the light of men he was the tree of life the very tree of life in the garden and and being that light that if you have darkness in your life is the light I'm talking about Christ now word you have our Heavenly Father in your life there is no darkness because the example of that why would you use this terminology well if you have an extremely dark room and you only have one little candle when you light that little candle it goes to every corner of that room it brings light and so it is that when God's light is present Satan can't gain anything because the light itself is what gives you life and that is to say life eternal verse 5 the light shine ahthe in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not the darkness cannot extinguish it the dorte darkness cannot overcome it quite the contrary the light overcomes the darkness just as same as all the lies that God spews forth and in the world today God's Word is the light and it shines on the lies and the false teachings that Satan brings forth whereby you concede that truth and and so it is that that truth is so prevalent - and again nothing can stop it when you have the common sense God brings forth and gives as his gift that's true wisdom to understand the things of this world what a gift it is verse 6 there was a man sent he was sent that is to say he didn't it's important you know he didn't volunteer he wasn't just something that happened by chance God sent him God sinned he was sent from God whose name was John now this is not the Apostle John this is John the Baptist now John the Baptist was the child of Elizab and zai Elias the priest a Levitical priest and would be a cousin to the Lord Jesus Christ that's why he brought forth here in this particular spot he would be six months older than Christ as you figure by the course of abaya in the great book of Luke chapter one giving you the date of Christ's birth and John's birth and this one John was a miracle child as Christ was a miracle child only John was the forerunner and Christ was Messiah the Savior one that saves you the one that extinguishes a darkness but it's important that you know God chooses when God needs something then he sends a man he sends a woman so this was a sent one verse 7 the same came for a witness what was his purpose a witness to bear witness of the light it's to say of Christ that all men through him might be Eve that all could qualify and believe and understand the life that is to say the Tree of Life which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ he's that voice that was crying in the wilderness verse 8 he was not that light he was not Messiah he was sent to bear witness of that light again he didn't volunteer this is all God's doing which means you can trust it you can just I mean as sure as the Sun will come up tomorrow that's how it is you can trust it it will be exactly that way verse 9 that was the true light light of every man that cometh into the world that is to say every man that believes when they come into this world age this age of flesh man if you believe that light is there for you and God does not place up he is not a particular person to one man over another if he sends somebody they earned the right to in the first Earth Age to achieve that and he does not mind sending them okay verse 10 to continue he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not that spirit that moved upon the waters that spirit that moved upon the lie that spirit that moved throughout the universe and placed everything in his perfect place little old man down on earth they they wouldn't receive him they have their own little way and and so it is you no man can be so obstinate and man can be so imperfect in his decisions verse 11 he came unto his own his own folk and his own received him not let's just say Israel can turned on him part of it did not all verse 12 but as many as received him to them to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name his name being Yeshua Yeshua being not obeys Savior and he gives power what that power is awesome but if you believe that power automatically comes into your life when it says you become sons of God it is folk all right but it means God's ownership God claims you you're here and he can use you if you're open to him if you're pliable if you're hard-headed and set in your way and not pliable he cannot use you but as long as you listen to him as long as you let him join you as you let him lead you then he can use you and you become a child of the Living God not of Satan none of the world but a child of light verse 13 which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God and this means born from above and we'll explain this more in depth when we come to chapter 3 that's why this book of John is so perfect it doesn't leave you lacking knowledge not born to blood and our water but born from above not as those that would come from above as fallen but to do it God's Way and be born from above that is to say as many people would say born again which is not as it is properly translated beautiful the Word of God okay verse 14 listen carefully and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth not the reason I told you to remember that the Word was with God the word was from the beginning the Word was God if the word becomes flesh and that is the Lord Jesus Christ you are seeing a menu well as isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 stipulates god with us being the interpretation of emmanuel so here you have a guarantee of understanding the