Pro’s Guide to Tactical Tracking | The End Of The Track | Episode 5

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[Music] [Music] shadows in the side footsteps in the night behind me targets in their side running out of life to save me friend mood on the rise you say [Music] [Music] wolves hiding nearby whispering do or die [Music] not one single crime can save [Music] from Drammen true from my [Music] see - as I [Music] my [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] at my skin the walls of nightclothes me one less sleepless until [Music] their side cans [Laughter] my [Music] see - as you say my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] doesn't to 0 this is just get 0 1 over I dealt out to 0 simple Cheska 0 1 eyes are so come sector Delta 3 echo 3 Delta 4 echo 4 complete normal pension flies woman I Delta 2 0 ROG over Jessica 0 1 I am bingo fuel and returning to base now moment I Delta 2 0 4 Jeff thanks for your support out so our quarry moves around a bond towards this village here now from the information that we had from the overnight position and from where they were conducting their briefing it makes me believe that these guys are not local to this area now in a non-permissive environment tracking in an urban area is very difficult and would be advised against because you have to be out in the open looking for tracks but in this case in this scenario okay we can go into this village and actually them be and not from this area gives us a couple of opportunities because we can talk to the locals we can see if anyone heard something or saw something they can give us an idea of their direction or to see that now so our quarry went from the sand track over there around the barn onto this concrete now on the concrete it's very hard to find sign and to follow someone you might find some transfer where they move some of that mud onto the track but after a while you will lose that so you need a different way to deal with this problem so one of the things you're looking for is so-called track traps these are areas that are conducive to good sign it can be sand on there on the tarmac it can be small areas of like even chewing gum where you potentially might find a little part of the tread pattern that we recorded earlier and actually identify the direction that they went it is not a foolproof way it is hard work and you need to eliminate different routes that your quarry could have taken but if you persist with it and you do it methodically then you have a chance to at least establish the direction they went and the side of the town that these guys or girls went to so that's what we're going to do now we're going to start proceeding into the town onto the tarmac and see if there's any point where they jumped off see if there's any place where they stepped into a track trap so we can confirm that they're still going in the right direction or we might even talk to some locals to see if they have any observations [Music] [Music] so people are creatures of habit and they were also very often choose the road of the least resistance people will cut corners people will try to walk the route that is most natural to them and will allow them to use the least amount of energy these is what we call the natural lines adrift now the natural line of drift into this town is just on the tarmac and staying there and the quarry won't step into the side into the softer ground just for my benefit but in this case I did find a partial print here that I'm now going to investigate one of the scenarios could be that because of a passing car my quarry had to step off the tarmac into the side of the road and this is why we were checking as we were coming in so I'm not going to investigate this and see if this belongs to our quarry so this is the track here and one of the reasons why we made these accurate recordings at the beginning of the incident is because in the urban area you rarely get the full print you only get partials and tract traps small tract traps now I saw this regularity here which looks really fresh and if I look at it with a flashlight I can see a lot of detail there now when I'm looking at this one of the things that I see is that the pattern is very similar to the to the pattern that I have in my drawing I can see the star shapes which confirms to me that this is a fibrin sole and you can also see those lines here at the site of the track here but the thing I'm really looking for is that one star shape that is damaged but I can see that very clearly here to me that confirms this disk belongs to the track of our quarry and it means that this line of drift following this tarmac road is actually the direction that they're taken [Music] [Music] so we're coming up on an intersection the way to deal with an intersection is when you get there to identify exactly what direction your quarry has taken and a way to do it is to methodically check all those directions for track traps and see if you can identify the specific track and a specific tread pattern into one of those directions once you've done that you can commit to that direction and continue on [Music] so in this piece of scent much just on the side of the tarmac there's another track I'm gonna have a quick check and I can confirm that this is still a track that we need to follow so in this case we determined that our quarry is now going into this direction I'll get the team together and we'll continue on this site [Music] hello zero is Delta to zero over zero i delta d r0 moving towards sector golf three currently at building echo or one of five Niner . i slow going fishing on over zero or jet out now the quarry you made a shortcut here through the side of the road towards that direction initially I was thinking that we're gonna go to the church but in that case you would make a sharper shortcut remember lines of drift easiest shortest route it's actually coming