Made for More 2019 w/ Apostle John Eckhardt

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wait and just have a concentrated time of hearing the word fellowship worship the glory of God over a period of days it really does change your life because sometimes were so busy in our day-to-day living working business children families get up a certain time carry on all day go home and then you do that week after week after week and we need to come and have times of refilling and refreshing and so I I know that you have been blessed last night I really felt such a release so me we answer as a matter of fact we had some people come up afterward and testify of some miracles they received in the service a young lady says she had a hundred one degree fever and when when when hands were laid on her the fever broke and left amen thank thank God for God's power and I always enjoy myself coming to this particular gathering and I believe after this service you're going to have personal ministry prophetic ministry one thing I've always loved about this house is their faithfulness in developing activating training people in the prophetic giving people a quantity prophetic ministry I was sharing last night and I'm going to start ministering the Word of the Lord why it's so important to be trained properly in the prophetic a few months ago I was preaching in San Bernardino California for apostle Sherman Dumas and in 2010 I prophesied over him in Muskogee Oklahoma only time ever been the Muscogee and at that time he was a just a youth pastor and he had connected with dr. Matthew Stephenson and dr. Stevenson told him I want you to go to the service he was living in Tulsa I want you to go to the service and I want apostle that car to pray for you and minister to you so I forgotten about the ministry and evidently they they videotape this particular prophetic word and he and his wife came up and I began to prophesy over him about pioneering and planting a church at that time he was just a youth minister in a ministry but he felt a calling to eventually go out and start a church and after he decided to when he was thinking about doing that his leadership was not really in favor of his going out at that time and there were some problems with the leadership at that time but he was faithful and he went to a service and an apostle prophesied over him that if you leave this ministry you might as well put a knife to your throat that was the word of the Lord can you imagine being a young man receiving that kind of prophetic word and so he had to wrestle with that because you know he didn't know whether it was God and and he wanted to do something but then he was afraid to do it because he thought he'd be cutting his throat and he finally connected after that word with apostle matthew stephenson and matthew stevenson told him that's not God that that is that is demonic deaths witchcraft and really had to set him free from that word so that he can obey God and eventually he went he moved to California has a great Church there now one of the All Nations churches as prospering is growing but we really need to know not only when to receive quantity prophetic ministry but when to reject words that are not from God every everything someone says is not God and you need to have enough discernment to know that then I don't receive that word that is not of God I will not allow that word to control my life because people have all kinds of motives and that's why I say you have to be delivered from others because other folk will sabotage your destiny your future you mean you'll be oh thank you I was so nervous I left my iPad in the room we are addicted to these devices Lord deliver me and then Ron Ron James went back to get it and I asked his wife I said Lisa I said give me Ron James number and she said I don't know his number it's in my phone in that terrible we if we lose these weird trouble we don't know anyone's number and so thank you for getting my my device I really really appreciate it I had all my notes there I was gonna I have my notes also on this device but it's so small you know when you get a certain age you need large print so I was gonna I was gonna try to preach this message and so I was I was just kind of um filibustering up here until my device came and now it's here and I can I can release what what God has given me amen amen last night as we close I mentioned something the Lord really began to deal with me about two years ago around 20 maybe 17 20 18 I began to think about the fact that we're moving toward 2020 and I remember in 2010 I posted on my social media status what is your vision for the next decade or the next 10 years because I really want to people to know that you know not only can you have a short-term vision you can have a long-term vision as well it's not the will of God that we just try to make it through a year sometimes when the year is over you know I'm you know when you look at the world that is celebrating New Year's and they're there in New York City they're in on Broadway and they're drinking and they're celebrating a new year some people are just glad they made it through the year and there's a new year but I really began to think about 2020 and the Lord kept giving me second Chronicles 2020 which is a great word for prophetic people that if you believe in the Lord your God you will be established and if you believe it's prophets you will prosper I know the prophetic word does more than just give you information the prophetic word can really help you to prosper because it not only gives you revelation information insight direction it can bring deliverance healing restoration it can break things up in your life it can release new things over your life it really positions you for success because God will speak to you concerning your your path your vision your dream and really set your course in motion that you will prosper how many believe God wants all of us to prosper I believe that and I believe the prophetic ministry is very important for prosperity and so second Chronicles 2020 has always been one of my favorite verses that if you believe in the Lord your God you'll be establishing if you believe it's prophets you will prosper and I've often