godhead that's all fit if he asked you to come here in the flesh he did it himself and he the lord you could not say god he's in a different dimension but then being born of woman the only begotten is what that means you could see him as a matter of fact in the fourteenth chapter of this book god will say if a crisis will say if you've seen me you've seen god so you see this takes away any room for doubt or just believe but to see the love of god for his children that he would see fit you know and this word grace means unmerited favor when you love him and believe even though sometimes we make mistakes he gives you that unmarred you didn't deserve it but he gives it to you because he is our father and and he loves those that believe upon him never let anyone confuse you as to what the word is the word became flesh that's what Christ is the Living Word and walked among us was with us he brought us the Gospels he brought us to truth and that was God Himself delivering it were by we're without excuses for is not understanding if you simply listen if you follow the scripture or chapter by chapter verse by verse and let God speak how beautiful it is let's go with the next verse verse 15 John this is John the Baptist John bear witness of him and cried saying this was he of whom I spake he that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me can you absorb that but how could John say that Christ was before because it was God was before you our Heavenly Father was before him there's no great mystery there let it flow over the buds of your mind and understand the presence of God in God's grace and of his fullness have all we received in grace for grace it's just grace unmerited favor after unmerited favor as long as you believe and love him and try I don't care how many times you stumble how many times you feel you fall short he touches and he blesses and he forgives over and over again and again that's grace for grace verse 17 for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ now the law brings death I mean you know a man cannot basically live by the law because you can't obey every last one of them without tripping up somewhere and but this grace which is unmerited favor and truth what what is I want to stop just a moment and ask you what is truth I like to think of truth as reality what I mean what is before us that man cannot change truth is the reality of God's presence and what happened and what it stands for truth is not concealing it is truth will never conceal anything truth brings everything out in the open is reality this is why you must always face reality and responsibility in life if you will his blessings grace after grace forgiveness after forgiveness it is it is his gift to you participate and I will say one more time what is truth it's reality this is why I call Christianity not a religion but a reality it's the real thing and he is real we are real and we take responsibility but the truth will not conceal anything I could even use the title of the great book of Revelation which means to reveal everything by its truth you can't you know from a real scholar you cannot hide the truth that is written in the book of Revelation it's not concealing its revealing and that's what truth is verse 18 no man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him he led the way why can only not say God because he's in a different dimension period it's all fit you know I want you to grasp the love that is in that he did not have to be born of woman hate everything he created everything he's all-powerful this was a time to test you in this world age to see whether you would choose God or Satan he didn't come have to come down and be crucified to be nailed to a cross or to suffer the beatings that he was given but he loves you enough that he did it for you showing you how that one can be perfect and but to show you mainly how much he loves you but he didn't ask you to do something he couldn't do himself only he did it great he did it perfect so he doesn't want evening concealed from you he wants you to see how much he loves you and how much of that he would lead the way you said you understand what it means to lead the way it leaves you not wanting for anything if you follow the way he is the way he is the path there's nothing unknown in that it's reality so all you have to do is follow that's why he came here that's why he did this so that you would have that leadership and maybe man will let you down and we'll never make a leader but he was leader of leaders verse 19 and this is the record of John John the Baptist now when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who art thou I mean John's out here baptizing thousands he's pulling him out of the synagogue's right out of the churches of the Pharisees and Sadducees and these mucky ducks downtown they've sent out they want to know who is this man and what is his message 20 and he confessed and denied not but confessed I am NOT the Christ and naturally he wasn't I'm not Messiah I'm not the Anointed One verse 21 and they asked him what then or tau Elias are you Elijah and he said I am NOT that prophet which means Elijah and he answered no now if you're a student of God's Word you know that in the first chapter of the great book of Luke it is written concerning John the Baptist that he came in the spirit of Elijah which means what announcing the way of voice crying from the wilderness turning the hearts of the children back to the father's plural meaning Satan's children are going to be