along here going straight to a pub I have no idea what that means [Music] guys there's supposed to be a series exercise nice tracking Boris you found us such a party pooper grab a beer body cheers Cheers [Music] delta to 0 its 0 delta to 0 delta to 0 this is 0 over Delta to zero if you're doing this again order me a Colvin gt80 minute I felt that to zero yes ma'am consider it done [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone we're back in Africa now I hope you enjoyed this video series of youth pro about tactical tracking through telling this story we tried to create certain situations where we could showcase some techniques procedures and applications of this ancient skill it's been a lot of fun to do and by now you've seen the ending you know as some of you might be a little bit disappointed that it didn't end in a big fireball and a big firefight but I found this quite fitting because you know many good stories end and start with a cold beer first of all big shout out to the team at youth program I'm very grateful for the opportunity to to have showcases skill it's a very professional Bunch if you could see that we only filmed this in only three days you know all of it was put together and it was a really good experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it big thank you to all of you out there as well all of you have been watching that been commenting it's really nice comments on YouTube some great questions that came back via Instagram some of the good questions that I saw was and the ones that you asked the most was you know how can I read up on this how can I learn this skill if you want to read up on it if you think about episode 1 learning how to see sign recognize sign there's a great book out there that if you follow it will actually teach you how to track it's called tracking a blueprint for learning how by giacconi former use Patrol use Border Patrol officer in the second episode we go into the close country track pursuit drill and try casting drill there's a book out there by a gentleman called Bob cars whose former SAS and he wrote the SAS guide to tracking in Episode three when were in the cave and we start looking at discardable you can pick up some books by David es episode for the open country the Y formation is information we still use to this day here it also originated in Africa there's a great book out there's called tactical tracking operations by gentleman called David Scott Donnellan an absolute legend when I met David last year and the last year in Arizona he that a couple of new books might be coming out so definitely keep an eye on out for that because he is he is a real deal what you saw in this episode trekking through a village there's not really a lot of information about it out there Jackie knee touches on it in his book I've seen ranges he a trek through a marketplace on the Wednesday morning with hundreds of people and goats and everything it is just persistence and being methodical and just trying to push away through it you know I committed to this this video series because I I really like the opportunity to showcase the tracking but also to talk a little bit about what Rangers do none of this was made up by me you know I was very fortunate to learn from some pretty amazing people along my life and it's been good for me personally and also in my military career when it was downrange I also very much appreciate the fact that a lot of these skills and procedures will developed by people who did the hard yards who paid for it in sweat and blood and I hope I did it justice and if there's any mistakes they're mine and only mine we're here in Africa back in Africa actually you know and tracking this if four ranges is only one of the skills that a that I need but it is a skill that they practice almost every day for a ranger you know the ground or almost like really speaks to them one track is like a word a couple of tracks or a sentence and they can really recreate and understand what is going on in this vast environment and their used tracking for all kinds of things they use it to track animals to see if animals are injured and they need help from the Fed they use it to see if there's any intrusions into the park there's any criminal activity they can use it to investigate and actually track people and and confront them this is no game offenders used counter tracking anti tracking often they are firearms and it won't hesitate to use it you know if if they feel they have a chance to get away but you know seeing these men and women at work is really amazing and and it's such an important skill for them and you know these places like here are worth protecting the wildlife is worth protecting that the people are worth supporting and we're very fortunate that you know through lead Ranger through my amazing team through our donors our supporters were in a position to actually support these men and women to do this really important work on the ground in East Africa we gotta say this is this to Cooper moja it means we are together and and it really feels like that so thanks for sticking with us I hope everyone is well and keeping well and we might see you around [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UF PRO
Views: 96,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufpro, uf pro, ufprogear, tactical, tactical tracking, tracking, man tracking, tracking school, anti poaching, visual tracking, ranger, lead ranger, boris vos, tracking skills, hunting, combat tracking, tactical tracker, how to track, how to manhunt, manhunt, combat pants, tactical pants, combat shirt, striker xt gen.2, Australian SASR, tracking sign, quarry, rhodesian tracker unit, tcu, bush wars, tactical tracking book, us border patrol, sas guide, tactical tracking operations
Id: 9chR30dmpWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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