Sunday Service 05 September 2021 Apostle T.F Chiwenga - Spiritual Repercussions Part 2A : The Table.

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back we would want to apologize for the technical glitch and we will continue we need to continue with our prayer we are praying for the family and we were saying we were reading second corinthians chapter seven this one which was telling us to uh to free ourselves from all the filthiness yes as a family yes can you read it having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god yes the fear of god was our main focus we want to fear the lord let's just read revelation 14 verse 6 and 7 yes and i saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that's made heaven and earth in the sea and the fountains of waters uh brethren what more else would you want to hear the word is telling us to fear god and i like it in verse six it was saying having everlasting gospel this is the gospel and the gospel is telling us to fear god with a loud voice it was said fear god and give glory to him let's be known by this fear of god in us yes and maybe the last thing for today we might want to pray for the family is that order in the family we need to respect one another in the family like i said before in a family there is a father we give him the due respect is the father we've got mother in a family set up give her the due respect we've got elder brothers elder sisters and everyone even our younger sisters we need to respect them as a minister i also need to respect elders deacons everyone even whom i can see like under me those whom we feel they are our subordinates let's respect them in their portfolios let's respect one another in this family we should be known if he or she is an elder let her address them respectively digon gatta our u and my overseer makadi we should be known by respecting one another yes even submitting ourselves to one another the word of god will always encourage us to submit ourselves to one another let's submit ourselves to one another let's love one another let's respect one another let's love one another in this family so we are going to pray for the family in particular those three points that i've raised let's respect one another let's fear god and let's get to know one another i remember am i saying we want to hear people saying i'm flying from south africa to canada just to go and share the word together with someone let's know one another to that extent let's love one another and we shall pray lord jesus we thank you you love us you have loved us before we even knew you and we are here as your family we need this love to be among us we want the fear of god to remain in us we want to respect each other according to our positions even in the house of the lord lord we thank you you love us when you left us you left order in the church there is order in the church we need to respect each other we need to respect one another the elders the deacons the overseers their brethren among us every one of us should be known with this respect we love you lord we thank you for your love toward us we thank you lord that we are going to be with us throughout the journey of our faith we thank you for your love we need this fear of god in us so that whatever we do we must think oh what must come in our minds first is the effect that does god like what i am going to do does god like what i am going to say the way i am going to say it how i am going to present myself the way i live does this show the fear of god in us lord we want to know each other to the extent that we can be able to identify our brethren's voices like what wrote that did in acts chapter 12 we hear that when she heard that it was peter she just went away with excitement that peter had been released but she didn't even mind opening the door because of the excitement she had identified that it was peter and we know that when peter went out of the prison he had to go to a family not his own family we hear that he went to the house of mary and that's the family that we want amongst us we know each other to that level that wherever i am wherever there is a jairam family member i will know that i've got a family we love you lord we thank you you made this family you love us you are our father we give you praise and we thank you always amen amen we thank god uh we want this family thing to continue among us to us yes yes yes we we want to thank god pastor he the more we are going to be having the family practiced amongst us will be more also the kingdom is going to expand and be multiplied in us because the more we fellowship in the fear of god it means the love that we're going to share it is the word of god yes that is going to strengthen us and give us the character and the appropriate behavior as you have said in the fear of god so i just want to add more yes to pray in the building of the family that we accept the word that has been preached unto us and hold fast that form of word or that form of doctrine yes because it is the one that nature has that family which we are praying for yes uh uh this listed second timothy chapter 1 verse 18 and yes hold first the form of sound words which thou hast the head of me in faith and love which is in christ jesus yes so i will just read also other scriptures that speaks to the same a second timothy chapter 3 verse let me read verse 14 yes but thou in in the but continue without in the things which now is lent and he has been assured of knowing of whom thou has lent to them yes then i will also have tied the book of titus chapter one verse nine it also talks of wording faster that form of doctrine that we would have been taught and uh that's the spirit that we want to pray for pastor the endurance in our believers if we can be able to enjoy the sound destruction and the word first that commandment which we have received yes to already do that sport and without any blemish in ourselves committing ourselves unto all spiritual fellowship that will strengthen us as well to be able to function in the family as we are supposed to and uh i also refer to the book of revelation chapter 12 verse 11 where it was said that they overcome him that is the works of the devil over he was overcome by the way of their testimony so you cannot testify that which you don't have and for you to testify it means you must endure that teaching and that form of word which was delivered unto you and to hold it first is the scriptures that we we just read so we want to pray for that in uh all believers that we may account and to all fellowshipping of the spirit of the things that we have been uh taught and also maybe uh just to add i also read the book of um um i want to let read the book of timothy timothy chapter five uh where we it was admonished also verse 21 that i charge thee before god and the lord jesus christ and the elect angels that thou observe these things without preferring one before another doing nothing by partiality in which case also it's suggesting the same uh to do with enduring this form of doctrine as it was delivered yes so the way it comes is it is and you're not then supposed to knit piggy or maybe to select in such case you are actually saying you are you don't believe so you have to enjoy the sound doctrine as well in in in accepting the whole sound of the words that you have been off yes so let's just pray on that note uh that believers be beauty and their in as well so that the family can be knit together that's fair in this love yes we thank god for that the endurance in the word yes we read colossians chapter 2 verse 7. yes it says rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as we have been taught abounding there in with thanksgiving yes it helps us let's be rooted let's be grounded yes like what you said that's it that's it yes we have been taught that's the most important word as well that's the doctrine that we have received we take it as it is yes yes yes we thank god yes for the love that he have given unto us we thank him for strengthening all believers whom we have called unto this peace and under the administration of this grace yes that we may all be strengthened uh that we may all uh be established in the way and uh acknowledge destruction as we're supposed to yes yes so let's pray [Music] [Music] of god as we have been taught as well as enjoy the sound deduction of all the things that we have been taught in to hold fast that form of doctrine is amen amen we thank god brother nilson wherever we are for this family unit for the endurance in the word everything that we are asking god for we should continue praying for it not only when it's a church service like what we are doing now whenever we are praying let's pray for these things amongst us yes yes we are going to pray again for our building project yes we want to continue encouraging believers wherever we are to pray for this project we need it to come to fulfillment to come to the fullness of its focus what we are building is not the church is we were taught it is the structure the building in which we are going to praise god in brother nelson i was reminded of them same one we were taught sometime last year on the stone squares the sounds from this stones quite as yes we were taught that the sound for building the temple was never head in the temple yes yes when you build this structure this is where the noise should be done but when the real church is being built which is the church of god the new testament is being built there is no noise that should be had so when we are inside that building that we would have built that's when the church is going to be viewed and there is no noise like we read in in first kings chapter six yes let's read about it i i when i remember this i was uh quite yes i really wanted to share this with others i don't know if people are still remembering this message maybe we need to go back to this message again the sound from the stone squares if we read 50 kings chapter 5 on verse 18 and solomon's builders and hiram's builders did you them and the stone squares so they prepared timber and stones to build their house then in chapter 6 verse 7 in the house when it was in a building was built of stone made red before it was brought thied so that there was neither hammer no eggs no any true of iron head in the house what while it was in the building yes which means this is the noise that we are making now that let's come and build the structure the church of god where we are going to be build us as the church because we know that the church of god is us news so when we are being built there should be no noise of any hammer of anything that should be had in that building we are building this building that we are calling everyone to come and let's build this house let's build this structure and i want to believe that by end of november everyone would have met israel here on pledge this is what we are praying for the ability to meet our pledge and then from there uh brother nelson yes i was looking at it and say after the pledges are collected in everything what will be left is now the structuring of the building and we need the resources again the human resources that are needed to build that structure yes whatever that will be needed i was like i went when i read nehemiah chapter 3. from this one yes then elias sheep the high priest rose up with his brethren the priests and they builded the ship gate they sanctified it and set up the doors of it even unto the tower of mir they sanctified it unto the tower of ananya yes and the next unto him builded the men of jericho and the next to them builded zakun the son of emery but the fish gate did the sons of asana build who also laid the beam's day off and set up the doors day of the locks day of the birthday of and here brother nelson i can see the spirit of togetherness when building this structure when name i was building these ones are building the beams after this one this one is coming with the other one the looks after this one the other one is coming this is what we have we want us to do when we are now building this structure if we have plumbers in the house we have with carpenters we've got electricians we've got people with it but say we want water bore drilling machines if they have them let's combine all the resources what we have the nails whatever it is and bring them together and let's have those people who are able to do the carpentry were able to do the electricity were able to do the floors the structure to build it up let's come after one another you can tell from the way they were building if this one builds this then the other one takes off from where the other one left and the other one it takes off from the other one where the other one left till they finished their structure this is what we are praying for let's come together and let's be together and build this structure with that togetherness with that same spirit same mind same focus that we are building our own thing let's just make it that way let's come together if you know that you know this area very well just come with your resources because this is why the lord granted you this ability to do whatever you are doing for the advancement of the gospel so we want to thank god brother nelson for this building project he made us do this because he knew he was able to capacitate us let's come in our phone [Music] so we just want to pray for this togetherness we want to pray for those people who are going to take their leave from work the whole week roofing that structure or else someone is going to take the whole week building the structure the whole week doing the flows of the structure the whole week doing this separating yourself towards the work of god yes this is what we want to pray for lord jesus we thank you for your love we thank you for this building project we thank you that lord we are going to be capacitated and to do whatever we must do if i am able to do the electricity stay in my heart that that that zeal that edge to do the work of the lord stay in me if i am a plumber if i am a carpenter if i know how to do things let me come in with all the resources that you gave me the intellectual that you gave me everything that you gave me whatever that i can i can offer i can do for the work of the lord let me be able to do it stay in us that heart lord of that same mindedness amongst us to come and do the work of the lord so that when we are being built as as the church of god there won't be any noise there won't be any noise from any nail from any would you win from any stone quarrying from any armory we need to hear your weight without any disturbances so that we are built according to what you want us to do so that when we are being cleaned by the word when it is being preached to us we are not going to be disturbed of anything we want to thank you lord it is you who made us do this project and we know that with you we are going to do it we thank you lord for the love among brethren we thank you lord for that togetherness for that willingness and the patience with each other we want that love amongst us to be seen in whatever we do lord we thank you sir [Music] before we leave the issue concerning uh the apostle whom the lord has given unto us and uh by whom we are made to appear through our god so um yes they cannot appear up until a mother is there for for them to appear it's true so we may just refer that to second timothy chapter 1 verse 9 but i will not read that let's read john chapter 4 chapter 16 uh from verse 19 i just want to read from verse 19 up to verse 21 john 16 yes yes now jesus knew that there were desires to ask him and said unto them do you inquire among yourselves of that i said a little while and you shall see me you shall not see me and again a little while and you shall see me verily verily i say unto you that you shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice and it shall be sorrowful but your sorrow shall be turned into joy yes a woman okay yeah i said up to up to verse 21 yes so uh based on the year secondary twist verse 21 a woman when she is in travail has sorrow because her hour is calm but as soon as she is delivered of the child she remembers no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world yes yes so a this travail was given of the lord to happen in the apostles that while the woman who is waiting to deliver yes or the main child or that christ whom we want to be born yes in the believers there is travail and sorrow there is affliction yes but the joy of the apostles should be in the appearing of the children i'm sure also we can just uh read philippians chapter one verse 26 uh okay let me read it from verse 25 all right yes and having this confidence i know that i shall abide and continue with you all for your fatherings and joy of faith that your rejoicing may be more abundant in jesus christ for me by my coming to you again yes so the joy of the apostles is christ being born in us yes eventually yes in which that's the purpose also of remaining with an apostle amongst you delaying of the foundation and up until those that born which is needful for the appearing of the children of god yes come to to the fulfillment yes so tundra namari because it is god we have wrote us for this and at the same time we are confident that it is god also who is going to strengthen apostle in all things that he may be able to deliver all this that is laid upon his shoulders yes uh tindagu it can also uh just refer to 2nd timothy chapter 4 verse 17 in which apostle paul was commenting to say are not with not withstanding the lord stood by him yes that's through him the preaching of the gospel unto all the gentiles he might be made under the fulfillment and we know the life of the apostle as we have referred from the scripture that we have read it