Miracle Friday w/ Eric Etheridge (The Life Center 9/24/21)

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amen amen ah this is a miracle friday bless the lord bless the lord so we're gonna go ahead and pray so hallelujah father we just thank you god [Music] we thank you god for your love father we thank you for your compassion we thank you that you are a god of miracles god that nothing is impossible for you lord that you are our king that jesus you are our champion [Music] that father god in you god we have nothing to fear [Music] that we won't shrink back god but that we will go for it lord jesus and we thank you lord god for your compassion we thank you lord god that your mercy endures forever that you truly are a merciful god a god who heals a god who restores a god who makes whole [Music] and so lord jesus we ask right now that you will come into this place [Music] that you will take full control lord jesus that your power to heal your power to deliver your power to work miracles lord god will saturate this atmosphere god so i thank you god that you will touch the heart of your people and that you would do marvelous things this night it's in jesus name we give thanks and praise as we love you so we honor you as we praise you and give thanks in jesus name amen amen you all may be seated in the presence of the lord amen oh my god there was an overflow wasn't it that was an overflow and tonight this is miracle this is miracle friday and every night and every friday night god always does miracles he's always doing some mighty things here at the life center and one of the things that that god placed upon my spirit um it's very interesting when i was asked to do miracle friday i didn't know what god wanted to say what he wanted to do but a couple of weeks ago he gave me this message he said he wanted me to talk about mercy talk about mercy and the ironic thing about that was that it when i looked at the calendar it was actually on yom kippur it was on the jewish holiday that is designated for mercy and i'm going to get into that a little bit more as we proceed through the evening but i want to start off with a story it was very interesting this is uh i know we're talking about miracles and god does miracles in so many ways he he heals our body he restores our body he does all these things you know but one of the awesome things he does one of the things he also does is he also provides that he makes a way and how many know it had that experience that when you needed a miracle that you needed god's mercy how many y'all know you can relate to that god showed us mercy and the interesting thing about mercy is that he will use people to show his mercy and several years ago when i was in i was in college i was as someone said i was a rhodes scholar i went to uh here's what i mean by vote scott i went to two schools i get i got kicked out of two schools got kicked out of school three times this one particular time this is my last time they said that this time is your last time that you can't come back and so i fought it in for it and fought it and then so they were saying that you will have to sit out a year i said okay well you know you know please you know look i'm i have a year to go uh i can't sit down another year i'm just a year of grad i'm the year away from graduation um the reason why you kicked me out is so minuscule you know it doesn't even make any sense but anyway so they they said okay well we're going to cut it down from a year to a half a year i was like okay thank god i'll go with that and so fast forward you know throughout that year you know i'm unemployed um i'm not in school and mind you before that i went to school to play football so and i was an athlete i was a student athlete and so along the way i got hurt i i tore my acl i tore my knee so my very existence and the very reason why i was at school has now been torn away so now that meant that i had to pay for school because i was no longer on scholarship right so in this particular time um i went to go pay this was you know this was in the spring semester i went to go pay for my school when i went to go pay for my school it was the last day to pay for school and it was towards the end of the day i got there and i was a thousand dollars short i was a thousand dollars short and i was like please please please i said please i have to get into this semester because if i don't get into this if i don't get into school this semester i'm gonna be set back a whole nother year i can't afford this i've already been in school this long i suffered i've almost almost got kicked out of my apartment i i was on a point where i was on a public assistance i had no job my car broke down every week um i couldn't play football the thing that i thought was my identity i couldn't do any more i lost in my world at that particular time i had lost it all and i said i just need to get back in school so that i can graduate you know i'm focused now so i go to the reg i go to the cashier's office and they said oh time is up it's the end of the day you can't i mean i'm sorry everything is closed you can't pay i said i'll come back tomorrow i'm gonna come back tomorrow i'll beat it i'm assure you i will be here tomorrow i'll have the money i didn't know how i was gonna get the money but i said i'll be here tomorrow they said oh we're sorry but lo and behold at that particular moment there was the registrar who happened to be walking and listening to the conversation and he was the individual that i kept on going to like the like the uh uh women that woman went to the unjust judge she was persistent i was persistent i had to get back in school i had to get back in school i had to get back to school i was persistent and so when it came to this situation he happened to hear the conversation and he heard that i will be back tomorrow and he overruled the