Prophetic Timeline - End of the Age 2

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[Music] away [Music] you have healed every disease you have given me prosperity from beginning to the end you'll never take ancient [Music] we keep [Music] give you you the glory up away [Music] you have given me prosperity where does this [Music] [Music] from beginning [Music] we were [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] [Applause] yay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] greetings and welcome to this international online sunday service children of god we are so favored as we explore the prophetic timeline end of the age my name is pastor coramba joined by pastor jakuni and in a few moments we'll be hailing the presence of the prophet now quickly it's just off together we're about to delve into the word of god seeing what it is that the lord has in store for us on this marvelous day man of god what a time what a time indeed always good to be a pastor doing maths once again going back to school and learning how to calculate from scripture yes only the voice can teach you looking at the technicalities of the word of god um as we delve into these particular issues it's amazing it's amazing i think that's why our father highlighted that we need skill and understanding and we indeed need skill and also a level of intelligence because what our father is teaching us it's it's one of those topics or subjects that you are scared of but you really need to understand and our father is coming and he's teaching us where we are today what else is better putting an end to the endless intellectual eschatological debates by many of them and by the spirit of god exactly it only takes a man who hears from god to try and even talk about these subjects i know a lot of men of god have tried to talk about this but somehow you feel there's a problem somewhere and we have the voice coming to calculate to make calculations to teach us to interpret for us what daniel wrote and it's amazing what our father is taking us through having the word opened by the revelator we trust that you are now well prepared to receive from the lord allow us to take these few moments to introduce our father now greetings our father blessings from god almighty have we received father well thank you so much this wonderful day for having me and we speak the blessings of god upon our viewers today on youtube thank you thank you for being here father we're so grateful for the introduction and going into this now understanding that the focus of this escalator lesson is looking at the children of israel as the starting point thank you for taking us in back into time and making us to understand the the scales of the way god judged the children of israel in the 70 years they been experienced and why that was and now taking us forward into understanding further these particular matters we're so grateful for that father and uh we are prepared today without no books and pens everything is here ready to us we're so thankful to god to makes such information available to his people at least we know that we are not in the dark we are the children of light because truths and information is given to us and we are here to study the word study the word study the word i know it's not an interesting broadcast to most of our people especially if you don't find pleasure in studying the word uh he did been prayer online he would probably be having quite a big number of people joining us but this is what makes us who we are we are products of the world so we must once in a while revisit ourselves where we came from nothing is as important as the word yes so we are here to study and [Music] i know it might be so difficult to cope with especially if you're a beginner but over time just give yourself time and then keep on following through and eventually i know we are going to be together on board so last and we focused mainly on the reason behind the 70 years of captivity in babylon where we have god's people though chosen by god but by reason of their disobedience to instructions given to them by god through the instrumentality of feast events right from moses and the prophets that were coming through delivering god's word and they disobeyed all that and [Music] it was because of that level of disobedience that took place for 490 years that god had to move them out of the city out of jerusalem out of there promise the land into a foreign land where they were supposed to stay there and remain until a certain period of time it wasn't enough for god to have them out of jerusalem for 10 years it wasn't enough to have them out for 20 70 had a reason behind it and we didn't get enough time to get into scriptures that really supports that but it will be nice today as a way of just recapping what we've already dealt with before we get into the 70 weeks of daniel today we'll look at chapter number nine then we do some bit of calculations and see how it all started and where we are currently positioned even as the church which is quite quite quite quite important but uh i would want us to because um the punishment was supposed to be equivalent to the law that was broken okay the crime committed god had to make sure that whatever punishment is given to his people was sufficient the punishment had to suffice the crime committed by his people so 70 was as a result of having disobeyed the law of the sabbath for 490 yes let's look at the book of leviticus leviticus chapter 26 and verse number 34. leviticus 26 and verse number 34 then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths as long as it lieth desolate and ye be in your enemies land you see that again then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths as long as it lieth desolate and ye be in your enemy's land you will have to be in your enemy's land whilst the land lieth desolate even then shall the land rest you see and enjoy her sabbath so the rest of the land was the reason why god had to take them out of the promised land just so that the land would enjoy its rest as long as it lieth desolate it shall rest because it did not rest in your sabbaths when ye dwelt upon it it did not what rest the land did not rest in your sabbaths in your sabbath when he dwelt upon it you see the 490 years that you stayed in the land you did not give the land a chance to also rest so when you're looking at these sabbats you must understand that they are weekly servers and they are also yearly servers so they were not observing the weekly sabbats at the same time they never observed the yearly sermons so of the 490 we came to 70 years which god needed them to take them out of the land so that the land would rest for 70 years that it never rested okay so we are focusing on leviticus chapter number 26 right from verse number 34 and this one was for the land right yes so god's focus here was what the land he needed his land to rest sawyer universe verse 35 verse 35 okay god reverse number forty if they shall confess their inequity now take note whilst they are in captivity as long as they confess their iniquities this is the reason why again daniel is what confessing okay he is confessing before the lord because he is he is doing it according to scripture the prayer is according to scripture number one he knows the reason why we are in captivity for what for 17 years was because we disobeyed the sabbaths for 490 years in order for us to come out of this captivity confession is required so he is confessing his sins keep on reading if they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers with their trespasses that's exactly what daniel did with their trespass which they trespassed against me and that also they have walked contrary unto me yes and that i also have walked contrary unto them and have brought them into their land of their enemies if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity then will i remember my covenant with