turned to him God's children to the true father but this he only came in the spirit of Elijah as a matter of fact in Matthew chapter 11 I believe it is I know it is Christ would say he would have been Elijah if you'd believe him they didn't believe him they cut his head off and they didn't believe Christ they crucified him so that's why we have a second Advent and God knew there would be a second Advent because that's what as it is written yet in the minor prophets in Zachariah chapter 9 verse 9 and 10 verse 9 is the first Advent and chapter verse 10 is the second from the Old Testament God knew he knows his children pretty well overall and how He loves those that love him how He loves those that follow him that trusts him it makes all the difference to him so do you ever if anyone ever tells you that John the Baptist was Elijah just remember this verse he says no I am NOT 22 then said they unto Him who art thou that we may give an answer to them that sent us what sayest thou thyself but how do you have the ability to draw all these people you're emptying out our churches you've got something who are you and naturally he was a sent one he was sent by the Living God verse 23 and he said I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord as saith the prophet Isaiah says to say Isaiah who is he talking what what what verse is he talking about he's talking about chapter 40 the great book of Isaiah you see this is the beauty of God's Word he doesn't leave you warning he lets you know way before the fact what's going down because it's the truth and what is the truth it's reality it's not concealing I'm not going to hide anything from you if you'll open your eyes and if you will look chapter 40 verse 1 great book of Isaiah's or Isaiah Comfort G Comfort Jamaat people say through God speaking comfortably to Jerusalem and crying to her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins I thump their gourd verse 3 and here we go this is what John was saying the voice of him that quiet in the wilderness air ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God in other words you allow him to bring forth that truth that reality where every man has the opportunity to see the truth this is why God has sent once is that that truth can be heard everywhere that that truth of salvation of grace unto grace that is to say unmerited favor effort unmerited favor because God loves his children what how many children to God create every living soul is a child of God or a child of Satan one father or the other according to what you believe that makes you a child of one of the other it's according to whether you're in light or whether you're in darkness first for every Valley shall be exalted and every mountain and Hill shall be made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain God's will to make it easy for everybody smooth and level what about everybody can understand the reality of his truth of his understanding from that voice that was crying in the wilderness to announcing the coming the messenger announcing the coming of the true Messiah and that true Messiah being the Lord Jesus Christ I want to go one more verse and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed they'll see him and all flesh how many again was that all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it and it is a fact the voice said cry and he said what shall I cry all flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field and so it is it fades sometimes but not when you have the truth there is nothing that fades about the honor and the pleasure of serving the Living God to have his presence his touch in your life you know he went through a great deal to make this easy for you not necessarily easy in the sense that some might think but to know always in trusting him you're going to make it through you're going to overcome there may be some rough bad why he didn't deal too much with hothouse lilies he likes flowers that can withstand that do not wilt but the first opposition that comes along Christ did not wilt he did not sin for a band of angels when they nailed him to a cause to take him down he did it for you that salvation is present today to luminate this world with light for he is that tree of life that gives us life and I speak of eternal life don't miss the next lecture bless your hearts Eunice in a moment would you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor onal Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan there we are back again let's have the 800 number please well in 806 four three four six four five that number is good from putco we go throughout the u.s. alaska hawaii all over Canada with the spirit moves and you have a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular individual religion denomination we don't judge people we have a judge it's our father and he does not need our help as a matter of fact it's a sin for men to judge but it is the duty of man to serve I want to take this opportunity to thank Dennis for having brought us the books of Samuel and enjoyed my break away and we're back and we're under this book of John now got a if you have a prayer request you don't need to call the number and you don't you that listen by shortwave around the world you don't have to write a letter or he knows what you're thinking you got a prayer request all you have to do is make it no one to him he is the truth and the truth is non concealing he won't hide from you he is there for years let him know that you're there for him