Prospering with Pennies w/ Apostle Buddy Crum (The Life Center 9/26/21)

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let's give praise to the one who deserves it the one who brought us here saved us delivered us set us apart gave us victory and authority over the enemy oh how many of you love jesus really how many really love jesus oh kenny how you can you play that for [Music] oh yes come on oh how i love jesus yes how i love jesus [Music] i got the whole fan behind me today come on let's put some of that beat in there come on yeah come on give me a little saxophone [Applause] [Music] ah oh [Music] this morning because you've invited us lord and we bring all the credentials that we need and that is the blood of jesus christ his crucified life his risen life that set us apart to do the work that you've called us to do now pray today o father that you will fill our hearts you'll fill our minds with your presence and release to us the very anointing of christ himself in jesus name and all say amen amen all right here we have dr mary amen this is too good to pass by okay all right [Applause] this time we're going to say because he loves you and you look somebody in the eyes you point to them and you mean don't just point you know to the angels somewhere in the atmosphere point to somebody go ahead and pick them out all right now we're not going to belabor this but when you say instead of saying me you point to them and say you and when we do devil we expect you to flee in jesus name because we're going to be speaking life as the prophet said life amen all right let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love you thank you so much god bless you you know that was such a good way to do that dr mary thank you may be seated please well first of all i want to say thank you so much for praying for me during the time that i was going through the little conval lesson i feel good i really feel good it's a good thing thank you so much and people celebrating my birthday thank you just precious cards and words i thank you for that and not you know the prayer and the and the uh all the gifts and cards and things i thought i died and gone to heaven really i was so good you're so good thank you so much and we do love the people at the life center and as dr mary you say we just kind of proud parents and grandparents and if we get much older i guess we'll be great grandparents but anyway it is so good so good so good so it's such a blessing you know i have a title this morning called prospering with pennies prospering with pennies you know in the years way back when dr mary and i just got married and you know we had a lot of changes going on how many of you know that life is a process to change your perspective so that you see eternity from god's perspective can you imagine you see if god formed you in heaven and left you there and you never had the experience of living here on earth and going through all of the challenges and trials and tribulation you wouldn't have any understanding of what you had when you got to heaven you you would say well this is this is the way it's always been but now we look forward to that time when we know that there'll be a time when we will be without sin and sorrow and pain and suffering and all of that but we have to go through that to understand that we look forward to it so we're in the process to change your perspective but as i was thinking about it when we were you know when i was growing up i had one driving desire and it was called ambition i had a lot of ambition i wanted to make a lot of money i i don't know why but it did and i knew that there were two things that you had to do to make a lot of money and that was work hard and take risk and i did both i worked real hard and i took a lot of risk to try things and that was that's what you have when you have ambition but i thought back over this and when as you know dr mary and i met in in college and when we were in college we were both pretty active in things at that great institution of the university of georgia okay it's all good but anyway we were there and we both were harbored not to marry mary at that time was so gifted and she would had every honor that you could get at the university of georgia she was dean's list mortal board who's who in universities and colleges she was over the women's student government she was everything you could be yes now i'm bragging on her but there's a purpose behind it and she used to do so well and i think well she has such great favor but she had and then afterwards we graduated and and left and got married moved to get us started in south georgia and when we were there she became a school teacher and got all the same accolades as the school teacher did great things i thought she just got a lot of favor but let me tell you the difference she had passion i had ambition she had passion it takes both ambitions what you can do for me passions what i can do to fulfill my calling and gifting what i'm here to do to make a contribution so for her it was her passion that drove her for me it was my ambition and there was a big difference and so we left georgia south georgia in our 16-foot u-haul it pulled by our great big old falcon car i had borrowed enough money to get out of town i told you i took risk i had had to go through my first entrepreneurial venture but we left there wow i'll pull that it with was in anything there's a big anyway i was going to mobile continue to promote that military and with all it and started you know but i was baptist loved he had saved me and get set you had advice your life afterwards holy spirit it and it would be there if it probably me because we couldn't jesus kept me you know protected to learn glad the heart the father earned the spirit the holy spirit i love they all love me different gods purposes to talk to you about an ambition and that