Alexander Pagani at Limitless 2018 (The Life Center 4-26-2018)

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and I am so happy to tell you that my the latest miracle that the Lord has wrought is Alexander becoming is in the house so I'm going to go ahead and introduce him and he's just going to appear it's a miracle thank you how many of you are familiar with apostle Alexander Pagani [Applause] so a number of you are you know it's interesting the first time I heard of him our good friend apostle Matthew Stevenson brought him over to me at a conference and he said if you need a demon buster this is your man [Music] and so we shook hands and little did we know that just a short time later in terms of life that he would be here at our conference or miracles and deliverance conference but I'd like to just share a little bit about him he is the founder of amazing Church in Bronx New York he is a an apostolic Bible teacher who has gotten keen insight and revelation into the demonic into deliverance and into generational curses he has an uncompromising approach to dealing with the devil making sure that the devil does not rob you of what God has ordained for you to have and he is uncompromising in his approach to deliverance and to the Word of God he's appeared on TBN as well as the word Network and he is releasing his first book called secrets due to deliverance through charisma house which is awesome and it's coming out May first and so he was really disappointed that he could not bring copies of the book with him tonight but what he was able to do was to get pre-order half price discount forms for those who are here so you'll be able to order the book at half price because you're here at the limitless conference he operates in a wisdom and discernment to unlock secrets of the kingdom of God with signs and wonders following and he lives in New York City with his wife yes I believe and his sons Apollo and Xavier so would you stand to your feet give a warm Atlanta welcome hallelujah oh my god give Jesus a round of applause my lord I never felt this much resistance to get to an event that means today is gonna be why I need you to turn around 5/3 people say today is your day of deliverance by three people a tournament today is your day deliverance and then look at the Mingo it cuttable sundown [Applause] we're Jesus you may be seated Oh God [Applause] we made you stay out late like a storefront Pentecostal church well Ike man a God like it's about to be 10 o'clock for the rest of us that come from storefront churches we just started a may I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ did you feel that joy in the atmosphere God Jesus I greet you in Jesus joy man on the behalf of my apostolic covering the apostle to the Bismark I greet you in his name that's my papa amen on behalf of everyone in New York City the boogie down bronx amen so let's get the first and most important thing out of the way and it's this and if there's anything you can take out of what's gonna happen today and tomorrow morning I need you to listen immensely close and it's this I'm Puerto Rican and out from the Bronx so that makes me double Porter again look at your neighbor say you owe me five dollars you said he was Jewish with that big beard said he was Jewish with that big bin now from little la Puerto Rico I got saved in prison doing six years in a maximum-security prison Jesus came in my cell tapped me on the shoulder said son I want you to follow me and there and in prison my journey began for this calling for deliverance the reason why I'm so effective in deliverance is not because I'm special it's because I'm deliverance his number-one client did you catch that from the years of 1990 I was searching searching throughout the body of Christ for people to help me deal with my demons you know and no one could help me because demons evolved this kind which means there's always at this kind it's always ever evolving and I went everywhere searching for freedom and I couldn't get set free until finally I began to encounter what is called the Apostolic and the prophetic I was trying to get freedom in religious churches and there's a measure of freedom but then there's next level of deliverance and I got supernaturally set free generational curses broken in my life 100 percent cold-turkey everything gone supernaturally changed and I dedicated my life to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to teach the revelation of deliverance from the demonic and helping this present generation upgrade their tactics and methods and to counter-attack the counter-attack of the enemy never did I realize that God would take this Bronx boy all over the world but on TBN word Network they start everywhere sharing this revelation of deliverance and I didn't realize that the Ministry of deliverance is the abandoned child of the church deliverance should be normal deliverance is the first initial sign that the kingdom has arrived by this the finger of God surely the kingdom of God has come upon you so if you say your kingdom and you're not doing deliverance it's false advertisement oh Jesus that's level one you know your church is talking about you know deliverance that's that level one stuff answer tonight I begin to say well most churches don't do deliverance today that means most churches are not even on level one see them saying so what I have found is is that what's missing for the revelation of deliverance is apostolic revelatory teaching too much deliverance without apostolic teaching is witchcraft so God is doing his raising up a generation of Nazarites who could get fresh insight into two gifts of the Spirit that needs to be in full operation and it's the word of wisdom and the gift the highest level of the gift of discernment of spirits to be able to see the strategies of the enemy and not only that to be able to get new insight into what the plans and the purposes are of the enemy and to not be reactionary but rather when the devil goes there you already there you meet him there rather than reacting or having to sing songs like you know take back what the devil told took from us I'm from the Bronx how about we just never let the devil take it from us at all [Applause] Amen I want to talk to you today very quickly because God has taken me around the world I've done over 400 deliverance sessions I'm not exaggerating my wife thinks it's more but to be modest I make it less let him increase and I decrease but it's been more I've been doing mass deliverance a little a lot more frequently but I'm actually a one-on-one deliverance guy so i've sat with literally people from all over the world i've sat with NBA basketball players true story their agents referring them to our church people fly in from all over the country i don't know these people but they looking to get set free from the from the demonic i've sat with kings of night in nigeria you know TV TV hosts and some of these interviews you see that on my facebook what you don't see is that after the interview sometimes halfway mid interview the whole starts manifesting you have to turn the cameras off and I have to help them get delivered it's crazy as that sounds you don't see it because if God can't trust you with the confidentiality of the people you're not called for the Ministry of deliverance can you be confidential with people's mess can people be messy and you not judge them afterwards amen so when I so what I have found is this and this is what God is using this ministry and we're gonna do this today is I'm gonna be talking to you today under the title who's delivering the deliverer I know I know you got I know you're there you know you're the fourth person of the Godhead I get it you know you got your experiences you got your accolades on your belt like Batman's utility belt I can't it pull it out when you need it got the title got all of that but let me ask you when's the last time you got some real deliverance and who's delivering you where you're delivering people so I'm gonna take you through a journey of scripture I'm gonna go through a bunch of Scripture there and we'll call you up and then we'll see what the whole Eagles have and how many of you just like man I thought I don't care what it is just get me delivered today man just get me free get me free they're gonna be moments today that I'm gonna be talking to you and they're gonna be moments I'm gonna be talking to what's there when I talk to us they're know the difference don't let them lie to you it's just my Bronx personality I'm not really like my facebook videos you've seen my facebook videos even I don't like this guy so confrontative true for the matter is in order to function in the Ministry of deliverance you have to have a bold character so you understand your personality and your character is tailor-made to your gifting so what God is doing so so so if you feel like man nobody can handle me welcome you've been called to the Ministry of deliverance because people will resist you people will lie to you you you could even tell them that's a demon of this and they'll tell you no no that's not what I'm dealing with you gotta be bold and up and say that is what you're dealing with we gotta cast that thing out so there'll be moments I'll be