taught us a series called prospering through prophecy Ezra chapter six and verse four says that the Jews build it and prospered through the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah which means that prophets are sent by God not to destroy you not to hurt you not to harm you not to control you but really to help you to succeed in life whether it's your business your family your ministry or your dream your vision whatever it is the prophetic word is very important when it comes to prospering oftentimes I get calls from ministers and they'll they'll call me or inbox me and says I am so discouraged can you pray for me I have been in ministry for many years and I'm going through a difficult time in my life and I just don't know what to do and one of the one of the questions I always ask ministers is when was the last time you received the quality prophetic ministry and many of them were tell me I've not received prophetic ministry in years and I say how tragic it is that you are spirit filled believer and you're not around a prophetic grace or anointing that you have not received the ministry that is designed by God to build you up to encourage you to edify you to comfort you and I say you need you need a prophet to pray for you and to minister to you to help you discern what you're dealing with and to give you a word from the Lord because some people are really discouraged because they're not moving in the new thing that God has for them they're stuck in something old they don't understand the new thing they're stuck in religion tradition and so I really tell people you and many of them will tell me things like well in my city in my region there there's really no prophetic ministry that I know of that I can go to and so I tell people if you have to get on a plane and fly to a conference you have to save money to buy a ticket and and and get a hotel room and stay there and in register for conference it's worth you're going somewhere where you can receive some quantity ministry because God does not want you depressed sad defeated he does not want you not succeeding in your life and in your ministry and if there's no prophetic ministry in my city I'm gonna find somewhere where there is some prophetic ministry and I've apt to run away and escape the religious system that doesn't want me to receive it I will cut my phone off I will disappear for three days and I will find somewhere where I can whack and get some ministry it is important that you get quantity prophetic ministry and so second Chronicles 2020 has been one of my favorite verses and around 2017 the Spirit of God began to deal with me about this verse as we approach 2020 and then a few weeks ago I was preaching in New York City and at the end of the service I began to sing a prophetic song and the song was that that we are entering into our 2020 season and the Lord gave me that particular phrase my 2020 season that that God wanted to bring his people not only into a natural season of 2020 a new decade but that many of us are going to come into a new season spiritually and it's based on second chronicles 20 and 20 that if you believe in the Lord your God you will be established and if you believe it's prophets you were prosperous so I got so excited we have some we're getting some t-shirts made some hoodies made with that on it it's my 2020 season our second chronicles 2020 just to wear them to remind ourselves that that God wants to bring us into a time of number one establishment and number two prosperity that God wants to establish you and God wants to prosper you and as I begin to preach and teach on this particular scripture even on my on my social media page I've been doing some lives on it the Spirit of God has been having me to concentrate on the the establishing part and that's what I'm gonna talk about this morning what it means to be established and and and why we need to be established and it's gonna connect with the whole theme of we're built for more God wants us to have more so what I what I usually do when God gives me a particular word I'll look it up in the in the Hebrew or the Greek I'll try to get a a better understanding of the word and when I study particular words I try to look up all the scriptures where the word is mentioned in the in the Bible I go different translations I look up how other translations will translate the word I look up synonyms of the word I look up definitions of the word because I really want to get an understanding of what this word really means and what God is saying to me when when you hear the word established and of course when you hear the word establish you primarily think of something that set something that's rooted something that is that is stable something that has been fixed and then all of us need to be established in faith established in the prophetic established in deliverance established in worship established and giving the certain truths that you hear about that God wants you not only to hear about it but to be established in it which means that no matter what comes in your life there are certain things that you never move away from because you're establishing that truth it is something that is set inside of you it is something that you are fixed in you're not double minded you're not wavering you're not up and down you're establishing the things of God and no matter what changes no matter how people change no matter who comes no matter who goes you remain consistent you remain steadfast I've noticed that in the last I've been preaching now for 40 years I've been pastoring for 35 years and in that period of time I've seen people come to the house of God they get it they get it they get into praise and worship and deliverance and the prophetic they get blessed they begin to learn the Word of God but the moment something hits their life it knocks them out I've seen people leave the church leave the house of God leave the things of God I've seen people backslide it's very heartbreaking when they go through a difficult family situation financial situation when they go through a marital situation when they go through a health crisis they or whether where they're hurt or offended by someone in the church when when something happens to