father around the world we come rest that you heed guide direct Robert touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay question time let's go with Gary from California God made man male and female but he had not made Adam and Eve yet God did not make Adam and Eve until after the seventh day that is correct that is done in the Hebrew tongue my question is what does the Bible say why does the Bible say Eve is the mother of all living well that throws some people but stop and think why did God bring forth a dumb and Eve because true then would come Christ Messiah in other words from the umbilical cord to the umbilical cord he would bring forth Messiah he that gives eternal life or you don't have life you don't have eternal life you're dead you're both you're not only dead at death but you're spiritually dead when you walk the ground a lot so there's only one true life and that's in Messiah that's why it is so written marry from Wisconsin I do have one personal question I have a friend who has told me to go to hell three times that's not a friend why would you call somebody that told you to go to hell three times a friend you need to know how to choose friends okay let's let's continue since the last summer she has never read the Bible she is truthful about that is that a sin on her part it has left me in tears I've shared the gospel with her and it goes nowhere I've not spoken to her in months what do you suggest I think you're doing the right thing why would you want to cast your pearls before swine you need to I want you to get a Webster's dictionary and I want you to look up the word friend and I want you to see what the definition of a friend is and then pick your friends carefully this from Virginia pastor Marie I heard you say the Antichrist reign will be five months please clarify for me I thought that would be three and a half years of false prophecy then three and a half years all the rain the Antichrist trying to set up his kingdom temple in Jerusalem well you you're not following the gospel though in mark chapter 13 Christ said for the elects sake when the Antichrist comes I've shortened a time he didn't say maybe I'm going to shorten a time he didn't say perhaps I will shorten the time he said for the elects sake I will shorten the time else there would be no flesh saved you did that for us and then as you continue to study in the great book of Revelation in chapter 9 there you find out it shortened to a five month period the Selma from Ohio I just completed a study of the Stone of Scone where it says the stone now resides in westminister abbey now studying Genesis 28:18 the companion Bible says that the stone is not the Coronation Stone in London no it doesn't it says in Genesis 28 that it's the stone that was to pull her from Jacob he would name that place and be blessed it was a special stone it opened up the very scope to heaven for him and and later would be carried by our people so it does not say it was not okay I am confused you sure are please comment and you said the stone is in stone stone the stone is in stone where is it do you know what scone is do you not read the news naturally it's not in Westminster Abbey it has been every king and queen up to this date that the coronation took place over that stone but the stone actually belongs to Scotland in Scotland in the city of skin and the Scots got all excited and demanded that the stone be returned and so it is Fairfield's prophecy it is said that that stone would be overturned overturned and overturned and in Christ would return basically it has happened Dixie from Arkansas when we die our spirit goes straight to heaven so why do we have the resurrection well what do you think the resurrection is your Strong's Concordance look up the word resurrection it has three meanings to raise to the higher level of thinking believing on Christ will do that for your standing for him will resurrect you to a higher level of living to die and go with the father that is resurrection also but this is a strange thing when you die in your spirit which with your spirit body goes directly to heaven that is rebel a resurrection for you this is why it's written in the scripture that confuses so many people about the so called rapture doctrine which is that they said we who are alive and remain cannot precede the dead that they have to rise first why because they're already gone they've already resurrected that's why Gwen from Alabama pastor please give me a scripture where I can find that I will know my family members one of the most asked questions Ezekiel chapter 42 the end has to do with the Millennium you find in chapter 44 verse 25 that if you have a mother brother sister father a blood relative the sister I'm married I should say that maybe needs a little help didn't make it over clearly to salvation you can help them if you're one of God's elect naturally if you can go help them you have to be able to recognize them we were created in the image of God and the angels so people look as they look Joyce from Wisconsin if you only read the Bible and don't go to church how will you go to heaven well let me think what does it require to go to heaven where is that scripture that says it is the church that sends you to heaven I've never read that scripture wonder why I have never read the scripture it is the church that sends you to heaven because it isn't written it is not the church that decides whether you go to heaven or not it is Almighty God Himself unfortunately there are some churches that