talking to you and there'll be moments I'll be talking to what's there when I speak to you you will know because I speak to you with love and joy and happiness you know I'm charismatic from the Bronx I enjoy you know I'm not uptight I'm not a killjoy when I speak to what's there you're gonna see another side of me don't get embarrassed the Holy Spirit doesn't embarrass people people embarrass people in the name of the Holy Spirit the Ministry of deliverance will always maintain the dignity of the person for too long we help people get delivered and they never come back you want to know why they got delivered but they embarrassed the Holy Spirit will never embarrass you today but there'll be moments I would have to address something and I'll be confrontative and I'm gonna be in your face there might be some times then I'm gonna challenge certain lines of thinking I have to challenge a paradigm because there are demons that are what I call scientific demons that are assigned to theology it's called doctrine of demons a doctrine of demons that means these are demonic theologians they study and if they could get a paradigm in your head it will produce corresponding action because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so if they can manipulate the way you view something scripturally or revelant or through revelation and you're looking at it from a different perspective then they don't have to worry about you getting delivered because you won't be at the right place at the right time to get delivered so what I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna be attacking theologian demons and old worldviews and old stuff that goes on so I'm not gonna help you understand that the human temple is not just out of court holy court a holy place most holy place I'm going to show you how you are 93 rooms and if I could title this I'll call this the demon hiding in 93 rooms the first thing before we go even a step further which I'm gonna go through about five verses let me help you explain them turn with me the first Corinthians quickly 14 first Corinthians 14 so we're just gonna kind of jump right into this thing go to first verse verse and then we'll just flow flow flow thank you Father amen thank you Father first Corinthians 14 now like this I'm reading this starting with verse 7 now I'm reading from the the New Living Translation you guys can follow me in the King James Version okay I just like how the New Living Translation says these particular verses I'm gonna be expounding on expounding on give me a second I speak to the angel assigned to my life in the area of deliverance team up with the Angels assigned to this house and let there be angelic collaboration for what's gonna happen in this session now in Jesus mighty name amen amen I'll tell you about that later oh yeah I got a nine-foot angel assigned to me for deliverance all right follows me everywhere I go all right people have seen it too look at this and then the 1st Corinthians 14 starting with verse starting with verse 7 look what it says it says all right even lifeless instruments like the flute or the harp must play the notes clearly or no one will recognize the melody and if the bugler doesn't sound a clear call how will the soldiers know they are being called to battle it's the same for you if you speak to the people in words they don't understand how will they know what you are saying you might as well be talking into empty space there are many different languages in the world and every language has meaning but if I don't understand a language I will be a foreigner to someone who speaks it and the one who speaks it it will be a foreigner or the one who speaks it will be a foreigner to me and the same is true for you so notice how he already said the same is true for you twice which is the verily verily I say unto you which means pay attention which means this allegory here and he's giving us is helping us understand the whatever's being read here is of utmost importance that we need to understand now watch this since you are so eager to have special abilities of the spirit or the special abilities the spirit gains seek those that will strengthen the whole church now open up by saying this in order for us to have effective communication we have to have the same concepts the building block for effective communication and language is concepts which means the words have to mean the same thing for both of us if the words do not mean the same thing for both of us it will be a misconception so when I say deliverance for the modern average evangelical deliverance means come to the altar repent of your sins be translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of his dear son and then pretty much it ends there so when you speak to the average evangelical but about the need for deliverance they go back to always when they first got saved and then it never ends from there it stays there but I need to tell you that deliverance doesn't end at the cross it begins at the cross and that is why we're struggling because when you say or when I say deliverance to to the average Christian they immediately go back into a moment of Arrested Development when they first accepted the Lord and from that time they haven't experienced three deliverance since then now watch this when I say deliverance when I say deliverance I am NOT meaning just come to the cross and have your sins washed by the blood of Jesus when I say deliverance all when the true APIs Golic and the prophetic of faithful when we say deliverance we're not only talking about the cross but we are also talking about going into a bloodline finding the root cause of a problem finding where it started curse the big tree and when you curse the fig tree by default the branches and three died so so amens don't impress me I want to know are we aiming the same thing have you ever tried to explain something and you and you're sharing your revelation and people are your friends are saying amen but then they go back to their religious churches why because they were saying amen but they were saying amen to a different meaning of the language when I say deliverance when we say deliverance they they're focusing on some experience that happened a long time ago but my question is you mean to tell me since then until now you haven't been delivered see so before we go further our language has to be the same so by the time I get to the mass deliverance part I'm not having to fight through your testing the spirit see so by the time I say release that let it go come out in Jesus name you go yes man oh God come out let it out we're at the same place now watch this turn with me quickly quickly quickly to John chapter 2 so in order for us to have effective communication there has to be the right concepts now watch this in order for us to have the right concepts God has to allow us to enter into what I call now now I get deep on this thing alright now look at this prototype timing prototype timing means this I have to wait to find the right thing that represents what I want to say so so so so in order for me to say something and and if I try to convey early and I could explain it to you all I want but until I have a physical representation to represent what I'm trying to say you will form your own conclusion in your head of what you think I'm saying so in order for us to finally meet at the same place I have to wait to the right prototype and say you see this this represents what I want to say so that way both of us are agreeing that this means this and not this means that watch this now you know and I'm gonna give you an example of this why Nicodemus didn't understand born again jesus said born again in his mind he said amen but in his understanding he really thought a man can go in a womb why because there was no prototype for them to draw from so when Jesus said you must be born of the water and at the Spirit he understands exactly what Jesus meant and I truly believe that the reason why so many people in the body of Christ are bound it's because we don't have the right prototype to represent what truth deliverance is see we don't know what so deliverance is because we haven't seen it in a long time now watch this John chapter 2 quickly now the reason why I have to establish this who delivers the deliverer because the question I have been asking is where is Legion go inside a person if Legion is two thousand demons let's just say and I'm only made up of outer court holy place most holy place you would think that two thousand demons would be too much for them to do any functioning that's the question I have where do multiple demons go when they go inside a human soul when will they go what's this have you ever been good in one area and horrible in another area in your life how about this have you ever been used by God but then got nasty in the parking lot have you ever allowed God to use you and then went home and acted out of character and you sync this up but I was just prophesying have you ever acted out of character and said to yourself why am i acting like this and I can't stop right see what I have learned is is that many of us are not as anointed as we think we are we just mastered the art of avoiding [Applause] see see you could turn