i thought about and went to this text on you it's um first four verses and and and that really the worst ships had very familiar to us but and he's always would be less finished those are abundant for god but she in goodness by that the point in one of these and if you pills don't not eat that picture and he has a particular teeth here and desired in that that is not on her heart but doing the right see this setting and you are bitching to his decision so that he their perspective you see this it was didn't have only one thing wrong with and is okay passion for your ambition to know work because passion gives you the place that you're to change the ambition is how the ambition of christ was to build his church it is his out but his father above all he wants to bother can is i want to build a church and we are part of so when this he gave five two and one no and but the difference please to owner and his ambition was the money begin to see that what it is it's hard to do is to god and gifting influence that he's given us wherewithal establishment so we see is giving them to ask the test is jesus is watching see what people that jesus was people knew that would say here make a session on these so just observe notice they said in the that in this same frustration or same event it says there the rich so he's not critical of the rich were big they gave much but he was saying they're significant had no money she would what we would call a single mom he still her desire to move so look at this we see that uh i said you mark 12 it's those were rich so they asked watching now that i want to observe what this widow did i want to talk about perspective priority perspective prior you see you looking think about for example you say what he gave up do you know how many times a year particularly go the grocery store would you and give between your change would you round up your mind says what that's 53 this might be but you they said well it goes too long and so you it's not much you're a roundup a few people go ahead and round up and we won't think about it in four days late they did 25 and everybody ran up in 95 000. just depend and change give your chain four will cause it's about do it do it we've gotta get this one church money you give it no longer bill you just gave it god and it's his responsibility to make it you can't make it go if you don't get it's just a penny a quarter difference [Laughter] i don't know penny but if we put it up and put it work and you can have you got but no your talent is put it work if you want now everything that was ever it was already in that was it was delivered the hydra therefore what the energy that we needed over used it nonetheless it's there it was always there for a purpose but the thing is that when something in natural form and change it into that is form that create we go from a use we exchange a dollar morality to them dollar is a dollar for devilish you go out you when change comes in your hand it takes that spirit is just on you spirit of fear if it's a possibility that you take and exchange that money you're going to get back zone that's on that money the stinginess with a new shoe that had been taught that but job is to put it in the ca that's not what it's not it's what i do with it because i don't want the spirit of lack spirit anything that left out the spirit of generality the spirit of generosity attaches any back generosity finish there's a spirit that's attaching itself to everything that you do and that's what comes out of your spirit and so she knew didn't know she knew that she didn't know how she didn't know what was going on that was going when you 13 different pits up there in some money so they'd make passion and so quiet about it but that her job is any thing in her perspective is a penny jesus everything just money everything you have to do anything we even families are to give our family over and to the lord then it becomes responsibility to get wisdom to know how to raise them up because be godly people like say and then was his responsibility over him let me turn to this hebrews 7 8 reader scripture to you earth which that often comes upon it and herbs choosing for food whom it is cultivated receives blessing in other words if you use giving you for you receive that was what he they were observing he get screwed this was what was contra was such a terrible such a teaching such that jesus wanted his disciples to understand you you have to know respect that it all belongs to god you do your part and god do his every spirit upon it if you for sure it should get what you so he took that thing the second thing was hard you know every time in public this verb in all many years maybe thousands of times 6 30 king god his righteousness see what his righteousness and oh that is the most that is the scripture that jesus said worry about you know how don't worry how you going to g this is understand jesus yes first then you'll get the revelation then you'll get the direct get the guy that you need so her is what and that's in the second thing her priorities first thing effective the second was her party she didn't once she gave what she was supposed to give his responsibility was keep her from going hungry and jesus wanted to make that demonstrate make that illustration so that you say why people say why tithe you know any say a testament but if there's about three sets for priorities remind you first in life and i'll tell you where you are and so there was no it belonged to god and to give it to priority we can't play games we try to you know god you know my heart you know i'm willing god you you say so i'm going to bless the church lottery i had in there don't be playing the lottery i'm advertising that but what i is start what house no matter how can in the world righteousness i promise you we would not be struggling with the issue struck this body and