them it just it just knocks out and they and there they're no longer consistent in the things of God but then I've seen other people who go through the similar things but they remain steadfast they keep coming they keep worshiping they keep praying they keep pressing into the things of God even though they may have the same challenges that someone else has had they remain steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord and I'm always encouraged by people who really go through things and instead of them leaving they press more into the things of God every one of us will have challenges in life things will come that it designed by the enemy to shake you things come to disappoint you but when you establish in truth and you establish in the things of God those are those are the foundational truths of your life that you continue to move in regardless of what happens we walk by faith and not by sight where we become stable we become consistent you're not the only one that that goes through a situation in life whether it's the death of a loved one whether it's someone leaving you abandoning you hurting you or whether there's a disappointment whether things don't go the way you thought they should go all of us deal with that but when you become established in the things of God it is something that you know how to fall back on you when you learn how to fast anybody know how to fast you know when I when I when I when I when I got saved my pastor my pastor was one of those old Pentecostals my pastor got saved in 1929 yeah and I got saved in 1978 so he'd already been saved 50 years and he's one of those old you know that we fasted twice a week we fasted Tuesdays and Fridays we did three day fast we fasted all the time sometimes I hated it but I learned to do it and I learned that when I'm dealing with situations in my life then I can fast and God does miracles for me because there was something that was I'm not religious with it I don't fast the same all the time but it's on I'm not a Pharisee I don't teach if you don't fast twice a week you're not saved but I do know that that is something that was placed in my life at a very early age in my salvation and it really helped establish me in breaking through some demons only go out by prayer and fasting and any stronghold can fall through fasting I don't count up it is you begin to fast and you begin to humble yourself you begin to get miracles I remember the first first time I did a four day fast and I was on my fourth day and when we were going off the fast at six o'clock and at six o'clock I was standing at the stove with a pot [Applause] I've never fasted that long I was counting down [Applause] when I first learned don't know why I'm telling this story but this is someone well when I first learned to fast I did afford a fast and at that time you know you just want to break a fast you know with something light I broke I broke my fast with deep-dish Chicago style pizza [Applause] man that piece of taste is so good going down but brother my stomach was not ready for deep-dish Chicago style pizza so I learned the hard way then when you break a four or five day fast the 21-day fast drink some soup eats through some liquid I know everything looks good you're ready to tear up everything yeah you're ready to know in your hand if you have to but but God gave me some great great breakthroughs through fasting because it became a foundational truth in my life the prophetic is the same way when you get established in the prophetic is something that you you live a prophetic lifestyle it's not something that you do every now and then when you get involved in deliverance it becomes a lifestyle when we started deliverance everything was a demon if a light bulb blew we say that demon in the lightbulb come out because you know you tend to go overboard sometime when you're you know teaching anything and we everything was a devil everything was a demon every problem was a demon we had to learn that you know some things are not demons they're you know they're the flesh in but you know we just went into deliverance and we we call out everything we had names for stuff that you know the devil was like even me I'm a you blaming me I didn't even do so I look the word established up and let me give you the definition because this really really helped me to understand that if you believe God you will be established the word establish means to be firm to be stable established to be set up to be fixed to be securely determined it means to be directed the right way to be fixed the right way it means to be steadfast to prepare be ready be prepared be arranged be settled and again those are your basic definitions of establish but this is the definition that really opened my understanding of what happens when you become established established means to make firm or stable it means to introduce and cost to grow and multiply to set something that will continue for a long time to reach a successful position over a period of time in other words when God establishes you and you become set in your business your dream your vision your family your ministry your church the purpose of being established is that it positions you for more it positions you to grow it positions you to expand and then I began to look at David anointed by Samuel to be the king of Israel in his father's house but before he was established as king he went through a long war with Saul Saul tried his best to prevent David from being established as the king of Israel so there could be a period of time between when you're anointed and when you're called and when you are established the warfare that we often experience is not that were not anointed the enemy does not want you to become established and so in 2nd Samuel chapter 5 it says David perceived that he had been established as the king of Israel because during the time that David was running from Saul he had doubts as to whether or not he would ever become King because the enemy was trying to kill him one time David actually left the land went to the Philistines and played crazy he began to slobber he began to scratch the door and the King said this man is mad you know you're really going through a battle when you got