the other cheek now very easy because nobody's punched you on your cheek you could easily say I have forgiven that's easy you haven't seen that person that offended you since you left see I forgave my ex-husband because you haven't seen him in 15 years see this is how you know what God is about to bring to deliverance in your life God starts bringing old faces on the past that you can finally confront what's there now watch this watch this John chapter 2 quickly quickly John chapter 2 am i talking good amen hallelujah watch this thank you Father John chapter 2 yes Lord Jesus look what it says start with verse 18 but the Jewish leaders demanded what are you doing if God gave you the authority to do this show us a miraculous sign to prove it look at verse 19 watch this alright jesus replied destroy this temple and in three days I'll raise it up what they exclaimed it has taken 46 years to build this temple and you can rebuild it in three days look at verse 21 when I read this it revolutionize how I read this book Lewis says it says but when Jesus said this temple he meant his own body stop right there so now watch this every time you read temple in the script so all the way from Salomon all the way down you should not only be reading it in its historical exegesis which means the Temple of Solomon you can also reference it and it also represents the human body so all the hell you saw with all first Kings second Kings first Chronicles second chronicles all of that you can relate it to deliverance all the issues that happen in the temple of Solomon or all the issues that happen in our temple of the Holy Spirit see but he was speaking of the temple of his body so watch this so now every time jesus said temple he was referring to body they didn't know that because they thought he meant building and he meant building misconception now watch this so the temple means what body watch this Luke 17 so the temple means the body means you you're the temple now I'm not talking my temple of the Holy Spirit that's another topic for another day I just want to help you understand by the time I get to the demons in your temple I want you to understand that temple means your body so that way when we get to that when we get to that place you'll know yes it's talking about me look at this Luke 17 quickly verse verse 20 watch this thank you Lord Jesus Luke 17 verse 20 and 21 watch this hallelujah 21 day the Pharisees asked Jesus it is when will the kingdom of God come he replied the kingdom of God can't be detected by visible signs this you won't be able to say here it is or it's over there so the kingdom of God is already in you now stop right there so what's this not only is the temple the body but within this body is to what I'm the kingdom look at the person next to job I don't have Kingdom I have the kingdom watch this I says see see see so he's telling you the kingdom you keep thinking signs wonders miracles be called oral actors we're far phone but the truth of the matter is the kingdom can't be detected by signs ones and miracles the kingdom is detected by fruit what's this now what's this well since the sign of wonder of the kingdom is you you're the sign I am the sign that is why the people said to Jesus show us a sign and he said no sign will be given to them but my sign I am the sign now watch this what's this what's this so your body is the temple and the temple is also what the kingdom Matthew 13 quickly watch this bless you thank you Lord this has everything to do with getting you delivered hallelujah I've already rocked your theology already like I never saw I like that amen to God be the glory alright because he's the great illuminator not me now look at this watch this watch this so what I'm doing right now is believe it or not I'm changing and I'm redefining your language you will never see temple the same ever again you will never see kingdom ever again the same I just redefined it see so that way watch this the reason why you ever ask God why you don't speak to me frequently right you wanna know why is because you don't have enough prototypes there's not enough prototypes for him to use within your subconscious for him to say now he could come down and speak to you audibly Amen I've had only two of those experiences and my whole Christian experience is 1992 but for the most part God will speak to you with language that you understand let me give you an example just to show you this I come from hip-hop culture right I come from the streets hip-hop culture so when God wants to speak to me that I'm I'm not walking on my fullest potential he'll show me 50 cent now I I got saved the true story watch this I'm helping understand what I said now I didn't I don't listen to 50 seconds I got saved in 1992 so I've been saved a long time but I know who 50 cent is so 50 cent started popping up in my dreams a lot right and I thought I needed deliverance from hip-hop boy help me get delivered and the Lord said no son I'm trying to tell you stop shortchanging yourself see he so now could a God told me that yes but he winded my subconscious and found nobody that represents so changing and said this is one guy that I can use he'll understand that see and he uses that so so so what's this so if you have a dream that somebody died do me a favor don't call them the next day said I had a dream you're gonna die dying in a dream Memphis represents the old dam is gonna die and they're about to enter into a new vem now watch this watch this okay look at this quickly quickly please Matthew chapter 13 verse 3 Matthew chapter 13 verse 3 Matthew chapter 13 verse 2 look what it says he told many stories in the form of parables such as this one listen a farmer went out to plant some seed as he scattered them across his field some fields some seeds fell on the footpath and what came and the birds came okay stop right there then it behooves you and I to find out what a bird really is because the bird has a potential to actually snatch the kingdom right out of us did you catch that so then what is the bird if you're thinking bird you missed it cuz bird on earth means bird but bird in the kingdom means something else watch this look at this jump down jump down watch this look at this same chapter 2 verse 18 Matthew 13 verse 18 thank you Lord Jesus verse 18 says therefore now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seed verse 19 the the seed that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message about the kingdom and don't understand it and then the Bible says the devil comes and snatches the wicked okay okay so watch this so then bird represents what the wicked one oh so now in this text the word bird does not represent bird it represents a demon Satan and personified all the forces of darkness all right watch this I'll show you something in the same chapter jump down look at this in the same chapter 2 verse 31 Matthew 13 so the temple means the body the body is the kingdom the bird means the devil alright and the kingdom represents me I am the kingdom alright now watch this another parable he put forth watch this I'm gonna show you something let me read another illustration Jesus use the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed planted in a field it's the smallest of all seeds but it becomes the largest of all plants it grows into a tree and the birds you missed it what's this what's this the more you grow the more you need deliverance see see see see see you and I've been told that the devil comes because we're not on fire it behooves the devil for you to be anointed because the last thing he wants is unindicted profit he needs an anointed prophet so that he can make them an anointed nasty prophet see now watch this that's this what's this the Bible let me give you an example have you ever had the Lord give you a prophetic word and the next day all hell broke loose you want to know why because as your tree grows birds come what's this what's this as you grow in the higher your office the bigger your demons that is why it had to be Lucifer himself to answer Judas because there was no other bird that could pass his apostolic office and authority except the Prince of the power of the air and the Bible says Satan entered Judas what's this what's this what's this so that means you're the kingdom and where you grow demons come the bigger you grow the bigger your office the more demons come to attack you now watch this now watch this watch this now you know why Jesus said the birds have nests foxes have holes but the Son of man has nowhere to lay is what does that mean that as your office grows you should be immediately seeking to get delivered let me give you an example let me give you an example I mean the demons I'm dealing with now I didn't deal with it when I was just a regular pastor of a storefront Church and nobody knew me let me give you an example I deal with vanity until I got famous they're not ready for that when I was in the backside of the of a storefront Church and you know and nobody was watching me I can say whatever do whatever the Holy Spirit is there I came to church but now that I'm famous I gotta worry about what I said worry about what I do how I dressed and now I'm plagued by vanity oh how about this when nobody knew me I