is given to those sorrows it is given to those afflictions it is given to a spiteful treatment of the world while the world rejoices at the afflictions yes and also some seeking to add more to that affliction it is part of the cycle of the life of an apostle yes because there is a child now which must be born this christ who must be born in us in all things uh we can refer also to uh philippines chapter five yes uh verse 19 we can also refer to uh first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 25 when the apostles were saying pray for us so nevertheless having this seal to the ministry of the apostle we are also made to pray we are also instructed to pray always for him that he be delivered from this faithless generation from uh the afflictions that are in the world and also that he be strengthened not that not just in his spirit but in his mind in his mind and his body as well that all these things working together we may have more comfort we may have more furtherance by his stay with us even uh to the greatest of the potential that he has for us also i have read these scriptures uh to acquaint ourselves with the life of an apostle and how important is he in the family that we are seeking also to see his glory so we are thankful for god in allowing us to have such an apostle amongst us and at the same time praying for his life as we are instructed of scripture that through those afflictions those periods which we know let us always be thankful let us always be prayful in spirit with him that he may be strengthened to overcome all that yes it's true brother nilsson yes we we really need that and we need an apostle amongst us and we know that the world that we live in is really heartless yes there is no fear of god and because there is no fear of god we need the lord to protect him yes from those people who don't even fear god yes yes it reminds me of abraham in in genesis chapter 20 when abimelech then asked him why he had lied to him that he said i was his sister in verse 11 abraham said because i thought surely the fear of god is not in this place yes and they will slay me for my wife's sake and we know that for this doctrine people are ready to slay him in the apostles just to put away this gospel they don't want it they don't want the truth to be preached people have no fear of god in them because they are after their own beliefs they are preaching this word not for the salvation of the people but for themselves for their own beliefs so they will be there out knives out for the apostle for the life of the apostle and we want to thank god for the preservation of his life yes yes it is very important for us that's true we need and you would wonder the way it's like these days we are hearing the teaching of the doctrine of the lord it is not been for an apostol that's true yes we want to thank god a pastor even for the comfort as well knowing that in the life of the apostle there is need for comfort as well in him in being given evil men who consolidate his assignment by giving a service that is uh going to probe him yes we need people around him as well who are committed to the gospel as much as he is such that the movement of the gospel may be unto his consolation as well through those brethren that are able and that are willing to to save yes yes yes and the person brother nelson yeah it is very important yes he deserves everything from us but he is so so savannah what is it that we are supposed to do we are supposed to pray for him we are supposed to love him we are supposed to do everything that we can do [Music] i think the most important thing for him is to see us making it on their life today so we want to thank god for him brother nelson yes we want to thank god pastor let's pray for this what we have discussed and more as well yes yes we want to thank god for his love toward us for his love that is given unto us freely out of his benevolence yes in providing a mother for us yes that through that through this love that we see in our mother we may appear sons unto god being perfected through the faith and through the words of his wisdom yes which are taught and are delivered through our mother we thank god for apostles life we thank god for strengthening him even through all these uh needful uh afflictions that we have learned through scripture that they should come yes we would like to thank god that through all this is going to strengthen us is going to strengthen him he's going to comfort the church yes uh through raising more uh believers through making the children of god appear even empowering the church by believers who are able to console our mother to the same task of making the children of god appear by giving them the spirit that is ready to work and serve god and being ready always for the service where unto our mother is in bonds yes we want to thank him for strengthening the church as well to continue in prayer for the protection of the apostle yes and for his life amongst this world wherein we live in a crooked road in a world that fear no not god in a world that seeks to destabilize the course of the gospel yes but in all this we know that the lord our god is going to strengthen us is going to comfort us he's going to be with our mother in all things that we the children of the lord may appear that we all may appear in the fullness of the glory where and we need to appear having received of the word to the fullness from our mother thank you lord for granting him even boldness as well that he may continue to teach and to hold nothing of the doctrine of the lord of the word which is able to cleanse us which is able to strengthen us in the way we would like to thank god for his kingdom want to thank god for his family we want to thank god for establishing us according to his love even unto the end for it is he will work in us what it will and to do is good pleasure in all things amen amen we thank god brother nelson and believers we thank god we want to continue praying wherever we are let's pray for this each time when we pray let's pray for this family let's pray for us to endure in the word let's pray for the apostle and let's pray for the advancement of the gospel for now we are going to take a short break praising god we are going to sing for the lord and we are going to praise him after that we are going into our first semen of the day we want to thank god and we want to believe that we will be together throughout the service [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] yeah foreign [Music] please [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] so so [Music] lord we love you we love you [Music] we love you love you [Music] lord we love you we see [Music] right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we give you [Music] we give you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Music] we love you [Music] we love you [Music] me we love you [Music] oh [Music] thank you jesus where [Music] we love you [Music] thank you jesus mistake about it the day was stable diet was not the ground but the dust of the ground then therefore is a serpent he feels on dust dust arises from the soil that is destitute of water the water is representing the word of god once you continue receiving the word of god your ground is never going to be dry anymore you shall be waiting in the way to always in the mountains there was a glass and they got the tools that you just estimate the body of [Music] the serpent will stop the secret of defeating the devil is not in sending fire together get wet with the word of god [Music] foreign [Music] good to the background [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome to the first segment of our sunday service we are happy to be here as usual i'm sure you are enjoying the word um so we are going to adjust our program a little bit so that in the first hour of the afternoon service we may have an hour of testimonies that are focusing on the joint series so prepare your testimony we are only going to allow four people to testify through the zone platform and we are going to give them exactly three minutes each so if you want to join our zoom platform to testify please make sure you get the details on time so that you won't miss that opportunity but before we go into this morning's message i really want to say i am not happy with the way the church behaved on the first day of our diary program i was reading your live comments and i didn't see the behavior of my children to be unquestionable or upright the diary program is a very important program because it's a platform from where we shall harvest source god wants to save his people and there are so many ways through which he does that when we announced this diary program we continue to say we want to have a civil engagement and objective engagement so that we can defend the gospel and not defend churches or men of god we wanted to attack heresy and denote people or institutions we wanted to expose heresy false teachings or erroneous teachings so that they can be straightened out to the understanding of the true gospel but when i looked at your comments they were they left a lot to be desired very very um very uncivil very very aggressive very very impolite very very condemning to those who we are seeking to reach out to and bring them to the light of the true gospel if we are going to have a souls we need to speak out to those who are lost in a manner that encourages them to look at what we are saying or listening to what we are saying we have to reach out to them with with with love with perseverance with the forbearance with patience we must be polite and meek towards them it's different from an individual evangelical ceremony where we are condemning sin without looking at people's faces that was an engagement just like the engagement that opposed to a poor head with the jews when he encountered them um in thessalonica in acts 17 as well as in greece in the same chapter he persuaded them the things concerning the kingdom of god in exit 28 from verse 23 which is maybe one scripture which i wanted you to to read for me so that our people may understand that their behavior is totally irrational totally unacceptable totally embarrassing and when they had appointed a day there came many to him into his lodging to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of god persuading them concerning jesus both out of the law of moses and out of the prophets from morning till evening from morning to evening so the scripture says there um when when they had appointed the poor a day yes like what we were doing on friday we appointed a day yes so they came to his lodging and he testified he expounded and testified the kingdom of god persuading them yes concerning jesus both out of the law of moses and out of the prophets from morning to evening yes because there were people who were eager to learn he didn't fight with them he persuaded them yes he says the same things in second corinthians chapter 5 verse 11. so knowing therefore the terror of the lord we persuade men but we are made manifest unto god and i trust also are made manifest in your consciences we are not going out to do outreach programs evangelical programs we are inviting people that we may deliberate or mentors to do with the gospel yes so the word persuade does not mean plead the word persuade is he justified it means he justified the gospel that he was preaching from the scriptures look we are my brothers this is what the gospel is all about what you are saying is not right would you really continue to follow what you are following look at these scriptures let's look at them let's deliberate on them let's discuss on them that's what the word persuade means it doesn't mean he was pleading with them no it means he was discussing with them with patience with meekness with politeness with accommodativeness with forbearance and and that is what we seek to achieve with the diary we did very well in the studio but the church did not do very well our believers are bent on castigating everyone they do not want to give people an opportunity to learn if you send a comment that the cast gets a panelist and maybe children of that church who are following that program read our live comments when they look at you when they read your comments cursing those who are coming to attend instead of them to have a desire to learn more from the meeting they become defensive they start to fight to defend their men of god which is what we are owning against we don't want to make the diary a matter that is focusing on the men of god we want to focus on sound doctrine so i was really hurt i was really disappointed with the way you behaved we are cutting the bride of christ but you are scattering the bride of christ you are scaring the bride of christ away from salvation the lord was humble the lord was polite the lord when he met the sheep he spoke to them with love but when he met the enemies of the gospel when he was doing crusades evangelical work he condemned them he exposed them for the wrong things that they were doing the same opposed to was persuading men if you listen to what he says in acts chapter 13 verse 10 you will see that he was not persuading anymore because he had met a man who was directly consciously fighting the gospel with an intention to deceive those who are willing to come to christ and and when he met this man called elements over jesus yes he didn't persuade him he condemned him because by fighting the gospel he was condemning himself let's just look at it from verse six maybe our people may need to learn what was the circumstance around which apostle paul was judgmental was cursing actually this man was cursed by apostle paul um in that scripture but we had read the other scriptures in which he was persuading men concerning jesus in the kingdom of god from morning to evening knowing therefore the terror of the lord we persuade men but when he was doing evangelical work he cast someone he he exposed someone outrightly and openly the circumstances are different the same man who is persuading men concerning jesus is also exposing men and calling them names their platforms are different let's just read ex 13 verse 6 and when they had gone through the isle anthropophos yes they found a certain sorceress a certain sorcerer a false prophet a false prophet a jew whose name was by jesus his name was by jesus the good thing about this one is that he was also a jew you see now yes in in eggs 28 he was persuading the jews but in exit 13 he was not persuading this jew who was a false prophet and his name was by jesus which basically means the son of jesus yes which was with the deputy of the country yes just powerless sages paulus a prudent man sages paulus was a prudent man who was called for barnabas who called for barnabas and said just paul has invited the point bar numbers to his house he wanted to hear the word of god yes and desired to hear the word of god said just paula is a governor he wanted to hear the word of god but elimas the society foresaw is his name by interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith yes then so who's who also is called paul filled with the holy spirit set his eyes on him paul spoke to this sorcerer did he persuade him and said all full of certainty and all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of the right of all righteousness would thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the lord and now behold the hand of the lord is upon thee and thou shalt be blind not seeing the sun for a season and immediately they fell on him a mist of the amist and a darkness and he went about seeking some to lead him by the end so if you look at verse 10 yes he was not persuading him he said all full of subtlety and of all mischief yes thou child of the devil the situation is different the situation is different this is a crusade this is an outreach program because the poor was invited by governor saudi arabia's polars he wanted to hear the word of god but this man a false prophet a sorcerer about jesus he tried to stop paul from preaching to sage's polars and apostle paul cursed him to the extent that he became blind that very moment that case manifested that very moment he was blinded for a season he was labeled a child of the devil full of subtlety or mischief the enemy of all righteousness so the change is not understanding these two different setups what they were doing on friday is what apostopod did to it to buy jesus they were calling panelists and other people commenting sons of children of the devil full of saturday enemies of all righteousness they are scattering the sheep that the lord wants to bring into the house i think you really need to pray to god to forgive you if you did what we what i'm talking about here it's really something that is uncalled for you need to pray to god to forgive you for that um i can tell you today is a testimony that we have already started receiving testimonies from people who were saved i just saw a message from our overseers a certain person believed because of that diary program and and he sent a message and he was asking what do i need to do and we started to talk to him about repentance and baptism we already have a new believer in the house at least one as far as i can tell because i have received confirmation maybe our media team can organize so that we can see that message from from the what's up message to just show you um the the the the the testimony from that child of god um to show you the effect of this diary we now have eight lists because others have not yet communicated or others have communicated but we haven't looked into our platforms to verify and to see how many people have been saved through just one episode and according to luke 15 there is joy in heaven when one sinner is