jacob and also my covenant with isaac that's exactly what daniel was trying to remind the lord of the covenant that god had with abraham isaac and jacob and god remembered this is happening right at the end of the 70 year period okay he was left with just two years to go already he's preparing himself for the departure that jeremiah had already promised so we are getting the 70 years from the 490 years of disobedience right let's go to the book of um ii chronicles again chapter number 36 and verse number 20 and 21 okay and them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to babylon where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of persia you see he is making reference to the captivity right how they were taken out of their land into babylon by nepadnesa until the reign of the medes and the persians okay now he's about to explain something again to us to fulfill the word to fulfill they are taken out of their land just so that the word of the lord may be fulfilled given to jeremiah the prophet may be fulfilled which is to fulfill the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath to fulfill three score and ten years you see we love this father we love this 70 years so notice what this is so interesting you can read it again so in the book of chronicles all that the writer is referring to is the prophecy given by jeremiah to god's people that you are going to be plucked out of your land out of your city and you'll enter into captivity which is going to last you 70 years just so that the land would rest for 70 years because out of the 490 years it never rested so to fulfill the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah until the land until until you stay there you remain there until up until the land had enjoyed her sabbath enjoyed god wants the land to enjoy the sabbath for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath as long as you are away she kept the land now kept you see the land in this instance is keeping the sabbath the keeping of the sabbath by the land it's an amazing thing to think it that it made us how we utilize the land it made us it matters how we utilize the land uh come on to fulfill three score and ten years that's how many years seventeen or 70 years so we are just trying to justify the 70 years why are we dwelling much on that it is all that you are also able to calculate the length of your captivity are you bound are you enslaved are you out of your territory have you been captured by demons evil spirits is there any area in your life that you realize that here i have no liberty i have no freedom i've really been captured them out of my position that also can be calculated because the captivity has to be equivalent it has to be according to the measure of disobedience by the four fathers something done by your father something that you did that leads you into captivity for a specific period of time and the period has to be according to the crime the disobedience so these things you can calculate are you bound financially you can make some calculations are you bound maritally there are calculations you are in that era in that season according to what was done before so daniel has been brought to that place of understanding by books you you do research you study why am i in captivity why have i been captured so daniel knew we are here for 70 years because we disobeyed for 490 number one number two for us to come out leviticus declares we have to start making confessions not just your sins as a personal individual but remember the sins of your forefathers and all of their iniquities so start confessing and when you do that i will remember my covenant so that's exactly what we see daniel doing in chapter number nine and from verse number one so i was just trying to give you uh the reasons why they are there in captivity for 70 years and lessons that we can draw out of that is that you can actually measure and calculate the length of your slavery for how long are you going to remain bound that can be calculated so that you know when am i going to come out love studying books by prophets okay you get to know it's almost time up for you to come out okay so daniel chapter number nine that's what we're going to be looking at now to see why again god comes and he gives him another period of time when he thought the 70 years was just about to collapse and the focus should be coming out of babylon that is supposed to be the promise that is supposed to be the vision or the revelation but then god brings in something completely new now let us look at daniel chapter 9 with verse number 24. at this point we all can remember that there is the man gabriel speaking to daniel the same angel that appeared to him in chapter number eight and gave him the interpretation of the vision that he had seen of the rem and and he got okay and i said we're going to go back to that maybe after explaining the 70 weeks of daniel then we'll get into beasts that came out of the sea before we get to the antichrist in the book of revelation chapter number 13. but let's focus on 70 weeks from verse number 24. i want you to read from verse number 24. 70 weeks are determined upon thy people okay so you see maybe start from verse number 23 let's see what at the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came and i am come to show thee for thou art greatly loved you see i'm showing you [Music] the reason being that you are greatly greatly loved not just laughed okay you are greatly you are greatly loved i'm showing you the things that i'm showing you because you are not just loved but greatly so this goes to show it's not just this is not just in reference to daniel because even in this instance right now we are being shown the things to come and the reason why the lord himself chose to let us know of these things that are yet to come is because he loves us we are loved so greatly now sometimes that's not how we measure god's love sometimes we only measure god's love when it's money given to us but in this case information like this when god makes it available to you it's a sign that you're loved and the love is so great therefore understand the matter so you have to understand the matter and consider you have to consider the vision that you have seen 70 weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city we are looking at 70 weeks 70 weeks are what determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city [Music] now things that i want people to understand here is that when you are looking at the 70 weeks they are decreed or determined upon what thy people and upon thy holy city by thy people we must understand he's referring to daniel's people okay and in this case these are the jews they're the jewish people so number one the 70 weeks are determined upon thy people whose people the jews whose people daniels daniel's people who are the jews and upon thy holy city holy city now you see so we have to understand something here is as long as you can remember the 70 weeks vision you must always be reminded that this concerns daniel's people the hebrew people and also the holy city this is why from the beginning i said this is going to be our focus the middle east yes the city of the jews okay so that we can determine the prophetic activities especially when it comes to end time events so the 70 weeks are decreed upon they are determined upon number one your people number two the holy city jerusalem yes to finish the transgression now the 70 weeks i saw that the transgression can be brought to its end notice the reason you are in captivity it was because you transgressed for 419 and for that to be corrected another 490 years are required to finish completely to utterly destroy the transgressions of your people so we must understand now that in as much as god is setting you free from babylon it doesn't mean that the price has been fully paid so it's being taught of an event that is coming in