cashier that said i couldn't pay today and he says okay eric you can come back on tomorrow i know you're going to show up and so praise god i don't know how my mom did it at the time but i was able to get that thousand dollars and i came back the next day and i was able to pay off the remainder of the balance for that particular school year and i'm telling you the story because it was only the mercy of god or god used a man to have mercy on me to give me another chance or to allow me that extra day to come in to pay my bill now i'm telling this story for this i don't know who it's for there's somebody who needs an extra day there's somebody who needs someone to show them mercy i don't know if it's online on here but god told me to share this story with you and god said that i will cause people to have mercy on you for i'm even going on your behalf and i'm beginning to open the doors for you so that there will be a mercy miracle on your behalf to where not only will you have the provisions but that you will have the extra day you will have the finances and you will have the faith favor that will open the door for you this is a time of a season of open door one of the things that god said that this will be the month when he's going to show the church his loving-kindness he's like this mercy i'm going to take my glasses off it says mercy compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or one subject to one's power meaning that someone has the power to forgive or someone has the power to change a circumstance or make a decision on your behalf it's in fact like this i'm gonna continue to read it also says uh a leniency a capacity treatment kind of forgiveness treatment of someone who could be treated harshly uh it's kindness to help giving to someone who are rarely excuse me who people who are in a very bad or desperate situation some people are in desperate situations and they need someone to show them compassion they need the mercy of god and i like this mercy is the compassion treatment of those in distress especially what is within one's power to punish the harm god said this is my very nature i am the father of mercies my very nature is mercy and to be merciful before my my children it goes on i like this in deuteronomy 34 uh deuteronomy 4 31 and says this for the lord your god is merciful is a merciful god he will not forsaken you nor destroy you nor forget the covenant of your fathers which he swore to you so here it is that god said that he won't forget you for so many people have been asking it's like i need a healing god i need your touch god said i'm not going to forget you i'm not going to leave you in fact i am my my my mind is very concerned about you i'm concerned about your condition i'm concerned about where you are but understand this that i am a merciful god i'm a god who cares i'm a god of compassion and so when you look at mercy and you read the definition of mercy a lot of it's compassion compassion and mercy are intertwined together but yet they're slightly different there's a difference so it reads like this so um in that situation the story that i told about uh the registrar in that particular situation he looked upon me with compassion but when they allowed me to come back and pay for it the next day that was actually mercy so that whole act was compassion so what happens is that compassion will cause you to move to do something it's a it's an action word it's it's a move it causes you to do some things when you look at someone's have they had compassion he had compassion upon me or she had compassion for me there was a move i have to help them how many times you have seen people who are suffering and you you help them you saw that they were struggling but you stepped into a position and you helped them through that situation you had compassion upon them but that the end result was mercy and so that's the difference between that so immersion is actually a noun it's actually the mission the mission so when we talked about deployment we talked about deployment through our through our conference and we talked about being deployed and we talked about getting ready and things of that nature so in fact when we are deployed it's our mission to be merciful it's our mission to pray for those individuals who need prayer to comfort those individuals who need comfort to to give a prophetic word to those individuals who need a prophetic word to listen and sit with those individuals who need uh just need a shoulder to cry on or need an ear to hear that's our mission is to be merciful why because god is mercy merciful and as the scripture talks about it says blessed are those who show mercy for they shall also receive mercy so we're god we're called to be uh merciful individuals and we're called to be ones that also show compassion to you know to to any situation to those people who are struggling it's the recognition of those things and one of the interesting thing also as i was beginning to look up mercy this thing begin to to pop into my spirit it talked about um um how god was merciful in the bible i wanted to see god how were you merciful in the bible how does mercy play out in the bible you know when does god show mercy where are some of the scriptures what are some of the things i mean when we read it uh and one of the things that god does is forgiveness we talked about salvation but one of the first things is god forgiveness and he withholds punishment you know how many know that that when adam sinned with adam sinned that at that moment death entered in to the world and sin entered in and sickness entered into the world because before that in the garden there was no sickness there was no disease there was no sin but when adam fell when he ate the forbidden fruit he opened the door now for sin to come in and he opened the door for sickness and disease to come in to be