brought to salvation yes so we didn't do that in vain already because of that there was joy in heaven but we we didn't do right as a church we didn't do right and i want us to repent of that you of that weakness don't be quick to to castigate those who are commenting with negative comments or criticizing us or insulting us rebuke them with love show them where they are lost don't call them names the platform is a learning platform so it's important for that to know for us to know that the lord wants to use this program to bring souls to salvation so so we really need to to to see our people behaving in a better way i don't know why we have grown up men and women who cannot say anything good every day of their lives it's really really embarrassing i could see some comments from people who are not the part of jiren sending comments like they are supposed to end this program very well the problem is with the grm church people they were not doing right even if you go back to that video you will see those comments yes i was disturbed past year angry i remember showing you some of those comments yes our children are still behaving in a very very childish way it's disturbing it's true we thank god for that child of god yes yes yes yes brother nelson what do you want to say about this mentor yeah i am sure we are our believers should be persuaded to behave differently in the understanding that we all came from darkness and now that we have appeared as sons of god we should not be forgetful of whom we were and take into a to to place other people is uh a stroke of laughter not knowing is because there are people who have genuinely not made this gospel they have never heard have never had an opportunity to listen to apostles yes despite of course the clips that they meet now there is a chance now that they've been created of god a net which is said to maybe win one or two of such people and i think uh that's very discouraging if you find yourself then trying to scatter people at the same time while the cross people have instructed uh we are happy because the tone is set from the top yeah once you hear the apostle picking a tone and uh in attitude which is welcome and which is tempered toward winning souls i think as a child you just need to be so observant of it and pick not a different approach from that that's very true brethren yes yes we thank god for that um for that message we thank god this there um can we just read the the communication there that came to us so that we can see brother [Music] that's uh the reply hello uh cecilia we thank god for opening your heart to attend to the true gospel and she responded and said amen what you need now is water baptism and then baptism of the holy spirit acceptor 2 verse 37-38 for you for you to be added into the baptism group for updates please right and we cannot see that uh contact lwg on the following number yes yes so that was uh the message from cecilia go to yes who was attending makkah and he was church because ufic is making he was church from younger yes cecilia was able to believe yes and cecilia said i want to be born again what what should i do exactly what happened in acts chapter 2 verse 37 let's read it we thank god our leadership managed to cite that is scripture to sicilia yes which is a harvest that that the lord made through the dire meeting yes now when they had this they were picked in their hearts yes and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit so this is what happened yes so even if there would be no other person saved through the diary yes that one person is enough yes there is no no no such thing as a small harvest or an insignificant harvest if there is joy in heaven according to luke 15 verse 7 yes over the salvation of one sinner yes what it means is there is joy in heaven right now yes because of what happened during the diary yes yes i say unto you that's likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repented than more than what more than over 90 and nine just persons which need no repentance so there's joy in heaven yes so we should not appear as impediments to the harvest that the lord wants to make yes i'm sure that is very clear i'm sure our people are rebuked and our people are given a proper orientation let's educate them yes instead of calling them names show them where they are lost no my brother you are lost no my brother you are making presumptions some statements there is so much that you don't know yet about the word of god why don't you read that scripture why don't you read that scripture no my sister you can't talk like that you you should come with a learning spirit let's learn first and if you have any questions that are talking now let's discuss those questions yes that's what we are supposed to do we are the beacon of light we are the rubicon of light the world must learn temperament from us the world must learn self-control from us the world must learn how to uh have a civil in in in a progressive objective discussion with someone because remember all we are seeking to achieve is to expose more people to the true gospel that we have yes so we may have the true gospel but if we don't have the right attitude those people we want to be saved they will not be saved because they are offended they don't want to listen to us anymore so we have to balance that act yes the platform is different like i said so let's let's make sure we do not do this again so the message i shall share with you early this morning is different from the genesis even though it's very very helpful to those who want to learn more in the young series yes catherine says nice to see you again okay my says wow i'm very happy my brethren sicilia for you particularly you are also from my home area i thank god for our lord jesus christ for you says we should thank god for giving the panelists to the grace to be partakers of the diary says holy spirit tj says we thank god might are mine romans 9 16 to 20 is very clear about how we came to christ yes tendon families and powerfully i think i don't know how to pronounce this word but i hope it makes the right sound we thank god because this rebuke that in the apostol says thank you for the rebuke we learn and grow from such justice says thank you opposed my apostol vincent says petrol says we are learning people will be disciplined next time do you think petrus is repented i want to believe that can i say thank you holy spirit for the rebuke we are learning from this unit thank you for the rebuke indeed we should know how we ought to behave in the house of god alex tonjana says the tender my neighbor right genesis chapter 3 verse number 17 to verse number 19 just the three the verses is tied to the table it's spiritual replication the party 2 subtitled the table that is the title of the message spiritual repercussions party to the table maybe pastor before you read i want us to know that they are problems we intend to solve with this message whenever we get a message that comes to solve our problems in the faith that means that message is a deliverer in the same one sermons do deliver people out of bondage the word of god delivers us out of the weaknesses which are also called infirmities according to scripture yes if we look at psalm 107 verse 20 it says he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their distractions yes so it's true it's true that the word delivers yes when he wanted us to be delivered he sent his word to deliver yes so this is a deliverance message but before we read genesis chapter 3 i want us to write questions down so that maybe we may then ask if they are answered by the end of this message yes um there is evidence in the bible i will repeat there is evidence in the scriptures that prove that even after one his believer believed in christ they are still manifestations of the consequences or the punishments that came upon men because of the adam transgression and that is a very very fundamental structural and um architectural problem the whole architecture of the doctrine of christ is now fraught with this problem because we have been hearing times without number that when christ died on the cross that day becomes the end of man's misery which came as a result of the adamic transgression there are things that we are we we know for surety that these things were not part of adam's life he did not fail from the commandment of god so we are going to list those things down but before we do that we have to prove that a christ came to ameliorate the problems that came upon mankind as a result of the following of the first adam christ is the pavement of men's death towards god christ did not make a part payment christ did not make pay a commitment fee christ did not make an installment payment a deposit towards our salvation christ paid in full and we assumed as we were taught by carnal men who read the scriptures and understand them in a natural way whereas the scriptures were meant to be understood by spiritual men they told us christ paid the debt it's true and they told us that everything that men started to go through to face to suffer to ensure because of adam's transgression once one believes in christ those things become a thing of the past i have come here to tell you that is not true there are certain things that came upon men because of adam's transgression that continued to happen to us even after we have believed suggesting that perhaps christ did not pay for everything that adam faced as a consequence of his disobedience or maybe perhaps those things are going to be done away with at a later stage not i said perhaps i don't want anybody to misquote me these are questions that's why i'm saying perhaps because the moment i answered that i'm not now already preaching i want to give us a framework of how we are going to follow this message and you are going to find out you need deliverance in order for you to understand the mysteries of christ which the lord is teaching us in our present day particularly the the john series this message came to me is is something that is helping us to understand the journey series better adam disobeyed god and adam faced dire consequences irrevocable consequences permanent consequences permanent injuries permanent wounds permanently dense to his dignity to his profile to his personality as a result of his failure to a dare to obey and to uphold the lord's instructions to him every tree in the garden thou may freely eat but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat for in the day that thou shalt eat of it thou shalt surely die of course this is genesis 2 16-17 let's not read those scriptures the consequences of adam's transgression are they which christ came to deal with did you know that perhaps you didn't know we are going to read the scriptures very soon but if you are aware of that then what it means brethren is that the day we believe in christ that should be the day we stop seeing those consequences still haunting us imagine your brother pays your fine when you are in jail and your brother sends you a message i have paid your fine you must be out before the end of this day and the prison authorities continue to hold you they say we know the payment is made you are not going anywhere but i came here because i didn't afford my fines somebody out has paid for my fines why are you refusing to release me so there are two questions now two two more questions to this question question number one what are those consequences question number two is it true that the christ came to settle the dead we know the song christ jesus paid a debt that i could never pay i could never pay he paid a debt that i could not pay he paid the debt he did not own i owed him i could not pay christ jesus paid the debt that i could never pay i could never pay [Laughter] we sing that song with high school yes i remember in the in the bedroom we we i belonged to the choir so we would die did he draw he painted it but we didn't know exactly what it meant yes how do you want us to proceed the pastor should we read the genesis scriptures and define the consequences and then read the new testament scriptures and find the consequences and then we prove that christ came to pay the debt or we started by proving that christ came to pay the debt and then we look at the dates first then second let's start with the proof let's start with the proof yes that the christ came to pay the debt yes that adam indicated towards god yes when he fell yes from the law of god yes okay fine there is no better place to start than romans 5 12 to 14 and of course 17 to 19. yes wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned for until the lord's sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no ah already we we are now killing two beds with one stone yeah because as we see from west 12th pasta yes by one man yes sin entered into the world yes so the one man there is adam yes and brethren we are going to be cruising very fast we've already lost some time there are two adams in the bible if you don't know that slow down you'll catch up with us very soon there are two adams in the bible there is the first adam or the last adam also referred to by apostle paul is the second adam but i prefer to call him the last adam yes because if you call christ the second adam it gives a a a suggestion that they may rise up adam there is no adam to come so there are two adams in the bible there is the first adam yes and then there is the last adam to those who don't know what the word adam means it means men of course it is good a physiological description connotation to it means man who appears reddish like soil those are etymologies which are not relevant at this time to us but let's let's bear in mind that there are two adams in the bible and of course the scriptures are there we shall read them very soon so three scriptures that are going to prove that christ came to solve the problems that were brought by the first adam so in that picture already it means the first adam is a weak man he is the author and the finisher of our wars our problems but the last adam is a perfect man he is a problem solver he is a messiah he is a savior he is a redeemer yes he is a charitable man a gracious man a kind man he comes to pay a debt that was incared in his absence what a laughing adam he is but according to romans 5 12 by one man in brackets the first adam sin entered into the world yes end death by sin so death passed upon all men because of this all men have sinned that's what they were before it means that it means because all men have sinned yes so already in verse 12 we are already advised of one consequence or one result or one repercussion yes of adam the first adam's transgression it is death yes sin entered into the world because of the first adam ended death became as a consequence it became a consequence of that one-man transgression yes so we already have death and we are going to come back to this death because it's very important to us today but let's read verse number 12 13 and 14 for until the long sin was in the world yes but sin is not imputed when there is no longer yes nevertheless death reigned from adam to moses even over them that had not sinned after this military of adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come read again the last part nevertheless death ranged from adam to moses death reigned from adam to moses even over them that he had not sinned after the similitude of adam's transgressions yes who is the figure of him that was to come adam is a figure yes of another one who was to come yes so this verse intimates that there is a second or a last adam yes let's look at verse 17 to 18. for if by one man's offense death reigned by one so you see in verse 12 he said one man yes but in verse 14 he was clear he said well the one man i'm talking about is adam yes now let's look at verse 17 again for if by one man's offense by adam's offense death reigned by one death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one so verse 14 it said adam was a figure yes of one that was to come yes and everyone was anxious everyone was desirous to know yes who is he that was to come there is your answer brethren yes it was christ who was to come yes and what was the christ going to give so he says therefore it's by the offense of one judgment came upon all men verse 17 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one jesus christ so christ is coming to counter death yes by giving life life for death yes so adam our first father in the flesh we have this body because of the first adam when he gave us this body adam yes he attached death to this body so the inheritance that mankind received from their natural father papa adam was death yes as a consequence of his transgression then christ became the last adam yes he's coming to give life so life is what christ is giving yes to counter the effects of adam's transgression yes so as you can see brethren apostle paul is not focusing on anything according to scripture death is what came to us as a consequence of adam's transgression i'll bet this death requires us to dwell much into it and elaborate further because there is not one death there there are two deaths that came to adam after he disobeyed god yes verse 18. therefore is by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation yes even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life condemnation is that is is what this word death means yes according to verse 18 if one is condemned by god yes that someone is dead when you come into a state of condemnation before god yes that state is called death but how does christ solve this problem he gives us the gift of life verse 19. for us by one means disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall men be made righteous so let's let's end