to play crazy because David didn't know what to do he's being pursued he's hiding in caves he's running for his life he sometimes doubt and this is this is what amazing you know you're anointed you know that the Prophet came and poured all upon you and said you're the King but in spite of that you're still human and sometimes you're going through challenges that are designed by the enemy to cause you to doubt as to whether or not you will ever arrive in the thing that you have been believing God for and the scripture says this there was a long war between the house of David and the house of Saul even at that Saul died his family were still contending against David to prevent David from becoming the king of Israel and the scripture says there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David now I did a message years ago on long war sometimes we don't like to be in a long battle with the enemy but the scripture says this it says there was a long war between the house of David and the house of Saul and it says the house of Saul wax weaker and weaker and the house of David wax stronger and stronger in other words during a long battle with the enemy is designed by God for the enemy to become weaker and weaker and for you to become stronger and stronger until finally David became the king he was established as king and that's when David began to prosper that's when David began to go to another level it wasn't until he was established as the king of Israel that he really began to expand began to defeat his enemies because before that his entire life was spent hiding and running from Saul and then in addition to that there were men that came and joined David in the cave of a deulim and it says that the ones that came to him were in depth they were in discontented other words all the folk that joined him were broke you're not God I'm not you're doing something in my life but don't send me every everybody this broke Lord can you send me somebody with some resources I know the feeling we have a deliverance Church a lot of folks show up at a deliverance Church it's the last resort they're broke they're discontented and they come and say praise God God sent me to your ministry but there's only one problem they're demonized and you got to pray form cast Devils out of them but eventually those men became mighty men amen so all of his time was spent on fighting so he couldn't really prosper as a matter of fact one time he asked help from a man by the name of navel anybody ever heard of navel in the bible nab al well if you haven't heard of it you're gonna hear about him now he was a very wealthy man and David was running from Saul and David protected all of this man's property did not take anything from him and send a message to Nabal saying this is David I'm running from Saul can you assist me and the Bible says neighbor was a very mean man he was the scripture says he was churlish and he told David I'm not giving you anything and David got so upset David said okay I'm gonna come and I'm gonna kill you and I'm gonna take it all and neighbor had a wife by the name of Abigail thank God for wise wife she didn't even tell her husband she packed up a lot of raisins and figs and went out to meet David and said David don't kill my husband his name is neighbor which means fool she was married to a fool always wondered and not when I get to heaven I want to ask Abigail why did you marry a fool it probably was an arranged marriage she probably was forced to marry him because he was a wealthy man and because she was wise in it so she lived inland and God struck him day at that night Mabel died and David eventually married Abigail because he was a very wise woman so this is what David is doing he's trying to survive in the wilderness in the desert he's running for his life solidus pursuing him and at one time he even goes to the priests and it says I need something to eat and the priest said the only thing we have is the Holy bread for the priests alone and Davis said I'll leave that he wasn't supposed to eat that bread but David was hungry and God didn't do anything because sometimes we're so religious we could be starving and only thing is lepers Communion and we won't even eat the communion bread either beat the bread man that's not gonna kill you stop being religious [Applause] can you imagine being anointed by God killing the lieth being the champion of israel being the rightful heir to the throne and still when he had a chance to kill saw didn't do it was he recognized he was anointed in the wilderness in the desert in caves running for his life hiding doing all this to try to stay alive and even though he's anointed why because even though he was anointed he was not yet established but I mean to let you know this morning that when God calls you he will establish you I don't think some of you got what I just said when God anoints you it may look as if you'll never get to that place but if you believe in the Lord your God you will be established say I will be established [Applause] and when God sets you and what God establishes you no matter how the enemy tries to stop it when God finally establishes you in your business your ministry your career your life when you get to the place where you're no longer running for your life you're no longer trying to survive you're no longer trying to make it you're no longer trying to stay alive but you get to a place because you believe God that God has set me and God has established me I'm gonna let you know get ready for more get ready to prosper get ready to break out get ready for increase the enemy does not want us to be established but the scripture says if you believe in the Lord your God you will be established and when David was established as the king of a show that's when he began to exercise Dominion that's when he began to defeat his enemies and began to grow and people began to come to him and all the other tribes began to come to him and first the the southern tribes they made him the king then all of Israel came and made a coming in he became the king of all of issue he began to prosper he began to grow and as we as we talked about made four more being established means that God sets you in a place where you begin