to affect man and so at that particular point man needed the mercy of god he needed to forgiveness for god to get back into right alignment and back in right relationship with him and david understood that even sometimes when we mess up every time when we fall even when we when we sin we can call on the mercy of god and he can forgive us so it plays like this it plays out like this in psalms 51 and 1 it says have mercy god according to your lovingkindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies his tender mercies david was crying out to god to have mercy upon me i've sinned i've messed up i've fallen short but god according to your tender mercies show me your loving kindness blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquities my iniquity iniquities the sins of the father and cleanse me from my sin for i acknowledge my transgression and my son always my sin always before you david understood that there's nothing we can do to get get away from god god is always upon us so god i did it i messed up but god i need your mercies and so god plays he shows us mercy by forgiving us by withholding judgment against us one of the other ways is deliverance god will deliver us he'll deliver us out of situations he'll deliver us from demonic oppression he'll deliver us from financial situations he'll deliver us from from strange occurrences i know about deliverance god had delivered me for so many things that he'd been showed me so much mercy there was another story um that i'll be real brief about there was a situation that that i got in uh got in even at school i was it was interesting at school for me i had a very interesting time but i'm not going to go into details but there was a situation when i did it and i was guilty however god showed me mercy it was a bad situation that if it would have turned i would have been in jail but god showed his mercy and compassion for me and that was one of the things that changed my life that at that particular time i would not i knew that i would not do that no more but god's mercy i did it i was guilty but god showed mercy unto me and he delivered me out of that situation we talk about deliverance you see as the children of israel also delivered god showed them deliverance he delivered all of us god delivered when we look at deliverance you can see where he delivered uh that boy he was from demonic oppression remember in um in matthew 17 uh uh matthew 17 14 19 where his father came to him and he fell down before jesus and he said he said lord he said lord jesus lord have mercy upon my son because the enemy fills him up and throws him into the fire he throws them into the fire but he asked god for deliverance he asked them for deliverance it reads this way matthew 17 and 15 a man approached jesus and kneeled before him saying lord have mercy upon my son he sees uh he has seizures it is suffering greatly he often falls into the fire mark 9 22 reads it this way then they brought him to him and when he saw him immediately the spirit convulsed him and he fell onto the ground and wallowed forming at the mouth so he asked the father how long would this uh how long with how long has this happened how long has this been happening to him i want to stop right there here's the thing a lot of times when we uh are praying for miracles and you come to a personal miracle session we ask the question we start doing what we call an interview process we want to ask the question how long has this been happening when did this occur how did this happen and the reason why we're asking is that we're asking the holy spirit to see if this is an iniquity if this is something that has come down through the bloodline or if is this something that is a time release curse a time release situation or exactly what happened so that we will know how to pray so we will have the details and god will give us the strategy of how to deal with that situation and so we see here that jesus actually asked the father how long has this been happening so here it is that jesus is going through the interview process and then he said this and he said from childhood so this wasn't a situation that happened from birth this wasn't a situation that happened along the way but this was a situation that happened from childhood so somewhere along the way that the enemy had an open door to come in to bring a demonic oppression over this over this young man so here it is um and i read i'll continue to read and often he has thrown himself from both into the fire into the water to destroy himself but you can do but he says this but if you can do anything have compassion on us and i work a passion upon us and help us jesus said unto you if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes so jesus responded and delivered him out of mercy he had compassion and his deliverance was mercy but he all he had to do was believe so when we believe on god when we call out for god and we ask for mercy we must believe and stand in faith that god will heal us and he will deliver us and as we all acts of um all acts of deliverance is um is um is mercy amen i'm sitting sweating thank you dear amen amen so when we look as we go forth we look uh all healing you know god god had um jesus had um had mercy on the blind man he healed him we can go and look in luke 18 and um 18 and 35 he healed the blind man remember as as jesus was approached approaching there was a blind man uh in some in one version it says one blind man another one says two the thing of it was that they as they approached he he couldn't see but he asked the question he said who was passing by they told me that jesus was passing by he said son of david had mercy upon me son of david had mercy upon me so he cried out for mercy god ended up healing him and he said this and so we understand that through jesus that his will is always to heal us his will is