the future where the price would have to be paid so 70 weeks is now being given to daniel because it concerns the cleansing of his people completely already pointing out to greatest sacrifice that is yet to come okay so the 70 years we'll do some calculations so that we know when it all started but the 70 weeks is decreed upon thy people to number one what finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy okay i want us to consider something very critical here because it's not just this the 70 weeks that has nothing in them this period of time is what is going to bring about the finishing of the transgression the completion of the transgression so i want us to look at if you can write these six things down six or even seven so that we know that within the seventy week period we should have seen the fulfillment the completion okay of these six major events six major things that are supposed to occur within the period given to daniel by god so he says number one to finish the transgression number two to make an end whilst we are writing these things down i want you to remember what jesus did on the cross keep on looking at the list that we're writing down so that we know that the 70 weeks are determined upon thy people to what okay number three make reconciliation for iniquity [Music] or atonement number four to bring in everlasting righteousness number five to seal up the vision and professor [Music] and number six to anoint [Music] the most holy and in this case it's in reference to the place not the most holy one the most holy place so some they choose to seal up the vision and prophecy someday they chose to make those two so that they get to seven promises seven things that you have to see happening within the seventy a week period so if you look at these things already you must anticipate the coming of the greatest sacrifice that puts an end to the transgressions of god's people and it has to happen it's a must this has to occur within the 70-week period okay and he has to make an end of sin you can't find any other place where sin was ended except on the cross okay so already we can see how prophetically daniel was made to see into the future the reasons why christ is coming and the prize that he is going to pay the reconciliation the atonement we are just talking about the cross here okay so now the 70 weeks are determined upon thy people right and upon thy holy city upon thy holy city to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity let's look at the 70 weeks of years okay how did we get to [Music] 490 years one week is how many days seven days and the seven days the word there is shabu which means seven [Music] sevens off either or either days or years now i want us to look at the book of genesis chapter number 29 and verse number 26. and laban said it must not be so done in our country you don't do that here in our country that you marry to give the younger sister the first before the first born is married so what do you do next if you want the week fulfill what you fulfill here what we fulfill her what weak and we all know that he had actually worked for seven years for rachel and instead what he got was leah and then here comes the father-in-law he says we don't we don't do it that way here if you want to marry the last born what you've worked for you've worked for one week which is what seven years if you want now to get ratio you have to fulfill her week and we all know that jacob went on to save again for the next seven years he never got rachel after one week later of one week he got rachel after seven years which according to them their calculation the shaboor word was seven years so in so many times in the bible you see you get to know because when now the angel of the lord is bringing 70 weeks to daniel we must understand them as 70 weeks of years okay 70 weeks of years so if we are going to calculate those years let's look at this by 70 weeks we have to multiply that by what by seven seven and this is we now have four hundred and what nineteen 1990 490 years [Music] so from weeks we now have years so when the angel of the lord says to daniel 70 weeks are determined upon your people he's prophesying concerning the 490 years that is coming that concerns his people and that concerns the holy city jerusalem ok so since we have dealt with that we want to look at the the beginning of that period of time how it all started i want to go back to the book of daniel number nine again continue reading from where he left verse 25 know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build jerusalem unto the messiah the prince shall be seven weeks and three score and two weeks the street shall be built again and the war even in tribulus times you already know this word 25 go back to verse number 24 then we get to verse number 25 while as i'm explaining now 70 weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city the 70 weeks are determined upon thy thy people [Music] and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression now we know it is so that the transgressions are finished that's this what 24 24 uh-huh to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy so he's summarizing everything within this 70-week period and to anoint the most holy so by the time you get to the end of the 70 weeks all this that i've listed would have happened within that period of time yes no therefore no therefore in understand at this moment now this is where the matter becomes so critical nor therefore and understand from the going forward from from the going forth of the commandment there's going to be a commandment given to restore to restore to build and to build jerusalem jerusalem unto unto the messiah the messiah the prince the prince shall be seven weeks seven weeks and three scores and three scores that's 62 weeks so we have now to understand because the angel of god is trying to bring daniel's attention to the beginning of the 70 weeks and he's saying it's going to happen right at the command when the command and instruction is given right here when a command is given for you to go back to jerusalem and to rebuild the city that is the time the clock will start to take you calculate the 70 weeks from the day that you are given a command when you are set free from captivity and you go back the day an instruction is given by whoever is going to give you that command to go back now you can go back to your land and you rebuild the city from that day you start calculating the 70 weeks which is the 409 years until you get to the messiah now there's something wonderful that is happening it's so interesting so it's not starting from this moment whilst i'm talking to you daniel no you wait until a decree is given so there's there's been several decrees given by different kings darius gave them a decree that they can go back and and tribute the temple cyrus also did that twice he gave them instruction and god had actually inspired him to let the people go so that they would build the temple but both they allowed god's people to go back to jerusalem not to build jerusalem but to build the temple but the prophet is saying when a decree is given so that you go back and rebuild the jerusalem the city and the walls and only one guy fulfilled that prophecy which is utter sexist when utter sexes gave an instruction to nehemiah to go back and rebuild it was the jerusalem wow you see so from that day now we need to come up with something very very important read name is the number two and it came to pass in the month nissan in the twentieth year of artasexus the king that wine was before him and i took up the wine and gave it unto the king now i had not been before time sad in his presence wherefore the king said unto me why is thy countenance sad seeing thou art not sick this is nothing else but sorrow of heart then i was very so afraid and said unto the king let the king live forever why should not my countenance be sad