to really expand and really begin to prosper but it comes by believing God the second example God gave me was the verse I read yesterday about God setting up his kingdom and remember in the book of Acts that when the church begins it's 120 in the upper room and when you read the book of Acts you'll understand that the enemy did not want to see the church established he did everything in his power to motivate the religious system the political system he used persecution Stephen was killed James was killed they tried to kill Peter Saul or Paul was persecuting believers and putting them in prison in there was a great wave of persecution against the church why because the devil knew that if this this small group would ever become established it would be set for global Dominion and so Satan did everything in his power to try to block the church from growing but the more he fought it the more grew and the church was established it's been on the earth for 2,000 years the kingdom of God has been established for 2,000 years and the scripture says of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end in other words no matter what the end tried to do to stop the church from being established he could not stop him because God was determined to establish his people and God has established his church and now the church is poised not only for this generation but for generations to come and I've been saying get ready for 2020 and beyond the best is yet to come no matter what the enemy tried to do no weapon formed against you shall prosper [Applause] we have been set we've been established as a church as the people of God and the church will continue to move forward and there's always revival happening somewhere in the earth the church is always growing and expanding somewhere in the earth and I'm believing God that because God has already established the church that the church is in safe hands now the church goes through periods of apostasy sometimes and false doctrine in error but God says upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it and so the church is poised by God to increase if you if you really want to understand the kingdom you cannot be Kingdom minded and not believe in increase the kingdom is always increasing the kingdom never is static it's always growing and when you get the kingdom inside of you you're always expanding you're always believing God for more you always are growing in increasing when you really become a kingdom believer I don't care how long you live God always expands you and stretches you and moves you out in the greater things if your Kingdom minded you're always believing God for more resources and more land and more property and more salvations and more healings and and more deliverances are there any Kingdom people here today because that Kingdom that is inside of you is always expanding your vision your dream is always expanding I could not have imagined years ago when I began traveling the world we did not have social media you could not go on your phone or your tablet or your computer and broadcast around the world you have to get on the plane for hours Minister you could record it maybe bring it back home but now anyone can have an international ministry if you own Facebook live and you have two viewers and one of them is from South Africa your international now I love to see the ministers come on their media page and they were hey president look we got someone coming in from Sweden god bless you someone coming in from Ghana hey welcome to the broadcast you know these somebody if you don't even have passports but God has given us the ability to touch people around the world your service can stream in other nations because the kingdom is always increasing the kingdom is always expanding we're doing things we never could have imagined I was I was on my Facebook page and you know when someone calls you through messenger and you're like who who's calling me through messenger no one calls anyone through Facebook so my Facebook ringer rings and I said who was calling me on Facebook and I usually don't answer that call but this time I said let me just answer it just to see who doesn't have my phone number who's calling me on Facebook so I answer it a voice comes on immediately I knew it was a Russian accent praise the Lord a person that God I am calling from Moldova I say Moldova we are a small nation in Eastern Europe called Moldova I've been I've been the Bulgaria I've been the Hungary when I was in Hungary they told me they want they they told me where Transylvania was and that's how I'm gonna go to Transylvania I said that that devil is alive I'll keep that one I don't want to deal with vampires and werewolves and all that that's the level of witch crap I'm just not into right now because Transylvania is in Hungary you know up in the mountains I'm like no you god bless you I'm apostolic but I ain't that apostolic game I'm not going now some of you apostolic folk you to say yes let's go and you went up there and you come back like this jerk [Applause] Oh so he said he said I'm calling from Moldova he said I read your books on the Apostolic he said I am an evangelist and we go on the streets and we're winning people to the Lord and I'm learning about the prophetic in the Apostolic by reading your books he said I speak English but most of the people in my country they speak Russian they don't speak English he said I want you to pray for me and bless me and so I began to prophesy to him on Facebook met and I please none of y'all call me on Facebook message because I'm not gonna answer I'm not gonna answer I'm telling you now this is just a testimony okay I began to prophesy over him and because I've never been to Moldova it's a very small nation and just the thing that your ministry can be touching people and places you've never been before and I began to prophesy over him and I told him I said any time you want to call me I haven't I gave him my number I gave him my number I said you called me I said because if you're bold enough to call me from Moldova on facebook messenger and believe God and he said I just believe God you would answer this call and I just did it by faith and I said brother it must be God because