never to leave us in a place of suffering his will is never to leave us in a place where we are continuing to be ravaged and tormented by the enemy and it's and it says this it's reads like this in matthew uh matthew 8. it says lord he says and after he came down from teaching in hillside massive crowds began to follow him suddenly a leap a leper uh walked walked up to jesus threw himself down before him in worship and said lord you have the power to heal me this is about the leper this is not the blind man this is about the leaper leper he said lord you have the power to heal me if you really want to this is the passion translation if you really want to you have to if you really want to jesus reached out [Music] his hand and touched the leper and he said of course i want to heal you be healed so here it is that god wants to heal us god doesn't want us to be left in a situation where we are just being just i mean the enemy is just running all over us that is not god's will his will is to is to really heal us one of the other ways that that god shows us mercy and mercy plays out is through salvation right salvation is one of the one one of the greatest merciful acts of god that is ever done is through salvation and it reads this reads this way and romans 10 and 9 it says that if you confess with your mouth and believe uh and confess with your mouth the lord jesus believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you will be saved the word saved is so it's the word is the greek word sozo and sozo when you look at that word it means to save to deliver to protect to heal to make hold and to preserve so when we get saved that means that god is going to heal us he's going to make us whole he's going to preserve us he's going to watch over us he's going to protect us because that is his covenant it is god's act of mercy that through salvation and through being saved that this is our right this is our covenant that we have so remember we whenever we need something we can say paid in full or paid for it's already paid for god rescues us from destruction he rescue us uh uh from whatever situation that we're in and we have to remember that when we are saved that we have benefits in psalms 103 it reads this way it says bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all iniquity and who heals all disease this is our benefit that this is our right so whenever we ravage with sickness we can tell sickness it must go now because of our covenant because who we are in christ jesus because we have the blessed assurance and the covenant and god shows us his mercy we can tell sickness and disease to go we can speak to circumstances and if we have the faith the size of the muscle seed we can tell that mountain to move and stand and believe that god will do it because this is coveted and lord and we can say god this is your word your word says this the scripture says this it says that you will heal us that you hear all of our diseases that you forgive all of our iniquities and that god you will that you will show your merciful kindness towards us as we go down to verse eight it says this the lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and in bounded in mercy so the thing is that god is saying that i'm abounded in mercy that i have mercy for you that i care for you but here's the other interesting thing as we look back and even in scripture as we look in the old testament we see something interesting when we look at the tabernacle of moses we see that when he when he when he built that he gave god gave moses that he gave him the blueprint of the tabernacle he said this is the outer court he gave him the dimensions for the outer court he said this is the inner court he talked about the inner court but then he said that that there's a holy holy of holies he said there's going to be a veil between the holies of holies and uh and in in in between and in between that veil in the in the holies of holy on the most holy place there's going to be an ark everybody familiar with the ark said there's going to be a ark and the interesting thing about the ark was that this that the ark was a covering but here's the thing about the ark it had a mercy seat on it there was a mercy seat on the ark and he gave them he gave him the dimensions of the mercy seat he said he said it's going to be two and a half by one and a half cubits the cubit is about 17 and a half inches long so when you look at it when you look at the the cover we look at the mercy seat it's it's about it's about roughly a little bit more than three feet long this way then it's also uh one and a half cubits is roughly a little bit more than two feet so it's probably approximately three feet this way and approximately two feet that way a little bit more and then on the on the mercy seat he said that i wanted to to to to construct it in a way that there are two cherubims to where they are looking down on the mercy seat but their wings are touching he said make it a one piece and see here's the thing about the mercy seat when you go and look at the mercy seat and you real and you study and what the mercy seat means is this let me read you this this is the this is what the mercy seat is it's the perpetuation of sin it means perpetuation that's what the mercy seat means and the in the hebrew word for is capoulet it means mercy seat place of atonement it constitutes the throne of god so when we approach god when we go to his throne basically we're going to the mercy seat of god we're going and we're coming through the perpetuation we're coming to it and the very root word of capita is kephar which actually means to cover to purge to make atonement make reconciliation to bring peace bring harmony bring into alignment perpetuate it's atonement for sin it means to it means to purge or to cleanse and so when we look at the mercy seat and we look at