when the city the place of my father's subcultures lieth waste and the gates thereof are consumed with fire then the king said unto me for what dost thou make request so i prayed to the god of heaven and i said unto the king if it please the king and if thy servant has found favor in thy sight that thou wouldest send me unto judah unto the city of my father's sepulchers that i may build it and the king said unto me the queen also sitting by him for how long shall thy journey be and when wilt thou return so it pleased the king to send me and i set him a time moreover i said unto the king if it please the king let so you know the story yes father let let us be given so you see now from that day a decree is given for you to go back and rebuild not the temple but the city of jerusalem you start calculating your 70 weeks of years so right at this point here a decree was given and from that time let's listen to what the angel of god said to daniel from the time the decree is given what is going to happen no therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build jerusalem unto the messiah the prince shall be seven weeks and throughout unto the messiah the prince from the going forth of the decree to rebuild jerusalem unto what the messiah the prince shall be what shall be seven weeks okay let's focus on something here we have seven weeks weeks [Applause] and three score and two weeks and three score and two weeks which is sixty two [Music] weeks now this brings us to a total of 69 weeks okay now i wanted to focus on something here he starts by saying seven weeks from the going forth of the decree to rebuild jerusalem unto the messiah shall be seven weeks end 62 weeks why make such a division why didn't he say it shall be 69 weeks seven weeks so we have to calculate this yes okay we have to calculate this first seven weeks so we have to do this seven by times what time seven we come up with what 49 we have 49 we have 49 years okay 49 years there is a reason why he had to make a pause after the first seven weeks which is 49 years according to leviticus number 25. leviticus 25 and verse number 8 because he's about to introduce somebody here who is represented by an event called jubilee okay and thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto seven sabbaths of years unto thee seven times seven years and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years forty nine years so when you get to the um forty-ninth year you are left with one year to get into your 50th year which is your jubilee then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month okay in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout order so he calls it the day of atonement so already you see how they entered into the atonement okay and verse number 10 and ye shall hallow the 50th year and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof it shall be a jubilee unto you and he shall return every man unto his possession you see the restoration of the economy would happen at that moment okay it's an economic reset that is supposed to be triggered at the end of the seven weeks which is 49 years which is jubilee when you get into the 50th year so to pause when he got to seven weeks he paused and he went on to he continued with the same issue he said and 62 weeks until the messiah okay so let's look what is what is happening there um go back to daniel daniel seven weeks seven weeks and three score and two weeks the street shall be built again and the war even in troubleless times and after three score and two weeks shall messiah be cut off after not before after three score and two weeks remember that was after he had said seven weeks and then three score in what two weeks and two weeks three score in two then he says weeks okay three score in two then weeks okay so then the messiah shall be cut off what a prophetic delivery to think that you can calculate from the day after sexes gave a decree for them to go back and rebuild and you start calculating first seven weeks which is 49 years and then you get into 62 weeks by 62 weeks we have to multiply this by seven we have seven days in a week right and then we get to how many years 434 434 34 years we have to add the seven weeks here okay so seven times seven again 49 49 so we need to add 49 into 434 483 we have what 483 we have 483 years yet the prophecy the seventh a week is coming to 401 90 490. so we have how many years left to get into 497 we have seven years missing here so the calculation according to the angel is saying from the going forth of the command or the degree to rebuild until the messiah is cut off you shall have 400 483 years yet the prophecy was not just about the 69 weeks it's about the 70 weeks so if one week that is left of which now we know it's how many years seven years it's now seven years yes so we have a one week which is seven years because each day they represent a year are we together on that together okay so for us to have this 70 weeks we have to have it from the command given by utter sexes until the end of the 70th week then we have the 490 years but when he was now trying to divide now he gives us what is going to happen until the completion of the this 69 which means there's going to be a pause day when you get to sickest in nine weeks the messiah is going to be cut off so right when we go to this point [Music] we have the cross okay read it again and after three score and two weeks shall messiah be cut off but not for himself not for himself he was cut off for who for us for us so messiah shall be cut off after 69 weeks combining the seven weeks and the 62 weeks okay so you have 69 weeks and after that from the going forth of the command until the messiah is crucified you will have 483 years so you can calculate that this is going to help you because at that time you must have somebody who comes out claiming to be the messiah and during that time there was no any other messiah who came and who tried to own that particular prophecy it was just jesus himself he came right at the time so that he would be crucified exactly at 483 years so it it can be a fake jesus [Music] he came right at the time according to the dates in the prophecy so we have him being crucified not for himself but for us and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the people of the prince that shall come [Music] shall destroy this city now next time we're going to read where jesus looks across jerusalem when he walked out of the temple and they came and they were showing him the beauty of the temple and he said you know what had you known the time of your visitation had you read the prophecies given by daniel that's what he's talking about you would have known the time of your visitation but because you don't know no stone shall be left on top of another okay so before we get to that at least we are at the point because we want to know now what is going to happen who is the prince that is going to come because he was already prophesying about the coming of titus the roman general who came into jerusalem and destroyed the city destroyed the temple right in a.d okay okay but that was not within the 70-week period if you notice how this thing has been calculated we have a space in between here okay just after the cross we have a space in between here so the 70 weeks it's not from the going forth of the command right up to the end of the 70th week no there was a pause in between and there is a reason i'll explain that right up to the cross that's why he specifies that from the going forth of the command until the messiah is cut off shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks of years which is 483 years now something very important if you calculate and eighty three years from the beginning the issuing of the decree by artists excessive mind chapter number two verse number one and verse number eight you get to right here you get to match 80 33 and the desire was cut off that's