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foreign [Music] prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am here with the newfangled tool from gold hog the boerbox we're finally out in the field to give it one good test in a real life situation on the Fraser River where I know there's lots of fine gold we're gonna see how well it does running the bore box so wish me luck and I hope you enjoy [Music] now this claim here has treated me quite well earlier this summer uh where we were working way up high and I said I wanted to wait until the water went down to test down low to see if there's as much gold down here as we were finding up there the floods of last year really brought in a lot of new gold so I'm hoping there's a lot of new gold down here as well so I'm going to just set up the more box you know right there beside that big rock and work some of that material right there and see how well down lower on this bar will produce the gold up high I was getting you know a grandma day easy panning so let's see if this machine can do every bit as good as that if not better and yes summer is finally over summer dragged on into the fall for a month or more than it normally would have but finally it's rainy it's drizzly I drove through snow to get here summer is now done it is October 22nd and yes fall all has hit in force and I'm talking let's get setting up this is freaking hilarious I was like 20 seconds from when I said it's time to get set it up and set it up set up and I started moving rocks and as I'm moving rocks away I saw something shiny on the ground I moved a couple big boulders those ones right there from right here and something Sean back at me and I had a quick look can you see that Black Sands all around and a flake of gold sitting right there this could be good I will definitely be getting a close-up for this look at that I've seen that before on this claim I found a rock that was covered in flakes like that all over the surface of The Rock when I posted a picture of it everyone said Dan you're lying you're making that up you put those there well I kind of agree with them you never see gold on the surface like this not on sands not on gravels not on rocks you never see it but for some reason this claim every once in a while washes gold out on the surface I think it's because the huge quantities of sand here that slowly get stripped away but there we go my first piece of gold and I haven't even set up the machine yet and my common lined people if they think they see gold on the surface I usually tell them it's Micah Micah is what forms or deposits on the surface not gold but I will guarantee that is a piece of gold hilarious but let's get this machine set up and find a thousand more of those and there we be it took me about 10 minutes to set up the board box on some recirculating tubs get all plugged in and ran it for just a few seconds through a couple Scoops through just to make sure everything was running properly and we're ready to go we're ready to start shoveling that gold bearing material into the gold capturing machine and if you haven't seen my previous videos on the bore box from gold hog here I was asked by the gold hog people to do some sort of research and development some product testing if you will of this machine as they were developing it I gave them some suggestions they made some tweaks they took their sort of prototype and made this final production model that you see here it will be available on gold Hog's website when this video comes out end of October but anyhow uh I was lucky enough to help develop this thing and I did a lot of testing along the way I checked tailings all that kind of stuff if you want to see those videos check back on my website today we're just putting it to use in the field and seeing how well it does in a real world situation let's get going [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so some initial thoughts after running for like five minutes you know ten shovel falls through uh first thought I need a bigger recirculating bin for sure what's happening is the water's uh falling into the bucket to catch all the tailings and then splashing out over the edge and I keep running out of water I've had to go put you know a pan full of water in there about five times in like you know ten shovel Falls because I keep running out of water it's splashing out so bigger recirculating bin is a must they did change the design so you can put a bucket underneath it now which is nice um yeah my bucket's about three quarters full it's probably time to you know take those tailings out dump them and you know fill up my water again and get back to it shoveling into the top so far is quite easy I am clearing by hand so far so good I can guarantee you there's gold in there right now guaranteed this is a little hard to do one-handed holding camera everything is harder to do one-handed poof that was only half a bucket full anyhow half a bucket of tailings on the ground hey man we'll go fill that back up water and put it back in the system thank you there we go bucketful of water recirculating being is full and let's get going again [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] problem you always have when you're recirculating muddy dirty you know sticks in the water leaves in the water all that kind of stuff is your jets start to get plugged up and you have to go in there and rub them and get them flowing again it always happens when you're recirculating it might be time for me to switch out this muddy water you're wondering why I have to recirculate my water like this uh here in BC we're not allowed to get let muddy water make it back to the river if the muddy water from our sluices make it back to the river we're breaking the law so in some places we have to devise a way that we can recirculate our water so not much discharges to the ground because that stuff can run off to the river so that's why I'm recirculating it would be a lot easier to run this machine if you had clean water running through it all the time just you know using a gas pump a one-inch pump from the river or something like that but unfortunately here I can't do that and one of the problems with recirculating as I said is you get sticks and debris into the pump sometimes your water bin gets low and it starts sucking air whatever it might be you start losing water pressure losing water volume and when that happens the reason I had to stop is I wasn't getting enough out of my spray bars here to run the machine properly and materials started to build up inside so that's why I have to stop get clean water we'll start again we'll let Clean Water Rinse that free and then we'll keep digging now as I said before I have done testing of the tailings of this machine and found nothing it caught a hundred percent of what I put through but I'm gonna do again today I'm gonna