god and we look at the tabernacle tabernacle of moses we understand that because it's the perpetuation we understand that jesus remember jesus is the perpetuation of sin amen he's the one that paid it all and it reads like this in the new testament i'm giving you scripture i'll give you background so you can follow me it says in john first john 1 8 through 10. it says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all righteousness so that tells us that we have sin and that we are need to be purged and we are need to be cleansed right but as we jump down the first joint this way uh this is the amplified version it says this my little children believers dear ones i am writing to you these things so that you wouldn't so that you will not sin uh violating god's law and if anyone sins he uh if anyone says uh we have an advocate who will intercede for us with the father jesus the christ the righteous the upright the just one who confirms to the father's will in every way purpose thought and action but here's the part that i like remember the mercy is perpetuation it says this in two and he that same jesus is the perpetuation for our sin so here it is that that john is talking about perpetuation and he said that jesus is our perpetuation and remember perpetuation uh is the mercy seat so here it is that jesus is being demonstrated here uh he symbolized in the most holy place of the holies of holies on top of the ark in the ark it had several things in it remember the ark had three things in it he had one the manna that was taken when he when god caused the manna to come down from heaven and he fed the children of israel even in the wilderness god told him take that up and keep that as a memorial the second thing he did he said that put the the tablets the ten commandments in the ark as remembrance the third thing he talked about he said put aaron's staff in the ark as a testimony of what i've done and what i'm doing so here it is that the ark contains these three things and then the mercy seat rises and sits upon the ark and when you look at the three objects that were in there how they came about one when we talk about the manner that came down it symbolizes god's provision for us when the children of israel cried out for food god yet provided for them and so what i'm saying today for you he will work for you yes he's going to work a miracle for you and in in that same right he also was demonstrating that i overcome the lust of the flesh because they were complaining they were murmuring god overcomes that the other thing was the tablets the ten commandments now remember god wrote his finger he wrote the ten commandments down he sent moses down but what happened when moses came down for the mountain they were worshiping the golden calf there was idolization that went on they wanted to go back they wanted to bring the very thing that they were delivered from back into the present but god said i delivered you from that and when you look at that god said that my ways my thoughts and my ways are better than man's ways god was shown and demonstrated him through the ten commandments and through the torah that god's ways are superior to ours and that god wants us to be delivered from that and so when you look at the ten commandments it was a deliverance it was god dealing with the lust of the eye how we look or sometimes look at the world and want to be like the world god did not call for us to be that way he delivered us from the world he delivered us from the world system he delivers from looking in covenant things for coveting things rather so god said that ten commandments put that in the ark remember me remember how remember my ways and how i kept you and how i taught you how i trained you remember my principles in the wilderness the other thing was aaron rod aaron's ride was a phenomenon remember this was the rod that god used so many times to bring upon uh uh miracles signs and wonders through aaron's rod right remember god sent moses to uh to pharaoh but he used aaron's rod to do these things they came through plagues plague after plague after plague god kept the children of israel through plague he kept them through sickness he kept them through death where everything was happening around them god kept them then even with that the interesting thing was how that rod and what what god did with this rod was also a phenomenon remember the children of korah begin to rise up against and begin to to to speak outside we hear god too we hear god too we're leaders i'm we're elders they were elders they said we're elders we hear god too core uh and it was two other gentlemen i forget their name and so god was and and god was like what are you was like what are you doing what's up with you all what's going on and and and so it infuriated god and then in essence he was like okay i'll tell you what we're going to find out who's chosen for this position you put your rods down all the tribes of israel and i'ma have aaron put his rods down then whoever whatever rod blossoms on tomorrow that's the person that i've chosen and so when that happened god chose aaron he caused his rod to bud and to blossom and to bear fruit on the next day within 24 hours that was god showing his miracles and showing that he has chosen aaron and so when god had that put into the ark god was saying this that for my people don't forget my miracles don't forget my don't forget the fact that i've chosen you so when you look on aaron's raw understand that i can do anything that nothing is impossible for me nothing is impossible for me amen nothing is impossible but here's the interesting part so remember this is that's that's that's the arc and that's what it is and so when he put the mercy seat upon him and we talked i talked about yom kim poor when i came in here here's the interesting thing about young kapoor that was the day of