specific so precise the day after sexes say you can go they started calculating and it was exactly seven weeks and 62 weeks of years and the prophecy was given that the messiah at that time shall be cut off you know when that day arrived you know what jesus was doing that day was the day when he walked into there was the triumphal entry when he provoked the politicians and just four days after that he was crucified now the messiah is cut off so precise so accurate according to what daniel had prophesied so we now have the death of the messiah not for himself but for us what is he doing on the cross to end the transgression remember that that list that i gave you to end to put an end to sin so now i wanted to continue reading and after three score and two weeks shall messiah be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and unto the end of the war desolations are determined unto the end of the world desolations are determined yes and he shall confirm the covenant with many he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week for one week you see now now he's dealing with one specific week he's separating that week from the 69 weeks there is a special moment given to an individual which is going to last for one week which is seven years where he shall make a covenant with many for one week yes and in the midst of the week in the midst of the week so we have seven year period that i'm going to deal with and probably next week so that we explain to our viewers a period of time that is coming and what is going to trigger the last week we have seen how the 69 weeks have been accomplished so far in everything that transpired within that period of time we are still left with one week which is seven years and what is going to trigger that because this one the 69 had to be triggered by a decree there was supposed to be an arrangement an agreement between many between the jews and utter sexes so the beginning of the seven year period again there would have to be something that triggers the watch again and we are being told in this case that he shall enter into a covenant so in the covenant where we we are in between here here that's where we are this is the church edge here right here the reason why daniel could not see that there was a gap in between some people argue there's no gap it has to be continuous 70 week period which is 490 years most people argue that okay because they say there wasn't any gape prophesied in the book of daniel but they're forgetting that even from the beginning here the day that he got the prophecy there was a because gift being told not to count the weeks from the day he got the revelation okay so gabes are always there so this was the church age and the church age if you study about the church it's referred to as a mystery white was a mystery is because it was omitted even prophets sometimes could not they did not access to the appearance or the period of the church so where you have 69 weeks and then we have the church which has been around for more than 2000 years now and then you have the seven year period at the end of the church age if you cannot see the existence of the church in between you would think the 70 weeks are continuous okay so the church has been a mysterious organism which was not allowed by god to appear to most of their visions that they were seeing so we have the church in between here and then we are going to have the one week which is seven years that is yet to come okay but what is going to trigger the beginning of the seven year period is what you are now reading he shall make he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week for one week which is what seven years seven years he shall confirm a covenant again we are seeing a covenant a notable outstanding individual the same way we had a sex as a notable guy who gave them a decree to go and rebuild here again there's going to be a covenant so the jews are going to have somebody an individual that is going to come up now we want to talk a little bit about the antichrist let's focus on the the agreement the covenant that's this what verse 27 and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease he will make a covenant with many referring to jewish people for what a week and in the middle of the week which which means three and a half years he will cause the sacrifice to cease because there is a he and also there is the seizing of sacrifices most scholars believe that it was in reference to jesus because he had a covenant with the jews and then by his cross he made the daily sacrifice to cease because he became the ultimate sacrifice so they don't believe it's antichrist they believe it is the messiah when he got cut off he then put an end to daily sacrifices in the temple okay but if you had to study practically even after he was crucified the jews continued sacrificing because they never believed him he came unto his own and his own believed him not so everything all the rituals in the temple continued even after the cross okay so that cannot be according to my understanding i stand to be corrected i might come back again and once i get a better revelation a developed one i might come back and say now i've seen the light but in this fast that scripture is concerned as of now with the understanding that i have that's in reference to the antichrist who is going to enter into a covenant with the jewish people which is a covenant of peace there's going to be a peace agreement in the middle east okay and in the middle of the week that why i wouldn't want to believe it is the messiah with a covenant with the jewish people for seven years it is because the sacrifice on the cross wasn't for seven years why would he have a covenant with his people dying on the cross what sort of a covenant was that if this is in reference to the messiah who put an end to the sacrifice by his crucifixion why would it last for seven years why seven years it's supposed to be 10 now and also if you study the way that the covenant is going to be broken in the future it is by uh an abomination of desolation and christ wouldn't have done that the way the covenant got broken is the man who entered into the covenant himself who broke the covenant so that can never be the messiah okay so we have right at the beginning of the seven year period an agreement a peace treaty between the jewish people and the antichrist so how are we going to know who the antichrist is we have to wait and see the man who comes and he guarantees the peace of the jewish people read again he will enter a covenant and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week first i want you to read for me daniel chapter 8 verse number 25 daniel 8 verse number 25 yes and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and for the over spreading of abominations he shall make it desolate he shall make it desolate yes even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate you see he's describing a figure that is coming and what is going to happen this is going to last for one week which is seven years he enters into an agreement with the jewish people he will make sure that they once again have their peace in jerusalem okay [Applause] daniel chapter number 8 verse 25 and through his policy policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy by what by peace he shall destroy many so there's going to be a peace agreement and the main again there is in reference to jewish people so a peace agreement look at the war that is raging right now currently in israel so this all this is just so that we are prepared to the emergence of this individual who comes and he calls ceasefire when that man comes up and he stops what is happening right now in israel that's the peace agreement which will eventually destroy the jewish people when he finally breaks that covenant in the middle of the week after three and a half so the peace is going to last for three and a half