loved everybody the higher I go I'm suspicious of everybody because I don't know if you're trying to be an opportunist see there are certain demons that will only come when your tree grows to a certain level because Eagles don't hang out down here they hang out up here now watch this so do poachers I didn't do it pride until I'm pagani a defend this thing I'm the leading voice for deliverance for this new generation and now I'm not gonna police watchdog trying to track see what they're trying to say about deliverance let me just share this with you I'm not happy famous made me miserable cuz I can't be myself and not my wife be on my back cause I know you ain't get on TV looking like that you better change your clothes now I gotta spend and buy expensive stuff see this do you see what up do you see what I'm saying see so watch this watch this what's this now you know what Jesus said I am the vine you are the every branch in me that bears I to bear so what's this pruning is deliverance and only comes when you're bearing fruit we've been taught the pruning comes because you're not very fruit that's not that's not the kingdom watch this watch this watch this notice how it's called in scripture a tree family tree so what's this soap so God elevates you and now God starts dealing with your nasty tongue see now you can't say whatever you want now you can't cut back when you want to see see why because watch this watch this because now many people are gonna pluck from the fruit from that tree so God has to make the tree and beautify it through deliverance see and many of you are in a pruning many of you are in a pruning pruning season wanna know why because you've grown the sign of deliverance is because you've passed the test see all that's sacrificing all that denying yourself all that humbling yourself your tree has grown but so has the attraction for demons I just got affirmed apostolic ly by my apostolic father bishop pasta to the bismarck the videos is on is on facebook and guess what every time God elevates me publicly I have to humble myself on purpose because that next day Folgers are coming so oh yeah let's see how far your ego really goes hallelujah that is why I watch this the ones who need deliverance the most it's not the religious churches is us fivefold we've some lovin a religious church you need to get delivered from that religious spirit yes but guess what they're not probably not growing so there's no birds there we're the ones that are little prophecy got a spiritual father you know God our Metron got the glory and we're on a whole nother level the ones who need deliverance the most in this season is five coaches with all of the Apostolic tribal idolatry that's going on got people ready to fight you like a gang member for their Papa when you a Christian man you see these armor bearers everybody to fight you when the gang up on you in the back of the church like y'all do we saved here right with their blind honor self-delusional reprobate mine with the anointing of the Land of Nod Cain spirit honor whose only identity is just serving like your Lord I recognize that even in my life higher I go the more nests I need to remove hallelujah watch this first kings quickly let me give you a couple more never done first kings thank you lord hey you know when I was in the Bronx I was I was raw and now I censor myself now I gotta censor myself you know I remember when I first got famous I hated it I hated it because I'm not built to compromise my tongue I'm not built like that and I was like Lord she's just gonna have to help me man and then I felt like this what it is then forget about staying that you know something about God way he lets you up you can't get you can't get unlifted I'm just gonna go I'm goin back fishing Lord when Jesus on the shore cooking breakfast for you like hurry up and finish it come over here [Applause] first case now all of this has to do with who delivers the deliverer who delivered who's to lose I Sam you got to live it I'm not talking about also call me sir your problems are too deep for five minutes a call get out of here get out of here with that I remember going to every prayer line like come on come on man a God get me delivered and he cut about sundown my spirit my demon in there was like ah no I'm not coming out not coming out try again try again try again [Applause] nothin ain't nothin ain't more scary than a fire pole demonized cuz we're nice at manipulating scripture to justify our foolishness because we'll use seducing spirit to produce false miracles so that you go back off well false vomit that you could think it left it leave that's that's a false manifestation so that she could back off the vomiting he left and that demon and it is the demon it's strong man it's hook it to that vomit demon and saying that's good job son good job watch this I loo your first Kings chapter 6 quickly first Kings chapter 6 yeah remember what I told you know how to separate weed see what I'm talking to you and talking to what's there all right I did it like five times already alright I do it in a form of joking so that you walk or go down but really I'm already over the wall you already let me in it's too late I'm your virus to your software holily the temple that King Solomon built for the Lord was 50 feet long stop right there it says temple exegesis temple revelation it means body see it's 30 feet wide 45 feet high the entry room at the front of the temple was 30 feet wide running across the entire width of the temple or the body watch this it projected outward 15 feet from the further temple look at first for this one sticks out to me the most because it said Solomon also made narrow recessed windows throughout the temple this sticks out to me because Christianity only teaches us to guard doors we spend all of our Christian Kingdom experience guarding the door of our heart but their windows open all over the temple watch this the only thing that can fly in a window are birds so so when I say you need deliverance you fight me because you say that's impossible I've been here at the door I'm not talking about the door let's go upstairs to the third floor to that back room and deal with that we'll open window that's back there see that's where they fight us cuz you say yeah you know right cuz good with some good church folk we have Church at the door but never go in the house we're just happy to be saved having Church at the door dancing you know to a prophetic worship prophet sign at the door never actually opening the door watch this watch this let's just behold I give you the keys to the kingdom what do you think those keys are for the rooms assigned to each window what's this oh now it makes sense where does 2,000 demons go they pick a room so you're right now I'm seeing your limitless conference self room right now you're all enjoying yourself let me follow you home let me follow you home let me let me sit in a car with you after this message and hear what you say about me did you catch it see right now this room is greatly polished because we are in our chart room but then there's another room that we spend most of the time at and that's where birds hang out the most watch this ladies he made narrow recessed windows all throughout the temples verse 5 quickly he built a complex of rooms against the outer walls of the temple all the way around the sides and to the rear of the building verse 6 the complex was how many stories high okay so now what's this you are not a first floor temple you have a first floor second floor third floor you know 30 60 hundred float Abraham Isaac Jacob pass present future holy holy holy miracle signs wonders to to catch it and each floor has rooms how many rooms are there turned me to Ezekiel where we got two more verses and then we'll cast out some demons oh the devil would love for me to lead this as a teaching they shout yes man of God keep it a teaching yes be theological so I could work on their minds oh no we're gonna do teaching and miracles what's this hallelujah goodness Ezekiel 41 verse 5 Zeki Oh 41 verse 5 and 6 watch this Ezekiel 41 out reading on the screen quickly put it on the screen a man Zeki ladies next he measured the wall of the temple body kingdom the width of each side chamber all around the temple was four cubits on every side now side chamber means rooms all right look at this next verse the side chambers were in how many stories okay so okay I'm saying the same thing Ezekiel seeing the spiritual temple to the Temple of Solomon so he's talking about the same thing so he is seeing it in the spare room now so he is seeing how many stories first floor second floor third floor that's why you're not so easily delivered because you are complex you have a stir so what's wrong with me wait my sweat sex is so hard to get delivered you don't know why because your main issue is we got it we got to do with every room on each floor that is why your deliverance is an ongoing work let me bless you even more did the land of milk and honey land of Canaan belong to the children of Israel watch this when Joshua crossed the Jordan River yes it did but when did Joshua fully possess the land of milk and honey the Bible says in Joshua chapter 13 after 31 battles that means the land of