definitely I would not have answered this call but just to imagine that God would do something like that even if it's just touching on life who's touching lives of others well you can release a prophetic word over them I know I know they told they told us you know don't give parking-lot prophecies and I'm not for parking-lot prophecies I believe in having order and being in front of people but it's places that there's no prophecy in the church you gotta head out in the parking lot that's the only way you can give a word when somebody comes out you gotta say over here I got a word for you because there's no way in the joke [Applause] hallelujah tell somebody there's no limit to what God can do in your life you're made for more tell them again you're made for more let God establish you let God establish you to the place where you are so set God has done such a work in your life until now you're ready to expand you're ready to grow you're ready to break out because you go through the process you go through the warfare anybody going through warfare you've gone through the battles you've gone through the tests you held on to God you believe God when you felt like giving up when you feel like it's not working it's too hard it'll never happen when you got discouraged when it looked like Saul was going to win the battle and you are you were the underdog you were you were at a disadvantage of your enemies had more power than you had but if you believe God and go through the process God will establish you and once you become established your position for increased growth and expansion the enemy always fights establishment and by the way that is an apostolic term apostles establish things the Apostolic anointing and uh nobody crumb began to talk about it in this meeting Apostles have an anointing that if something is not set in a region they don't wait for somebody else to do it they do it they said it they establish it they erect it they even if there's no prophetic their staff there's no deliverance they establish if there's no healing they established if there's no worship a prophetic praise in worship they establish where there's no teaching they establish they're able to go into places where it's not been established and by the apostolic anointing they believe God and they're able to pioneer and trailblaze and break through and overcome all the religious opposition all the opposition of hell that's designed to keep it out of a region and they're able to set their were to set things in the regions where people said it would never work here this region doesn't want it they were to go and think of this Jesus established the church in one of the worst generations that has ever lived on planet Earth that generation that Jesus ministered to he said that the men of Nineveh shall rise up against this generation because they repented at the preaching of Jonah and there's one greater than Jonah here he said if Sodom would have seen the miracles that you saw they would have repented he called them a generation of vipers they were one of the worse the scripture says this when the unclean spirit is going out of a man he wants to drop places seeking rest finds none and says I'll return to the house from whence I came out and when he comes he finds it empty swept and garnished and the last state of that man is worse than the first and many people stop there but the rest of the verse says this even so shall it be unto this General raishin it was the most demonized generation it was the generation that crucified Christ it was the generation that fought against the church it was a generation that killed the apostles it was the generation of the high priests and the leaders who lied and put up false witnesses to condemn Christ it was a very wicked generation but God chose that generation to establish his church what does God say God says if I can establish my church in the worst time nothing is impossible to you stop talking about how hard it is I can't do it there's too many demons so many spirits no God has put something in you and this is an apostolic assignment when God tells you to establish something and is every religious devil in town is against it you got to do it in the midst of persecution opposition ignorance stupidity control witchcraft all kinds of things but the Bible says if you believe you'll be established our faith is designed by God to cause you to overcome all opposition that's designed to stop you from being established and I believe as we move toward 2020 there's a new spirit of faith coming on the church the gift of faith is gonna operate supernatural faith special faith you're gonna begin to believe God for stuff that you couldn't believe in four years ago you're about the step into a realm of faith and belief that is beyond what you've ever known before you're gonna believe God despite of what you see and no matter what the enemy tries to do to stop you from prospering and breaking through you're gonna believe God you're gonna believe you're gonna give you're gonna pray you're gonna worship your gonna fast you're gonna confess you're gonna decree I promise I there's a new spirit of faith about to hit your life and I know that you know about faith you've heard about faith thank God for faith thank God the faith comes by hearing but I promise I over you that there's a spirit of faith about to come in your life with my things that used to cause you to stumble and things that used to intimidate you are not going to intimidate you in the days to come as stuff that you could not overcome in the past get ready to overcome it in the future as stuff that used to get you upset and depressed in the days to come you're gonna laugh at it it's not going to oppress you and destroy you because faith is gonna be in your the stuff that used to knock you down will not knock you down in 2020 you're gonna say that if this would have happened to me five years ago I couldn't have taken it but there's overcoming faith coming they say there's establishing faith coming into my life so I'm being established and what God has called me to do I will not be shaken I will not waver I will not stumble I will not fall I am planted I am Rudy I am grounded in the call of God in the assignment