years and he's going to destroy by peace he showed and by peace shall destroy many he shall also stand up against the prince of princes but he shall be broken without hand without hand okay we'll study that individual again when we get really deeper into identifying who this antichrist is read for me isaiah 28 and verse number 18. so that you know what is happening at the beginning of this seven year period which is the last one week after the 69 weeks and your covenant with death shall be disannound and your agreement with hell shall not stand you see you shall enter into a covenant with death prophetically isaiah is already predicting again that you the jewish people you shall enter into it but you must and you see over there we have seen an agreement a covenant of peace that will destroy many now the prophet isaiah again is confirming the same thing that there's going to be an agreement between you and death which we shall not stand so in the middle of the week because they are hoping right now the reason why i believe that this is the antichrist coming and is having an agreement with the jewish people how is it going to end the sacrifice because there is a statement if you go back and you read against chapter number nine he will end in sec the sacrifice how is he going to end the sacrifice i want to analyze that a little bit i think i think i think we've taken quite a long we just started okay look look at that verse you make an end to sacrifices and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease he shall cause cause the sacrifice and the oblation to seize most scholars they've wondered over that declaration if it is not the messiah who ended the sacrifice and the daily oblation by his his own sacrifice how then is the antichrist going to fulfill that portion of scripture how is he going to end i spend quite a lot of time on that passage of scripture wanting to know how the how part and as much as we know it is the antichrist how is he going to put an end to those sacrifices happening for him to put an end to sacrifices there is need for sacrifices to be taking place during the seven year period for him to then come and say stop there must be sacrifices happening and for there to be sacrifices happening there's need for the temple to have been rebuilt okay as we speak they are preparing to start building the temple all the utensils that are required for that temple are in place the reason they cannot start building the temple right now is because of the absence of the agreement of peace there's need for peace first for them to start working on the temple because when paul makes reference to the antichrist he says he sits in the temple and he makes himself god so there's need for a temple to be present before he gets in there and then he makes that abomination of desolation in the temple this is why the antichrist is going to be loved by the jews because number one he will you create peace and it is during that period of peace that they would then start rebuilding the temple and they will start offering sacrifices you can't stop the sacrifices that are not taking place okay so how is he going to stop the sacrifices the same way jesus would have stopped the sacrifices and he did not notice something [Music] after the death of the lord jesus there was no more need for any sacrifice of sin because he had put an end to all the sacrifices of sin but they continued because they did not receive him now notice jesus when he came these people had some prophetic declarations remember they were reading the old testament that's the only bible they had what what is jesus was still here so they knew that if the messiah is to come look at him when he was about to ascend they noticed jesus is almost going back now before he restored the kingdom back to israel okay and they are wondering we are going right in the book of acts you are going when shall you restore because according to prophecy they thought the restoration was supposed to the 70 weeks is supposed to be continuous how come you're going big before you fulfill the other part because what they want him to fulfill is what he's going to fulfill after the last one week when he comes back so according to the jews they now have jesus who is going back before he fulfilled what he had started if you study chapter number nine until the messiah is cut off and he shall have nothing i wanted to read that portion he will be cut off he'll be crucified he will die but he will have nothing thank you for the easy english daniel 9 26 after the 434 years people will kill the special ruler that god has sent he will have nothing then a foreign ruler will come with his army and he will destroy the city and the holy place okay so before [Music] the antichrist allows them to you see he has nothing because he's crucified it's as though he never died for us if you look at what is happening it's like he's yet to take over this world he came he sacrificed himself and then he took off as if nothing happened so the jews were wondering how can you be taken again before you restore back the kingdom because you are supposed to be ruling from jerusalem yet he did not come as a lion to reign he came as the lamb to be sacrificed so until now this is the reason why most jews don't believe that jesus ever came because to them there's nothing but then the antichrist is going to capitalize on that for him to gain ascendance and acceptance you will have to fulfill certain things that jesus himself did not fulfill as the prince of peace so he will guarantee their peace he will make an agreement so there is no more war in jerusalem so number one they are saying he has given us peace who is this man and also for him to end this sacrifice i want you to read chapter number 18 of the book of revelation 13 verse number 2 and 3 and the beast which i saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion all those things can be explained we'll get into that yes and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority yes and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed it wasn't a minor wound it was a deadly wound and that wound got healed and all the world wonder everyone wondered that's a magnificent display of resurrection there is a way it's either there's going to be a resurrection of a kingdom that was once dead or the resurrection of an individual where the antichrist himself is going to die and he's going to be raised from the dead now once you have an individual dying and being raised from the dead and then he claims to be the messiah the jews are going to believe this and how he's going to end according to what i have started so far how he's going to put an end to sacrifices he's going then to say i've finally become the sacrifice the sacrifice is that they should have stopped sacrificing when jesus died and was raised from the and they never stopped when this individual comes he's going to fulfill that number one guaranteeing giving them peace and number two he's raised from the dead so ultimately replacing sacrifices so he will cause the sacrifices in the temple to cease and he will sit in the temple himself making himself god [Music] so notice at that point the jews are going to realize that this is not the messiah because there is going to be an abomination of desolation a kind of sacrifice that he is going to initiate which will cause every jew to wonder how can the messiah if he was indeed the messiah do such a thing and that's why jesus now warned them he said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel flee started running when that thing happened so in the middle of the week don't worry about the signing of the peace agreement the day is coming in the middle of the week when the covenant is going to be broken by the abomination of desolation he's going to desecrate the temple when you see that happening starts running because now you are entering into another three and a half years