here for the sake of our time so christ according to this scripture is the last adam yes christ according to this scripture he is coming to reverse the effects that came upon all men yes as a result of the failure of the first adam yes first corinthians 15 45-49 is it true yes that christ is the last adam yes is it true that the christ is coming to solve problems that were created by the first adam yes and so it is written yes the first man adam was made a living soul the first man adam was made a living soul the last adam was made a quickening spirit bingo the scripture is there yes we have two adams in the bible we have the first adam he is a living soul yes we have the last adam he is a quickening spirit they are different if you are born to the first adam you just become a soul but if you are born to the last adam you become a spirit yeah so there is no way you can claim to be spiritual if you are not yet born to the last adam it will be a state of drunkenness from which we persuade you to come out of very soon before you actually die yes verse 46 albeit that was not first which is spiritual yes but that which is natural the first one is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the last one is spiritual you see what i was just saying it's clarified in verse 46. yes there was nothing spiritual yes about adam yes [Applause] [Laughter] yes [Music] yes yes but the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of god the natural man in brackets adam [Music] does not receive the things of the spirit of god yes for they are foolishness unto him yes neither can he know them he will never know them because they are spiritually descended there comes another question why would you go to speak to a natural man yes if he knew that everything that god was saying was a foolishness to him yes did adam ever obey god [Music] which means whenever god spoke to adam it was foolishness to him yes yes [Music] there was no chance that adam was going to live perpetually in good relations with his creator yes if god wanted that he could not have made adam a natural man so we we just have we have edited it let's leave it it's a very exciting detail which we'll never recover from if we try to follow it up to this day we will never recover from it because we will be asking what's the guardian spiritual that would be requested for another day again yes if god knew adam was a natural man would go to put a natural man in a spiritual garden and if the garden was spiritual then why did god give him a blood defense before putting him into the garden let's leave it let's come back to first corinthians 15 46 adam was a natural man yes there was no disappointed disappointment god was not disappointed when adam ate the tree it was pre-determined by the uh determinate the council of god the full knowledge of god is good spirituality yes accounts the first man was natural afterward came the spiritual man verse 47. the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven yes s is the earthy now now look at it the first man okay is of the earthy yes the second man is the lord from heaven which means when god was counting men yes he saw two men he saw the first man and the second man there is no third man you see now yes yes yes so if we are to do another detour we will not come back again because we will be looking at hebrews 10 verse 5 when he comes into the world he says sacrifice and offerings thou dest not yes yes and a body but a body yes thou prepared me yes sacrifice and offerings thou destined put it up put it up put it up put it up hebrews 10 verse 5 okay when it comes into the world when christ comes into the world yes what does he say he says god rejected all the sacrifices and all the offerings after that what did god do well god prepared him a body look at genesis chapter 2 verse number verse number 18 verse number 18 and 19 that's what happened in genesis chapter 2 yes and the lord god said it is not good that man should be alone i will make him in him and help meet for him did what did god say he would make and help me for him what does christ say when he comes into the world he prepared god rejected everything yes and then he prepared him a body yes and to adam he said it's not good for a man to be alone i will make him and help me for him verse 19 genesis 2 and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field tell me what kind of sacrifices was is there offering to god peace what what kind of offerings were they were they not animal sacrifices their animal sacrifices yes are these not the animals that were formed to adam read verse 19 and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field yes and every four of the air and brought them unto adam to see what he would call them ah and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof twenty and adam gave names to all cattle and to end to the four of the air yes and every beast of the field yes but for adam there was no there was not found and he helped me for him what is the difference there there's no difference god wanted to give adam any help made for him yes what did god do first he gave adam animals yes and after adam got animals he still remained unattended and god said no i will make him to sleep and give him any help made for him so god made eve yes for adam a bodhist thou prepared me yes the church is the body of christ yes adam's wife was adam's body but adam's wife was not just made for adam there was an attempt to have something for him before and what was that animals and god said no you cannot find help from animals i will make you a boat defeat for you and so god made adam a wife when christ comes he says sacrifice and offerings thou does not those are the same animals it is not good for me to abide alone you will make me and help me for me they are two on their only two men those are the members when scriptures are opened you realize you are blind yes because you were reaching them all along yes you never saw that yes there are only two men that's what i was trying to prove yes the [Music] yes what i'm saying to you now yes that adam is the first man and christ is the second man the the devil knew about it yes they're full of men came through the body that god had given him and this is why the devil came into the garden into the desert to tempt the lord when he saw the lord in a body he said well you have a new wife i was successful with you with your counterparts wife let me see if my temptations cannot deceive you like i deceived your your counterpart the first adam and there were three men of temptations yes 10 stones into bread yes it was lust of the flesh okay yes fall down from the peanut of the temple and angels will kill pick you up that was the pride of life fall down and worship me and i'll give you all the kingdoms of the world that was the lies the last of the eyes because the devil showed our lord all the kingdoms of this world in other words they used the eyes to deceive the lord yes go into the garden that's how the woman was deceived number one she looked into the tree and she saw the fruits beautiful she salivated for the fruit it was last of the eyes the devil deceived here if you eat you will be wise it was the pride of life you see now yes and she wanted to pacify a flesh last of the flesh so there are two men tempted the same way by the same tempter but the first one was inferior he fell for the temptation and you are going to say well it was not the man was deceived the scripture said that yes but how does the bible say by the sin of one man by by one man sin entered into the world why doesn't the bible say by one woman sin entered into the world was it adam who was deceived or it was eve physically speaking it was the woman the only problem is the woman was not a different person she was not a separate individual yes remember yes they shoved one flesh yes god took a rib out of adam's news and the rib made he a woman the bible does not say from the rib media a woman no go and read verse 21 very well god did not make eve from adam's rib there is no such scripture yes and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam yes and he slept and he took one of his ribs god took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof verse 22 and the rib which the lord god had taken from from man made he a woman and he brought here unto the man the bible does not say end from the rib in which case we could be say the rib was a raw material the woman was finished the process the product no god did not process the rib to make a woman the bible says the rib made a woman so when god looks at the woman he sees adam's rib he doesn't see a woman made from adam's rib so whatever eve did they came directly on the shoulders of the men god saw that weakness is a weakness of the men yes so the devil came and he is he tried to use the same tactic of course to no avail i was just trying to show you satan it was very easy in the first temptation it was very easy easy so these are the issues let's not talk about them let's go back first corinthians 15 why is saying same here brethren kennedy more questions than that need answer printer with the table is so marvelous indeed randy says if was adam sleep therefore your weakness was his that's true at will says say sauna is saying the first adam was not able to overcome the temptation constance says first corinthians 15 48 we we we lost a little bit of ourselves in details but we are back we are still proving that christ is the last adam who came to solve problems created by the first adam the consequence of adam's transgression and unambiguously it is death according to romans chapter 5 sin brought death according to first corinthians 15 you shall see again that there was no life in the first adam yes verse number 48 the first man was ethi yes the first man was natural yes the second man is spiritual yes he is the lord from heaven yes yes it is the earthy such as they also that are eating yes and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly yes yes yes yes yes so let's go now to genesis chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 we are going to look at the two deaths that occurred to men after the sin that came through the first adam yes it entered unto the woman he said i will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee and unto adam he said genesis 2 sorry genesis 2 16-17 in the lord god commanded the men saying of every tree of the garden thou means to freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou it is the day of thou shalt surely die so a lot of people are confused yes they think that mortal death is what god was talking about um in genesis chapter 2 verse 17 yes you know men men are so afraid of death that they try as much as possible to run away from death very very afraid to the extent that even today some people are coming to church not because they have believed the message of salvation but because of their fear of death so if you look at genesis chapter 3 okay so so let's read genesis chapter 3 verse 17 to 19. so they ate in genesis chapter 3 verse 1 to 7. in verse 8 god was now calling upon them and from verse 8 up to the end god was now dealing with a a fallen man yes he had already fallen so in verse 17 god is no longer talking to the man that he had created he was talking now to what was left of the men that he had created all right in genesis chapter 3 verse 17 god was no longer talking to adam yes god was now talking to what was left of adam which we shall see very soon when adam ate something terrible happened to him yes we shall talk about it very soon verse 17. and unto adam he said because thou hast he came unto the voice of thy wife and is eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat it cursed is the ground for this is the ground for thy sake that's where the table message is coming from yes in sorrow shalt thou eat of eat all the days of thy life yes thorns also and this was shall it bring forth to thee yes thou shalt eat the help of the field yes in the sweat of thy face shout out eat bread yes two thou return unto the ground yes for out of it was the doubt taken yes for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou retain yes so believe us people do not know that when god decided in verse 17 of genesis 3 2 the day you shall eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt surely die he was talking about spiritual death spiritual death what it means is when god brought adam into this world listen carefully he was not a spiritual he was a natural man yes but he was not spiritually dead it was for one to be spiritually dead it needs to be occasioned by something in simple terms adam had no spiritual status his life in the garden was meant to achieve a spiritual status for him i'm trying to slow down if you go to the border between south and north korea there is what is called a dmz demilitarized zone i'm sure those who follow history or news like i do they know the north koreans they showed so many drones belonging to the south korean military which they tried to flow around the dmz but mischievously they encouraged into the territory of the north koreans we are which are easily provoked anyway but if one man today was to be found in the dmz that the person cannot be arrested by anyone he is not in south korea the south koreans cannot arrest him if he goes inside the dmz they cannot enter there and do something about it they cannot apply for his extradition because this extradition needs someone to say in those papers there is no one who lives in the dmz some quality a no means land and that happens also in the gaza strip between palestine and israel so so that is how adam was put in the garden he was in a spiritual no means land he is neither alive nor dead spiritually something must happen to give him a status if adam was created a spiritual man number one he was going to understand the things of the spirit of god and that means he would have been naturally born of god and that would disqualify believing that would disqualify christ from coming into the world yes our birth to god needs jesus and jesus needs to die first so that he may acquire the rights to give us salvation as a messiah through that death and subsequent resurrection so adam's life was deprived of the ministry of a savior christ never manifested to adam as a savior because at that time there was nobody to save yes but in order for christ to then come and save us they needed also to be justification he is saving many from one from whom from where so god created a platform that was going to necessitate the coming of christ that platform is called adam so it was put a natural man if you look at first john chapter 3 verse 10 verse 9 and 10 it's clear if you are born of god there is no possibility you can commit sin yes this night whosoever is born of god does not commit sin for his seed remains in him and he cannot sin because he is born of god in order for one to be born of god yes you need a seed of god to enter you yes that the seed of god is called the christ the bible does not say whosoever is born of god may not commit sin the bible does not say whosoever is born of god may decide to not commit sin no it's not a matter of choice it's not a matter of a permissive or a a an environment that does not permit no no no it's a matter of nature who are you if you are born of god if the seed of god is in you you can not sin the word cannot means zero possibility adam committed a sin and therefore adam was not born of god if adam was not born of god it means adam didn't have holy spirit if adam did they have holy spirit it means adam is natural men if adam is a natural man then whatever god says is foolishness if whatever god says is foolishness it means adam was bound to fail bound to sin and that was working according to the prejudice of god christ was going to solve all those problems god's idea was the christ and not adam as i can tell you today any man who thinks god was disappointed by adam's transgression that man is a shameless man god was not disappointed by the fall of man yes if god didn't want adam to sin then god should have bathed the adam there is no scripture that adam was bathed by god yes if you listen to yourself and you say i want to ask apostle what he says about luke chapter 3 you think i don't know luke chapter 3 you will be a fool to think that i don't know luke 3 verse 38 you can never know scripture is better than me and i will be proud to say that i know all the scriptures that you gained there's used to argue that adam was born of god luke 3 38 which was the son of innocence yes which was the son of sin yes which was the son of adam yes which was the son of so versatile adam was the son of god yes that was allegoric and the interpretation of that allegory is in romans 5 12 to 14 adam was a figure of one that was to come yes adam was a natural man if you say adam was it was the son of god he was saying god is a natural man because the spirit cannot defeat a natural and a natural cannot bear their spirit and that is of course according to john 3 verse 6 what is born of the flesh is the flesh and what is born of the spirit is spirit john 4 24 god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth if god is a spirit and adam is a natural man how does adam a natural man become a son of a spirit god yes what a fool you will be don't read the scriptures out of context luke 3 38 is an allegory adam is first adam there's going to come the second adam so when luke wrote adam was the son of god he is pointing us to the true son of god oh yes you don't [Music] spiritually dead that's by eating the forbidden fruit adam took the status of a spiritually dead person and that's what god meant yes when he talked to him in genesis 2 17 that day you shall eat of this fruit you shall