then in the this body but the body in the world the thing is we move along the other ambition take on the passion of christ the promises of vision of jesus you will see believe and i believe this i believe that there is an anointing on the house for prosperity believe that [Applause] years past mo i used to guide me to multiple there's a million millionaires that was enough just away fire it had to blow through the blood the anointing and anointing and i believe we're entering into that see the manifestation the prosperity of god i i hope it's on the whole church and that it will be the christ but my us right here in the area where multiplied over and over and that anointing lies on the house and that selfish and yeah is truly god the passion is to see the kingdom of god established where it is the influence nation and then it has been in will and give god praise [Applause] she couldn't have had to work i ended over and read that picture in hebrew it's impossible to please god without faith while she had faith she put a little two mites in he would he could have said what difference but that was it she had their perspective first secondly these are god and my passion do what the script is and let have the responsibility to put his acting on jesus be sure that they understood that passion luke 12 already told him for the previous he had told him about apparently about a man who no god hadn't blessed he had a lamb and he's gone and he says oh barn himself he was doing and he had barns and he wanted more and so he said i know what i'll do i'll tear down the barn bigger barns and mob begin to see in luke 12 21 he says the scripture was that do you not know food that day your life required that in person ambitious ambition but you must and for you oh that's what reach down in me and turn my life around i want you my ambition part of my part of my church that you know that you love him that you know so much he sent me it's my jesus so what what really was it was impressive passion and he says that you know his spirit of covenant teaching him that you cannot he's for your treasures your heart be also heart represents every year your passion will be there and you will respond to it but it's interesting i read something in forbes magazine that was interesting and it was about a teacher in hoover alabama and the team came up with the idea said i know what let's do i want you to any anytime anybody inspires you i want you to give any and every time well it started out a little awkward and they started giving a penny to everybody you inspired me i want to give you a penny and you have power that's what you tell them when you give them a penny say you have power you have inspired me i hope you take and pass on to someone else like paying it forward with a focus on you inspired me i hope you'll give this to somebody that inspired you and tell them i hope that you'll take this penny power and to the teacher they were bringing to their parents everybody was exchanging he's all over the place but what did he do it brought perspective it said that when somebody does something for me i'm going to reward you and then i know i have a passion it builds up my passion for it i want to take a penny recognize it it was the value penny it was the of the inspiration you inspired and i want to reward you for it so that's why it is provision for pennies and the provision to build covenant due to is between us so god has passion far and i are his priority and he has has the perspective is just us blessed we have to be best god has to has to pass away and it says and you remember as as elder blake brought it up that's a big teaching that john brought up yeah 1 18 where he goes in he said this is a day the lord has reached us save us now oh lord prosperity put that by means i don't listen to me over there but anyway thank you but i look at that together we uh yeah what what it's it's 24 25 26 i think something like that four and 20 anyway this is today's this the lord i will rejoice and be glad in it save now lord oh lord and prosper now can you pray that every day you can say this is the day the lord made our voice and be glad now i want to say something i want to bring something on my heart as i said believe that this is an anointing on the house and treasured but you know one of the things that's happening we have to be very careful because it's insidious as the enemy officers this country was found capitalism and it needs to be a capitalistic do you realize that socialism takes over you your passion when you don't have god in control if you don't we china is totally totally taking over you know children as of now can spend three hours a week that's all they have curves they have everything they want everybody focused on school but we must look at this in the light of what's going on we know if you look we are still the greatest how did we get out there because god was able to take those who've been blessed some more if they have the hard give answer to why we want to see the change is to change not change the system yes we've got to take care of the poor yes we've got to take care of people is right far more wealth it's not taking it away from the rich and giving to the that that puts who and con the rich and the government these people love not bring people down let's raise god's place where they're the ones are doing done we don't want to lose your passion we want to lose opportunity see the woman with cheap priorities she put what she had in there it over to god you bless it lord and you bring it back and it moves from god and we all know that that leads to entitlement they're thinking when government needs to provide and one one is protection safety number one but god will give us create ideas we have more wealth in this nation by far any other name and it came away the chinese just took the prophet their profitable that made