atonement right and so he gave he gave moses to toe and told aaron to give him this instruction when you come into on a day of atonement when you come in to the ark of the coveted i want you to first to sprinkle the ark seven times with the blood of bulls for yourself but then he said i want you to speak and sprinkle it seven times for the children of israel for the forgiveness of sin for the cleansing and from the purging so when god came and he sprinkled the ark and there was an atonement made he now at that point he said and then from that position i will come down i will speak to you and i will dwell in the midst of the cherubim so god from that point he is saying that from the mercy seat that i will begin to judge from that particular point that i will begin that then my glory will begin to show up and when my glory begins to show miracles begin to happen deliverance begins to happen he said that breakthrough begins to happen for us because we're now a made atonement now sin is removed and now when sin is removed now god's mercy and his glory and his compassion begins to move upon us because how many know that god that even when we have sin we can't come before god but that where god shows up and we're before god and that we cleanse sin can no longer be there right there was no sin in the garden with adam when he was made he was put back in right of alignment so what happens is that god said i'm going to put you back in right of alignment so that i can move for you and so that's what happens not only when we're healed and where miracles are we're back in the right alignment with god we're in alignment for god to move and that's why a lot of times you hear us and when we go we talk about clearing the legal ground we're clearing the things that will allow the enemy to come in it's the legal access that the enemy tries to come in because we understand that he is accusing the brother day and night but because jesus christ came and he is making intercession for us he is making intercession for us we have an advocate and so jesus is saying god i know it god have mercy god have mercy yes they did it but when you look upon them look at them through my blood i'm the perpetuation god says okay and we can come and say paid for god i need a healing i need you to heal my back it's paid for i need you to remove this disease it's paid for i need you to remove diabetes it's paid for i need you god to have mercy upon me god i know i'm short i know i mishandled funds it's paid for god said he's paid for it because jesus was a perpetuation and he was he was the mercy seat for us he provided for us when you look at the mercy seat it talks about what it represents what it represents the throne of god the presence of god the power of god the judgment of god the justice of god and so what happened when god said that i will come down and dwell within the the cherubim god said from that particular point that i will talk to you about the commandments of israel so what happens is that when we call out for mercy and we come before god's throne and he and as he is on the mercy seat he begins to speak to us and he begins to command heaven and earth to begin to move on our behalf when we cry out for mercy when we begin to ask god have mercy upon me because he did in the old testament and jesus fulfilled everything in the old testament so that we may through jesus christ we may obtain mercy that we may obtain the promises that he promised us so that we will have healing so that we will have deliverance so that we will have those things and also in the mercy talks about legislation legislation and so often times where you hear us talk about the courts of heaven and the courtrooms of heaven and there's deliberation going for us and we understand that the enemy is going back and forth he's he's trying to bring accusation he said yep but they did it yep they they did it they they sin uh they wrong god you know you have to you said that you were not you you were not uh uh caused the guilty to go come on punishment to go unpunished that's what you said that's the description so so he's he's constantly accusing us he's constantly accusing us right but here's the thing while there's legislation going forth jesus said okay that is true but they came to me and they asked to be forgiven and they asked for mercy so at that particular point god renders judgment on our behalf he begins to change situations yes i don't know who is this for someone is in this situation i don't know if it's you online and you're in a legal situation and it doesn't look good it doesn't look good but i come to tell you that as you come before the lord as you lay down and cry out before god that god said that he's going to show his mercy and that there's going to be deliverance straight from the throne of heaven and that watch how that situation changes even you may be guilty but god said that through your truth and sincerity i'm going to have compassion on you then i'm going to show you mercy i know that was for but god said he's going to show you mercy amen [Applause] as we read um also god he desires you know the interesting thing is that god desires um when we're talking about uh the mercy seating god put on the mercy seat we talked about all those sins and god has basically demonstrated that he dealt with sin and so remember that god says that i desire mercy over judgment and so god is saying that no matter what your sins are no matter what you've done i am covering it and i am showing you that my mercy will prevail in that situation we understand that even through the presence of god when the presence of god is as it says the fullness of joy at this right hand there's pleasures forevermore this this pleasures of god this goodness of god there's the graciousness of god that he has for us and that um that we understand that he's made a sacrifice for us