surely die god meant there is a birth certificate waiting for you the moment you eat from this tree yes but remember genesis chapter two number eight seven eight days today we recruited very high speeds ours is it's it's it's a concord jet it's a quad-core deject it travels at three three times the speed of light the speed of sound let's let's let's look at genesis chapter 289 yes and the lord god planted a garden eastward in eden and there he put the man whom he had formed yes and out of the ground made the lord god to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil aha so god blended the two trees in the garden yes the tree of life was at the center of all the trees of the garden the lord is is wonderful all over the world what was at the center of the garden were not the true trees unless your comprehension skills are not up to standard yes what was at the center in the middle of the garden was the tree of life yes you see yeah if there was a semicolon after the wedding garden then we could say there were two trees at the middle of the garden which meant that it's a further elaboration but if there is a coma after the wedding garden it means it's it's finishing of other details other details yes so the tree of life was in the midst of the garden but also in the garden there was the tree of knowledge of good and evil to you who is asking today what does that mean that in the midst of the garden was the tree of life it means two things the trees of the garden represent nature and putting the tree of life at the center of nature it is the dream that joseph had when he was in in bethlehem i saw shivs of wheat around mine mine was at the center and yours were bowing down to mine i saw the moon and the stars and the the the 11 stars in the sun but my star was at the center so being at the center it simply means everything is focusing on what is at the center yes which means the nature was designed to preach about christ yes so every natural thing must be looking at what is at the center at the center of creation at the center of nature at the center of the physical cosmos is christ which means anyone who doesn't have christ will not see anything working well for him it was everything you need for your life it is nature which you must see christ at its center so nature was designed to portray christ according to romans 1 verse 16 to 21. but for the other no no we don't have time to read it the other interpretation of this tree of life being at the middle east of the garden the garden is a type of the new testament church yes if the tree of life was at the center of the garden it means the church must focus on christ yes we should not focus on any other tree because any other tree represents any other deli believer who is a beneficiary of the tree that is at the center of the garden yes is the christ the center of your church or the man of god is now at the center at the middle east of your church they've worshipped the creature more than the creator you see now yes but what does the three of of knowledge of good and evil represent if the tree of life represented christ it means in verse 16 of genesis chapter two adam was never forbidden from eating the tree of life yes god said of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat you see if you look at verse 22 god said man has become of genesis 3 like one of us now you may know the way of the to the true of life and eat and never die so let us chase him out of the garden which means the consequences of eating the tree of life to adam was eternal life yes and yet god had spoken to him free of will you can go and eat the tree of life and will never die [Music] eight of every tree in brackets including the tree of life yes have you ever thought about it what if adam had eaten the tree of life and then the devil brought the tree of death you see now if adam had eaten the tree of life and then the devil deceived his wife and after eating the tree of life if they'd eaten the tree of knowledge of good and evil have you ever thought about it what would be the consequence because according to genesis 3 22 if you eat from the tree of life you will never die yes yes and the lord god said behold the man is become is one of us yes to know good and evil yes and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever if he eats from the tree of life adam shall never die yes to the extent that if adam was naughty and mischievous he would have said well if i eat the tree of knowledge i will die surely but if i eat the tree of life i will live forever so if i eat from the tree of life that means i will never die even if i then eat from the tree of knowledge yes why did the devil tempt the man to eat first from the tree of death the answer is there he was a natural man the natural man is repulsive to spiritual things yes as a natural man he could never have eaten from the tree of life remember none of the princes of this world knew these things for they known these things they would not have crucified the lord of glory these things they didn't wisdom the mysteries of god they are taught by the spirit of god for the spirit teaches all things here the deep things of god which means adam without holy spirit he could never have identified the tree of life yes if adam was a natural man then adam was not born of god if adam was not was a natural man then adam was not spiritually alive if adam was a natural man then adam did not have holy spirit if adam did not have holy spirit who was going to show him the tree of life nobody but then but then if you look at it from this matter if adam had eaten the tree of life first then this law was going to be disarmed it's abolished the moment to eat from the tree of life the tree of knowledge is now abolished it's no longer accused and if that had happened then there was no need for christ to come and yet that was god's plan so he could never have found the tree of life but most importantly you shall realize brethren you shall realize you shall realize that is sin came by one man according to romans 12 5 12 to 14 and death by sin and therefore death passed upon all men for doubt all men have sinned which means just like adam we attribute from the tree of death before we eat from the tree of life we are now eating from the tree of life so that the death we have already consumed may be reversed but perhaps somebody continues to ask why does apostle join the revelator in faith john chapter 2 verse 1 writes my little children sin not if and yet if any men sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ righteous what causes one to be a sinner if a believer commits a sin he doesn't become a sinner he remains as a believer who has committed the sin why don't we die again and fall away from grace again so that we need repentance again so that we may be saved again and baptized again why can't we do that all over the answer is in the garden want to eat the tree of life even if you eat from the tree of death you will never die yes [Music] [Music] we are simply saying if a child of god commits a sin he does not need to be born again the second time yes and that's what nicodemus asked our lord how can a man be born again shall he return into his mother soon for the second time no no no no no no you need to just confess your sins and ask god for forgiveness you are a child who is misbehaved you do not lose your sonship to god because they've committed a sin if that was the case peter would not have been an apostle to this day yes he committed not just to mistake his sins he committed the sins in his life even after he was born again he committed a sin opposed to committed sins we talked about them one of those sins was circumcising timothy because of fear because romans 14 says whatever is done without faith it is a sin he didn't have faith when he circumcised the team at the end because of that it was a sin it was a sin romans chapter 14 verse 14. it's it's it's verse number 23 and he that doubts is damned if he eat because he it's not of faith for whatsoever is not of faith is sin so out of his faithlessness yes he circumcised the timothy and that was a sin and yet he never lost his sonship to god yes he remained a child of god he remained an apostle he ate from the tree of death but he didn't die yeah because if you eat from the tree of life according to genesis 3 22 you live forever so the devil is always cunning but let's leave the devil we don't want to talk about him there is so much for us to learn yes so brethren when god decided to adam the day you shall eat from this tree thou shalt surely die the lord was no detailing adam 2 verse 17 chapter 2 genesis 2 17 god was not telling adam that i don't want you to eat from this tree if you eat from this tree i will kill you brother nelson read it yes but of the tree of lord of the knowledge of evil and of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest today of thou shalt surely die the day you shall eat of it you shall surely die brethren look at me let us learn to not put our brains into the scripture like what others do god did not say to adam if you eat from this tree i will kill you like what he says in detroit twenty if you do this i'll do this if you do that i'll do that sorry no that's not what he did yes god told adam if you eat from this tree you shall die immediately which means death was not a punishment it was a direct consequence of eating from the tree in other words this tree this tree was poisonous it was not a tree of knowledge of good and evil no it was a tree of death but this terminology tree of knowledge of good and evil it's a cover up so genesis chapter 2 verse 17 we said it before god is now coming to to adam yes to give him revelation there are two trees in the garden the other one if you eat from it yes god is not going to okay maybe let me let me start let me talk about the other issue later good is not going to give you life but if you eat from the tree of life you are going to get life as a consequence of eating from the tree of life if you eat from the tree of death you are going to die not from me i'm not going to bring death into you but as a consequence of eating from the tree of death so the tree is actually a tree of death but it is known as the tree of knowledge of good and evil and purely so because if you look at the word knowledge of good and evil if you ask those who call themselves scholars they will say to you the difference between knowledge and wisdom is inapplicability knowledge is acquired information wisdom is application of the knowledge application of the information which means this tree was actually a tree of wisdom but god used a phrase to define wisdom knowledge of good and evil in other words it was a tree of wisdom but what kind of wisdom if you look at genesis chapter 3 verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food yes and that it was pleasant to the eyes yes in the tree to be desired to make one wise you see now it was a tree to be desired to make one wise yes which was a pride of life the dave wanted the woman to feel proud i'm better i'm not wiser than others so if you look at verse number five the devil was talking yes the devil said in verse 4 and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die yes for god that know that know that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil and the woman interpreted the devil's message and he said you know what the devil is talking about is with don you see now yes this is not wisdom of god this is the wisdom of this world which comes to nothing yes are you getting this yes so the devil said i have wisdom i can give you wisdom and everyone who is lost today it is wisdom that has lost them into their thickets in the thickest forests of our heresies in the blasphemies yes they go to college university seminaries they acquire knowledge and wisdom they come back violating scriptures using that wisdom which is from the devil yeah so i wanted you to know that the first death is a spiritual death yes what is spiritual death banishment from god are you getting this yes this spiritual death is called banishment from from god but it came as wisdom death came as wisdom i don't know if you have ever thought about it this death we have today yes it came to us not as death it came as wisdom yes the devil marketed the death until death appeared like wisdom can we think about it for a moment can you think about it that somebody is selling nuclear dangerous nuclear particles that kill selling as a glucose so everyone is leaking nuclear materials as glucose everyone is dying it was god who said to them to adam this tree does not give knowledge it is known as the tree of knowledge but it kills you see now yes so god did not need to come to kill men you see for men to die god never said if you eat i'll come and kill you no there's no such scripture god said the day you eat is the day you die so adam ate and adam died that was spiritual death yes just like we have life in christ today john 3 16 for god so loved the lord he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in christ should not perish but have everlasting life so if we believe in christ god is not going to come to give us this life in christ it comes by believing in christ yes the coming of the lord into the garden was not to kill men the coming of the lord into the garden to speak to men was to set the plan in motion for the last adam to come we can summarize the punishments that then god pronounced to adam and his wife into the second in the aftermath of this third this first death spiritual death we can summarize and say when the lord visited the fallen men he simply said christ is coming that's what the lord said for the first time adam heard god speaking about pro-creation which he had never spoken about before adam had the following i will multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow shalt doubt give birth this is what god said to the woman yes the woman was now named eve which means the mother of all the living eve became a mother because they had died spiritually apart from the spiritual death the good thing that came out of that disobedience is that they became parents but what god appeared to be doing is punishing them he gave them a blessing of children which nobody knows how long they lived without these children because the life of adam that is recorded in genesis chapter 5 is 930 years those are the days of adam outside the garden when adam was in the garden his life was not numbered those are things we can talk about in another seven listen to me listen to me eve became a mother and adam became a father not because god wanted them to have children but because god wanted the devil to be defeated because the devil had never been defeated on earth ever since he was chased from the presence of god the seed of a woman shall bruise the head of the serpent and the serpent shall bruise his heel naughty hair heal he is healed who's healed the seed of a woman who is the seed of a woman unto us a child is born a son is given the lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and she shall be a son and she shall be called emmanuel that was the seed of a woman christ is the seed of a woman yes so the birth of christ is what the lord came to talk to adam and his wife about in the aftermath of their death there was no need for god to come to punishment maintained already tested the punishment is a direct consequence of his falling from the instructions of god when the lord came he wanted to sit in motion the coming of the messiah and what he does is he leaves the man with whom he was talking since the idea of mankind was came about with and then god said i'm no longer going to talk to men the issue now needs a woman and for a reason that the humanity doesn't know about today up to this day god started to focus on the woman and god said if the head of a serpent in verse 15 of genesis 3 shall be bruised the man no longer has the power to defeat the serpent there needs to be a seed of a woman and that is why the lord became yes in other words doesn't matter how many children this present day adam we have who has died is going to give birth to he has no capacity to defeat the serpent everyone born of the first adam is useless we are going to subtract the first adam we are going to use a woman without a man that's how we are going to bruise the head of a serpent that's why when it comes to children god never addressed adam go and read your bible god addressed the woman and yet adam had the seed of children in his loins and that was a picture that god was no longer caring about how many children adam was going to sire the solution to the menace of the serpent was now in the womb that was going to carry the seed that shall bruise the head of the second so that was god's purpose in coming on to the earth [Music] so i hope you are still with me i hope you are still with me yes let us look at the consequences of sin yes we are talking about death but this death is in two dimensions yes death number one is a direct consequence of disobedience yes the day you shall eat is the day you shall surely die without any doubt die but when god came to speak to the dead men that's why i said god speak to what was left of him he said you shall return to dust for out of dust you were taken and unto dust you shall return when god said those words in verse 19 yes he was now talking about the third death of the four days that exist on earth yes but to adam it was a second death so adam was going to die twice spiritually he lost connection with god he was ostracized from the presence of god but god knew now that is a natural man with no capacity to salvation no possibility of salvation altogether what he needs is he needs something that can remind him of what has happened to his