milk and honey which is me had 31 Frances before Joshua you want to walk like the next level of what up see see we want to be like wiglesworth then you need to go through all the deliverances he went through and the next time I come I'll teach you that there are seven deliverances you must go through it's called the seven dips or the seven sneezes a little boy where God starts extracting stuff from you because when you sneeze in real life that's your body's version of deliverance its extracting out of you forcibly it's casting out of you foreign malignant cells that's this watch this the side chambers look at this hallelujah we're in three stories one above the other and how many rooms on each floor 30 rooms listen so so you got 30 rooms first of all got 30 rooms second floor 30 rooms third floor 30 that's how many 90 wait there stood three more rooms outer court holy place most holy place so where is legion go when it inhabits the temple it picks your most unser ended to the Holy Spirit rooms it'll pick a room they network and say 50 of you go here hundred of you go here three of you go here see say so we spend most of our time in our prophetic office room but really there's a little girl that got raped in that room did you catch it so when we what we see is the room new cleaned up the most I want to deal with that I want to go to that back room or we call it in the Spanish culture Coco room the Coco room is what you will call the boogeyman room for those of us that grew up in the Caribbean there was always that one room that was spookier than the rest of the rooms in the house we just never went by that room we'd run by it where we walk next to it and there was something always in that room watch this okay look at this quickly quickly look at this thank you Father am I talking good look at this look at this look I say if we q8 two more verses guess I'll tell us if we curate is this good revelation you'll never be the same you walk out of here say I never hear revelation about birds like that ever in my life see now you know why they are there is a whole chapter in the Book of Leviticus dedicated to unclean birds why would that be there because they represent demonic entities see hallelujah let me even bless you even a step further would you like more revelation the Noah's Ark belong to God of course it did didn't know I belong to God because he did was the Ark of Noah pitched within the inside and the outside of course it was that God protect Noah's family in the ark cause he did did God protect the art during the flood did the Ark rest on the mountains of Mount Ararat after the flood was the ark completely preserved did the ark have three floors yes okay all right did the ark have clean animals yes did it have clean animals seven pairs of each okay okay did the ark have unclean animals I rest my case a Christian can't have a demon it doesn't mean your Ark belongs to the devil it just means that there's a room with a raven that Noah wants to free you from here you are resting on your mount ararat of mount of transfiguration full of glory because you in a whole new level you don't left the religious churches and God opens the ark and you come out with your family but there's also in that same Ark unclean animals now you know watch this why Noah didn't release the dove first Raven is an unclean bird so when you get to a new level the first thing God wants to do dove Holy Spirit Noah represents Holy Spirit you'll find the rooms in you that need the purging the most and he'll release it but the problem is when an unclean spirit leaves a man it comes back like a raven did you catch it and then Noah releases a dove the Dove goes and finds watch this an olive tree that means the olive tree was growing all this time under water and here you are growing thinking that you're not Grunk because you're consumed by all the hell you going through and really you're growing watch this and the Dove comes and he snips a branch so the olive tree got deliverance the olive tree got pruned by the Dove plucked it came back came back and gave fruit to Noah of your freedom the Holy Spirit is working on you right now God sent me here as your Noah now I'm gonna help you release your Ravens and I'm a key and when it comes back I'm gonna release it again and try to help you get free cuz sometimes the devil doesn't leave without you forcing him Ezekiel chapter 8 quickly it's good stuff your Lord zq8 did you catch that revelation see look people arguing me a Christian can't have a demon what so the Noah's Ark had an unclean animal the UM the the Ark wasn't dominated by the Raven the ark had a raven you're not dominated by the devil you have a devil big difference and the bigger your Ark even though God's blessing was on you the bigger your demons or the bigger the bird look at this Ezekiel chapter eight quickly zq8 look at this so then verse seven verse six son of man do you see what they are doing in the temple do you see the detestable sins that children of Israel are committing to drive me from my temple but calm and you will see even more detestable sins than these four seven then he brought me to the door of the temple of the courtyard where I could see a hole in the wall and he said to me son of man not dig into your bloodline son of man dig watch this this is how you know you need deliverance because in the middle of your growth in the middle of your school of ministry in the middle of all of that God will visit you with an icepick he'll come by when you're fine and he'll poke you like when you stub your toe so that the real thing that's on the inside will manifest and he could show you you so here you are with your accolades and God will allow someone to cuss you out so that she could cut them out and God say you see that right there see that stuff that was in you all this time hey hey hey hey and then we joined school of ministry in theology and Amen do it I did I did five years of Bible school plus theology and all that stuff it's great great foundation but did it but it didn't remove my demons as a matter of fact the when I graduated it was harder to get me to delivered because I used to preach against this message 15 years ago I preached against this I even preached against modern-day apostles I just say gonna be up anybody want to be an apostle now that's my favorite line right I think God said ha ha ha I'm gonna make you one ha ha ha you know what I found out we criticize what we desire to have it's envy really talking eisah criticise preaches that hacked I said looking over that hack him Lord says I I'm gonna make away out of no way it's a criticize that you want to know why cuz I really wanted to do it and I couldn't do it I criticized prophets because I didn't know how to hear from God myself well I was too coward to prophesy because I was worrying about it being a false prophecy until I got delivered from the religious word of condemnation and I embraced a revelation of grace and I realized grace cleans up the mess I miss going I'm a frigging this thing out by doing it and then I realize really at the root of it it's an orphan spirit go find yourself a Papa who can't validate you who could train you could launch you like a celebrates you I can help you get there hey watch this so here you are today Lord says son of man dig into the hole in the wall now watch this next verse quickly next verse and I'm done leave this first 10 of Ezekiel chapter 8 so I went in and I saw every sort of evil creepy thing and abominable thing idols of Israel portrayed all around up in verse 9 it says after he dug he saw a hidden doorway and watch this what's this had God not poked that hole in a wall he would have never known there was a whole other room behind that wall and that's what happens we God sends you apostles and prophets to tell you about you and you go I'm not dealing with then I got no demon in that area you wanna know why because religion has put a wall there you don't you and you're looking for it and you actually can't see it that's why you need to get around a real prophet and a real apostle who could who could see behind the wall that's there poking and say okay now see that hole why don't you dig through there see the issue is to surface and gotta said I need to go deeper and you need to go deeper than dig in to see what's actually really there and if you dig deep enough you'll find another room Nehemiah 13 closing text let me have some of the musicians come up let's while out mass deliverance and have fun and and break your walls down shutout outside hey see I'm a demolition up we're gonna tear that wall down get you freed up watch this hit up a shine on commissar Nehemiah 13 thank you lord see it's a great place to be when you realize I got issues when God started showing me me I went to every room and I just tell you I still haven't gotten to the second floor I'm almost finished the first floor in my life if you think this is a frustration more than anything oh I went to go see Pagani I went to the altar and I got to live it no that's we delivered you from one room there's 89 to go see and watch this the only way I watch this there's certain rooms you can't get into because the key is in the hands of someone that you have to honor because every room is