remember jesus was talking to the uh to none of the um the pharisees and he said this way he said but go and learn what this means i desire mercy not sacrifice for i have come that they call the righteous uh not called to call the righteous but the sinners basically send us into repentance so god shows us mercy god restores us and god heals us so even as we look through the bible as we look even in the um in the old testament as we look through uh even the psalms i said the psalms was was littered with um with god's mercy psalms 4 1 says this answer me when i call you my righteous god give me relief for my distress have mercy on me and hear my prayers psalms 6 and 2 says have mercy on me on lord for i am faint heal me lord for your for my bones are in agony psalms 41 4 uh says this i said have mercy on me lord heal me for i have sinned and it's interesting that that that um that even when we talk about uh the mercies of of god and we talk about the miracles of god a lot of times when we talk about sin and remember when when when there was a blind man that jesus went to him and peter asked this question he said he said jesus who sinned and then he said that no one is sin he said this is for the glory of god see peter asked that question because he understood what was said in deuteronomy 28 you know there was there's in deuteronomy 28 the first half talk lessons of god if you do all these things these things will happen and then there was the some of the things that if you don't do these things if you are disobedient some of these things some of these other things will happen so he understood that so what happens that a lot of times that that sin a lot of times openness opens up the door to sickness not every time i want i'm not going to say that but sometimes sin uh some sin that we have done the transgressions where we have ascended against our or the iniquities as we talked about before the sins of the forefathers and so that's why a lot of times in legal ground we deal with um we deal with uh those things we deal with generational curses when we go we ask for forgiveness because remember when we sin when we transgress god it's up to us to come before god and we ask god for forgiveness right we want to be cleansed because that's what god has done for us when we come when we talked about the legal ground we also pray against um we pray against uh generational curses those generational nickers that have come down through the bloodline and how many know that sometimes you hear situations that that my mama held heart disease my granddaddy had heart disease and now so-and-so has heart disease right those are generational iniquities those are generational curses that have come down through the bloodline and some people have had certain things that have happened to them uh so and so had financial calamity that happened they they they were up then they were down they were up then they were down they were up and they were down those things uh and he's like well i don't know what happened and you look back at your family you start tracing it that my father was like that or my grandfather was like that or my uncle was like that and you start finding these are generational things and so something may have happened in the bloodline that opens the door for the enemy to come in to bring those things happen we pray also we pray for judgments and and and and and oaths and vows ungodly judgments there's some things where we make judgments about people well what happens is that when we make judgment whatever you so so shall you reap the thing is is that sometimes we make ungodly judgments or or ungodly vows ungodly judgments it opens up that song we call sowing a reaping cycle so it opens up the door so the same thing that you've done to someone else now it opens up so it can reverberate back to you so we have to you know be careful what we speak but at the same time if we do speak it we know we just come before the lord and ask god to cleanse us when we talk about uh our vows i'm gonna i'm never gonna be like my father my father my father was an adulterer i ain't gonna be like him sometimes when we say that and when we do it with such venom we open the door to that and there's been situations where i've seen where people have have uh made those vows i'm not gonna be like that but that it they're doing the very same thing that the person that they judge was doing so we come before god says lord god forgive us for that you know sometimes we do it unknowingly and we ask god for giving forgive us for that when we talk about ungodly soul entanglements when we enter into ungodly covenants with individuals how can two walk together unless they agree so when we when we start uh entangling with or when we start having ungodly soul entanglement so we're called ungodly soul ties when we begin to merge together we begin to have a it's almost like a covenant that we have that we begin to attach ourselves to that other individual and this and it's not godly it's out of god's will and now we begin to open up uh uh some things that will allow the enemy to come in to wreak havoc in our lives so when we go through legal ground we understand that we're cleansing these things but that we're being put back in right alignment with god just as it was done back in the tabernacle moses on the day of atonement and we we don't have to kill any bulls anymore we don't have to uh sprinkle goat or speak of the blood of the goats anymore but we understand that jesus has what he has paid for it he has paid for it so even as we go and we look through the scriptures so many times we see sickness and disease and we understand that it was god's will to heal everyone from sickness and disease god came down the bible talks about when he was in galilee and he saw he had compassion upon him and he healed them all there's no one that came to jesus