of great tribulation the suffering that has never ever been there from the beginning of the world that's how jesus puts it matthew 24 15 when he therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place holy place where so readeth let him understand if you were reading you have to understand then let them which be in judea flee into the mountains you see now when that happens start running start running when that day finally comes that is where the tribulation the greater part of it the last three and a half years is going to start if daniel was referring to titus who came in 70 a.d and destroyed the temple he never set in the temple he never made himself a god so that prophecy was partially fulfilled okay there is an immediate fulfillment of prophecy and there is a later fulfillment of that same prophecy so jesus came he told them you're going to be destroyed he was referring to titus who came and he destroyed them but he never set in the temple which means there's going to be a future antichrist who is going to come and destroy the jewish nation okay so to think that we are going to have an individual who is going to give peace like the prince of peace and then he's going to die and be raised and then he will end sacrifices and then when the jews starts resisting him that's at that point he's going to introduce the mark of the beast because this guy is not just going to be a political guy he's a religious guy therefore demanding worship whoever refuses to worship so the mark will have everything to do with worshiping an individual a beast that is coming an individual [Music] this is a leader okay of ten nations ten kings that are going to come together which i believe this is not going to happen during the seven year period okay you can't have the coming together of ten nations and then you have the antichrist come out of those ten leaders and then he's going to destroy about three of them and then he takes over okay if that is to happen during the seven year period it's not easy for nations to come together in such a very short period of time we are likely going to have the coming together of those kings during the church age before the beginning of the last week saw that at the beginning of seven years the antichrist would have already emerged from the ten kingdoms okay we'll touch that in detail in detail he would have already emerged for him to then enter into an agreement with the jews for seven years it means he's supposed to exist before seven years he's supposed to image before seven years i i don't know if you are getting this part for him to sign an agreement which is going to last for seven years and then he breaks it in the middle of the week he must have reason before seven years so there must be the coming together of kings and the imaging of one individual the word ruler must emerge even before we talk of rapture okay when rapture is going to happen we'll talk about that but during the church age while is the church is still here we must be able to see the coming together of ten heads or ten horns before the three horns are plugged by the antichrist so that he signs that agreement in the office of an individual who leads all these other nations and then there is peace in jerusalem we are supposed to last for seven years in in the middle of the week and then he breaks that covenant with the jews and when they start resisting him that is when he's going to introduce the mark of identity it has to be known at that point when you have this individual come what is going to trigger the beginning of the seven years if what jesus was talking about the day that is coming like a fish where you don't know the hour you don't know the day jesus is talking you must look at is he talking about the second coming is he talking about rapture because if he is talking about the second coming that you don't know the day if he says you don't know the day and yet the second coming has to be after the seven year period he can't be referring to the second coming because that we can calculate from the signing of the agreement until it is broken in the middle of the week in the remaining three and a half years until the antichrist is destroyed by the coming of the lord that we can calculate we can calculate from the day he signs the agreement so we know we now have five years to go we now have four years to go we now have one year to go you can almost tell the messiah is about to appear because it's a it's one week that has to be fulfilled so if he says you don't know the day you don't know the hour he's not referring to his second coming because that one people will be able to calculate it because it's according to one week after one week the messiah has to appear so he's referring to the rapture because that one it has to happen during the church age where there is no sign it will happen before you know it get ready for me look 17 verse number 34. i tell you in that night in that word night in that what night you see that in that night there is a night there shall be two men in one bed the one shall be taken and the other shall be left two women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken and the other left two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken you see this is happening at the same hour and yet at that same hour you have some that are sleeping some are working in the field okay so the reason why he cannot tell us of the exact time and the exact date it is because whilst it is night over here it is day in another area so you can't then declare because we have almost like three different calendars so i wouldn't attempt to let you know i'm coming at this specific hour so when he comes some will be sleeping some will be awake actually grinding and one will be taken and the other shall be left but this has to happen at a certain point i will present three different views here so that we we know whether the rapture happens before the last week the seven year period or it happens in the middle or it happens at the end of the tribulation we'll have to argue that from scripture but one will have to be taken and the other is going to be left so keep on reading so that you know what he's talking about and they answered and said unto him where lord and he said unto them wheresoever the body is feather will the eagles be gathered together you see it's a very confusing analogy that he he presented it's a parable okay it's a parable because their question was it wasn't when the question was where we'll come back to that because he's answering the where question what did paul say in first thessalonians chapter number four verse number 16. you can read it pastor for me first thessalonians 4. verse number 16 [Music] first thessalonians 4 16 for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with a shout yes with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air to meet him away in the air he says in the clouds and in the air will meet the lord in the air okay he said there's no need for us to be going up if he's the one coming down okay we must understand what is happening i'll explain the event there what exactly is happening but there is a catching up we shall be caught up in the clouds and we will meet him in the air the direction from there will explain whether we're coming back or we're going up in what begins to happen while this were there back to the parable they asked him when he was saying one shall be taken the other shall be left the question was whatsoever the question was what did they say the question where lord and he said unto them wheresoever the body is feather will the eagles be gathered together so in other words what he's saying is where the egos are the body shall gather okay he's talking of an elevated place paul is talking about the clouds and meeting him in the air when jesus had finished also talking about one that is going to be taken and the other's going to be left they want to know