not a demon in a room there are rooms of glory trapped in there of next dimension stuff that God is saying you need to find someone who has the key to that room and you have to honor them and they could come in and unlock you Joseph cup bearer and get you out of your prison even though you're anointed you're still in prison you need a Jehoshaphat Micaiah you're caught up government officials which are trapped in prison as I've an effect you're caught of government officials but nobody invites you me can I uh profit it Jehoshaphat says isn't there another prophet around here and a have said there's one more prophet but I don't like him I don't like that prophet because he never has none goodness say so what's this what's this what's this some of you are called to governmental metrans you never get there without Jehoshaphat you could try all you and I'm gonna get down on my own no people will know who you are but they'll never invite you you'll be known but never influential Mika and was caught two government officials and had Jehoshaphat not invited him he would have never been invited and that's what some of you are feeling you feel that your core to bigger things but you feel that there's something stuck that's keeping you there I call it a demon of prophetic stuck that's a real demon which means you can't Excel prophetically well how about this some of you have so many prophetic words over your life you're confused you don't know which one I believe this one says this this one says that that one says this how about this was the last time when you authentically said you know what that prophetic word was a false prophecy the last time you heard somebody teach us you know what get rid of the false prophecy in your life no we believe every prophecy and there's some stuff that are not coming to pass but if you got low self-esteem you'll even receive a prophetic word from a Jezebel as long as just about caters to my dysfunction see that see the people in New York are different I know they're out here that in New York people dealing with the orphan spirit would stay in a Jezebel Church as long as the Jezebel causes them daily and pays attention to them I know people in Jezebel apostolic warlock churches right now right now that won't leave and know something's off no something's off but won't leave because that person spends time with them they're in that much of an orphan spirit that they stay there now go God what's going on here you don't know how deep people's dysfunction goes until you help oh how about this you don't know how dysfunctional you are until you get around somebody that's functional and then you realize Lord Jesus I need deliverance watch this play something thank you so much guys yes Lord verse 4 we're done maybe this first for Nehemiah 13 you don't have to turn there but I just want to read it to you so huh so what do you do with these rooms what's the metaphor in this before this happened Elias ship the priests who had been appointed as supervisor over the rooms of the temple who was also a relative of Tobiah had converted a large storage room and placed it at tobias disposal the room had been previously used for storing the grain offerings and the frankincense various articles of the temple the types of grain no wine which means this room was used for the beautiful things of the kingdom and then somebody gave access to that room and those things were removed out of that room and now tobio was living in that same room Saint watch this look at what Nehemiah did when he came back verse 6 I was not in Jerusalem at the time if I had returned to Xerxes at the 32nd year his reign though I later asked permission to return for seven when I arrived back I learned about Elias ships evil deed in providing Tobiah with the room in the courtyards at the temple of God verse 8 I became very angry and went into the room and threw out all of Tobias belongings out of the room then I demanded that the rooms be purified and then I brought back the articles for God's temple that originally belonged in that room God sent me here as a nehemiah to kick tobias out of your room stand your feet [Music] turn it up beautiful thank you I'm not here to play games with you today I'm at Austin I'm out she's me that my minute stuff be here blessing to you guys and then I'm gone this is for those that ate playing games you need you know you need freedom rocketed Abbas [Music] the bigger your tree is growing don't you see the flock of vultures around your and all they're looking for is a nest and some of us already have it and they made residency that is why the devil doesn't come on your 40 day fast he comes on the 41st day you have a fasted 40 days it was all fine for the first day all hell broke loose well guess what happened your tree grew planted by the rivers of living water and it attracted Birds thank you Father about cut anonymous well maybe you're saying God something's wrong with me I don't know what it is something's wrong God sent me here to poke a hole in the wall I can't dig you gonna dick I'm gonna find something that's there I'm not talking about listen to me I'm not talking about regression Oh going back to when you was great that's there's a place for that I'm talking about the stuff we pick up now in five-fold stuff that we pick up now or Church hurt or some of you ran from Jezebel churches let me ask you a question have you deactivated everything they poured into you some of you ran from a Jezebel but you kept the title they gave you we do it all the time I dare even say for some of you that are transferred growth when Donovan listen when God reveals to you that your last covering was a coffin not a covering and you ran you are not to keep the ordinations the certificates and everything they gave you gonna renounce everything they gave you cuz we be keeping that stuff like Ouija boards in the closet [Music] now I'm talking to it at this darkness that is throwing out stuff but if you came from another movement that was flouse I'm here to tell you your ordination service was unauthorized by the core room of heaven you're not called to do that and they were the wrong people to initiate that and God has finally brought you to a real Apostolic house and God says pay the price and a lot of apostles and the prophets on this house to launch you into that thing you need to renounce that old ordination cuz that's what those demons are hiding about shake epidemic above my heart was in the right place perfect perfect person to get deceived because you were vulnerable and open and you surrendered and here you are years later still worrying about what they think about you because they still have a hold on you because you haven't fully renounced what they gave you doing things on purpose on Facebook hoping that they seem I hold my former pastor sees me you need to get delivered from that now we do because they put a curse on you said if you leave this ministry you won't be blessed the devil is a liar but you keep trying to prove to them how blessed you are they still got you in bondage Abhishek Allah hey my lift your hands and I want you to pray in tongues for two minutes and turn it up let them worship the Kaaba mama I told you don't take it personal I'm attorney to another person before Detroiters great fellowship [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a command do you file spirit you will no longer torment this daughter of the Most High God I command you by the authority of the quorum of heaven and in Jesus name [Applause] come out of this body now in Jesus name [Music] tormenting spirit no longer tormentor anymore now in Jesus name I want everyone praying in tongues right now I'm not cutting in Anamosa Daenerys has hit this fellowship for this brief moment keep praying in tongues soccer en masse you guys keep praying but to lower the music let me thank you give me I command that the Angels was surround this woman of God finish her deliverance [Music] [Applause] now daughter I know you hear me you're in there push it out push it out push it out daughter push it out push it out it leaves today it leaves today it leaves today I said leave it leaves the day she cut that all about she'll see watch this first a slower it what's this at the cream of the most like God you will not pass this boundary line right here rockin this angels you already know what to do they bus condo father let that circle be in filled with the love and the glory of God and set your Torah free in Jesus mighty name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come up come up come up come up come up come on come on come on come on come on come up come up everybody come up here there there we go get we go get your free you go get your free we gonna get your free stay clear a bit of your sister here make sure you don't step on her or anything and I never shake a kid adequate then another son my god this is crazy I said this is crazy my god leak okay lift your hands and continue to worship hey rabbi Santo Loki worship aqui worship aqui worshipping Heavenly Father I submit myself to your hands Lord bring great deliverance to this fellowship today Father in Jesus mighty name Lord our honor the angels assigned to this house Lord and I connect to the glory that's already