that he didn't heal there's no one that he came to jesus that he didn't heal so god had compassion upon them and he loved us the canaanite woman he came to her she came to him and she begged jesus my daughter the sophomore woman jesus talked to beg jesus and said lord please have mercy upon my daughter god delivered her god healed her daughter god had compassion so here's the thing god also said that i will have mercy upon who i will have mercy upon so it's just not for those individuals who are saved we understand that when we are saved that that's our benefit and we can go to god and say god have mercy upon us it's paid for through jesus but yet god will have mercy on sinners because god they're still god's children but god wants to show his loving-kindness to them so that they may turn back to him so god doesn't hold back anything these were gentiles the canaanite woman they were gentiles they weren't quote unquote jews they were half breeds and so the thing of it was was i'm sorry the sumerians were half breeds and so the thing of it was was that when they came to jesus he had compassion but the sign for jesus said even the crumbs from the table the dogs eat even the children's bread that comes from the children's bread remember our bread is our bread is for healing when our part our bread is healing and deliverance she understood that if i can just get a crumb i can be healed i can be delivered i could be set free and so jesus had mercy he said wow great is thy faith she was persistent she pursued god she didn't give up she didn't give up and god loved her and we understand that even as gentiles non-jews we were engrafted into the faith and when you look at the engrafting where you look at everything the very interesting thing about the grafton if you guys ever seen this it's interesting where they'll clip a part of a portion of the tree say for example olive tree they would take an olive tree they would clip a portion of the olive tree one of the branches they would take another branch they would slit a little almost like an uh they'll slit a little a piece in it they would cut out the other branch so that it'll fit perfectly within there then they will they will tape it up and then over time it will begin to what they be called what they call engrafted into that olive tree that new tree and then from that particular point it can partake of all the nutrients and everything that that tree has that will now cause it to grow to be like the the the it will cause the breast to be like the almost the vine or the tree that it was engrafted in so what happens is that as when we accept that jesus christ is our personal lord and savior what happens is that now we become uh engrafted into christ and now we can begin to partake everything that god has for us we begin to partake of all the blessings we begin to partake of all the benefits we begin to partake in in in the healing and we begin to partake in the deliverance that god has for us and so um i just want to end with just um with just this because we all going to be praying for miracles now yeah it would be about time to close up we we are going to pray for miracles tonight so what i want you all to do if there's anybody who has a need if there's anybody who needs a miracle whether you online or whether you are in the sanctuary we are going to be praying for miracles and believe and understand miracles you say god have mercy upon me and stand in the position that god says what it's paid for it's paid for god show me mercy it is paid for and so we're going to stand in from that position and that we're going to rule from that area amen amen so we're going to close from this section amen so we're going to pray that i'm going to turn it back over to pam elder pam rather so father god i thank you god that you are the god of mercies lord god father i thank you god that we will not forget your benefits lord jesus that you're the god who paid for us pray for sickness and disease that you're the god who sent your anointing and sent your power father god we thank you god that we will not be held back lord god that we will walk in your full provisions father god in the name of jesus i thank you god that you will begin to work miracles in this place god that you will show your mercy lord god father i thank you god that your mercy endures forever lord jesus that father god that you will heal all manner of disease you will heal all many of the sick of sickness god that you will be a god that will even provide for individuals lord god father god i thank you that this will be a weak god that they will see your power they will see your presence they will see your hand god we thank you god that your hand of god god your finger of god delivers us lord god from all evil from oppression lord god i thank you god that all men of disease is healed father god i thank you that sickness is healed i thank you god for hand pain is healed father god thumbs are healed carpal tunnel is destroyed in the name of jesus lord god i thank you god that this will be a a week out that we will see your mercy we will see your loving kindness and we will see your power in everything that we do so father god i ask right now that in the name of jesus lord god that you will come that you will do only what you can do that you will show up and show off god that you will uh just come and permeate your atmosphere with your miracle working power and god that you will show your mercy lord god unconditionally in every area of our lives so father god i thank you god and i give you glory and i give you praise and i give you honor lord it's in jesus name we give thanks and praise amen
Channel: The Life Center Atlanta
Views: 99
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: us9fZZQLSz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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