where then he tells them where bodies are going to gather and he's saying where you see eagles the place of eagles the territory the region of eagles that's where the gathering is going to occur then what happens from there pastors i don't want to be here forever we want to now get into critical events what is happening right here church age church age before the beginning here of the one week period which is seven years what is going to be happening here before antichrist after three and a half years breaks the covenant he breaks the covenant and then what happens after the three-year period of peace what follows after that and then we have something an event that occurs here the coming of the lord here right at the end of the seven year period jesus i repeat there is no way he can say you don't know the hour you don't know the day except my father if he is referring to this second coming because this we can calculate according to the agreement signed which is supposed to last for seven years which is one week we we will know how much time is left for him to come back and destroy the antichrist according to this calendar so the day the hour that we are not able to tell right now because that one doesn't have science there are no signs in the bible that you have to look up to so that you know if rapture is about to occur so we have to find a place in between here where rupture is likely going to happen okay if that is before the seven-year period or the last week of danya then the signing of the agreement the covenant between antichrist and the jewish people that marks the beginning of the seven year period where we are going to explain to you events happening here and also events happening in the heavens so i think because we've covered quite a lot today let's stop there and then we'll continue from next week thank you thank you so much thank you for separating the two events the rapture and then the coming of the lord yes uh many of us used to mix up those those two events but now there's a lot of clever very very different thank you so much very very different quite different we look at the culture the jewish culture what they they would do normally you know within their culture you know the groom before you you look at the story of sorry to take you back to that you look at the story of joseph and mary something had already been paid yet they were not yet staying together yes that was according to their culture and you know what you do during those days if you're a men you would identify a girl and you go on and you marry her you pay the price but you don't take her back with you you would leave the bride and then you go back home and you would stay for at least 12 months what you're doing there is you start building a house before you go back and take the bride and jesus came and he paid the price and he left us here and he said i'm going to prepare a place that i will come back and again it wasn't the the groom that would say my time has come i want to go back and get my girl the father was supposed to assess the development the property if it is now fit it was the father who would say to his son now you can go back and get you your girl this is why only the father knows when the sun is supposed to come back if it was a cultural thing that was taking place so he came he paid the price and he went back to prepare a place so that he would come back and receive us unto himself so then when you go back to take the girl the wedding was supposed to last for seven days okay so when the rapture takes place we look at what happens from there according to their culture because most of it was being derived from prophetic insights so i think we'll get into that 70 weeks for his people and for the holy city for the holy city so clear father it's so clear wow so clear ah brother i think i can't just help but mother you know one of the things that i was trying to understand was the foundation of this message and it seemed like you promised it around daniel chapter number nine and matthew 24. and you look at those two particular scriptures and how you have interpreted scripture and those dreams and that dream and father it's like you are going back to genesis back to leviticus back to ii chronicles back to isaiah back to jeremiah and you're still coming back to the interpretation of one dream father such an interpretation of scripture it's it's it's beyond normal exegesis it's normal it's beyond normal interpretation of scripture and then father basing coming to the timeline thank god there is a church age and i would want to believe that basing your understanding or eschatological debate on the continuity of the timeline for the 70 weeks yes you you i've come to the realization that without the church age then and the triggers of the beginning of the timeline i think that's why most of us were confused and i would want to believe that that aspect of the church age is what is actually confusing those that are still waiting for the messiah because they are looking at that as a continuous timeline and looking for certain things that are supposed to happen and and they look at the messiah and they believe that this has not happened so this couldn't have been the messiah father mistakes actually have been made in the past especially if you study chapter number eight of the book of dania where you have this saint asking another saint for how long is this going to occur the taking away in the restoration of the sacrifice and the declaration there was for 2 300. days and some took that to be later off and they calculated from the giving of the declaration by utter sexes to rebuild jerusalem and they calculated the literal two thousand three hundred years no yes yes and they came to 1844 where it was predicted that the messiah would come and people were waiting for the messiah to appear and people sought their properties and everything and they were ready for the messiah to come and they never came it was a wrong calculation from chapter eight of the book of daniel there are churches today that are still in existence that were actually waiting that they believed in that dog tree because they didn't understand the meaning of the 2 300 days we also calculated that so that we know what is happening there and rather to just imagine like i said last time how scripture can be calculated how events can be calculated and observed anyway thank god you're going to be explaining when the rapture will take place i'm i'm covered in that particular area father thank you so so much for that god this wonderful time i heard like there was a leak on that one like he sort of gave him and there was some excitement and i was i was trying to wander you know i was just thinking if rapture is going to take place after tribulation hey do you qualify powerful father we are so grateful thank you so much father thank you oh thank you so much you're so blessed what a marvelous session of studying the word till we meet again next time [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] something happened [Music] foreign at the mention of your name [Music] when i say you jesus [Music] a lord [Music] foreign i [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus said [Music] the boundary [Music] is [Music] the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is yes [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm foreign [Music] i raise my [Music] you know him jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus thank you jesus you
Channel: Emmanuel Makandiwa
Views: 83,827
Rating: 4.9243855 out of 5
Keywords: emmanuel, makandiwa, two important announcements, the effectiveness of the word of God, announcements, word, prophetic timeline, end of the age, prophetic timeline end of the age
Id: eXl7WjyEi7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 1sec (6961 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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