resting in this place Lord and let there be supernatural divine freedom to hit this place in Jesus mighty name Amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen a man lift your hands keep going keep going keep on in a few moments we got a renounce in a few moments were going to renounce and then those things legally gonna have to leave and every bird is gonna fly away what rush I'll keep going keep going don't get dignified right now today's not the day today is not the day today you get free today you get free hello trees today you remove the nests hello trees today you remove the nests hello olive trees today get set free keep going keep going keep going now let's see why I went through hell to get here my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] genuine [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in a few moments you're gonna renounce we will do a mass deliverance right now today you're gonna begin the process of digging through that hole in the wall now you might not get delivered from everything but you're gonna get delivered from something today your problems are way too deep for just an altar call God has started sent a sign God always sends a sign to know that what's gonna happen to multitude and what did I tell you God waits for prototypes she's the prototype of getting set free today and may freedom spread throughout the whole congregation out of every demon I commanded by the authority of the courtroom of heaven by the authority of the twenty-four elders and the four living beings and the judge who sits upon the throne the Lord Jesus Christ when they renounce you all will respond and you see these angels these are your escorts that are gonna take you back to the abyss where you came from and I decree that when you leave their bodies you will never enter them ever again [Music] and that decree you will report to your superiors and tell them you fail the mission and you will never be reassigned until you are cast into the lake of fire Russia and at the church say we got authority over those things that's not lofty theology you got more authority than you think the Lord but that best siccing you're gonna renounce you're gonna pray this prayer right now what the Holy Spirit is showing you he's showing you that room tomorrow go deeper into the rooms activation kind of how to identify but right now we're gonna have a Nazi cure moment there's a hole in the wall and you see it and then they're wrong with admitting it I still need to I've had five deliverances done on me I just had one about a month and a half ago apostle came through our house some Trinidad good friend of Apostle John that car and I was like man of God I need freedom too man help me get free again and when the Holy Spirit reveals it to me again I'll get another one cuz I ain't going to hell for no wife and I'm not gonna end up with a reprobate mind this is what's gonna happen you're gonna repeat this prayer after me you're gonna announce then afterwards I'm gonna tell you shot on to God you're just gonna worship the Lord like what you was doing here's what I don't want you to do I don't want you to worship in tongues I'm gonna tell you why let me finish because when you're worshiping in tongues the word spirit means no money means breath so demons are like breaths they travel in and out of the body through your esophagus you throw on your way in and out through your nose and your mouth right he breathed it as nostrils the breath of life right Jesus exhale in the Bible says he gave up the ghost so breathing is part of the process I'm not talking about this weird spooky stuff but it's a biblical pattern if you start praying in tongues it can't bypass the door and the wall of fire that you have there so it would want to leave but it can't pass through because there's a wall of fire there do you see it once it leaves you'll know when you're no one you know I'll lay hands on some of your options I don't know how you're gonna do this because it's gonna get crazy we'll figure it out when it leaves then you worship in tongues and you do your eco boson nice stuff and you get your tongues on why because now you're blocking it from coming back through that same wall of fire number three here's what I don't want you to do if you're gonna fall we don't have enough ashes to catch you do not fall backwards unless there's an usher there if you're gonna fall fall forward where you end up a straight before his presence don't be falling back in hitting the person behind him cuz then they're gonna need deliverance from jumping on here alright you know you can control that you do know that right you can control how you fall you don't believe so look at people when they for they be looking they be like that's not you know because with a quick look come on we church folk here is use wisdom make sure somebody's there but if you're gonna fall and when I have found that people who carry heavy Mansell's they never really fall back they always fall forward I don't know this maybe there's something powerful in that maybe it's to keep us always passed rate before him all right when that happens you fall forward all right when I lay hands on you if I don't lay hands on all of you don't don't get caught up all records deliverance is in the house all right I'm just gonna lay hands on some of you just to help the process that's it all right we just kind of flow with it let the hands you guys switch it up give me something different that was preparing them flow give me now that deliverance you can have mass deliver and Heavenly Father anoint him to connect with the anointing that rests on the Bronx that's good that's perfect perfect I like that's that warfare good thank you guys for following me I appreciate it and I appreciate you Alleluia lifting hands all the way up but it means Soto Pokemon see now I'm gonna tell you why I do it like this because I keep the dignity of people if I say who needs freedom and you come up now everybody knows you need deliverance I don't do that I won't embarrass I don't like nobody embarrassing me see but if we all do it collectively then we all get free and it be personal between you and God not like this sister this sister is because her heart was ready to get free she doesn't care let me testify this six years in prison I don't care who lets me out let me out I don't care [Music] [Applause] I don't care perfect perfect perfect repeat this prayer and then when I say shadows are gone he's gonna worship [Music] with a strongman don't lower your voice when I take authority they are listening to me I don't want you to listen to me I want you to just push those things out remember deliverance is not possession I'm helping you clean your own house that's what I'm doing I'm helping you throw out the furniture but the one who has it throw it out is you this is not exorcism and it's not possession where I'm doing everything all I'm doing is coaching you and help me meet you extract and clean your temple and sue away the birds lift your hands all the way up repeat after me and say it like you mean it Heavenly Father oh yeah I gotta do better than that but that was good Heavenly Father CCIE inner heavenly father I'm in your house and I stand in need [Music] today I realize then my Rome's Authority [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll announce you I sever every generation does I come against every spirit of iniquity [Applause] hi [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody has race remember what I told you I don't have to lay hands on everybody I'm gonna pray for fresh implication on everyone else make your Lord Jesus you don't want to miss tomorrow if you feel your call to the Ministry of deliverance ready to be here tomorrow but activate you as I can't die with being one of the only ones traveling the world preaching this thing I have to reproduce myself we need more of you but God has to deliver the deliverer first fifty hands Father in the name of Jesus father I pray I pray Lord yes the fresh father God that this Metron would fall upon them now like a mantle love us say they've undergone their knees but I know they don't know me Lord but in the spirit they know me let them receive what I carry father let a portion of the man to the rest of my life to me feeling that right now Lord Jesus my left hand is on fire right now father right now the authority of the name of Jesus Christ may great grace be imparted unto you all of you ii intimacy may an angel assigned to deliverance be assigned to your life to teach you what to do and how to do it to teach you as i'm affected so i'ma pray i decree that there'll be an angel assigned to you to help you finish this process of your freedom now hear the word of the Lord saying obey the angel it will show you moments when you say you see this right here this need you need to be renounced in your life this doesn't please Jehovah it will wake he will wake you up did o'clock in the morning say get on your knees in prayer something to show you no we don't pray dangeous the angels are sent to minister to err is salvation I have one people have seen it hallelujah walks with me I only have one really big just walks with me other Lee assigned to deliverance that's why I get that revelation