throw a pen under the tailings and see what gets through this next you know two or three shovelfuls [Music] somehow hmm I'll figure it out there we go let's take the bucket out to do it okay gonna run two or three shovel full then I'll pan that out and see what made it through okay let's see what's in the pan what made it through the bore box in three shovelfuls [Applause] foreign for a couple hours today I'm on my way down uh I chose this spot along the Fraser because it's along the way to Vancouver and I'm on my way down to Vancouver with the family to go see a concert actually tonight so I don't have all that much time I'm gonna try to put at least a half hour I'm probably a half hour now into that machine I'm gonna see if I can put an hour into the machine and see what I'll catch in an hour of running but unfortunately again story of my life I don't have all that much time it is such a soggy day out here my lenses are fogging up on my camera everything's wet let's hope there's no gold in here or at least very little look at that nothing that's about as far in as I can zoom with this camera it shows one extremely tiny dot in there and of course those people who know about testing equipment are saying to themselves right now having nothing in the tailings doesn't mean anything what if there's nothing in the box so let's clean up the box once and see what half an hour in the Box looks like six Wing nuts taking off the front plate good to have a little magnet handy put the wing nuts on if you don't like Wing nuts switch them out for regular nuts and you know just use an impact or like a little driver machine but you know this is simple and they did change the design since the initial you know beta prototype and the studs are now permanently fastened so you don't have to worry about the bolts falling out when you're taking off the wing nuts [Music] and there we go looking inside the machine there's a bit more material than I would like to see but I have a feeling my battery wasn't fully charged I'm not getting nearly as much water as I was at the beginning of the day so I do have a second battery after the truck I may have to go get uh to get my second half hour run a little bit more of volume of water but let's go check out what's in this run and the mats come out very simply a couple more Wing nuts they were holding them down you know you make sure that they go on to the magnet so they don't go away on you and just up and out oops there we go up and out and then that goes into a pan or something where's my pan a pan let's get some water in that pan and for curiosity's sake I am going to do the top mat by itself swirl it around and see what's in it hold and lots of it lots and lots of gold now that's just a very quick clean of only the top mat there are seven of them I think in there maybe six six or seven mats in there of course most of the gold will be caught in the top one and there's a very quick clean of the top Maps so yes there is gold in the machine and it's some nice looking gold okay I'll clean up the second mat as well but then I'll put the machine back together and go get that other battery foreign [Music] let's see what's in the second and when I say that my battery is dead don't think the machine can only run half an hour on a battery uh that battery has been sitting on the floor of my garage for you know six years or something stupid like that and I don't know how long it's been there uh I put a charger on it last night hoping that it was still working but obviously not obviously it has toasted itself and it's time for a new little battery uh I did bring a bigger battery with me I just didn't want to carry the big battery down to the river because it's a lot of work but looks like I'm gonna have to the second mat is a much more aggressive mat it catches bigger things so the first mat is quite you know low profile will catch a lot of the little gold but some of the bigger pieces might roll off it the second mat is a very much more aggressive any bigger pieces will fall down into it for sure it also means there's a few more little rocks and stuff the second amounts let's see [Music] oh yeah that is some nice looking gold again this is only the second map I've already sucked up the goals in the first map this is just the second mat and there are six or seven in the machine different profiles to give the gold all sorts of different chances to fall into the mats and get captured and after testing the tailings I wasn't seeing any coming out the back end only took seconds to put the mats back in place I didn't clear out the bottom ones I'll get those at the end of the day I did clear the top three there wasn't much in the third one this looks like the top two caught most everything so yeah you put the plate back on and then go get by the battery so for my second half hour run I've moved up the bank I'm gonna try to dig out there somewhat I've changed my setup here not doing a bucket and bucket I'm just discharging straight into the bucket I'll make sure the pump stays above the gravel as I go not ideal not ideal at all but uh I I was just running out of water with that little tub so bigger tub it is bigger battery that's actually charged let's get to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so things are definitely working much better with the bigger tub down there that's not losing water absolutely the only problem is I had to clear the pump once the pump went down into the gravel and plugged up but I think for the future what I'll do is I'll just devise a better bucket and bucket system to make that system work better that was just too small with a bucket I could possibly you know figure out some way to put a bucket into this right now maybe I'm not sure that's working so much better I'm running through the material so fast this machine can take it really quickly though I do still have to get in there with my hand and clear the gravel away I really like like the extra shoot it drops the gravel away from the bin so it's not falling in the bin the hopper is a must the shooting Hopper they're optional for this machine I would say they're must-haves it just makes working the machine so much easier and yes this second run here is going a lot better than the first foreign [Applause] was having way too much fun feeding material I didn't realize that I had filled up my bucket with sand and that the pump was sitting in the sand oh that is one risk of you know recirculating without uh catch Basin for the tailings is if you don't watch your pump very carefully you can burn it out by having it buried in the sand and you know I didn't burn it out but it was not good for it pump and sand like that I really noticed it just in the last few seconds the water coming out of here you could see the sand being pumped back through it so I shut it off real quick you can see there's still stuff in