you would not quite make heaven if you do as they say you might even worship the Antichrist be that as it may I'm not trying to offend anyone but Joyce it is not written that the church give salvation Christ does Tina from Georgia a pastor I'm nine years old please tell me how did we get our last names well it is our your first name of course is your given name but we are tribes and and peoples our last names determine our inheritance where we belong who we are and when you trace it way back into history then certainly your name can mean your last name can mean a great deal and and so it is this is why that you always the Irish are quite handy when when when you hear Mac Mac and the gay Tong means Sun up McDonald means son of Donal so Donal had a lot of sons and so it is with in all folks everywhere your name is your birthright last name is your birthright so it's very important it's something you want honor and take care of and keep it honest whereby when your name is mentioned they know you can be trusted because you have a good reputation Jen from Illinois my husband has recently passed away he was a Christian I know his soul went to heaven but where is his body right now I know that it is in the ground but does his body go with him to heaven or does it join later no your read I want you to read Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 our flesh body is organic matter it goes back to organic substance from which it came it goes back to dirt we he has and you have a beautiful spiritual body that doesn't age it doesn't get old doesn't wither doesn't get sick so we were through with these fresh bodies we shed them and put them all and they go back to the dirt from whence they came again your scripture is the Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 he is in his beautiful spiritual body and you will join him someday in your spiritual body Rebecca from West Virginia if you run someone and you apologize to them and you ask God for forgiveness will you be forgiven because they won't forgive me what God has forgiven you and you've apologized sometimes once we disappoint people you have to earn that respect back so don't don't be pushy and just expect some wonderful if you run somebody they want to see you document that they'll forgive but before you get that trust trust you've got to build it back so be patient but at the same time if they abuse you in that then you need to think that over again also Elizabeth from California is Satan going to put obstacles in our way when Christ comes he may try it won't do him any good my family members when they talk every word is a bad word I should I keep trying to talk to them well blood is thicker than water and there there are some you might set an example later even like we were talking about it earlier earlier in the millennium as it's written Ezekiel 44 verse 25 to be able to even help them in but don't preach at them if you planted a seed you cannot make it grow it is true that even family itself will go when the Antichrist comes who is it that delivers the daughter up to Satan which is to say delivers the daughter up to death that Satan's name the mother does one because she really thinks he's Christ love is a strange thing but love and family but God's on the throne he has the purpose you hang tough you're doing good Dennis what do you teach about being born again the dentist who doesn't say where he's from I see what when we get to the third chapter of this book of John and we'll be there just in a day or two you're gonna find out you see the manuscripts do not say born again the manuscripts say born from above and there's a very specific reason about four that Samantha from Illinois I want to know when it talks about nation in the Bible is that talking about churches not absolutely not you see nations pearl it is all nations aside from Israel Israel could be called a nation if it's singular but nations plural if ethnos which our word ethnic comes from ethnic peoples as some would call Gentiles so that's what it's talking about whether it's in the Greek or the Hebrew the meaning being basically the same Ernest from Connecticut is the satellite still working on galaxy for 16 answers yes 24 hours seven seven days a week we're bringing that signal out anytime you watch us on any television set it's coming out from that particular satellite that that is our home in the sky this is our arm or Mel I'm going to say does the word tell us anywhere about our leaders being held responsible for what they do to their subjects maybe some verses I would recommend Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 where it says if you allow it I'm going to like put children's minds over you let these children's minds will direct you and I think maybe we're coming to pass there I'll repeat it again Isaiah chapter 3 verse 4 I am planning to move to Texas I've been praying and asking for guidance blessings for my heavenly father but no come no confirmation so far I always try to do his will I am not sure what right turn whoa Oh what you know when if you feel led to do something God's not going to move the state up where you are well what didn't should I do well you should go down if you're going to try it go down with the state is never burn any bridges behind you that's what God does not want you to do you need to make a little trip down look it over check it out if it isn't right for you God will let you know and you've got a bridge that you can cross back over to and but don't burn all your bridges and