spiritual opposition because if you are dead spiritually you don't know what it means to be spiritually dead so god introduced physical death so that the physical men can feel what god feels when a man is dead spiritually let me summarize this if you are dead spiritually you don't feel it you see you don't know what it means to be spiritually dead there is no pain on earth there are no funerals of spiritually dead people but god is the one who conducts that funeral it is god who because what has died is what god had years after it was created in his image yes god conducts a funeral god grieves when many dies spiritually but man has no feeling at all because he has no knowledge what it means to be spiritually dead in order for god to communicate to men his pain when we die spiritually he introduced the third day genesis chapter 3 verse 19. yes in this in the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return and adam called his wife's name eve because he was the mother of all the living all right all living yes so this is what he said you were taken from that yes you shall return to dust yes and that is what was going to give pain into adam and god wanted him to feel the pain that he felt himself i treated you as my own son when somebody met as my son i feel the pain i take the funeral i grieve alone nobody can comfort me the first thing that happens to adam's family a son of adam made as another son of adam for adam to feel the pain because the devil was created by god he made that the first men that god created and god grieved alone god attended the final of adam alone adobe himself was in the body he was busy opening a factory a fashion designing factory using godzilla fig leaves were you sorry when you slew your spirit because of your body for some garden market monday foreign what happens when we lose our loved ones we don't see them anymore what happens when god loses his loved one he don't see him anymore so god created the perfect image for us we get a field in our stomachs when we eat our food we also get a field in our spirits when we hear the word of god in order for us to know that we can get angry in the spirit god created anger in the body in order for god to tell us that we can be sick in the spirit god created the sickness in the body yes so that a natural man who has no understanding of spiritual things nature may preach to him so that he is without excuse let's leave it let's go back to genesis chapter 3 verse 17 to 19. so there is a death number one death of the spirit man and then there is death number two death of the physical men when we carry the body into the grave we bury the body this is what death god was talking about in verse 19 yes but let me tell you there are other forms of death and forms of punishment which were given to men yes you see now yes and maybe before we talk about other forms i want to ask the first question and this is the right time to answer it if jesus came to give life according to romans 5 12-21 we read 12-14 and then 17-19 if christ came to give life which adam had deprived us of when he died in his disobedience the question is why are we still dying didn't jesus pay romans 5 6 to 8. for we for when we were yet without strength in due time christ died for the ungodly yes for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yes yet be adventure for a good man some would even dare to die but god commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us yes much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from the wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life so we were enemies but what reconciled us to god was his death yes but it's this reconciliation also gave us life so death for life death for life ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 to 5. yes and you at the quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins so we were dead but how dead were we we were dead spiritually yes i hope you are you you are hearing me slowly let me try to slow down we were dead spiritually yes how dead were we we were dead by living a transgressful life yes we lived a sinful life we were dead in trespasses and in sins which means we were born dead verse number two when in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now wicked in the children of disobedience so you see now verse 2 is seemingly clear but it's very complicated yes where in in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air yes the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience so what what apostle paul was saying is very very deep yes he's trying to tell us when adam was chased from the garden where exactly did he go yes people would say he went to live outside the garden of course but what is the spiritual meaning of that the answer is the garden was a secured place the garden was a safe place the only place on earth where man was going to eat a god provided food the problem with the life outside the garden there is someone called the god of this world yes or the prince of the power of the air or the spirit that works in the children of disobedience so leaving the garden was now leaving the new testament church living the kingdom of god leaving the city of refuge you are now actually living daily with the avenger of blood your life is not determined by the prince of the power of the air he is the spirit that is now working in the children of disobedience yes but remember when we lived according to the course of this world that state of living according to the cause of this word is what verse 1 is saying death yes so what it means is when adam ate the fruit he believed the doctrine of these prince of the air and he rejected god's doctrine and he became a son of the devil everyone who was then born to adam was naturally a son of the devil yes we were alive but dead spiritually the same state that god came to speak or the lord jesus came to speak to adam after he had eaten he was now dead spiritually but alive in the body you can say good morning to him he can he can he can buy presents to his family he can further children in the flesh but he is dead spiritually and there is a lot of nonsense on the internet about the state of the little child for example the speculation is to if the spirit of a child resides in spain when a man is walking all over with his seed in his loins and then he finds a woman and the woman conceives that the seed cannot grow in the in the uterus if the spirit is not there so there is a debate as to where exactly does the spirit of a little child live before this child is born into the world others are saying it is in our loins in that sense we are not just the fathers of the flesh we are fathers of the spirit it means inside a man's body is not one spirit there is his spirit and the spirit of every seed every sperm that is in him that's what they are saying but of course that is not true for those who want to know better we don't want to do another detail we are ready way way past our time i may want to ask you to read ecclesiastes chapter 12 and of course verse 7 says then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto god who gave it so the spirit does not come from man yes man has no power to create a spirit it is god who gave the spirit and the spirit goes back to present itself before god not the scripture does not say the spirit returns to heaven no it returns to god what it simply means is it returns to genesis chapter 1 verse number 26 the spirit was never in heaven yes it was never in heaven human spirits have never been in heaven yes these spirits were created here going to heaven is not returning to heaven it's actually going to heaven for the first time yes if that was the case that we once to heaven we were once in heaven then jesus would not say i am the way we would know our way there is no one who can say i don't know my way home if you came from home you need jesus to lead you to heaven because they've never been there yourself so those are just um regurgitations of delirious men let us see condemn them they have no water in them yes so this is it death came as a consequence of the first men but which death are we talking about christ paid with his blood death for life death for life now let's read first corinthians 15 we are back at first corinthians 15. eternal life yes verse 20 but now is christ risen from the dead yes and become the festivals of them that slept so christ came yes why was christ coming according to the scriptures we have read to give life you don't receive life if you are alive already everyone who has received life from christ he must receive it under the premise that he admits he was dead yes we are receiving life because we were dead yes and that's why we read ecology ephesians 2 is also there in colossians 2 13 and you who were dead in your sins christ has made you alive yes okay yes he has quickened you together with him having forgiven you all trespasses we were dead in our sins he has resurrected us together with him yes having forgiven us all our trespasses let's go back to first corinthians 15 20. but now is christ risen from the dead and become let's go back to 18. maybe we just want to pick up adam again from the scriptures yes then they also which are falling asleep in christ are perished yes if in this life only we have hope in christ we are of all men most miserable yes but now is christ risen from the dead christ is risen from the dead and become the festive fruits of them that slept so when he came yes this land was a cemetery just like he visited the tomb of lazarus yes the same way our lord raised lazarus from the dead he came to not a grave it was a cave and those who don't know the john 11 narration the difference between a grave and a cave in the case of lazarus was that in israel calves would not just house one body of a deceased person they would buy a bearing place in a cave so you would find tens and fifties and hundreds of bodies buried in one cave it is because there were many bodies in that cave that the lord said the lazarus come forth because whereas all of them were dead inside the tomb but no to all of them were resurrected by christ that's how we are going to be saved everyone died in the spirit because of the adam transgression but not everyone shall be resurrected into the life of christ so christ is risen from the dead yes he is the first one of all them that died yes which means when he christ rose from the dead peter was still dead 8 30 time yes if you say no peter was not dead peter was alive you are saying christ is not the first born from the dead it is bitter yeah no one was alive when christ rose from the dead he is the first fruits of them that is left yes so he said in jerusalem wait for the gift of the holy spirit which the father promised yes when they received the holy spirit on the day of pentecost that day was the day peter became alive yes in god because according to romans 8 14 and 15 for is them as mean as a led by the spirit they are the sons of god which means without the holy spirit you are not a son of god peter could not have been a son without holy spirit yes are you getting this yes so christ is now resurrecting people but he becomes the first one to rise from the dead yes that's why he is described as the quickening spirit in other words a life-giving spirit verse number 21 for since by men came dead by men came also the resurrection of the dead go back to the joint series yeah it was a man who brought it dead and in order for that payment to be men it needed another man to bring up the resurrection concept yes if our lord did come as god on earth this scripture would have been altered for by men came dead dead but by god became the resurrection no no no no it needed a man a man for a man god decided the wages of sin is death if a many sins a man must die so jesus said to lower himself and become a man that is the son of man that is jesus yes so that he could become the last man that brings about resurrection of the dead he needed a body that that's what it's simply saying 22 for as in adam all die in adam everyone dies even so in christ shall all be made alive we have explained this scripture a lot of people are confused they think christ wants to raise everyone from the dead they they they don't really have interest in learning in adam all die in christ all shall be made alive that does not mean all humanity died in adam all humanity shall be made alive in christ no you you will be very very poor in understanding your english the word in adam it means we died death how did we all die because adam our natural father gave birth to us that's how we died yes we are not sinners because of what we do we are sinners by death our father is a sin our father was dead when he bathed us adam did not have a child before he sinned against god he is the first child the cane is an out of the garden concept it means adam and sinned adame died children of a dead men are dead children as well so the words in adam all die it means we died all of us who are in the body because we were born to a dead father yes the same concept shall apply to those who want life you are only going to get life if you are in christ yes that is if you are born of christ so all those that are born of adam they are dead all those that are born of christ they are alive that's what verse 22 is saying he's not saying all humanity shall live no it is saying this life is obtained in the same way it was of death was obtained in the first adam yes people never came to adam and said we want to die what shall we do no people go to death through death through breath that's where we emphasize be born again be born again be born again it doesn't matter how many semens you are listening to it doesn't matter you're saying good comments to apostles that doesn't make you a child of god you need to be born of christ and that is through repentance and baptism yes so let's read verse 23 but if remain in his own order so christ is the first fruit yes okay verse number 23 in o in adam all die in christ all shall live yes how does it happen what is the procedure what is the protocol but every man in his own order every man in his own order every man how many men do we have our pastor would you deliver me everyone and this is 22 years in adam or die yes yes by men also came the resurrection of the dead how many men do we have we have two men the one who brings death and the one who brings resurrection yes so in verse number 23 is now saying no in adam or die in christ all shall live it also emphasizes there are two men every man in his christ the first fruit yes afterwards they that are christ's it is coming yeah so it means when it comes to living the first adam is excluded when we talk about resurrection it needs the last man so in verse 21 and 22 he mentioned adam and christ adam and christ but in verse 23 when he now mentions resurrection he said no adam the first is now excluded when we talk about resurrection christ is the first fruit then afterwards they that belong to him you see now in adam in christ they that are christ if you are born to christ you belong to christ they that belong to christ it is coming and that raises another question when shall we receive eternal life everyone thought that when you believe the word and you are saved that's when you have eternal life well that is not true the truth of the matter is when you are saved you are given a right to eternal life you have not yet received it and of course i will prove it with the scripture but this is the first scripture resurrection christ is the first fruits yes yes afterwards they that are christ's when it is coming did he say it their salvation no no did he say it their repentance did he say it their baptism no he said when it is coming it is coming yes so we shall receive this resurrection it is coming so let's put it in quotes we want to understand why it is coming but this scripture becomes my basis now for the message we have the table the problem is why should we not receive it now if christ has already paid the price we want to look at consequences of adam's transgression that we still have today and according to this scripture death is still here because we are only going to overcome death it is coming yes 24 then cometh the end yes when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to god yes even the father yes when he shall have put down all rule and all authorities when he shall put all rule yes and all authority and power yes for he must reign jesus must reign till he has put all enemies under his feet the idea is he must continue to be on the throne yes and he can't come now to resurrect us because some of his enemies are not yet to put under his feet yes still he puts all enemies under his feet yes verse 26 the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death death is not the first enemy death is the last enemy for he has put all things under his feet but when he said all things are put under him yes it is manifested that he is expected which did put all things under let's not read that one i wanted us to leave it at verse 26 yes read it again the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death the way the show is important we need to highlight it we thought the the death was the first enemy that he destroyed when he drove from the dead death is not the first enemy that was destroyed death is the last enemy that shall be destroyed death shall then be destroyed yes we can actually preach a fresh salmon on death why is it not being destroyed now and then you are going to realize a lot of exciting things about death but one of the important things why death is going to be the last enemy it is because death itself is a creature and the nature is not going to be destroyed before the day of condemnation all right if you look at