I didn't get that from no book police I have more now it's finally in a book secrets to deliverance hallelujah that revelation on Noah came to me by an angel as I've been trying to figure out how can I prove it theologically so we could stop fighting level one father in the name of Jesus I decree by the authority of the quorum of heaven annal angel assigned to your freedom begin the work of your sanctification and deliverance may the Holy Spirit and the angel team up to reveal to you the deep recesses of your heart bring to mind those rooms that need cleansing may the Holy Spirit shield your heart so when he shows it to you you don't get gripped with shame I come against the demon of shame now in Jesus name demons assigned to secrecy I come against you you are exposed by the truth about Shikata Abba mama very basic anonymous ax and may the Holy Spirit bring in lumination and light may he show you you it may heap ruin your tree starting today hey Teresa great to see you amen in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name and may your heart be ready to receive when he shows you no matter how big the sin is you don't get overwhelmed and you see it for what it is go yeah I need to get rid of that thank your father I pray one more thing this is just me praying now lift the hands watch this I'm gonna deactivate all false impartation give it to you I heard the word of the Lord say deactivate false impartation thank you lord and I'm gonna reverse every false prophecy I'm gonna reverse it deactivated most of your frustration is because you believe the word it wasn't from the Holy Spirit you were sincere the word was not from the Holy Spirit he made life-altering decisions based on that word even sowed seed I'm gonna deactivate all seed sown so that there be no link there'll be no partnership there no more I'm not talking about with good ground talking about bad ground either your heart was pure but the ground was bad your how is pure but the ground was Cain is cursed debate or Ibaka Televisa keanu Masada I cancel every negative words spoken over your life by an apostolic figure who's a Jezebel and a warlock and a false apostle carrying a demon of an angel of light cursing you for leaving their ministry another fie and I cancel their words now in the name of Jesus rama ii inaudible shaka de la maza i cancel their work i reverse their curse you are not because you will be blessed ray basic Cortona mama massa i deactivate in the name of jesus every and i remove and cancel out every false importation that was received willingly because she was pure but they were not i reverse that now i go to wherever it's hiding in your temple holy smell one up and down the corridors of their temple and find that demon of angel of a light and kick it out now in the name of jesus they should get their name in South America I come against every false ordination may God grant you the boldness to go into your closet and rip that certificate up and throw away that oh oh and go buy yourself some new oil get rid of that prayer shawl and go buy a new one whatever they gave you Holy Spirit is saying I did not sanction that you're calling Israel but they were not the ones to initiate it I suffered that now in Jesus mighty name Shaka Calabar that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] masha'allah Mawson i cancel it and I reverse it may the orphan spirit leave with it it is see another one over there it's another one over there I tell you man I'll tell you I tell ya angels focus on that one right now in Jesus name angels sent earth right now and she's sustained a shock I told her about I'm telling you that ancient of night demon has been running around all of Atlanta got false apostles false leaders gay gay apostles all that stuff with nobody with the heart to confront it we just leave you can leave but the demons will follow you as I love being from the Bronx was we confronted we're not skirt off in New York we'll be like I renounce you and now so covering I renounce all of that it's not the Holy Ghost but we could still love the people here there Bisset father in Jesus name closing thank you Father just waiting there goes Holy Spirit maintain order over there angels set her free but keep her dignity Lord thank you Father because today is her tomorrow it could be us and we love our sister how many of you love us is they men she's surrounded by people who love her so it's okay to manifest because you're surrounded by people who love you papa God oh my lord I'm just gonna keep we just keep going keep going some people we go we all keep tackling this thing any base support or a basa they they're come against the remnant of the orphan spirit hustle I could do it on my own Thank You Holy Spirit demons of hip-hop Arriba demons of secular music ah si si si si penguin as a big win as a big one brave a shock not totally Becky and ambasa hours of soaking in the secular spirit of Antichrist so finding your extra support [Music] I'm talking about secular music people think legalism it's not legalism is called holiness I'm not talking about Pentecostal religious holiness that's legalism I'm talking about not participating with the works of the flesh and abstaining from all appearance of evil 1st Thessalonians 5 [Music] you'll get mad at this what we gonna do a second to music right now you're gonna do a second music we won't do it [Music] in the worldly century [Music] the generation of ghosts hip-hop music secular music not good secular music bad secular music Lord I come against the curse of Antichrist the flush pride of life robbed us demons only yearís demons on the ears making them feel attracted to listen to me defective spirit stuff while connecting other people now in Jesus name they'd be for ten years right now Oakland tears we're Clinton years how many know you need your sequencing listening to too much garbage earlier Sokka Katara he who is worse a demon of toxic talk toxic talk I know that sounds crazy but it's run with it which means our ears are open a toxic conversations father right now in the name of Jesus we renounce it Lord who nounce everything that is a sign to cause us a listen to things that don't glorify God I want you to begin right now I want you to pick it up announce design people as much as frequently as you do [Music] conversation stops a conversation between [Music] [Applause] hold hands with done just close out he always got tomorrow hold ends we're just gonna pray and close out pass this mic on hold hands angels gather up every spirit that was removed I decree that there will be no transference there will be no backlash or counter-attack they won't follow you home they're not waiting for you in the hotel and they're not waiting for you in your house when you get back home I decree that they all get arrested residual demons demons smaller lower ranking ones that stick around and linger lingering demons a command that you all get arrested now in the name of Jesus and I decree that the Angels assigned to freedom will arrest all of you binds you in Chains and carry you all back to the abyss in the name of Jesus I decree the blessing of the Lord be upon all of you and decree that your eyes be open by the illumination of the Holy Spirit and the careers that your ears would pop open that you begin to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd clearly I decree that the sort of wisdom would rest upon you and that you'll be strengthened with might by his spirit in your inner man may your inner man explode with thunder and may lightning completely Electrify you with this presence I speak that now over you and Jesus mighty name in Jesus name the church say Amen amen give Jesus a lot applause you may return to your seats [Applause] [Music] thank you returning a seat I'm done [Music] unfortunately I didn't have the books prepared in time to bring them but I do have the pre-order flyers you take this flyer with you you go home tonight you go to Amazon Walmart wherever you order it you get the book completely half-price all right well god bless you my name is Alexander Pagani the lead pastor of amazing Church [Applause] Oh amen at this time we're gonna collect a harvest and you're gonna match a seed to this revelation hallelujah all I'm asking you that a Greek grace would come upon the people to give and as usual I want you to sow a seed but I always encourage people to give fifty dollars cuz fifty represents Jubilee and you got set free today how many of you got set free today mine was blown and Lord Wow amen I want you to go into your wallets and pull out the biggest see that you can in a few moments who's gonna come and uh and I had to give it to someone to share the explanation of how to do it but we're gonna we're gonna sew that seed amen
Channel: The Life Center Atlanta
Views: 44,177
Rating: 4.8870058 out of 5
Keywords: The Life Center, Life Center Ministries, Dr. Buddy Crum, Dr. Mary Crum, Apostle Buddy Crum, Life Center Atlanta, Apostolic Ministry, Prophetic Word, Prophetic Ministry, Alexander Pagani, Amazing Church, Alexander Pagani Ministries
Id: EXnl_jv7-qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 6sec (7086 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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