the hopper because I didn't want to hurt my pump I'm exhausted that was a good little run I was like a tenth of a yard and half an hour there not bad at all that's more of the tenth of a yard maybe one-fifth of a yard in half an hour this machine can take it I was just going hard shovel after shovel after shovel into it and I don't know I didn't test the ground beforehand to see what kind of gold was in there but I have a feeling I'm gonna have some nice gold unfortunately yes it is loaded right now overloaded because I was pumping sand through it at the last little bit maybe you'll get a bucket of water and just run a little bit of clean water for a second there we go let's run a little bit of fresh through it oh get down in the bucket three hands one two three no [Music] that didn't last long [Applause] a little bit of clean water little bit of clean water at least it cleaned the rocks in the hopper well there we go second half hour it wasn't a perfect stop but let's see what the top two mats hold there's the top map if you're wondering about the map the Bulldog mats use the it's a UR map to the top take that down to the river and pan it out so that's the amount of material you get in that top mat you can see it's mostly black sand a little bit of sand and gravel left in there just because well the way I shut down was not ideal but let's see what we got for gold in the top mat [Music] I'm seeing it I'm seeing it oh yeah gold don't the same as that first run there we be the top map very similar to the top map the first run and again this is only half an hour and this is only one of seven mats in the machine why do I think there's seven six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight I don't know I'm counting from a distance okay let's check it out I got the top mattes out all right one two three four five six seven there are seven mats in this thing take number two oh right now and I was kind of concerned that cleaning this thing up might be uh time consuming and tedious but it actually is really really simple foreign [Applause] thank you and mat two of the second run not as good as Matt 2 at the first run I really think I was actually on better ground that first time even though it was much harder digging I think I was on better goal and I think if I spent some time here actually identifying a better spot I could do a whole lot better than this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's a lot of black sand left in there still let's see what there is for gold oh yeah not bad the bottom five mats had about as much as any one like one of the top two maps oh there's still gold there but not nearly as much as what I was getting in the top two mats which is a good sign that means those mats are doing what they're supposed to [Music] now let's see what one hour running the bar box on the freezer looks like definitely would have liked to put in you know a six hour run or something but just not in the cards today no of course I will be taking this home and cleaning it up properly throwing it on the scale weighing it in you know all that kind of stuff that you always have to do at the end of a gold tanning video gold mining video but uh right now just giving you a look at the Gold while I sit on the edge of the Fraser River not too shabby [Music] so some thoughts about the bore box after the first the very first consumer run in the field yes it's not available yet it will be by the time this video comes out onto YouTube but this is its first run by an actual user in the field so some thoughts about that if you're going to recirculate make sure you put some thought into that tub system and the bucket and bucket make sure it's big enough to actually accommodate the volume of water and material you're gonna be running that was a pain in the butt in my first run for sure if you can run this thing without recirculating discharging to the ground pumping you know with a gas pump or an electric pump right from the river that would be way better way way better it really worked well I tested the tailings again and there were no losses it caught everything I put into it and you know it was able to take the material fast and hard me shoveling directly from the bank so it worked very well I don't know if it would replace a high banker for me because you know a high banker you can just Ram material through so fast but for a slower Pace uh maybe somewhere where you don't have that huge volume to go through it was a fantastic machine yes every bit as good as the gold Cube I'd say even maybe a little bit better really easy to clean up if you are not a fan of wing nuts there are a lot of wing nuts but they were not a problem and again if you want to replace the wing nuts with regular nuts and just bring in that driver that would work as well it was one of the biggest complaints I had on my earlier videos about the machine is the number of wing nuts it had but I had no problem with those Wing nuts definitely get the add-on extension and the flared Hopper those in my opinion and are an absolute must for this machine I like it gold Hogs a plus it works very well again it videos out on YouTube said they would give away one on my video so there's a giveaway today leave a comment in the video saying gold hog anything with the words gold hog I will do a search for a gold hog and if there's the words gold hog in the comments I will put your name into winning one of these four boxes I like it hope you guys do too feeling my glasses are really muddy because everywhere I look there's spots [Music] and let's see what we have for gold hey not too bad hey not too bad 0.65 one of a gram it's not bad at all nice fine Fraser River Gold one hour of running the bore box 0.65 grams well everyone I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please leave me that thumbs up if I haven't heard your subscription already I hope I earned your subscription today and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because I support my patrons I get to make these weekly episodes of Dan heard prospecting and if you want to with that bar box make sure you leave a comment below hope you're all having a great day until the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 817,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, prospecting, panning for gold, mining, gold, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, british columbia, bc, video, canada, finding gold, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, metal detecting, diamond mining, metal detector, gold detector, gold river, metal detecting gold, gemstone hunting, gold panning for beginners, finding gold with a metal detector, metal detecting for gold, sluice box, how to gold pan, gold mining process, gold hog, boar box
Id: uex2W1aXKh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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