revelation 20 death and hell were cast into the lake of fire that was the day when death shall be destroyed yes so death was not destroyed he simply did something revelation 1 18. he simply did something about the death he didn't kill him yes i am he that lives yes and was dead yes and behold i am alive forever so you have reason you are now alive forever more okay amen it is true and if the keys of hell and death so he didn't destroy the place he just took over the keys hebrews 10 12 to 13. yes but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins yes yes sit down on the right hand of god what is he doing there well it's we are wallowing in death from from henceforth expecting to his enemies be made his foot he has a list of enemies which he is expecting to conquer yes that's when he shall take over and and then execute whatever he wants to execute yes he's expecting all his enemies to be made his footstool and that's what god spoke and said to him in psalm 110 verse number one the lord spoke to my lord yes saying sit thou at my right hand until i make thine enemies thy footstool among his enemies death is one of them and death is the last enemy that shall be destroyed but then the question was we thought death came as a consequence of adam's transgression christ came to give us life christ paid the debt in full huh you go to the pawn shop and you pay the loan with the interest that they said you are going to pay and then you after getting a receipt from them you say to them give me my television set they will say to you the last thing we shall release food death was overcomed by our lord jesus christ but death has not been destroyed by our lord jesus christ yes death is the last enemy first corinthians chapter 15 yes verse number 53 to 57 for this corruptable must put on in corruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptable shall we have put on in corruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality take note of the word the shower shall shout it's a futuristic it's not happening yet it has not yet happened yes the incorruptible in the future shall put on in corruption this mortal in future shall put on immortality yes yes then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written after this has happened the saying must happen now death is swallowed up in victory death shall be swallowed in victory now yes when incorruptible is put on has been is when corruption is put on in corruption when mortality is put on in immortality then shall we conclude that death is now swallowed up in victory yes 55 or death where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory yes the sting of death is sin yes the strength of sin is the law let's end there so death is not yet swallowed is it clear right yes prove hebrews 9 27 hebrews 9 27 and as it is appointed unto men wants to die yes but after this the judgment 28 so christ was once offered to bear the sins of many yes and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin and it was appointed unto men to die so there is an appointment with death but then the way death became is the problem death came as a result of men's transgression and they told us christ paid the debt and it's true christ paid in full it's true yes christ gave us life it's true the question is are we getting this life today if the answer is yes where is the poor then where is timothy have you ever seen titus a brethren did you see titus anyway i'm looking for pastor james i have a discussion with him bring him to me if you meet him where are they where are they look at first corinthians 15 5 apostle paul was writing a letter and he says well some believers are still alive but some have died yes yes and that he was seen of cephas then of the twelve yes after that he was seen of about 500 brethren at once of whom the greater party remain unto this presence yes but some are falling asleep some are falling asleep in other words some have died yes how does a believer die and yet the scripture says christ came to give life those who are saying well it's not physical life it's eternal life are you saying today to me that is you talk to me right now you already have eternal life in you do you really understand the full implications of the [Laughter] [Music] 1 verse 1 titus chapter 1 this one yes paul a servant of god yes in an apostle of jesus christ yes according to the faith of god's elect yes and the acknowledgement of the truth which is after godliness true in hope of eternal life in hope of eternal light life which god that cannot lie promised before the world began eternal life is a promise apostle paul writes to titus and said titus i am writing to you i have a warp of eternal life he did not say i am writing in eternal life in our life yes anger in a diary room you're eating our life yes those are facebook 15 years when this immortality when this mortality has put on immortality yes now let me say something before we go into the table matter brethren eternal life does not stay in a mortal body that's why we are going to be given an immortal body yes so that the saying can come to pass death has been swallowed up in victory yes are you getting this yes um so the new testament the church is a place where christ is preparing us to receive eternal life but what christ is doing is he is living in us so that he can nature us and raise us purify as perfect us was eternal life cannot be found with any blemish in it if you say i have a my child of god but i make a mistake you are saying i have a blemish i am a child of god but i sometimes sin you are saying i have a blemish let me tell you there is no spot no wrinkle of blemish that enters into eternal life yes that's why we need to be perfect and without sin yes eternal life ah panasonic um all right hey brother nelson comment we have to hear you we want you to tell us yes it's good that's how it had been clarified that uh the life eternal which is uh absence of death can only happen after all things have been put into a restitution like the scripture that we read the other time in acts chapter three so death is a case or as an element that came through the case of of adam it remains wireless eastward in the new testament up until the final swallowing up of death which is it is coming it is coming read that scripture again our people may have forgotten yes when we are meant to get this eternal life yes but every man in his own order christ the festive fruits afterwards they that are christ at his coming for that song yes sir did you know that we are going to get eternal life it is coming [Laughter] it is it is a poster we have learned and it strengthens our understanding as well that now that which you are getting it is the right to eternal life which comes through the word yes yes yes yes so eternal life as we hear the word the word is the word of eternal life yes we are like a people that uh let's say you have you have enrolled it in university so you are writing your final exams yes but you cannot start to function in the profession of that qualification before you attain the qualification if you are a medical if you are in a medical school you can't open a surgery because you have enrolled at any medical school you have to qualify yes so the the lord is coming to qualify us to enter into eternal life but the life of heaven must be lived on earth as a practice of what we shall see in heaven everything that we have on this earth is a mirage yes it's it's it's it's it's it's a miniature it's madaga they cannot resemble if exactly the things that are in heaven but we do them so that we may be trained to understand the things that god wants us to go through when we go into heaven yes apparently we want to say something apostle i can say it's another illumination yes yes yes yes it is enlightened because we have believed this wrongly especially the eternal life part and the way you explained adam's transgression to me i i i had not grasped it the way it should be it was a direct consequence of eating that fruit it was not that when we ate when adam ate the fruit the tree of knowing the good and evil that was what the tree gives its poison it was poisonous so by eating poison one would die so it was something else and again the eating of the tree of life it also gives us life and i really enjoyed that part okay let's read galatians chapter 6 verse 7 and 8. [Music] yes yes be not deceived yes god is not mocked for whatsoever a man saweth that shall he also reap yes for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit rip life everlasting shall of the spirit rape life everlasting okay we are seeing these scriptures that they are telling us that we shall get it in our life yes second timothy chapter 2 verse 11 it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him yes yes second corinthians chapter five verse one for we know yes for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved yes we have a building of god and house not made with hands yes eternal in the heavens yes yes you see now yes in order for us to start to live eternal life yes we need an eternal body yes you see now eternal life cannot live in a mortal because remember for death to be swallowed up in victory this corruptable body must be swallowed by the incorruptible body this mortal must put on immortality but maybe believers the scripture that shall settle this matter once and for all is jude chapter 1 verse 20 and 21. the book of jude yes yes but he beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith build yourself on your most holy faith praying in the holy spirit pray in the holy spirit keep yourselves in the love of god keep yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ and to eternal life looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ yes and to eternal life which means eternal life shall come when the lord shall appear yes you can for your education read the book of philippians chapter three this matter is also discussed verse 20 and 21 yes for our conversation is in heaven our expectation is in heaven from whence also we look for the savior that's where our savior shall be coming from the lord jesus christ the savior is jesus christ our lord we shall change our final body he shall change our weak and wretched and contemptible body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body yes according to the working way by he is able even to subdue all things unto himself let's end their news so this all eternal life issues is connected to the body yes you see now yes another reason why this spiritual life we are getting from christ is a vehicle to take us into eternal life yes so we have a spiritual life when we believe our spirits are resurrected from the dead yes we are now alive in the spirit yes but we have not yet attained eternal life yes we shall attain eternal life in the future verse number 13 philippians chapter 3 brethren i can't know to myself to have apprehended yes in other words i count myself not to have acquired it yes you see yes but this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are ahead i pray toward the mark of the prize of the eye calling of god in jesus christ yes let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded in if anything you be otherwise minded god shower if you even this unto you yes nevertheless where to we have already attained let us walk by the same rule let us mind the same thing so he says uncertainty but i have not yet acquired it yes what was it that he was saying he has not yet acquired it it's eternal life yes let's let's read this one in the new american standard bible i like it because i want us to compare it with um i want to compare it with i want to compare it with first corinthians chapter 9. let's see if we can find the nssb version yes let's read it however let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained verse 13 put verse 13 yes brethren i do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet [Laughter] so we haven't attained eternal life yet yes but we are already brethren yes we are spiritual enough to be called brethren yes but not enough to be called those who are now eternal life yes we have not yet held it yes i didn't give you pasta brethren yes i do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet yes but one thing i do yes forgetting what lies behind i forget my sinful life and reaching forward to what lies ahead i am reaching forward to eternal life that lies ahead yes yes i press on towards the goal for the price of the upward core of god in christ i like the way to go in the nasb yes i press on toward the goal yes you see now yes remember potatoes one yes yes in the hope of eternal life we can replace the word up there and you put the word to god then yes yes yes yes so we must press toward the goal of the prize of the upward the call of god in christ jesus yes so pastor do you see now that the nasb has helped us a lot yes opposed to paul said i count note myself to have apprehended it yes go back to the state and i don't count i don't know who are you who are you to count yourself if an apostle like pope counter deserve is not yet held yet yes yes brethren i do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet yes but one thing i do forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies and first corinthians 9 yes let's see verse 23 yes and this i do for the gospel's sake yes yes and this i do for the gospel sake that i might be partaker thereof with you yes no you not that they which run in a race don't you know that those who run in a race yes they run all of them but one received the prize but not all of them get the prize so run that you may obtain run so that you may obtain the price do you see the appearance of the word price in body scriptures yes did you see that yes i press toward the price of the mark of the high calling yes this is the price yes yes and every man that striveth for the master is temperate in all things ah read where's the nsb [Laughter] everyone who completes in the games exercise self-control in all things yes they then do it to receive a perishable rate but we an imperishable let's end there so you see now is it those who compete in the games they exercise self-control in all things but they do it to receive a perishable crown but ours is not perishable yes so god cannot replace an imperishable wrath in a perishable body yes that is why we haven't obtained it yet yes yes verse number 26 i therefore saw ran yes is uncertain yes uncertainly so fight i not as one that beated the air but i keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a cast away yes [Music] yes so this is clear brethren we are now spiritually alive in christ yes but that doesn't mean that we have attained it in our life yes christ has made us alive alive according to colossians 3 verse 3 2 13 he has quickened us together with him according to ephesians chapter 2 he has raised us also together with him yes we are alive in god we are alive to god yes that's where we can pray to him and he can hear us we have holy spirit we are now sons of god but we haven't yet attained eternal life yes so i don't know pastor maybe let's hear you first you may help us have an understanding of what is happening in the believer's mind right now does this in any way demoralize you in your faith that you haven't obtained it yes you are pressing on the mark of the prize of the high quality no apostle it doesn't demoralize us in fact it it makes us more hopeful because we know that as long as we are still in this motor body we are bound to to sin or to make mistakes but we have been assured that when we eat of the tree of life we are no longer going to die so that that should give us an assurance that as long as we have hope in this life we are going to attain eternal life thank you thank you thank you so there are so many things we could want to talk about but i don't think it's necessary to continue talking about this yes there is enough proof from what we have discussed already that indeed we haven't obtained eternal life yet yes we have obtained discipline yes that's what first john chapter 3 verses 1 and 2 tells us yes behold what mean of love the father has bestowed upon us yes that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knows us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of god yes and it does not yet appear what we shall be yes but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is yes yes it doesn't yet appear what we shall be but as of now with all that confusion we don't know what we shall be we know in fact blah blah blah but we are sons of god now we are the sons of god we are spiritual enough to talk to god we are spiritual enough to hear god speaking to us what he says is no longer foolishness to us yes we are now understanding spiritually descendable things yes because we are no longer natural men we are born of the spirit god we are now spirits but we haven't yet attained eternal life yes now sonship to god is the qualification to enter into eternal life yes but there is something missing perfection in the sons of god that's where we are still here he is perfecting us yes and those who may ask me why is he wasting his time perfecting us revelation 21 says in verse 22 and i saw no temple therein for the lord god almighty and the lamb are the temple of it yes and the city had no need of the sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of god did lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof yes in the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it in the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be no night there and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it and they shall in otherwise enter into it yes anything that defiles neither whatsoever wicked abomination or make it a lie but they