the capitalist means but they took its way because would you like to start a new bid and let god prosper and then have the government give it over to the government i just i'm just a student for the government it's important that we look to god as our force this is so so important that we the kingdom priorities we're building the kingdom of god and god will bless it and i do believe that's what we because we were founded on those principles of give and give and shout given pressed down shaken together and we have given to every nation abundantly now we throw money around like it's loose change but nonetheless we need to remember god says i will give you the power to gain wealth to establish covenant second you remember when paul was going around raising the money for when they were having a problem in jerusalem and he was going to churches and he told me corinthians 9 11 who will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous in every occasion the purpose for creating wealth to give fancy things offer the reason god can take a vessel fill it up and pour it out and pour it out is because keep pouring it out just like you do love you don't stop loving just because jesus loves you you're filled with his love now you want to go around get everybody to know jesus if you want to know and have the passion for his kingdom he will provide the resources to fill up that kingdom i don't doubt my so strong in that that we are here for a purpose and a plan and he's going to give us provision to fulfill that purpose and but we must have a passion for what he has a passion for and that's establish his kingdom i think you have to have is to give us order to use it for purposes of expanding the kingdom another there's not a more clear testimony about than the good samaritan he had provision he didn't stop being a business person he didn't stop being wherever he was he just was on call for education and he reached out when nobody else would and that's the world will reach out only when it benefits but the passion kingdoms you reach whenever it's god tells you when the holy spirit so this the beginning i i want us to begin to look because i believe we're coming into that place and i got that from conference and that when when i heard the teaching of apostle john eckhart did me again possibly you got to step out and declare what is you've got to put us in place we've got to get the machinery on we've got to get the principles working we've got to make the promises fulfilled if we do it we've got to do it with god's way with his we got to do it by saying perspective on kingdoms our priorities on the kingdom and then the passion to see it all fulfilled according to his way can i hear an amen this morning are you with us on this now are we you know [Applause] offered with compassion let's stand to our feet you know as i we want you to i want you to remember that is the spirit that god is building in you once he gets the spirit he can feel what he needs through he's looking for people to and fro that he gets he's looking for him he wants them most don't have the heart for him let's take the limitations off shall we can we do it can we set our hearts about into a spiritual generality can we change our past for the kingdom and expansion of all things god's doing yes lord thank you father we thank you today we lift up our heart to you father you fill us with your presence today touch your heart and then fill it with passion lord that we know that we know that whatever we do and have for the kingdom of god will multiply it good soil we'll use it to the king best soil we could have so let us plant whatever it is gifts are calling resources our families whatever they are so father right now you gave us a thought and then you said what we bound in heaven bound on earth and what we're losing right now in the name of jesus christ i bind every spirit of poverty that would try to reside over anybody in this center i break it anybody right here in the south of this world we bind every spirit black we binary poverty we break every hope that has on the body of christ we break it now the name of jesus and illusion rarity we loosen generosity we loosen a passion for the kingdom and we listen and we declare that we bless for a season point for a reason and we thank you for it declare it in jesus name [Music] how about this morning [Music] let's pray together say father i thank you for blessing me first with salvation [Music] and then redemption by setting me up to make a difference in the kingdom i thank you lord for the gifts you've given me for the people you put in my life now i thank you mostly for the holy spirit to direct my past to fulfill every prophecy [Music] that's been put into my life in jesus name amen bless you you are a blessing you are a blessing to the kingdom of god whoa come on elder blake where is he all right now don't we have baptism this afternoon we've got some folks going to be baptized and we've also got something you may be seated come up mary prophet mary this is pamela george robert why don't you come up you're you're you're a you know lady very well she supposed to be part of the elder recognition for some reason went on this anniversary why would that be more important than coming here and getting this you [Music] i'd be answering so do you this cup right here we've known them for many years they have been a blessing to this house and we're thankful for them many gifts and have really done a wonderful job so we acknowledged you pamela as as receiving or accepting eldership in this body but we didn't have a time at that moment to give you this certification of that let me read this to you it says certificate of ordination presentation shall all men know that pamela george has been called and anointed of god and by authority of this ministry of accordance to this prescribed tenants of faith in the bylaws is