31 Days of Wisdom Proverbs 01

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well everyone on mr. Brown and welcome to this 31 days of wisdom a journey through the book of Proverbs have you ever had your parents tell you something whether your mom or dad that just stuck with you I mean no matter what you do it would stick with you you hear them you face that situation that they told you about and you would hear their voices telling you and and you just couldn't get rid of it even though you tried well that happened to me with my mom growing up a single-parent home and and in inner-city Milwaukee Wisconsin my mom was always adamant of us locking the doors and you know when we had cars not leaving valuables in our car but just real strict on locking doors and being safe even as an adult so you were mine do you your door and no matter where I was and even though we grew up interesting Milwaukee Wisconsin I went to a suburban school and honestly there was less crime out there at the time than it was in our neighborhood my mom would always say hey lock your doors there too because people steal everywhere now we'll hear that sentence people steal everywhere and so to this day if I'm out in some podunk town somewhere small community I can be out in the woods somewhere going to a camp and I'm still locking my doors and people laugh at me because I hear my mama's voice people steal everywhere maybe that was true for you well that's what this book of Proverbs is about proverbs it is a collection of sayings of why sayings I wrote them pop in my Bible here some might say this one's a proverb is a short sentence drawn from a long experience or another definition of Proverbs is a proverbs the statement that makes a comparison or summarizes a common experience so in the book of Proverbs these are things that we hope you can grab onto that will not let go of you because you will face the situation's how to deal with people on friendships enticements to do wrong proverbs even how you conduct yourself your words you use even how you work on a job The Book of Proverbs covers so many different topics and they give you short little sanderson's the comparisons or things that that are common experiences that give you wisdom in life that you can move forward and I believe this if you will grab ahold if you would he do you learn you would listen these are all words using the book of Proverbs that these things will protect you they will guide you and help you move forward to live a life well-lived that's not a pretty good to live a life well-lived like I always say choose well to live well so journey with us to this book of Proverbs 31 days of wisdom are you ready here we go proverbs chapter 1 today is the 1st of January so we will - probably up to 1 each day will do the proper of the day and my family's going through this with us including Sophia Grace and we're trying to teach her memory verses I believe if we teach her young how to be wise she won't get a whole lot of weapons like I did growing up anyway we taught her proverbs 1:5 as a memory verse and says this let the wise here and increase in learning and we wanted to get that that the wise person hears and increases in learning the rest of the verse says this and the one who understands obtains guidance and so the reality is as we listen and learn from these proverbs we will increase in our learning and we will gain knowledge we will gain wisdom and guidance for our lives so as we go this book of Proverbs hope you will apply some things now as I said in the first video is so much to learn from these and we want to hear from you so please give us your insight I'm only able to pick out one or two things from this each chapter and share my thoughts are but I want to hear your thoughts as well so today I sent out the text devotion and it said this in the text let me find it it said am i blind no I'm not right there it said you lose every time you don't fear the Lord proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 and verse 29 and my wife actually point this out to me now my desire is each day to actually play through the podcast some of you are listening to this some of you are watching on youtube or on our website but I want to play for you the reading itself I don't want to read it to myself than like great reader but I use this program called bible.is in my devotion time many times or even up getting dressed is listening to the Bible being spoken and it's dramatized so check out the app Bible days or go to go to internet bible.is is the web address and they have some very different different versions of the Bible read read and dramatization the dramatized ways and it's pretty good actually so I actually emailed them for permission but we use it in my podcast during this site this series we're doing so if I hear from them soon and I'll play it right now but proverbs chapter 1 I'm gonna focus on two verses proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 and verse 29 and again this is from my wife and she's gonna join us one day on this hill be fun but proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 says this the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge fools despise wisdom and instruction what does that mean the fear of the Lord now doesn't mean that we run around being afraid of God's gonna kill because some people have a wrong view of God I have a series I did called characters of God caricatures not character caricatures of God and a lot of people see God as this God in the sky who just wants to hurt you he's a mean Oh God ready to step on you any time you step out of line that's not the guy we serve I believe what what Solomon meant here was that we'd have a reverence for the Lord that we would fear and understand he is God and we are not because I believe this how you approach God how you look at God some people are the man upstairs you know when I get up and I get to have on my tail got a few things first of all you with that attitude you won't be seeing God in that sense you'll be seeing the fierce wrath of God and so the beginning of knowledge is fearing the one who possesses all things that God is God and we are not if we're to understand anything about the universe that God created we must approach God in the reverence of God and not a fear where I'm just afraid he's going to do something but understanding that God does have a wrath the Bible says the fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry god the Bible also says that God is consuming fire so yes God is that but we need to approach God in a way of reverence of fear and the sense that we respect totally who he is kind of like me growing up I respected my granddad I didn't play games with my granddaddy I didn't say smart things my granddad we did play once a while but we understood that he was granddad he was reverent we called him Reverend and we didn't play with him well in a greater sense I need to approach God that way he says the beginning of knowledge Solomon says is the fear of the Lord then he says it's fools despise wisdom and instruction fools despise wisdom instruction after the book of Proverbs we will be listening we'll be hearing the comparison being a fool person the foolish person the wise person because fools despise wisdom and instruction now that verse is so key cuz we get down to verse 29 between verses 20 and probably the end of the chapter wisdom becomes personified in other words wisdom takes on a personality look at verse 20 wisdom shout in the street she lifts her voice in the square so from this point wisdom becomes this female that takes on the personality of a woman and I kind of jokingly thought to myself I say it out loud because I would Fair's get in trouble but I'm saying it anyway now why would wisdom be compared to this woman because you don't ignore women when women talk you need to listen to them if you don't you get in trouble so wisdom takes on this idea if you don't listen to me there will be consequences and wisdom projects itself as a woman and look what it says in verse 29 doctor so interesting and you should read this whole passage but look at verse 29 because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord and so he said if you read that you don't they talked about when you reject wisdom I'm all these bad things happen you lose but he says because they did not they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord all these bad things happen these people you gotta be there on your own time but it's so interesting because the beginning of knowledge is the fear of the feudal lords beginning of knowledge and so we have to start there with fearing the Lord who is God and I think the wisest thing we can do in 2014 is figure out to learn to search the Scriptures to find out who is this God who is God that we serve because that is where it all began if you choose to ignore God ignore the fact that God existed it says in Romans chapter 1 they suppress the truth and ungodliness because they don't want to deal with God but I think we should approach this year and every day of our lives I know we're taking a 31-day challenge but this applies to all of our lives that we start with the fear of the Lord because the fear the Lord's begin the knowledge so as you read proverbs chapter 1 look at all the jewels here all the the pieces of advice and wisdom and I love to hear what you get from because as she talks about the fools and all things they've done look at verses 8 through 19 it talks about being enticed to go do evil and do wrong and wisdom says wisdom is speaking up wisdom wants to be heard because if you apply listen to your life you can live a life well-lived verse 1 chapter 1 verse 7 again I'll leave you with this the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and fools despise wisdom and instruction so the question is this we choose to be a fool or choose to be wise it's your choice
Channel: Proclaim Ministries
Views: 67,026
Rating: 4.9141741 out of 5
Keywords: #31DaysOfWisdom, Mister Brown, Proclaim Ministries, Proverbs, The Book of Proverbs, Connecting Faith & LIfe, Proverbs 1, King Solomon, Small Group Bible Study
Id: SlLzq7C_k0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2014
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