which are written in the lamb's book of life qualifications [Music] from and find how do we enter into the gates of eternal life yes and they shall in no ways enter into it anything that defileth yes neither whatsoever wicked abomination yes or make it a lie yes but they which are written in the lamb's book of life yes at all and all anything that defiles is inappropriate justin shall not end yes those who say there is no scripture that forbids the taking of our weight those who say it's not a problem to marry save our yes they shall eat noise yes into it yes anything that is an assembly neither whatsoever that works abomination yes or makes a lie yes yes so i saw i saw i don't know if you ever read the books of so many people who said i was in here i was in here have you have you listened to them mentioning names of people whom they say they saw in the out there yeah they tried to imagine people who were recorded as extreme people yes in their waywardness some say i saw michael jackson they i don't know how they they think michael jackson is a stereotype of an extremist in terms of a sinner some say well they saw whitney houston there some say they saw a brenda farsi i don't know what's wrong with you yeah i will ask you is brother light if you say yes she was like and they would say what about you [Laughter] yeah no chicken coop [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] if you meet a man of god who says he went to hell you are simply meeting or talking to a devil incarnate yes children of god do not get spiritual experiences to go to hell yes no all right first peter 4 18. let's start from verse 17 for the time has come yes that judgment must begin at the house of god yes and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of god yes and if the righteous is castly be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of god to commit the keeping of their souls to him in world doing is unto a faithful creator if the righteous are scarcely saved what shall be the state of the sinner so this is what i was talking about a man of god comes to church he says yesterday i went to hell you ask him whom did you see there the names of people that he mentions we're all worldly people who are never claiming to be spiritual or christians or children of god for that matter yes why would that be a surprise to hear that somebody who was not a believer was found in hell why would that be interesting to a child of god so those people are not guided by sound understanding of scripture yes if if at all man was going to get a chance to visit hell he was going to tell us names of those who died but holding the bible because the scripture is saying let us not even consider sinners the righteous shall scarcely be saved yes then godly the sinners are unimaginably inevitably condemned are you getting this yes in what way is that interesting that you went to hell and you saw hitler in what way does that edify a child of god you can't compel a child of god to fear going to you because hitler is found in here talk about those who claimed to be in there in the house of god yes truth ah sure scarcely the lord said disgustly threshers are to be sent so if you saw this one then it means the bar is high let me up my game i need to make myself more available to the word so that it may weed me and prune me of all the impurities because the standard is too high yes don't tell us the names of footballers that you found them in here are you out of your mind tell us the names of pastors and bishops and singers who said we are singing gospel music yes you don't have the names of of pastors who is in heaven all pastors who died there in heaven ah are you saying god was a liar because god said the righteousness i was gonna sleep he said oh yes there seems to be no discussion he said getting saved in all right so this is it brethren this is it now we have proven that death has not been destroyed we are still dying we are still watch dying as far as this death this mortal death is concerned we are still dying if we shall receive eternal life is a resurrection it is last coming according to first corinthians 15 26 then it means paradise is not in heaven then it means the paradise he has no eternal life yes paradise is no eternal life paradise is no eternal life he has no eternal life the last enemy that shall be destroyed is that read verse 23 let's let's read verse 23 but every man in his own order christ the first fruits afterwards they that are christ is it is coming it is coming yes so in revelation 6 9 he saw them he saw the souls he saw the souls of them that were slain yes for the word of god yes they had already believed yes and for the testimony which they held how come they the good testimony they had the word of god but they died holding the word of god but jesus came to give life to abolish death the dynamic is not understood in the right context yes these ones were seen they had already died but they were in paradise they were under the altar they did verse 10 and they cried with a loud voice they cried with a loud voice how long o lord holy and true yes just thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth yes and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as their way should be fulfilled rest young guys my little ones rest they are your fellow brethren which are still on earth they need to be killed as you were killed that must happen no the the scenario in the 50 seal is is access is is it is exciting because it tells us that number one they were souls yes okay yes and there were souls that were under the altar yes and they were asking the lord they said to him how long shall you delay to execute judgment which means this conversation between the lord happened before judgment day yes they are no longer on earth they are not in heaven but they are still talking to the lord yes and they are asking him about judgment today the same way we are talking about judgement day which means paradise is a pre-judgment day phenomenon yes number two paradise is a pre-heaven phenomenon number three paradise is an era that is concurrent with the new testament era yes because in this paradise era death has not yet been swallowed up in a victory so he says no your brethren need to die just like you died for the gospel so so i i'm waiting for them to die what it means is death is an instrument for the gospel he needs death for certain things to happen to the new testament look at verse 11 read verse 11 again my brethren i don't know this is how we are going to end it we are going to break we may not even go to the john series message to debut i haven't spoken about the table that that means this message becomes spiritual replications part 2 8 so that we can have it but it will be in the afternoon yes and white rocks were given unto every one of them yes and it was said unto them the lord answered them they asked him how long yes and he gave them white robes yes he said i will address you shortly where the white robe is the first yes and so he spoke to them yes what did he say that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as their way should be fulfilled you see yes paradise is a little season era just like the new testament yes revelation chapter 2 verse 8 and down to the age of the church in smena right yes these things say the first and the last which was dead end is alive what does he say the first thing the last i know they works yes simulation yes but thou art rich and i know the blasphemy of them which say they are jews and are not but at the synagogue of satan i know those who are masquerading as children of god but they belong to a religion called the christianity yes those are not spiritual jews they belong to the synagogue of satan yes fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer they are going to put you through suffering don't be afraid behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison you see now yes the devil is still operational as well death is operational yes the devil is operational he shall cast some of you into prison yes yes that you may be trying you shall go into courts for this gospel yes yes and you shall have tribulation 10 days they shall be preaching the law in the same era the way the 10 days is referring to the lord there yes be thou faithful unto death yes and i will give thee a crown of life oh be faithful until you die yes you see now yes the last enemy yes that shall be destroyed yes is dead yes you see now he needs death yes because they and they need to be faithful unto dead news you see now yes yes yeah he that is an ear let him hear what the spirit said yes yes he that overcomes shall not be ahead of the second aha yes so what he wants us to avoid yes was not the first death yes it was the second death yes that's why mortal death is not the second death it's called the third death yes the first death is the adam death which god said the day you shall eat of this fruit you shall surely die yes this is the death that we all got into we all succumbed to yes when christ which is our life preaches his message yes he is preaching to those who are already in the first death yes so that they may take part in the first resurrection which is the only route that avoids the second death which is the lack of fire which is eternal contamination yes so he is not yet to destroy the death he needs it yeah because through this the the third death people are going to avoid the second death the second death is eternal condemnation yes this third death of returning to the dust is that which satan is going to put us to be thou faithful unto the third death yes my bad yes yes we have come a long way let's read the last scripture in this segment romans 8. 35 would we shall separate us from the love of christ who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation tribulation shall not separate us from the life of christ or distress distress shall not or persecution persecution shall not distract us from the love of christ or fair mine fair man shall not or naked nakedness shall not or period peruse and this word they shall not or so yes as it is written yes for thy sake we are killed yes all the day long yes we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter yes nigh in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for third vested eight for i am persuaded that's neither death death nor life no life no angels no angels no principalities no powers nor anything things present no things to come no height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord death cannot separate us from the love of christ yes life shall not so the principal question was which death now of course death number three the physical death cannot separate us from the love of christ it means those who believe in christ should be willing to go through the third death yes because that third death cannot separate you from the love of christ yes so revelation 6 is a conversation between christ and those that have crossed over to the other side yes they are no longer in this world by reason of death number three the unto dusty kind of death yes they were still able to speak to him he had the promise that he was going to be with them to the end of the earth and so even after they left the earth they went into paradise he was still talking to them they asked him a question how long lord are you going to delay executing judgment on children of wrath he replied and said rest for a little while i am taking care of you you are well taken care of i'm going to wait this death you went through some of your brethren on earth they are still waiting to go through that same death so that hebrews 9 27 and 28 may be fulfilled as it is appointed unto men wants to die and after that note the resurrection now after that the judgment you see now yes so according to revelation 16 hebrews 9 judgment is holding on because we have to go through death number three but we thought jesus conquered the death when he died on the cross because this death number three came as a consequence of the adam transgression or as a punishment to adam's transgression yes god decided because you have heard your wife's voice and eaten the fruit cases the ground for your sake you shall eat from the dust or the of the ground all the days of your life from the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread yes until thou return unto dust for dust thou art ain't unto dust shout thou return so we thought if we believe in christ who has paid the penalty for adam's transgression this unto dusty phenomenon was going to go away no christ is actually telling those that are in paradise your brother's there look at them they are praying they don't want to come [Laughter] they want to stay [Laughter] to be destroyed we are using this enemy now yes so christ is going to be with us all the way you see now yes whether we are alive or whether we die yes we shall remain a people that belong to christ yes you see pastor brother nelson do you still remember that scripture yes yes in the book of romans yes romans chapter eight romans chapter eight yes it's verse which yes now yes from verse 35 no that's not the scripture okay okay uh there is a scripture i wanted us to read let's read this one first okay let's read verse number 38 and 39 yes for i am persuaded that's neither death nor life no angels no principalities no powers no things present no things to come no height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to see now death cannot another creature cannot yes yes shall be able to separate us from the love of god yes which is in christ jesus our lord hmm it's romans 14 8. romans chapter 14 verse 8 for whether we live where do we live we live unto the lord we live unto the lord and whether we die even if we are to die we die unto the lord we are still in the lord whether we live therefore or die or die we remain in the lord yes yeah and and i love this scripture pastor i love it a lot um yes for whether we live we live unto the lord yes and whether we die we die unto the lord whether we live therefore or die or die we are the lord this so the lord is here the lord is on the other side yes we don't lose sight of the lord the lord does not lose sight of us yes imagine if a believer would fully understand this yes would somebody scare you with the death if somebody was to say i will kill you and you say which dead are you talking about yes yes yes huh yeah so the lord said you shall be troubled it's going to change from verse number 21 yes fear no to them that he killed the flesh yes but the fear him only was able to destroy both the flesh and the soul yes so i want you to never forget that we we cannot be afraid of death but as we talk here right now in the bible there is a conversation yes between our lord and those who had gone over to the other side as we talked to you right now our brethren who have taken their flights they are not looking for the lord yes they are actually with the lord yes because if you are in paradise the lord is continually present there yes to comfort them yes but of course he is there in another dimension some of the details men is not allowed to speak them yes paradise is not heaven paradise is not in heaven yes paradise is not eternal life yes paradise does not have eternal life yes but in paradise it's a beautiful place yes it's a place of rest just imagine when i ate an airport you tell me now india we are traveling on business class and you go into a lounge a business lounge waiting to um you have got a layover you are waiting to catch another flight to go to your destination that's the the nature of paradise yes they spoke to the lord they asked him and they said our lord how long oh lord true and faithful yes you see why you should hear the word yes they could they say the true and faithful if they went they are bitter that they took their money promising to bless them which he never did you need a true gospel in order for you to go to paradise yes so jesus conquered the death on the cross he did but there are certain deaths that are not yet dealt with which originated with the first adam and that is not a weakness on his part it is another there is another reason to that so when we come back we shall look at other consequences of adam's transgression that we are still facing today yes even after we have believed in christ consequence number one is death yes unfortunately surprisingly those who have believed in christ the greater part are still alive some are falling asleep steven fell asleep yes okay opposed to paul died apostle john died apostle peter died they died the same death that god said you were taken from dust you shall return to dust are they are the punishments or consequences of adam's sin that we are still facing today even though christ has died on the cross even though we have believed in christ who has died on the cross what are those consequences and what are the repercussions of those consequences to our spiritual life let's break for a little while and come back to the second segment where you shall hear something that you've never had your whole life spy for now i want us to lift our hands for those who have not yet been born again if you are not yet saved leave to end and follow this confession after me thank you jesus for your word i believe you are the son of the true god i am a sinner and i need you for my salvation you are my savior because you died for my sins and you erased from the dead on the third day may you forever be glorified [Music] you
Channel: Jesus Revelation Ministries
Views: 9,685
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: E5bJ0LvIqao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 261min 47sec (15707 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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