go down make a trip find out and ask God's blessings and he all will always do that Jim from Oklahoma will the Battle of Armageddon be of the people here on earth or by the Lord Jesus Christ and his angels against Satan and his fallen angels well what does Armageddon mean when you properly translate it Armageddon means a city of Megiddo which means the gathering of the crowd or the hill or mound of the gathering of the crowd what crowd was it talking about the enemies of Christ so naturally army garden and human dog will be fought by our Father okay and it will be against Satan and his children will not fight it he has a purpose in doing that see they don't believe God exists boy are they gonna find out the hard way he's the one that will do battle for them and they haven't got a prayer this was I this written to Dennis and it's from Linda from Nevada I have two questions for you first you mentioned what and how God spared him but I read that Lot's wife was turned to a pillar of salt what was her name and was it because she looked back when God ordered them it's not because she only looked back she wanted to go back to the perversion and this was where were they when this event took place at the south end of the Dead Sea where everything turns to south okay last what happens to the sins of one one commits that can't be remembered when you repent of all your sins that's all of them whether you can remember them or not that's that's good probably they weren't that serious or you would remember so but when you when you repent of all your sins that's inclusive you're in good shape not to worry Debra from Wisconsin my only question is if a person does not repent for their sins before they die will their soul be tormented for eternity that's why we have the Millennium and that's why God is the judge it isn't for us to decide whether they will or not we don't know what kind of life they had did they have an opportunity to know the truth maybe they never heard the actual truth therefore they were led us that's why God has the Millennium where they're in spiritual bodies and they will there hear the truth that's not a second chance a lot of people never had a chance are you from Indiana if hell is going is being without God and Jesus was in Hell three days was he without God four Hill is not without God okay do your translating properly hell in Hebrew is sooo loud in Greek usually Gehenna is used it means a great and all Christ was was in their tomb for three days and hell does not even exist until Revelation chapter 20 which is a burning Lake and God is a consuming fire right now the Scriptures always translate hell or a sup look as great okay I'm sorry they pronounced grave or suppli interval Arkansas I believe in miracles I called a prayer request for January the 16th and where my brother Robert and he came through January and 17th he came out very well thank God in shepherd's chapel for your prayers and that's good we think our Father and God bless you and we're out of time again it's good to be back good to see you all again and be with you in God's Word and I love you very much for a special reason that's that you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse most important though God loves you for it it's the letter he sent to you to give you direction so let him know that you love him every day don't you do that we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you what you do that you bless God he will always bless you most important though listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day why because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it Arkansas seventy seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it Arkansas 77236 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you the Book of Ezekiel what a fantastic study this book of ezekiel the book of ezekiel that covers if you would fence vehicles those circular discs in the hebrew it states very clearly that that whirlwind with the color amber traced back to the hebrew highly polished barns what an exciting thing that god's word and forms us on all things ezekiel one of my favorite prophets of the Bible probably more written not probably but absolutely more written on what will happen in the millennium age than even the book of Revelation Ezekiel guiding you through it what God will expect at the final battle Armageddon and Haman Gog recorded in this great prophecy I know you're going to enjoy it The Book of Ezekiel welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray all right good day to you god bless you hey welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our going to do a little special today now that we're through that book of Judges woman why weepest thou what was that said where was that question asked probably better stated well it was asked by Christ as well as angels of Mary Magdalene oh and what does Mary Magdalena mean this this woman that at one time had seven seven evil spirits within her seven being completeness even if you would
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 85,110
Rating: 4.8587785 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel John, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray John, John Bible Study, Book of John, Gospel Of John (Religious Text), John 1, John Chapter 1, Book of John 1, Book of John Chapter 1, Gospel of John 1, Gospel of John Chapter 1
Id: Mgjz584-DhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 02 2014
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