by ordained in the office of elder so now you are now elder pamela we are so thankful let me let me put the pledge to you yes come on give us some praise [Music] the price just went up on everything in the bookstore [Music] watch that spirit she's managed our bookstore for so long and we're thankful all right pamela do you promise elder pamela do you promise to walt worthy of the high calling of the office of elder and are you constantly conduct yourself in a manner worthy of this calling is it your desire to bring glory to christ your lord are you willing to be accountable to the apostle and prophet at the life center and to carry out the duties of the ministry without thought of furthering any selfish ambitions okay do you promise to guide and guard the flock and to make your highest goal to instruct and nurture all souls through the administration of god's holy word inspire and exhort all about the holy ordinances of the lord are you willing to guard and teach the doctrinal issues of this house and be accountable for your action and that are believers do you so promise amen god bless pastor alex pray for this lady that's how we know how to appoint you because you're already doing it and so when you do that we also know that it's great on you and the devil doesn't like you even more so he's so i want to pray because he he likes to bring a spirit of death he likes all that junk and don't treat it lightly but god is that brings a spirit of life so when the devil comes and tells you you can't do that what you're going to remember is who god says you are so right now in the name of jesus devil i break your power and your assignment off of this couple in any way over everything that concerns them their fam everything that concerns them you're broken devil death spirit now go in jesus name in jesus name and pamela is going to tell you what i know that you are because i see it you have an ambition about you but it's to fulfill the passion that given to you you're a woman of great passion you and robert is is the man right passion y'all don't halfway do anything i mean you're kind of hundred percenters so if you go and go for it you go for it and god says yes give it your all you're somebody that gives it your all and especially when it involves other people it's not a claim i've seen you do the same kind of thing behind the scenes late at night getting ready for a wedding with his ministry but i also know that we used to get a lot of any time there was any kind of opportu a job opportunity you would send it to office this has been going on for years that you might want to look at these job opportunities because you wanted your people both church and ethically uh african-american caucasian spanish whatever whoever needed opportunity and you both really want people to have an opportunity to fulfill their lives in a way that makes it better for them that makes it better for others that uh broadens and empowers the kingdom of god so you know who you are you know who you are mr robert yes okay well i if you don't call me [Music] father right now i thank you lord let's lay hands on her doctor buddy let's pass and her husband father in the name of jesus thank you we thank you lord that this one came through many things during her life many pleasures many attacks those uh who loved her and uh uh were jealous of her spirit lord even only curse their fam witchcraft things and i broke all that off all that residue off you're not responsible for what the devil said you were using others to say it and i speak life into her now the lord she would embrace your responsibilities and let the other fall off no offense just let it fall off i thank you father lord may this next season be one of refreshing in the midst of busyness in the midst of trials but she'll know how to latch on you'll go to what that she is and pamela you're going to be one that helps other people see who they are as well as what the opportunities are and i bless you in the name my hands are cold but my heart's warm okay father i release the anointing this house jesus came a house of principle that dr buddy was thinking over now and thank you dr buddy i believe there's an anointing on pamela uh in the area of money would you speak and pray father we thank you for the anointing for for building up the body of christ through the through generosity through wealth in the name of jesus i release that anointing upon her now in jesus name and declare over her she shall be an instrument that shall raise up many that will bring forth the resources that will be used mightily in your kingdom we thank you for this time in this season father i know it is her seeking for this she's going to give her divine wisdom you're going to give her depth and understandable that are going on things that's where she's managed money she's going to see a differently lord she's going to see some of your secrets attached to it she's going to be able to bring those to the body of christ she's going to raise up those that are going to be givers and financiers for the kingdom lord and touch the hearts of many so we thank you for that anointing and we release it in jesus name and robert you share you all share the same desire and and heart bless others and to give an opportunity and to make people see what more they can be and how and make things the best for them so i bless you as a couple of bless you as christians you are blessed blessed blessed and i speak life abroad in jesus name life in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] we're all of you're a blessing we're all accountable to the body in the body of christ thank you god bless you be blessed
Channel: The Life Center Atlanta
Views: 70
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, atlanta
Id: RxjsgoUvmqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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