of God I am delivered from others I will not waver will not be double-minded I am established God has established me and now I'm in a position for growth and increase Morris coming up into my life than I've ever had before because I believe God said again I believe God said one more time I believe God hmm believe in the Lord stand to your feet believe in the Lord and you'll be established hallelujah believe it's promising you'll prosper thank you Father thank your father thank your father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father let's just lift our hands and worship the Lord for a moment see what the Spirit of God leads us this morning hallelujah all the warfare you've been through the enemy tried to stop you but he couldn't thank god you're here this morning you pressed your way to this conference amen you didn't give up come on how many am I talking to you didn't give up you didn't turn around thank your Lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you look come on lift those hands and worship Him praying the Holy Ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus yes yay it's my twenty20 season I am being established I am prospering I am in a place to receive more thank you Lord for establishing me and setting me in your truth in your power in your wisdom in your grace in your favour [Music] mmm now when we were saying that I heard the Lord say this to me he said tell my people that I am establishing them in my favor [Music] what does that mean it means that the favor of God will not be a message that you hear every now and then it's going to be something you walk in consistently [Applause] the Lord says you're not just going to hear about favor you're gonna walk in it all the days of your life God is setting you in his favor God is establishing you in his favor favor is becoming a fixed part of your life [Applause] [Music] the Lord said is not going to come and go it's becoming something that's fixed in your life and the law says goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] say God is establishing me in his favor and this means that when you think your mind is gonna always think in terms of favor that wherever you go you're gonna believe God for favor [Applause] I heard it so clearly that there's a new level of favor about to hit your life [Music] get ready to walk in it I said get ready to walk in and get ready to live in it [Applause] [Music] and then I heard these words financial favor say I'm being established in financial favor say financial favor is a part of my life it is fixed in my life I will enjoy financial favor all the days of my life because I am established many of you your biggest fight has been over finances financial war but God is establishing you in his favor his financial favor that's the word of the Lord for your life I said that's the word of the Lord over your life today and the Lord says that you will not have to fight forward I'm putting it in your life I'm setting it in your life you will not have to wrestle forward and fight forward you're being established in favor hallelujah Oh lift those hands in worship la la la la la ba ba ba ba ba era nanananana Bassam yes Hondo lord of moria la la la la soluciĆ³n another yes hallelujah come on worshiping hallelujah [Music] you've established me Oh God stablished us [Music] come on just for a few more moments nip those hands and worship Him you set me [Applause] [Music] I am set [Music] said [Music] I believe you [Music] and I am set hello sing that with me and I am set the claret [Music] and I am set how many believe that today [Music] [Music] and I said [Music] I will not be moved [Music] not [Music] I will not be moved [Music] [Music] one more time I believe you [Music] I am set yes [Music] proper science [Music] I'm set [Music] and I am [Music] not be moon Oh Oh nothing [Music] I am made [Applause] I am made from [Applause] [Music] [Music] well somebody shout [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] listen I believe is you saying that song that something is being changed in your life you're gonna lead this conference with the new stability hallelujah [Applause] say anew stability is coming to my life when you prophesy as saying the word of the Lord the salt of the Lord God begins to release something in your life [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah are they [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you get ready your 2020 season is here God is establishing its people thank your lord thank you lord I knew you I want you to get a prayer partner get someone next to you hold their hands hold their hands hallelujah hallelujah begin to speak over them stability establishment being the speaking and prayer over their life beginning to create over them stability establishment faith prosperity abundance more increase hallelujah are they create over you are speaking over you a new season hallelujah you'll not be shaking you'll not be moved you'll be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord come on praying over them right now decree it over them speaking over them [Music] God is setting them up for prosperity and abundance hallelujah it's the word of the Lord that comes to change your life the warfare is over tell them the warfare is over the warfare is over God is giving you rest God is giving you rest yes [Applause] he's giving you rest [Music] yes [Applause] he's giving me rest [Applause] my god is giving me rest he's giving me rest pressed he's giving me rest [Applause] oh he's giving me with the most save with me your ass he's giving me arrest come on say it with me he's getting me rest come on victory [Music] [Applause] how many believe he's giving me rest [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those hairs wards he's giving me rest little aside [Applause] giving me rest [Music] [Applause] he's giving me wrist [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody shout [Applause]
Channel: The Life Center Atlanta
Views: 16,128
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Id: Nxm6e0O0DnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 25sec (4285 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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